* Gradient The gradient of the CI energy with respects to the orbital rotation is: (C-c C-x C-l) $$ G(p,q) = \mathcal{P}_{pq} \left[ \sum_r (h_p^r \gamma_r^q - h_r^q \gamma_p^r) + \sum_{rst}(v_{pt}^{rs} \Gamma_{rs}^{qt} - v_{rs}^{qt} \Gamma_{pt}^{rs}) \right] $$ $$ \mathcal{P}_{pq}= 1 - (p \leftrightarrow q) $$ $$ G(p,q) = \left[ \sum_r (h_p^r \gamma_r^q - h_r^q \gamma_p^r) + \sum_{rst}(v_{pt}^{rs} \Gamma_{rs}^{qt} - v_{rs}^{qt} \Gamma_{pt}^{rs}) \right] - \left[ \sum_r (h_q^r \gamma_r^p - h_r^p \gamma_q^r) + \sum_{rst}(v_{qt}^{rs} \Gamma_{rs}^{pt} - v_{rs}^{pt} \Gamma_{qt}^{rs}) \right] $$ Where p,q,r,s,t are general spatial orbitals mo_num : the number of molecular orbitals $$h$$ : One electron integrals $$\gamma$$ : One body density matrix (state average in our case) $$v$$ : Two electron integrals $$\Gamma$$ : Two body density matrice (state average in our case) The gradient is a mo_num by mo_num matrix, p,q,r,s,t take all the values between 1 and mo_num (1 and mo_num include). To do that we compute $$G(p,q)$$ for all the pairs (p,q). Source : Seniority-based coupled cluster theory J. Chem. Phys. 141, 244104 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4904384 Thomas M. Henderson, Ireneusz W. Bulik, Tamar Stein, and Gustavo E. Scuseria *Compute the gradient of energy with respects to orbital rotations* Provided: | mo_num | integer | number of MOs | | mo_one_e_integrals(mo_num,mo_num) | double precision | mono_electronic integrals | | one_e_dm_mo(mo_num,mo_num) | double precision | one e- density matrix | | two_e_dm_mo(mo_num,mo_num,mo_num,mo_num) | double precision | two e- density matrix | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | Output: | v_grad(n) | double precision | the gradient | | max_elem | double precision | maximum element of the gradient | Internal: | grad(mo_num,mo_num) | double precison | gradient before the tranformation in a vector | | A((mo_num,mo_num) | doubre precision | gradient after the permutations | | norm | double precision | norm of the gradient | | p, q | integer | indexes of the element in the matrix grad | | i | integer | index for the tranformation in a vector | | r, s, t | integer | indexes dor the sums | | t1, t2, t3 | double precision | t3 = t2 - t1, time to compute the gradient | | t4, t5, t6 | double precission | t6 = t5 - t4, time to compute each element | | tmp_bi_int_3(mo_num,mo_num,mo_num) | double precision | 3 indexes temporary array for the bi-electronic integrals | | tmp_2rdm_3(mo_num,mo_num,mo_num) | double precision | 3 indexes temporary array for the two e- density matrix | | tmp_accu(mo_num,mo_num) | double precision | temporary array | Function: | get_two_e_integral | double precision | bi-electronic integrals | | dnrm2 | double precision | (Lapack) norm | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f subroutine gradient_opt(n,v_grad,max_elem) use omp_lib include 'constants.h' implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n ! out double precision, intent(out) :: v_grad(n), max_elem ! internal double precision, allocatable :: grad(:,:),A(:,:) double precision :: norm integer :: i,p,q,r,s,t double precision :: t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6 double precision, allocatable :: tmp_accu(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: tmp_bi_int_3(:,:,:), tmp_2rdm_3(:,:,:) ! Functions double precision :: get_two_e_integral, dnrm2 print*,'' print*,'---gradient---' ! Allocation of shared arrays allocate(grad(mo_num,mo_num),A(mo_num,mo_num)) ! Initialization omp call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE( & !$OMP p,q,r,s,t, & !$OMP tmp_accu, tmp_bi_int_3, tmp_2rdm_3) & !$OMP SHARED(grad, one_e_dm_mo, mo_num,mo_one_e_integrals, & !$OMP mo_integrals_map,t4,t5,t6) & !$OMP DEFAULT(SHARED) ! Allocation of private arrays allocate(tmp_accu(mo_num,mo_num)) allocate(tmp_bi_int_3(mo_num,mo_num,mo_num)) allocate(tmp_2rdm_3(mo_num,mo_num,mo_num)) #+END_SRC ** Calculation *** Initialization #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f !$OMP DO do q = 1, mo_num do p = 1,mo_num grad(p,q) = 0d0 enddo enddo !