From 1b7463b86bd417ddba48aa5218384d340671f041 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Abdallah Ammar
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 23:53:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/44] fixed sgn error in jast_deriv
src/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f b/src/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
index 6b8445b1..6de3d80d 100644
--- a/src/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
+++ b/src/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
- call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad1_u2b)
+ call grad1_j12_mu(r2, r1, grad1_u2b)
dx = grad1_u2b(1)
dy = grad1_u2b(2)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
v1b_r2 = j1b_nucl(r2)
u2b_r12 = j12_mu(r1, r2)
- call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad1_u2b)
+ call grad1_j12_mu(r2, r1, grad1_u2b)
dx = (grad1_u2b(1) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v1b(1)) * v1b_r2
dy = (grad1_u2b(2) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v1b(2)) * v1b_r2
From 9fc4b6d63bbfa3f91d29a7a8f2c5452cb357bed9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Abdallah Ammar
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 21:53:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/44] v0 of tc-dRPA
.../lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f | 12 +-
src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f | 38 ++++
src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f | 116 +++++++++++
src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f | 39 ++++
src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f | 181 ++++++++++++++++++
src/utils/util.irp.f | 19 ++
6 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f
diff --git a/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f b/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
index 836bf707..09fcee24 100644
--- a/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
+++ b/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
@@ -1944,6 +1944,7 @@ subroutine check_orthog(n, m, V, accu_d, accu_nd, S)
end subroutine check_orthog
! ---
subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
implicit none
@@ -1953,7 +1954,7 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
double precision, intent(inout) :: L0(n,n), R0(n,n)
logical :: complex_root
- integer :: i, j, k, m
+ integer :: i, j, k, m, ii
double precision :: ei, ej, de, de_thr
double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd
integer, allocatable :: deg_num(:)
@@ -1986,11 +1987,18 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
+ ii = 0
do i = 1, n
if(deg_num(i) .gt. 1) then
print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i), e0(i)
+ ii = ii + 1
+ if(ii .eq. 0) then
+ print*, ' WARNING: bi-orthogonality is lost but there is no degeneracies'
+ print*, ' rotations may change energy'
+ endif
+ print *, ii, ' type of degeneracies'
! ---
@@ -2013,7 +2021,7 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
print*,'Overlap matrix '
accu_nd = 0.D0
do j = 1, m
- write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')S(1:m,j)
+ write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
do k = 1, m
accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdc4758d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nC_orb]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nO_orb]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nV_orb]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nR_orb]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nS_exc]
+ !
+ ! nC_orb = number of core orbitals
+ ! nO_orb = number of occupied orbitals
+ ! nV_orb = number of virtual orbitals
+ ! nR_orb = number of Rydberg orbitals
+ ! nS_exc = number of single excitation
+ !
+ implicit none
+ nC_orb = 0
+ nO_orb = elec_beta_num - nC_orb
+ nV_orb = mo_num - (nC_orb + nO_orb)
+ nR_orb = 0
+ nS_exc = (nO_orb-nC_orb) * (nV_orb-nR_orb)
+ print *, ' nC_orb = ', nC_orb
+ print *, ' nO_orb = ', nO_orb
+ print *, ' nV_orb = ', nV_orb
+ print *, ' nR_orb = ', nR_orb
+ print *, ' nS_exc = ', nS_exc
+! ---
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56891ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, M_RPA, (2*nS_exc, 2*nS_exc)]
+ !
+ ! full matrix for direct RPA calculation
+ ! with the TC-Hamiltonian
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ia, i, a, jb, j, b
+ double precision :: e(mo_num)
+ double precision, external :: Kronecker_delta
+ PROVIDE mo_tc_effec2e_int
+ PROVIDE Fock_matrix_tc_diag_mo_tot
+ e(1:mo_num) = Fock_matrix_tc_diag_mo_tot(1:mo_num)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! block A
+ ia = 0
+ do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ ia = ia + 1
+ jb = 0
+ do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ jb = jb + 1
+ M_RPA(ia,jb) = (e(a) - e(i)) * Kronecker_delta(i,j) * Kronecker_delta(a,b) + 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(a,j,i,b)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! block B
+ ia = 0
+ do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ ia = ia + 1
+ jb = nS_exc
+ do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ jb = jb + 1
+ M_RPA(ia,jb) = 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(a,b,i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! block C
+ ia = nS_exc
+ do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ ia = ia + 1
+ jb = 0
+ do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ jb = jb + 1
+ M_RPA(ia,jb) = 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(i,j,a,b)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! block D
+ ia = nS_exc
+ do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ ia = ia + 1
+ jb = nS_exc
+ do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
+ do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
+ jb = jb + 1
+ M_RPA(ia,jb) = (e(a) - e(i)) * Kronecker_delta(i,j) * Kronecker_delta(a,b) + 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(i,b,a,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !
+ ! --- --- ---
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48a786d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mo_tc_effec2e_int, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)]
+ !
+ ! mo_tc_effec2e_int(p,q,s,t) = < p q| V(12) | s t > + \sum_i < p q i | L(123)| s t i >
+ !
+ ! the potential V(12) contains ALL TWO-E CONTRIBUTION OF THE TC-HAMILTONIAN
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, ii
+ double precision :: integral
+ PROVIDE mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist
+ do j = 1, mo_num
+ do i = 1, mo_num
+ do l = 1, mo_num
+ do k = 1, mo_num
+ mo_tc_effec2e_int(k,l,i,j) = mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist(k,i,l,j)
+ do ii = 1, elec_alpha_num
+ call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(k, l, ii, i, j, ii, integral)
+ mo_tc_effec2e_int(k,l,i,j) -= 2.d0 * integral
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist
+! ---
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9818a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+program tc_rpa
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ my_grid_becke = .True.
+ PROVIDE tc_grid1_a tc_grid1_r
+ my_n_pt_r_grid = tc_grid1_r
+ my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
+ touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
+ if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
+ my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
+ PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
+ my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
+ my_n_pt_a_extra_grid = tc_grid2_a
+ touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
+ call write_int(6, my_n_pt_r_extra_grid, 'radial internal grid over')
+ call write_int(6, my_n_pt_a_extra_grid, 'angular internal grid over')
+ endif
+ call main()
+! ---
+subroutine main()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, n
+ integer :: n_good, n_real_eigv
+ double precision :: thr_cpx, thr_d, thr_nd
+ double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd
+ integer, allocatable :: list_good(:), iorder(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: WR(:), WI(:), VL(:,:), VR(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: Omega_p(:), Reigvec_p(:,:), Leigvec_p(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: Omega_m(:), Reigvec_m(:,:), Leigvec_m(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:)
+ print *, ' '
+ print *, ' Computing left/right eigenvectors for TC-RPA ...'
+ print *, ' '
+ n = 2 * nS_exc
+ thr_cpx = 1d-7
+ thr_d = 1d-07
+ thr_nd = 1d-07
+ allocate(WR(n), WI(n), VL(n,n), VR(n,n))
+ call lapack_diag_non_sym(n, M_RPA, WR, WI, VL, VR)
+ print *, ' excitation energies:'
+ do i = 1, nS_exc
+ write(*, '(I3, X, 1000(F16.10,X))') i, WR(i), WI(i)
+ if(dabs(WI(i)) .gt. thr_cpx) then
+ write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') WR(i), WI(i+1)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *, ' '
+ print *, ' desexcitation energies:'
+ do i = nS_exc+1, n
+ write(*, '(I3, X, 1000(F16.10,X))') i, WR(i), WI(i)
+ if(dabs(WI(i)) .gt. thr_cpx) then
+ write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') WR(i), WI(i+1)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ ! track & sort the real eigenvalues
+ n_good = 0
+ do i = 1, nS_exc
+ if(dabs(WI(i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
+ if(dabs(WI(nS_exc+i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
+ n_good += 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ n_real_eigv = n_good
+ print *, ' '
+ print *, ' nb of real eigenvalues = ', n_real_eigv
+ print *, ' total nb of eigenvalues = ', nS_exc
+ allocate(Omega_p(n_real_eigv), Reigvec_p(n,n_real_eigv), Leigvec_p(n,n_real_eigv))
+ allocate(Omega_m(n_real_eigv), Reigvec_m(n,n_real_eigv), Leigvec_m(n,n_real_eigv))
+ n_good = 0
+ do i = 1, nS_exc
+ if(dabs(WI(i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
+ if(dabs(WI(nS_exc+i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
+ n_good += 1
+ Omega_p(n_good) = WR(i)
+ do j = 1, n
+ Reigvec_p(j,n_good) = VR(j,n_good)
+ Leigvec_p(j,n_good) = VL(j,n_good)
+ enddo
+ Omega_m(n_good) = WR(nS_exc+i)
+ do j = 1, n
+ Reigvec_m(j,n_good) = VR(j,nS_exc+n_good)
+ Leigvec_m(j,n_good) = VL(j,nS_exc+n_good)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ deallocate(WR, WI, VL, VR)
+ ! check bi-orthogonality
+ ! first block
+ allocate(S(n_real_eigv,n_real_eigv))
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
+ print *, ' accu_d = ', accu_d
+ print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
+ if((accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv))/dble(n_real_eigv) .lt. thr_d)) then
+ print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are normalized and bi-orthogonalized'
+ else
+ print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are neither normalized nor bi-orthogonalized'
+ call reorder_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_p, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p)
+ call impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_p, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p)
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
+ if( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv)) .gt. thr_d) ) then
+ call check_biorthog_binormalize(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
+ endif
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
+ endif
+ ! second block
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
+ print *, ' accu_d = ', accu_d
+ print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
+ if((accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv))/dble(n_real_eigv) .lt. thr_d)) then
+ print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are normalized and bi-orthogonalized'
+ else
+ print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are neither normalized nor bi-orthogonalized'
+ call reorder_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_m, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m)
+ call impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_m, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m)
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
+ if( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv)) .gt. thr_d) ) then
+ call check_biorthog_binormalize(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
+ endif
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
+ endif
+ deallocate(S)
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/src/utils/util.irp.f b/src/utils/util.irp.f
index ebb13781..785d6539 100644
--- a/src/utils/util.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/util.irp.f
@@ -579,5 +579,24 @@ logical function is_same_spin(sigma_1, sigma_2)
end function is_same_spin
! ---
+function Kronecker_delta(i, j) result(delta)
+ ! Kronecker Delta
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: i, j
+ double precision :: delta
+ if(i == j) then
+ delta = 1.d0
+ else
+ delta = 0.d0
+ endif
+end function Kronecker_delta
+! ---
From 6235c2015d98c2ed1f89eeca13555cff0e7c8785 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Abdallah Ammar
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 20:15:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/44] added non-sym diag for tc-rpa
.../dav_ext_rout_nonsym_B1space.irp.f | 2 +-
src/hartree_fock/print_scf_int.irp.f | 114 +++++++++++
.../lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f | 41 ++--
src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f | 116 -----------
src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f | 39 ----
src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f | 181 ------------------
src/utils/util.irp.f | 40 ++++
7 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 351 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/hartree_fock/print_scf_int.irp.f
delete mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f
delete mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f
delete mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f
diff --git a/src/dav_general_mat/dav_ext_rout_nonsym_B1space.irp.f b/src/dav_general_mat/dav_ext_rout_nonsym_B1space.irp.f
index 4b7b9cc9..d89aaadb 100644
--- a/src/dav_general_mat/dav_ext_rout_nonsym_B1space.irp.f
+++ b/src/dav_general_mat/dav_ext_rout_nonsym_B1space.irp.f
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ subroutine davidson_general_ext_rout_nonsym_b1space(u_in, H_jj, energies, sze, N
if(i_omax(l) .ne. l) then
- print *, ' !!! WARNONG !!!'
+ print *, ' !!! WARNING !!!'
print *, ' index of state', l, i_omax(l)
diff --git a/src/hartree_fock/print_scf_int.irp.f b/src/hartree_fock/print_scf_int.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee7590f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hartree_fock/print_scf_int.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+program print_scf_int
+ call main()
+subroutine main()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l
+ print *, " Hcore:"
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ print *, i, j, ao_one_e_integrals(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, " P:"
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ print *, i, j, SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ double precision :: integ, density_a, density_b, density
+ double precision :: J_scf(ao_num, ao_num)
+ double precision :: K_scf(ao_num, ao_num)
+ double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
+ print *, " J:"
+ !do j = 1, ao_num
+ ! do l = 1, ao_num
+ ! do i = 1, ao_num
+ ! do k = 1, ao_num
+ ! ! < 1:k, 2:l | 1:i, 2:j >
+ ! print *, '< k l | i j >', k, l, i, j
+ ! print *, get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map)
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ !enddo
+ !do k = 1, ao_num
+ ! do i = 1, ao_num
+ ! do j = 1, ao_num
+ ! do l = 1, ao_num
+ ! ! ( 1:k, 1:i | 2:l, 2:j )
+ ! print *, '(k i | l j)', k, i, l, j
+ ! print *, get_ao_two_e_integral(l, j, k, i, ao_integrals_map)
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! print *, ''
+ ! enddo
+ !enddo
+ J_scf = 0.d0
+ K_scf = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ density_a = SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(l,j)
+ density_b = SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (l,j)
+ density = density_a + density_b
+ integ = get_ao_two_e_integral(l, j, k, i, ao_integrals_map)
+ J_scf(k,i) += density * integ
+ integ = get_ao_two_e_integral(l, i, k, j, ao_integrals_map)
+ K_scf(k,i) -= density_a * integ
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, 'J x P'
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ print *, k, i, J_scf(k,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, ''
+ print *, 'K x P'
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ print *, k, i, K_scf(k,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, ''
+ print *, 'F in AO'
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ print *, k, i, Fock_matrix_ao(k,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, ''
+ print *, 'F in MO'
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ print *, k, i, 2.d0 * Fock_matrix_mo_alpha(k,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
diff --git a/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f b/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
index 09fcee24..1144f29f 100644
--- a/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
+++ b/src/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
@@ -1883,8 +1883,13 @@ subroutine check_biorthog(n, m, Vl, Vr, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_
accu_nd = dsqrt(accu_nd) / dble(m)
- print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
- print *, ' accu_d = ', dabs(accu_d-dble(m))/dble(m)
+ if((accu_nd .gt. thr_nd) .or. dabs(accu_d-dble(m))/dble(m) .gt. thr_d) then
+ print *, ' non bi-orthogonal vectors !'
+ print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
+ print *, ' accu_d = ', dabs(accu_d-dble(m))/dble(m)
+ else
+ print *, ' vectors are bi-orthogonaly'
+ endif
! ---
@@ -1994,10 +1999,13 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
ii = ii + 1
if(ii .eq. 0) then
print*, ' WARNING: bi-orthogonality is lost but there is no degeneracies'
print*, ' rotations may change energy'
+ stop
print *, ii, ' type of degeneracies'
! ---
@@ -2018,17 +2026,18 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
, L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
, 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
- print*,'Overlap matrix '
- accu_nd = 0.D0
+ print*, 'Overlap matrix '
+ accu_nd = 0.d0
do j = 1, m
- write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
- do k = 1, m
- if(j==k)cycle
- accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
- enddo
+ write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
+ do k = 1, m
+ if(j==k) cycle
+ accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
+ enddo
print*,'accu_nd = ',accu_nd
-! if(accu_nd .gt.1.d-10)then
+! if(accu_nd .gt.1.d-10) then
! stop
! endif
do j = 1, m
@@ -2036,13 +2045,15 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
R0(1:n,i+j-1) = R(1:n,j)
- deallocate(L, R,S)
+ deallocate(L, R, S)
end subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec
+! ---
subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
implicit none
@@ -2108,8 +2119,10 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
! ---
-! call impose_orthog_svd(n, m, L)
call impose_orthog_svd(n, m, R)
+ L(:,:) = R(:,:)
+ !call impose_orthog_svd(n, m, L)
!call impose_orthog_GramSchmidt(n, m, L)
!call impose_orthog_GramSchmidt(n, m, R)
@@ -2128,8 +2141,8 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
!call bi_ortho_s_inv_half(m, L, R, S_inv_half)
!deallocate(S, S_inv_half)
- call impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
-! call impose_biorthog_inverse(n, m, L, R)
+ !call impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
+ !call impose_biorthog_inverse(n, m, L, R)
!call impose_biorthog_qr(n, m, thr_d, thr_nd, L, R)
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 56891ca2..00000000
--- a/src/tc_bi_ortho/drpa_matrix.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, M_RPA, (2*nS_exc, 2*nS_exc)]
- !
- ! full matrix for direct RPA calculation
- ! with the TC-Hamiltonian
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ia, i, a, jb, j, b
- double precision :: e(mo_num)
- double precision, external :: Kronecker_delta
- PROVIDE mo_tc_effec2e_int
- PROVIDE Fock_matrix_tc_diag_mo_tot
- e(1:mo_num) = Fock_matrix_tc_diag_mo_tot(1:mo_num)
- ! --- --- ---
- ! block A
- ia = 0
- do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- ia = ia + 1
- jb = 0
- do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- jb = jb + 1
- M_RPA(ia,jb) = (e(a) - e(i)) * Kronecker_delta(i,j) * Kronecker_delta(a,b) + 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(a,j,i,b)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- !
- ! --- --- ---
- ! --- --- ---
- ! block B
- ia = 0
- do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- ia = ia + 1
- jb = nS_exc
- do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- jb = jb + 1
- M_RPA(ia,jb) = 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(a,b,i,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- !
- ! --- --- ---
- ! --- --- ---
- ! block C
- ia = nS_exc
- do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- ia = ia + 1
- jb = 0
- do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- jb = jb + 1
- M_RPA(ia,jb) = 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(i,j,a,b)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- !
- ! --- --- ---
- ! --- --- ---
- ! block D
- ia = nS_exc
- do i = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do a = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- ia = ia + 1
- jb = nS_exc
- do j = nC_orb+1, nO_orb
- do b = nO_orb+1, mo_num-nR_orb
- jb = jb + 1
- M_RPA(ia,jb) = (e(a) - e(i)) * Kronecker_delta(i,j) * Kronecker_delta(a,b) + 2.d0 * mo_tc_effec2e_int(i,b,a,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- !
- ! --- --- ---
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a786d2..00000000
--- a/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_effect_int.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mo_tc_effec2e_int, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)]
- !
- ! mo_tc_effec2e_int(p,q,s,t) = < p q| V(12) | s t > + \sum_i < p q i | L(123)| s t i >
- !
- ! the potential V(12) contains ALL TWO-E CONTRIBUTION OF THE TC-HAMILTONIAN
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l, ii
- double precision :: integral
- PROVIDE mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist
- do j = 1, mo_num
- do i = 1, mo_num
- do l = 1, mo_num
- do k = 1, mo_num
- mo_tc_effec2e_int(k,l,i,j) = mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist(k,i,l,j)
- do ii = 1, elec_alpha_num
- call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(k, l, ii, i, j, ii, integral)
- mo_tc_effec2e_int(k,l,i,j) -= 2.d0 * integral
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- FREE mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist
-! ---
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index c9818a1d..00000000
--- a/src/tc_bi_ortho/tc_rpa.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-program tc_rpa
- !
