The Quantum Package is maintained by
- Anthony Scemama
- CNRS - Université Paul SabatierToulouse, France
- Emmanuel Giner
- CNRS - Sorbonne UniversitéParis, France
- Thomas Applencourt
The following people have contributed (by alphabetical order):
- Anouar Benali
- Chandler Bennet
- Michel Caffarel
- Grégoire David
- Madeline Galbraith
- Yann Garniron
- Kevin Gasperich
- Pierre-François Loos
- Barry Moore
- Julien Paquier
- Barthélémy Pradines
- Lorenzo Tenti
- Julien Toulouse
- Mikaël Véril
If you have contributed and don’t appear in this list, please modify this file and submit a pull request.