.. _fcidump: .. program:: fcidump ======= fcidump ======= Produce a regular `FCIDUMP` file from the |MOs| stored in the |EZFIO| directory. To specify an active space, the class of the |MOs| have to set in the |EZFIO| directory (see :ref:`qp_set_mo_class`). The :ref:`fcidump` program supports 3 types of |MO| classes : * the *core* orbitals which are always doubly occupied in the calculation * the *deleted* orbitals that are never occupied in the calculation * the *active* orbitals that are occupied with a varying number of electrons Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`elec_beta_num` * :c:data:`ezfio_filename` * :c:data:`core_fock_operator` * :c:data:`elec_num` * :c:data:`mo_two_e_integrals_in_map` * :c:data:`elec_alpha_num` * :c:data:`mo_one_e_integrals` * :c:data:`n_core_orb` * :c:data:`mo_integrals_threshold` * :c:data:`list_inact` * :c:data:`mo_integrals_map` * :c:data:`core_energy`