- !
- !
- my_grid_becke = .True.
- PROVIDE tc_grid1_a tc_grid1_r
- my_n_pt_r_grid = tc_grid1_r
- my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
- touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
- my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
- PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
- my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
- my_n_pt_a_extra_grid = tc_grid2_a
- touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
- call write_int(6, my_n_pt_r_extra_grid, 'radial internal grid over')
- call write_int(6, my_n_pt_a_extra_grid, 'angular internal grid over')
- endif
- call main()
-! ---
-subroutine main()
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, n
- integer :: n_good, n_real_eigv
- double precision :: thr_cpx, thr_d, thr_nd
- double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd
- integer, allocatable :: list_good(:), iorder(:)
- double precision, allocatable :: WR(:), WI(:), VL(:,:), VR(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: Omega_p(:), Reigvec_p(:,:), Leigvec_p(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: Omega_m(:), Reigvec_m(:,:), Leigvec_m(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:)
- print *, ' '
- print *, ' Computing left/right eigenvectors for TC-RPA ...'
- print *, ' '
- n = 2 * nS_exc
- thr_cpx = 1d-7
- thr_d = 1d-07
- thr_nd = 1d-07
- allocate(WR(n), WI(n), VL(n,n), VR(n,n))
- call lapack_diag_non_sym(n, M_RPA, WR, WI, VL, VR)
- print *, ' excitation energies:'
- do i = 1, nS_exc
- write(*, '(I3, X, 1000(F16.10,X))') i, WR(i), WI(i)
- if(dabs(WI(i)) .gt. thr_cpx) then
- write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') WR(i), WI(i+1)
- endif
- enddo
- print *, ' '
- print *, ' desexcitation energies:'
- do i = nS_exc+1, n
- write(*, '(I3, X, 1000(F16.10,X))') i, WR(i), WI(i)
- if(dabs(WI(i)) .gt. thr_cpx) then
- write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') WR(i), WI(i+1)
- endif
- enddo
- ! track & sort the real eigenvalues
- n_good = 0
- do i = 1, nS_exc
- if(dabs(WI(i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
- if(dabs(WI(nS_exc+i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
- n_good += 1
- endif
- endif
- enddo
- n_real_eigv = n_good
- print *, ' '
- print *, ' nb of real eigenvalues = ', n_real_eigv
- print *, ' total nb of eigenvalues = ', nS_exc
- allocate(Omega_p(n_real_eigv), Reigvec_p(n,n_real_eigv), Leigvec_p(n,n_real_eigv))
- allocate(Omega_m(n_real_eigv), Reigvec_m(n,n_real_eigv), Leigvec_m(n,n_real_eigv))
- n_good = 0
- do i = 1, nS_exc
- if(dabs(WI(i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
- if(dabs(WI(nS_exc+i)) .lt. thr_cpx) then
- n_good += 1
- Omega_p(n_good) = WR(i)
- do j = 1, n
- Reigvec_p(j,n_good) = VR(j,n_good)
- Leigvec_p(j,n_good) = VL(j,n_good)
- enddo
- Omega_m(n_good) = WR(nS_exc+i)
- do j = 1, n
- Reigvec_m(j,n_good) = VR(j,nS_exc+n_good)
- Leigvec_m(j,n_good) = VL(j,nS_exc+n_good)
- enddo
- endif
- endif
- enddo
- deallocate(WR, WI, VL, VR)
- ! check bi-orthogonality
- ! first block
- allocate(S(n_real_eigv,n_real_eigv))
- call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
- print *, ' accu_d = ', accu_d
- print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
- if((accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv))/dble(n_real_eigv) .lt. thr_d)) then
- print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are normalized and bi-orthogonalized'
- else
- print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are neither normalized nor bi-orthogonalized'
- call reorder_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_p, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p)
- call impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_p, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p)
- call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
- if( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv)) .gt. thr_d) ) then
- call check_biorthog_binormalize(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
- endif
- call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_p, Reigvec_p, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
- endif
- ! second block
- call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
- print *, ' accu_d = ', accu_d
- print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
- if((accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv))/dble(n_real_eigv) .lt. thr_d)) then
- print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are normalized and bi-orthogonalized'
- else
- print *, ' RPA first-block eigenvectors are neither normalized nor bi-orthogonalized'
- call reorder_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_m, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m)
- call impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, Omega_m, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m)
- call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
- if( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv)) .gt. thr_d) ) then
- call check_biorthog_binormalize(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
- endif
- call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, Leigvec_m, Reigvec_m, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
- endif
- deallocate(S)
- return
-! ---
diff --git a/src/utils/util.irp.f b/src/utils/util.irp.f
index 785d6539..97cbde67 100644
--- a/src/utils/util.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/util.irp.f
@@ -600,3 +600,43 @@ end function Kronecker_delta
! ---
+subroutine diagonalize_sym_matrix(N, A, e)
+ !
+ ! Diagonalize a symmetric matrix
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: N
+ double precision, intent(inout) :: A(N,N)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: e(N)
+ integer :: lwork, info
+ double precision, allocatable :: work(:)
+ allocate(work(1))
+ lwork = -1
+ call dsyev('V', 'U', N, A, N, e, work, lwork, info)
+ lwork = int(work(1))
+ deallocate(work)
+ allocate(work(lwork))
+ call dsyev('V', 'U', N, A, N, e, work, lwork, info)
+ deallocate(work)
+ if(info /= 0) then
+ print*,'Problem in diagonalize_sym_matrix (dsyev)!!'
+ endif
+end subroutine diagonalize_sym_matrix
+! ---
From 368450f72bec8e20f80d57c582d38eb5bf3763ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 12:32:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/44] few modif in tc-scf
plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f | 15 ++++----
.../lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f | 11 +++---
src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f | 38 -------------------
3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
index 13917c5a..87a118f4 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
thr_diag = 1d-06
thr_norm = 1d+10
- call check_EIGVEC(n, n, A, WR, VL, VR, thr_diag, thr_norm, .false.)
+ !call check_EIGVEC(n, n, A, WR, VL, VR, thr_diag, thr_norm, .false.)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -479,15 +479,16 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
! accu_nd is modified after adding the normalization
- !elseif( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv))/dble(n_real_eigv) .gt. thr_d) ) then
+ elseif( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv))/dble(n_real_eigv) .gt. thr_d) ) then
- ! print *, ' lapack vectors are not normalized but bi-orthogonalized'
- ! call check_biorthog_binormalize(n, n_real_eigv, leigvec, reigvec, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
+ print *, ' lapack vectors are not normalized but bi-orthogonalized'
+ call check_biorthog_binormalize(n, n_real_eigv, leigvec, reigvec, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
- ! call check_EIGVEC(n, n, A, eigval, leigvec, reigvec, thr_diag, thr_norm, .true.)
+ call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, leigvec, reigvec, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
+ call check_EIGVEC(n, n, A, eigval, leigvec, reigvec, thr_diag, thr_norm, .true.)
- ! deallocate(S)
- ! return
+ deallocate(S)
+ return
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
index 1144f29f..c7e9fe09 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
@@ -1865,10 +1865,11 @@ subroutine check_biorthog(n, m, Vl, Vr, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_
, Vl, size(Vl, 1), Vr, size(Vr, 1) &
, 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
- print *, ' overlap matrix:'
- do i = 1, m
- write(*,'(1000(F16.10,X))') S(i,:)
- enddo
+ ! print ca juste s'il y a besoin
+ !print *, ' overlap matrix:'
+ !do i = 1, m
+ ! write(*,'(1000(F16.10,X))') S(i,:)
+ !enddo
accu_d = 0.d0
accu_nd = 0.d0
@@ -1888,7 +1889,7 @@ subroutine check_biorthog(n, m, Vl, Vr, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_
print *, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd
print *, ' accu_d = ', dabs(accu_d-dble(m))/dble(m)
- print *, ' vectors are bi-orthogonaly'
+ print *, ' vectors are bi-orthogonals'
! ---
diff --git a/src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f b/src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc4758d..00000000
--- a/src/tc_bi_ortho/ORBITALS.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nC_orb]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nO_orb]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nV_orb]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nR_orb]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nS_exc]
- !
- ! nC_orb = number of core orbitals
- ! nO_orb = number of occupied orbitals
- ! nV_orb = number of virtual orbitals
- ! nR_orb = number of Rydberg orbitals
- ! nS_exc = number of single excitation
- !
- implicit none
- nC_orb = 0
- nO_orb = elec_beta_num - nC_orb
- nV_orb = mo_num - (nC_orb + nO_orb)
- nR_orb = 0
- nS_exc = (nO_orb-nC_orb) * (nV_orb-nR_orb)
- print *, ' nC_orb = ', nC_orb
- print *, ' nO_orb = ', nO_orb
- print *, ' nV_orb = ', nV_orb
- print *, ' nR_orb = ', nR_orb
- print *, ' nS_exc = ', nS_exc
-! ---
From e3beae681b55b2a1d150ce716e43925f44333f0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:35:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/44] handling degerated vectors correctly for
plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f | 26 +-
.../lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f | 287 +++++++++---------
2 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
index 87a118f4..3d8de028 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
@@ -275,10 +275,11 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
double precision :: thr, thr_cut, thr_diag, thr_norm
double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd
- integer, allocatable :: list_good(:), iorder(:)
+ integer, allocatable :: list_good(:), iorder(:), deg_num(:)
double precision, allocatable :: WR(:), WI(:), VL(:,:), VR(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: phi_1_tilde(:),phi_2_tilde(:),chi_1_tilde(:),chi_2_tilde(:)
@@ -496,18 +497,10 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
! ---
-! call impose_orthog_degen_eigvec(n, eigval, reigvec)
-! call impose_orthog_degen_eigvec(n, eigval, leigvec)
- call reorder_degen_eigvec(n, eigval, leigvec, reigvec)
- call impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, eigval, leigvec, reigvec)
- !call impose_orthog_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, thr_d, thr_nd, eigval, leigvec, reigvec)
- !call impose_unique_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, eigval, mo_coef, ao_overlap, leigvec, reigvec)
- ! ---
+ allocate(deg_num(n))
+ call reorder_degen_eigvec(n, deg_num, eigval, leigvec, reigvec)
+ call impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, deg_num, eigval, leigvec, reigvec)
+ deallocate(deg_num)
call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, leigvec, reigvec, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
if( (accu_nd .lt. thr_nd) .and. (dabs(accu_d-dble(n_real_eigv)) .gt. thr_d) ) then
@@ -515,12 +508,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
call check_biorthog(n, n_real_eigv, leigvec, reigvec, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, .true.)
- !call impose_biorthog_qr(n, n_real_eigv, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec)
- !call impose_biorthog_lu(n, n_real_eigv, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec)
- ! ---
- call check_EIGVEC(n, n, A, eigval, leigvec, reigvec, thr_diag, thr_norm, .true.)
+ !call check_EIGVEC(n, n, A, eigval, leigvec, reigvec, thr_diag, thr_norm, .true.)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
index c7e9fe09..4d51b79e 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
@@ -1865,7 +1865,7 @@ subroutine check_biorthog(n, m, Vl, Vr, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_
, Vl, size(Vl, 1), Vr, size(Vr, 1) &
, 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
- ! print ca juste s'il y a besoin
+ ! print S s'il y a besoin
!print *, ' overlap matrix:'
!do i = 1, m
! write(*,'(1000(F16.10,X))') S(i,:)
@@ -1877,11 +1877,13 @@ subroutine check_biorthog(n, m, Vl, Vr, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_
do j = 1, m
if(i==j) then
accu_d = accu_d + dabs(S(i,i))
+ !print*, i, S(i,i)
accu_nd = accu_nd + S(j,i) * S(j,i)
+ !accu_nd = dsqrt(accu_nd) / dble(m*m)
accu_nd = dsqrt(accu_nd) / dble(m)
if((accu_nd .gt. thr_nd) .or. dabs(accu_d-dble(m))/dble(m) .gt. thr_d) then
@@ -1951,24 +1953,21 @@ end subroutine check_orthog
! ---
-subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
+subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, deg_num, e0, L0, R0)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
- double precision, intent(in) :: e0(n)
- double precision, intent(inout) :: L0(n,n), R0(n,n)
+ double precision, intent(inout) :: e0(n), L0(n,n), R0(n,n)
+ integer, intent(out) :: deg_num(n)
logical :: complex_root
- integer :: i, j, k, m, ii
+ integer :: i, j, k, m, ii, j_tmp
double precision :: ei, ej, de, de_thr
double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd
- integer, allocatable :: deg_num(:)
+ double precision :: e0_tmp, L0_tmp(n), R0_tmp(n)
double precision, allocatable :: L(:,:), R(:,:), S(:,:), S_inv_half(:,:)
- ! ---
- allocate( deg_num(n) )
do i = 1, n
deg_num(i) = 1
@@ -1979,24 +1978,41 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
ei = e0(i)
! already considered in degen vectors
- if(deg_num(i).eq.0) cycle
+ if(deg_num(i) .eq. 0) cycle
+ ii = 0
do j = i+1, n
ej = e0(j)
de = dabs(ei - ej)
if(de .lt. de_thr) then
- deg_num(i) = deg_num(i) + 1
- deg_num(j) = 0
- endif
+ ii = ii + 1
+ j_tmp = i + ii
+ deg_num(j_tmp) = 0
+ e0_tmp = e0(j_tmp)
+ e0(j_tmp) = e0(j)
+ e0(j) = e0_tmp
+ L0_tmp(1:n) = L0(1:n,j_tmp)
+ L0(1:n,j_tmp) = L0(1:n,j)
+ L0(1:n,j) = L0_tmp(1:n)
+ R0_tmp(1:n) = R0(1:n,j_tmp)
+ R0(1:n,j_tmp) = R0(1:n,j)
+ R0(1:n,j) = R0_tmp(1:n)
+ endif
+ deg_num(i) = ii + 1
ii = 0
do i = 1, n
if(deg_num(i) .gt. 1) then
- print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i), e0(i)
+ !print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i), e0(i)
ii = ii + 1
@@ -2011,55 +2027,55 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
! ---
- do i = 1, n
- m = deg_num(i)
- if(m .gt. 1) then
- allocate(L(n,m))
- allocate(R(n,m),S(m,m))
- do j = 1, m
- L(1:n,j) = L0(1:n,i+j-1)
- R(1:n,j) = R0(1:n,i+j-1)
- enddo
- call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
- , L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
- , 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
- print*, 'Overlap matrix '
- accu_nd = 0.d0
- do j = 1, m
- write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
- do k = 1, m
- if(j==k) cycle
- accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
- enddo
- enddo
- print*,'accu_nd = ',accu_nd
-! if(accu_nd .gt.1.d-10) then
-! stop
-! endif
- do j = 1, m
- L0(1:n,i+j-1) = L(1:n,j)
- R0(1:n,i+j-1) = R(1:n,j)
- enddo
- deallocate(L, R, S)
- endif
- enddo
+! do i = 1, n
+! m = deg_num(i)
+! if(m .gt. 1) then
+! allocate(L(n,m))
+! allocate(R(n,m),S(m,m))
+! do j = 1, m
+! L(1:n,j) = L0(1:n,i+j-1)
+! R(1:n,j) = R0(1:n,i+j-1)
+! enddo
+! !call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
+! ! , L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
+! ! , 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
+! !print*, 'Overlap matrix '
+! !accu_nd = 0.d0
+! !do j = 1, m
+! ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
+! ! do k = 1, m
+! ! if(j==k) cycle
+! ! accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
+! ! enddo
+! !enddo
+! !print*,'accu_nd = ',accu_nd
+!! if(accu_nd .gt.1.d-10) then
+!! stop
+!! endif
+! do j = 1, m
+! L0(1:n,i+j-1) = L(1:n,j)
+! R0(1:n,i+j-1) = R(1:n,j)
+! enddo
+! deallocate(L, R, S)
+! endif
+! enddo
end subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec
! ---
-subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
+subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, deg_num, e0, L0, R0)
implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: n
+ integer, intent(in) :: n, deg_num(n)
double precision, intent(in) :: e0(n)
double precision, intent(inout) :: L0(n,n), R0(n,n)
@@ -2067,41 +2083,13 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
integer :: i, j, k, m
double precision :: ei, ej, de, de_thr
double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd
- integer, allocatable :: deg_num(:)
double precision, allocatable :: L(:,:), R(:,:), S(:,:), S_inv_half(:,:)
- ! ---
- allocate( deg_num(n) )
- do i = 1, n
- deg_num(i) = 1
- enddo
- de_thr = thr_degen_tc
- do i = 1, n-1
- ei = e0(i)
- ! already considered in degen vectors
- if(deg_num(i).eq.0) cycle
- do j = i+1, n
- ej = e0(j)
- de = dabs(ei - ej)
- if(de .lt. de_thr) then
- deg_num(i) = deg_num(i) + 1
- deg_num(j) = 0
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- do i = 1, n
- if(deg_num(i) .gt. 1) then
- print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i), e0(i)
- endif
- enddo
+ !do i = 1, n
+ ! if(deg_num(i) .gt. 1) then
+ ! print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i), e0(i)
+ ! endif
+ !enddo
! ---
@@ -2110,8 +2098,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
if(m .gt. 1) then
- allocate(L(n,m))
- allocate(R(n,m))
+ allocate(L(n,m), R(n,m), S(m,m))
do j = 1, m
L(1:n,j) = L0(1:n,i+j-1)
@@ -2120,8 +2107,51 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
! ---
- call impose_orthog_svd(n, m, R)
- L(:,:) = R(:,:)
+ !print*, 'Overlap matrix before'
+ call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
+ , L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
+ accu_nd = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, m
+ !write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
+ do k = 1, m
+ if(j==k) cycle
+ accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(accu_nd .lt. 1d-12) then
+ deallocate(S, L, R)
+ cycle
+ endif
+ !print*, ' accu_nd before = ', accu_nd
+ call impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
+ !print*, 'Overlap matrix after'
+ call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
+ , L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
+ accu_nd = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, m
+ !write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') S(1:m,j)
+ do k = 1, m
+ if(j==k) cycle
+ accu_nd += dabs(S(j,k))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !print*,' accu_nd after = ', accu_nd
+ if(accu_nd .gt. 1d-12) then
+ print*, ' your strategy for degenerates orbitals failed !'
