real*8 function logabsgamma(x) implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: x logabsgamma = 1.d32 ! Avoid floating point exception if (x>0.d0) then logabsgamma = log(abs(gamma(x))) endif end function logabsgamma BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NSOMOMax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NSOMOMin] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NCSFMax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, NMO] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NBFMax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_CSF] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, maxDetDimPerBF] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for NSOMOMax ! The maximum number of SOMOs for the current calculation. ! required for the calculation of prototype arrays. END_DOC integer MS, ialpha MS = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num NSOMOMax = min(elec_num, cfg_nsomo_max + 2) print *,'cfg_nsomo_min=',cfg_nsomo_min print *,'cfg_nsomo_max=',cfg_nsomo_max if(AND(cfg_nsomo_min , 1) .eq. 0)then NSOMOMin = max(0,cfg_nsomo_min-2) else NSOMOMin = max(1,cfg_nsomo_min-2) endif ! Note that here we need NSOMOMax + 2 sizes ialpha = (NSOMOMax + MS)/2 NCSFMax = max(1,nint((binom(NSOMOMax,ialpha)-binom(NSOMOMax,ialpha+1)))) ! TODO: NCSFs for MS=0 (CHECK) NBFMax = NCSFMax maxDetDimPerBF = max(1,nint((binom(NSOMOMax,ialpha)))) NMO = n_act_orb integer i,j,k,l integer startdet,enddet integer ncfg,ncfgprev integer NSOMO integer dimcsfpercfg integer detDimperBF real*8 :: coeff, binom1, binom2 integer ncfgpersomo real*8, external :: logabsgamma detDimperBF = 0 ! number of cfgs = number of dets for 0 somos n_CSF = cfg_seniority_index(NSOMOMin)-1 ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(NSOMOMin) !do i = 0-iand(MS,1)+2, NSOMOMax,2 !!print *," i=",0," dimcsf=",1," ncfg=",ncfgprev, " senor=",cfg_seniority_index(0) !!do i = NSOMOMin+2, NSOMOMax,2 !! if(cfg_seniority_index(i) .EQ. -1)then !! ncfgpersomo = N_configuration + 1 !! else !! ncfgpersomo = cfg_seniority_index(i) !! endif !!ncfg = ncfgpersomo - ncfgprev !!!detDimperBF = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)))) !!!dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i-2,(i-2+1)/2)-binom(i-2,((i-2+1)/2)+1)))) !!n_CSF += ncfg * dimcsfpercfg !!!if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2) == -1) EXIT !!!if(detDimperBF > maxDetDimPerBF) maxDetDimPerBF = detDimperBF !!ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(i) !!print *," i=",i," dimcsf=",dimcsfpercfg," ncfg=",ncfg, " senor=",cfg_seniority_index(i) !!enddo !!print *," ^^^^^ N_CSF = ",n_CSF," N_CFG=",N_configuration n_CSF = 0 !ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(0) !ncfgpersomo = ncfgprev !do i = iand(MS,1), NSOMOMax-2,2 ! if(cfg_seniority_index(i) .EQ. -1) then ! cycle ! endif ! if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2) .EQ. -1) then ! ncfgpersomo = N_configuration + 1 ! else ! if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2) > ncfgpersomo) then ! ncfgpersomo = cfg_seniority_index(i+2) ! else ! k = 0 ! do while(cfg_seniority_index(i+2+k) < ncfgpersomo) ! k = k + 2 ! ncfgpersomo = cfg_seniority_index(i+2+k) ! enddo ! endif ! endif ! ncfg = ncfgpersomo - ncfgprev ! if(i .EQ. 0 .OR. i .EQ. 1) then ! dimcsfpercfg = 1 ! elseif( i .EQ. 3) then ! dimcsfpercfg = 2 ! else ! if(iand(MS,1) .EQ. 0) then ! dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,i/2)-binom(i,i/2+1)))) ! else ! dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)-binom(i,(i+3)/2)))) ! endif ! endif ! n_CSF += ncfg * dimcsfpercfg ! print *," i=",i," dimcsf=",dimcsfpercfg," ncfg=",ncfg, " senor=",cfg_seniority_index(i) ! if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2) > ncfgprev) then ! ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(i+2) ! else ! k = 0 ! do while(cfg_seniority_index(i+2+k) < ncfgprev) ! k = k + 2 ! ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(i+2+k) ! enddo ! endif !enddo n_CSF = 0 print *," -9(((((((((((((( NSOMOMin=",NSOMOMin ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(NSOMOMin) ! can be -1 if(ncfgprev.eq.-1)then ncfgprev=1 endif do i=NSOMOMin,NSOMOMax+2,2 !k=0 !do while((cfg_seniority_index(i+2+k) .eq. -1) .and. (k.le.NSOMOMax)) ! k=k+2 !end do if(cfg_seniority_index(i).eq.-1)cycle if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2).eq.-1)then ncfg = N_configuration - ncfgprev + 1 if(ncfg .eq. 0)then ncfg=1 endif else ncfg = cfg_seniority_index(i+2) - ncfgprev endif if(i .EQ. 0 .OR. i .EQ. 1) then dimcsfpercfg = 1 elseif( i .EQ. 3) then dimcsfpercfg = 2 else if(iand(MS,1) .EQ. 0) then ialpha = (i + MS)/2 dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,ialpha)-binom(i,ialpha+1)))) else ialpha = (i + MS)/2 dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,ialpha)-binom(i,ialpha+1)))) endif endif n_CSF += ncfg*dimcsfpercfg print *," i=",i," dimcsf=",dimcsfpercfg," ncfg=",ncfg, " ncfgprev=",ncfgprev, " senor=",cfg_seniority_index(i) ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(i+2) end do print *," ^^^^^ N_CSF = ",n_CSF," N_CFG=",N_configuration END_PROVIDER subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phaseout) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for get_phase_qp_to_cfg ! ! This function converts from (aaaa)(bbbb) ! notation to (ab)(ab)(ab)(ab) ! notation. ! The cfgCI code works in (ab)(ab)(ab)(ab) ! notation throughout. END_DOC integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Ialpha(N_int) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Ibeta(N_int) real*8,intent(out) :: phaseout integer(bit_kind) :: mask, deta(N_int), detb(N_int) integer :: nbetas integer :: count, k ! Initliaze deta and detb deta = Ialpha detb = Ibeta ! Find how many alpha electrons there are in all the N_ints integer :: Na(N_int) do k=1,N_int Na(k) = popcnt(deta(k)) enddo integer :: shift, ipos, nperm phaseout = 1.d0 do k=1,N_int do while(detb(k) /= 0_bit_kind) ! Find the lowest beta electron and clear it ipos = trailz(detb(k)) detb(k) = ibclr(detb(k),ipos) ! Create a mask will all MOs higher than the beta electron mask = not(shiftl(1_bit_kind,ipos + 1) - 1_bit_kind) ! Apply the mask to the alpha string to count how many electrons to cross nperm = popcnt( iand(mask, deta(k)) ) ! Count how many alpha electrons are above the beta electron in the other integers nperm = nperm + sum(Na(k+1:N_int)) if (iand(nperm,1) == 1) then phaseout = -phaseout endif enddo enddo end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, DetToCSFTransformationMatrix, (0:NSOMOMax,NBFMax,maxDetDimPerBF)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, psi_coef_config, (n_CSF,1)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_config_data, (N_configuration,2)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_csf_to_config_data, (n_CSF)] use cfunctions implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for DetToCSFTransformationMatrix ! Provides the matrix of transformatons for the ! conversion between determinant to CSF basis (in BFs) END_DOC integer*8 :: Isomo, Idomo integer(bit_kind) :: Ialpha(N_int),Ibeta(N_int) integer :: rows, cols, i, j, k integer :: startdet, enddet, idx integer*8 