#!/bin/bash source ~/qp2/quantum_package.rc ## Define the system/basis/charge/mult and genric keywords system=H2O xyz=${system}.xyz basis=6-31g mult=1 charge=0 j2e_type=Mu thresh_tcscf=1e-10 io_tc_integ="Write" nstates=4 nol_standard=False tc_integ_type=numeric # can be changed for semi-analytic if (( $nol_standard == "False" )) then three_body_h_tc=True else three_body_h_tc=False fi ##################### Function to create the EZFIO function create_ezfio (){ qp create_ezfio -b $basis -m $mult -c $charge $xyz -o $ezfio qp run scf | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.scf.out } function set_env_j_keywords (){ qp set hamiltonian mu_erf 0.87 qp set jastrow env_type Sum_Gauss qp set jastrow env_coef "${coef}" qp set tc_keywords tc_integ_type $tc_integ_type qp set jastrow j1e_type $j1e_type qp set jastrow j2e_type $j2e_type qp set jastrow env_expo "${alpha}" } function run_ground_state (){ qp set tc_keywords minimize_lr_angles True qp run tc_scf | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.tc_scf.out qp set_frozen_core qp set determinants n_det_max 1e6 qp set perturbation pt2_max 0.001 qp set tc_keywords nol_standard $nol_standard qp set tc_keywords three_body_h_tc $three_body_h_tc qp run fci_tc_bi_ortho | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.fci_tc_bi.out } function run_excited_state (){ qp set determinants n_states $nstates qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis.out rm ${EZFIO_FILE}/tc_bi_ortho/psi_* qp run tc_bi_ortho | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.tc_cis_nst_${nstates}.out qp set determinants read_wf True qp run fci_tc_bi_ortho | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.fci_tc_bi_nst_${nstates}.out } # Define J(mu) with envelope and without j1e j2e_type=Mu j1e_type=None ezfio=${system}_${charge}_${basis}_${j2e_type}_${j1e_type} create_ezfio alpha=[2.0,1000.,1000.] # parameters for H2O coef=[1.,1.,1.] # parameters for H2O set_env_j_keywords run_ground_state run_excited_state # Define J(mu) with envelope and with a charge Harmonizer for J1e j2e_type=Mu j1e_type=Charge_Harmonizer ezfio=${system}_${charge}_${basis}_${j2e_type}_${j1e_type} create_ezfio alpha=[2.5,1000.,1000.] # parameters for H2O coef=[1.,1.,1.] # parameters for H2O set_env_j_keywords run_ground_state run_excited_state