BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, mos_l_in_r_array_transp, (n_points_final_grid, mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, mos_r_in_r_array_transp, (n_points_final_grid, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! mos_l_in_r_array_transp(i,j) = value of the jth left-mo on the ith grid point ! mos_r_in_r_array_transp(i,j) = value of the jth right-mo on the ith grid point ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i double precision :: tt0, tt1, tt2, tt3 double precision :: r(3) double precision, allocatable :: aos_r(:,:) call cpu_time(tt0) allocate(aos_r(ao_num,n_points_final_grid)) ! provide everything required before OpenMP r(1) = final_grid_points(1,1) r(2) = final_grid_points(2,1) r(3) = final_grid_points(3,1) call give_all_aos_at_r(r, aos_r(1,1)) call cpu_time(tt2) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i, r) & !$OMP SHARED(n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, aos_r) !$OMP DO do i = 1, n_points_final_grid r(1) = final_grid_points(1,i) r(2) = final_grid_points(2,i) r(3) = final_grid_points(3,i) call give_all_aos_at_r(r, aos_r(1,i)) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call cpu_time(tt3) write(*,"(A,2X,F15.7)") ' wall time for AOs on r (sec) = ', (tt3 - tt2) call dgemm("T", "N", n_points_final_grid, mo_num, ao_num, & 1.d0, & aos_r(1,1), ao_num, & mo_l_coef(1,1), ao_num, & 0.d0, & mos_l_in_r_array_transp(1,1), n_points_final_grid) call dgemm("T", "N", n_points_final_grid, mo_num, ao_num, & 1.d0, & aos_r(1,1), ao_num, & mo_r_coef(1,1), ao_num, & 0.d0, & mos_r_in_r_array_transp(1,1), n_points_final_grid) deallocate(aos_r) call cpu_time(tt1) write(*,"(A,2X,F15.7)") ' wall time for mos_l_in_r_array_transp & mos_r_in_r_array_transp (sec) = ', (tt1 - tt0) END_PROVIDER ! ---