+ added the pt_charges integrals to the usual v_ne
+ added only the nuclei_pt_charge interaction to the usual nuclear_repulsion (and not the pt_charge_pt_charge interaction)
* fixed laplacian of aos
* corrected the laplacians of aos
* added dft_one_e
* added new feature for new dft functionals
* changed the configure to add new functionals
* changed the configure
* added dft_one_e/README.rst
* added README.rst in new_functionals
* added source/programmers_guide/new_ks.rst
* Thesis Yann
* Added gmp installation in configure
* improved qp_e_conv_fci
* Doc
* Typos
* Added variance_max
* Fixed completion in qp_create
* modif TODO
* fixed DFT potential for n_states gt 1
* improved pot pbe
* trying to improve sr PBE
* fixed potential pbe
* fixed the vxc smashed for pbe sr and normal
* Comments in selection
* bug fixed by peter
* Fixed bug with zero beta electrons
* Update README.rst
* Update e_xc_new_func.irp.f
* Update links.rst
* Update quickstart.rst
* Update quickstart.rst
* updated cipsi
* Fixed energies of non-expected s2 (#9)
* Moved diag_algorithm in Davdison