#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ convert TREXIO file to EZFIO Usage: qp_import_trexio [-o EZFIO_DIR] FILE Options: -o --output=EZFIO_DIR Produced directory by default is FILE.ezfio """ import sys import os import numpy as np from functools import reduce from ezfio import ezfio from docopt import docopt import qp_bitmasks try: import trexio except ImportError: print("Error: trexio python module is not found. Try python3 -m pip install trexio") sys.exit(1) try: QP_ROOT = os.environ["QP_ROOT"] QP_EZFIO = os.environ["QP_EZFIO"] except KeyError: print("Error: QP_ROOT environment variable not found.") sys.exit(1) else: sys.path = [QP_EZFIO + "/Python", QP_ROOT + "/install/resultsFile", QP_ROOT + "/install", QP_ROOT + "/scripts"] + sys.path def uint64_to_int64(u): # Check if the most significant bit is set if u & (1 << 63): # Calculate the two's complement result = -int(np.bitwise_not(np.uint64(u))+1) else: # The number is already positive result = u return result def generate_xyz(l): def create_z(x,y,z): return (x, y, l-(x+y)) def create_y(accu,x,y,z): if y == 0: result = [create_z(x,y,z)] + accu else: result = create_y([create_z(x,y,z)] + accu , x, y-1, z) return result def create_x(accu,x,y,z): if x == 0: result = create_y([], x,y,z) + accu else: xnew = x-1 ynew = l-xnew result = create_x(create_y([],x,y,z) + accu , xnew, ynew, z) return result result = create_x([], l, 0, 0) result.reverse() return result def write_ezfio(trexio_filename, filename): try: trexio_file = trexio.File(trexio_filename,mode='r',back_end=trexio.TREXIO_TEXT) except: trexio_file = trexio.File(trexio_filename,mode='r',back_end=trexio.TREXIO_HDF5) ezfio.set_file(filename) ezfio.set_trexio_trexio_file(trexio_filename) print("Nuclei\t\t...\t", end=' ') charge = [0.] if trexio.has_nucleus(trexio_file): charge = trexio.read_nucleus_charge(trexio_file) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_num(len(charge)) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_charge(charge) coord = trexio.read_nucleus_coord(trexio_file) coord = np.transpose(coord) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_coord(coord) label = trexio.read_nucleus_label(trexio_file) nucl_num = trexio.read_nucleus_num(trexio_file) # Transformt H1 into H import re p = re.compile(r'(\d*)$') label = [p.sub("", x).capitalize() for x in label] ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_label(label) print("OK") else: ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_num(1) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_charge([0.]) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_coord([0.,0.,0.]) ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_label(["X"]) print("None") print("Electrons\t...\t", end=' ') try: num_beta = trexio.read_electron_dn_num(trexio_file) except: num_beta = int(sum(charge))//2 try: num_alpha = trexio.read_electron_up_num(trexio_file) except: num_alpha = int(sum(charge)) - num_beta if num_alpha == 0: print("\n\nError: There are zero electrons in the TREXIO file.\n\n") sys.exit(1) ezfio.set_electrons_elec_alpha_num(num_alpha) ezfio.set_electrons_elec_beta_num(num_beta) print(f"{num_alpha} {num_beta}") print("Basis\t\t...\t", end=' ') shell_num = 0 try: basis_type = trexio.read_basis_type(trexio_file) print ("BASIS TYPE: ", basis_type.lower()) if basis_type.lower() in ["gaussian", "slater"]: shell_num = trexio.read_basis_shell_num(trexio_file) prim_num = trexio.read_basis_prim_num(trexio_file) ang_mom = trexio.read_basis_shell_ang_mom(trexio_file) nucl_index = trexio.read_basis_nucleus_index(trexio_file) exponent = trexio.read_basis_exponent(trexio_file) coefficient = trexio.read_basis_coefficient(trexio_file) shell_index = trexio.read_basis_shell_index(trexio_file) ao_shell = trexio.read_ao_shell(trexio_file) ezfio.set_basis_basis("Read from TREXIO") ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_basis("Read from TREXIO") ezfio.set_basis_shell_num(shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_prim_num(prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_ang_mom(ang_mom) ezfio.set_basis_basis_nucleus_index([ x+1 for x in nucl_index ]) ezfio.set_basis_prim_expo(exponent) ezfio.set_basis_prim_coef(coefficient) nucl_shell_num = [] prev = None m = 0 for i in ao_shell: if i != prev: m += 1 if prev is None or nucl_index[i] != nucl_index[prev]: nucl_shell_num.append(m) m = 0 prev = i assert (len(nucl_shell_num) == nucl_num) shell_prim_num = [] prev = shell_index[0] count = 0 for i in shell_index: if i != prev: shell_prim_num.append(count) count = 0 count += 1 prev = i shell_prim_num.append(count) assert (len(shell_prim_num) == shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_prim_num(shell_prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_index([x+1 for x in shell_index]) ezfio.set_basis_nucleus_shell_num(nucl_shell_num) shell_factor = trexio.read_basis_shell_factor(trexio_file) prim_factor = trexio.read_basis_prim_factor(trexio_file) elif basis_type.lower() == "numerical": shell_num = trexio.read_basis_shell_num(trexio_file) prim_num = shell_num ang_mom = trexio.read_basis_shell_ang_mom(trexio_file) nucl_index = trexio.read_basis_nucleus_index(trexio_file) exponent = [1.]