MS, salpha integer ndetI integer :: getNSOMO real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempBuffer real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempCoeff real*8 :: norm_det1, phasedet integer :: nt norm_det1 = 0.d0 MS = elec_alpha_num - elec_beta_num ! initialization psi_coef_config = 0.d0 DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(0,:,:) = 1.d0 do i = 2-iand(MS,1), NSOMOMax,2 Isomo = IBSET(0_8, i) - 1_8 ! rows = Ncsfs ! cols = Ndets salpha = (i+MS)/2 bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,salpha)-binom(i,salpha+1)))) ndetI = max(1,nint((binom(i,salpha)))) !bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)-binom(i,((i+1)/2)+1)))) !ndetI = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)))) allocate(tempBuffer(bfIcfg,ndetI)) call getCSFtoDETTransformationMatrix(Isomo, MS, NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, tempBuffer) DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(i,1:bfIcfg,1:ndetI) = tempBuffer(1:bfIcfg,1:ndetI) deallocate(tempBuffer) enddo integer s, bfIcfg integer countcsf countcsf = 0 integer countdet countdet = 0 integer istate istate = 1 psi_csf_to_config_data(1) = 1 phasedet = 1.0d0 call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) !$OMP PARALLEL !$OMP MASTER do i = 1,N_configuration startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i) enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i) ndetI = enddet-startdet+1 allocate(tempCoeff(ndetI)) countdet = 1 do j = startdet, enddet idx = psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j) Ialpha(:) = psi_det(:,1,idx) Ibeta(:) = psi_det(:,2,idx) call get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phasedet) tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(idx, istate)*phasedet norm_det1 += tempCoeff(countdet)*tempCoeff(countdet) countdet += 1 enddo !print *,"dimcoef=",bfIcfg,norm_det1 !call printMatrix(tempCoeff,ndetI,1) s = 0 do k=1,N_int if (psi_configuration(k,1,i) == 0_bit_kind) cycle s = s + popcnt(psi_configuration(k,1,i)) enddo salpha = (s+MS)/2 bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,salpha)-binom(s,salpha+1)))) !bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,(s+1)/2)-binom(s,((s+1)/2)+1)))) ! perhaps blocking with CFGs of same seniority ! can be more efficient allocate(tempBuffer(bfIcfg,ndetI)) tempBuffer = DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(s,:bfIcfg,:ndetI) call dgemm('N','N', bfIcfg, 1, ndetI, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf+1,1), size(psi_coef_config,1)) !call dgemv('N', NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, 1, 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf), 1) deallocate(tempCoeff) deallocate(tempBuffer) psi_config_data(i,1) = countcsf + 1 do k=1,bfIcfg psi_csf_to_config_data(countcsf+k) = i enddo countcsf += bfIcfg psi_config_data(i,2) = countcsf enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, AIJpqMatrixDimsList, (NSOMOMin:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax+1,NSOMOMax+1,2)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, rowsmax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, colsmax] use cfunctions implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for AIJpqMatrixList ! The prototype matrix containing the ! matrices for each I,J somo pair and orb ids. END_DOC integer i,j,k,l integer*8 Isomo, Jsomo, tmpsomo Isomo = 0 Jsomo = 0 integer rows, cols, nsomoi, nsomoj rows = -1 cols = -1 integer*8 MS MS = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num nsomomin = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num rowsmax = 0 colsmax = 0 print *,"NSOMOMax = ",NSOMOMax print *,"NSOMOMin = ",NSOMOMin !allocate(AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,2)) ! Type ! 1. SOMO -> SOMO !print *,"Doing SOMO->SOMO" AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,1,1,1,1) = 1 AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,1,1,1,2) = 1 do i = NSOMOMin, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i-2,i-2, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,i do l = 1,i ! Define Jsomo if(k.NE.l)then Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo, k-1) Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo, l-1) nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 nsomoi = i nsomoj = i endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) !print *, "SOMO->SOMO \t",i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,1,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,1,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 2. DOMO -> VMO !print *,"Doing DOMO->VMO" AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,2,1,1,1) = 1 AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,2,1,1,2) = 1 do i = NSOMOMin, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 tmpsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+2)-1 do j = i+2,i+2, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,j do l = 1,j if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = IBCLR(tmpsomo,k-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) ! Define Jsomo Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1; nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,1-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,j-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 nsomoi = j nsomoj = j endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) !print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,2,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,2,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 3. SOMO -> VMO !print *,"Doing SOMO->VMO" AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,3,1,1,1) = 1 AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,3,1,1,2) = 1 do i = NSOMOMin, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i,i, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,i+1 do l = 1,i+1 if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,k-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) !print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,3,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,3,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 4. DOMO -> SOMO !print *,"Doing DOMO->SOMO" AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,4,1,1,1) = 1 AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMin,4,1,1,2) = 1 do i = NSOMOMin, NSOMOMax, 2 do j = i,i, 2 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,i+1 do l = 1,i+1 if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) !print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,4,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,4,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do print *,"Rowsmax=",rowsmax," Colsmax=",colsmax END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, AIJpqContainer, (NBFMax,NBFmax,NSOMOMax+1,NSOMOMax+1,4,NSOMOMin:NSOMOMax)] use cfunctions implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for AIJpqMatrixList ! The prototype matrix containing the ! matrices for each I,J somo pair and orb ids. ! ! Due to the different types of excitations which ! include DOMOs and VMOs two prototype DOMOs and two ! prototype VMOs are needed. Therefore ! the 4th and 5th dimensions are NSOMOMax+4 and NSOMOMax+4 ! respectively. ! ! The type of excitations are ordered as follows: ! Type 1 - SOMO -> SOMO ! Type 2 - DOMO -> VMO ! Type 3 - SOMO -> VMO ! Type 4 - DOMO -> SOMO END_DOC integer i,j,k,l, orbp, orbq, ri, ci orbp = 0 orbq = 0 integer*8 Isomo, Jsomo, tmpsomo Isomo = 0 Jsomo = 0 integer rows, cols, nsomoi, nsomoj rows = -1 cols = -1 integer*8 MS MS = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: meMatrix integer maxdim ! Type ! 