+ print*, m, 'deg on', i
+ stop
+ endif
+ deallocate(S)
+ ! ---
!call impose_orthog_svd(n, m, L)
!call impose_orthog_GramSchmidt(n, m, L)
@@ -2142,7 +2172,6 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
!call bi_ortho_s_inv_half(m, L, R, S_inv_half)
!deallocate(S, S_inv_half)
- !call impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
!call impose_biorthog_inverse(n, m, L, R)
!call impose_biorthog_qr(n, m, thr_d, thr_nd, L, R)
@@ -2158,7 +2187,6 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, L0, R0)
-! call impose_biorthog_inverse(n, n, L0, R0)
end subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec
@@ -2526,18 +2554,16 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:), tmp(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), V(:,:), Vt(:,:), D(:)
- ! ---
call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
, L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
, 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
- print *, ' overlap bef SVD: '
- do i = 1, m
- write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') S(i,:)
- enddo
+ !print *, ' overlap bef SVD: '
+ !do i = 1, m
+ ! write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') S(i,:)
+ !enddo
! ---
@@ -2574,52 +2600,33 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
! ---
- allocate(tmp(n,m))
+ ! R <-- R x V x D^{-0.5}
+ ! L <-- L x U x D^{-0.5}
- ! tmp <-- R x V
- call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, m, m, 1.d0 &
- , R, size(R, 1), V, size(V, 1) &
- , 0.d0, tmp, size(tmp, 1) )
- deallocate(V)
- ! R <-- tmp x sigma^-0.5
- do j = 1, m
- do i = 1, n
- R(i,j) = tmp(i,j) * D(j)
- enddo
- enddo
- ! tmp <-- L x U
- call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, m, m, 1.d0 &
- , L, size(L, 1), U, size(U, 1) &
- , 0.d0, tmp, size(tmp, 1) )
- deallocate(U)
- ! L <-- tmp x sigma^-0.5
- do j = 1, m
- do i = 1, n
- L(i,j) = tmp(i,j) * D(j)
- enddo
- enddo
- deallocate(D, tmp)
- ! ---
- allocate(S(m,m))
- call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 &
- , L, size(L, 1), R, size(R, 1) &
- , 0.d0, S, size(S, 1) )
- print *, ' overlap aft SVD: '
do i = 1, m
- write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') S(i,:)
+ do j = 1, m
+ V(j,i) = V(j,i) * D(i)
+ U(j,i) = U(j,i) * D(i)
+ enddo
- deallocate(S)
+ allocate(tmp(n,m))
+ tmp(:,:) = R(:,:)
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, m, m, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp, size(tmp, 1), V, size(V, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, R, size(R, 1))
- ! ---
+ tmp(:,:) = L(:,:)
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, m, m, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp, size(tmp, 1), U, size(U, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, L, size(L, 1))
+ deallocate(tmp, U, V, D)
end subroutine impose_biorthog_svd
+! ---
subroutine impose_biorthog_inverse(n, m, L, R)
implicit none
@@ -2661,7 +2668,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_inverse(n, m, L, R)
-end subroutine impose_biorthog_svd
+end subroutine impose_biorthog_inverse
! ---
From bc1957c45af8fb56687aba4b101c5f99a619e5a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:11:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/44] print angles for tc-scf
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f | 16 ++++++++--------
plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f | 8 ++++----
plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f | 13 ++++++++++++-
3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f
index a6459761..a69b2a74 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
elseif(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
-! PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
-! int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
+ !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
+ !int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
@@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
elseif(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
- ! PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- ! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
+ !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
+ !int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
index 3d8de028..ab12150f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
- print *, ' '
- print *, ' eigenvalues'
+ !print *, ' '
+ !print *, ' eigenvalues'
i = 1
do while(i .le. n)
- write(*, '(I3,X,1000(F16.10,X))')i, WR(i), WI(i)
+ !write(*, '(I3,X,1000(F16.10,X))')i, WR(i), WI(i)
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
!thr = 100d0
thr = Im_thresh_tcscf
do i = 1, n
- print*, 'Re(i) + Im(i)', WR(i), WI(i)
+ !print*, 'Re(i) + Im(i)', WR(i), WI(i)
if(dabs(WI(i)) .lt. thr) then
n_good += 1
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f
index 22f66484..fb86a752 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ program tc_scf
implicit none
+ integer :: i
+ logical :: good_angles
write(json_unit,json_array_open_fmt) 'tc-scf'
@@ -69,7 +71,16 @@ program tc_scf
- call minimize_tc_orb_angles()
+ PROVIDE Fock_matrix_tc_diag_mo_tot
+ print*, ' Eigenvalues:'
+ do i = 1, mo_num
+ print*, i, Fock_matrix_tc_diag_mo_tot(i)
+ enddo
+ ! TODO
+ ! rotate angles in separate code only if necessary
+ !call minimize_tc_orb_angles()
+ call print_energy_and_mos(good_angles)
From f5bacaa999af44ff31144c7ae976aedc13e072e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 11:09:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/44] Added generate_cas_space and cas_complete
src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/tools/cas_complete.irp.f | 13 +++++
2 files changed, 100 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/tools/cas_complete.irp.f
diff --git a/src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f b/src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47a2ca30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+subroutine generate_cas_space
+ use bitmasks
+ implicit none
+! Generates the CAS space
+ integer :: i, sze, ncore, n_alpha_act, n_beta_act
+ integer(bit_kind) :: o(N_int)
+ integer(bit_kind) :: u
+ integer :: mo_list(elec_alpha_num)
+ integer :: k,n,m
+ integer(bit_kind) :: t, t1, t2
+ call list_to_bitstring(o, list_core_inact, n_core_inact_orb, N_int)
+ ! Count number of active electrons
+ n_alpha_act = 0
+ n_beta_act = 0
+ do i=1, n_act_orb
+ if (list_act(i) <= elec_alpha_num) then
+ n_alpha_act += 1
+ endif
+ if (list_act(i) <= elec_beta_num) then
+ n_beta_act += 1
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (n_act_orb > 64) then
+ stop 'More than 64 active MOs'
+ endif
+ print *, ''
+ print *, 'CAS(', n_alpha_act+n_beta_act, ', ', n_act_orb, ')'
+ print *, ''
+ n_det_alpha_unique = binom_int(n_act_orb, n_alpha_act)
+ TOUCH n_det_alpha_unique
+ n = n_alpha_act
+ u = shiftl(1_bit_kind,n) - 1_bit_kind
+ k=0
+ do while (u < shiftl(1_bit_kind,n_act_orb))
+ k = k+1
+ call bitstring_to_list(u, mo_list, m, 1)
+ do i=1,m
+ mo_list(i) = list_act( mo_list(i) )
+ enddo
+ call list_to_bitstring(psi_det_alpha_unique(1,k), mo_list, m, N_int)
+ do i=1,N_int
+ psi_det_alpha_unique(i,k) = ior(psi_det_alpha_unique(i,k), o(i))
+ enddo
+ t = ior(u,u-1)
+ t1 = t+1
+ t2 = shiftr((iand(not(t),t1)-1), trailz(u)+1)
+ u = ior(t1,t2)
+ enddo
+ n_det_beta_unique = binom_int(n_act_orb, n_beta_act)
+ TOUCH n_det_beta_unique
+ n = n_beta_act
+ u = shiftl(1_bit_kind,n) -1_bit_kind
+ k=0
+ do while (u < shiftl(1_bit_kind,n_act_orb))
+ k = k+1
+ call bitstring_to_list(u, mo_list, m, 1)
+ do i=1,m
+ mo_list(i) = list_act( mo_list(i) )
+ enddo
+ call list_to_bitstring(psi_det_beta_unique(1,k), mo_list, m, N_int)
+ do i=1,N_int
+ psi_det_beta_unique(i,k) = ior(psi_det_beta_unique(i,k), o(i))
+ enddo
+ t = ior(u,u-1)
+ t1 = t+1
+ t2 = shiftr((iand(not(t),t1)-1), trailz(u)+1)
+ u = ior(t1,t2)
+ enddo
+ call generate_all_alpha_beta_det_products
+ print *, 'Ndet = ', N_det
diff --git a/src/tools/cas_complete.irp.f b/src/tools/cas_complete.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..301c9979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/cas_complete.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program cas_complete
+ implicit none
+! Diagonalizes the Hamiltonian in the complete active space
+ call generate_cas_space
+ call diagonalize_ci
+ call save_wavefunction
From bc042cefa2a3e7ad7bb57099aa012349d2fd652c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 11:14:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/44] Fixed previous commit
src/{bitmask => determinants}/generate_cas_space.irp.f | 0
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
rename src/{bitmask => determinants}/generate_cas_space.irp.f (100%)
diff --git a/src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f b/src/determinants/generate_cas_space.irp.f
similarity index 100%
rename from src/bitmask/generate_cas_space.irp.f
rename to src/determinants/generate_cas_space.irp.f
From ef60141fbfd3a89916111812a2e16bbbf0c695a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 12:02:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/44] new keywords for Jastrow
plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/NEED | 1 +
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_erf_gauss.irp.f | 38 +-
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_gaus_gauss.irp.f | 89 ++-
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_manu.irp.f | 198 +++---
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f | 153 ++---
.../grad2_jmu_modif_vect.irp.f | 453 -------------
.../grad_lapl_jmu_manu.irp.f | 115 ++--
.../grad_lapl_jmu_modif.irp.f | 237 +++----
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f | 574 +++++++++++++++++
.../local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f | 231 ++++---
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b_sorted.irp.f | 346 +++++-----
.../prim_int_gauss_gauss.irp.f | 2 +-
.../ao_tc_eff_map/compute_ints_eff_pot.irp.f | 11 +-
.../ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_grad2.irp.f | 145 ++---
.../ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_lap.irp.f | 142 ++---
.../ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_nonherm.irp.f | 130 ++--
.../ao_tc_eff_map/providers_ao_eff_pot.irp.f | 3 -
.../ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j1.irp.f | 27 +-
.../ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j2.irp.f | 26 +-
.../local/bi_ort_ints/biorthog_mo_for_h.irp.f | 37 +-
plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/one_e_bi_ort.irp.f | 17 -
.../local/bi_ort_ints/total_twoe_pot.irp.f | 90 ---
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f | 342 +---------
.../non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f | 343 +++++-----
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared.irp.f | 419 +-----------
.../non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f | 84 ++-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f | 449 ++++---------
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 123 ++++
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f | 58 +-
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f | 432 +++++++------
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 120 ++--
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc.irp.f | 171 -----
.../non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f | 61 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/numerical_integ.irp.f | 221 +++----
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 601 ++++++++++++++++++
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f | 248 --------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 154 ++---
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 479 +++++++++-----
.../tc_bi_ortho/compute_deltamu_right.irp.f | 6 +-
.../local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f | 3 -
.../tc_bi_ortho/save_tc_bi_ortho_nat.irp.f | 2 +-
.../local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f | 10 -
plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_bi_ortho.irp.f | 2 +-
plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_som.irp.f | 6 -
plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg | 30 +-
plugins/local/tc_keywords/j1b_pen.irp.f | 155 -----
plugins/local/tc_scf/print_tcscf_energy.irp.f | 10 +-
plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f | 21 +-
plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f | 356 ++---------
src/dft_utils_in_r/ao_prod_mlti_pl.irp.f | 4 -
src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg | 60 ++
src/hamiltonian/NEED | 2 +
.../hamiltonian}/fit_j.irp.f | 199 ++++--
src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f | 335 ++++++++++
src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f | 94 +++
src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f | 100 +++
src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f | 100 +++
57 files changed, 4300 insertions(+), 4565 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif_vect.irp.f
create mode 100644 plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
create mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
delete mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc.irp.f
create mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
delete mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f
delete mode 100644 plugins/local/tc_keywords/j1b_pen.irp.f
rename {plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map => src/hamiltonian}/fit_j.irp.f (83%)
create mode 100644 src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/NEED b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/NEED
index c57219cd..6e16c74a 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/NEED
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/NEED
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ becke_numerical_grid
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_erf_gauss.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_erf_gauss.irp.f
index 823536cc..46124c44 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_erf_gauss.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_erf_gauss.irp.f
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ double precision function phi_j_erf_mu_r_phi(i, j, mu_in, C_center)
-end function phi_j_erf_mu_r_phi
! ---
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ subroutine erf_mu_gauss_ij_ao(i, j, mu, C_center, delta, gauss_ints)
-end subroutine erf_mu_gauss_ij_ao
! ---
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center, ints)
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao
! ---
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_v0(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center, LD_C, ints, LD_
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_v0
! ---
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_v(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center, LD_C, ints, LD_i
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_v
! ---
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ double precision function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_x(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center)
-end function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_x
! ---
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ double precision function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_y(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center)
-end function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_y
! ---
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ double precision function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_z(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center)
-end function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_z
! ---
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ double precision function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_x(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_cen
-end function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_x
! ---
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ double precision function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_y(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_cen
-end function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_y
! ---
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ double precision function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_z(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_cen
-end function NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_z
! ---
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_center, mu_in, C_cen
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s
! ---
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_v0(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_center, LD_B, mu_
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_v0
! ---
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_v(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_center, LD_B, mu_i
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_v
! ---
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x2_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_center, mu_in, C_ce
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x2_mult_erf_ao_with1s
! ---
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_x2_mult_erf_ao(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center, ints)
-end subroutine NAI_pol_x2_mult_erf_ao
! ---
@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i_ao, j_ao, beta, B_center, mu_in, C_c
-end subroutine NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s
! ---
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center, ints)
- ! Computes the following integral :
+ ! Computes the following integrals :
! int(1) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr x^0 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) \frac{\erf(\mu | r - R_C | )}{ | r - R_C | }$.
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ subroutine NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao(i_ao, j_ao, mu_in, C_center, ints)
-end subroutine NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_gaus_gauss.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_gaus_gauss.irp.f
index d2115d9e..1e4f340c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_gaus_gauss.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/ao_gaus_gauss.irp.f
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ double precision function overlap_gauss_r12_ao(D_center, delta, i, j)
-end function overlap_gauss_r12_ao
! --
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ double precision function overlap_abs_gauss_r12_ao(D_center, delta, i, j)
-end function overlap_gauss_r12_ao
! --
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_ao_v(D_center, LD_D, delta, i, j, resv, LD_resv, n_
-end subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_ao_v
! ---
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ double precision function overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, D_center,
-end function overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
! ---
@@ -420,7 +420,86 @@ subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s_v(B_center, beta, D_center, LD_D, delta,
deallocate(fact_g, G_center, analytical_j)
-end subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s_v
+! ---
+subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_ao_012(D_center, delta, i, j, ints)
+ !
+ ! Computes the following integrals :
+ !
+ ! ints(1) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr x^0 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ !
+ ! ints(2) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr x^1 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ ! ints(3) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr y^1 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ ! ints(4) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr z^1 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ !
+ ! ints(5) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr x^2 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ ! ints(6) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr y^2 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ ! ints(7) = $\int_{-\infty}^{infty} dr z^2 * \chi_i(r) \chi_j(r) e^{-\delta (r - D_center)^2}
+ !
+ include 'utils/constants.include.F'
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: i, j
+ double precision, intent(in) :: delta, D_center(3)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: ints(7)
+ integer :: k, l, m
+ integer :: power_A(3), power_B(3), power_A1(3), power_A2(3)
+ double precision :: A_center(3), B_center(3), alpha, beta, coef1, coef
+ double precision :: integral0, integral1, integral2
+ double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12
+ ints = 0.d0
+ if(ao_overlap_abs(j,i).lt.1.d-12) then
+ return
+ endif
+ power_A(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
+ power_B(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
+ A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(ao_nucl(i),1:3)
+ B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(ao_nucl(j),1:3)
+ do l = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
+ alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp (l,i)
+ coef1 = ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,i)
+ do k = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
+ beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(k,j)
+ coef = coef1 * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(k,j)
+ if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-12) cycle
+ integral0 = overlap_gauss_r12(D_center, delta, A_center, B_center, power_A, power_B, alpha, beta)
+ ints(1) += coef * integral0
+ do m = 1, 3
+ power_A1 = power_A
+ power_A1(m) += 1
+ integral1 = overlap_gauss_r12(D_center, delta, A_center, B_center, power_A1, power_B, alpha, beta)
+ ints(1+m) += coef * (integral1 + A_center(m)*integral0)
+ power_A2 = power_A
+ power_A2(m) += 2
+ integral2 = overlap_gauss_r12(D_center, delta, A_center, B_center, power_A2, power_B, alpha, beta)
+ ints(4+m) += coef * (integral2 + A_center(m) * (2.d0*integral1 + A_center(m)*integral0))
+ enddo
+ enddo ! k
+ enddo ! l
+ return
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_manu.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_manu.irp.f
index 14170ede..5879d83f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_manu.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_manu.irp.f
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
+ ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
@@ -15,30 +15,30 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_n
double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
double precision :: tmp
double precision :: wall0, wall1
- double precision :: int_gauss, dsqpi_3_2, int_j1b
+ double precision :: int_gauss, dsqpi_3_2, int_env
double precision :: factor_ij_1s, beta_ij, center_ij_1s(3), sq_pi_3_2
double precision, allocatable :: int_fit_v(:)
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test ...'
sq_pi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen List_comb_thr_b3_coef
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp List_comb_thr_b3_coef
call wall_time(wall0)
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(:,:,:) = 0.d0
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(:,:,:) = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, tmp,int_gauss,int_j1b,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points,List_comb_thr_b3_size, &
- !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, ng_fit_jast, &
- !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b, &
- !$OMP ao_overlap_abs,sq_pi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, tmp,int_gauss,int_env,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points,List_comb_thr_b3_size, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, ng_fit_jast, &
+ !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test, ao_abs_comb_b3_env, &
+ !$OMP ao_overlap_abs,sq_pi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_n
! i_1s = 1
! --- --- ---
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(1,j,i)
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(1,j,i)
do i_fit = 1, ng_fit_jast
expo_fit = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
coef_fit = -0.25d0 * coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
-! if(dabs(coef_fit*int_j1b*sq_pi_3_2*(expo_fit)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+! if(dabs(coef_fit*int_env*sq_pi_3_2*(expo_fit)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
int_gauss = overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, expo_fit, i, j)
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) += coef_fit * int_gauss
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) += coef_fit * int_gauss
! --- --- ---
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_n
coef = List_comb_thr_b3_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b3_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(i_1s,j,i)
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_n
call gaussian_product(expo_fit,r,beta,B_center,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s)
coef_fit = -0.25d0 * coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit) * coef
-! if(dabs(coef_fit*factor_ij_1s*int_j1b*sq_pi_3_2*(beta_ij)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+! if(dabs(coef_fit*factor_ij_1s*int_env*sq_pi_3_2*(beta_ij)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
! call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s_v(B_center, beta, final_grid_points_transp, &
! expo_fit, i, j, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid)
int_gauss = overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, r, expo_fit, i, j)
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) += coef_fit * int_gauss
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) += coef_fit * int_gauss
@@ -98,26 +98,26 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_n
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-! !
-! ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
-! !
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test_v, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
+ !
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s, i_fit
double precision :: r(3), expo_fit, coef_fit
@@ -128,24 +128,24 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v, (ao_num, ao
double precision, allocatable :: int_fit_v(:),big_array(:,:,:)
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test_v ...'
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp
call wall_time(wall0)
- double precision :: int_j1b
+ double precision :: int_env
big_array(:,:,:) = 0.d0
allocate(big_array(n_points_final_grid,ao_num, ao_num))
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center,&
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, tmp,int_j1b) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b3_size,&
- !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, ng_fit_jast, &
- !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, big_array,&
- !$OMP ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b,ao_overlap_abs,thrsh_cycle_tc)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center,&
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, tmp,int_env) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b3_size,&
+ !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, ng_fit_jast, &
+ !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, big_array,&
+ !$OMP ao_abs_comb_b3_env,ao_overlap_abs,thrsh_cycle_tc)
+ !
