(** CONTRL *) type scftyp_t = RHF | ROHF | MCSCF | NONE let string_of_scftyp = function | RHF -> "RHF" | ROHF -> "ROHF" | MCSCF -> "MCSCF" | NONE -> "NONE" type contrl = { scftyp: scftyp_t ; maxit: int; ispher: int; icharg: int; mult: int; mplevl: int; } let string_of_contrl c = Printf.sprintf " $CONTRL EXETYP=RUN COORD=UNIQUE UNITS=ANGS RUNTYP=ENERGY SCFTYP=%s CITYP=NONE MAXIT=%d ISPHER=%d MULT=%d ICHARG=%d MPLEVL=%d $END" (string_of_scftyp c.scftyp) c.maxit c.ispher c.mult c.icharg c.mplevl let make_contrl ?(maxit=100) ?(ispher=1) ?(mplevl=0) ~mult ~charge scftyp = { scftyp ; maxit ; ispher ; mult ; icharg=charge ; mplevl } (** Vec *) type vec_t = | Canonical of string | Natural of string let read_mos guide filename = let text = let ic = open_in filename in let n = in_channel_length ic in let s = Bytes.create n in really_input ic s 0 n; close_in ic; s in let re_vec = Str.regexp " \\$VEC *\n" and re_natural = Str.regexp guide and re_end = Str.regexp " \\$END *\n" and re_eol = Str.regexp "\n" in let i = Str.search_forward re_natural text 0 in let start = Str.search_forward re_vec text i in let i = Str.search_forward re_end text start in let finish = Str.search_forward re_eol text i in String.sub text start (finish-start) let read_until_found f tries = let result = List.fold_left (fun accu x -> match accu with | Some mos -> Some mos | None -> begin try Some (read_mos x f) with Caml.Not_found -> None end ) None tries in match result with | Some mos -> mos | None -> raise Caml.Not_found let read_natural_mos f = let tries = [ "--- NATURAL ORBITALS OF MCSCF ---" ; "MP2 NATURAL ORBITALS" ] in read_until_found f tries let read_canonical_mos f = let tries = [ "--- OPTIMIZED MCSCF MO-S ---" ; "--- CLOSED SHELL ORBITALS ---" ; "--- OPEN SHELL ORBITALS ---" ] in read_until_found f tries let string_of_vec = function | Natural filename -> read_natural_mos filename | Canonical filename -> read_canonical_mos filename (** GUESS *) type guess_t = | Huckel | Hcore | Canonical of (int*string) | Natural of (int*string) let guess_of_string s = match String.lowercase s with | "huckel" -> Huckel | "hcore" -> Hcore | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Bad MO guess") let string_of_guess g = [ " $GUESS\n" ; " GUESS=" ; begin match g with | Hcore -> "HCORE\n" | Huckel -> "HUCKEL\n" | Canonical (norb,_) | Natural (norb,_) -> Printf.sprintf "MOREAD\n NORB=%d\n" norb end ; " $END" ; match g with | Hcore | Huckel -> "" | Natural (_,filename) -> "\n\n"^(string_of_vec (Natural filename)) | Canonical (_,filename) ->"\n\n"^(string_of_vec (Canonical filename)) ] |> String.concat "" (** BASIS *) let string_of_basis = Printf.sprintf " $BASIS GBASIS=%s $END" (** DATA *) type coord_t = | Atom of Element.t | Diatomic_homo of (Element.t*float) | Diatomic of (Element.t*Element.t*float) | Xyz of (Element.t*float*float*float) list type data_t = { sym: Sym.t ; title: string; xyz: string; nucl_charge: int; } let data_of_atom ele = let atom = Element.to_string ele in let charge = Element.to_charge ele |> Charge.to_int in { sym=Sym.D4h ; title=Printf.sprintf "%s" atom ; xyz=Printf.sprintf "%s %d.0 0. 0. 0." atom charge ; nucl_charge = charge } let data_of_diatomic_homo ele r = assert (r > 0.); let atom = Element.to_string ele in let charge = Element.to_charge ele |> Charge.to_int in { sym=Sym.D4h ; title=Printf.sprintf "%s2" atom ; xyz=Printf.sprintf "%s %d.0 0. 0. %f" atom charge (-.r *. 0.5) ; nucl_charge = 2*charge } let data_of_diatomic ele1 ele2 r = assert (r > 0.); let atom1, atom2 = Element.to_string ele1, Element.to_string ele2 in let charge1, charge2 = Charge.to_int @@ Element.to_charge ele1, Charge.to_int @@ Element.to_charge ele2 in { sym=Sym.C4v ; title=Printf.sprintf "%s%s" atom1 atom2 ; xyz=Printf.sprintf "%s %d.0 0. 0. 0.\n%s %d.0 0. 