1. SOMO -> SOMO AIJpqContainer = 0.d0 AIJpqContainer(1,1,1,1,1,NSOMOMin) = 1.0d0 integer :: rows_old, cols_old rows_old = -1 cols_old = -1 allocate(meMatrix(1,1)) do i = NSOMOMin+2, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 j=i-2 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) cycle nsomoi = i do k = 1,i orbp = k do l = 1,i ! Define Jsomo if(k .NE. l) then Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo, k-1) Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo, l-1) nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 nsomoj = i endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbq = l if ((rows /= rows_old).or.(cols /= cols_old)) then deallocate(meMatrix) allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) rows_old = rows cols_old = cols endif meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols AIJpqContainer(ri,ci,k,l,1,nsomoi) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do end do end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) ! Type ! 2. DOMO -> VMO !print *,"Doing DOMO -> VMO" !AIJpqContainer(NSOMOMin,2,1,1,1,1) = 1.0d0 AIJpqContainer(1,1,1,1,2,NSOMOMin) = 1.0d0 do i = NSOMOMin, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 tmpsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+2)-1 do j = i+2,i+2, 2 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 do k = 1,j do l = 1,j if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = IBCLR(tmpsomo,k-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) ! Define Jsomo Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1; nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,1-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,j-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 nsomoi = j nsomoj = j endif !print *,"k,l=",k,l !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1) !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1) !AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,2,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 AIJpqContainer(:,:,k,l,2,nsomoi) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) !print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax !call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols) ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols !AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,2,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) AIJpqContainer(ri,ci,k,l,2,nsomoi) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 3. SOMO -> VMO !print *,"Doing SOMO -> VMO" !AIJpqContainer(NSOMOMin,3,1,1,1,1) = 1.0d0 AIJpqContainer(1,1,1,1,3,NSOMOMin) = 1.0d0 do i = NSOMOMin, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i,i, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle do k = 1,i+1 do l = 1,i+1 if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,k-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif !print *,"k,l=",k,l !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1) !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1) !AIJpqContainer(i,3,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 AIJpqContainer(:,:,k,l,3,i) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) !call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols) !print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols !AIJpqContainer(i,3,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) AIJpqContainer(ri,ci,k,l,3,i) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 4. DOMO -> SOMO !print *,"Doing DOMO -> SOMO" !AIJpqContainer(NSOMOMin,4,1,1,1,1) = 1.0d0 AIJpqContainer(1,1,1,1,4,NSOMOMin) = 1.0d0 do i = NSOMOMin+2, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i,i, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle do k = 1,i+1 do l = 1,i+1 if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif !AIJpqContainer(i,4,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 AIJpqContainer(:,:,k,l,4,i) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) !call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols) !print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols !AIJpqContainer(i,4,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) AIJpqContainer(ri,ci,k,l,4,i) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do END_PROVIDER subroutine calculate_preconditioner_cfg(diag_energies) implicit none use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for calculate_preconditioner ! ! Calculates the diagonal energies of ! the configurations in psi_configuration ! returns : diag_energies : END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,kk,l,p,q,noccp,noccq, ii, jj real*8,intent(out) :: diag_energies(n_CSF) integer :: nholes integer :: nvmos integer :: listvmos(mo_num) integer :: vmotype(mo_num) ! 1 -> VMO 2 -> SOMO integer :: listholes(mo_num) integer :: holetype(mo_num) ! 1-> SOMO 2->DOMO integer*8 :: Idomo integer*8 :: Isomo integer*8 :: Jdomo integer*8 :: Jsomo integer*8 :: diffSOMO integer*8 :: diffDOMO integer :: NSOMOI integer :: NSOMOJ integer :: ndiffSOMO integer :: ndiffDOMO integer :: starti, endi, cnti, cntj, rows,cols integer :: extype,pmodel,qmodel integer(bit_kind) :: Icfg(N_INT,2) integer(bit_kind) :: Jcfg(N_INT,2) integer,external :: getNSOMO real*8, external :: mo_two_e_integral real*8 :: hpp real*8 :: meCC real*8 :: ecore real*8 :: core_act_contrib !PROVIDE h_core_ri PROVIDE core_fock_operator PROVIDE h_act_ri ! initialize energies diag_energies = 0.d0 !print *,"Core energy=",core_energy," nucler rep=",nuclear_repulsion, " n_core_orb=",n_core_orb," n_act_orb=",n_act_orb," mo_num=",mo_num ! calculate core energy !call get_core_energy(ecore) diag_energies = core_energy - nuclear_repulsion ! calculate the core energy !print *,"Core 2energy=",ref_bitmask_energy do i=1,N_configuration Isomo = psi_configuration(1,1,i) Idomo = psi_configuration(1,2,i) Icfg(1,1) = psi_configuration(1,1,i) Icfg(1,2) = psi_configuration(1,2,i) NSOMOI = getNSOMO(psi_configuration(:,:,i)) starti = psi_config_data(i,1) endi = psi_config_data(i,2) core_act_contrib = 0.0d0 ! find out all pq holes possible nholes = 0 ! holes in SOMO !do k = 1,mo_num do kk = 1,n_act_orb k = list_act(kk) if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,k-1))) .EQ. 1) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = k holetype(nholes) = 1 endif enddo ! holes in DOMO !do k = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb !do k = 1+n_core_inact_orb,n_core_orb+n_core_inact_act_orb !do k = 1,mo_num do kk = 1,n_act_orb k = list_act(kk) if(POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,k-1))) .EQ. 1) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = k holetype(nholes) = 2 endif enddo ! find vmos listvmos = -1 vmotype = -1 nvmos = 0 !do k = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb !do k = 1,mo_num do kk = 1,n_act_orb k = list_act(kk) !print *,i,IBSET(0,i-1),POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))), POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))) if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 0 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 0) then nvmos += 1 listvmos(nvmos) = k vmotype(nvmos) = 0 else if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 0 ) then nvmos += 1 listvmos(nvmos) = k vmotype(nvmos) = 1 end if enddo !print *,"I=",i !call debug_spindet(psi_configuration(1,1,i),N_int) !call debug_spindet(psi_configuration(1,2,i),N_int) do k=1,nholes p = listholes(k) noccp = holetype(k) ! core-virtual do l = 1, n_core_orb jj = list_core(l) core_act_contrib += noccp * (2.d0 * mo_two_e_integrals_jj(jj,p) - mo_two_e_integrals_jj_exchange(jj,p)) enddo ! Calculate one-electron ! and two-electron coulomb terms do l=1,nholes q = listholes(l) noccq = holetype(l) !print *,"--------------- K=",p," L=",q ! one-electron term if(p.EQ.q) then hpp = noccq * h_act_ri(p,q)!mo_one_e_integrals(q,q) else hpp = 0.d0 endif do j=starti,endi ! coulomb term ! (pp,qq) = if(p.EQ.q) then diag_energies(j) += hpp !+ 0.5d0 * (noccp * noccq * mo_two_e_integral(p,q,p,q)) !print *,"hpp=",hpp,"diga= ",diag_energies(j) ! else ! diag_energies(j) += ! 0.5d0 * noccp * noccq * mo_two_e_integral(p,q,p,q) ! print *,"diga= ",diag_energies(j) endif enddo enddo enddo !print *,"I=",i," core_act=",core_act_contrib do j=starti,endi diag_energies(j) += core_act_contrib end do enddo end subroutine calculate_preconditioner_cfg subroutine obtain_connected_I_foralpha_fromfilterdlist(idxI, nconnectedJ, idslistconnectedJ, listconnectedJ, Ialpha, connectedI, idxs_connectedI, nconnectedI, excitationIds, excitationTypes, diagfactors) implicit none use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for obtain_connected_I_foralpha ! This function returns all those selected configurations ! which are connected to the input configuration ! Ialpha by a single excitation. ! ! The type of excitations are ordered as follows: ! Type 1 - SOMO -> SOMO ! Type 2 - DOMO -> VMO ! Type 3 - SOMO -> VMO ! Type 4 - DOMO -> SOMO ! ! Order of operators ! \alpha> = a^\dag_p a_q |I> = E_pq |I> END_DOC integer ,intent(in) :: idxI integer ,intent(in) :: nconnectedJ integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: listconnectedJ(N_int,2,*) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Ialpha(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind),intent(out) :: connectedI(N_int,2,*) integer ,intent(in) :: idslistconnectedJ(*) integer ,intent(out) :: idxs_connectedI(*) integer,intent(out) :: nconnectedI integer,intent(out) :: excitationIds(2,*) integer,intent(out) :: excitationTypes(*) real*8 ,intent(out) :: diagfactors(*) integer*8 :: Idomo integer*8 :: Isomo integer*8 :: Jdomo integer*8 :: Jsomo integer*8 :: IJsomo integer*8 :: diffSOMO integer*8 :: diffDOMO integer*8 :: xordiffSOMODOMO integer :: ndiffSOMO integer :: ndiffDOMO integer :: nxordiffSOMODOMO integer :: ii,i,j,k,kk,l,p,q,nsomoJ,nsomoalpha,starti,endi,extyp,nholes, idxJ integer :: listholes(mo_num) integer :: holetype(mo_num) integer :: end_index integer :: Nsomo_alpha logical :: isOKlistJ PROVIDE DetToCSFTransformationMatrix isOKlistJ = .False. nconnectedI = 0 end_index = N_configuration ! Since CFGs are sorted wrt to seniority ! we don't have to search the full CFG list Isomo = Ialpha(1,1) Idomo = Ialpha(1,2) Nsomo_alpha = POPCNT(Isomo) end_index = min(N_configuration,cfg_seniority_index(min(Nsomo_alpha+4,elec_num))-1) if(end_index .LT. 0) end_index= N_configuration !end_index = N_configuration p = 0 q = 0 do i=1,nconnectedJ idxJ = idslistconnectedJ(i) Isomo = Ialpha(1,1) Idomo = Ialpha(1,2) Jsomo = listconnectedJ(1,1,i) Jdomo = listconnectedJ(1,2,i) diffSOMO = IEOR(Isomo,Jsomo) ndiffSOMO = POPCNT(diffSOMO) diffDOMO = IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo) xordiffSOMODOMO = IEOR(diffSOMO,diffDOMO) ndiffDOMO = POPCNT(diffDOMO) nxordiffSOMODOMO = POPCNT(xordiffSOMODOMO) nxordiffSOMODOMO += ndiffSOMO + ndiffDOMO if((nxordiffSOMODOMO .EQ. 4) .AND. ndiffSOMO .EQ. 2) then select case(ndiffDOMO) case (0) ! SOMO -> VMO !print *,"obt SOMO -> VMO" extyp = 3 IJsomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo) IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ p = (popcnt(ieor( IAND(Isomo,IJsomo), IAND(Isomo,IJsomo)-1)) -1) + 1 IRP_ELSE p = TRAILZ(IAND(Isomo,IJsomo)) + 1 IRP_ENDIF IJsomo = IBCLR(IJsomo,p-1) IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ q = (popcnt(ieor(IJsomo,IJsomo-1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE q = TRAILZ(IJsomo) + 1 IRP_ENDIF case (1) ! DOMO -> VMO ! or ! SOMO -> SOMO nsomoJ = POPCNT(Jsomo) nsomoalpha = POPCNT(Isomo) if(nsomoJ .GT. nsomoalpha) then ! DOMO -> VMO !print *,"obt DOMO -> VMO" extyp = 2 IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ p = (popcnt(ieor( IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo), IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)-1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE p = TRAILZ(IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)) + 1 IRP_ENDIF Isomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1) IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ q = (popcnt(ieor(Isomo,Isomo-1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE q = TRAILZ(Isomo) + 1 IRP_ENDIF else ! SOMO -> SOMO !print *,"obt SOMO -> SOMO" extyp = 1 IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ q = (popcnt(ieor( IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo), IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)-1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE q = TRAILZ(IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)) + 1 IRP_ENDIF Isomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,q-1) IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ p = (popcnt(ieor(Isomo,Isomo-1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE p = TRAILZ(Isomo) + 1 IRP_ENDIF end if case (2) ! DOMO -> SOMO !print *,"obt DOMO -> SOMO" extyp = 4 IJsomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo) IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ p = (popcnt(ieor(IAND(Jsomo,IJsomo) ,IAND(Jsomo,IJsomo) -1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE p = TRAILZ(IAND(Jsomo,IJsomo)) + 1 IRP_ENDIF IJsomo = IBCLR(IJsomo,p-1) IRP_IF WITHOUT_TRAILZ q = (popcnt(ieor(IJsomo,IJsomo-1))-1) + 1 IRP_ELSE q = TRAILZ(IJsomo) + 1 IRP_ENDIF case default print *,"something went wront in get connectedI" end select starti = psi_config_data(idxJ,1) endi = psi_config_data(idxJ,2) nconnectedI += 1 connectedI(:,:,nconnectedI) = listconnectedJ(:,:,i) idxs_connectedI(nconnectedI)=starti excitationIds(1,nconnectedI)=p excitationIds(2,nconnectedI)=q excitationTypes(nconnectedI) = extyp diagfactors(nconnectedI) = 1.0d0 else if((ndiffSOMO + ndiffDOMO) .EQ. 0) then ! find out all pq holes possible nholes = 0 ! holes in SOMO Isomo = listconnectedJ(1,1,i) Idomo = listconnectedJ(1,2,i) do ii = 1,mo_num if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,ii-1))) .EQ. 1) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = ii