BEGIN_PROVIDER [complex*16, ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_complex, (ao_num,ao_num)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! matrix of the coefficients of the mos generated by the ! orthonormalization by the S^{-1/2} canonical transformation of the aos ! ao_ortho_lowdin_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the ith ao on the jth ao_ortho_lowdin orbital END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l complex*16, allocatable :: tmp_matrix(:,:) allocate (tmp_matrix(ao_num,ao_num)) tmp_matrix(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0) do j=1, ao_num tmp_matrix(j,j) = (1.d0,0.d0) enddo call ortho_lowdin_complex(ao_overlap_complex,ao_num,ao_num,tmp_matrix,ao_num,ao_num,lin_dep_cutoff) do i=1, ao_num do j=1, ao_num ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_complex(j,i) = tmp_matrix(i,j) enddo enddo deallocate(tmp_matrix) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [complex*16, ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap_complex, (ao_num,ao_num)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! overlap matrix of the ao_ortho_lowdin ! supposed to be the Identity END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l complex*16 :: c do j=1, ao_num do i=1, ao_num ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap_complex(i,j) = (0.d0,0.d0) enddo enddo do k=1, ao_num do j=1, ao_num c = (0.d0,0.d0) do l=1, ao_num c += dconjg(ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_complex(j,l)) * ao_overlap_complex(k,l) enddo do i=1, ao_num ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap_complex(i,j) += ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_complex(i,k) * c enddo enddo enddo END_PROVIDER !============================================! ! ! ! kpts ! ! ! !============================================! BEGIN_PROVIDER [complex*16, ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_kpts, (ao_num_per_kpt,ao_num_per_kpt,kpt_num)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! matrix of the coefficients of the mos generated by the ! orthonormalization by the S^{-1/2} canonical transformation of the aos ! ao_ortho_lowdin_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the ith ao on the jth ao_ortho_lowdin orbital END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l complex*16, allocatable :: tmp_matrix(:,:) allocate (tmp_matrix(ao_num,ao_num)) do k=1,kpt_num tmp_matrix(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0) do j=1, ao_num tmp_matrix(j,j) = (1.d0,0.d0) enddo call ortho_lowdin_complex(ao_overlap_kpts(:,:,k),ao_num_per_kpt,ao_num_per_kpt,tmp_matrix,ao_num_per_kpt,ao_num_per_kpt,lin_dep_cutoff) do i=1, ao_num_per_kpt do j=1, ao_num_per_kpt ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_kpts(j,i,k) = tmp_matrix(i,j) enddo enddo enddo deallocate(tmp_matrix) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [complex*16, ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap_kpts, (ao_num_per_kpt,ao_num_per_kpt,kpt_num)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! overlap matrix of the ao_ortho_lowdin ! supposed to be the Identity END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l,kk complex*16 :: c do kk=1,kpt_num do j=1, ao_num_per_kpt do i=1, ao_num_per_kpt ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap_kpts(i,j,kk) = (0.d0,0.d0) enddo enddo enddo do kk=1,kpt_num do k=1, ao_num_per_kpt do j=1, ao_num_per_kpt c = (0.d0,0.d0) do l=1, ao_num_per_kpt c += dconjg(ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_kpts(j,l,kk)) * ao_overlap_kpts(k,l,kk) enddo do i=1, ao_num_per_kpt ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap_kpts(i,j,kk) += ao_ortho_lowdin_coef_kpts(i,k,kk) * c enddo enddo enddo enddo END_PROVIDER