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
do i = 1, ao_num
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v, (ao_num, ao
coef = List_comb_thr_b3_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b3_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(i_1s,j,i)
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v, (ao_num, ao
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = i, ao_num
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v(j,i,ipoint) = big_array(ipoint,j,i)
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test_v(j,i,ipoint) = big_array(ipoint,j,i)
@@ -195,23 +195,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v, (ao_num, ao
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v(j,i,ipoint) = big_array(ipoint,i,j)
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test_v(j,i,ipoint) = big_array(ipoint,i,j)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test_v', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test_v (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_env2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [u_12^mu]^2
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 [u_12^mu]^2
@@ -219,29 +219,29 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s, i_fit
double precision :: r(3), int_fit, expo_fit, coef_fit
double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3), tmp
- double precision :: wall0, wall1,int_j1b
+ double precision :: wall0, wall1,int_env
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
double precision :: factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s(3),sq_pi_3_2
- print*, ' providing int2_u2_j1b2_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_u2_env2_test ...'
sq_pi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points
call wall_time(wall0)
- int2_u2_j1b2_test = 0.d0
+ int2_u2_env2_test = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp, int_j1b,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s) &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp, int_env,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b3_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2, coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2, &
!$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo,sq_pi_3_2, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_u2_j1b2_test,ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b,thrsh_cycle_tc)
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_u2_env2_test,ao_abs_comb_b3_env,thrsh_cycle_tc)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
! i_1s = 1
! --- --- ---
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(1,j,i)
- if(dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(1,j,i)
+ if(dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
do i_fit = 1, ng_fit_jast
expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2(i_fit)
coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2(i_fit)
-! if(dabs(coef_fit*int_j1b*sq_pi_3_2*(expo_fit)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+! if(dabs(coef_fit*int_env*sq_pi_3_2*(expo_fit)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, expo_fit, i, j)
tmp += coef_fit * int_fit
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
coef = List_comb_thr_b3_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b3_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
-! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(i_1s,j,i)
+! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2(i_fit)
call gaussian_product(expo_fit,r,beta,B_center,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s)
-! if(dabs(coef_fit*coef*factor_ij_1s*int_j1b*sq_pi_3_2*(beta_ij)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+! if(dabs(coef_fit*coef*factor_ij_1s*int_env*sq_pi_3_2*(beta_ij)**(-1.5d0)).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, r, expo_fit, i, j)
tmp += coef * coef_fit * int_fit
- int2_u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ int2_u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -302,23 +302,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u2_j1b2_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u2_env2_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test, (ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu] r2
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu] r2
@@ -327,27 +327,27 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n
double precision :: r(3), int_fit(3), expo_fit, coef_fit
double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3), dist
double precision :: alpha_1s, alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s(3), expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp
- double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, int_j1b
+ double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, int_env
double precision :: wall0, wall1, sq_pi_3_2,sq_alpha
- print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test ...'
sq_pi_3_2 = dacos(-1.D0)**(1.d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points
call wall_time(wall0)
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test = 0.d0
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, alpha_1s, dist, &
!$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp, &
- !$OMP tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z,int_j1b,sq_alpha) &
+ !$OMP tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z,int_env,sq_alpha) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b3_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
!$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test,ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b,sq_pi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test,ao_abs_comb_b3_env,sq_pi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n
coef = List_comb_thr_b3_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b3_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
- if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(i_1s,j,i)
+ if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n
expo_coef_1s = beta * expo_fit * alpha_1s_inv * dist
coef_tmp = coef * coef_fit * dexp(-expo_coef_1s)
sq_alpha = alpha_1s_inv * dsqrt(alpha_1s_inv)
-! if(dabs(coef_tmp*int_j1b*sq_pi_3_2*sq_alpha) .lt. thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
+! if(dabs(coef_tmp*int_env*sq_pi_3_2*sq_alpha) .lt. thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, alpha_1s, centr_1s, 1.d+9, r, int_fit)
@@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
@@ -414,24 +414,25 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint,1)
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint,2)
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(i,j,ipoint,3)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u_grad1u_env2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu]
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu]
@@ -442,31 +443,31 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
double precision :: alpha_1s, alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s(3), expo_coef_1s, tmp
double precision :: wall0, wall1
double precision, external :: NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s
- double precision :: j12_mu_r12,int_j1b
+ double precision :: j12_mu_r12,int_env
double precision :: sigma_ij,dist_ij_ipoint,dsqpi_3_2
double precision :: beta_ij,center_ij_1s(3),factor_ij_1s
- print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_env2_test ...'
dsqpi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen ao_overlap_abs List_comb_thr_b3_cent
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points ao_overlap_abs List_comb_thr_b3_cent
call wall_time(wall0)
- int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test = 0.d0
+ int2_u_grad1u_env2_test = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp, alpha_1s, dist, &
!$OMP beta_ij,center_ij_1s,factor_ij_1s, &
- !$OMP int_j1b,alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp) &
+ !$OMP int_env,alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b3_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
!$OMP ao_prod_dist_grid, ao_prod_sigma, ao_overlap_abs_grid,ao_prod_center,dsqpi_3_2, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test,thrsh_cycle_tc)
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_coef, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, ao_abs_comb_b3_env, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_env2_test,thrsh_cycle_tc)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 1, ao_num
@@ -484,11 +485,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! i_1s = 1
! --- --- ---
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(1,j,i)
-! if(dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(1,j,i)
do i_fit = 1, ng_fit_jast
expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf(i_fit)
-! if(dabs(int_j1b)*dsqpi_3_2*expo_fit**(-1.5d0).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf(i_fit)
int_fit = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, expo_fit, r, 1.d+9, r)
tmp += coef_fit * int_fit
@@ -502,8 +501,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
coef = List_comb_thr_b3_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b3_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
-! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b3_env(i_1s,j,i)
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b3_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -513,7 +511,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do i_fit = 1, ng_fit_jast
expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf(i_fit)
call gaussian_product(expo_fit,r,beta,B_center,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s)
-! if(factor_ij_1s*dabs(coef*int_j1b)*dsqpi_3_2*beta_ij**(-1.5d0).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf(i_fit)
alpha_1s = beta + expo_fit
@@ -533,7 +530,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
- int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ int2_u_grad1u_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -543,14 +540,15 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u_grad1u_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u_grad1u_env2_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_env2_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f
index fda2db82..b1fc6134 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf
+ provide final_grid_points
int2_grad1u2_grad2u2 = 0.d0
@@ -63,17 +64,17 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2 =', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
+ ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
@@ -87,21 +88,22 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf
+ provide final_grid_points
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 = 0.d0
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -125,14 +127,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, r, expo_fit, i, j)
@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -153,23 +155,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 =', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 (min) =', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [u_12^mu]^2
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 [u_12^mu]^2
@@ -182,21 +184,22 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing int2_u2_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_u2_env2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf
+ provide final_grid_points
- int2_u2_j1b2 = 0.d0
+ int2_u2_env2 = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2, coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_u2_j1b2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_u2_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -220,14 +223,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, r, expo_fit, i, j)
@@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_
- int2_u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ int2_u2_env2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -248,23 +251,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u2_env2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u2_j1b2', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u2_env2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu] r2
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu] r2
@@ -276,23 +279,24 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision :: wall0, wall1
- print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_x_env2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf
+ provide final_grid_points
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2 = 0.d0
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2 = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, alpha_1s, dist, &
!$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp, &
!$OMP tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_u_grad1u_x_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -321,14 +325,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
dist = (B_center(1) - r(1)) * (B_center(1) - r(1)) &
+ (B_center(2) - r(2)) * (B_center(2) - r(2)) &
+ (B_center(3) - r(3)) * (B_center(3) - r(3))
@@ -355,9 +359,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
@@ -367,25 +371,25 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,1) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,1)
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,2) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,2)
- int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,3) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(j,i,ipoint,1) = int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(j,i,ipoint,2) = int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(j,i,ipoint,3) = int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,3)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2 = ', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_x_env2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu]
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu]
@@ -397,22 +401,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
double precision :: wall0, wall1
double precision, external :: NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_env2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf
+ provide final_grid_points
- int2_u_grad1u_j1b2 = 0.d0
+ int2_u_grad1u_env2 = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp, alpha_1s, dist, &
!$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_u_grad1u_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 1, ao_num
@@ -436,14 +441,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
dist = (B_center(1) - r(1)) * (B_center(1) - r(1)) &
+ (B_center(2) - r(2)) * (B_center(2) - r(2)) &
+ (B_center(3) - r(3)) * (B_center(3) - r(3))
@@ -468,7 +473,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
- int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ int2_u_grad1u_env2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -478,13 +483,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u_grad1u_env2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u_grad1u_env2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_j1b2', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_env2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif_vect.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 21927371..00000000
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif_vect.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-!! ---
-!BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-! !
-! ! -\frac{1}{4} int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
-! !
-! implicit none
-! integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s, i_fit
-! integer :: i_mask_grid
-! double precision :: r(3), expo_fit, coef_fit
-! double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
-! double precision :: wall0, wall1
-! integer, allocatable :: n_mask_grid(:)
-! double precision, allocatable :: r_mask_grid(:,:)
-! double precision, allocatable :: int_fit_v(:)
-! print*, ' providing int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2'
-! provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen
-! call wall_time(wall0)
-! int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(:,:,:) = 0.d0
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center,&
-! !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, n_mask_grid, &
-! !$OMP i_mask_grid, r_mask_grid) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size,&
-! !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, n_max_fit_slat, &
-! !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
-! !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
-! !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2, &
-! !$OMP ao_overlap_abs)
-! allocate(int_fit_v(n_points_final_grid))
-! allocate(n_mask_grid(n_points_final_grid))
-! allocate(r_mask_grid(n_points_final_grid,3))
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! do j = i, ao_num
-! if(ao_overlap_abs(j,i) .lt. 1.d-12) then
-! cycle
-! endif
-! do i_fit = 1, n_max_fit_slat
-! expo_fit = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
-! coef_fit = coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit) * (-0.25d0)
-! ! ---
-! call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_v(final_grid_points_transp, n_points_final_grid, expo_fit, i, j, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid, n_points_final_grid)
-! i_mask_grid = 0 ! dim
-! n_mask_grid = 0 ! ind
-! r_mask_grid = 0.d0 ! val
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) += coef_fit * int_fit_v(ipoint)
-! if(dabs(int_fit_v(ipoint)) .gt. 1d-10) then
-! i_mask_grid += 1
-! n_mask_grid(i_mask_grid ) = ipoint
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid,1) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,1)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid,2) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,2)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid,3) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,3)
-! endif
-! enddo
-! if(i_mask_grid .eq. 0) cycle
-! ! ---
-! do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
-! coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s) * coef_fit
-! beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
-! B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
-! B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
-! B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
-! call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s_v(B_center, beta, r_mask_grid, n_points_final_grid, expo_fit, i, j, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid, i_mask_grid)
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid
-! int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(j,i,n_mask_grid(ipoint)) += coef * int_fit_v(ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! ! ---
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(n_mask_grid)
-! deallocate(r_mask_grid)
-! deallocate(int_fit_v)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! do i = 2, ao_num
-! do j = 1, i-1
-! int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! call wall_time(wall1)
-! print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2', wall1 - wall0
-!! ---
-!BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u2_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-! !
-! ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 [u_12^mu]^2
-! !
-! implicit none
-! integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s, i_fit
-! integer :: i_mask_grid
-! double precision :: r(3), expo_fit, coef_fit
-! double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3), tmp
-! double precision :: wall0, wall1
-! integer, allocatable :: n_mask_grid(:)
-! double precision, allocatable :: r_mask_grid(:,:)
-! double precision, allocatable :: int_fit_v(:)
-! print*, ' providing int2_u2_j1b2'
-! provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen
-! call wall_time(wall0)
-! int2_u2_j1b2(:,:,:) = 0.d0
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
-! !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, &
-! !$OMP i_mask_grid, n_mask_grid, r_mask_grid ) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size, &
-! !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, n_max_fit_slat, &
-! !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2, coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2, &
-! !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
-! !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_u2_j1b2)
-! allocate(n_mask_grid(n_points_final_grid))
-! allocate(r_mask_grid(n_points_final_grid,3))
-! allocate(int_fit_v(n_points_final_grid))
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! do j = i, ao_num
-! do i_fit = 1, n_max_fit_slat
-! expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2(i_fit)
-! coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2(i_fit)
-! ! ---
-! call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_v(final_grid_points_transp, n_points_final_grid, expo_fit, i, j, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid, n_points_final_grid)
-! i_mask_grid = 0 ! dim
-! n_mask_grid = 0 ! ind
-! r_mask_grid = 0.d0 ! val
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! int2_u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) += coef_fit * int_fit_v(ipoint)
-! if(dabs(int_fit_v(ipoint)) .gt. 1d-10) then
-! i_mask_grid += 1
-! n_mask_grid(i_mask_grid ) = ipoint
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid,1) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,1)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid,2) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,2)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid,3) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,3)
-! endif
-! enddo
-! if(i_mask_grid .eq. 0) cycle
-! ! ---
-! do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
-! coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s) * coef_fit
-! beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
-! B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
-! B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
-! B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
-! call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s_v(B_center, beta, r_mask_grid, n_points_final_grid, expo_fit, i, j, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid, i_mask_grid)
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid
-! int2_u2_j1b2(j,i,n_mask_grid(ipoint)) += coef * int_fit_v(ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! ! ---
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(n_mask_grid)
-! deallocate(r_mask_grid)
-! deallocate(int_fit_v)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! do i = 2, ao_num
-! do j = 1, i-1
-! int2_u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) = int2_u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! call wall_time(wall1)
-! print*, ' wall time for int2_u2_j1b2', wall1 - wall0
-!! ---
-!BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
-! !
-! ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2)^2 u_12^mu [\grad_1 u_12^mu] r2
-! !
-! implicit none
-! integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s, i_fit
-! integer :: i_mask_grid1, i_mask_grid2, i_mask_grid3, i_mask_grid(3)
-! double precision :: x, y, z, expo_fit, coef_fit
-! double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
-! double precision :: alpha_1s, alpha_1s_inv, expo_coef_1s
-! double precision :: wall0, wall1
-! integer, allocatable :: n_mask_grid(:,:)
-! double precision, allocatable :: r_mask_grid(:,:,:)
-! double precision, allocatable :: int_fit_v(:,:), dist(:,:), centr_1s(:,:,:)
-! print*, ' providing int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2'
-! provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen
-! call wall_time(wall0)
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, x, y, z, coef, beta, &
-! !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit_v, alpha_1s, dist, B_center,&
-! !$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, &
-! !$OMP i_mask_grid1, i_mask_grid2, i_mask_grid3, i_mask_grid, &
-! !$OMP n_mask_grid, r_mask_grid) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b3_size, &
-! !$OMP final_grid_points_transp, n_max_fit_slat, &
-! !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
-! !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_coef, List_all_comb_b3_expo, &
-! !$OMP List_all_comb_b3_cent, int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2)
-! allocate(dist(n_points_final_grid,3))
-! allocate(centr_1s(n_points_final_grid,3,3))
-! allocate(n_mask_grid(n_points_final_grid,3))
-! allocate(r_mask_grid(n_points_final_grid,3,3))
-! allocate(int_fit_v(n_points_final_grid,3))
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! do j = i, ao_num
-! do i_fit = 1, n_max_fit_slat
-! expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf(i_fit)
-! coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf(i_fit)
-! ! ---
-! call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_v0(i, j, expo_fit, final_grid_points_transp, n_points_final_grid, 1.d+9, final_grid_points_transp, n_points_final_grid, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid, n_points_final_grid)
-! i_mask_grid1 = 0 ! dim
-! i_mask_grid2 = 0 ! dim
-! i_mask_grid3 = 0 ! dim
-! n_mask_grid = 0 ! ind
-! r_mask_grid = 0.d0 ! val
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! ! ---
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,1) += coef_fit * int_fit_v(ipoint,1)
-! if(dabs(int_fit_v(ipoint,1)) .gt. 1d-10) then
-! i_mask_grid1 += 1
-! n_mask_grid(i_mask_grid1, 1) = ipoint
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid1,1,1) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,1)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid1,2,1) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,2)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid1,3,1) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,3)
-! endif
-! ! ---
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,2) += coef_fit * int_fit_v(ipoint,2)
-! if(dabs(int_fit_v(ipoint,2)) .gt. 1d-10) then
-! i_mask_grid2 += 1
-! n_mask_grid(i_mask_grid2, 2) = ipoint
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid2,1,2) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,1)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid2,2,2) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,2)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid2,3,2) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,3)
-! endif
-! ! ---
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,3) += coef_fit * int_fit_v(ipoint,3)
-! if(dabs(int_fit_v(ipoint,3)) .gt. 1d-10) then
-! i_mask_grid3 += 1
-! n_mask_grid(i_mask_grid3, 3) = ipoint
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid3,1,3) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,1)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid3,2,3) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,2)
-! r_mask_grid(i_mask_grid3,3,3) = final_grid_points_transp(ipoint,3)
-! endif
-! ! ---
-! enddo
-! if((i_mask_grid1+i_mask_grid2+i_mask_grid3) .eq. 0) cycle
-! i_mask_grid(1) = i_mask_grid1
-! i_mask_grid(2) = i_mask_grid2
-! i_mask_grid(3) = i_mask_grid3
-! ! ---
-! do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size
-! coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s) * coef_fit
-! beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
-! B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i_1s)
-! B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i_1s)
-! B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i_1s)
-! alpha_1s = beta + expo_fit
-! alpha_1s_inv = 1.d0 / alpha_1s
-! expo_coef_1s = beta * expo_fit * alpha_1s_inv
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid1
-! x = r_mask_grid(ipoint,1,1)
-! y = r_mask_grid(ipoint,2,1)
-! z = r_mask_grid(ipoint,3,1)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,1,1) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(1) + expo_fit * x)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,2,1) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(2) + expo_fit * y)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,3,1) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(3) + expo_fit * z)
-! dist(ipoint,1) = (B_center(1) - x) * (B_center(1) - x) + (B_center(2) - y) * (B_center(2) - y) + (B_center(3) - z) * (B_center(3) - z)
-! enddo
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid2
-! x = r_mask_grid(ipoint,1,2)
-! y = r_mask_grid(ipoint,2,2)
-! z = r_mask_grid(ipoint,3,2)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,1,2) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(1) + expo_fit * x)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,2,2) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(2) + expo_fit * y)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,3,2) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(3) + expo_fit * z)
-! dist(ipoint,2) = (B_center(1) - x) * (B_center(1) - x) + (B_center(2) - y) * (B_center(2) - y) + (B_center(3) - z) * (B_center(3) - z)
-! enddo
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid3
-! x = r_mask_grid(ipoint,1,3)
-! y = r_mask_grid(ipoint,2,3)
-! z = r_mask_grid(ipoint,3,3)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,1,3) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(1) + expo_fit * x)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,2,3) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(2) + expo_fit * y)
-! centr_1s(ipoint,3,3) = alpha_1s_inv * (beta * B_center(3) + expo_fit * z)
-! dist(ipoint,3) = (B_center(1) - x) * (B_center(1) - x) + (B_center(2) - y) * (B_center(2) - y) + (B_center(3) - z) * (B_center(3) - z)
-! enddo
-! call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s_v(i, j, alpha_1s, centr_1s, n_points_final_grid, 1.d+9, r_mask_grid, n_points_final_grid, int_fit_v, n_points_final_grid, i_mask_grid)
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid1
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,n_mask_grid(ipoint,1),1) += coef * dexp(-expo_coef_1s * dist(ipoint,1)) * int_fit_v(ipoint,1)
-! enddo
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid2
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,n_mask_grid(ipoint,2),2) += coef * dexp(-expo_coef_1s * dist(ipoint,2)) * int_fit_v(ipoint,2)
-! enddo
-! do ipoint = 1, i_mask_grid3
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,n_mask_grid(ipoint,3),3) += coef * dexp(-expo_coef_1s * dist(ipoint,3)) * int_fit_v(ipoint,3)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! ! ---
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(dist)
-! deallocate(centr_1s)
-! deallocate(n_mask_grid)
-! deallocate(r_mask_grid)
-! deallocate(int_fit_v)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! do i = 2, ao_num
-! do j = 1, i-1
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,1) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,1)
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,2) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,2)
-! int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(j,i,ipoint,3) = int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,3)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! call wall_time(wall1)
-! print*, ' wall time for int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2 =', wall1 - wall0
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_manu.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_manu.irp.f
index 66a2b961..6c163df6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_manu.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_manu.irp.f
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_j1b(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R| - 1) / |r - R|
+ ! int dr phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_env(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R| - 1) / |r - R|
@@ -13,24 +13,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s
double precision :: r(3), int_mu, int_coulomb
double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
- double precision :: tmp,int_j1b
+ double precision :: tmp,int_env
double precision :: wall0, wall1
double precision, external :: NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s
double precision :: sigma_ij,dist_ij_ipoint,dsqpi_3_2
- print*, ' providing v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test ...'
