* DIIS https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02492983/document Maxime Chupin, Mi-Song Dupuy, Guillaume Legendre, Eric Séré. Convergence analysis of adaptive DIIS algorithms witerh application to electronic ground state calculations. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, EDP Sciences, 2021, 55 (6), pp.2785 - 2825. 10.1051/m2an/2021069ff.ffhal-02492983v5 t_{k+1} = g(t_k) err_k = f(t_k) = t_{k+1} - t_k m_k = min(m,k) m maximal depth t_{k+1} = \sum_{i=0}^{m_k} c_i^k g(t_{k-m_k+i}) \sum_{i=0}^{m_k} c_i^k = 1 b_{ij}^k = < err^{k-m_k+j}, err^{k-m_k+i} > (b -1) ( c^k ) = ( 0 ) (-1 0) ( \lambda) ( -1 ) lambda is used to put the constraint \sum_{i=0}^{m_k} c_i^k = 1 In: t_0, err_0, m err_0 = g(t_0) k = 0 m_k = 0 while ||err_k|| > CC A.x=b t_{k+1} = \sum_{i=0}^{m_k} c_i^k g(t_{k-m_k+i}) err_{k+1} = f(t_{k+1}) m_{k+1} = min(m_k+1,m) k = k +1 end * Code #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine diis_cc(all_err,all_t,sze,m,iter,t) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! DIIS. Take the error vectors and the amplitudes of the previous ! iterations to compute the new amplitudes END_DOC ! {err_i}_{i=1}^{m_it} -> B -> c ! {t_i}_{i=1}^{m_it}, c, {err_i}_{i=1}^{m_it} -> t_{m_it+1} integer, intent(in) :: m,iter,sze double precision, intent(in) :: all_err(sze,m) double precision, intent(in) :: all_t(sze,m) double precision, intent(out) :: t(sze) double precision, allocatable :: B(:,:), c(:), zero(:) integer :: m_iter integer :: i,j,k integer :: info integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:) double precision :: accu m_iter = min(m,iter) !print*,'m_iter',m_iter allocate(B(m_iter+1,m_iter+1), c(m_iter), zero(m_iter+1)) allocate(ipiv(m+1)) ! B(i,j) = < err(iter-m_iter+j),err(iter-m_iter+i) > ! iter-m_iter will be zero for us B = 0d0 !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(B,m,m_iter,sze,all_err) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k,accu) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) do j = 1, m_iter do i = 1, m_iter accu = 0d0 !$OMP DO do k = 1, sze ! the errors of the ith iteration are in all_err(:,m+1-i) accu = accu + all_err(k,m+1-i) * all_err(k,m+1-j) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP CRITICAL B(i,j) = B(i,j) + accu !$OMP END CRITICAL enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, m_iter B(i,m_iter+1) = -1 enddo do j = 1, m_iter B(m_iter+1,j) = -1 enddo ! Debug !print*,'B' !do i = 1, m_iter+1 ! write(*,'(100(F10.6))') B(i,:) !enddo ! (0 0 .... 0 -1) zero = 0d0 zero(m_iter+1) = -1d0 ! Solve B.c = zero call dgesv(m_iter+1, 1, B, size(B,1), ipiv, zero, size(zero,1), info) if (info /= 0) then print*,'DIIS error in dgesv:', info call abort endif ! c corresponds to the m_iter first solutions c = zero(1:m_iter) ! Debug !print*,'c',c !print*,'all_t' !do i = 1, m ! write(*,'(100(F10.6))') all_t(:,i) !enddo !print*,'all_err' !do i = 1, m ! write(*,'(100(F10.6))') all_err(:,i) !enddo ! update T !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(t,c,m,all_err,all_t,sze,m_iter) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,accu) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO do i = 1, sze t(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO do i = 1, m_iter !$OMP DO do j = 1, sze t(j) = t(j) + c(i) * (all_t(j,m+1-i) + all_err(j,m+1-i)) enddo !$OMP END DO enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL !print*,'new t',t deallocate(ipiv,B,c,zero) end #+end_src ** Update all err #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine update_all_err(err,all_err,sze,m,iter) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Shift all the err vectors of the previous iterations to add the new one ! The last err vector is placed in the last position and all the others are ! moved toward the first one. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: m, iter, sze double precision, intent(in) :: err(sze) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_err(sze,m) integer :: i,j integer :: m_iter m_iter = min(m,iter) ! Shift !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(m,all_err,err,sze) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) do i = 1, m-1 !$OMP DO do j = 1, sze all_err(j,i) = all_err(j,i+1) enddo !$OMP END DO enddo ! Debug !print*,'shift err' !do i = 1, m ! print*,i, all_err(:,i) !enddo ! New !$OMP DO do i = 1, sze all_err(i,m) = err(i) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Debug !print*,'Updated err' !do i = 1, m ! print*,i, all_err(:,i) !enddo end #+end_src ** Update all t #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine update_all_t(t,all_t,sze,m,iter) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Shift all the t vectors of the previous iterations to add the new one ! The last t vector is placed in the last position and all the others are ! moved toward the first one. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: m, iter, sze double precision, intent(in) :: t(sze) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_t(sze,m) integer :: i,j integer :: m_iter m_iter = min(m,iter) ! Shift !