BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_occ_val_orb_for_hf,(2)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_max_occ_val_orb_for_hf] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of OCCUPIED VALENCE ORBITALS for each spin to build the f_{HF}(r_1,r_2) function ! ! This is typically elec_alpha_num - n_core_orb for alpha electrons and elec_beta_num - n_core_orb for beta electrons ! ! This determines the size of the space \mathcal{A} of Eqs. (15-16) of Phys.Chem.Lett.2019, 10, 2931 2937 END_DOC integer :: i n_occ_val_orb_for_hf = 0 ! You browse the ALPHA ELECTRONS and check if its not a CORE ORBITAL do i = 1, elec_alpha_num if( trim(mo_class(i))=="Inactive" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Active" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Virtual" )then n_occ_val_orb_for_hf(1) +=1 endif enddo ! You browse the BETA ELECTRONS and check if its not a CORE ORBITAL do i = 1, elec_beta_num if( trim(mo_class(i))=="Inactive" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Active" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Virtual" )then n_occ_val_orb_for_hf(2) +=1 endif enddo n_max_occ_val_orb_for_hf = maxval(n_occ_val_orb_for_hf) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_valence_orb_for_hf, (n_max_occ_val_orb_for_hf,2)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! List of OCCUPIED valence orbitals for each spin to build the f_{HF}(r_1,r_2) function ! ! This corresponds to ALL OCCUPIED orbitals in the HF wave function, except those defined as "core" ! ! This determines the space \mathcal{A} of Eqs. (15-16) of Phys.Chem.Lett.2019, 10, 2931 2937 END_DOC integer :: i,j j = 0 ! You browse the ALPHA ELECTRONS and check if its not a CORE ORBITAL do i = 1, elec_alpha_num if( trim(mo_class(i))=="Inactive" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Active" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Virtual" )then j +=1 list_valence_orb_for_hf(j,1) = i endif enddo j = 0 ! You browse the BETA ELECTRONS and check if its not a CORE ORBITAL do i = 1, elec_beta_num if( trim(mo_class(i))=="Inactive" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Active" & .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Virtual" )then j +=1 list_valence_orb_for_hf(j,2) = i endif enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_basis_orb] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Defines the number of orbitals you will use to explore the basis set ! ! This determines the size of the space \mathcal{B} of Eqs. (15-16) of Phys.Chem.Lett.2019, 10, 2931 2937 ! ! It corresponds to all MOs except those defined as "deleted" END_DOC if(mu_of_r_potential == "pure_act")then n_basis_orb = n_act_orb else n_basis_orb = n_all_but_del_orb endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_basis, (n_basis_orb)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Defines the set of orbitals you will use to explore the basis set ! ! This determines the space \mathcal{B} of Eqs. (15-16) of Phys.Chem.Lett.2019, 10, 2931 2937 ! ! It corresponds to all MOs except those defined as "deleted" END_DOC integer :: i if(mu_of_r_potential == "pure_act")then do i = 1, n_act_orb list_basis(i) = list_act(i) enddo else do i = 1, n_all_but_del_orb list_basis(i) = list_all_but_del_orb(i) enddo endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, basis_mos_in_r_array, (n_basis_orb,n_points_final_grid)] implicit none integer :: ipoint,i,ii do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid do i = 1, n_basis_orb ii = list_basis(i) basis_mos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) = mos_in_r_array(ii,ipoint) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER ! BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_docc_val_orb_for_cas] !&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_max_docc_val_orb_for_cas] ! implicit none ! BEGIN_DOC ! ! Number of DOUBLY OCCUPIED VALENCE ORBITALS for the CAS wave function ! ! ! ! This determines the size of the space \mathcal{A} of Eqs. (15-16) of Phys.Chem.Lett.2019, 10, 2931 2937 ! END_DOC ! integer :: i ! n_docc_val_orb_for_cas = 0 ! ! You browse the BETA ELECTRONS and check if its not a CORE ORBITAL ! do i = 1, elec_beta_num ! if( trim(mo_class(i))=="Inactive" & ! .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Active" & ! .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Virtual" )then ! n_docc_val_orb_for_cas +=1 ! endif ! enddo ! n_max_docc_val_orb_for_cas = maxval(n_docc_val_orb_for_cas) ! !END_PROVIDER ! !BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, list_doc_valence_orb_for_cas, (n_max_docc_val_orb_for_cas)] ! implicit none ! BEGIN_DOC ! ! List of OCCUPIED valence orbitals for each spin to build the f_{HF}(r_1,r_2) function ! ! ! ! This corresponds to ALL OCCUPIED orbitals in the HF wave function, except those defined as "core" ! ! ! ! This determines the space \mathcal{A} of Eqs. (15-16) of Phys.Chem.Lett.2019, 10, 2931 2937 ! END_DOC ! j = 0 ! ! You browse the BETA ELECTRONS and check if its not a CORE ORBITAL ! do i = 1, elec_beta_num ! if( trim(mo_class(i))=="Inactive" & ! .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Active" & ! .or. trim(mo_class(i))=="Virtual" )then ! j +=1 ! list_doc_valence_orb_for_cas(j) = i ! endif ! enddo ! !END_PROVIDER