BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, cholesky_ao_transp, (cholesky_ao_num, ao_num, ao_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Transposed of the Cholesky vectors in AO basis set END_DOC integer :: i,j,k do j=1,ao_num do i=1,ao_num do k=1,cholesky_ao_num cholesky_ao_transp(k,i,j) = cholesky_ao(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, cholesky_ao_num ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, cholesky_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, 1) ] use mmap_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Cholesky vectors in AO basis: (ik|a): ! = (ik|jl) = sum_a (ik|a).(a|jl) ! ! Last dimension of cholesky_ao is cholesky_ao_num ! ! ! : Page 4, Algorithm 1 END_DOC integer*8 :: ndim8 integer :: rank double precision :: tau, tau2 double precision, pointer :: L(:,:), Delta(:,:) double precision :: s double precision :: dscale, dscale_tmp double precision, allocatable :: D(:), Ltmp_p(:,:), Ltmp_q(:,:), D_sorted(:), Delta_col(:) integer, allocatable :: addr1(:), addr2(:) integer*8, allocatable :: Lset(:), Dset(:), addr3(:) logical, allocatable :: computed(:) integer :: i,j,k,m,p,q, dj, p2, q2 integer*8 :: i8, j8, p8, qj8, rank_max, np8 integer :: N, np, nq double precision :: Dmax, Dmin, Qmax, f double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral logical, external :: ao_two_e_integral_zero double precision, external :: ao_two_e_integral integer :: block_size, iblock double precision :: mem, mem0 double precision, external :: memory_of_double, memory_of_int double precision, external :: memory_of_double8, memory_of_int8 integer, external :: getUnitAndOpen integer :: iunit, ierr ndim8 = ao_num*ao_num*1_8 double precision :: wall0,wall1 type(c_ptr) :: c_pointer(2) integer :: fd(2) logical :: delta_on_disk PROVIDE nproc PROVIDE nucl_coord ao_two_e_integral_schwartz call set_multiple_levels_omp(.False.) call wall_time(wall0) ! Will be reallocated at the end deallocate(cholesky_ao) if (read_ao_cholesky) then print *, 'Reading Cholesky AO vectors from disk...' iunit = getUnitAndOpen(trim(ezfio_work_dir)//'cholesky_ao', 'R') read(iunit) rank allocate(cholesky_ao(ao_num,ao_num,rank), stat=ierr) read(iunit) cholesky_ao close(iunit) cholesky_ao_num = rank else PROVIDE nucl_coord ao_two_e_integral_schwartz call set_multiple_levels_omp(.False.) call resident_memory(mem0) rank_max = min(ndim8,(qp_max_mem*1024_8*1024_8*1024_8/8_8)/ndim8) call mmap(trim(ezfio_work_dir)//'cholesky_ao_tmp', (/ ndim8, rank_max /), 8, fd(1), .False., .True., c_pointer(1)) call c_f_pointer(c_pointer(1), L, (/ ndim8, rank_max /)) ! Deleting the file while it is open makes the file invisible on the filesystem, ! and automatically deleted, even if the program crashes iunit = getUnitAndOpen(trim(ezfio_work_dir)//'cholesky_ao_tmp', 'R') close(iunit,status='delete') if (do_direct_integrals) then if (ao_two_e_integral(1,1,1,1) < huge(1.d0)) then ! Trigger providers inside ao_two_e_integral continue endif else PROVIDE ao_two_e_integrals_in_map endif tau = ao_cholesky_threshold tau2 = tau*tau mem = 6.d0 * memory_of_double8(ndim8) + 6.d0 * memory_of_int8(ndim8) call check_mem(mem, irp_here) call print_memory_usage() print *, '' print *, 'Cholesky decomposition of AO integrals' print *, '======================================' print *, '' print *, '============ =============' print *, ' Rank Threshold' print *, '============ =============' rank = 0 allocate( D(ndim8), Lset(ndim8), Dset(ndim8), D_sorted(ndim8)) allocate( addr1(ndim8), addr2(ndim8), addr3(ndim8) ) !print *, 'allocate : (D(ndim8))', memory_of_int8(ndim8) !print *, 'allocate : (Lset(ndim8))', memory_of_int8(ndim8) !print *, 'allocate : (Dset(ndim8))', memory_of_int8(ndim8) !print *, 'allocate : (4,addr(ndim8))', memory_of_int8(4_8*ndim8) ! 