#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ convert TREXIO file to EZFIO Usage: qp_import_trexio [-o EZFIO_DIR] [-p] FILE Options: -o --output=EZFIO_DIR Produced directory by default is FILE.ezfio """ import sys import os import numpy as np import subprocess import tempfile from functools import reduce from ezfio import ezfio from docopt import docopt import qp_bitmasks try: import trexio except ImportError: print("Error: trexio python module is not found. Try python3 -m pip install trexio") sys.exit(1) try: QP_ROOT = os.environ["QP_ROOT"] QP_EZFIO = os.environ["QP_EZFIO"] except KeyError: print("Error: QP_ROOT environment variable not found.") sys.exit(1) else: sys.path = [QP_EZFIO + "/Python", QP_ROOT + "/install/resultsFile", QP_ROOT + "/install", QP_ROOT + "/scripts"] + sys.path def uint64_to_int64(u): # Check if the most significant bit is set if u & (1 << 63): # Calculate the two's complement result = -int(np.bitwise_not(np.uint64(u))+1) else: # The number is already positive result = u return result def generate_xyz(l): def create_z(x,y,z): return (x, y, l-(x+y)) def create_y(accu,x,y,z): if y == 0: result = [create_z(x,y,z)] + accu else: result = create_y([create_z(x,y,z)] + accu , x, y-1, z) return result def create_x(accu,x,y,z): if x == 0: result = create_y([], x,y,z) + accu else: xnew = x-1 ynew = l-xnew result = create_x(create_y([],x,y,z) + accu , xnew, ynew, z) return result result = create_x([], l, 0, 0) result.reverse() return result def write_ezfio(trexio_filename, filename): warnings = [] trexio_file = trexio.File(trexio_filename,mode='r',back_end=trexio.TREXIO_AUTO) ezfio.set_file(filename) ezfio.set_trexio_trexio_file(trexio_filename) print("Nuclei\t\t...\t", end=' ') charge = [0.] if trexio.has_nucleus(trexio_file): charge = trexio.read_nucleus_charge(trexio_file) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_num(len(charge)) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_charge(charge) coord = trexio.read_nucleus_coord(trexio_file) coord = np.transpose(coord) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_coord(coord) label = trexio.read_nucleus_label(trexio_file) nucl_num = trexio.read_nucleus_num(trexio_file) # Transformt H1 into H import re p = re.compile(r'(\d*)$') label = [p.sub("", x).capitalize() for x in label] ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_label(label) print("OK") else: ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_num(1) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_charge([0.]) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_coord([0.,0.,0.]) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_label(["X"]) print("None") warnings.append("No geometry found in the TREXIO file") print("Electrons\t...\t", end=' ') try: num_beta = trexio.read_electron_dn_num(trexio_file) except: num_beta = int(sum(charge))//2 try: num_alpha = trexio.read_electron_up_num(trexio_file) except: num_alpha = int(sum(charge)) - num_beta if num_alpha == 0: print("\n\nError: There are zero electrons in the TREXIO file.\n\n") sys.exit(1) ezfio.set_electrons_elec_alpha_num(num_alpha) ezfio.set_electrons_elec_beta_num(num_beta) print(f"{num_alpha} {num_beta}") print("Basis\t\t...\t", end=' ') shell_num = 0 try: basis_type = trexio.read_basis_type(trexio_file) if basis_type.lower() in ["gaussian", "slater"]: shell_num = trexio.read_basis_shell_num(trexio_file) prim_num = trexio.read_basis_prim_num(trexio_file) ang_mom = trexio.read_basis_shell_ang_mom(trexio_file) nucl_index = trexio.read_basis_nucleus_index(trexio_file) exponent = trexio.read_basis_exponent(trexio_file) coefficient = trexio.read_basis_coefficient(trexio_file) shell_index = trexio.read_basis_shell_index(trexio_file) ao_shell = trexio.read_ao_shell(trexio_file) ezfio.set_basis_basis("Read from TREXIO") ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_basis("Read from