* T1 #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle update_t.irp.f subroutine update_t1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,t1) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Update the T1 amplitudes for CC END_DOC ! in integer, intent(in) :: nO, nV double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV), r1(nO, nV) ! inout double precision, intent(inout) :: t1(nO, nV) ! internal integer :: i,a !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(nO,nV,t1,r1,cc_level_shift,f_o,f_v) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,a) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO collapse(1) do a = 1, nV do i = 1, nO t1(i,a) = t1(i,a) - r1(i,a) / (f_o(i) - f_v(a) - cc_level_shift) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL end #+end_src * T2 #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle update_t.irp.f subroutine update_t2(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r2,t2) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Update the T2 amplitudes for CC END_DOC ! in integer, intent(in) :: nO, nV double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV), r2(nO, nO, nV, nV) ! inout double precision, intent(inout) :: t2(nO, nO, nV, nV) ! internal integer :: i,j,a,b !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(nO,nV,t2,r2,cc_level_shift,f_o,f_v) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,a,b) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO collapse(3) do b = 1, nV do a = 1, nV do j = 1, nO do i = 1, nO t2(i,j,a,b) = t2(i,j,a,b) - r2(i,j,a,b) / (f_o(i) + f_o(j) - f_v(a) - f_v(b) - cc_level_shift) enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL end #+end_src