dsqpi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
call wall_time(wall0)
- v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test = 0.d0
+ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, int_mu, int_coulomb, tmp, int_j1b)&
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, int_mu, int_coulomb, tmp, int_env)&
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b2_size, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_coef, List_comb_thr_b2_expo, List_comb_thr_b2_cent,ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b, &
- !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, mu_erf, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_coef, List_comb_thr_b2_expo, List_comb_thr_b2_cent,ao_abs_comb_b2_env, &
+ !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test, mu_erf, &
!$OMP ao_overlap_abs_grid,ao_prod_center,ao_prod_sigma,dsqpi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
!do ipoint = 1, 10
@@ -48,8 +47,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
coef = List_comb_thr_b2_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b2_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
-! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b2_env(i_1s,j,i)
+! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
tmp += coef * (int_mu - int_coulomb)
- v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -70,22 +69,22 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
- ! int dr x phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_j1b(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R|) - 1)/|r - R|
+ ! int dr x phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_env(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R|) - 1)/|r - R|
implicit none
@@ -93,23 +92,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_nu
double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3), r(3), ints(3), ints_coulomb(3)
double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision :: wall0, wall1
- double precision :: sigma_ij,dist_ij_ipoint,dsqpi_3_2,int_j1b,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s
+ double precision :: sigma_ij,dist_ij_ipoint,dsqpi_3_2,int_env,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s
- print*, ' providing x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test ...'
dsqpi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
provide expo_erfc_mu_gauss ao_prod_sigma ao_prod_center
call wall_time(wall0)
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test = 0.d0
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, ints, ints_coulomb, &
- !$OMP int_j1b, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s) &
+ !$OMP int_env, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z,factor_ij_1s,beta_ij,center_ij_1s) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_comb_thr_b2_size, final_grid_points,&
!$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_coef, List_comb_thr_b2_expo, List_comb_thr_b2_cent, &
- !$OMP x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, mu_erf,ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b, &
+ !$OMP x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test, mu_erf,ao_abs_comb_b2_env, &
!$OMP ao_overlap_abs_grid,ao_prod_center,ao_prod_sigma,thrsh_cycle_tc)
! !$OMP ao_overlap_abs_grid,ao_prod_center,ao_prod_sigma,dsqpi_3_2,expo_erfc_mu_gauss)
@@ -129,8 +128,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_nu
coef = List_comb_thr_b2_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b2_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
- ! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b2_env(i_1s,j,i)
+ ! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -143,9 +142,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_nu
tmp_z += coef * (ints(3) - ints_coulomb(3))
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
@@ -155,26 +154,26 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_nu
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint,1)
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint,2)
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,1) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,2) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,3) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint,3)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
! TODO analytically
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2) u(mu, r12)
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2) u(mu, r12)
@@ -185,29 +184,28 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
double precision :: tmp
double precision :: wall0, wall1
double precision :: beta_ij_u, factor_ij_1s_u, center_ij_1s_u(3), coeftot
- double precision :: sigma_ij, dist_ij_ipoint, dsqpi_3_2, int_j1b
+ double precision :: sigma_ij, dist_ij_ipoint, dsqpi_3_2, int_env
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test ...'
dsqpi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
call wall_time(wall0)
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test = 0.d0
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP beta_ij_u, factor_ij_1s_u, center_ij_1s_u, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp,coeftot,int_j1b) &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp,coeftot,int_env) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x, coef_gauss_j_mu_x, &
!$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_coef, List_comb_thr_b2_expo,List_comb_thr_b2_size, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test,ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test,ao_abs_comb_b2_env, &
!$OMP ao_overlap_abs_grid,ao_prod_center,ao_prod_sigma,dsqpi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -225,8 +223,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
! i_1s = 1
! --- --- ---
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(1,j,i)
- ! if(dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b2_env(1,j,i)
+ ! if(dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
do i_fit = 1, ng_fit_jast
expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_x(i_fit)
coef_fit = coef_gauss_j_mu_x(i_fit)
@@ -242,8 +240,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
do i_1s = 2, List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i)
coef = List_comb_thr_b2_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b2_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
-! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b2_env(i_1s,j,i)
+! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -259,7 +257,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -269,23 +267,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2) u(mu, r12) with u(mu,r12) \approx 1/2 mu e^{-2.5 * mu (r12)^2}
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2) u(mu, r12) with u(mu,r12) \approx 1/2 mu e^{-2.5 * mu (r12)^2}
@@ -296,27 +294,26 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
double precision :: tmp
double precision :: wall0, wall1
double precision :: beta_ij_u, factor_ij_1s_u, center_ij_1s_u(3), coeftot
- double precision :: sigma_ij, dist_ij_ipoint, dsqpi_3_2, int_j1b
+ double precision :: sigma_ij, dist_ij_ipoint, dsqpi_3_2, int_env
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
dsqpi_3_2 = (dacos(-1.d0))**(1.5d0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
call wall_time(wall0)
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test = 0.d0
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP beta_ij_u, factor_ij_1s_u, center_ij_1s_u, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp,coeftot,int_j1b) &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp,coeftot,int_env) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, expo_good_j_mu_1gauss,coef_good_j_mu_1gauss, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x, coef_gauss_j_mu_x, &
!$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_coef, List_comb_thr_b2_expo,List_comb_thr_b2_size, &
- !$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test,ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b, &
+ !$OMP List_comb_thr_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test,ao_abs_comb_b2_env, &
!$OMP ao_overlap_abs_grid,ao_prod_center,ao_prod_sigma,dsqpi_3_2,thrsh_cycle_tc)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -334,8 +331,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
! i_1s = 1
! --- --- ---
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(1,j,i)
-! if(dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b2_env(1,j,i)
+! if(dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
expo_fit = expo_good_j_mu_1gauss
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, expo_fit, i, j)
tmp += int_fit
@@ -347,8 +344,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
do i_1s = 2, List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i)
coef = List_comb_thr_b2_coef (i_1s,j,i)
beta = List_comb_thr_b2_expo (i_1s,j,i)
- int_j1b = ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(i_1s,j,i)
-! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = ao_abs_comb_b2_env(i_1s,j,i)
+! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
B_center(1) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(2) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(2,i_1s,j,i)
B_center(3) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(3,i_1s,j,i)
@@ -364,7 +361,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
! enddo
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -374,13 +371,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test, (ao_num, ao_num,
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_modif.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_modif.irp.f
index 24b33eb5..00e2d5fc 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_modif.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad_lapl_jmu_modif.irp.f
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_j1b(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R| - 1) / |r - R|
+ ! int dr phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_env(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R| - 1) / |r - R|
@@ -17,18 +17,20 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
double precision :: wall0, wall1
double precision, external :: NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s
- print *, ' providing v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b ...'
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE env_expo
+ print *, ' providing v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
- v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b = 0.d0
+ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, int_mu, int_coulomb, tmp) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b2_size, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_coef, List_all_comb_b2_expo, List_all_comb_b2_cent, &
- !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, mu_erf)
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_size, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_expo, List_env1s_cent, &
+ !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, mu_erf)
!do ipoint = 1, 10
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -43,28 +45,27 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
! ---
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (1)
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (1)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,1)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,1)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,1)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (1)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (1)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,1)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,1)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,1)
int_mu = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r)
int_coulomb = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r)
-! if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_mu - int_coulomb) .lt. 1d-12) cycle
tmp += coef * (int_mu - int_coulomb)
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
int_mu = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r)
int_coulomb = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r)
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
! ---
- v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -84,22 +85,22 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
- ! int dr x phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_j1b(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R|) - 1)/|r - R|
+ ! int dr x phi_i(r) phi_j(r) 1s_env(r) (erf(mu(R) |r - R|) - 1)/|r - R|
implicit none
@@ -108,17 +109,17 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_
double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision :: wall0, wall1
- print*, ' providing x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b ...'
+ print*, ' providing x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b = 0.d0
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, ints, ints_coulomb, &
!$OMP tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b2_size, final_grid_points,&
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_coef, List_all_comb_b2_expo, List_all_comb_b2_cent, &
- !$OMP x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, mu_erf)
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_size, final_grid_points,&
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_expo, List_env1s_cent, &
+ !$OMP x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, mu_erf)
!do ipoint = 1, 10
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -135,11 +136,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_
! ---
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (1)
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (1)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,1)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,1)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,1)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (1)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (1)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,1)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,1)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,1)
call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r, ints )
call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r, ints_coulomb)
@@ -152,14 +153,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r, ints )
call NAI_pol_x_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r, ints_coulomb)
@@ -171,9 +172,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_
! ---
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint,1) = tmp_x
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint,2) = tmp_y
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint,3) = tmp_z
@@ -183,25 +184,25 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint,1) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,1)
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint,2) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,2)
- x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint,3) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint,1) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint,2) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint,3) = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b =', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env (min) =', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2) u(mu, r12)
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2) u(mu, r12)
@@ -214,23 +215,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poi
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit ...'
+ print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points env_expo
PROVIDE ng_fit_jast expo_gauss_j_mu_x coef_gauss_j_mu_x
- PROVIDE List_all_comb_b2_size List_all_comb_b2_coef List_all_comb_b2_expo List_all_comb_b2_cent
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_coef List_env1s_expo List_env1s_cent
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit = 0.d0
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b2_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
!$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x, coef_gauss_j_mu_x, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_coef, List_all_comb_b2_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -247,11 +248,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poi
! ---
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (1)
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (1)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,1)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,1)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,1)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (1)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (1)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,1)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,1)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,1)
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, r, expo_fit, i, j)
@@ -259,14 +260,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poi
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
int_fit = overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s(B_center, beta, r, expo_fit, i, j)
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poi
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -287,23 +288,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poi
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2) u(mu, r12)
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2) u(mu, r12)
@@ -322,24 +323,24 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
double precision, external :: NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old ...'
+ print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
- PROVIDE List_all_comb_b2_size List_all_comb_b2_coef List_all_comb_b2_expo List_all_comb_b2_cent
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points env_expo
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_coef List_env1s_expo List_env1s_cent
ct = inv_sq_pi_2 / mu_erf
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old = 0.d0
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP r1_2, tmp, int_c1, int_e1, int_o, int_c2, &
!$OMP int_e2, int_c3, int_e3) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b2_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, mu_erf, ct, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_coef, List_all_comb_b2_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -353,11 +354,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! ---
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (1)
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (1)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,1)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,1)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,1)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (1)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (1)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,1)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,1)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,1)
int_c1 = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r)
int_e1 = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r)
@@ -379,14 +380,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
int_c1 = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r)
int_e1 = NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r)
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! ---
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -420,23 +421,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_j1b(r2) u(mu, r12)
+ ! int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) 1s_env(r2) u(mu, r12)
@@ -454,23 +455,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_point
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s
double precision, external :: NAI_pol_mult_erf_ao_with1s
- print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an ...'
+ print*, ' providing v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points j1b_pen
- PROVIDE List_all_comb_b2_size List_all_comb_b2_coef List_all_comb_b2_expo List_all_comb_b2_cent
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points env_expo
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_coef List_env1s_expo List_env1s_cent
ct = inv_sq_pi_2 / mu_erf
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an = 0.d0
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
!$OMP r1_2, tmp, int_c, int_e, int_o) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_all_comb_b2_size, &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_size, &
!$OMP final_grid_points, mu_erf, ct, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_coef, List_all_comb_b2_expo, &
- !$OMP List_all_comb_b2_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_cent, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -484,11 +485,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_point
! ---
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (1)
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (1)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,1)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,1)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,1)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (1)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (1)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,1)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,1)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,1)
call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r, int_c)
call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r, int_e)
@@ -504,14 +505,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_point
! ---
- do i_1s = 2, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (i_1s)
if(dabs(coef) .lt. 1d-15) cycle ! beta = 0.0
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i_1s)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i_1s)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (i_1s)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r, int_c)
call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r, int_e)
@@ -529,7 +530,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_point
! ---
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -539,13 +540,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, (ao_num, ao_num, n_point
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an(i,j,ipoint)
+ v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(j,i,ipoint) = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an', wall1 - wall0
+ print*, ' wall time for v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d97d514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s
+ double precision :: r(3), int_clb(7), int_erf(7)
+ double precision :: c_1s, e_1s, R_1s(3)
+ double precision :: tmp_Du_0, tmp_Du_x, tmp_Du_y, tmp_Du_z, tmp_Du_2
+ double precision :: wall0, wall1
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_expo List_env1s_coef List_env1s_cent
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du ...'
+ call wall_time(wall0)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, c_1s, e_1s, R_1s, int_erf, int_clb, &
+ !$OMP tmp_Du_0, tmp_Du_x, tmp_Du_y, tmp_Du_z, tmp_Du_2) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_erf, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao(i, j, 1.d+9, r, int_clb)
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao(i, j, mu_erf, r, int_erf)
+ tmp_Du_0 = int_clb(1) - int_erf(1)
+ tmp_Du_x = int_clb(2) - int_erf(2)
+ tmp_Du_y = int_clb(3) - int_erf(3)
+ tmp_Du_z = int_clb(4) - int_erf(4)
+ tmp_Du_2 = int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7)
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
+ e_1s = List_env1s_expo(i_1s)
+ c_1s = List_env1s_coef(i_1s)
+ R_1s(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ R_1s(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ R_1s(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, e_1s, R_1s, 1.d+9, r, int_clb)
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, e_1s, R_1s, mu_erf, r, int_erf)
+ tmp_Du_0 = tmp_Du_0 + c_1s * (int_clb(1) - int_erf(1))
+ tmp_Du_x = tmp_Du_x + c_1s * (int_clb(2) - int_erf(2))
+ tmp_Du_y = tmp_Du_y + c_1s * (int_clb(3) - int_erf(3))
+ tmp_Du_z = tmp_Du_z + c_1s * (int_clb(4) - int_erf(4))
+ tmp_Du_2 = tmp_Du_2 + c_1s * (int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7))
+ enddo
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_0
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_x
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_y
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_z
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_2
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do i = 2, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(wall1)
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s
+ double precision :: r(3)
+ double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
+ double precision :: tmp_Du
+ double precision :: mu_sq, dx, dy, dz, tmp_arg, rmu_sq(3)
+ double precision :: e_1s, c_1s, R_1s(3)
+ double precision :: wall0, wall1
+ double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_expo List_env1s_coef List_env1s_cent
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du ...'
+ call wall_time(wall0)
+ mu_sq = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, dx, dy, dz, r, tmp_arg, coef, &
+ !$OMP rmu_sq, e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, beta, B_center, tmp_Du) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ rmu_sq(1) = mu_sq * r(1)
+ rmu_sq(2) = mu_sq * r(2)
+ rmu_sq(3) = mu_sq * r(3)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ tmp_Du = overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, mu_sq, j, i)
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_size
+ e_1s = List_env1s_expo(i_1s)
+ c_1s = List_env1s_coef(i_1s)
+ R_1s(1) = List_env1s_cent(1,i_1s)
+ R_1s(2) = List_env1s_cent(2,i_1s)
+ R_1s(3) = List_env1s_cent(3,i_1s)
+ dx = r(1) - R_1s(1)
+ dy = r(2) - R_1s(2)
+ dz = r(3) - R_1s(3)
+ beta = mu_sq + e_1s
+ tmp_arg = mu_sq * e_1s * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) / beta
+ coef = c_1s * dexp(-tmp_arg)
+ B_center(1) = (rmu_sq(1) + e_1s * R_1s(1)) / beta
+ B_center(2) = (rmu_sq(2) + e_1s * R_1s(2)) / beta
+ B_center(3) = (rmu_sq(3) + e_1s * R_1s(3)) / beta
+ tmp_Du += coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(B_center, beta, j, i)
+ enddo
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do i = 2, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(wall1)
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s
+ double precision :: r(3), int_clb(7), int_erf(7)
+ double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
+ double precision :: tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2
+ double precision :: mu_sq, tmp_arg, dx, dy, dz, rmu_sq(3)
+ double precision :: e_1s, c_1s, R_1s(3)
+ double precision :: wall0, wall1
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2 ...'