TREXIO") ezfio.set_basis_shell_num(shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_prim_num(prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_ang_mom(ang_mom) ezfio.set_basis_basis_nucleus_index([ x+1 for x in nucl_index ]) ezfio.set_basis_prim_expo(exponent) nucl_shell_num = [] prev = None m = 0 for i in ao_shell: if i != prev: m += 1 if prev is None or nucl_index[i] != nucl_index[prev]: nucl_shell_num.append(m) m = 0 prev = i assert (len(nucl_shell_num) == nucl_num) shell_prim_num = [] prev = shell_index[0] count = 0 for i in shell_index: if i != prev: shell_prim_num.append(count) count = 0 count += 1 prev = i shell_prim_num.append(count) assert (len(shell_prim_num) == shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_prim_num(shell_prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_index([x+1 for x in shell_index]) ezfio.set_basis_nucleus_shell_num(nucl_shell_num) shell_factor = trexio.read_basis_shell_factor(trexio_file) prim_factor = trexio.read_basis_prim_factor(trexio_file) for i,p in enumerate(prim_factor): coefficient[i] *= prim_factor[i] ezfio.set_ao_basis_primitives_normalized(True) ezfio.set_basis_prim_coef(coefficient) elif basis_type.lower() == "numerical": shell_num = trexio.read_basis_shell_num(trexio_file) prim_num = shell_num ang_mom = trexio.read_basis_shell_ang_mom(trexio_file) nucl_index = trexio.read_basis_nucleus_index(trexio_file) exponent = [1.]*prim_num coefficient = [1.]*prim_num shell_index = [i for i in range(shell_num)] ao_shell = trexio.read_ao_shell(trexio_file) ezfio.set_basis_basis("None") ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_basis("None") ezfio.set_basis_shell_num(shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_prim_num(prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_ang_mom(ang_mom) ezfio.set_basis_basis_nucleus_index([ x+1 for x in nucl_index ]) ezfio.set_basis_prim_expo(exponent) ezfio.set_basis_prim_coef(coefficient) nucl_shell_num = [] prev = None m = 0 for i in ao_shell: if i != prev: m += 1 if prev is None or nucl_index[i] != nucl_index[prev]: nucl_shell_num.append(m) m = 0 prev = i assert (len(nucl_shell_num) == nucl_num) shell_prim_num = [] prev = shell_index[0] count = 0 for i in shell_index: if i != prev: shell_prim_num.append(count) count = 0 count += 1 prev = i shell_prim_num.append(count) assert (len(shell_prim_num) == shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_prim_num(shell_prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_index([x+1 for x in shell_index]) ezfio.set_basis_nucleus_shell_num(nucl_shell_num) shell_factor = trexio.read_basis_shell_factor(trexio_file) else: raise TypeError print(basis_type) except: basis_type = "None" print("None") ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_cartesian(True) print("AOS\t\t...\t", end=' ') try: cartesian = trexio.read_ao_cartesian(trexio_file) except: cartesian = True trexio_file_cart = trexio_file if basis_type.lower() == "gaussian" and not cartesian: try: import trexio_tools fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) retcode = subprocess.call(["trexio", "convert-to", "-t", "cartesian", "-o", tmp, trexio_filename]) trexio_file_cart = trexio.File(tmp,mode='r',back_end=trexio.TREXIO_AUTO) cartesian = trexio.read_ao_cartesian(trexio_file_cart) os.unlink(tmp) except: pass ao_num = trexio.read_ao_num(trexio_file_cart) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_num(ao_num) if cartesian and basis_type.lower() == "gaussian" and shell_num > 0: ao_shell = trexio.read_ao_shell(trexio_file_cart) at = [ nucl_index[i]+1 for i in ao_shell ] ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_nucl(at) num_prim0 = [ 0 for i in range(shell_num) ] for i in shell_index: num_prim0[i] += 1 coef = {} expo = {} for i,c in enumerate(coefficient): idx = shell_index[i] if idx in coef: coef[idx].append(c) expo[idx].append(exponent[i]) else: coef[idx] = [c] expo[idx] = [exponent[i]] coefficient = [] exponent = [] power_x = [] power_y = [] power_z = [] num_prim = [] for i in range(shell_num): for x,y,z in generate_xyz(ang_mom[i]): power_x.append(x) power_y.append(y) power_z.append(z) coefficient.append(coef[i]) exponent.append(expo[i]) num_prim.append(num_prim0[i]) print (len(coefficient), ao_num) assert (len(coefficient) == ao_num) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_power(power_x + power_y + power_z) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_prim_num(num_prim) prim_num_max = max( [ len(x) for x in coefficient ] ) for i in range(ao_num): coefficient[i] += [0. for j in range(len(coefficient[i]), prim_num_max)] exponent [i] += [0. for j in range(len(exponent[i]), prim_num_max)] coefficient = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, coefficient, []) exponent = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, exponent , []) coef = [] expo = [] for i in range(prim_num_max): for j in range(i, len(coefficient), prim_num_max): coef.append(coefficient[j]) expo.append(exponent[j]) # ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_prim_num_max(prim_num_max) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_coef(coef) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_expo(expo) print("OK") else: if basis_type.lower() == "gaussian" and not cartesian: warnings.append(f"Spherical AOs not handled by QP. Convert the TREXIO file using trexio_tools:\n trexio convert-to -t cartesian -o cartesian_{trexio_filename} {trexio_filename}") warnings.append("Integrals should be imported using:\n qp run import_trexio_integrals") print("None") # _ # |\/| _ _ |_) _. _ o _ # | | (_) _> |_) (_| _> | _> # print("MOS\t\t...\t", end=' ') labels = { "Canonical" : "Canonical", "RHF" : "Canonical", "BOYS" : "Localized", "ROHF" : "Canonical", "UHF" : "Canonical", "Natural": "Natural" } try: label = labels[trexio.read_mo_type(trexio_file)] except: label = "None" ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_label(label) ezfio.set_determinants_mo_label(label) try: clss = trexio.read_mo_class(trexio_file) core = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "core" ] inactive = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "inactive" ] active = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "active" ] virtual = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "virtual" ] deleted = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "deleted" ] except trexio.Error: pass try: mo_num = trexio.read_mo_num(trexio_file) ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_num(mo_num) # Read coefs from temporary cartesian file created in the AO section MoMatrix = trexio.read_mo_coefficient(trexio_file_cart) # Renormalize MO coefs if needed if trexio.has_ao_normalization(trexio_file_cart): ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_normalized(False) norm = trexio.read_ao_normalization(trexio_file_cart) # for j in range(mo_num): # for i,f in enumerate(norm): # MoMatrix[i,j] *= f ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_coef(MoMatrix) mo_occ = [ 0. for i in range(mo_num) ] for i in range(num_alpha): mo_occ[i] += 1. for i in range(num_beta): mo_occ[i] += 1. ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_occ(mo_occ) print("OK") except: print("None") print("Pseudos\t\t...\t", end=' ') ezfio.set_pseudo_do_pseudo(False) if trexio.has_ecp_ang_mom(trexio_file): ezfio.set_pseudo_do_pseudo(True) max_ang_mom_plus_1 = trexio.read_ecp_max_ang_mom_plus_1(trexio_file) z_core = trexio.read_ecp_z_core(trexio_file) ang_mom = trexio.read_ecp_ang_mom(trexio_file) nucleus_index = trexio.read_ecp_nucleus_index(trexio_file) exponent = trexio.read_ecp_exponent(trexio_file) coefficient = trexio.read_ecp_coefficient(trexio_file) power = trexio.read_ecp_power(trexio_file) lmax = max( max_ang_mom_plus_1 ) - 1 ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_lmax(lmax) ezfio.set_pseudo_nucl_charge_remove(z_core) prev_center = None ecp = {} for i in range(len(ang_mom)): center = nucleus_index[i] if center != prev_center: ecp[center] = { "lmax": max_ang_mom_plus_1[center], "zcore": z_core[center], "contr": {} } for j in range(max_ang_mom_plus_1[center]+1): ecp[center]["contr"][j] = [] ecp[center]["contr"][ang_mom[i]].append( (coefficient[i], power[i], exponent[i]) ) prev_center = center ecp_loc = {} ecp_nl = {} kmax = 0 klocmax = 0 for center in ecp: ecp_nl [center] = {} for k in ecp[center]["contr"]: if k == ecp[center]["lmax"]: ecp_loc[center] = ecp[center]["contr"][k] klocmax = max(len(ecp_loc[center]), klocmax) else: ecp_nl [center][k] = ecp[center]["contr"][k] kmax = max(len(ecp_nl [center][k]), kmax) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_klocmax(klocmax) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_kmax(kmax) pseudo_n_k = [[0 for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(klocmax)] pseudo_v_k = [[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(klocmax)] pseudo_dz_k = [[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(klocmax)] pseudo_n_kl = [[[0 for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(kmax)] for _ in range(lmax+1)] pseudo_v_kl = [[[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(kmax)] for _ in range(lmax+1)] pseudo_dz_kl = [[[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(kmax)] for _ in range(lmax+1)] for center in ecp_loc: for k in range( len(ecp_loc[center]) ): v, n, dz = ecp_loc[center][k] pseudo_n_k[k][center] = n pseudo_v_k[k][center] = v pseudo_dz_k[k][center] = dz ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_n_k(pseudo_n_k) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_v_k(pseudo_v_k) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_dz_k(pseudo_dz_k) for center in ecp_nl: for l in range( len(ecp_nl[center]) ): for k in range( len(ecp_nl[center][l]) ): v, n, dz = ecp_nl[center][l][k] pseudo_n_kl[l][k][center] = n pseudo_v_kl[l][k][center] = v pseudo_dz_kl[l][k][center] = dz ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_n_kl(pseudo_n_kl) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_v_kl(pseudo_v_kl) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_dz_kl(pseudo_dz_kl) print("OK") else: print("None") print("Determinant\t...\t", end=' ') alpha = [ i for i in range(num_alpha) ] beta = [ i for i in range(num_beta) ] if trexio.has_mo_spin(trexio_file): spin = trexio.read_mo_spin(trexio_file) if max(spin) == 1: tmp = [ i for i in range(len(spin)) if spin[i] == 0 ] alpha = [ tmp[i] for i in range(num_alpha) ] tmp = [ i for i in range(len(spin)) if spin[i] == 1 ] beta = [ tmp[i] for i in range(num_beta) ] warnings.append("UHF orbitals orbitals read", end=' ') alpha_s = ['0']*mo_num beta_s = ['0']*mo_num for i in alpha: alpha_s[i] = '1' for i in beta: beta_s[i] = '1' alpha_s = ''.join(alpha_s)[::-1] beta_s = ''.join(beta_s)[::-1] def conv(i): try: result = np.int64(i) except: result = np.int64(i-2**63-1) return result alpha = [ uint64_to_int64(int(i,2)) for i in qp_bitmasks.string_to_bitmask(alpha_s) ][::-1] beta = [ uint64_to_int64(int(i,2)) for i in qp_bitmasks.string_to_bitmask(beta_s ) ][::-1] ezfio.set_determinants_bit_kind(8) ezfio.set_determinants_n_int(1+mo_num//64) ezfio.set_determinants_n_det(1) ezfio.set_determinants_n_states(1) ezfio.set_determinants_psi_det(alpha+beta) ezfio.set_determinants_psi_coef([[1.0]]) print("OK") for w in warnings: s = "-------------" print (s) print (w) def get_full_path(file_path): file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_path) file_path = os.path.expandvars(file_path) return file_path if __name__ == '__main__': ARGUMENTS = docopt(__doc__) FILE = get_full_path(ARGUMENTS['FILE']) trexio_filename = FILE if ARGUMENTS["--output"]: EZFIO_FILE = get_full_path(ARGUMENTS["--output"]) else: EZFIO_FILE = "{0}.ezfio".format(FILE) write_ezfio(trexio_filename, EZFIO_FILE) sys.stdout.flush()