use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_core_orb] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_inact_orb ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_act_orb] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_virt_orb ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_del_orb ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! inact_bitmask : Bitmask of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited ! in post CAS methods ! n_inact_orb : Number of inactive orbitals ! virt_bitmask : Bitmaks of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons ! in post CAS methods ! n_virt_orb : Number of virtual orbitals ! list_inact : List of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited ! in post CAS methods ! list_virt : List of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons ! in post CAS methods ! list_inact_reverse : reverse list of inactive orbitals ! list_inact_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an inactive ! list_inact_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth inactive ! list_virt_reverse : reverse list of virtual orbitals ! list_virt_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an virtual ! list_virt_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth virtual ! list_act(i) = index of the ith active orbital ! ! list_act_reverse : reverse list of active orbitals ! list_act_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an active ! list_act_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth active orbital END_DOC logical :: exists integer :: j,i n_core_orb = 0 n_inact_orb = 0 n_act_orb = 0 n_virt_orb = 0 n_del_orb = 0 do i = 1, mo_num if(mo_class(i) == 'Core')then n_core_orb += 1 else if (mo_class(i) == 'Inactive')then n_inact_orb += 1 else if (mo_class(i) == 'Active')then n_act_orb += 1 else if (mo_class(i) == 'Virtual')then n_virt_orb += 1 else if (mo_class(i) == 'Deleted')then n_del_orb += 1 endif enddo call write_int(6,n_core_orb, 'Number of core MOs') call write_int(6,n_inact_orb,'Number of inactive MOs') call write_int(6,n_act_orb, 'Number of active MOs') call write_int(6,n_virt_orb, 'Number of virtual MOs') call write_int(6,n_del_orb, 'Number of deleted MOs') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, dim_list_core_orb] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, dim_list_inact_orb] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, dim_list_virt_orb] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, dim_list_act_orb] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, dim_list_del_orb] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! dimensions for the allocation of list_inact, list_virt, list_core and list_act ! it is at least 1 END_DOC dim_list_core_orb = max(n_core_orb,1) dim_list_inact_orb = max(n_inact_orb,1) dim_list_virt_orb = max(n_virt_orb,1) dim_list_act_orb = max(n_act_orb,1) dim_list_del_orb = max(n_del_orb,1) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, list_inact, (dim_list_inact_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, list_virt, (dim_list_virt_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, list_inact_reverse, (mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, list_virt_reverse, (mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, list_del_reverse, (mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, list_del, (mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_core, (dim_list_core_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_core_reverse, (mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_act, (dim_list_act_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_act_reverse, (mo_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), core_bitmask, (N_int,2)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), inact_bitmask, (N_int,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), act_bitmask, (N_int,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), virt_bitmask, (N_int,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), del_bitmask, (N_int,2) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! inact_bitmask : Bitmask of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited ! in post CAS methods ! n_inact_orb : Number of inactive orbitals ! virt_bitmask : Bitmaks of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons ! in post CAS methods ! n_virt_orb : Number of virtual orbitals ! list_inact : List of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited ! in post CAS methods ! list_virt : List of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons ! in post CAS methods ! list_inact_reverse : reverse list of inactive orbitals ! list_inact_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an inactive ! list_inact_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth inactive ! list_virt_reverse : reverse list of virtual orbitals ! list_virt_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an virtual ! list_virt_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth virtual ! list_act(i) = index of the ith active orbital ! ! list_act_reverse : reverse list of active orbitals ! list_act_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an active ! list_act_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth active orbital END_DOC logical :: exists integer :: j,i integer :: n_core_orb_tmp, n_inact_orb_tmp, n_act_orb_tmp, n_virt_orb_tmp,n_del_orb_tmp integer :: list_core_tmp(N_int*bit_kind_size) integer :: list_inact_tmp(N_int*bit_kind_size) integer :: list_act_tmp(N_int*bit_kind_size) integer :: list_virt_tmp(N_int*bit_kind_size) integer :: list_del_tmp(N_int*bit_kind_size) list_core = 0 list_inact = 0 list_act = 0 list_virt = 0 list_del = 0 list_core_reverse = 0 list_inact_reverse = 0 list_act_reverse = 0 list_virt_reverse = 0 list_del_reverse = 0 n_core_orb_tmp = 0 n_inact_orb_tmp = 0 n_act_orb_tmp = 0 n_virt_orb_tmp = 0 n_del_orb_tmp = 0 do i = 1, mo_num if(mo_class(i) == 'Core')then n_core_orb_tmp += 1 list_core(n_core_orb_tmp) = i list_core_tmp(n_core_orb_tmp) = i list_core_reverse(i) = n_core_orb_tmp else if (mo_class(i) == 'Inactive')then n_inact_orb_tmp += 1 list_inact(n_inact_orb_tmp) = i list_inact_tmp(n_inact_orb_tmp) = i list_inact_reverse(i) = n_inact_orb_tmp else if (mo_class(i) == 'Active')then n_act_orb_tmp += 1 list_act(n_act_orb_tmp) = i list_act_tmp(n_act_orb_tmp) = i list_act_reverse(i) = n_act_orb_tmp else if (mo_class(i) == 'Virtual')then n_virt_orb_tmp += 1 list_virt(n_virt_orb_tmp) = i list_virt_tmp(n_virt_orb_tmp) = i list_virt_reverse(i) = n_virt_orb_tmp else if (mo_class(i) == 'Deleted')then n_del_orb_tmp += 1 list_del(n_del_orb_tmp) = i list_del_tmp(n_del_orb_tmp) = i list_del_reverse(i) = n_del_orb_tmp endif enddo if( call list_to_bitstring( core_bitmask(1,1), list_core, n_core_orb, N_int) call list_to_bitstring( core_bitmask(1,2), list_core, n_core_orb, N_int) endif if( call list_to_bitstring( inact_bitmask(1,1), list_inact, n_inact_orb, N_int) call list_to_bitstring( inact_bitmask(1,2), list_inact, n_inact_orb, N_int) endif if( call list_to_bitstring( act_bitmask(1,1), list_act, n_act_orb, N_int) call list_to_bitstring( act_bitmask(1,2), list_act, n_act_orb, N_int) endif if( call list_to_bitstring( virt_bitmask(1,1), list_virt, n_virt_orb, N_int) call list_to_bitstring( virt_bitmask(1,2), list_virt, n_virt_orb, N_int) endif if( call list_to_bitstring( del_bitmask(1,1), list_del, n_del_orb, N_int) call list_to_bitstring( del_bitmask(1,2), list_del, n_del_orb, N_int) endif END_PROVIDER