+ call wall_time(wall0)
+ mu_sq = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, rmu_sq, dx, dy, dz, &
+ !$OMP e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, tmp_arg, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP int_erf, int_clb, &
+ !$OMP tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
+ !$OMP mu_erf, List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ rmu_sq(1) = mu_sq * r(1)
+ rmu_sq(2) = mu_sq * r(2)
+ rmu_sq(3) = mu_sq * r(3)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, mu_sq, r, 1.d+9, r, int_clb)
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, mu_sq, r, mu_erf, r, int_erf)
+ tmp_Du2_0 = int_clb(1) - int_erf(1)
+ tmp_Du2_x = int_clb(2) - int_erf(2)
+ tmp_Du2_y = int_clb(3) - int_erf(3)
+ tmp_Du2_z = int_clb(4) - int_erf(4)
+ tmp_Du2_2 = int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7)
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
+ e_1s = List_env1s_square_expo(i_1s)
+ c_1s = List_env1s_square_coef(i_1s)
+ R_1s(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ R_1s(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ R_1s(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
+ dx = r(1) - R_1s(1)
+ dy = r(2) - R_1s(2)
+ dz = r(3) - R_1s(3)
+ beta = mu_sq + e_1s
+ tmp_arg = mu_sq * e_1s * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) / beta
+ coef = c_1s * dexp(-tmp_arg)
+ B_center(1) = (rmu_sq(1) + e_1s * R_1s(1)) / beta
+ B_center(2) = (rmu_sq(2) + e_1s * R_1s(2)) / beta
+ B_center(3) = (rmu_sq(3) + e_1s * R_1s(3)) / beta
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, 1.d+9, r, int_clb)
+ call NAI_pol_012_mult_erf_ao_with1s(i, j, beta, B_center, mu_erf, r, int_erf)
+ tmp_Du2_0 = tmp_Du2_0 + coef * (int_clb(1) - int_erf(1))
+ tmp_Du2_x = tmp_Du2_x + coef * (int_clb(2) - int_erf(2))
+ tmp_Du2_y = tmp_Du2_y + coef * (int_clb(3) - int_erf(3))
+ tmp_Du2_z = tmp_Du2_z + coef * (int_clb(4) - int_erf(4))
+ tmp_Du2_2 = tmp_Du2_2 + coef * (int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7))
+ enddo
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do i = 2, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(wall1)
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s
+ double precision :: r(3)
+ double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
+ double precision :: tmp_Du2
+ double precision :: mu_sq, dx, dy, dz, tmp_arg, rmu_sq(3)
+ double precision :: e_1s, c_1s, R_1s(3)
+ double precision :: wall0, wall1
+ double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2 ...'
+ call wall_time(wall0)
+ mu_sq = 2.d0 * mu_erf * mu_erf
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, dx, dy, dz, r, tmp_arg, coef, &
+ !$OMP rmu_sq, e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, beta, B_center, tmp_Du2) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ rmu_sq(1) = mu_sq * r(1)
+ rmu_sq(2) = mu_sq * r(2)
+ rmu_sq(3) = mu_sq * r(3)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ tmp_Du2 = overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, mu_sq, j, i)
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
+ e_1s = List_env1s_square_expo(i_1s)
+ c_1s = List_env1s_square_coef(i_1s)
+ R_1s(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ R_1s(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ R_1s(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
+ dx = r(1) - R_1s(1)
+ dy = r(2) - R_1s(2)
+ dz = r(3) - R_1s(3)
+ beta = mu_sq + e_1s
+ tmp_arg = mu_sq * e_1s * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) / beta
+ coef = c_1s * dexp(-tmp_arg)
+ B_center(1) = (rmu_sq(1) + e_1s * R_1s(1)) / beta
+ B_center(2) = (rmu_sq(2) + e_1s * R_1s(2)) / beta
+ B_center(3) = (rmu_sq(3) + e_1s * R_1s(3)) / beta
+ tmp_Du2 += coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(B_center, beta, j, i)
+ enddo
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do i = 2, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(wall1)
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * x2
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * y2
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * z2
+ !
+ ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * r2^2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint, i_1s, i_fit
+ double precision :: r(3), ints(7)
+ double precision :: coef, beta, B_center(3)
+ double precision :: tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2
+ double precision :: tmp_arg, dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: expo_fit, coef_fit, e_1s, c_1s, R_1s(3)
+ double precision :: wall0, wall1
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
+ PROVIDE ng_fit_jast expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2 ...'
+ call wall_time(wall0)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, dx, dy, dz, &
+ !$OMP expo_fit, coef_fit, e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, &
+ !$OMP tmp_arg, coef, beta, B_center, ints, &
+ !$OMP tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP ng_fit_jast, expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ tmp_Du2_0 = 0.d0
+ tmp_Du2_x = 0.d0
+ tmp_Du2_y = 0.d0
+ tmp_Du2_z = 0.d0
+ tmp_Du2_2 = 0.d0
+ do i_fit = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_fit = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
+ coef_fit = coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
+ call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_012(r, expo_fit, i, j, ints)
+ tmp_Du2_0 += coef_fit * ints(1)
+ tmp_Du2_x += coef_fit * ints(2)
+ tmp_Du2_y += coef_fit * ints(3)
+ tmp_Du2_z += coef_fit * ints(4)
+ tmp_Du2_2 += coef_fit * (ints(5) + ints(6) + ints(7))
+ do i_1s = 2, List_env1s_square_size
+ e_1s = List_env1s_square_expo(i_1s)
+ c_1s = List_env1s_square_coef(i_1s)
+ R_1s(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i_1s)
+ R_1s(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i_1s)
+ R_1s(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i_1s)
+ dx = r(1) - R_1s(1)
+ dy = r(2) - R_1s(2)
+ dz = r(3) - R_1s(3)
+ beta = expo_fit + e_1s
+ tmp_arg = expo_fit * e_1s * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) / beta
+ coef = coef_fit * c_1s * dexp(-tmp_arg)
+ B_center(1) = (expo_fit * r(1) + e_1s * R_1s(1)) / beta
+ B_center(2) = (expo_fit * r(2) + e_1s * R_1s(2)) / beta
+ B_center(3) = (expo_fit * r(3) + e_1s * R_1s(3)) / beta
+ call overlap_gauss_r12_ao_012(B_center, beta, i, j, ints)
+ tmp_Du2_0 += coef * ints(1)
+ tmp_Du2_x += coef * ints(2)
+ tmp_Du2_y += coef * ints(3)
+ tmp_Du2_z += coef * ints(4)
+ tmp_Du2_2 += coef * (ints(5) + ints(6) + ints(7))
+ enddo ! i_1s
+ enddo ! i_fit
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
+ enddo ! j
+ enddo ! i
+ enddo ! ipoint
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do i = 2, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(wall1)
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
index 33ca8085..845b93d7 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_all_comb_b2_size]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_size]
implicit none
- PROVIDE j1b_type
+ PROVIDE env_type
- if((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
- List_all_comb_b2_size = 2**nucl_num
+ List_env1s_size = 2**nucl_num
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
- List_all_comb_b2_size = nucl_num + 1
+ List_env1s_size = nucl_num + 1
- print *, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'is not implemented'
+ print *, ' Error in List_env1s_size: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
- print *, ' nb of linear terms in the envelope is ', List_all_comb_b2_size
+ print *, ' nb of 1s-Gaussian in the envelope = ', List_env1s_size
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_all_comb_b2, (nucl_num, List_all_comb_b2_size)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s, (nucl_num, List_env1s_size)]
implicit none
integer :: i, j
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_all_comb_b2, (nucl_num, List_all_comb_b2_size)]
- List_all_comb_b2 = 0
+ List_env1s = 0
- do i = 0, List_all_comb_b2_size-1
+ do i = 0, List_env1s_size-1
do j = 0, nucl_num-1
if (btest(i,j)) then
- List_all_comb_b2(j+1,i+1) = 1
+ List_env1s(j+1,i+1) = 1
@@ -52,134 +52,127 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_all_comb_b2_coef, ( List_all_comb_b2_size)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_all_comb_b2_expo, ( List_all_comb_b2_size)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_all_comb_b2_cent, (3, List_all_comb_b2_size)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_env1s_coef, ( List_env1s_size)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_env1s_expo, ( List_env1s_size)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_env1s_cent, (3, List_env1s_size)]
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k, phase
double precision :: tmp_alphaj, tmp_alphak
double precision :: tmp_cent_x, tmp_cent_y, tmp_cent_z
- provide j1b_pen
- provide j1b_pen_coef
+ provide env_type env_expo env_coef
- List_all_comb_b2_coef = 0.d0
- List_all_comb_b2_expo = 0.d0
- List_all_comb_b2_cent = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_coef = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_expo = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_cent = 0.d0
- if((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_size
tmp_cent_x = 0.d0
tmp_cent_y = 0.d0
tmp_cent_z = 0.d0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- tmp_alphaj = dble(List_all_comb_b2(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
- List_all_comb_b2_expo(i) += tmp_alphaj
+ tmp_alphaj = dble(List_env1s(j,i)) * env_expo(j)
+ List_env1s_expo(i) += tmp_alphaj
tmp_cent_x += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,1)
tmp_cent_y += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,2)
tmp_cent_z += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,3)
- if(List_all_comb_b2_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
+ if(List_env1s_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i) = tmp_cent_x / List_all_comb_b2_expo(i)
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i) = tmp_cent_y / List_all_comb_b2_expo(i)
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i) = tmp_cent_z / List_all_comb_b2_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_cent(1,i) = tmp_cent_x / List_env1s_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_cent(2,i) = tmp_cent_y / List_env1s_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_cent(3,i) = tmp_cent_z / List_env1s_expo(i)
! ---
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_size
do j = 2, nucl_num, 1
- tmp_alphaj = dble(List_all_comb_b2(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
+ tmp_alphaj = dble(List_env1s(j,i)) * env_expo(j)
do k = 1, j-1, 1
- tmp_alphak = dble(List_all_comb_b2(k,i)) * j1b_pen(k)
+ tmp_alphak = dble(List_env1s(k,i)) * env_expo(k)
- List_all_comb_b2_coef(i) += tmp_alphaj * tmp_alphak * ( (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) * (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) &
+ List_env1s_coef(i) += tmp_alphaj * tmp_alphak * ( (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) * (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) &
+ (nucl_coord(j,2) - nucl_coord(k,2)) * (nucl_coord(j,2) - nucl_coord(k,2)) &
+ (nucl_coord(j,3) - nucl_coord(k,3)) * (nucl_coord(j,3) - nucl_coord(k,3)) )
- if(List_all_comb_b2_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
+ if(List_env1s_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
- List_all_comb_b2_coef(i) = List_all_comb_b2_coef(i) / List_all_comb_b2_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_coef(i) = List_env1s_coef(i) / List_env1s_expo(i)
! ---
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_size
phase = 0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- phase += List_all_comb_b2(j,i)
+ phase += List_env1s(j,i)
- List_all_comb_b2_coef(i) = (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * dexp(-List_all_comb_b2_coef(i))
+ List_env1s_coef(i) = (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * dexp(-List_env1s_coef(i))
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
- List_all_comb_b2_coef( 1) = 1.d0
- List_all_comb_b2_expo( 1) = 0.d0
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(1:3,1) = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_coef( 1) = 1.d0
+ List_env1s_expo( 1) = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_cent(1:3,1) = 0.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- List_all_comb_b2_coef( i+1) = -1.d0 * j1b_pen_coef(i)
- List_all_comb_b2_expo( i+1) = j1b_pen(i)
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i+1) = nucl_coord(i,1)
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i+1) = nucl_coord(i,2)
- List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i+1) = nucl_coord(i,3)
+ List_env1s_coef( i+1) = -1.d0 * env_coef(i)
+ List_env1s_expo( i+1) = env_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_cent(1,i+1) = nucl_coord(i,1)
+ List_env1s_cent(2,i+1) = nucl_coord(i,2)
+ List_env1s_cent(3,i+1) = nucl_coord(i,3)
- print *, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'is not implemented'
+ print *, ' Error in List_env1s: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
- !print *, ' coeff, expo & cent of list b2'
- !do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
- ! print*, i, List_all_comb_b2_coef(i), List_all_comb_b2_expo(i)
- ! print*, List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i), List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i), List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i)
- !enddo
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, List_all_comb_b3_size]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_square_size]
implicit none
double precision :: tmp
- if((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
- List_all_comb_b3_size = 3**nucl_num
+ List_env1s_square_size = 3**nucl_num
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
tmp = 0.5d0 * dble(nucl_num) * (dble(nucl_num) + 3.d0)
- List_all_comb_b3_size = int(tmp) + 1
+ List_env1s_square_size = int(tmp) + 1
- print *, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'is not implemented'
+ print *, ' Error in List_env1s_square_size: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
- print *, ' nb of linear terms in the square of the envelope is ', List_all_comb_b3_size
+ print *, ' nb of 1s-Gaussian in the square of envelope = ', List_env1s_square_size
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_all_comb_b3, (nucl_num, List_all_comb_b3_size)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_square, (nucl_num, List_env1s_square_size)]
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ii, jj
@@ -190,13 +183,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_all_comb_b3, (nucl_num, List_all_comb_b3_size)]
- List_all_comb_b3(:,:) = 0
- List_all_comb_b3(:,List_all_comb_b3_size) = 2
+ List_env1s_square(:,:) = 0
+ List_env1s_square(:,List_env1s_square_size) = 2
p = 0
- do i = 2, List_all_comb_b3_size-1
+ do i = 2, List_env1s_square_size-1
do j = 1, nucl_num
ii = 0
@@ -205,7 +198,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_all_comb_b3, (nucl_num, List_all_comb_b3_size)]
p(j) = modulo(i-1-ii, 3**j) / 3**(j-1)
- List_all_comb_b3(j,i) = p(j)
+ List_env1s_square(j,i) = p(j)
@@ -213,9 +206,9 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_all_comb_b3_coef, ( List_all_comb_b3_size)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_all_comb_b3_expo, ( List_all_comb_b3_size)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_all_comb_b3_cent, (3, List_all_comb_b3_size)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_env1s_square_coef, ( List_env1s_square_size)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_env1s_square_expo, ( List_env1s_square_size)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_env1s_square_cent, (3, List_env1s_square_size)]
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k, phase
@@ -225,98 +218,96 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision :: xi, yi, zi, xj, yj, zj
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r2
- provide j1b_pen
- provide j1b_pen_coef
+ provide env_type env_expo env_coef
- List_all_comb_b3_coef = 0.d0
- List_all_comb_b3_expo = 0.d0
- List_all_comb_b3_cent = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_coef = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_expo = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_cent = 0.d0
- if((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
do j = 1, nucl_num
- tmp_alphaj = dble(List_all_comb_b3(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
- List_all_comb_b3_expo(i) += tmp_alphaj
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i) += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,1)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i) += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,2)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i) += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,3)
+ tmp_alphaj = dble(List_env1s_square(j,i)) * env_expo(j)
+ List_env1s_square_expo(i) += tmp_alphaj
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1,i) += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,1)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(2,i) += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,2)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(3,i) += tmp_alphaj * nucl_coord(j,3)
- if(List_all_comb_b3_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
- ASSERT(List_all_comb_b3_expo(i) .gt. 0d0)
+ if(List_env1s_square_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i) / List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i) / List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i) / List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1,i) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,i) / List_env1s_square_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(2,i) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,i) / List_env1s_square_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(3,i) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,i) / List_env1s_square_expo(i)
! ---
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
do j = 2, nucl_num, 1
- tmp_alphaj = dble(List_all_comb_b3(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
+ tmp_alphaj = dble(List_env1s_square(j,i)) * env_expo(j)
do k = 1, j-1, 1
- tmp_alphak = dble(List_all_comb_b3(k,i)) * j1b_pen(k)
+ tmp_alphak = dble(List_env1s_square(k,i)) * env_expo(k)
- List_all_comb_b3_coef(i) += tmp_alphaj * tmp_alphak * ( (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) * (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) &
+ List_env1s_square_coef(i) += tmp_alphaj * tmp_alphak * ( (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) * (nucl_coord(j,1) - nucl_coord(k,1)) &
+ (nucl_coord(j,2) - nucl_coord(k,2)) * (nucl_coord(j,2) - nucl_coord(k,2)) &
+ (nucl_coord(j,3) - nucl_coord(k,3)) * (nucl_coord(j,3) - nucl_coord(k,3)) )
- if(List_all_comb_b3_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
+ if(List_env1s_square_expo(i) .lt. 1d-10) cycle
- List_all_comb_b3_coef(i) = List_all_comb_b3_coef(i) / List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_square_coef(i) = List_env1s_square_coef(i) / List_env1s_square_expo(i)
! ---
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
facto = 1.d0
phase = 0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- tmp_alphaj = dble(List_all_comb_b3(j,i))
+ tmp_alphaj = dble(List_env1s_square(j,i))
facto *= 2.d0 / (gamma(tmp_alphaj+1.d0) * gamma(3.d0-tmp_alphaj))
- phase += List_all_comb_b3(j,i)
+ phase += List_env1s_square(j,i)
- List_all_comb_b3_coef(i) = (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * facto * dexp(-List_all_comb_b3_coef(i))
+ List_env1s_square_coef(i) = (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * facto * dexp(-List_env1s_square_coef(i))
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
ii = 1
- List_all_comb_b3_coef( ii) = 1.d0
- List_all_comb_b3_expo( ii) = 0.d0
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(1:3,ii) = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_coef( ii) = 1.d0
+ List_env1s_square_expo( ii) = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1:3,ii) = 0.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
ii = ii + 1
- List_all_comb_b3_coef( ii) = -2.d0 * j1b_pen_coef(i)
- List_all_comb_b3_expo( ii) = j1b_pen(i)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,ii) = nucl_coord(i,1)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,ii) = nucl_coord(i,2)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,ii) = nucl_coord(i,3)
+ List_env1s_square_coef( ii) = -2.d0 * env_coef(i)
+ List_env1s_square_expo( ii) = env_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1,ii) = nucl_coord(i,1)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(2,ii) = nucl_coord(i,2)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(3,ii) = nucl_coord(i,3)
do i = 1, nucl_num
ii = ii + 1
- List_all_comb_b3_coef( ii) = 1.d0 * j1b_pen_coef(i) * j1b_pen_coef(i)
- List_all_comb_b3_expo( ii) = 2.d0 * j1b_pen(i)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,ii) = nucl_coord(i,1)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,ii) = nucl_coord(i,2)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,ii) = nucl_coord(i,3)
+ List_env1s_square_coef( ii) = 1.d0 * env_coef(i) * env_coef(i)
+ List_env1s_square_expo( ii) = 2.d0 * env_expo(i)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1,ii) = nucl_coord(i,1)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(2,ii) = nucl_coord(i,2)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(3,ii) = nucl_coord(i,3)
do i = 1, nucl_num-1
- tmp1 = j1b_pen(i)
+ tmp1 = env_expo(i)
xi = nucl_coord(i,1)
yi = nucl_coord(i,2)
@@ -324,7 +315,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
do j = i+1, nucl_num
- tmp2 = j1b_pen(j)
+ tmp2 = env_expo(j)
tmp3 = tmp1 + tmp2
tmp4 = 1.d0 / tmp3
@@ -339,27 +330,21 @@ END_PROVIDER
ii = ii + 1
! x 2 to avoid doing integrals twice
- List_all_comb_b3_coef( ii) = 2.d0 * dexp(-tmp1*tmp2*tmp4*r2) * j1b_pen_coef(i) * j1b_pen_coef(j)
- List_all_comb_b3_expo( ii) = tmp3
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,ii) = tmp4 * (tmp1 * xi + tmp2 * xj)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,ii) = tmp4 * (tmp1 * yi + tmp2 * yj)
- List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,ii) = tmp4 * (tmp1 * zi + tmp2 * zj)
+ List_env1s_square_coef( ii) = 2.d0 * dexp(-tmp1*tmp2*tmp4*r2) * env_coef(i) * env_coef(j)
+ List_env1s_square_expo( ii) = tmp3
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1,ii) = tmp4 * (tmp1 * xi + tmp2 * xj)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(2,ii) = tmp4 * (tmp1 * yi + tmp2 * yj)
+ List_env1s_square_cent(3,ii) = tmp4 * (tmp1 * zi + tmp2 * zj)
- print *, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'is not implemented'
+ print *, ' Error in List_env1s_square: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
- !print *, ' coeff, expo & cent of list b3'
- !do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
- ! print*, i, List_all_comb_b3_coef(i), List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
- ! print*, List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i), List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i), List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i)
- !enddo
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b_sorted.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b_sorted.irp.f
index 9bcce449..ad57739b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b_sorted.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b_sorted.irp.f
@@ -1,181 +1,197 @@
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, List_comb_thr_b2_size, (ao_num, ao_num)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, max_List_comb_thr_b2_size]
- implicit none
- integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint
- double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_j1b
- double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
- List_comb_thr_b2_size = 0
- print*,'List_all_comb_b2_size = ',List_all_comb_b2_size
-! pause
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = i, ao_num
- do i_1s = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
- if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- beta = max(beta,1.d-12)
- center(1:3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1:3,i_1s)
- int_j1b = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
- weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
- dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
- dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
- dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
- int_j1b += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
- enddo
- if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
- List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i) += 1
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, i-1
- List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_size(i,j)
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_comb_thr_b2_size, (ao_num, ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, max_List_comb_thr_b2_size]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i_1s, i, j, ipoint