1. k=0 do j=1,ao_num do i=1,ao_num k = k+1 addr1(k) = i addr2(k) = j addr3(k) = (i-1)*ao_num + j enddo enddo if (do_direct_integrals) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i8) SCHEDULE(dynamic,16) do i8=ndim8,1,-1 D(i8) = ao_two_e_integral(addr1(i8), addr2(i8), & addr1(i8), addr2(i8)) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i8) SCHEDULE(dynamic,16) do i8=ndim8,1,-1 D(i8) = get_ao_two_e_integral(addr1(i8), addr1(i8), & addr2(i8), addr2(i8), & ao_integrals_map) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif D_sorted(:) = -D(:) call dsort_noidx_big(D_sorted,ndim8) D_sorted(:) = dabs(D_sorted(:)) Dmax = D_sorted(1) ! 2. dscale = 1.d0 dscale_tmp = dscale*dscale*Dmax np8=0_8 do p8=1,ndim8 if ( dscale_tmp*D(p8) > tau2 ) then np8 = np8+1_8 Lset(np8) = p8 endif enddo np = np8 ! 3. N = 0 ! 4. i = 0 ! 5. do while ( (Dmax > tau).and.(rank*1_8 < min(ndim8,rank_max)) ) ! a. i = i+1 ! Inrease s until the arrays fit in memory s = 0.01d0 block_size = max(N,24) do while (.True.) ! b. Dmin = max(s*Dmax,tau) ! c. nq=0 do p=1,np if ( D(Lset(p)) > Dmin ) then nq = nq+1 Dset(nq) = Lset(p) endif enddo mem = mem0 & + np*memory_of_double(nq) !print *, 'mem = ', mem if (mem > qp_max_mem/2) then s = s*2.d0 else exit endif if ((s > 1.d0).or.(nq == 0)) then call print_memory_usage() print *, 'Required peak memory: ', mem, 'Gb' call resident_memory(mem) print *, 'Already used memory: ', mem, 'Gb' print *, 'Not enough memory. Reduce cholesky threshold' stop -1 endif if (s > 0.1d0) then exit endif enddo ! d., e. mem = mem0 & + memory_of_int(nq) &! computed(nq) + np*memory_of_int(nq) &! computed(nq) + memory_of_double(np) &! Delta_col(np) + 7*memory_of_double8(ndim8) &! D, Lset, Dset, D_sorted, addr[1-3] + np*memory_of_double(nq) &! Delta(np,nq) + (np+nq)*memory_of_double(block_size) ! Ltmp_p(np,block_size) + Ltmp_q(nq,block_size) if (mem > qp_max_mem) then call mmap(trim(ezfio_work_dir)//'cholesky_delta', (/ np*1_8, nq*1_8 /), 8, fd(2), .False., .True., c_pointer(2)) call c_f_pointer(c_pointer(2), Delta, (/ np, nq /)) ! Deleting the file while it is open makes the file invisible on the filesystem, ! and automatically deleted, even if the program crashes iunit = getUnitAndOpen(trim(ezfio_work_dir)//'cholesky_delta', 'R') close(iunit,status='delete') delta_on_disk = .True. else allocate(Delta(np,nq)) delta_on_disk = .False. endif !print *, delta_on_disk allocate(Delta_col(np)) allocate(Ltmp_p(np,block_size), stat=ierr) !print *, 'allocate : Ltmp_p(np,block_size)', memory_of_double8(np*block_size*1_8), np, block_size if (ierr /= 0) then call print_memory_usage() print *, irp_here, ': allocation failed : (Ltmp_p(np,block_size))' stop -1 endif allocate(Ltmp_q(nq,block_size), stat=ierr) !print *, 'allocate : Ltmp_q(nq,block_size)', memory_of_double8(nq*block_size*1_8), nq, block_size if (ierr /= 0) then call print_memory_usage() print *, irp_here, ': allocation failed : (Ltmp_q(nq,block_size))' stop -1 endif allocate(computed(nq)) computed(:) = .False. !print *, 'N, rank, block_size', N, rank, block_size !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(k,p,q) do k=1,N !$OMP DO do p=1,np Ltmp_p(p,k) = L(Lset(p),k) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP DO do q=1,nq Ltmp_q(q,k) = L(Dset(q),k) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT enddo !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP END PARALLEL if (N>0) then call dgemm('N','T', np, nq, N, -1.d0, & Ltmp_p, np, Ltmp_q, nq, 0.d0, Delta, np) else !