holetype(nholes) = 1 endif end do ! holes in DOMO do ii = 1,mo_num if(POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,ii-1))) .EQ. 1) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = ii holetype(nholes) = 2 endif end do do k=1,nholes p = listholes(k) q = p extyp = 1 if(holetype(k) .EQ. 1) then starti = psi_config_data(idxJ,1) endi = psi_config_data(idxJ,2) nconnectedI += 1 connectedI(:,:,nconnectedI) = listconnectedJ(:,:,i) idxs_connectedI(nconnectedI)=starti excitationIds(1,nconnectedI)=p excitationIds(2,nconnectedI)=q excitationTypes(nconnectedI) = extyp diagfactors(nconnectedI) = 1.0d0 else starti = psi_config_data(idxJ,1) endi = psi_config_data(idxJ,2) nconnectedI += 1 connectedI(:,:,nconnectedI) = listconnectedJ(:,:,i) idxs_connectedI(nconnectedI)=starti excitationIds(1,nconnectedI)=p excitationIds(2,nconnectedI)=q excitationTypes(nconnectedI) = extyp diagfactors(nconnectedI) = 2.0d0 endif enddo endif end do end subroutine obtain_connected_I_foralpha_fromfilterdlist subroutine convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(Ialpha, Jcfg, p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! This function converts the orbital ids ! in real space to those used in model space ! in order to identify the matrices required ! for the calculation of MEs. ! ! The type of excitations are ordered as follows: ! Type 1 - SOMO -> SOMO ! Type 2 - DOMO -> VMO ! Type 3 - SOMO -> VMO ! Type 4 - DOMO -> SOMO END_DOC integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Ialpha(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Jcfg(N_int,2) integer,intent(in) :: p,q integer,intent(in) :: extype integer,intent(out) :: pmodel,qmodel !integer(bit_kind) :: Isomo(N_int) !integer(bit_kind) :: Idomo(N_int) !integer(bit_kind) :: Jsomo(N_int) !integer(bit_kind) :: Jdomo(N_int) integer*8 :: Isomo integer*8 :: Idomo integer*8 :: Jsomo integer*8 :: Jdomo integer*8 :: mask integer :: iint, ipos !integer(bit_kind) :: Isomotmp(N_int) !integer(bit_kind) :: Jsomotmp(N_int) integer*8 :: Isomotmp integer*8 :: Jsomotmp integer :: pos0,pos0prev ! TODO Flag (print) when model space indices is > 64 Isomo = Ialpha(1,1) Idomo = Ialpha(1,2) Jsomo = Jcfg(1,1) Jdomo = Jcfg(1,2) pos0prev = 0 pmodel = p qmodel = q if(p .EQ. q) then pmodel = 1 qmodel = 1 else select case(extype) case (1) ! SOMO -> SOMO ! remove all domos !print *,"type -> SOMO -> SOMO" mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1 Isomotmp = IAND(Isomo,mask) pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomotmp,mask)) mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1 Isomotmp = IAND(Isomo,mask) qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomotmp,mask)) case (2) ! DOMO -> VMO ! remove all domos except one at p !print *,"type -> DOMO -> VMO" mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1 Jsomotmp = IAND(Jsomo,mask) pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomotmp,mask)) mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1 Jsomotmp = IAND(Jsomo,mask) qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomotmp,mask)) case (3) ! SOMO -> VMO !print *,"type -> SOMO -> VMO" !Isomo = IEOR(Isomo,Jsomo) if(p.LT.q) then mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1 Isomo = IAND(Isomo,mask) pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomo,mask)) mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1 Jsomo = IAND(Jsomo,mask) qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomo,mask)) + 1 else mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1 Isomo = IAND(Isomo,mask) pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomo,mask)) + 1 mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1 Jsomo = IAND(Jsomo,mask) qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomo,mask)) endif case (4) ! DOMO -> SOMO ! remove all domos except one at p !print *,"type -> DOMO -> SOMO" !Isomo = IEOR(Isomo,Jsomo) if(p.LT.q) then mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1 Jsomo = IAND(Jsomo,mask) pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomo,mask)) mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1 Isomo = IAND(Isomo,mask) qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomo,mask)) + 1 else mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1 Jsomo = IAND(Jsomo,mask) pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomo,mask)) + 1 mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1 Isomo = IAND(Isomo,mask) qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomo,mask)) endif case default print *,"something is wrong in convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds" end select endif !print *,p,q,"model ids=",pmodel,qmodel end subroutine convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds subroutine calculate_sigma_vector_cfg_nst_naive_store(psi_out, psi_in, n_st, sze, istart, iend, ishift, istep) implicit none use bitmasks use omp_lib BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for sigma-vector calculation ! ! Calculates the result of the ! application of the hamiltonian to the ! wavefunction in CFG basis once ! TODO : Things prepare outside this routine ! 1. Touch the providers for ! a. ApqIJ containers ! b. DET to CSF transformation matrices ! 2. DET to CSF transcormation ! 2. CSF to DET back transcormation ! returns : psi_coef_out_det : END_DOC integer,intent(in) :: sze, istart,iend, istep, ishift, n_st real*8,intent(in) :: psi_in(n_st,sze) real*8,intent(out) :: psi_out(n_st,sze) integer(bit_kind) :: Icfg(N_INT,2) integer :: i,j,k,l,p,q,noccp,noccq, m, n, idxI, nocck,orbk integer :: ii,jj,kk,ll,pp,qq integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: listconnectedJ integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: alphas_Icfg integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: singlesI integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: connectedI_alpha integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: idxs_singlesI integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: idxs_connectedI_alpha integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: excitationIds_single integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: excitationTypes_single integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: excitationIds integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: excitationTypes integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: idslistconnectedJ real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: diagfactors integer :: nholes integer :: nvmos integer :: listvmos(mo_num) integer :: vmotype(mo_num) ! 1 -> VMO 2 -> SOMO integer :: listholes(mo_num) integer :: holetype(mo_num) ! 