+ integer :: list(ao_num)
+ double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_env
+ double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
+ List_comb_thr_b2_size = 0
+ print*,'List_env1s_size = ',List_env1s_size
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ do i_1s = 1, List_env1s_size
+ coef = List_env1s_coef(i_1s)
+ if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc) cycle
+ beta = List_env1s_expo(i_1s)
+ beta = max(beta,1.d-12)
+ center(1:3) = List_env1s_cent(1:3,i_1s)
+ int_env = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
+ weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
+ dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
+ dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
+ dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
+ int_env += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
+ enddo
+ if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
+ List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i) += 1
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
- enddo
- integer :: list(ao_num)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- list(i) = maxval(List_comb_thr_b2_size(:,i))
- enddo
- max_List_comb_thr_b2_size = maxval(list)
- print*,'max_List_comb_thr_b2_size = ',max_List_comb_thr_b2_size
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b2_coef, ( max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num, ao_num )]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b2_expo, ( max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num, ao_num )]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b2_cent, (3, max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num, ao_num )]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b, ( max_List_comb_thr_b2_size ,ao_num, ao_num)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint,icount
- double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_j1b
- double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
- ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b = 10000000.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = i, ao_num
- icount = 0
- do i_1s = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef (i_1s)
- if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
- beta = List_all_comb_b2_expo (i_1s)
- center(1:3) = List_all_comb_b2_cent(1:3,i_1s)
- int_j1b = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
- weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
- dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
- dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
- dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
- int_j1b += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
- enddo
- if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
- icount += 1
- List_comb_thr_b2_coef(icount,j,i) = coef
- List_comb_thr_b2_expo(icount,j,i) = beta
- List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1:3,icount,j,i) = center(1:3)
- ao_abs_comb_b2_j1b(icount,j,i) = int_j1b
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, i-1
- do icount = 1, List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i)
- List_comb_thr_b2_coef(icount,j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_coef(icount,i,j)
- List_comb_thr_b2_expo(icount,j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_expo(icount,i,j)
- List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1:3,icount,j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1:3,icount,i,j)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_size(i,j)
- enddo
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ list(i) = maxval(List_comb_thr_b2_size(:,i))
+ enddo
+ max_List_comb_thr_b2_size = maxval(list)
+ print*, ' max_List_comb_thr_b2_size = ',max_List_comb_thr_b2_size
+! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, List_comb_thr_b3_size, (ao_num, ao_num)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, max_List_comb_thr_b3_size]
- implicit none
- integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint
- double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_j1b
- double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
- List_comb_thr_b3_size = 0
- print*,'List_all_comb_b3_size = ',List_all_comb_b3_size
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i_1s = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s)
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
- center(1:3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1:3,i_1s)
- if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
- int_j1b = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
- weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
- dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
- dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
- dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
- int_j1b += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
- enddo
- if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
- List_comb_thr_b3_size(j,i) += 1
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! do j = 1, i-1
-! List_comb_thr_b3_size(j,i) = List_comb_thr_b3_size(i,j)
-! enddo
-! enddo
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b2_coef, ( max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b2_expo, ( max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b2_cent, (3,max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_abs_comb_b2_env , ( max_List_comb_thr_b2_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint,icount
+ double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_env
+ double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
+ ao_abs_comb_b2_env = 10000000.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = i, ao_num
+ icount = 0
+ do i_1s = 1, List_env1s_size
+ coef = List_env1s_coef (i_1s)
+ if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ beta = List_env1s_expo (i_1s)
+ center(1:3) = List_env1s_cent(1:3,i_1s)
+ int_env = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
+ weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
+ dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
+ dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
+ dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
+ int_env += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
+ enddo
+ if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
+ icount += 1
+ List_comb_thr_b2_coef(icount,j,i) = coef
+ List_comb_thr_b2_expo(icount,j,i) = beta
+ List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1:3,icount,j,i) = center(1:3)
+ ao_abs_comb_b2_env(icount,j,i) = int_env
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, i-1
+ do icount = 1, List_comb_thr_b2_size(j,i)
+ List_comb_thr_b2_coef(icount,j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_coef(icount,i,j)
+ List_comb_thr_b2_expo(icount,j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_expo(icount,i,j)
+ List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1:3,icount,j,i) = List_comb_thr_b2_cent(1:3,icount,i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_comb_thr_b3_size, (ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, max_List_comb_thr_b3_size]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint
integer :: list(ao_num)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- list(i) = maxval(List_comb_thr_b3_size(:,i))
- enddo
- max_List_comb_thr_b3_size = maxval(list)
- print*,'max_List_comb_thr_b3_size = ',max_List_comb_thr_b3_size
+ double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_env
+ double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
+ List_comb_thr_b3_size = 0
+ print*,'List_env1s_square_size = ',List_env1s_square_size
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i_1s = 1, List_env1s_square_size
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef (i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (i_1s)
+ center(1:3) = List_env1s_square_cent(1:3,i_1s)
+ if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
+ weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
+ dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
+ dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
+ dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
+ int_env += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
+ enddo
+ if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc) then
+ List_comb_thr_b3_size(j,i) += 1
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ list(i) = maxval(List_comb_thr_b3_size(:,i))
+ enddo
+ max_List_comb_thr_b3_size = maxval(list)
+ print*, ' max_List_comb_thr_b3_size = ',max_List_comb_thr_b3_size
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b3_coef, ( max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num, ao_num )]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, ( max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num, ao_num )]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, List_comb_thr_b3_cent, (3, max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num, ao_num )]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b, ( max_List_comb_thr_b3_size ,ao_num, ao_num)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint,icount
- double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_j1b
- double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
- ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b = 10000000.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- icount = 0
- do i_1s = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef (i_1s)
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (i_1s)
- beta = max(beta,1.d-12)
- center(1:3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1:3,i_1s)
- if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
- int_j1b = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
- weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
- dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
- dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
- dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
- int_j1b += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
- enddo
- if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_j1b).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
- icount += 1
- List_comb_thr_b3_coef(icount,j,i) = coef
- List_comb_thr_b3_expo(icount,j,i) = beta
- List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1:3,icount,j,i) = center(1:3)
- ao_abs_comb_b3_j1b(icount,j,i) = int_j1b
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, List_comb_thr_b3_coef, ( max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, List_comb_thr_b3_expo, ( max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, List_comb_thr_b3_cent, (3, max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_abs_comb_b3_env , ( max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,ao_num,ao_num)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i_1s,i,j,ipoint,icount
+ double precision :: coef,beta,center(3),int_env
+ double precision :: r(3),weight,dist
+ ao_abs_comb_b3_env = 10000000.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ icount = 0
+ do i_1s = 1, List_env1s_square_size
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef (i_1s)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (i_1s)
+ beta = max(beta,1.d-12)
+ center(1:3) = List_env1s_square_cent(1:3,i_1s)
+ if(dabs(coef).lt.thrsh_cycle_tc)cycle
+ int_env = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ r(1:3) = final_grid_points_extra(1:3,ipoint)
+ weight = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(ipoint)
+ dist = ( center(1) - r(1) )*( center(1) - r(1) )
+ dist += ( center(2) - r(2) )*( center(2) - r(2) )
+ dist += ( center(3) - r(3) )*( center(3) - r(3) )
+ int_env += dabs(aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(ipoint,j))*dexp(-beta*dist) * weight
+ enddo
+ if(dabs(coef)*dabs(int_env).gt.thrsh_cycle_tc)then
+ icount += 1
+ List_comb_thr_b3_coef(icount,j,i) = coef
+ List_comb_thr_b3_expo(icount,j,i) = beta
+ List_comb_thr_b3_cent(1:3,icount,j,i) = center(1:3)
+ ao_abs_comb_b3_env(icount,j,i) = int_env
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/prim_int_gauss_gauss.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/prim_int_gauss_gauss.irp.f
index 54c2d95b..0eaad715 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/prim_int_gauss_gauss.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/prim_int_gauss_gauss.irp.f
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_v(D_center, LD_D, delta, A_center, B_center, power_
deallocate(A_new, A_center_new, fact_a_new, iorder_a_new, overlap)
-end subroutine overlap_gauss_r12_v
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/compute_ints_eff_pot.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/compute_ints_eff_pot.irp.f
index 963a49a6..8097cbc2 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/compute_ints_eff_pot.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/compute_ints_eff_pot.irp.f
@@ -23,10 +23,9 @@ subroutine compute_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_jl(j, l, n_integrals, buffer_i, buffer_va
logical, external :: ao_two_e_integral_zero
double precision :: ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot, ao_two_e_integral_erf
- double precision :: j1b_gauss_2e_j1, j1b_gauss_2e_j2
+ double precision :: env_gauss_2e_j1, env_gauss_2e_j2
- PROVIDE j1b_type
thr = ao_integrals_threshold
@@ -53,14 +52,6 @@ subroutine compute_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_jl(j, l, n_integrals, buffer_i, buffer_va
integral_erf = ao_two_e_integral_erf(i, k, j, l)
integral = integral_erf + integral_pot
- !if( j1b_type .eq. 1 ) then
- ! !print *, ' j1b type 1 is added'
- ! integral = integral + j1b_gauss_2e_j1(i, k, j, l)
- !elseif( j1b_type .eq. 2 ) then
- ! !print *, ' j1b type 2 is added'
- ! integral = integral + j1b_gauss_2e_j2(i, k, j, l)
- !endif
if(abs(integral) < thr) then
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_grad2.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_grad2.irp.f
index 50c396de..bcd2a9a5 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_grad2.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_grad2.irp.f
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermII, (ao_num,ao_num)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_gauss_hermII, (ao_num,ao_num)]
- ! :math:`\langle \chi_A | -0.5 \grad \tau_{1b} \cdot \grad \tau_{1b} | \chi_B \rangle`
+ ! :math:`\langle \chi_A | -0.5 \grad \tau_{env} \cdot \grad \tau_{env} | \chi_B \rangle`
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermII, (ao_num,ao_num)]
double precision :: int_gauss_4G
- PROVIDE j1b_type j1b_pen j1b_coeff
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- Dummy call to provide everything
dim1 = 100
@@ -38,10 +36,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermII, (ao_num,ao_num)]
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- j1b_gauss_hermII(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
- if(j1b_type .eq. 1) then
- ! \tau_1b = \sum_iA -[1 - exp(-alpha_A r_iA^2)]
+ env_gauss_hermII(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
@@ -51,113 +46,51 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermII, (ao_num,ao_num)]
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
!$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
!$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP nucl_num, j1b_pen, j1b_gauss_hermII)
+ !$OMP nucl_num, env_expo, env_gauss_hermII)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- num_A = ao_nucl(j)
- power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
- A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- num_B = ao_nucl(i)
- power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
- B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
- do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
- alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
- do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
- beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
- c = 0.d0
- do k1 = 1, nucl_num
- gama1 = j1b_pen(k1)
- C_center1(1:3) = nucl_coord(k1,1:3)
- do k2 = 1, nucl_num
- gama2 = j1b_pen(k2)
- C_center2(1:3) = nucl_coord(k2,1:3)
- ! < XA | exp[-gama1 r_C1^2 -gama2 r_C2^2] r_C1 \cdot r_C2 | XB >
- c1 = int_gauss_4G( A_center, B_center, C_center1, C_center2 &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama1, gama2 )
- c = c - 2.d0 * gama1 * gama2 * c1
- enddo
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ num_A = ao_nucl(j)
+ power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
+ A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ num_B = ao_nucl(i)
+ power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
+ B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
+ do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
+ alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
+ do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
+ beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
+ c = 0.d0
+ do k1 = 1, nucl_num
+ gama1 = env_expo(k1)
+ C_center1(1:3) = nucl_coord(k1,1:3)
+ do k2 = 1, nucl_num
+ gama2 = env_expo(k2)
+ C_center2(1:3) = nucl_coord(k2,1:3)
+ ! < XA | exp[-gama1 r_C1^2 -gama2 r_C2^2] r_C1 \cdot r_C2 | XB >
+ c1 = int_gauss_4G( A_center, B_center, C_center1, C_center2 &
+ , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama1, gama2 )
+ c = c - 2.d0 * gama1 * gama2 * c1
- j1b_gauss_hermII(i,j) = j1b_gauss_hermII(i,j) &
- + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
- * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
+ env_gauss_hermII(i,j) = env_gauss_hermII(i,j) &
+ + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
+ * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
+ enddo
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 2) then
- ! \tau_1b = \sum_iA [c_A exp(-alpha_A r_iA^2)]
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k1, k2, l, m, alpha, beta, gama1, gama2, &
- !$OMP A_center, B_center, C_center1, C_center2, &
- !$OMP power_A, power_B, num_A, num_B, c1, c, &
- !$OMP coef1, coef2) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
- !$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP nucl_num, j1b_pen, j1b_gauss_hermII, &
- !$OMP j1b_coeff)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- num_A = ao_nucl(j)
- power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
- A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- num_B = ao_nucl(i)
- power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
- B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
- do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
- alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
- do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
- beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
- c = 0.d0
- do k1 = 1, nucl_num
- gama1 = j1b_pen (k1)
- coef1 = j1b_coeff(k1)
- C_center1(1:3) = nucl_coord(k1,1:3)
- do k2 = 1, nucl_num
- gama2 = j1b_pen (k2)
- coef2 = j1b_coeff(k2)
- C_center2(1:3) = nucl_coord(k2,1:3)
- ! < XA | exp[-gama1 r_C1^2 -gama2 r_C2^2] r_C1 \cdot r_C2 | XB >
- c1 = int_gauss_4G( A_center, B_center, C_center1, C_center2 &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama1, gama2 )
- c = c - 2.d0 * gama1 * gama2 * coef1 * coef2 * c1
- enddo
- enddo
- j1b_gauss_hermII(i,j) = j1b_gauss_hermII(i,j) &
- + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
- * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_lap.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_lap.irp.f
index 0a0b7610..6c9365c9 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_lap.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_lap.irp.f
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermI, (ao_num,ao_num)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_gauss_hermI, (ao_num,ao_num)]
- ! :math:`\langle \chi_A | -0.5 \Delta \tau_{1b} | \chi_B \rangle`
+ ! :math:`\langle \chi_A | -0.5 \Delta \tau_{env} | \chi_B \rangle`
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermI, (ao_num,ao_num)]
double precision :: int_gauss_r0, int_gauss_r2
- PROVIDE j1b_type j1b_pen j1b_coeff
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- Dummy call to provide everything
dim1 = 100
@@ -37,10 +35,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermI, (ao_num,ao_num)]
, overlap_y, d_a_2, overlap_z, overlap, dim1 )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- j1b_gauss_hermI(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
- if(j1b_type .eq. 1) then
- ! \tau_1b = \sum_iA -[1 - exp(-alpha_A r_iA^2)]
+ env_gauss_hermI(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
@@ -50,109 +45,50 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_hermI, (ao_num,ao_num)]
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
!$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
!$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP nucl_num, j1b_pen, j1b_gauss_hermI)
+ !$OMP nucl_num, env_expo, env_gauss_hermI)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- num_A = ao_nucl(j)
- power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
- A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- num_B = ao_nucl(i)
- power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
- B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
- do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
- alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
- do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
- beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
- c = 0.d0
- do k = 1, nucl_num
- gama = j1b_pen(k)
- C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
- ! < XA | exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
- c1 = int_gauss_r0( A_center, B_center, C_center &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
- ! < XA | r_A^2 exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
- c2 = int_gauss_r2( A_center, B_center, C_center &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
- c = c + 3.d0 * gama * c1 - 2.d0 * gama * gama * c2
- enddo
- j1b_gauss_hermI(i,j) = j1b_gauss_hermI(i,j) &
- + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
- * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ num_A = ao_nucl(j)
+ power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
+ A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ num_B = ao_nucl(i)
+ power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
+ B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
+ do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
+ alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
+ do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
+ beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
+ c = 0.d0
+ do k = 1, nucl_num
+ gama = env_expo(k)
+ C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
+ ! < XA | exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
+ c1 = int_gauss_r0( A_center, B_center, C_center &
+ , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
+ ! < XA | r_A^2 exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
+ c2 = int_gauss_r2( A_center, B_center, C_center &
+ , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
+ c = c + 3.d0 * gama * c1 - 2.d0 * gama * gama * c2
+ env_gauss_hermI(i,j) = env_gauss_hermI(i,j) &
+ + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
+ * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
+ enddo
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 2) then
- ! \tau_1b = \sum_iA [c_A exp(-alpha_A r_iA^2)]
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, m, alpha, beta, gama, coef, &
- !$OMP A_center, B_center, C_center, power_A, power_B, &
- !$OMP num_A, num_B, c1, c2, c) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
- !$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP nucl_num, j1b_pen, j1b_gauss_hermI, &
- !$OMP j1b_coeff)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- num_A = ao_nucl(j)
- power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
- A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- num_B = ao_nucl(i)
- power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
- B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
- do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
- alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
- do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
- beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
- c = 0.d0
- do k = 1, nucl_num
- gama = j1b_pen (k)
- coef = j1b_coeff(k)
- C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
- ! < XA | exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
- c1 = int_gauss_r0( A_center, B_center, C_center &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
- ! < XA | r_A^2 exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
- c2 = int_gauss_r2( A_center, B_center, C_center &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
- c = c + 3.d0 * gama * coef * c1 - 2.d0 * gama * gama * coef * c2
- enddo
- j1b_gauss_hermI(i,j) = j1b_gauss_hermI(i,j) &
- + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
- * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_nonherm.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_nonherm.irp.f
