.. _module_ao_two_e_erf_ints: .. program:: ao_two_e_erf_ints .. default-role:: option ====================== ao_two_e_erf_ints ====================== Here, all two-electron integrals (:math:`erf(\mu r_{12})/r_{12}`) are computed. As they have 4 indices and many are zero, they are stored in a map, as defined in :file:`utils/map_module.f90`. The main parameter of this module is :option:`ao_two_e_erf_ints mu_erf` which is the range-separation parameter. To fetch an |AO| integral, use the `get_ao_two_e_integral_erf(i,j,k,l,ao_integrals_erf_map)` function. The conventions are: * For |AO| integrals : (ij|kl) = (11|22) = = <12|12> EZFIO parameters ---------------- .. option:: io_ao_two_e_integrals_erf Read/Write |AO| integrals with the long range interaction from/to disk [ Write | Read | None ] Default: None .. option:: mu_erf cutting of the interaction in the range separated model Default: 0.5 Providers --------- .. c:var:: ao_integrals_erf_cache File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision, allocatable :: ao_integrals_erf_cache (0:64*64*64*64) Cache of |AO| integrals for fast access Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache_min` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` .. c:var:: ao_integrals_erf_cache_max File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran integer :: ao_integrals_erf_cache_min integer :: ao_integrals_erf_cache_max Min and max values of the AOs for which the integrals are in the cache Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_num` Needed by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache` .. c:var:: ao_integrals_erf_cache_min File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran integer :: ao_integrals_erf_cache_min integer :: ao_integrals_erf_cache_max Min and max values of the AOs for which the integrals are in the cache Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_num` Needed by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache` .. c:var:: ao_integrals_erf_map File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran type(map_type) :: ao_integrals_erf_map |AO| integrals Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_num` Needed by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` * :c:data:`mo_two_e_int_erf_jj_from_ao` .. c:var:: ao_two_e_integral_erf_schwartz File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/providers_ao_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision, allocatable :: ao_two_e_integral_erf_schwartz (ao_num,ao_num) Needed to compute Schwartz inequalities Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_expo_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_nucl` * :c:data:`ao_num` * :c:data:`ao_power` * :c:data:`ao_prim_num` * :c:data:`n_pt_max_integrals` * :c:data:`nucl_coord` Needed by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mo_two_e_int_erf_jj_from_ao` .. c:var:: ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/providers_ao_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran logical :: ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map Map of Atomic integrals i(r1) j(r2) 1/r12 k(r1) l(r2) Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_expo_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ao_nucl` * :c:data:`ao_num` * :c:data:`ao_power` * :c:data:`ao_prim_num` * :c:data:`ezfio_filename` * :c:data:`io_ao_two_e_integrals_erf` * :c:data:`n_pt_max_integrals` * :c:data:`nproc` * :c:data:`nucl_coord` * :c:data:`read_ao_two_e_integrals_erf` * :c:data:`zmq_context` * :c:data:`zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address` * :c:data:`zmq_state` Needed by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache` * :c:data:`mo_two_e_int_erf_jj_from_ao` * :c:data:`mo_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` .. c:function:: general_primitive_integral_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision function general_primitive_integral_erf(dim, & P_new,P_center,fact_p,p,p_inv,iorder_p, & Q_new,Q_center,fact_q,q,q_inv,iorder_q) Computes the integral where p,q,r,s are Gaussian primitives Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mu_erf` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`add_poly_multiply` * :c:func:`give_polynom_mult_center_x` * :c:func:`multiply_poly` Subroutines / functions ----------------------- .. c:function:: ao_two_e_integral_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision function ao_two_e_integral_erf(i,j,k,l) integral of the AO basis or (ij|kl) i(r1) j(r1) 1/r12 k(r2) l(r2) Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`n_pt_max_integrals` * :c:data:`ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_power` * :c:data:`ao_expo_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_prim_num` * :c:data:`ao_nucl` * :c:data:`nucl_coord` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`give_explicit_poly_and_gaussian` .. c:function:: ao_two_e_integral_schwartz_accel_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision function ao_two_e_integral_schwartz_accel_erf(i,j,k,l) integral of the AO basis or (ij|kl) i(r1) j(r1) 1/r12 k(r2) l(r2) Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`n_pt_max_integrals` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_threshold` * :c:data:`ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_power` * :c:data:`ao_expo_ordered_transp` * :c:data:`ao_prim_num` * :c:data:`ao_nucl` * :c:data:`nucl_coord` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`give_explicit_poly_and_gaussian` .. c:function:: ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_collector: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/integrals_erf_in_map_slave.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_collector(zmq_socket_pull) Collects results from the AO integral calculation Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ao_num` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket` * :c:func:`insert_into_ao_integrals_erf_map` .. c:function:: ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/integrals_erf_in_map_slave.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave(thread,iproc) Computes a buffer of integrals Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_num` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave_inproc` * :c:func:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave_tcp` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`compute_ao_integrals_erf_jl` * :c:func:`end_zmq_push_socket` * :c:func:`end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket` * :c:func:`push_integrals` .. c:function:: ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave_inproc: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/integrals_erf_in_map_slave.