BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(1024), ezfio_filename ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Name of EZFIO file. It is obtained from the QPACKAGE_INPUT environment ! variable if it is set, or as the 1st argument of the command line. END_DOC PROVIDE mpi_initialized ! Get the QPACKAGE_INPUT environment variable call getenv('QPACKAGE_INPUT',ezfio_filename) if (ezfio_filename == '') then ! Get from the command line integer :: iargc call getarg(0,ezfio_filename) if (iargc() /= 1) then print *, 'Missing EZFIO file name in the command line:' print *, trim(ezfio_filename)//' ' stop 1 endif call getarg(1,ezfio_filename) endif ! Check that file exists logical :: exists inquire(file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/ezfio/creation',exist=exists) if (.not.exists) then print *, 'Error: file '//trim(ezfio_filename)//' does not exist' stop 1 endif call ezfio_set_file(ezfio_filename) IRP_IF MACOS IRP_ELSE ! Adjust out-of-memory killer flag such that the current process will be ! killed first by the OOM killer, allowing compute nodes to survive integer :: getpid character*(1024) :: command, pidc write(pidc,*) getpid() write(command,*) 'echo 15 > /proc//'//trim(adjustl(pidc))//'/oom_adj' call system(command) IRP_ENDIF PROVIDE file_lock END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(1024), ezfio_work_dir ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! EZFIO/work/ END_DOC call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.) ezfio_work_dir = trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/' END_PROVIDER