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(q,j) SCHEDULE(static,1) do q=1,nq do j=1,np Delta(j,q) = 0.d0 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif ! f. Qmax = D(Dset(1)) do q=1,nq Qmax = max(Qmax, D(Dset(q))) enddo ! g. iblock = 0 do j=1,nq if ( (Qmax <= Dmin).or.(N+j*1_8 > ndim8) ) exit ! i. rank = N+j if (iblock == block_size) then call dgemm('N','T',np,nq,block_size,-1.d0, & Ltmp_p, np, Ltmp_q, nq, 1.d0, Delta, np) iblock = 0 endif ! ii. do dj=1,nq qj8 = Dset(dj) if (D(qj8) == Qmax) then exit endif enddo do i8=1,ndim8 L(i8, rank) = 0.d0 enddo iblock = iblock+1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(p) do p=1,np Ltmp_p(p,iblock) = Delta(p,dj) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (.not.computed(dj)) then m = dj if (do_direct_integrals) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(k) SCHEDULE(dynamic,21) do k=1,np if (.not.ao_two_e_integral_zero( addr1(Lset(k)), addr1(Dset(m)),& addr2(Lset(k)), addr2(Dset(m)) ) ) then Delta_col(k) = & ao_two_e_integral(addr1(Lset(k)), addr2(Lset(k)),& addr1(Dset(m)), addr2(Dset(m))) else Delta_col(k) = 0.d0 endif enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(k) SCHEDULE(dynamic,21) do k=1,np if (.not.ao_two_e_integral_zero( addr1(Lset(k)), addr1(Dset(m)),& addr2(Lset(k)), addr2(Dset(m)) ) ) then Delta_col(k) = & get_ao_two_e_integral( addr1(Lset(k)), addr1(Dset(m)),& addr2(Lset(k)), addr2(Dset(m)), ao_integrals_map) else Delta_col(k) = 0.d0 endif enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(p) do p=1,np Ltmp_p(p,iblock) = Ltmp_p(p,iblock) + Delta_col(p) Delta(p,dj) = Ltmp_p(p,iblock) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO computed(dj) = .True. endif ! iv. if (iblock > 1) then call dgemv('N', np, iblock-1, -1.d0, Ltmp_p, np, Ltmp_q(dj,1), nq, 1.d0,& Ltmp_p(1,iblock), 1) endif ! iii. f = 1.d0/dsqrt(Qmax) !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(p,q) DEFAULT(shared) !$OMP DO do p=1,np Ltmp_p(p,iblock) = Ltmp_p(p,iblock) * f L(Lset(p), rank) = Ltmp_p(p,iblock) D(Lset(p)) = D(Lset(p)) - Ltmp_p(p,iblock) * Ltmp_p(p,iblock) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do q=1,nq Ltmp_q(q,iblock) = L(Dset(q), rank) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL Qmax = D(Dset(1)) do q=1,nq Qmax = max(Qmax, D(Dset(q))) enddo enddo print '(I10, 4X, ES12.3)', rank, Qmax deallocate(Delta_col) deallocate(Ltmp_p) deallocate(Ltmp_q) deallocate(computed) if (delta_on_disk) then call munmap( (/ np*1_8, nq*1_8 /), 8, fd(2), c_pointer(2) ) else deallocate(Delta) endif ! i. N = rank ! j. Dmax = D(Lset(1)) do p=1,np Dmax = max(Dmax, D(Lset(p))) enddo dscale = 1.d0 dscale_tmp = dscale*dscale*Dmax np8=0_8 do p8=1,ndim8 if ( dscale_tmp*D(p8) > tau2 ) then np8 = np8+1_8 Lset(np8) = p8 endif enddo np = np8 enddo print *, '============ =============' print *, '' allocate(cholesky_ao(ao_num,ao_num,rank), stat=ierr) !print *, 'allocate : cholesky_ao(ao_num,ao_num,rank)', memory_of_double8(ao_num*ao_num*rank*1_8) if (ierr /= 0) then call print_memory_usage() print *, irp_here, ': Allocation failed' stop -1 endif !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(k,j) do k=1,rank do j=1,ao_num cholesky_ao(1:ao_num,j,k) = L((j-1)*ao_num+1:j*ao_num,k) enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call munmap( (/ ndim8, rank_max /), 8, fd(1), c_pointer(1) ) cholesky_ao_num = rank if (write_ao_cholesky) then print *, 'Writing Cholesky AO vectors to disk...' iunit = getUnitAndOpen(trim(ezfio_work_dir)//'cholesky_ao', 'W') write(iunit) rank write(iunit) cholesky_ao close(iunit) call ezfio_set_ao_two_e_ints_io_ao_cholesky('Read') endif endif print *, 'Rank : ', cholesky_ao_num, '(', 100.d0*dble(cholesky_ao_num)/dble(ao_num*ao_num), ' %)' print *, '' call wall_time(wall1) print*,'Time to provide AO cholesky vectors = ',(wall1-wall0)/60.d0, ' min' END_PROVIDER