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(m,all_t,t,sze) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) do i = 1, m-1 !$OMP DO do j = 1, sze all_t(j,i) = all_t(j,i+1) enddo !$OMP END DO enddo ! New !$OMP DO do i = 1, sze all_t(i,m) = t(i) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Debug !print*,'Updated t' !do i = 1, m ! print*,i, all_t(:,i) !enddo end #+end_src ** Err *** Err1 #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine compute_err1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,err1) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the error vector for the t1 END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: nO, nV double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV), r1(nO,nV) double precision, intent(out) :: err1(nO,nV) integer :: i,a !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(err1,r1,f_o,f_v,nO,nV,cc_level_shift) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,a) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO do a = 1, nV do i = 1, nO err1(i,a) = - r1(i,a) / (f_o(i) - f_v(a) - cc_level_shift) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL end #+end_src *** Err2 #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine compute_err2(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r2,err2) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the error vector for the t2 END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: nO, nV double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV), r2(nO,nO,nV,nV) double precision, intent(out) :: err2(nO,nO,nV,nV) integer :: i,j,a,b !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(err2,r2,f_o,f_v,nO,nV,cc_level_shift) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,a,b) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO collapse(3) do b = 1, nV do a = 1, nV do j = 1, nO do i = 1, nO err2(i,j,a,b) = - r2(i,j,a,b) / (f_o(i) + f_o(j) - f_v(a) - f_v(b) - cc_level_shift) enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL end #+end_src * Gather call diis ** Update t #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine update_t_ccsd(nO,nV,nb_iter,f_o,f_v,r1,r2,t1,t2,all_err1,all_err2,all_t1,all_t2) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nO,nV,nb_iter double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV) double precision, intent(in) :: r1(nO,nV), r2(nO,nO,nV,nV) double precision, intent(inout) :: t1(nO,nV), t2(nO,nO,nV,nV) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_err1(nO*nV, cc_diis_depth), all_err2(nO*nO*nV*nV, cc_diis_depth) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_t1(nO*nV, cc_diis_depth), all_t2(nO*nO*nV*nV, cc_diis_depth) double precision, allocatable :: err1(:,:), err2(:,:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: tmp_err1(:), tmp_err2(:) double precision, allocatable :: tmp_t1(:), tmp_t2(:) if (cc_update_method == 'diis') then allocate(err1(nO,nV), err2(nO,nO,nV,nV)) allocate(tmp_err1(nO*nV), tmp_err2(nO*nO*nV*nV)) allocate(tmp_t1(nO*nV), tmp_t2(nO*nO*nV*nV)) ! DIIS T1, it is not always good since the t1 can be small ! That's why there is a call to update the t1 in the standard way ! T1 error tensor !call compute_err1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,err1) ! Transfo errors and parameters in vectors !tmp_err1 = reshape(err1,(/nO*nV/)) !tmp_t1 = reshape(t1 ,(/nO*nV/)) ! Add the error and parameter vectors with those of the previous iterations !call update_all_err(tmp_err1,all_err1,nO*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) !call update_all_t (tmp_t1 ,all_t1 ,nO*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) ! Diis and reshape T as a tensor !call diis_cc(all_err1,all_t1,nO*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1,tmp_t1) !t1 = reshape(tmp_t1 ,(/nO,nV/)) call update_t1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,t1) ! DIIS T2 ! T2 error tensor call compute_err2(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r2,err2) ! Transfo errors and parameters in vectors tmp_err2 = reshape(err2,(/nO*nO*nV*nV/)) tmp_t2 = reshape(t2 ,(/nO*nO*nV*nV/)) ! Add the error and parameter vectors with those of the previous iterations call update_all_err(tmp_err2,all_err2,nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) call update_all_t (tmp_t2 ,all_t2 ,nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) ! Diis and reshape T as a tensor call diis_cc(all_err2,all_t2,nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1,tmp_t2) t2 = reshape(tmp_t2 ,(/nO,nO,nV,nV/)) deallocate(tmp_t1,tmp_t2,tmp_err1,tmp_err2,err1,err2) ! Standard update as T = T - Delta elseif (cc_update_method == 'none') then call update_t1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,t1) call update_t2(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r2,t2) else print*,'Unkonw cc_method_method: '//cc_update_method endif end #+end_src ** Update t v2 #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine update_t_ccsd_diis(nO,nV,nb_iter,f_o,f_v,r1,r2,t1,t2,all_err1,all_err2,all_t1,all_t2) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nO,nV,nb_iter double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV) double precision, intent(in) :: r1(nO,nV), r2(nO,nO,nV,nV) double