0. %f" atom1 charge1 atom2 charge2 r ; nucl_charge = charge1 + charge2 } let data_of_xyz l = { sym = Sym.C1 ; title = "..." ; xyz = String.concat "\n" ( List.map (fun (e,x,y,z) -> Printf.sprintf "%s %f %f %f %f" (Element.to_string e) (Element.to_charge e) x y z) l ) ; nucl_charge = List.fold_left (fun accu (e,_,_,_) -> accu + (int_of_float @@ Element.to_charge e) ) 0 l } let make_data = function | Atom ele -> data_of_atom ele | Diatomic_homo (ele,r) -> data_of_diatomic_homo ele r | Diatomic (ele1,ele2,r) -> data_of_diatomic ele1 ele2 r | Xyz l -> data_of_xyz l let string_of_data d = String.concat "\n" [ " $DATA" ; d.title ; Sym.to_data d.sym ; ] ^ d.xyz ^ "\n $END" (** GUGDM *) type gugdm2_t = int let string_of_gugdm2 = function | 1 -> "" | i when i<1 -> raise (Invalid_argument "Nstates must be > 0") | i -> let s = Array.make i "1." |> Array.to_list |> String.concat "," in Printf.sprintf " $GUGDM2 WSTATE(1)=%s $END " s type gugdia_t = { nstate : int ; itermx : int ; } let string_of_gugdia g = Printf.sprintf " $GUGDIA PRTTOL=0.0001 NSTATE=%d ITERMX=%d $END " g.nstate g.itermx let make_gugdia ?(itermx=500) nstate = assert (nstate > 0); assert (itermx > 1); { nstate ; itermx } (** MCSCF *) type mcscf_t = FULLNR | SOSCF | FOCAS let string_of_mcscf m = " $MCSCF\n" ^ begin match m with | FOCAS -> " FOCAS=.T. SOSCF=.F. FULLNR=.F." | SOSCF -> " FOCAS=.F. SOSCF=.T. FULLNR=.F." | FULLNR -> " FOCAS=.F. SOSCF=.F. FULLNR=.T." end ^ " CISTEP=GUGA EKT=.F. QUAD=.F. JACOBI=.f. MAXIT=1000 $END" type drt_t = { nmcc: int ; ndoc: int ; nalp: int ; nval: int ; istsym: int; } let make_drt ?(istsym=1) n_elec_alpha n_elec_beta n_e n_act = let n_elec_tot = n_elec_alpha + n_elec_beta in let nmcc = (n_elec_tot - n_e)/2 in let ndoc = n_elec_beta - nmcc in let nalp = (n_elec_alpha - nmcc - ndoc) in let nval = n_act - ndoc - nalp in { nmcc ; ndoc ; nalp ; nval ; istsym } let string_of_drt drt sym = Printf.sprintf " $DRT NMCC=%d NDOC=%d NALP=%d NVAL=%d NEXT=0 ISTSYM=%d FORS=.TRUE. GROUP=C1 MXNINT= 600000 NPRT=2 $END" drt.nmcc drt.ndoc drt.nalp drt.nval drt.istsym (** MP2 *) let string_of_mp2 = " $MP2 MP2PRP=.TRUE. $END" (** Computation *) type computation = HF | MP2 | CAS of (int*int) type system = { mult: int ; charge: int ; basis: string ; coord: coord_t } let n_elec system = let data = make_data system.coord in data.nucl_charge - system.charge let n_elec_alpha_beta system = let n = n_elec system and m = system.mult in let alpha = (n+m-1)/2 in let beta = n - alpha in (alpha, beta) let create_single_det_input ~mp2 ~guess ?(vecfile="") s = let scftyp = match s.mult with | 1 -> RHF | _ -> ROHF and mult = s.mult and charge = s.charge and n_elec_alpha, _ = n_elec_alpha_beta s and mplevl = if mp2 then 2 else 0 in [ make_contrl ~mult ~charge ~mplevl scftyp |> string_of_contrl ; begin match vecfile with | "" -> string_of_guess guess | vecfile -> string_of_guess (Canonical (n_elec_alpha, vecfile)) end ; string_of_basis s.basis ; if mp2 then string_of_mp2 else "" ; make_data s.coord |> string_of_data ] |> String.concat "\n\n" let create_hf_input ~guess = create_single_det_input ~mp2:false ~guess let create_mp2_input ~guess = create_single_det_input ~mp2:true ~guess let create_cas_input ?(vecfile="") ~guess ~nstate s n_e n_a = let scftyp = MCSCF and mult = s.mult and charge = s.charge in let n_elec_alpha, n_elec_beta = n_elec_alpha_beta s in let drt = make_drt n_elec_alpha n_elec_beta n_e n_a in let data = make_data s.coord in [ make_contrl ~mult ~charge scftyp |> string_of_contrl ; begin match vecfile with | "" -> string_of_guess guess | vecfile -> let norb = drt.nmcc + drt.ndoc + drt.nval + drt.nalp in try string_of_guess (Natural (norb, vecfile)) with Caml.Not_found -> string_of_guess (Canonical (norb, vecfile)) end ; string_of_basis s.basis ; string_of_mcscf FULLNR ; string_of_drt drt data.sym ; make_gugdia nstate |> string_of_gugdia ; string_of_gugdm2 nstate ; string_of_data data ] |> String.concat "\n\n" let create_input ?(vecfile="") ?(guess=Huckel) ~system ~nstate = function | HF -> create_hf_input ~vecfile ~guess system | MP2 -> create_mp2_input ~vecfile ~guess system | CAS (n_e,n_a) -> create_cas_input ~vecfile ~nstate ~guess system n_e n_a