subroutine format_w_error(value,error,size_nb,max_nb_digits,format_value,str_error) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Format for double precision, value(error) END_DOC ! in ! | value | double precision | value... | ! | error | double precision | error... | ! | size_nb | integer | X in FX.Y | ! | max_nb_digits | integer | Max Y in FX.Y | ! out ! | format_value | character | string FX.Y for the format | ! | str_error | character | string of the error | ! internal ! | str_size | character | size in string format | ! | nb_digits | integer | number of digits Y in FX.Y depending of the error | ! | str_nb_digits | character | nb_digits in string format | ! | str_exp | character | string of the value in exponential format | ! in double precision, intent(in) :: error, value integer, intent(in) :: size_nb, max_nb_digits ! out character(len=20), intent(out) :: str_error, format_value ! internal character(len=20) :: str_size, str_nb_digits, str_exp integer :: nb_digits ! max_nb_digit: Y max ! size_nb = Size of the double: X (FX.Y) write(str_size,'(I3)') size_nb ! Error write(str_exp,'(1pE20.0)') error str_error = trim(adjustl(str_exp)) ! Number of digit: Y (FX.Y) from the exponent str_nb_digits = str_exp(19:20) read(str_nb_digits,*) nb_digits ! If the error is 0d0 if (error <= 1d-16) then write(str_nb_digits,*) max_nb_digits endif ! If the error is too small if (nb_digits > max_nb_digits) then write(str_nb_digits,*) max_nb_digits str_error(1:1) = '0' endif ! If the error is too big (>= 0.5) if (error >= 0.5d0) then str_nb_digits = '1' str_error(1:1) = '*' endif ! FX.Y,A1,A1,A1 for value(str_error) !string = 'F'//trim(adjustl(str_size))//'.'//trim(adjustl(str_nb_digits))//',A1,A1,A1' ! FX.Y just for the value format_value = 'F'//trim(adjustl(str_size))//'.'//trim(adjustl(str_nb_digits)) end