use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_cas_complex, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ complex*16, psi_cas_coef_complex, (psi_det_size,n_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, idx_cas_complex, (psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_cas_complex ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! |CAS| wave function, defined from the application of the |CAS| bitmask on the ! determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the |CAS| determinant in psi_det. END_DOC integer :: i, k, l logical :: good n_det_cas_complex = 0 do i=1,N_det do l = 1, N_states psi_cas_coef_complex(i,l) = (0.d0,0.d0) enddo good = .True. do k=1,N_int good = good .and. ( & iand(not(act_bitmask(k,1)), psi_det(k,1,i)) == & iand(not(act_bitmask(k,1)), hf_bitmask(k,1)) ) .and. ( & iand(not(act_bitmask(k,2)), psi_det(k,2,i)) == & iand(not(act_bitmask(k,2)), hf_bitmask(k,2)) ) enddo if (good) then exit endif if (good) then n_det_cas_complex = n_det_cas_complex+1 do k=1,N_int psi_cas_complex(k,1,n_det_cas_complex) = psi_det(k,1,i) psi_cas_complex(k,2,n_det_cas_complex) = psi_det(k,2,i) enddo idx_cas(n_det_cas_complex) = i do k=1,N_states psi_cas_coef_complex(n_det_cas_complex,k) = psi_coef_complex(i,k) enddo endif enddo call write_int(6,n_det_cas_complex, 'Number of determinants in the CAS') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_cas_sorted_bit_complex, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ complex*16, psi_cas_coef_sorted_bit_complex, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! |CAS| determinants sorted to accelerate the search of a random determinant in the wave ! function. END_DOC call sort_dets_by_det_search_key_complex(n_det_cas_complex, psi_cas_complex, psi_cas_coef_complex, size(psi_cas_coef_complex,1), & psi_cas_sorted_bit_complex, psi_cas_coef_sorted_bit_complex, N_states) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_non_cas_complex, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ complex*16, psi_non_cas_coef_complex, (psi_det_size,n_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, idx_non_cas_complex, (psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_non_cas_complex ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Set of determinants which are not part of the |CAS|, defined from the application ! of the |CAS| bitmask on the determinants. ! idx_non_cas gives the indice of the determinant in psi_det. END_DOC integer :: i_non_cas,j,k integer :: degree logical :: in_cas i_non_cas =0 do k=1,N_det in_cas = .False. do j=1,N_det_cas_complex call get_excitation_degree(psi_cas_complex(1,1,j), psi_det(1,1,k), degree, N_int) if (degree == 0) then in_cas = .True. exit endif enddo if (.not.in_cas) then double precision :: hij i_non_cas += 1 do j=1,N_int psi_non_cas_complex(j,1,i_non_cas) = psi_det(j,1,k) psi_non_cas_complex(j,2,i_non_cas) = psi_det(j,2,k) enddo do j=1,N_states psi_non_cas_coef_complex(i_non_cas,j) = psi_coef_complex(k,j) enddo idx_non_cas_complex(i_non_cas) = k endif enddo N_det_non_cas_complex = i_non_cas END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_non_cas_sorted_bit_complex, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ complex*16, psi_non_cas_coef_sorted_bit_complex, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! |CAS| determinants sorted to accelerate the search of a random determinant in the wave ! function. END_DOC !TODO: should this be n_det_non_cas_complex? call sort_dets_by_det_search_key_complex(N_det_cas_complex, psi_non_cas_complex, psi_non_cas_coef_complex, size(psi_non_cas_coef_complex,1), & psi_non_cas_sorted_bit_complex, psi_non_cas_coef_sorted_bit_complex, N_states) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [complex*16, H_matrix_cas_complex, (N_det_cas_complex,N_det_cas_complex)] implicit none integer :: i,j complex*16 :: hij do i = 1, N_det_cas_complex do j = 1, N_det_cas_complex call i_h_j_complex(psi_cas_complex(1,1,i),psi_cas_complex(1,1,j),N_int,hij) H_matrix_cas_complex(i,j) = hij enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [complex*16, psi_coef_cas_diagonalized_complex, (N_det_cas_complex,N_states)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, psi_cas_energy_diagonalized_complex, (N_states)] implicit none integer :: i,j double precision, allocatable :: eigenvalues(:) complex*16, allocatable :: eigenvectors(:,:) allocate (eigenvectors(size(H_matrix_cas,1),N_det_cas)) allocate (eigenvalues(N_det_cas)) call lapack_diag_complex(eigenvalues,eigenvectors, & H_matrix_cas_complex,size(H_matrix_cas_complex,1),N_det_cas_complex) do i = 1, N_states psi_cas_energy_diagonalized_complex(i) = eigenvalues(i) do j = 1, N_det_cas_complex psi_coef_cas_diagonalized_complex(j,i) = eigenvectors(j,i) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER