use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [real*8, D0tu, (n_act_orb,n_act_orb) ] BEGIN_DOC ! the first-order density matrix in the basis of the starting MOs ! matrices are state averaged ! ! we use the spin-free generators of mono-excitations ! E_pq destroys q and creates p ! D_pq = <0|E_pq|0> = D_qp ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: t,u,v,x,mu,nu,istate,ispin,jspin,ihole,ipart,jhole,jpart integer :: ierr integer(bit_kind) :: det_mu(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: det_mu_ex(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: det_mu_ex1(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: det_mu_ex2(N_int,2) real*8 :: phase1,phase2,term integer :: nu1,nu2 integer :: ierr1,ierr2 real*8 :: cI_mu(N_states) if (bavard) then write(6,*) ' providing density matrix D0' endif D0tu = 0.d0 ! first loop: we apply E_tu, once for D_tu, once for -P_tvvu do mu=1,n_det call det_extract(det_mu,mu,N_int) do istate=1,n_states cI_mu(istate)=psi_coef(mu,istate) end do do t=1,n_act_orb ipart=list_act(t) do u=1,n_act_orb ihole=list_act(u) ! apply E_tu call det_copy(det_mu,det_mu_ex1,N_int) call det_copy(det_mu,det_mu_ex2,N_int) call do_spinfree_mono_excitation(det_mu,det_mu_ex1 & ,det_mu_ex2,nu1,nu2,ihole,ipart,phase1,phase2,ierr1,ierr2) ! det_mu_ex1 is in the list if ( then do istate=1,n_states term=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu1,istate)*phase1 D0tu(t,u)+=term end do end if ! det_mu_ex2 is in the list if ( then do istate=1,n_states term=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu2,istate)*phase2 D0tu(t,u)+=term end do end if end do end do end do ! we average by just dividing by the number of states do x=1,n_act_orb do v=1,n_act_orb D0tu(v,x)*=1.0D0/dble(N_states) end do end do END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [real*8, P0tuvx, (n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb) ] BEGIN_DOC ! the second-order density matrix in the basis of the starting MOs ! matrices are state averaged ! ! we use the spin-free generators of mono-excitations ! E_pq destroys q and creates p ! D_pq = <0|E_pq|0> = D_qp ! P_pqrs = 1/2 <0|E_pq E_rs - delta_qr E_ps|0> ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: t,u,v,x,mu,nu,istate,ispin,jspin,ihole,ipart,jhole,jpart integer :: ierr real*8 :: phase1,phase11,phase12,phase2,phase21,phase22 integer :: nu1,nu2,nu11,nu12,nu21,nu22 integer :: ierr1,ierr2,ierr11,ierr12,ierr21,ierr22 real*8 :: cI_mu(N_states),term integer(bit_kind), dimension(N_int,2) :: det_mu, det_mu_ex integer(bit_kind), dimension(N_int,2) :: det_mu_ex1, det_mu_ex11, det_mu_ex12 integer(bit_kind), dimension(N_int,2) :: det_mu_ex2, det_mu_ex21, det_mu_ex22 if (bavard) then write(6,*) ' providing density matrix P0' endif P0tuvx = 0.d0 ! first loop: we apply E_tu, once for D_tu, once for -P_tvvu do mu=1,n_det call det_extract(det_mu,mu,N_int) do istate=1,n_states cI_mu(istate)=psi_coef(mu,istate) end do do t=1,n_act_orb ipart=list_act(t) do u=1,n_act_orb ihole=list_act(u) ! apply E_tu call det_copy(det_mu,det_mu_ex1,N_int) call det_copy(det_mu,det_mu_ex2,N_int) call do_spinfree_mono_excitation(det_mu,det_mu_ex1 & ,det_mu_ex2,nu1,nu2,ihole,ipart,phase1,phase2,ierr1,ierr2) ! det_mu_ex1 is in the list if ( then do istate=1,n_states term=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu1,istate)*phase1 ! and we fill P0_tvvu do v=1,n_act_orb P0tuvx(t,v,v,u)-=term end do end do end if ! det_mu_ex2 is in the list if ( then do istate=1,n_states term=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu2,istate)*phase2 do v=1,n_act_orb P0tuvx(t,v,v,u)-=term end do end do end if end do end do end do ! now we do the double excitation E_tu E_vx |0> do mu=1,n_det call det_extract(det_mu,mu,N_int) do istate=1,n_states cI_mu(istate)=psi_coef(mu,istate) end do do v=1,n_act_orb ipart=list_act(v) do x=1,n_act_orb ihole=list_act(x) ! apply E_vx call det_copy(det_mu,det_mu_ex1,N_int) call det_copy(det_mu,det_mu_ex2,N_int) call do_spinfree_mono_excitation(det_mu,det_mu_ex1 & ,det_mu_ex2,nu1,nu2,ihole,ipart,phase1,phase2,ierr1,ierr2) ! we apply E_tu to the first resultant determinant, thus E_tu E_vx |0> if (ierr1.eq.1) then do t=1,n_act_orb jpart=list_act(t) do u=1,n_act_orb jhole=list_act(u) call det_copy(det_mu_ex1,det_mu_ex11,N_int) call det_copy(det_mu_ex1,det_mu_ex12,N_int) call do_spinfree_mono_excitation(det_mu_ex1,det_mu_ex11& ,det_mu_ex12,nu11,nu12,jhole,jpart,phase11,phase12,ierr11,ierr12) if ( then do istate=1,n_states P0tuvx(t,u,v,x)+=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu11,istate)& *phase11*phase1 end do end if if ( then do istate=1,n_states P0tuvx(t,u,v,x)+=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu12,istate)& *phase12*phase1 end do end if end do end do end if ! we apply E_tu to the second resultant determinant if (ierr2.eq.1) then do t=1,n_act_orb jpart=list_act(t) do u=1,n_act_orb jhole=list_act(u) call det_copy(det_mu_ex2,det_mu_ex21,N_int) call det_copy(det_mu_ex2,det_mu_ex22,N_int) call do_spinfree_mono_excitation(det_mu_ex2,det_mu_ex21& ,det_mu_ex22,nu21,nu22,jhole,jpart,phase21,phase22,ierr21,ierr22) if ( then do istate=1,n_states P0tuvx(t,u,v,x)+=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu21,istate)& *phase21*phase2 end do end if if ( then do istate=1,n_states P0tuvx(t,u,v,x)+=cI_mu(istate)*psi_coef(nu22,istate)& *phase22*phase2 end do end if end do end do end if end do end do end do ! we average by just dividing by the number of states do x=1,n_act_orb do v=1,n_act_orb do u=1,n_act_orb do t=1,n_act_orb P0tuvx(t,u,v,x)*=0.5D0/dble(N_states) end do end do end do end do END_PROVIDER