precision, intent(inout) :: t1(nO,nV), t2(nO,nO,nV,nV) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_err1(nO*nV, cc_diis_depth), all_err2(nO*nO*nV*nV, cc_diis_depth) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_t1(nO*nV, cc_diis_depth), all_t2(nO*nO*nV*nV, cc_diis_depth) double precision, allocatable :: all_t(:,:), all_err(:,:), tmp_t(:) double precision, allocatable :: err1(:,:), err2(:,:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: tmp_err1(:), tmp_err2(:) double precision, allocatable :: tmp_t1(:), tmp_t2(:) integer :: i,j ! Allocate allocate(all_err(nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth), all_t(nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth)) allocate(tmp_t(nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV)) allocate(err1(nO,nV), err2(nO,nO,nV,nV)) allocate(tmp_err1(nO*nV), tmp_err2(nO*nO*nV*nV)) allocate(tmp_t1(nO*nV), tmp_t2(nO*nO*nV*nV)) ! Compute the errors and reshape them as vector call compute_err1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,err1) call compute_err2(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r2,err2) tmp_err1 = reshape(err1,(/nO*nV/)) tmp_err2 = reshape(err2,(/nO*nO*nV*nV/)) tmp_t1 = reshape(t1 ,(/nO*nV/)) tmp_t2 = reshape(t2 ,(/nO*nO*nV*nV/)) ! Update the errors and parameters for the diis call update_all_err(tmp_err1,all_err1,nO*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) call update_all_t (tmp_t1 ,all_t1 ,nO*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) call update_all_err(tmp_err2,all_err2,nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) call update_all_t (tmp_t2 ,all_t2 ,nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) ! Gather the different parameters and errors !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(nO,nV,all_err,all_err1,all_err2,cc_diis_depth,& !$OMP all_t,all_t1,all_t2) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) do j = 1, cc_diis_depth !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nV all_err(i,j) = all_err1(i,j) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT enddo do j = 1, cc_diis_depth !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nO*nV*nV all_err(i+nO*nV,j) = all_err2(i,j) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT enddo do j = 1, cc_diis_depth !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nV all_t(i,j) = all_t1(i,j) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT enddo do j = 1, cc_diis_depth !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nO*nV*nV all_t(i+nO*nV,j) = all_t2(i,j) enddo !$OMP END DO enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Diis call diis_cc(all_err,all_t,nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1,tmp_t) ! Split the resulting vector !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(nO,nV,tmp_t,tmp_t1,tmp_t2) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nV tmp_t1(i) = tmp_t(i) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nO*nV*nV tmp_t2(i) = tmp_t(i+nO*nV) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Reshape as tensors t1 = reshape(tmp_t1 ,(/nO,nV/)) t2 = reshape(tmp_t2 ,(/nO,nO,nV,nV/)) ! Deallocate deallocate(tmp_t1,tmp_t2,tmp_err1,tmp_err2,err1,err2,all_t,all_err) end #+end_src ** Update t v3 #+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle diis.irp.f subroutine update_t_ccsd_diis_v3(nO,nV,nb_iter,f_o,f_v,r1,r2,t1,t2,all_err,all_t) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nO,nV,nb_iter double precision, intent(in) :: f_o(nO), f_v(nV) double precision, intent(in) :: r1(nO,nV), r2(nO,nO,nV,nV) double precision, intent(inout) :: t1(nO*nV), t2(nO*nO*nV*nV) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_err(nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV, cc_diis_depth) double precision, intent(inout) :: all_t(nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV, cc_diis_depth) double precision, allocatable :: tmp(:) integer :: i,j ! Allocate allocate(tmp(nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV)) ! Compute the errors call compute_err1(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r1,tmp(1:nO*nV)) call compute_err2(nO,nV,f_o,f_v,r2,tmp(nO*nV+1:nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV)) ! Update the errors and parameters for the diis call update_all_err(tmp,all_err,nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(nO,nV,tmp,t1,t2) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nV tmp(i) = t1(i) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nO*nV*nV tmp(i+nO*nV) = t2(i) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call update_all_t(tmp,all_t,nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1) ! Diis call diis_cc(all_err,all_t,nO*nV+nO*nO*nV*nV,cc_diis_depth,nb_iter+1,tmp) ! Split the resulting vector !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP SHARED(nO,nV,tmp,t1,t2) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nV t1(i) = tmp(i) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP DO do i = 1, nO*nO*nV*nV t2(i) = tmp(i+nO*nV) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL ! Deallocate deallocate(tmp) end #+end_src