1-> SOMO 2->DOMO integer :: Nalphas_Icfg, nconnectedI, rowsikpq, colsikpq, nsinglesI integer :: extype,NSOMOalpha,NSOMOI,NSOMOJ,pmodel,qmodel integer :: getNSOMO integer :: totcolsTKI integer :: rowsTKI integer :: noccpp integer :: istart_cfg, iend_cfg, num_threads_max integer :: nconnectedJ,nconnectedtotalmax,nconnectedmaxJ,maxnalphas,ntotJ integer*8 :: MS, Isomo, Idomo, Jsomo, Jdomo, Ialpha, Ibeta integer :: moi, moj, mok, mol, starti, endi, startj, endj, cnti, cntj, cntk real*8 :: norm_coef_cfg, fac2eints real*8 :: norm_coef_det real*8 :: meCC1, meCC2, diagfac real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: TKI real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: GIJpqrs real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: TKIGIJ real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: psi_out_tmp real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: CCmattmp real*8, external :: mo_two_e_integral real*8, external :: get_two_e_integral real*8,dimension(:),allocatable:: diag_energies real*8 :: tmpvar, tmptot real*8 :: core_act_contrib integer(omp_lock_kind), allocatable :: lock(:) call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) !print *," sze = ",sze allocate(lock(sze)) do i=1,sze call omp_init_lock(lock(i)) enddo !do i=1,size(psi_config_data,1) ! print *,"i=",i," psi_cfg_data_1=",psi_config_data(i,1)," psi_cfg_data_2=",psi_config_data(i,2) !end do allocate(diag_energies(n_CSF)) call calculate_preconditioner_cfg(diag_energies) !print *," diag energy =",diag_energies(1) MS = 0 norm_coef_cfg=0.d0 psi_out=0.d0 istart_cfg = psi_csf_to_config_data(istart) iend_cfg = psi_csf_to_config_data(iend) !nconnectedtotalmax = 1000 !nconnectedmaxJ = 1000 maxnalphas = elec_num*mo_num Icfg(1,1) = psi_configuration(1,1,1) Icfg(1,2) = psi_configuration(1,2,1) allocate(listconnectedJ(N_INT,2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(idslistconnectedJ(max(sze,10000))) call obtain_connected_J_givenI(1, Icfg, listconnectedJ, idslistconnectedJ, nconnectedmaxJ, nconnectedtotalmax) deallocate(listconnectedJ) deallocate(idslistconnectedJ) integer*8, allocatable :: bit_tmp(:) integer*8, external :: configuration_search_key double precision :: diagfactors_0 allocate( bit_tmp(0:N_configuration+1)) do j=1,N_configuration bit_tmp(j) = configuration_search_key(psi_configuration(1,1,j),N_int) enddo call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP private(i,icfg, isomo, idomo, NSOMOI, NSOMOJ, nholes, k, listholes,& !$OMP holetype, vmotype, nvmos, listvmos, starti, endi, & !$OMP nsinglesI, singlesI,idxs_singlesI,excitationIds_single,& !$OMP excitationTypes_single, idxI, p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel,& !$OMP Jsomo, Jdomo, startj, endj, kk, jj, ii, cnti, cntj, meCC1,& !$OMP nconnectedJ,listconnectedJ,idslistconnectedJ,ntotJ, & !$OMP Nalphas_Icfg,alphas_Icfg,connectedI_alpha, & !$OMP idxs_connectedI_alpha,nconnectedI,excitationIds,excitationTypes,diagfactors,& !$OMP totcolsTKI,rowsTKI,NSOMOalpha,rowsikpq, & !$OMP colsikpq, GIJpqrs,TKIGIJ,j,l,m,TKI,CCmattmp, moi, moj, mok, mol,& !$OMP diagfac, tmpvar, diagfactors_0) & !$OMP shared(istart_cfg, iend_cfg, psi_configuration, mo_num, psi_config_data,& !$OMP N_int, N_st, psi_out, psi_in, h_core_ri, core_energy, h_act_ri, AIJpqContainer,& !$OMP pp, sze, NalphaIcfg_list,alphasIcfg_list, bit_tmp, & !$OMP AIJpqMatrixDimsList, diag_energies, n_CSF, lock, NBFmax,nconnectedtotalmax, nconnectedmaxJ,maxnalphas,& !$OMP n_core_orb, n_act_orb, list_act, n, list_core, list_core_is_built,core_act_contrib, num_threads_max,& !$OMP n_core_orb_is_built, mo_integrals_map, mo_integrals_map_is_built) allocate(singlesI(N_INT,2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(idxs_singlesI(max(sze,10000))) allocate(excitationIds_single(2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(excitationTypes_single(max(sze,10000))) ! !!!====================!!! !!! Single Excitations !!! !!!====================!!! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic,16) do i=istart_cfg,iend_cfg ! if Seniority_range > 8 then ! continue ! else ! cycle Icfg(1,1) = psi_configuration(1,1,i) Icfg(1,2) = psi_configuration(1,2,i) Isomo = Icfg(1,1) Idomo = Icfg(1,2) NSOMOI = getNSOMO(Icfg) ! find out all pq holes possible nholes = 0 ! holes in SOMO ! list_act ! list_core ! list_core_inact ! bitmasks !do k = 1,mo_num do kk = 1,n_act_orb k = list_act(kk) if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,k-1))) .EQ. 1) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = k holetype(nholes) = 1 endif enddo ! holes in DOMO !do k = 1,mo_num do kk = 1,n_act_orb k = list_act(kk) if(POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,k-1))) .EQ. 1) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = k holetype(nholes) = 2 endif enddo ! find vmos listvmos = -1 vmotype = -1 nvmos = 0 do kk = 1,n_act_orb k = list_act(kk) !print *,i,IBSET(0,i-1),POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))), POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))) if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 0 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 0) then nvmos += 1 listvmos(nvmos) = k vmotype(nvmos) = 0 else if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,k-1)))) .EQ. 0 ) then nvmos += 1 listvmos(nvmos) = k vmotype(nvmos) = 1 end if enddo ! Icsf ids starti = psi_config_data(i,1) endi = psi_config_data(i,2) NSOMOI = getNSOMO(Icfg) call generate_all_singles_cfg_with_type(bit_tmp,Icfg,singlesI,idxs_singlesI,excitationIds_single,& excitationTypes_single,nsinglesI,N_int) do j = 1,nsinglesI idxI = idxs_singlesI(j) NSOMOJ = getNSOMO(singlesI(1,1,j)) p = excitationIds_single(1,j) q = excitationIds_single(2,j) extype = excitationTypes_single(j) ! Off diagonal terms call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(Icfg, singlesI(1,1,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) Jsomo = singlesI(1,1,j) Jdomo = singlesI(1,2,j) ! Add the hole on J if(POPCNT(IAND(Jsomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 0) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = q holetype(nholes) = 1 endif if((POPCNT(IAND(Jdomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 0) .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 0) then nholes += 1 listholes(nholes) = q holetype(nholes) = 2 endif startj = psi_config_data(idxI,1) endj = psi_config_data(idxI,2) !print *,"i=",i," idxI=",idxI," startj=",startj," endj=",endj," sze=",sze !!! One-electron contribution !!! do ii = starti, endi cnti = ii-starti+1 do jj = startj, endj cntj = jj-startj+1 !meCC1 = AIJpqContainer(cnti,cntj,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOI)* h_core_ri(p,q) core_act_contrib = 0.0d0 if( do pp=1,n_core_orb n=list_core(pp) core_act_contrib += 2.d0 * get_two_e_integral(p,n,q,n,mo_integrals_map) - get_two_e_integral(p,n,n,q,mo_integrals_map) end do endif meCC1 = AIJpqContainer(cnti,cntj,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOI)* (h_act_ri(p,q) + core_act_contrib) if(jj.eq.1.and.ii.eq.1)then print *,"CC=",AIJpqContainer(cnti,cntj,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOI), " p=",p," q=",q endif call omp_set_lock(lock(jj)) do kk = 1,n_st psi_out(kk,jj) = psi_out(kk,jj) + meCC1 * psi_in(kk,ii) enddo call omp_unset_lock(lock(jj)) enddo enddo ! Undo setting in listholes if(POPCNT(IAND(Jsomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 0) then nholes -= 1 endif if((POPCNT(IAND(Jdomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 0) .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,q-1))) .EQ. 0) then nholes -= 1 endif enddo enddo !