use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_l_coef_bi_ortho, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! The wave function coefficients. Initialized with Hartree-Fock if the |EZFIO| file ! is empty. END_DOC integer :: i,k, N_int2 logical :: exists character*(64) :: label PROVIDE read_wf N_det mo_label ezfio_filename nproc psi_l_coef_bi_ortho = 0.d0 do i=1,min(N_states,N_det) psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(i,i) = 1.d0 enddo if (mpi_master) then if (read_wf) then call ezfio_has_tc_bi_ortho_psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(exists) ! if (exists) then ! call ezfio_has_tc_bi_ortho_mo_label(exists) ! if (exists) then ! call ezfio_get_tc_bi_ortho_mo_label(label) ! exists = (label == mo_label) ! endif ! endif if (exists) then double precision, allocatable :: psi_l_coef_bi_ortho_read(:,:) allocate (psi_l_coef_bi_ortho_read(N_det,N_states)) print *, 'Read psi_l_coef_bi_ortho', N_det, N_states call ezfio_get_tc_bi_ortho_psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(psi_l_coef_bi_ortho_read) do k=1,N_states do i=1,N_det psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(i,k) = psi_l_coef_bi_ortho_read(i,k) enddo enddo deallocate(psi_l_coef_bi_ortho_read) else print*, 'psi_l_coef_bi_ortho are psi_coef' do k=1,N_states do i=1,N_det psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) enddo enddo endif endif endif IRP_IF MPI_DEBUG print *, irp_here, mpi_rank call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) IRP_ENDIF IRP_IF MPI include 'mpif.h' integer :: ierr call MPI_BCAST( psi_l_coef_bi_ortho, size(psi_l_coef_bi_ortho), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then stop 'Unable to read psi_l_coef_bi_ortho with MPI' endif IRP_ENDIF END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_r_coef_bi_ortho, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! The wave function coefficients. Initialized with Hartree-Fock if the |EZFIO| file ! is empty. END_DOC integer :: i,k, N_int2 logical :: exists character*(64) :: label PROVIDE read_wf N_det mo_label ezfio_filename nproc psi_r_coef_bi_ortho = 0.d0 do i=1,min(N_states,N_det) psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(i,i) = 1.d0 enddo if (mpi_master) then if (read_wf) then call ezfio_has_tc_bi_ortho_psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(exists) ! if (exists) then ! call ezfio_has_tc_bi_ortho_mo_label(exists) ! if (exists) then ! call ezfio_get_tc_bi_ortho_mo_label(label) ! exists = (label == mo_label) ! endif ! endif if (exists) then double precision, allocatable :: psi_r_coef_bi_ortho_read(:,:) allocate (psi_r_coef_bi_ortho_read(N_det,N_states)) print *, 'Read psi_r_coef_bi_ortho', N_det, N_states call ezfio_get_tc_bi_ortho_psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(psi_r_coef_bi_ortho_read) do k=1,N_states do i=1,N_det psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(i,k) = psi_r_coef_bi_ortho_read(i,k) enddo enddo deallocate(psi_r_coef_bi_ortho_read) else print*, 'psi_r_coef_bi_ortho are psi_coef' do k=1,N_states do i=1,N_det psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) enddo enddo endif endif endif IRP_IF MPI_DEBUG print *, irp_here, mpi_rank call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) IRP_ENDIF IRP_IF MPI include 'mpif.h' integer :: ierr call MPI_BCAST( psi_r_coef_bi_ortho, size(psi_r_coef_bi_ortho), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then stop 'Unable to read psi_r_coef_bi_ortho with MPI' endif IRP_ENDIF END_PROVIDER subroutine save_tc_wavefunction_general(ndet, nstates, psidet, sze, dim_psicoef, psilcoef, psircoef) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Save the wave function into the |EZFIO| file END_DOC use bitmasks include 'constants.include.F' integer, intent(in) :: ndet,nstates,dim_psicoef,sze integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: psidet(N_int,2,sze) double precision, intent(in) :: psilcoef(dim_psicoef,nstates) double precision, intent(in) :: psircoef(dim_psicoef,nstates) integer*8, allocatable :: psi_det_save(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: psil_coef_save(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: psir_coef_save(:,:) double precision :: accu_norm integer :: i,j,k, ndet_qp_edit if (mpi_master) then ndet_qp_edit = min(ndet,N_det_qp_edit) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_int(N_int) call ezfio_set_determinants_bit_kind(bit_kind) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_det(ndet) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_det_qp_edit(ndet_qp_edit) call ezfio_set_determinants_n_states(nstates) call ezfio_set_determinants_mo_label(mo_label) allocate (psi_det_save(N_int,2,ndet)) do i=1,ndet do j=1,2 do k=1,N_int psi_det_save(k,j,i) = transfer(psidet(k,j,i),1_8) enddo enddo enddo call ezfio_set_determinants_psi_det(psi_det_save) call ezfio_set_determinants_psi_det_qp_edit(psi_det_save) deallocate (psi_det_save) allocate (psil_coef_save(ndet,nstates),psir_coef_save(ndet,nstates)) do k=1,nstates do i=1,ndet psil_coef_save(i,k) = psilcoef(i,k) psir_coef_save(i,k) = psircoef(i,k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_tc_bi_ortho_psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(psil_coef_save) call ezfio_set_tc_bi_ortho_psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(psir_coef_save) deallocate (psil_coef_save,psir_coef_save) call write_int(6,ndet,'Saved determinantsi and psi_r/psi_l coef') endif end subroutine save_tc_bi_ortho_wavefunction implicit none if(save_sorted_tc_wf)then call save_tc_wavefunction_general( N_det, N_states, psi_det_sorted_tc, N_det & , size(psi_l_coef_sorted_bi_ortho, 1), psi_l_coef_sorted_bi_ortho & , psi_r_coef_sorted_bi_ortho ) !call save_tc_wavefunction_general( N_det, N_states, psi_det_sorted_tc, size(psi_det_sorted_tc, 3) & ! , size(psi_l_coef_sorted_bi_ortho, 1), psi_l_coef_sorted_bi_ortho & ! , psi_r_coef_sorted_bi_ortho ) else call save_tc_wavefunction_general( N_det, N_states, psi_det, size(psi_det, 3) & , size(psi_l_coef_bi_ortho, 1), psi_l_coef_bi_ortho & , psi_r_coef_bi_ortho ) endif call routine_save_right_bi_ortho end subroutine routine_save_right_bi_ortho implicit none double precision, allocatable :: coef_tmp(:,:) integer :: i allocate(coef_tmp(N_det, N_states)) do i = 1, N_det coef_tmp(i,1:N_states) = psi_r_coef_sorted_bi_ortho(i,1:N_states) enddo call save_wavefunction_general_unormalized(N_det,N_states,psi_det_sorted_tc,size(coef_tmp,1),coef_tmp(1,1)) end subroutine routine_save_left_right_bi_ortho implicit none double precision, allocatable :: coef_tmp(:,:) integer :: i,n_states_tmp n_states_tmp = 2 allocate(coef_tmp(N_det, n_states_tmp)) do i = 1, N_det coef_tmp(i,1) = psi_r_coef_bi_ortho(i,1) coef_tmp(i,2) = psi_l_coef_bi_ortho(i,1) enddo call save_wavefunction_general_unormalized(N_det,n_states_tmp,psi_det,size(coef_tmp,1),coef_tmp(1,1)) end