use map_module !! MO Map !! ====== BEGIN_PROVIDER [ type(map_type), mo_integrals_map ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ type(map_type), mo_integrals_map_2 ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! MO integrals END_DOC integer(key_kind) :: key_max integer(map_size_kind) :: sze call two_e_integrals_index(mo_num,mo_num,mo_num,mo_num,key_max) if (is_complex) then sze = key_max*2 call map_init(mo_integrals_map,sze) call map_init(mo_integrals_map_2,sze) print*, 'MO maps initialized (complex): ', 2*sze else sze = key_max call map_init(mo_integrals_map,sze) call map_init(mo_integrals_map_2,1_map_size_kind) print*, 'MO map initialized: ', sze endif END_PROVIDER subroutine insert_into_mo_integrals_map(n_integrals, & buffer_i, buffer_values, thr) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Create new entry into MO map, or accumulate in an existing entry END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n_integrals integer(key_kind), intent(inout) :: buffer_i(n_integrals) real(integral_kind), intent(inout) :: buffer_values(n_integrals) real(integral_kind), intent(in) :: thr call map_update(mo_integrals_map, buffer_i, buffer_values, n_integrals, thr) end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*4, mo_integrals_cache_min ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*4, mo_integrals_cache_max ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, mo_integrals_cache_min_8 ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, mo_integrals_cache_max_8 ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Min and max values of the MOs for which the integrals are in the cache END_DOC mo_integrals_cache_min_8 = max(1_8,elec_alpha_num - 63_8) mo_integrals_cache_max_8 = min(int(mo_num,8),mo_integrals_cache_min_8+127_8) mo_integrals_cache_min = max(1,elec_alpha_num - 63) mo_integrals_cache_max = min(mo_num,mo_integrals_cache_min+127) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mo_integrals_cache, (0_8:128_8*128_8*128_8*128_8) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Cache of MO integrals for fast access END_DOC PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map integer*8 :: i,j,k,l integer*4 :: i4,j4,k4,l4 integer*8 :: ii integer(key_kind) :: idx real(integral_kind) :: integral FREE ao_integrals_cache !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (i,j,k,l,i4,j4,k4,l4,idx,ii,integral) do l=mo_integrals_cache_min_8,mo_integrals_cache_max_8 l4 = int(l,4) do k=mo_integrals_cache_min_8,mo_integrals_cache_max_8 k4 = int(k,4) do j=mo_integrals_cache_min_8,mo_integrals_cache_max_8 j4 = int(j,4) do i=mo_integrals_cache_min_8,mo_integrals_cache_max_8 i4 = int(i,4) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call two_e_integrals_index(i4,j4,k4,l4,idx) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call map_get(mo_integrals_map,idx,integral) ii = l-mo_integrals_cache_min_8 ii = ior( shiftl(ii,7), k-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) ii = ior( shiftl(ii,7), j-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) ii = ior( shiftl(ii,7), i-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) mo_integrals_cache(ii) = integral enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END_PROVIDER double precision function get_two_e_integral(i,j,k,l,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns one integral in the MO basis END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k,l integer(key_kind) :: idx integer :: ii integer*8 :: ii_8 type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map real(integral_kind) :: tmp PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_cache ii = l-mo_integrals_cache_min ii = ior(ii, k-mo_integrals_cache_min) ii = ior(ii, j-mo_integrals_cache_min) ii = ior(ii, i-mo_integrals_cache_min) if (iand(ii, -128) /= 0) then !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call two_e_integrals_index(i,j,k,l,idx) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call map_get(map,idx,tmp) get_two_e_integral = dble(tmp) else ii_8 = int(l,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8 ii_8 = ior( shiftl(ii_8,7), int(k,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) ii_8 = ior( shiftl(ii_8,7), int(j,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) ii_8 = ior( shiftl(ii_8,7), int(i,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) get_two_e_integral = mo_integrals_cache(ii_8) endif end double precision function mo_two_e_integral(i,j,k,l) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns one integral in the MO basis END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k,l double precision :: get_two_e_integral PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_cache !DIR$ FORCEINLINE mo_two_e_integral = get_two_e_integral(i,j,k,l,mo_integrals_map) return end subroutine get_mo_two_e_integrals(j,k,l,sze,out_val,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns multiple integrals in the MO basis, all ! i for j,k,l fixed. