! Dipole moments ! Provided ! | N_states | integer | Number of states | ! | multi_s_x_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | (transition) dipole moments along x axis | ! | multi_s_y_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | (transition) dipole moments along y axis | ! | multi_s_z_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | (transition) dipole moments along z axis | ! | multi_s_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | Total (transition) dipole moments | subroutine print_dipole_moment implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! To print the dipole moment ||<\Psi_i|\mu|\Psi_i>|| and its x,y,z components END_DOC integer :: istate double precision, allocatable :: d(:), d_x(:), d_y(:), d_z(:) allocate(d(N_states),d_x(N_states),d_y(N_states),d_z(N_states)) do istate = 1, N_states d_x(istate) = multi_s_x_dipole_moment(istate,istate) d_y(istate) = multi_s_y_dipole_moment(istate,istate) d_z(istate) = multi_s_z_dipole_moment(istate,istate) d(istate) = multi_s_dipole_moment(istate,istate) enddo ! Atomic units print*,'' print*,'# Dipoles:' print*,'==============================================' print*,' Dipole moments (au)' print*,' State X Y Z ||MU||' do istate = 1, N_states write(*,'(I5,4(F12.6))') (istate-1), d_x(istate), d_y(istate), d_z(istate), d(istate) enddo ! Debye print*,'' print*,' Dipole moments (D)' print*,' State X Y Z ||MU||' do istate = 1, N_states write(*,'(I5,4(F12.6))') (istate-1), d_x(istate)*au_to_D, d_y(istate)*au_to_D, d_z(istate)*au_to_D, d(istate)*au_to_D enddo print*,'==============================================' print*,'' deallocate(d,d_x,d_y,d_z) end ! Transition dipole moments ! Provided ! | N_states | integer | Number of states | ! | multi_s_x_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | (transition) dipole moments along x axis | ! | multi_s_y_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | (transition) dipole moments along y axis | ! | multi_s_z_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | (transition) dipole moments along z axis | ! | multi_s_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | Total (transition) dipole moments | subroutine print_transition_dipole_moment implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! To print the transition dipole moment ||<\Psi_i|\mu|\Psi_j>|| and its components along x, y and z END_DOC integer :: istate,jstate, n_states_print double precision :: f, d, d_x, d_y, d_z, dip_str if (N_states == 1 .or. N_det == 1) then return endif print*,'' print*,'# Transition dipoles:' print*,'==============================================' print*,' Transition dipole moments (au)' write(*,'(A89)') ' # Transition X Y Z ||MU|| Dip. str. Osc. str.' if (print_all_transitions) then n_states_print = N_states else n_states_print = 1 endif do jstate = 1, n_states_print !N_states do istate = jstate + 1, N_states d_x = multi_s_x_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) d_y = multi_s_y_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) d_z = multi_s_z_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) dip_str = d_x**2 + d_y**2 + d_z**2 d = multi_s_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) f = 2d0/3d0 * d * d * dabs(ci_energy_no_diag(istate) - ci_energy_no_diag(jstate)) write(*,'(I4,I4,A4,I3,6(F12.6))') (istate-1), (jstate-1), ' ->', (istate-1), d_x, d_y, d_z, d, dip_str, f enddo enddo print*,'' print*,' Transition dipole moments (D)' write(*,'(A89)') ' # Transition X Y Z ||MU|| Dip. str. Osc. str.' do jstate = 1, n_states_print !N_states do istate = jstate + 1, N_states d_x = multi_s_x_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) * au_to_D d_y = multi_s_y_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) * au_to_D d_z = multi_s_z_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) * au_to_D d = multi_s_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) dip_str = d_x**2 + d_y**2 + d_z**2 f = 2d0/3d0 * d * d * dabs(ci_energy_no_diag(istate) - ci_energy_no_diag(jstate)) d = multi_s_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) * au_to_D write(*,'(I4,I4,A4,I3,6(F12.6))') (istate-1), (jstate-1), ' ->', (istate-1), d_x, d_y, d_z, d, dip_str, f enddo enddo print*,'==============================================' print*,'' end ! Oscillator strengths ! Provided ! | N_states | integer | Number of states | ! | multi_s_dipole_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | Total (transition) dipole moments | ! | multi_s_deriv1_moment(N_states,N_states) | double precision | Total (transition) ... | ! | ci_energy_no_diag(N_states) | double precision | CI energy of each state | ! Internal ! | f_l | double precision | Oscillator strength in length gauge | ! | f_v | double precision | Oscillator strength in velocity gauge | ! | f_m | double precision | Oscillator strength in mixed gauge | ! | n_states_print | integer | Number of printed states | subroutine print_oscillator_strength implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2004.03.126 ! Oscillator strength in: ! - length gauge, f^l_{ij} = 2/3 (E_i - E_j) <\Psi_i|r|\Psi_j> <\Psi_j|r|\Psi_i> ! - velocity gauge, f^v_{ij} = 2/3 (E_i - E_j)^(-1) <\Psi_i|v|\Psi_j> <\Psi_j|v|\Psi_i> ! - mixed gauge, f^m_{ij} = -2i/3 <\Psi_i|r|\Psi_j> <\Psi_j|v|\Psi_i> END_DOC integer :: istate,jstate,k, n_states_print double precision :: f_l,f_v,f_m,d,v if (N_states == 1 .or. N_det == 1) then return endif print*,'' print*,'# Oscillator strength:' print*,'==============================================' if (print_all_transitions) then n_states_print = N_states else n_states_print = 1 endif write(*,'(A103)') ' Oscillator strength in length gauge (f_l), velocity gauge (f_v) and mixed length-velocity gauge (f_m)' do jstate = 1, n_states_print !N_states do istate = jstate + 1, N_states d = multi_s_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) v = multi_s_deriv_1(istate,jstate) ! Length gauge f_l = 2d0/3d0 * d * d * dabs(ci_energy_no_diag(istate) - ci_energy_no_diag(jstate)) ! Velocity gauge f_v = 2d0/3d0 * v * v * 1d0/dabs(ci_energy_no_diag(istate) - ci_energy_no_diag(jstate)) ! Mixed gauge f_m = 2d0/3d0 * d * v write(*,'(A19,I3,A9,F10.6,A5,F7.1,A10,F9.6,A6,F9.6,A6,F9.6,A8,F7.3)') ' # Transition n.', (istate-1), ': Excit.=', dabs((ci_energy_no_diag(istate) - ci_energy_no_diag(jstate)))*ha_to_ev, & ' eV ( ',dabs((ci_energy_no_diag(istate) - ci_energy_no_diag(jstate)))*Ha_to_nm,' nm), f_l=',f_l, ', f_v=', f_v, ', f_m=', f_m, ', =', s2_values(istate) !write(*,'(I4,I4,A4,I3,A6,F6.1,A6,F6.1)') (istate-1), (jstate-1), ' ->', (istate-1), ', %T1=', percent_exc(2,istate), ', %T2=',percent_exc(3,istate) enddo enddo print*,'==============================================' print*,'' end