#!/usr/bin/env python # Computes the error on the excitation energy of a CIPSI run. def student(p,df): import scipy from scipy.stats import t return t.ppf(p, df) def chi2cdf(x,k): import scipy import scipy.stats return scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(x,k) def jarque_bera(data): n = max(len(data), 2) norm = 1./ sum( [ w for (_,w) in data ] ) mu = sum( [ w* x for (x,w) in data ] ) * norm sigma2 = sum( [ w*(x-mu)**2 for (x,w) in data ] ) * norm if sigma2 > 0.: S = ( sum( [ w*(x-mu)**3 for (x,w) in data ] ) * norm ) / sigma2**(3./2.) K = ( sum( [ w*(x-mu)**4 for (x,w) in data ] ) * norm ) / sigma2**2 else: S = 0. K = 0. # Value of the Jarque-Bera test JB = n/6. * (S**2 + 1./4. * (K-3.)**2) # Probability that the data comes from a Gaussian distribution p = 1. - chi2cdf(JB,2) return JB, mu, sqrt(sigma2/(n-1)), p to_eV = 27.2107362681 import sys, os import scipy import scipy.stats from math import sqrt, gamma, exp import qp_json def read_data(ezfio_filename,state): """ Read energies and PT2 from input file """ data = qp_json.load_last(ezfio_filename) for method in data.keys(): x = data[method] lines = x print(f"State: {state}") gs = [] es = [] for l in lines: try: pt2_0 = l['states'][0]['pt2'] e_0 = l['states'][0]['energy'] pt2_1 = l['states'][state]['pt2'] e_1 = l['states'][state]['energy'] gs.append( (e_0, pt2_0) ) es.append( (e_1, pt2_1) ) except: pass def f(p_1, p0, p1): e, pt2 = p0 y0, x0 = p_1 y1, x1 = p1 try: alpha = (y1-y0)/(x0-x1) except ZeroDivisionError: alpha = 1. return [e, pt2, alpha] for l in (gs, es): p_1, p0, p1 = l[0], l[0], l[1] l[0] = f(p_1, p0, p1) for i in range(1,len(l)-1): p_1 = (l[i-1][0], l[i-1][1]) p0 = l[i] p1 = l[i+1] l[i] = f(p_1, p0, p1) i = len(l)-1 p_1 = (l[i-1][0], l[i-1][1]) p0 = l[i] p1 = l[-1] l[i] = f(p_1, p0, p1) return [ x+y for x,y in zip(gs,es) ] def compute(data): d = [] for e0, p0, a0, e1, p1, a1 in data: x = (e1+p1)-(e0+p0) w = 1./sqrt(p0**2 + p1**2) bias = (a1-1.)*p1 - (a0-1.)*p0 d.append( (x,w,bias) ) x = [] target = (scipy.stats.norm.cdf(1.)-0.5)*2 # = 0.6827 print("| %2s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s |"%( "N", "DE", "+/-", "bias", "P(G)", "J")) print("|----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------|") xmax = (0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0,0.) for i in range(len(data)-1): jb, mu, sigma, p = jarque_bera( [ (x,w) for (x,w,bias) in d[i:] ] ) bias = sum ( [ w * e for (_,w,e) in d[i:] ] ) / sum ( [ w for (_,w,_) in d[i:] ] ) mu = (mu+0.5*bias) * to_eV sigma = sigma * to_eV bias = bias * to_eV n = len(data[i:]) beta = student(0.5*(1.+target/p) ,n) err = sigma * beta + 0.5*abs(bias) print("| %2d | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f |"%( n, mu, err, bias, p, jb)) if n < 3 : continue y = (err, p, mu, err, jb,n,bias) if p > xmax[1]: xmax = y if p < 0.8: continue x.append(y) x = sorted(x) print("|----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------|") if x != []: xmax = x[0] _, p, mu, err, jb, n, bias = xmax beta = student(0.5*(1.+target/p),n) print("| %2d | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f |\n"%(n, mu, err, bias, p, jb)) return mu, err, bias, p ezfio_filename = sys.argv[1] print(ezfio_filename) if len(sys.argv) > 2: state = int(sys.argv[2]) else: state = 1 data = read_data(ezfio_filename,state) mu, err, bias, _ = compute(data) print(" %s: %8.3f +/- %5.3f eV\n"%(ezfio_filename, mu, err)) import numpy as np A = np.array( [ [ data[-1][1], 1. ], [ data[-2][1], 1. ] ] ) B = np.array( [ [ data[-1][0] ], [ data[-2][0] ] ] ) E0 = np.linalg.solve(A,B)[1] A = np.array( [ [ data[-1][4], 1. ], [ data[-2][4], 1. ] ] ) B = np.array( [ [ data[-1][3] ], [ data[-2][3] ] ] ) E1 = np.linalg.solve(A,B)[1] average_2 = (E1-E0)*to_eV A = np.array( [ [ data[-1][1], 1. ], [ data[-2][1], 1. ], [ data[-3][1], 1. ] ] ) B = np.array( [ [ data[-1][0] ], [ data[-2][0] ], [ data[-3][0] ] ] ) E0 = np.linalg.lstsq(A,B,rcond=None)[0][1] A = np.array( [ [ data[-1][4], 1. ], [ data[-2][4], 1. ], [ data[-3][4], 1. ] ] ) B = np.array( [ [ data[-1][3] ], [ data[-2][3] ], [ data[-3][3] ] ] ) E1 = np.linalg.lstsq(A,B,rcond=None)[0][1] average_3 = (E1-E0)*to_eV exc = ((data[-1][3] + data[-1][4]) - (data[-1][0] + data[-1][1])) * to_eV error_2 = abs(average_2 - average_3) error_3 = abs(average_3 - exc) print(" 2-3 points: %.3f +/- %.3f "% (average_3, error_2)) print(" largest wf: %.3f +/- %.3f "%(average_3, error_3))