source /home_lct/eginer/qp2/quantum_package.rc input=$1 basis=$2 atom=$3 mul=$4 EXPORT_OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 dir=${input}_${basis} mkdir ${dir} cp ${input}.xyz ${dir}/ cd $dir EZFIO=${input}_${basis}_bi_ortho qp create_ezfio -b "${atom}:cc-pcv${basis}|H:cc-pv${basis}" ${input}.xyz -m $mul -o $EZFIO qp run scf # Getting THE GOOD VALUE OF MU qp run print_mu_av_tc | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.mu_av.out mu=`grep "average_mu_rs_c_lda =" ${EZFIO_FILE}.mu_av.out | cut -d "=" -f 2` qp set ao_two_e_erf_ints mu_erf $mu # Carrying the BI-ORTHO TC-SCF qp run tc_scf | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.tc_scf.out # Three body terms without normal order ### THREE E TERMS FOR FCI qp set tc_keywords three_body_h_tc True qp set tc_keywords double_normal_ord False qp set perturbation pt2_max 0.003 qp run fci_tc_bi_ortho | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.tc_fci.out # Three body terms with normal order qp set tc_keywords double_normal_ord True qp run fci_tc_bi_ortho | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.tc_fci_normal_order.out cd ../