$OMP END DO #+END_SRC *** Term 1 Without optimization the term 1 is : do p = 1, mo_num do q = 1, mo_num do r = 1, mo_num grad(p,q) = grad(p,q) & + mo_one_e_integrals(p,r) * one_e_dm_mo(r,q) & - mo_one_e_integrals(r,q) * one_e_dm_mo(p,r) enddo enddo enddo Since the matrix multiplication A.B is defined like : \begin{equation} c_{ij} = \sum_k a_{ik}.b_{kj} \end{equation} The previous equation can be rewritten as a matrix multplication #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f !**************** ! Opt first term !**************** !$OMP MASTER CALL wall_TIME(t4) !$OMP END MASTER call dgemm('N','N',mo_num,mo_num,mo_num,1d0,mo_one_e_integrals,& mo_num,one_e_dm_mo,mo_num,0d0,tmp_accu,mo_num) !$OMP DO do q = 1, mo_num do p = 1, mo_num grad(p,q) = grad(p,q) + (tmp_accu(p,q) - tmp_accu(q,p)) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER CALL wall_TIME(t5) t6 = t5-t4 print*,'Gradient, first term (s) :', t6 !$OMP END MASTER #+END_SRC *** Term 2 Without optimization the second term is : do p = 1, mo_num do q = 1, mo_num do r = 1, mo_num do s = 1, mo_num do t= 1, mo_num grad(p,q) = grad(p,q) & + get_two_e_integral(p,t,r,s,mo_integrals_map) * two_e_dm_mo(r,s,q,t) & - get_two_e_integral(r,s,q,t,mo_integrals_map) * two_e_dm_mo(p,t,r,s) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo Using the bielectronic integral properties : get_two_e_integral(p,t,r,s,mo_integrals_map) = get_two_e_integral(r,s,p,t,mo_integrals_map) Using the two body matrix properties : two_e_dm_mo(p,t,r,s) = two_e_dm_mo(r,s,p,t) t is one the right, we can put it on the external loop and create 3 indexes temporary array r,s can be seen as one index By doing so, a matrix multiplication appears #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f !***************** ! Opt second term !***************** !$OMP MASTER CALL wall_TIME(t4) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do t = 1, mo_num do p = 1, mo_num do s = 1, mo_num do r = 1, mo_num tmp_bi_int_3(r,s,p) = get_two_e_integral(r,s,p,t,mo_integrals_map) enddo enddo enddo do q = 1, mo_num do s = 1, mo_num do r = 1, mo_num tmp_2rdm_3(r,s,q) = two_e_dm_mo(r,s,q,t) enddo enddo enddo call dgemm('T','N',mo_num,mo_num,mo_num*mo_num,1d0,tmp_bi_int_3,& mo_num*mo_num,tmp_2rdm_3,mo_num*mo_num,0d0,tmp_accu,mo_num) !$OMP CRITICAL do q = 1, mo_num do p = 1, mo_num grad(p,q) = grad(p,q) + tmp_accu(p,q) - tmp_accu(q,p) enddo enddo !$OMP END CRITICAL enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER CALL wall_TIME(t5) t6 = t5-t4 print*,'Gradient second term (s) : ', t6 !$OMP END MASTER #+END_SRC *** Deallocation of private arrays #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f deallocate(tmp_bi_int_3,tmp_2rdm_3,tmp_accu) !$OMP END PARALLEL call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) #+END_SRC *** Permutation, 2D matrix -> vector, transformation In addition there is a permutation in the gradient formula : \begin{equation} P_{pq} = 1 - (p <-> q) \end{equation} We need a vector to use the gradient. Here the gradient is a antisymetric matrix so we can transform it in a vector of length mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2. Here we do these two things at the same time. #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f do i=1,n call vec_to_mat_index(i,p,q) v_grad(i)=(grad(p,q) - grad(q,p)) enddo ! Debug, diplay the vector containing the gradient elements if (debug) then print*,'Vector containing the gradient :' write(*,'(100(F10.5))') v_grad(1:n) endif #+END_SRC *** Norm of the gradient The norm can be useful. #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f norm = dnrm2(n,v_grad,1) print*, 'Gradient norm : ', norm #+END_SRC *** Maximum element in the gradient The maximum element in the gradient is very important for the convergence criterion of the Newton method. #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f ! Max element of the gradient max_elem = 0d0 do i = 1, n if (ABS(v_grad(i)) > ABS(max_elem)) then max_elem = v_grad(i) endif enddo print*,'Max element in the gradient :', max_elem ! Debug, display the matrix containting the gradient elements if (debug) then ! Matrix gradient A = 0d0 do q=1,mo_num do p=1,mo_num A(p,q) = grad(p,q) - grad(q,p) enddo enddo print*,'Matrix containing the gradient :' do i = 1, mo_num write(*,'(100(F10.5))') A(i,1:mo_num) enddo endif #+END_SRC *** Deallocation of shared arrays and end #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle gradient_opt.irp.f deallocate(grad,A) print*,'---End gradient---' end subroutine #+END_SRC