BEGIN_PROVIDER [ complex*16, mo_coef_novirt_complex, (ao_num,n_core_inact_act_orb) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! MO coefficients without virtual MOs END_DOC integer :: j,jj do j=1,n_core_inact_act_orb jj = list_core_inact_act(j) mo_coef_novirt_complex(:,j) = mo_coef_complex(:,jj) enddo END_PROVIDER subroutine ao_to_mo_novirt_complex(A_ao,LDA_ao,A_mo,LDA_mo) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Transform A from the |AO| basis to the |MO| basis excluding virtuals ! ! $C^\dagger.A_{ao}.C$ END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: LDA_ao,LDA_mo complex*16, intent(in) :: A_ao(LDA_ao,ao_num) complex*16, intent(out) :: A_mo(LDA_mo,n_core_inact_act_orb) complex*16, allocatable :: T(:,:) allocate ( T(ao_num,n_core_inact_act_orb) ) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: T call zgemm('N','N', ao_num, n_core_inact_act_orb, ao_num, & (1.d0,0.d0), A_ao,LDA_ao, & mo_coef_novirt_complex, size(mo_coef_novirt_complex,1), & (0.d0,0.d0), T, size(T,1)) call zgemm('C','N', n_core_inact_act_orb, n_core_inact_act_orb, ao_num,& (1.d0,0.d0), mo_coef_novirt_complex,size(mo_coef_novirt_complex,1), & T, ao_num, & (0.d0,0.d0), A_mo, size(A_mo,1)) deallocate(T) end subroutine ao_to_mo_novirt_conjg_complex(A_ao,LDA_ao,A_mo,LDA_mo) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Transform A from the |AO| basis to the |MO| basis excluding virtuals ! ! $C^\dagger.A_{ao}.C^*$ ! half-transformed ints as handled by four_idx_novvvv need to use this END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: LDA_ao,LDA_mo complex*16, intent(in) :: A_ao(LDA_ao,ao_num) complex*16, intent(out) :: A_mo(LDA_mo,n_core_inact_act_orb) complex*16, allocatable :: T(:,:) allocate ( T(ao_num,n_core_inact_act_orb) ) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: T call zgemm('N','N', ao_num, n_core_inact_act_orb, ao_num, & (1.d0,0.d0), A_ao,LDA_ao, & dconjg(mo_coef_novirt_complex), size(mo_coef_novirt_complex,1), & (0.d0,0.d0), T, size(T,1)) call zgemm('C','N', n_core_inact_act_orb, n_core_inact_act_orb, ao_num,& (1.d0,0.d0), mo_coef_novirt_complex,size(mo_coef_novirt_complex,1), & T, ao_num, & (0.d0,0.d0), A_mo, size(A_mo,1)) deallocate(T) end subroutine four_idx_novvvv_complex use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Retransform MO integrals for next CAS-SCF step END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l,n_integrals1,n_integrals2 logical :: use_map1 complex*16, allocatable :: f(:,:,:), f2(:,:,:), d(:,:), T(:,:,:,:), T2(:,:,:,:) complex*16, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral_periodic integer(key_kind), allocatable :: idx1(:),idx2(:) complex(integral_kind), allocatable :: values1(:),values2(:) double precision :: sign_tmp integer(key_kind) :: idx_tmp integer :: p,q,r,s allocate( T(n_core_inact_act_orb,n_core_inact_act_orb,ao_num,ao_num) , & T2(n_core_inact_act_orb,n_core_inact_act_orb,ao_num,ao_num) ) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(mo_num,ao_num,T,n_core_inact_act_orb, & !$OMP mo_integrals_threshold,mo_integrals_map, & !$OMP mo_integrals_map_2,ao_integrals_map_2, & !$OMP list_core_inact_act,T2,ao_integrals_map) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k,l,p,q,r,s,idx1,idx2,values1,values2,n_integrals1, & !$OMP n_integrals2,use_map1,idx_tmp,sign_tmp, & !$OMP f,f2,d) allocate(f(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num), f2(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num), d(mo_num,mo_num), & idx1(2*mo_num*mo_num), values1(2*mo_num*mo_num), & idx2(2*mo_num*mo_num), values2(2*mo_num*mo_num) ) ! !