*prim_num coefficient = [1.]*prim_num shell_index = [i for i in range(shell_num)] ao_shell = trexio.read_ao_shell(trexio_file) ezfio.set_basis_basis("None") ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_basis("None") ezfio.set_basis_shell_num(shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_prim_num(prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_ang_mom(ang_mom) ezfio.set_basis_basis_nucleus_index([ x+1 for x in nucl_index ]) ezfio.set_basis_prim_expo(exponent) ezfio.set_basis_prim_coef(coefficient) nucl_shell_num = [] prev = None m = 0 for i in ao_shell: if i != prev: m += 1 if prev is None or nucl_index[i] != nucl_index[prev]: nucl_shell_num.append(m) m = 0 prev = i assert (len(nucl_shell_num) == nucl_num) shell_prim_num = [] prev = shell_index[0] count = 0 for i in shell_index: if i != prev: shell_prim_num.append(count) count = 0 count += 1 prev = i shell_prim_num.append(count) assert (len(shell_prim_num) == shell_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_prim_num(shell_prim_num) ezfio.set_basis_shell_index([x+1 for x in shell_index]) ezfio.set_basis_nucleus_shell_num(nucl_shell_num) shell_factor = trexio.read_basis_shell_factor(trexio_file) prim_factor = [1.]*prim_num else: raise TypeError print(basis_type) except: print("None") ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_cartesian(True) print("AOS\t\t...\t", end=' ') try: cartesian = trexio.read_ao_cartesian(trexio_file) except: cartesian = True ao_num = trexio.read_ao_num(trexio_file) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_num(ao_num) if cartesian and shell_num > 0: ao_shell = trexio.read_ao_shell(trexio_file) at = [ nucl_index[i]+1 for i in ao_shell ] ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_nucl(at) num_prim0 = [ 0 for i in range(shell_num) ] for i in shell_index: num_prim0[i] += 1 coef = {} expo = {} for i,c in enumerate(coefficient): idx = shell_index[i] if idx in coef: coef[idx].append(c) expo[idx].append(exponent[i]) else: coef[idx] = [c] expo[idx] = [exponent[i]] coefficient = [] exponent = [] power_x = [] power_y = [] power_z = [] num_prim = [] for i in range(shell_num): for x,y,z in generate_xyz(ang_mom[i]): power_x.append(x) power_y.append(y) power_z.append(z) coefficient.append(coef[i]) exponent.append(expo[i]) num_prim.append(num_prim0[i]) assert (len(coefficient) == ao_num) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_power(power_x + power_y + power_z) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_prim_num(num_prim) prim_num_max = max( [ len(x) for x in coefficient ] ) for i in range(ao_num): coefficient[i] += [0. for j in range(len(coefficient[i]), prim_num_max)] exponent [i] += [0. for j in range(len(exponent[i]), prim_num_max)] coefficient = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, coefficient, []) exponent = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, exponent , []) coef = [] expo = [] for i in range(prim_num_max): for j in range(i, len(coefficient), prim_num_max): coef.append(coefficient[j]) expo.append(exponent[j]) # ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_prim_num_max(prim_num_max) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_coef(coef) ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_expo(expo) print("OK") else: print("None: integrals should be also imported using qp run import_trexio_integrals") # _ # |\/| _ _ |_) _. _ o _ # | | (_) _> |_) (_| _> | _> # print("MOS\t\t...\t", end=' ') labels = { "Canonical" : "Canonical", "RHF" : "Canonical", "BOYS" : "Localized", "ROHF" : "Canonical", "UHF" : "Canonical", "Natural": "Natural" } try: label = labels[trexio.read_mo_type(trexio_file)] except: label = "None" ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_label(label) ezfio.set_determinants_mo_label(label) try: clss = trexio.read_mo_class(trexio_file) core = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "core" ] inactive = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "inactive" ] active = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "active" ] virtual = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "virtual" ] deleted = [ i for i in clss if i.lower() == "deleted" ] except trexio.Error: pass try: mo_num = trexio.read_mo_num(trexio_file) ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_num(mo_num) MoMatrix = trexio.read_mo_coefficient(trexio_file) ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_coef(MoMatrix) mo_occ = [ 0. for i in range(mo_num) ] for i in range(num_alpha): mo_occ[i] += 1. for i in range(num_beta): mo_occ[i] += 1. ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_occ(mo_occ) print("OK") except: print("None") print("Pseudos\t\t...\t", end=' ') ezfio.set_pseudo_do_pseudo(False) if trexio.has_ecp_ang_mom(trexio_file): ezfio.set_pseudo_do_pseudo(True) max_ang_mom_plus_1 = trexio.read_ecp_max_ang_mom_plus_1(trexio_file) z_core = trexio.read_ecp_z_core(trexio_file) ang_mom = trexio.read_ecp_ang_mom(trexio_file) nucleus_index = trexio.read_ecp_nucleus_index(trexio_file) exponent = trexio.read_ecp_exponent(trexio_file) coefficient = trexio.read_ecp_coefficient(trexio_file) power = trexio.read_ecp_power(trexio_file) lmax = max( max_ang_mom_plus_1 ) - 1 ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_lmax(lmax) ezfio.set_pseudo_nucl_charge_remove(z_core) prev_center = None ecp = {} for i in range(len(ang_mom)): center = nucleus_index[i] if center != prev_center: ecp[center] = { "lmax": max_ang_mom_plus_1[center], "zcore": z_core[center], "contr": {} } for j in range(max_ang_mom_plus_1[center]+1): ecp[center]["contr"][j] = [] ecp[center]["contr"][ang_mom[i]].append( (coefficient[i], power[i], exponent[i]) ) prev_center = center ecp_loc = {} ecp_nl = {} kmax = 0 klocmax = 0 for center in ecp: ecp_nl [center] = {} for k in ecp[center]["contr"]: if k == ecp[center]["lmax"]: ecp_loc[center] = ecp[center]["contr"][k] klocmax = max(len(ecp_loc[center]), klocmax) else: ecp_nl [center][k] = ecp[center]["contr"][k] kmax = max(len(ecp_nl [center][k]), kmax) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_klocmax(klocmax) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_kmax(kmax) pseudo_n_k = [[0 for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(klocmax)] pseudo_v_k = [[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(klocmax)] pseudo_dz_k = [[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(klocmax)] pseudo_n_kl = [[[0 for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(kmax)] for _ in range(lmax+1)] pseudo_v_kl = [[[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(kmax)] for _ in range(lmax+1)] pseudo_dz_kl = [[[0. for _ in range(nucl_num)] for _ in range(kmax)] for _ in range(lmax+1)] for center in ecp_loc: for k in range( len(ecp_loc[center]) ): v, n, dz = ecp_loc[center][k] pseudo_n_k[k][center] = n pseudo_v_k[k][center] = v pseudo_dz_k[k][center] = dz ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_n_k(pseudo_n_k) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_v_k(pseudo_v_k) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_dz_k(pseudo_dz_k) for center in ecp_nl: for l in range( len(ecp_nl[center]) ): for k in range( len(ecp_nl[center][l]) ): v, n, dz = ecp_nl[center][l][k] pseudo_n_kl[l][k][center] = n pseudo_v_kl[l][k][center] = v pseudo_dz_kl[l][k][center] = dz ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_n_kl(pseudo_n_kl) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_v_kl(pseudo_v_kl) ezfio.set_pseudo_pseudo_dz_kl(pseudo_dz_kl) print("OK") else: print("None") print("Determinant\t...\t", end=' ') alpha = [ i for i in range(num_alpha) ] beta = [ i for i in range(num_beta) ] if trexio.has_mo_spin(trexio_file): spin = trexio.read_mo_spin(trexio_file) if max(spin) == 1: alpha = [ i for i in range(len(spin)) if spin[i] == 0 ] alpha = [ alpha[i] for i in range(num_alpha) ] beta = [ i for i in range(len(spin)) if spin[i] == 1 ] beta = [ beta[i] for i in range(num_beta) ] print("Warning -- UHF orbitals --", end=' ') alpha_s = ['0']*mo_num beta_s = ['0']*mo_num for i in alpha: alpha_s[i] = '1' for i in beta: beta_s[i] = '1' alpha_s = ''.join(alpha_s)[::-1] beta_s = ''.join(beta_s)[::-1] def conv(i): try: result = np.int64(i) except: result = np.int64(i-2**63-1) return result alpha = [ uint64_to_int64(int(i,2)) for i in qp_bitmasks.string_to_bitmask(alpha_s) ][::-1] beta = [ uint64_to_int64(int(i,2)) for i in qp_bitmasks.string_to_bitmask(beta_s ) ][::-1] ezfio.set_determinants_bit_kind(8) ezfio.set_determinants_n_int(1+mo_num//64) ezfio.set_determinants_n_det(1) ezfio.set_determinants_n_states(1) ezfio.set_determinants_psi_det(alpha+beta) ezfio.set_determinants_psi_coef([[1.0]]) print("OK") def get_full_path(file_path): file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_path) file_path = os.path.expandvars(file_path) return file_path if __name__ == '__main__': ARGUMENTS = docopt(__doc__) FILE = get_full_path(ARGUMENTS['FILE']) trexio_filename = FILE if ARGUMENTS["--output"]: EZFIO_FILE = get_full_path(ARGUMENTS["--output"]) else: EZFIO_FILE = "{0}.ezfio".format(FILE) write_ezfio(trexio_filename, EZFIO_FILE) sys.stdout.flush()