subroutine get_inv_half_svd(matrix, n, matrix_inv_half) BEGIN_DOC ! :math:`X = S^{-1/2}` obtained by SVD END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: matrix(n,n) double precision, intent(out) :: matrix_inv_half(n,n) integer :: num_linear_dependencies integer :: LDA, LDC integer :: info, i, j, k double precision, parameter :: threshold = 1.d-6 double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:),Vt(:,:), D(:),matrix_half(:,:),D_half(:) double precision :: accu_d,accu_nd LDA = size(matrix, 1) LDC = size(matrix_inv_half, 1) if(LDA .ne. LDC) then print*, ' LDA != LDC' stop endif print*, ' n = ', n print*, ' LDA = ', LDA print*, ' LDC = ', LDC double precision,allocatable :: WR(:),WI(:),VL(:,:),VR(:,:) allocate(WR(n),WI(n),VL(n,n),VR(n,n)) call lapack_diag_non_sym(n,matrix,WR,WI,VL,VR) do i = 1, n print*,'WR,WI',WR(i),WI(i) enddo allocate(U(LDC,n), Vt(LDA,n), D(n)) call svd(matrix, LDA, U, LDC, D, Vt, LDA, n, n) double precision, allocatable :: tmp1(:,:),tmp2(:,:),D_mat(:,:) allocate(tmp1(n,n),tmp2(n,n),D_mat(n,n),matrix_half(n,n),D_half(n)) D_mat = 0.d0 do i = 1,n D_mat(i,i) = D(i) enddo ! matrix = U D Vt ! tmp1 = U D tmp1 = 0.d0 call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , U, size(U, 1), D_mat, size(D_mat, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp1, size(tmp1, 1) ) ! tmp2 = tmp1 X Vt = matrix tmp2 = 0.d0 call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , tmp1, size(tmp1, 1), Vt, size(Vt, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp2, size(tmp2, 1) ) print*,'Checking the recomposition of the matrix' accu_nd = 0.d0 accu_d = 0.d0 do i = 1, n accu_d += dabs(tmp2(i,i) - matrix(i,i)) do j = 1, n if(i==j)cycle accu_nd += dabs(tmp2(j,i) - matrix(j,i)) enddo enddo print*,'accu_d =',accu_d print*,'accu_nd =',accu_nd print*,'passed the recomposition' num_linear_dependencies = 0 do i = 1, n if(abs(D(i)) <= threshold) then D(i) = 0.d0 num_linear_dependencies += 1 else ASSERT (D(i) > 0.d0) D_half(i) = dsqrt(D(i)) D(i) = 1.d0 / dsqrt(D(i)) endif enddo write(*,*) ' linear dependencies', num_linear_dependencies matrix_inv_half = 0.d0 matrix_half = 0.d0 do k = 1, n if(D(k) /= 0.d0) then do j = 1, n do i = 1, n ! matrix_inv_half(i,j) = matrix_inv_half(i,j) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j) matrix_inv_half(i,j) = matrix_inv_half(i,j) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(j,k) matrix_half(i,j) = matrix_half(i,j) + U(i,k) * D_half(k) * Vt(j,k) enddo enddo endif enddo print*,'testing S^1/2 * S^1/2= S' ! tmp1 = S^1/2 X S^1/2 tmp1 = 0.d0 call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , matrix_half, size(matrix_half, 1), matrix_half, size(matrix_half, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp1, size(tmp1, 1) ) accu_nd = 0.d0 accu_d = 0.d0 do i = 1, n accu_d += dabs(tmp1(i,i) - matrix(i,i)) do j = 1, n if(i==j)cycle accu_nd += dabs(tmp1(j,i) - matrix(j,i)) enddo enddo print*,'accu_d =',accu_d print*,'accu_nd =',accu_nd ! print*,'S inv half' ! do i = 1, n ! write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') matrix_inv_half(i,:) ! enddo double precision, allocatable :: pseudo_inverse(:,:),identity(:,:) allocate( pseudo_inverse(n,n),identity(n,n)) call get_pseudo_inverse(matrix,n,n,n,pseudo_inverse,n,threshold) ! S^-1 X S = 1 ! identity = 0.d0 ! call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & ! , matrix, size(matrix, 1), pseudo_inverse, size(pseudo_inverse, 1) & ! , 0.d0, identity, size(identity, 1) ) print*,'Checking S^-1/2 X S^-1/2 = S^-1 ?' ! S^-1/2 X S^-1/2 = S^-1 ? tmp1 = 0.d0 call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & ,matrix_inv_half, size(matrix_inv_half, 1), matrix_inv_half, size(matrix_inv_half, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp1, size(tmp1, 1) ) accu_nd = 0.d0 accu_d = 0.d0 do i = 1, n accu_d += dabs(1.d0 - pseudo_inverse(i,i)) do j = 1, n if(i==j)cycle accu_nd += dabs(tmp1(j,i) - pseudo_inverse(j,i)) enddo enddo print*,'accu_d =',accu_d print*,'accu_nd =',accu_nd stop ! ! ! ( S^-1/2 x S ) x S^-1/2 ! Stmp2 = 0.d0 ! call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & ! , Stmp, size(Stmp, 1), matrix_inv_half, size(matrix_inv_half, 1) & ! , 0.d0, Stmp2, size(Stmp2, 1) ) ! S^-1/2 x ( S^-1/2 x S ) ! Stmp2 = 0.d0 ! call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & ! , matrix_inv_half, size(matrix_inv_half, 1), Stmp, size(Stmp, 1) & ! , 0.d0, Stmp2, size(Stmp2, 1) ) ! do i = 1, n ! do j = 1, n ! if(i==j) then ! accu_d += Stmp2(j,i) ! else ! accu_nd = accu_nd + Stmp2(j,i) * Stmp2(j,i) ! endif ! enddo ! enddo ! accu_nd = dsqrt(accu_nd) ! print*, ' after S^-1/2: sum of off-diag S elements = ', accu_nd ! print*, ' after S^-1/2: sum of diag S elements = ', accu_d ! do i = 1, n ! write(*,'(1000(F16.10,X))') Stmp2(i,:) ! enddo !double precision :: thresh !thresh = 1.d-10 !if( .or. dabs(accu_d-dble(n)).gt.thresh) then ! stop !endif end subroutine get_inv_half_svd ! --- subroutine get_inv_half_nonsymmat_diago(matrix, n, matrix_inv_half, complex_root) BEGIN_DOC ! input: S = matrix ! output: S^{-1/2} = matrix_inv_half obtained by diagonalization ! ! S = VR D VL^T ! = VR D^{1/2} D^{1/2} VL^T ! = VR D^{1/2} VL^T VR D^{1/2} VL^T ! = S^{1/2} S^{1/2} with S = VR D^{1/2} VL^T ! ! == > S^{-1/2} = VR D^{-1/2} VL^T ! END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: matrix(n,n) logical, intent(out) :: complex_root double precision, intent(out) :: matrix_inv_half(n,n) integer :: i, j double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd double precision, allocatable :: WR(:), WI(:), VL(:,:), VR(:,:), S(:,:), S_diag(:) double precision, allocatable :: tmp1(:,:), D_mat(:,:) complex_root = .False. matrix_inv_half = 0.D0 print*,'Computing S^{-1/2}' allocate(WR(n), WI(n), VL(n,n), VR(n,n)) call lapack_diag_non_sym(n, matrix, WR, WI, VL, VR) allocate(S(n,n)) call check_biorthog(n, n, VL, VR, accu_d, accu_nd, S) print*,'accu_nd S^{-1/2}',accu_nd if( then complex_root = .True. ! if vectors are not bi-orthogonal return print*,'Eigenvectors of S are not bi-orthonormal, skipping S^{-1/2}' return endif allocate(S_diag(n)) do i = 1, n S_diag(i) = 1.d0/dsqrt(S(i,i)) if(dabs(WI(i)).gt.1.d-20.or.WR(i).lt.0.d0)then ! check that eigenvalues are real and positive complex_root = .True. print*,'Eigenvalues of S have imaginary part ' print*,'WR(i),WI(i)',WR(i), WR(i) print*,'Skipping S^{-1/2}' return endif enddo deallocate(S) if(complex_root) return ! normalization of vectors do i = 1, n if(S_diag(i).eq.1.d0) cycle do j = 1,n VL(j,i) *= S_diag(i) VR(j,i) *= S_diag(i) enddo enddo deallocate(S_diag) allocate(tmp1(n,n), D_mat(n,n)) D_mat = 0.d0 do i = 1, n D_mat(i,i) = 1.d0/dsqrt(WR(i)) enddo deallocate(WR, WI) ! tmp1 = VR D^{-1/2} tmp1 = 0.d0 call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , VR, size(VR, 1), D_mat, size(D_mat, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp1, size(tmp1, 1) ) deallocate(VR, D_mat) ! S^{-1/2} = tmp1 X VL^T matrix_inv_half = 0.d0 call dgemm( 'N', 'T', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , tmp1, size(tmp1, 1), VL, size(VL, 1) & , 0.d0, matrix_inv_half, size(matrix_inv_half, 1) ) deallocate(tmp1, VL) end ! --- subroutine bi_ortho_s_inv_half(n,leigvec,reigvec,S_nh_inv_half) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: S_nh_inv_half(n,n) double precision, intent(inout) :: leigvec(n,n),reigvec(n,n) BEGIN_DOC ! bi-orthonormalization of left and right vectors ! ! S = VL^T VR ! ! S^{-1/2} S S^{-1/2} = 1 = S^{-1/2} VL^T VR S^{-1/2} = VL_new^T VR_new ! ! VL_new = VL (S^{-1/2})^T ! ! VR_new = VR S^{^{-1/2}} END_DOC double precision,allocatable :: vl_tmp(:,:),vr_tmp(:,:) print*,'Bi-orthonormalization using S^{-1/2}' allocate(vl_tmp(n,n),vr_tmp(n,n)) vl_tmp = leigvec vr_tmp = reigvec ! VL_new = VL (S^{-1/2})^T call dgemm( 'N', 'T', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , vl_tmp, size(vl_tmp, 1), S_nh_inv_half, size(S_nh_inv_half, 1) & , 0.d0, leigvec, size(leigvec, 1) ) ! VR_new = VR S^{^{-1/2}} call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, n, 1.d0 & , vr_tmp, size(vr_tmp, 1), S_nh_inv_half, size(S_nh_inv_half, 1) & , 0.d0, reigvec, size(reigvec, 1) ) double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd double precision,allocatable :: S(:,:) allocate(S(n,n)) call check_biorthog(n, n, leigvec, reigvec, accu_d, accu_nd, S) if(dabs(accu_d - n).gt.1.d-10 .or. accu_nd .gt.1.d-8 )then print*,'Pb in bi_ortho_s_inv_half !!' print*,'accu_d =',accu_d print*,'accu_nd =',accu_nd stop endif end