program casscf implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! TODO : Put the documentation of the program here END_DOC call reorder_orbitals_for_casscf ! no_vvvv_integrals = .True. ! touch no_vvvv_integrals n_det_max_full = 500 touch n_det_max_full if(small_active_space)then pt2_relative_error = 0.00001 else thresh_scf = 1.d-4 pt2_relative_error = 0.04 endif touch pt2_relative_error call run end subroutine run implicit none double precision :: energy_old, energy, pt2_max_before,delta_E logical :: converged,state_following_casscf_cipsi_save integer :: iteration,istate double precision, allocatable :: E_PT2(:), PT2(:), Ev(:), ept2_before(:) allocate(E_PT2(N_states), PT2(N_states), Ev(N_states), ept2_before(N_states)) converged = .False. energy = 0.d0 mo_label = "MCSCF" iteration = 1 state_following_casscf_cipsi_save = state_following_casscf state_following_casscf = .True. touch state_following_casscf ept2_before = 0.d0 if(small_active_space)then pt2_max = 1.d-10 SOFT_TOUCH pt2_max else if(adaptive_pt2_max)then pt2_max = 0.005 SOFT_TOUCH pt2_max endif endif do while (.not.converged) print*,'pt2_max = ',pt2_max call run_stochastic_cipsi(Ev,PT2) print*,'Ev,PT2',Ev(1),PT2(1) E_PT2(1:N_states) = Ev(1:N_states) + PT2(1:N_states) energy_old = energy energy = eone+etwo+ecore pt2_max_before = pt2_max call write_time(6) call write_int(6,iteration,'CAS-SCF iteration = ') call write_double(6,energy,'State-average CAS-SCF energy = ') ! if(n_states == 1)then ! call ezfio_get_casscf_cipsi_energy_pt2(E_PT2) ! call ezfio_get_casscf_cipsi_energy(PT2) double precision :: delta_E_istate, e_av e_av = 0.d0 do istate=1,N_states e_av += state_average_weight(istate) * Ev(istate) if( delta_E_istate = E_PT2(istate) - E_PT2(1) write(*,'(A6,I2,A18,F16.10)')'state ',istate,' Delta E+PT2 = ',delta_E_istate endif write(*,'(A6,I2,A18,F16.10)')'state ',istate,' E + PT2 energy = ',E_PT2(istate) write(*,'(A6,I2,A18,F16.10)')'state ',istate,' PT2 energy = ',PT2(istate) ! call write_double(6,E_PT2(istate),'E + PT2 energy = ') ! call write_double(6,PT2(istate),' PT2 = ') enddo call write_double(6,e_av,'State-average CAS-SCF energy bis = ') call write_double(6,pt2_max,' PT2_MAX = ') ! endif print*,'' call write_double(6,norm_grad_vec2,'Norm of gradients = ') call write_double(6,norm_grad_vec2_tab(1), ' Core-active gradients = ') call write_double(6,norm_grad_vec2_tab(2), ' Core-virtual gradients = ') call write_double(6,norm_grad_vec2_tab(3), ' Active-virtual gradients = ') print*,'' call write_double(6,energy_improvement, 'Predicted energy improvement = ') if(criterion_casscf == "energy")then converged = dabs(energy_improvement) < thresh_scf else if (criterion_casscf == "gradients")then converged = norm_grad_vec2 < thresh_scf else if (criterion_casscf == "e_pt2")then delta_E = 0.d0 do istate = 1, N_states delta_E += dabs(E_PT2(istate) - ept2_before(istate)) enddo converged = dabs(delta_E) < thresh_casscf endif ept2_before = E_PT2 if(.not.small_active_space)then if(adaptive_pt2_max)then pt2_max = dabs(energy_improvement / (pt2_relative_error)) pt2_max = min(pt2_max, pt2_max_before) if( pt2_max = max(pt2_max,pt2_min_casscf) endif endif endif print*,'' call write_double(6,pt2_max, 'PT2_MAX for next iteration = ') mo_coef = NewOrbs mo_occ = occnum if(.not.converged)then call save_mos iteration += 1 if( N_det = N_states else N_det = max(N_det/8 ,N_states) endif psi_det = psi_det_sorted psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted read_wf = .True. call clear_mo_map SOFT_TOUCH mo_coef N_det psi_det psi_coef if(.not.small_active_space)then if(adaptive_pt2_max)then SOFT_TOUCH pt2_max endif endif if(iteration .gt. 3)then state_following_casscf = state_following_casscf_cipsi_save soft_touch state_following_casscf endif endif enddo integer :: i print*,'Converged CASSCF ' print*,'--------------------------' write(6,*) ' occupation numbers of orbitals ' do i=1,mo_num write(6,*) i,occnum(i) end do print*,'--------------' ! ! write(6,*) ! write(6,*) ' the diagonal of the inactive effective Fock matrix ' ! write(6,'(5(i3,F12.5))') (i,Fipq(i,i),i=1,mo_num) ! write(6,*) print*,'Fock MCSCF' do i = 1, mo_num write(*,*)i,mcscf_fock_diag_mo(i) ! write(*,*)mcscf_fock_alpha_mo(i,i) enddo end