open Qptypes (* Type for bits strings ===================== list of Bits *) type t = Bit.t list (* String representation *) let to_string b = let rec do_work accu = function | [] -> accu | head :: tail -> let new_accu = (Bit.to_string head) ^ accu in do_work new_accu tail in do_work "" b let of_string ?(zero='0') ?(one='1') s = List.init (String.length s) (String.get s) |> List.rev_map ( fun c -> if (c = zero) then Bit.Zero else if (c = one) then Bit.One else (failwith ("Error in bitstring ") ) ) let of_string_mp s = List.init (String.length s) (String.get s) |> List.rev_map (function | '-' -> Bit.Zero | '+' -> Bit.One | _ -> failwith ("Error in bitstring ") ) (* Create a bit list from an int64 *) let of_int64 i = let rec do_work accu = function | 0L -> Bit.Zero :: accu |> List.rev | 1L -> Bit.One :: accu |> List.rev | i -> let b = match (Int64.logand i 1L ) with | 0L -> Bit.Zero | 1L -> Bit.One | _ -> raise (Failure "i land 1 not in (0,1)") in do_work (b :: accu) (Int64.shift_right_logical i 1) in let adjust_length result = let rec do_work accu = function | 64 -> List.rev accu | i when i>64 -> raise (Failure "Error in of_int64 > 64") | i when i<0 -> raise (Failure "Error in of_int64 < 0") | i -> do_work (Bit.Zero :: accu) (i+1) in do_work (List.rev result) (List.length result) in adjust_length (do_work [] i) (* Create an int64 from a bit list *) let to_int64 l = assert ( (List.length l) <= 64) ; let rec do_work accu = function | [] -> accu | Bit.Zero::tail -> do_work Int64.(shift_left accu 1) tail | Bit.One::tail -> do_work Int64.(logor one (shift_left accu 1)) tail in do_work (List.rev l) (* Create a bit list from a list of int64 *) let of_int64_list l = of_int64 l |> List.concat (* Create a bit list from an array of int64 *) let of_int64_array l = of_int64 l |> Array.to_list |> List.concat (* Compute n_int *) let n_int_of_mo_num mo_num = let bit_kind_size = Bit_kind_size.to_int (Lazy.force Qpackage.bit_kind_size) in N_int_number.of_int ( (mo_num-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 ) (* Create a zero bit list *) let zero n_int = let n_int = N_int_number.to_int n_int in let a = Array.init n_int (fun i-> 0L) in of_int64_list ( Array.to_list a ) (* Create an int64 list from a bit list *) let to_int64_list l = let rec do_work accu buf counter = function | [] -> begin match buf with | [] -> accu | _ -> (List.rev buf)::accu end | i::tail -> if (counter < 64) then do_work accu (i::buf) (counter+1) tail else do_work ( (List.rev (i::buf))::accu) [] 1 tail in let l = do_work [] [] 1 l in List.rev_map to_int64 l (* Create an array of int64 from a bit list *) let to_int64_array l = to_int64_list l |> Array.of_list (* Create a bit list from a list of MO indices *) let of_mo_number_list n_int l = let n_int = N_int_number.to_int n_int in let length = n_int*64 in let a = Array.make length (Bit.Zero) in List.iter (fun i-> a.((MO_number.to_int i)-1) <- Bit.One) l; Array.to_list a let to_mo_number_list l = let a = Array.of_list l in let mo_num = MO_number.get_max () in let rec do_work accu = function | 0 -> accu | i -> begin let new_accu = match a.(i-1) with | Bit.One -> (MO_number.of_int ~max:mo_num i)::accu | Bit.Zero -> accu in do_work new_accu (i-1) end in do_work [] (List.length l) (* logical operations on bit_list *) let logical_operator2 op a b = let rec do_work_binary result a b = match a, b with | [], [] -> result | [], _ | _ , [] -> raise (Failure "Lists should have same length") | (ha::ta), (hb::tb) -> let newbit = op ha hb in do_work_binary (newbit::result) ta tb in List.rev (do_work_binary [] a b) let logical_operator1 op b = let rec do_work_unary result b = match b with | [] -> result | (hb::tb) -> let newbit = op hb in do_work_unary (newbit::result) tb in List.rev (do_work_unary [] b) let and_operator a b = logical_operator2 Bit.and_operator a b let xor_operator a b = logical_operator2 Bit.xor_operator a b let or_operator a b = logical_operator2 Bit.or_operator a b let not_operator b = logical_operator1 Bit.not_operator b let popcnt b = List.fold_left (fun accu -> function | Bit.One -> accu+1 | Bit.Zero -> accu ) 0 b