#!/bin/bash # # Updates the current version of QP # # Mon Jan 14 21:51:08 CET 2019 # function help() { cat << EOF Updates the current version of QP. Usage: $(basename $0) [-h|--help] Options: -h --help Prints the help message EOF exit 0 } function error() { >&2 echo "$(basename $0): $@" exit 2 } TEMP=`getopt -o h -l help -n $0 -- "$@"` || exit 1 while true ; do case "$1" in ""|--) shift ; break ;; -h|-help|--help) help shift exit 0;; *) echo $(basename $0)": unknown option $1, try --help" exit 2;; esac done # Check the QP_ROOT directory if [[ -z ${QP_ROOT} ]] ; then echo "The QP_ROOT environment variable is not set." echo "Please reload the quantum_package.rc file." exit 1 fi read -r -p "Are you sure you want to update QP? [y/N] " response case "$response" in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) : ;; *) exit 0 ;; esac cd ${QP_ROOT} ninja clean git pull origin master ninja