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: j,k,l, sze double precision, intent(out) :: out_val(sze) type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: i double precision, external :: get_two_e_integral integer :: ii, ii0 integer*8 :: ii_8, ii0_8 real(integral_kind) :: tmp integer(key_kind) :: i1, idx integer(key_kind) :: p,q,r,s,i2 PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_cache !DEBUG ! do i=1,sze ! out_val(i) = get_two_e_integral(i,j,k,l,map) ! enddo ! return !DEBUG ii0 = l-mo_integrals_cache_min ii0 = ior(ii0, k-mo_integrals_cache_min) ii0 = ior(ii0, j-mo_integrals_cache_min) ii0_8 = int(l,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8 ii0_8 = ior( shiftl(ii0_8,7), int(k,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) ii0_8 = ior( shiftl(ii0_8,7), int(j,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) q = min(j,l) s = max(j,l) q = q+shiftr(s*s-s,1) do i=1,sze ii = ior(ii0, i-mo_integrals_cache_min) if (iand(ii, -128) == 0) then ii_8 = ior( shiftl(ii0_8,7), int(i,8)-mo_integrals_cache_min_8) out_val(i) = mo_integrals_cache(ii_8) else p = min(i,k) r = max(i,k) p = p+shiftr(r*r-r,1) i1 = min(p,q) i2 = max(p,q) idx = i1+shiftr(i2*i2-i2,1) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call map_get(map,idx,tmp) out_val(i) = dble(tmp) endif enddo end subroutine get_mo_two_e_integrals_ij(k,l,sze,out_array,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns multiple integrals in the MO basis, all ! i(1)j(2) 1/r12 k(1)l(2) ! i, j for k,l fixed. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: k,l, sze double precision, intent(out) :: out_array(sze,sze) type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: j real(integral_kind), allocatable :: tmp_val(:) do j=1,sze call get_mo_two_e_integrals(j,k,l,sze,out_array(1,j),map) enddo end subroutine get_mo_two_e_integrals_i1j1(k,l,sze,out_array,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns multiple integrals in the MO basis, all ! i(1)j(1) 1/r12 k(2)l(2) ! i, j for k,l fixed. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: k,l, sze double precision, intent(out) :: out_array(sze,sze) type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: j PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map do j=1,sze call get_mo_two_e_integrals(k,j,l,sze,out_array(1,j),map) enddo end subroutine get_mo_two_e_integrals_coulomb_ii(k,l,sze,out_val,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns multiple integrals ! k(1)i(2) 1/r12 l(1)i(2) :: out_val(i1) ! for k,l fixed. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: k,l, sze double precision, intent(out) :: out_val(sze) type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: i double precision, external :: get_two_e_integral PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map do i=1,sze out_val(i) = get_two_e_integral(k,i,l,i,map) enddo end subroutine get_mo_two_e_integrals_exch_ii(k,l,sze,out_val,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns multiple integrals ! k(1)i(2) 1/r12 i(1)l(2) :: out_val(i1) ! for k,l fixed. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: k,l, sze double precision, intent(out) :: out_val(sze) type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: i double precision, external :: get_two_e_integral PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map do i=1,sze out_val(i) = get_two_e_integral(k,i,i,l,map) enddo end integer*8 function get_mo_map_size() implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Return the number of elements in the MO map END_DOC get_mo_map_size = mo_integrals_map % n_elements if (is_complex) then get_mo_map_size += mo_integrals_map_2 % n_elements endif end subroutine dump_mo_integrals(filename) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Save to disk the |MO| integrals END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: filename integer(cache_key_kind), pointer :: key(:) real(integral_kind), pointer :: val(:) integer*8 :: i,j, n if (.not.mpi_master) then return endif call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.) open(unit=66,file=filename,FORM='unformatted') write(66) integral_kind, key_kind write(66) mo_integrals_map%sorted, mo_integrals_map%map_size, & mo_integrals_map%n_elements do i=0_8,mo_integrals_map%map_size write(66) mo_integrals_map%map(i)%sorted, mo_integrals_map%map(i)%map_size,& mo_integrals_map%map(i)%n_elements enddo do i=0_8,mo_integrals_map%map_size key => mo_integrals_map%map(i)%key val => mo_integrals_map%map(i)%value n = mo_integrals_map%map(i)%n_elements write(66) (key(j), j=1,n), (val(j), j=1,n) enddo close(66) end integer function load_mo_integrals(filename) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Read from disk the |MO| integrals END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: filename integer*8 :: i integer(cache_key_kind), pointer :: key(:) real(integral_kind), pointer :: val(:) integer :: iknd, kknd integer*8 :: n, j load_mo_integrals = 1 open(unit=66,file=filename,FORM='unformatted',STATUS='UNKNOWN') read(66,err=98,end=98) iknd, kknd if (iknd /= integral_kind) then print *, 'Wrong integrals kind in file :', iknd stop 1 endif if (kknd /= key_kind) then print *, 'Wrong key kind in file :', kknd stop 1 endif read(66,err=98,end=98) mo_integrals_map%sorted, mo_integrals_map%map_size,& mo_integrals_map%n_elements do i=0_8, mo_integrals_map%map_size read(66,err=99,end=99) mo_integrals_map%map(i)%sorted, & mo_integrals_map%map(i)%map_size, mo_integrals_map%map(i)%n_elements call cache_map_reallocate(mo_integrals_map%map(i),mo_integrals_map%map(i)%map_size) enddo do i=0_8, mo_integrals_map%map_size key => mo_integrals_map%map(i)%key val => mo_integrals_map%map(i)%value n = mo_integrals_map%map(i)%n_elements read(66,err=99,end=99) (key(j), j=1,n), (val(j), j=1,n) enddo call map_sort(mo_integrals_map) load_mo_integrals = 0 return 99 continue call map_deinit(mo_integrals_map) 98 continue stop 'Problem reading mo_integrals_map file in work/' end