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave_inproc(i) Computes a buffer of integrals. i is the ID of the current thread. Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave` .. c:function:: ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave_tcp: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/integrals_erf_in_map_slave.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave_tcp(i) Computes a buffer of integrals. i is the ID of the current thread. Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave` .. c:function:: clear_ao_erf_map: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` Frees the memory of the |AO| map Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`map_deinit` .. c:function:: compute_ao_integrals_erf_jl: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine compute_ao_integrals_erf_jl(j,l,n_integrals,buffer_i,buffer_value) Parallel client for AO integrals Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_overlap_abs` * :c:data:`ao_num` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_threshold` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integral_erf_schwartz` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_slave` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`two_e_integrals_index` .. c:function:: compute_ao_two_e_integrals_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine compute_ao_two_e_integrals_erf(j,k,l,sze,buffer_value) Compute AO 1/r12 integrals for all i and fixed j,k,l Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_overlap_abs` * :c:data:`ao_num` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integral_erf_schwartz` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mo_two_e_int_erf_jj_from_ao` .. c:function:: dump_ao_integrals_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine dump_ao_integrals_erf(filename) Save to disk the |AO| erf integrals Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ezfio_set_work_empty` .. c:function:: eri_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision function ERI_erf(alpha,beta,delta,gama,a_x,b_x,c_x,d_x,a_y,b_y,c_y,d_y,a_z,b_z,c_z,d_z) ATOMIC PRIMTIVE two-electron integral between the 4 primitives :: primitive_1 = x1**(a_x) y1**(a_y) z1**(a_z) exp(-alpha * r1**2) primitive_2 = x1**(b_x) y1**(b_y) z1**(b_z) exp(- beta * r1**2) primitive_3 = x2**(c_x) y2**(c_y) z2**(c_z) exp(-delta * r2**2) primitive_4 = x2**(d_x) y2**(d_y) z2**(d_z) exp(- gama * r2**2) Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mu_erf` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`integrale_new_erf` .. c:function:: get_ao_erf_map_size: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran function get_ao_erf_map_size() Returns the number of elements in the |AO| map Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` .. c:function:: get_ao_two_e_integral_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran double precision function get_ao_two_e_integral_erf(i,j,k,l,map) result(result) Gets one |AO| two-electron integral from the |AO| map Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache_min` * :c:data:`ao_overlap_abs` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_threshold` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_cache` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integral_erf_schwartz` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`map_get` * :c:func:`two_e_integrals_index` .. c:function:: get_ao_two_e_integrals_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine get_ao_two_e_integrals_erf(j,k,l,sze,out_val) Gets multiple |AO| two-electron integral from the |AO| map . All i are retrieved for j,k,l fixed. Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ao_overlap_abs` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_threshold` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`add_integrals_to_map_erf` .. c:function:: get_ao_two_e_integrals_erf_non_zero: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine get_ao_two_e_integrals_erf_non_zero(j,k,l,sze,out_val,out_val_index,non_zero_int) Gets multiple |AO| two-electron integrals from the |AO| map . All non-zero i are retrieved for j,k,l fixed. Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ao_overlap_abs` * :c:data:`ao_integrals_threshold` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integral_erf_schwartz` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mo_two_e_int_erf_jj_from_ao` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`map_get` * :c:func:`two_e_integrals_index` .. c:function:: insert_into_ao_integrals_erf_map: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine insert_into_ao_integrals_erf_map(n_integrals,buffer_i, buffer_values) Create new entry into |AO| map Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map_collector` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`map_append` .. c:function:: integrale_new_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/two_e_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran subroutine integrale_new_erf(I_f,a_x,b_x,c_x,d_x,a_y,b_y,c_y,d_y,a_z,b_z,c_z,d_z,p,q,n_pt) calculate the integral of the polynom :: I_x1(a_x+b_x, c_x+d_x,p,q) * I_x1(a_y+b_y, c_y+d_y,p,q) * I_x1(a_z+b_z, c_z+d_z,p,q) between ( 0 ; 1) Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mu_erf` * :c:data:`n_pt_max_integrals` * :c:data:`gauleg_t2` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`eri_erf` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`i_x1_new` .. c:function:: load_ao_integrals_erf: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/map_integrals_erf.irp.f` .. code:: fortran integer function load_ao_integrals_erf(filename) Read from disk the |AO| erf integrals Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`cache_map_reallocate` * :c:func:`map_deinit` * :c:func:`map_sort` .. c:function:: save_erf_two_e_integrals_ao: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/routines_save_integrals_erf.irp.f` Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ezfio_filename` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Called by: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`routine` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ezfio_set_ao_two_e_erf_ints_io_ao_two_e_integrals_erf` * :c:func:`ezfio_set_work_empty` * :c:func:`map_save_to_disk` .. c:function:: save_erf_two_e_ints_ao_into_ints_ao: File : :file:`ao_two_e_erf_ints/routines_save_integrals_erf.irp.f` Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ao_integrals_erf_map` * :c:data:`ezfio_filename` * :c:data:`ao_two_e_integrals_erf_in_map` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ezfio_set_ao_two_e_ints_io_ao_two_e_integrals` * :c:func:`ezfio_set_work_empty` * :c:func:`map_save_to_disk`