$OMP DO do s=1,ao_num do r=1,ao_num do q=1,ao_num do p=1,r f (p,q,r) = get_ao_two_e_integral_periodic(p,q,r,s,ao_integrals_map,ao_integrals_map_2) f (r,q,p) = get_ao_two_e_integral_periodic(r,q,p,s,ao_integrals_map,ao_integrals_map_2) enddo enddo enddo do r=1,ao_num do q=1,ao_num do p=1,ao_num f2(p,q,r) = f(p,r,q) enddo enddo enddo ! f (p,q,r) = ! f2(p,q,r) = do r=1,ao_num call ao_to_mo_novirt_conjg_complex(f (1,1,r),size(f ,1),T (1,1,r,s),size(T,1)) call ao_to_mo_novirt_complex(f2(1,1,r),size(f2,1),T2(1,1,r,s),size(T,1)) enddo ! T (i,j,p,q) = ! T2(i,j,p,q) = enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do j=1,n_core_inact_act_orb do i=1,n_core_inact_act_orb do s=1,ao_num do r=1,ao_num f (r,s,1) = T (i,j,r,s) f2(r,s,1) = T2(i,j,r,s) enddo enddo call ao_to_mo_noconjg_complex(f ,size(f ,1),d,size(d,1)) n_integrals1 = 0 n_integrals2 = 0 do l=1,mo_num do k=1,mo_num call ao_two_e_integral_periodic_map_idx_sign(list_core_inact_act(i),list_core_inact_act(j),k,l,use_map1,idx_tmp,sign_tmp) if (use_map1) then n_integrals1+=1 values1(n_integrals1) = dble(d(k,l)) idx1(n_integrals1) = idx_tmp if (sign_tmp /= 0.d0) then ! should always be true, but might change in the future n_integrals1+=1 values1(n_integrals1) = sign_tmp*dimag(d(k,l)) idx1(n_integrals1) = idx_tmp+1 endif else n_integrals2+=1 values2(n_integrals2) = dble(d(k,l)) idx2(n_integrals2) = idx_tmp if (sign_tmp /= 0.d0) then n_integrals2+=1 values2(n_integrals2) = sign_tmp*dimag(d(k,l)) idx2(n_integrals2) = idx_tmp+1 endif endif enddo enddo call map_append(mo_integrals_map, idx1, values1, n_integrals1) call map_append(mo_integrals_map_2, idx2, values2, n_integrals2) call ao_to_mo(f2,size(f2,1),d,size(d,1)) n_integrals1 = 0 n_integrals2 = 0 do l=1,mo_num do k=1,mo_num call ao_two_e_integral_periodic_map_idx_sign(list_core_inact_act(i),k,list_core_inact_act(j),l,use_map1,idx_tmp,sign_tmp) if (use_map1) then n_integrals1+=1 values1(n_integrals1) = dble(d(k,l)) idx1(n_integrals1) = idx_tmp if (sign_tmp /= 0.d0) then ! should always be true, but might change in the future n_integrals1+=1 values1(n_integrals1) = sign_tmp*dimag(d(k,l)) idx1(n_integrals1) = idx_tmp+1 endif else n_integrals2+=1 values2(n_integrals2) = dble(d(k,l)) idx2(n_integrals2) = idx_tmp if (sign_tmp /= 0.d0) then n_integrals2+=1 values2(n_integrals2) = sign_tmp*dimag(d(k,l)) idx2(n_integrals2) = idx_tmp+1 endif endif enddo enddo call map_append(mo_integrals_map, idx1, values1, n_integrals1) call map_append(mo_integrals_map_2, idx2, values2, n_integrals2) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO deallocate(f,f2,d,idx1,idx2,values1,values2) !$OMP END PARALLEL deallocate(T,T2) call map_sort(mo_integrals_map) call map_unique(mo_integrals_map) call map_shrink(mo_integrals_map,real(mo_integrals_threshold,integral_kind)) call map_sort(mo_integrals_map_2) call map_unique(mo_integrals_map_2) call map_shrink(mo_integrals_map_2,real(mo_integrals_threshold,integral_kind)) end subroutine four_idx_novvvv2_complex use bitmasks implicit none integer :: i integer(bit_kind) :: mask_ijkl(N_int,4) print*, '' do i = 1,N_int mask_ijkl(i,1) = core_inact_act_bitmask_4(i,1) mask_ijkl(i,2) = full_ijkl_bitmask_4(i,1) mask_ijkl(i,3) = core_inact_act_bitmask_4(i,1) mask_ijkl(i,4) = full_ijkl_bitmask_4(i,1) enddo call add_integrals_to_map_complex(mask_ijkl) print*, '' do i = 1,N_int mask_ijkl(i,1) = core_inact_act_bitmask_4(i,1) mask_ijkl(i,2) = core_inact_act_bitmask_4(i,1) mask_ijkl(i,3) = virt_bitmask(i,1) mask_ijkl(i,4) = virt_bitmask(i,1) enddo call add_integrals_to_map_complex(mask_ijkl) end