$OMP END DO deallocate(singlesI) deallocate(idxs_singlesI) deallocate(excitationIds_single) deallocate(excitationTypes_single) !print *," singles part psi(1,1)=",psi_out(1,1) allocate(listconnectedJ(N_INT,2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(alphas_Icfg(N_INT,2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(connectedI_alpha(N_INT,2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(idxs_connectedI_alpha(max(sze,10000))) allocate(excitationIds(2,max(sze,10000))) allocate(excitationTypes(max(sze,10000))) allocate(diagfactors(max(sze,10000))) allocate(idslistconnectedJ(max(sze,10000))) allocate(CCmattmp(n_st,NBFmax)) !!!====================!!! !!! Double Excitations !!! !!!====================!!! ! Loop over all selected configurations !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(static) do i = istart_cfg,iend_cfg ! if Seniority_range > 8 then ! continue ! else ! cycle Icfg(1,1) = psi_configuration(1,1,i) Icfg(1,2) = psi_configuration(1,2,i) starti = psi_config_data(i,1) endi = psi_config_data(i,2) ! Returns all unique (checking the past) singly excited cfgs connected to I Nalphas_Icfg = 0 ! TODO: ! test if size(alphas_Icfg,1) < Nmo**2) then deallocate + allocate Nalphas_Icfg = NalphaIcfg_list(i) alphas_Icfg(1:n_int,1:2,1:Nalphas_Icfg) = alphasIcfg_list(1:n_int,1:2,i,1:Nalphas_Icfg) if(Nalphas_Icfg .GT. maxnalphas) then print *,"Nalpha > maxnalpha" endif call obtain_connected_J_givenI(i, Icfg, listconnectedJ, idslistconnectedJ, nconnectedJ, ntotJ) ! TODO : remove doubly excited for return !print *,"I=",i," isomo=",psi_configuration(1,1,i)," idomo=",psi_configuration(1,2,i), " psiout=",psi_out(1,5) do k = 1,Nalphas_Icfg ! Now generate all singly excited with respect to a given alpha CFG !call obtain_connected_I_foralpha_fromfilterdlist(i,nconnectedJ, idslistconnectedJ, & ! listconnectedJ, alphas_Icfg(1,1,k),connectedI_alpha,idxs_connectedI_alpha,nconnectedI, & ! excitationIds,excitationTypes,diagfactors) call obtain_connected_I_foralpha(i, alphas_Icfg(1,1,k), connectedI_alpha, idxs_connectedI_alpha, & nconnectedI, excitationIds, excitationTypes, diagfactors) if(nconnectedI .EQ. 0) then cycle endif ! Here we do 2x the loop. One to count for the size of the matrix, then we compute. totcolsTKI = 0 rowsTKI = -1 NSOMOalpha = getNSOMO(alphas_Icfg(:,:,k)) do j = 1,nconnectedI NSOMOI = getNSOMO(connectedI_alpha(:,:,j)) p = excitationIds(1,j) q = excitationIds(2,j) extype = excitationTypes(j) call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k), connectedI_alpha(1,1,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) ! for E_pp E_rs and E_ppE_rr case rowsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,1) colsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,2) !print *,"j=",j," Nsomo=",NSOMOalpha," rowsikpq=",rowsikpq," colsikpq=",colsikpq, " p=",pmodel," q=",qmodel, " extyp=",extype totcolsTKI += colsikpq rowsTKI = rowsikpq enddo allocate(TKI(n_st,rowsTKI,totcolsTKI)) ! coefficients of CSF ! Initialize the integral container ! dims : (totcolsTKI, nconnectedI) allocate(GIJpqrs(totcolsTKI,nconnectedI)) ! gpqrs allocate(TKIGIJ(n_st,rowsTKI,nconnectedI)) ! TKI * gpqrs !print *,"\t---rowsTKI=",rowsTKI," totCols=",totcolsTKI TKI = 0.d0 GIJpqrs = 0.d0 TKIGIJ = 0.d0 totcolsTKI = 0 do j = 1,nconnectedI NSOMOI = getNSOMO(connectedI_alpha(:,:,j)) p = excitationIds(1,j) q = excitationIds(2,j) extype = excitationTypes(j) call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(alphas_Icfg(:,:,k), connectedI_alpha(:,:,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) rowsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,1) colsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,2) rowsTKI = rowsikpq do m = 1,colsikpq do l = 1,rowsTKI do kk = 1,n_st TKI(kk,l,totcolsTKI+m) = AIJpqContainer(l,m,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOalpha) & * psi_in(kk,idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1) enddo enddo enddo diagfactors_0 = diagfactors(j)*0.5d0 moi = excitationIds(1,j) ! p mok = excitationIds(2,j) ! q do l=1,nconnectedI moj = excitationIds(2,l) ! s mol = excitationIds(1,l) ! r diagfac = diagfactors_0 * diagfactors(l)* mo_two_e_integral(mok,mol,moi,moj)! g(pq,sr) = !print *,"p=",mok,"q=",mol,"r=",moi,"s=",moj do m = 1,colsikpq ! = (ik|jl) GIJpqrs(totcolsTKI+m,l) = diagfac enddo enddo totcolsTKI += colsikpq enddo ! Do big BLAS call dgemm('N','N', rowsTKI*n_st, nconnectedI, totcolsTKI, 1.d0, & TKI, size(TKI,1)*size(TKI,2), GIJpqrs, size(GIJpqrs,1), 0.d0, & TKIGIJ , size(TKIGIJ,1)*size(TKIGIJ,2) ) ! Collect the result totcolsTKI = 0 do j = 1,nconnectedI NSOMOI = getNSOMO(connectedI_alpha(1,1,j)) p = excitationIds(1,j) q = excitationIds(2,j) extype = excitationTypes(j) call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k), connectedI_alpha(1,1,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) rowsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,1) colsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,2) rowsTKI = rowsikpq CCmattmp = 0.d0 call dgemm('N','N', n_st, colsikpq, rowsTKI, 1.d0, & TKIGIJ(1,1,j), size(TKIGIJ,1), & AIJpqContainer(1,1,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOalpha), & size(AIJpqContainer,1), 0.d0, & CCmattmp, size(CCmattmp,1) ) do m = 1,colsikpq call omp_set_lock(lock(idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1)) do kk = 1,n_st psi_out(kk,idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1) += CCmattmp(kk,m) enddo call omp_unset_lock(lock(idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1)) enddo totcolsTKI += colsikpq enddo deallocate(TKI) ! coefficients of CSF deallocate(GIJpqrs) ! gpqrs deallocate(TKIGIJ) ! gpqrs enddo ! loop over alphas enddo ! loop over I !$OMP END DO call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) deallocate(CCmattmp) deallocate(connectedI_alpha) deallocate(idxs_connectedI_alpha) deallocate(excitationIds) deallocate(excitationTypes) deallocate(diagfactors) !print *," psi(1,823)=",psi_out(1,823), " g(1 8, 3 15)=",mo_two_e_integral(1,8,3,15), " ncore=",n_core_orb !print *," psi(1,1)=",psi_out(1,1) ! Add the diagonal contribution !$OMP DO do i = 1,n_CSF do kk=1,n_st psi_out(kk,i) += diag_energies(i)*psi_in(kk,i) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) deallocate(diag_energies) deallocate(bit_tmp) end subroutine calculate_sigma_vector_cfg_nst_naive_store subroutine calculate_sigma_vector_cfg_nst(psi_out, psi_in, n_st, sze, istart, iend, ishift, istep) implicit none use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for sigma-vector calculation ! ! Calculates the result of the ! application of the hamiltonian to the ! wavefunction in CFG basis once ! TODO : Things prepare outside this routine ! 1. Touch the providers for ! a. ApqIJ containers ! b. DET to CSF transformation matrices ! 2. DET to CSF transcormation ! 2. CSF to DET back transcormation ! returns : psi_coef_out_det : END_DOC integer,intent(in) :: sze, istart,iend, istep, ishift, n_st real*8,intent(in) :: psi_in(sze,n_st) real*8,intent(out) :: psi_out(sze,n_st) integer(bit_kind) :: Icfg(N_INT,2) integer :: i,j,k,l,p,q,noccp,noccq, ii, jj, m, n, idxI, kk, nocck,orbk integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: alphas_Icfg integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: singlesI integer(bit_kind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: connectedI_alpha integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: idxs_singlesI integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: idxs_connectedI_alpha integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: excitationIds_single integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: excitationTypes_single integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: excitationIds integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: excitationTypes real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: diagfactors integer :: nholes integer :: nvmos integer :: listvmos(mo_num) integer :: vmotype(mo_num) ! 1 -> VMO 2 -> SOMO integer :: listholes(mo_num) integer :: holetype(mo_num) ! 1-> SOMO 2->DOMO integer :: Nalphas_Icfg, nconnectedI, rowsikpq, colsikpq, nsinglesI integer :: extype,NSOMOalpha,NSOMOI,NSOMOJ,pmodel,qmodel integer :: getNSOMO integer :: totcolsTKI integer :: rowsTKI integer :: noccpp integer :: istart_cfg, iend_cfg integer*8 :: MS, Isomo, Idomo, Jsomo, Jdomo, Ialpha, Ibeta integer :: moi, moj, mok, mol, starti, endi, startj, endj, cnti, cntj, cntk real*8 :: norm_coef_cfg, fac2eints real*8 :: norm_coef_det real*8 :: meCC1, meCC2, diagfac real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: TKI real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: GIJpqrs real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: TKIGIJ real*8, external :: mo_two_e_integral real*8, external :: get_two_e_integral real*8 :: diag_energies(n_CSF) ! allocate allocate(alphas_Icfg(N_INT,2,max(sze/2,100))) allocate(singlesI(N_INT,2,max(sze/2,100))) allocate(connectedI_alpha(N_INT,2,max(sze/2,100))) allocate(idxs_singlesI(max(sze/2,100))) allocate(idxs_connectedI_alpha(max(sze/2,100))) allocate(excitationIds_single(2,max(sze/2,100))) allocate(excitationTypes_single(max(sze/2,100))) allocate(excitationIds(2,max(sze/2,100))) allocate(excitationTypes(max(sze/2,100))) allocate(diagfactors(max(sze/2,100))) !print *," sze = ",sze call calculate_preconditioner_cfg(diag_energies) MS = 0 norm_coef_cfg=0.d0 psi_out=0.d0 istart_cfg = psi_csf_to_config_data(istart) iend_cfg = psi_csf_to_config_data(iend) !!! Single Excitations !!! do i=istart_cfg,iend_cfg print *,"I=",i ! if Seniority_range > 8 then ! continue ! else ! cycle Icfg(1,1) = psi_configuration(1,1,i) Icfg(1,2) = psi_configuration(1,2,i) starti = psi_config_data(i,1) endi = psi_config_data(i,2) ! Returns all unique (checking the past) singly excited cfgs connected to I Nalphas_Icfg = 0 ! TODO: ! test if size(alphas_Icfg,1) < Nmo**2) then deallocate + allocate !call obtain_associated_alphaI(i, Icfg, alphas_Icfg, Nalphas_Icfg) Nalphas_Icfg = NalphaIcfg_list(i) alphas_Icfg(1:N_int,1:2,1:Nalphas_Icfg) = alphasIcfg_list(1:n_int,1:2,i,1:Nalphas_Icfg) ! TODO : remove doubly excited for return ! Here we do 2x the loop. One to count for the size of the matrix, then we compute. do k = 1,Nalphas_Icfg ! Now generate all singly excited with respect to a given alpha CFG call obtain_connected_I_foralpha(i,alphas_Icfg(1,1,k),connectedI_alpha,idxs_connectedI_alpha,nconnectedI,excitationIds,excitationTypes,diagfactors) totcolsTKI = 0 rowsTKI = -1 do j = 1,nconnectedI NSOMOalpha = getNSOMO(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k)) NSOMOI = getNSOMO(connectedI_alpha(1,1,j)) p = excitationIds(1,j) q = excitationIds(2,j) extype = excitationTypes(j) call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k), connectedI_alpha(1,1,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) ! for E_pp E_rs and E_ppE_rr case if(p.EQ.q) then NSOMOalpha = NSOMOI endif rowsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,1) colsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,2) totcolsTKI += colsikpq ! if(rowsTKI .LT. rowsikpq .AND. rowsTKI .NE. -1) then ! print *,">",j,"Something is wrong in sigma-vector", rowsTKI, rowsikpq, "(p,q)=",pmodel,qmodel,"ex=",extype,"na=",NSOMOalpha," nI=",NSOMOI ! !rowsTKI = rowsikpq ! else rowsTKI = rowsikpq ! endif enddo allocate(TKI(n_st,rowsTKI,totcolsTKI)) ! coefficients of CSF ! Initialize the inegral container ! dims : (totcolsTKI, nconnectedI) allocate(GIJpqrs(totcolsTKI,nconnectedI)) ! gpqrs allocate(TKIGIJ(n_st,rowsTKI,nconnectedI)) ! TKI * gpqrs totcolsTKI = 0 do j = 1,nconnectedI NSOMOalpha = getNSOMO(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k)) NSOMOI = getNSOMO(connectedI_alpha(1,1,j)) p = excitationIds(1,j) q = excitationIds(2,j) extype = excitationTypes(j) call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k), connectedI_alpha(1,1,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) rowsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,1) colsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,2) do m = 1,colsikpq do l = 1,rowsTKI do kk = 1,n_st TKI(kk,l,totcolsTKI+m) = AIJpqContainer(l,m,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOalpha) * psi_in(kk,idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1) enddo enddo enddo do m = 1,colsikpq do l = 1,nconnectedI ! = (ik|jl) moi = excitationIds(1,j) ! p mok = excitationIds(2,j) ! q moj = excitationIds(2,l) ! s mol = excitationIds(1,l) ! r if(moi.EQ.mok .AND. moj.EQ.mol)then diagfac = diagfactors(j) diagfac *= diagfactors(l) !print *,"integrals (",totcolsTKI+m,l,")",mok,moi,mol,moj, "|", diagfac GIJpqrs(totcolsTKI+m,l) = diagfac*0.5d0*mo_two_e_integral(mok,mol,moi,moj) ! g(pq,sr) = else diagfac = diagfactors(j)*diagfactors(l) !print *,"integrals (",totcolsTKI+m,l,")",mok,moi,mol,moj, "|", diagfac GIJpqrs(totcolsTKI+m,l) = diagfac*0.5d0*mo_two_e_integral(mok,mol,moi,moj) ! g(pq,sr) = !endif endif enddo enddo totcolsTKI += colsikpq enddo ! Do big BLAS ! TODO TKI, size(TKI,1)*size(TKI,2) call dgemm('N','N', rowsTKI*n_st, nconnectedI, totcolsTKI, 1.d0,& TKI, size(TKI,1)*size(TKI,2), GIJpqrs, size(GIJpqrs,1), 0.d0,& TKIGIJ , size(TKIGIJ,1)*size(TKIGIJ,2) ) ! Collect the result totcolsTKI = 0 do j = 1,nconnectedI NSOMOalpha = getNSOMO(alphas_Icfg(1,1,k)) NSOMOI = getNSOMO(connectedI_alpha(1,1,j)) p = excitationIds(1,j) q = excitationIds(2,j) extype = excitationTypes(j) call convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(alphas_Icfg(:,:,k), connectedI_alpha(:,:,j), p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel) rowsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,1) colsikpq = AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOalpha,extype,pmodel,qmodel,2) do m = 1,colsikpq do l = 1,rowsTKI do kk = 1,n_st psi_out(kk,idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1) = psi_out(kk,idxs_connectedI_alpha(j)+m-1) + & AIJpqContainer(l,m,pmodel,qmodel,extype,NSOMOalpha) * TKIGIJ(kk,l,j) enddo enddo enddo totcolsTKI += colsikpq enddo deallocate(TKI) ! coefficients of CSF ! Initialize the inegral container ! dims : (totcolsTKI, nconnectedI) deallocate(GIJpqrs) ! gpqrs deallocate(TKIGIJ) ! gpqrs enddo ! loop over alphas enddo ! loop over I deallocate(connectedI_alpha) deallocate(idxs_connectedI_alpha) deallocate(excitationIds) deallocate(excitationTypes) deallocate(diagfactors) ! Add the diagonal contribution do i = 1,n_CSF do kk=1,n_st psi_out(kk,i) += diag_energies(i)*psi_in(kk,i) enddo enddo call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) end subroutine calculate_sigma_vector_cfg_nst_naive_store