index bd881d32..0ff23716 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_nonherm.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/one_e_1bgauss_nonherm.irp.f
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_nonherm, (ao_num,ao_num)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_gauss_nonherm, (ao_num,ao_num)]
- ! j1b_gauss_nonherm(i,j) = \langle \chi_j | - grad \tau_{1b} \cdot grad | \chi_i \rangle
+ ! env_gauss_nonherm(i,j) = \langle \chi_j | - grad \tau_{env} \cdot grad | \chi_i \rangle
@@ -22,8 +23,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_nonherm, (ao_num,ao_num)]
double precision :: int_gauss_deriv
- PROVIDE j1b_type j1b_pen j1b_coeff
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- Dummy call to provide everything
dim1 = 100
@@ -38,10 +37,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_nonherm, (ao_num,ao_num)]
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- j1b_gauss_nonherm(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
+ env_gauss_nonherm(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
- if(j1b_type .eq. 1) then
- ! \tau_1b = \sum_iA -[1 - exp(-alpha_A r_iA^2)]
@@ -51,101 +48,46 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_gauss_nonherm, (ao_num,ao_num)]
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
!$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
!$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP nucl_num, j1b_pen, j1b_gauss_nonherm)
+ !$OMP nucl_num, env_expo, env_gauss_nonherm)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- num_A = ao_nucl(j)
- power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
- A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- num_B = ao_nucl(i)
- power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
- B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
- do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
- alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
- do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
- beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
- c = 0.d0
- do k = 1, nucl_num
- gama = j1b_pen(k)
- C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
- ! \langle \chi_A | exp[-gama r_C^2] r_C \cdot grad | \chi_B \rangle
- c1 = int_gauss_deriv( A_center, B_center, C_center &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
- c = c + 2.d0 * gama * c1
- enddo
- j1b_gauss_nonherm(i,j) = j1b_gauss_nonherm(i,j) &
- + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
- * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ num_A = ao_nucl(j)
+ power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
+ A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ num_B = ao_nucl(i)
+ power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
+ B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
+ do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
+ alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
+ do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
+ beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
+ c = 0.d0
+ do k = 1, nucl_num
+ gama = env_expo(k)
+ C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
+ ! \langle \chi_A | exp[-gama r_C^2] r_C \cdot grad | \chi_B \rangle
+ c1 = int_gauss_deriv( A_center, B_center, C_center &
+ , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
+ c = c + 2.d0 * gama * c1
+ env_gauss_nonherm(i,j) = env_gauss_nonherm(i,j) &
+ + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
+ * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
+ enddo
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 2) then
- ! \tau_1b = \sum_iA [c_A exp(-alpha_A r_iA^2)]
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, m, alpha, beta, gama, coef, &
- !$OMP A_center, B_center, C_center, power_A, power_B, &
- !$OMP num_A, num_B, c1, c) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
- !$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
- !$OMP nucl_num, j1b_pen, j1b_gauss_nonherm, &
- !$OMP j1b_coeff)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- num_A = ao_nucl(j)
- power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
- A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- num_B = ao_nucl(i)
- power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
- B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
- do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
- alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
- do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
- beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
- c = 0.d0
- do k = 1, nucl_num
- gama = j1b_pen (k)
- coef = j1b_coeff(k)
- C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
- ! \langle \chi_A | exp[-gama r_C^2] r_C \cdot grad | \chi_B \rangle
- c1 = int_gauss_deriv( A_center, B_center, C_center &
- , power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
- c = c + 2.d0 * gama * coef * c1
- enddo
- j1b_gauss_nonherm(i,j) = j1b_gauss_nonherm(i,j) &
- + ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
- * ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/providers_ao_eff_pot.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/providers_ao_eff_pot.irp.f
index 055bf323..1c454e40 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/providers_ao_eff_pot.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/providers_ao_eff_pot.irp.f
@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_in_map ]
integer :: kk, m, j1, i1, lmax
character*(64) :: fmt
- !double precision :: j1b_gauss_coul_debug
- !integral = j1b_gauss_coul_debug(1,1,1,1)
integral = ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot(1,1,1,1)
double precision :: map_mb
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j1.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j1.irp.f
index c36ee9b4..572406e2 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j1.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j1.irp.f
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! ---
-double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1(i, j, k, l)
+double precision function env_gauss_2e_j1(i, j, k, l)
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1(i, j, k, l)
double precision :: I_center(3), J_center(3), K_center(3), L_center(3)
double precision :: ff, gg, cx, cy, cz
- double precision :: j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz
+ double precision :: env_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz
if( ao_prim_num(i) * ao_prim_num(j) * ao_prim_num(k) * ao_prim_num(l) > 1024 ) then
- j1b_gauss_2e_j1 = j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
+ env_gauss_2e_j1 = env_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1(i, j, k, l)
L_center(p) = nucl_coord(num_l,p)
- j1b_gauss_2e_j1 = 0.d0
+ env_gauss_2e_j1 = 0.d0
do p = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
coef1 = ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(p, i)
@@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1(i, j, k, l)
, P1_center, P1_new, pp1, fact_p1, p1_inv, iorder_p &
, Q1_center, Q1_new, qq1, fact_q1, q1_inv, iorder_q )
- j1b_gauss_2e_j1 = j1b_gauss_2e_j1 + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
+ env_gauss_2e_j1 = env_gauss_2e_j1 + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
enddo ! s
enddo ! r
enddo ! q
enddo ! p
-end function j1b_gauss_2e_j1
! ---
-double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
+double precision function env_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
@@ -137,8 +137,6 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
double precision :: schwartz_ij, thr
double precision, allocatable :: schwartz_kl(:,:)
- PROVIDE j1b_pen
dim1 = n_pt_max_integrals
thr = ao_integrals_threshold * ao_integrals_threshold
@@ -186,8 +184,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
schwartz_kl(0,0) = max( schwartz_kl(0,r) , schwartz_kl(0,0) )
- j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz = 0.d0
+ env_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz = 0.d0
do p = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
expo1 = ao_expo_ordered_transp(p, i)
@@ -226,7 +223,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
, P1_center, P1_new, pp1, fact_p1, p1_inv, iorder_p &
, Q1_center, Q1_new, qq1, fact_q1, q1_inv, iorder_q )
- j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz = j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
+ env_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz = env_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
enddo ! s
enddo ! r
enddo ! q
@@ -235,7 +232,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
deallocate( schwartz_kl )
-end function j1b_gauss_2e_j1_schwartz
! ---
@@ -263,14 +260,12 @@ subroutine get_cxcycz_j1( dim1, cx, cy, cz &
double precision :: general_primitive_integral_erf_shifted
double precision :: general_primitive_integral_coul_shifted
- PROVIDE j1b_pen
cx = 0.d0
cy = 0.d0
cz = 0.d0
do ii = 1, nucl_num
- expoii = j1b_pen(ii)
+ expoii = env_expo(ii)
Centerii(1:3) = nucl_coord(ii, 1:3)
call gaussian_product(pp1, P1_center, expoii, Centerii, factii, pp2, P2_center)
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j2.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j2.irp.f
index a61b5336..a04656c3 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j2.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/two_e_1bgauss_j2.irp.f
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! ---
-double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2(i, j, k, l)
+double precision function env_gauss_2e_j2(i, j, k, l)
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2(i, j, k, l)
double precision :: I_center(3), J_center(3), K_center(3), L_center(3)
double precision :: ff, gg, cx, cy, cz
- double precision :: j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz
+ double precision :: env_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz
dim1 = n_pt_max_integrals
if( ao_prim_num(i) * ao_prim_num(j) * ao_prim_num(k) * ao_prim_num(l) > 1024 ) then
- j1b_gauss_2e_j2 = j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
+ env_gauss_2e_j2 = env_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2(i, j, k, l)
L_center(p) = nucl_coord(num_l,p)
- j1b_gauss_2e_j2 = 0.d0
+ env_gauss_2e_j2 = 0.d0
do p = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
coef1 = ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(p, i)
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2(i, j, k, l)
, P1_center, P1_new, pp1, fact_p1, p1_inv, iorder_p &
, Q1_center, Q1_new, qq1, fact_q1, q1_inv, iorder_q )
- j1b_gauss_2e_j2 = j1b_gauss_2e_j2 + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
+ env_gauss_2e_j2 = env_gauss_2e_j2 + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
enddo ! s
enddo ! r
enddo ! q
enddo ! p
-end function j1b_gauss_2e_j2
! ---
-double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
+double precision function env_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
- j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz = 0.d0
+ env_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz = 0.d0
do p = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
expo1 = ao_expo_ordered_transp(p, i)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
, P1_center, P1_new, pp1, fact_p1, p1_inv, iorder_p &
, Q1_center, Q1_new, qq1, fact_q1, q1_inv, iorder_q )
- j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz = j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
+ env_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz = env_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz + coef4 * ( cx + cy + cz )
enddo ! s
enddo ! r
enddo ! q
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ double precision function j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz(i, j, k, l)
deallocate( schwartz_kl )
-end function j1b_gauss_2e_j2_schwartz
! ---
@@ -263,15 +263,13 @@ subroutine get_cxcycz_j2( dim1, cx, cy, cz &
double precision :: general_primitive_integral_erf_shifted
double precision :: general_primitive_integral_coul_shifted
- PROVIDE j1b_pen j1b_coeff
cx = 0.d0
cy = 0.d0
cz = 0.d0
do ii = 1, nucl_num
- expoii = j1b_pen (ii)
- coefii = j1b_coeff(ii)
+ expoii = env_expo(ii)
+ coefii = env_coef(ii)
Centerii(1:3) = nucl_coord(ii, 1:3)
call gaussian_product(pp1, P1_center, expoii, Centerii, factii, pp2, P2_center)
diff --git a/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/biorthog_mo_for_h.irp.f b/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/biorthog_mo_for_h.irp.f
index 452c13f1..613a684f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/biorthog_mo_for_h.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/biorthog_mo_for_h.irp.f
@@ -1,4 +1,39 @@
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_coul, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num) ]
+ !
+ ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j ) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i >
+ !
+ integer :: i, j, k, l
+ double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
+ !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_coul, ao_integrals_map) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ ! < 1:k, 2:l | 1:i, 2:j >
+ ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
! ---
double precision function bi_ortho_mo_coul_ints(l, k, j, i)
@@ -25,7 +60,7 @@ double precision function bi_ortho_mo_coul_ints(l, k, j, i)
-end function bi_ortho_mo_coul_ints
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/one_e_bi_ort.irp.f b/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/one_e_bi_ort.irp.f
index 0ecc2a84..85cae273 100644
--- a/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/one_e_bi_ort.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/one_e_bi_ort.irp.f
@@ -8,23 +8,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_one_e_integrals_tc_tot, (ao_num,ao_num)]
ao_one_e_integrals_tc_tot = ao_one_e_integrals
- !provide j1b_type
- !if( (j1b_type .eq. 1) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 2) ) then
- !
- ! print *, ' do things properly !'
- ! stop
- ! !do i = 1, ao_num
- ! ! do j = 1, ao_num
- ! ! ao_one_e_integrals_tc_tot(j,i) += ( j1b_gauss_hermI (j,i) &
- ! ! + j1b_gauss_hermII (j,i) &
- ! ! + j1b_gauss_nonherm(j,i) )
- ! ! enddo
- ! !enddo
- !endif
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/total_twoe_pot.irp.f b/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/total_twoe_pot.irp.f
index 37a31a51..5e6a24e9 100644
--- a/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/total_twoe_pot.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/bi_ort_ints/total_twoe_pot.irp.f
@@ -1,91 +1,4 @@
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num) ]
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- provide j1b_type
- provide mo_r_coef mo_l_coef
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) = ao_vartc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num) ]
- !
- ! ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12)|lj) = where V^TC(r_12) is the total TC operator
- !
- ! including both hermitian and non hermitian parts. THIS IS IN CHEMIST NOTATION.
- !
- ! WARNING :: non hermitian ! acts on "the right functions" (i,j)
- !
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: integral_sym, integral_nsym
- double precision, external :: get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot
- provide j1b_type
- if(j1b_type .eq. 0) then
- PROVIDE ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_in_map
- !!! TODO :: OPENMP
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- integral_sym = get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot(i, j, k, l, ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_map)
- ! ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j) = < k l | [erf( mu r12) - 1] d/d_r12 | i j > on the AO basis
- integral_nsym = ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j)
- !print *, ' sym integ = ', integral_sym
- !print *, ' non-sym integ = ', integral_nsym
- ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = integral_sym + integral_nsym
- !write(111,*) ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- PROVIDE ao_tc_int_chemist
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j)
- !write(222,*) ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- FREE ao_tc_int_chemist
- endif
! ---
double precision function bi_ortho_mo_ints(l, k, j, i)
@@ -118,8 +31,6 @@ end function bi_ortho_mo_ints
! ---
-! TODO :: transform into DEGEMM
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_chemist, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)]
@@ -267,7 +178,6 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_jj, (mo_num,mo_num)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_jj_exchange, (mo_num,mo_num)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mo_bi_ortho_tc_two_e_jj_anti, (mo_num,mo_num)]
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f
index d3152836..3934bb06 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f
@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ program debug_fit
my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- PROVIDE mu_erf j1b_pen
+ PROVIDE j2e_type mu_erf
+ PROVIDE j1e_type j1e_coef j1e_expo
+ PROVIDE env_type env_coef env_expo
+ provide tc_integ_type
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
@@ -21,12 +24,8 @@ program debug_fit
touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
- !call test_j1b_nucl()
- !call test_grad_j1b_nucl()
- !call test_lapl_j1b_nucl()
- !call test_list_b2()
- !call test_list_b3()
+ !call test_env_nucl()
+ !call test_grad_env_nucl()
!call test_fit_u()
!call test_fit_u2()
@@ -38,17 +37,17 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_j1b_nucl()
+subroutine test_env_nucl()
implicit none
integer :: ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
double precision :: r(3)
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
- print*, ' test_j1b_nucl ...'
+ print*, ' test_env_nucl ...'
- PROVIDE v_1b
+ PROVIDE env_val
eps_ij = 1d-7
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -60,11 +59,11 @@ subroutine test_j1b_nucl()
r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i_exc = v_1b(ipoint)
- i_num = j1b_nucl(r)
+ i_exc = env_val(ipoint)
+ i_num = env_nucl(r)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in v_1b on', ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in env_val on', ipoint
print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -78,23 +77,23 @@ subroutine test_j1b_nucl()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_j1b_nucl
! ---
-subroutine test_grad_j1b_nucl()
+subroutine test_grad_env_nucl()
implicit none
integer :: ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
double precision :: r(3)
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_x_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_y_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_z_env_nucl_num
- print*, ' test_grad_j1b_nucl ...'
+ PROVIDE env_grad
- PROVIDE v_1b_grad
+ print*, ' test_grad_env_nucl ...'
eps_ij = 1d-7
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -106,31 +105,31 @@ subroutine test_grad_j1b_nucl()
r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i_exc = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- i_num = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r)
+ i_exc = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ i_num = grad_x_env_nucl_num(r)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in x of v_1b_grad on', ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in x of env_grad on', ipoint
print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- i_exc = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- i_num = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r)
+ i_exc = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ i_num = grad_y_env_nucl_num(r)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in y of v_1b_grad on', ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in y of env_grad on', ipoint
print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- i_exc = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
- i_num = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r)
+ i_exc = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ i_num = grad_z_env_nucl_num(r)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in z of v_1b_grad on', ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in z of env_grad on', ipoint
print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -144,278 +143,7 @@ subroutine test_grad_j1b_nucl()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_grad_j1b_nucl
-! ---
-subroutine test_lapl_j1b_nucl()
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint
- double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision :: r(3)
- double precision, external :: lapl_j1b_nucl
- print*, ' test_lapl_j1b_nucl ...'
- PROVIDE v_1b_lapl
- eps_ij = 1d-5
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i_exc = v_1b_lapl(ipoint)
- i_num = lapl_j1b_nucl(r)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in v_1b_lapl on', ipoint
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
- return
-end subroutine test_lapl_j1b_nucl
-! ---
-subroutine test_list_b2()
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint
- double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision :: r(3)
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
- print*, ' test_list_b2 ...'
- PROVIDE v_1b_list_b2
- eps_ij = 1d-7
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i_exc = v_1b_list_b2(ipoint)
- i_num = j1b_nucl(r)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in list_b2 on', ipoint
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
- return
-end subroutine test_list_b2
-! ---
-subroutine test_list_b3()
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint
- double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_tmp, i_num, normalz
- double precision :: r(3)
- double precision :: grad_num(3), eps_der, eps_lap, tmp_der, tmp_lap, i0, ip, im
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl_square
- print*, ' test_list_b3 ...'
- eps_ij = 1d-7
- eps_der = 1d-5
- tmp_der = 0.5d0 / eps_der
- eps_lap = 1d-4
- tmp_lap = 1.d0 / (eps_lap*eps_lap)
- ! ---
- PROVIDE v_1b_list_b3
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i_exc = v_1b_list_b3(ipoint)
- i_num = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in list_b3 on', ipoint
- print *, ' r = ', r
- print *, ' r2 = ', r(1)*r(1) + r(2)*r(2) + r(3)*r(3)
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot on val = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz on val = ', normalz
- ! ---
- PROVIDE v_1b_square_grad
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i_exc = v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,1)
- r(1) = r(1) + eps_der
- ip = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(1) = r(1) - 2.d0 * eps_der
- im = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(1) = r(1) + eps_der
- i_num = tmp_der * (ip - im)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in grad_x list_b3 on', ipoint
- print *, ' r = ', r
- print *, ' r2 = ', r(1)*r(1) + r(2)*r(2) + r(3)*r(3)
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- i_exc = v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,2)
- r(2) = r(2) + eps_der
- ip = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(2) = r(2) - 2.d0 * eps_der
- im = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(2) = r(2) + eps_der
- i_num = tmp_der * (ip - im)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in grad_y list_b3 on', ipoint
- print *, ' r = ', r
- print *, ' r2 = ', r(1)*r(1) + r(2)*r(2) + r(3)*r(3)
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- i_exc = v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,3)
- r(3) = r(3) + eps_der
- ip = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(3) = r(3) - 2.d0 * eps_der
- im = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(3) = r(3) + eps_der
- i_num = tmp_der * (ip - im)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in grad_z list_b3 on', ipoint
- print *, ' r = ', r
- print *, ' r2 = ', r(1)*r(1) + r(2)*r(2) + r(3)*r(3)
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot on grad = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz on grad = ', normalz
- ! ---
- PROVIDE v_1b_square_lapl
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- i0 = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- i_exc = v_1b_square_lapl(ipoint)
- r(1) = r(1) + eps_lap
- ip = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(1) = r(1) - 2.d0 * eps_lap
- im = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(1) = r(1) + eps_lap
- i_num = tmp_lap * (ip - 2.d0 * i0 + im)
- r(2) = r(2) + eps_lap
- ip = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(2) = r(2) - 2.d0 * eps_lap
- im = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(2) = r(2) + eps_lap
- i_num = i_num + tmp_lap * (ip - 2.d0 * i0 + im)
- r(3) = r(3) + eps_lap
- ip = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(3) = r(3) - 2.d0 * eps_lap
- im = j1b_nucl_square(r)
- r(3) = r(3) + eps_lap
- i_num = i_num + tmp_lap * (ip - 2.d0 * i0 + im)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in lapl list_b3 on', ipoint
- print *, ' r = ', r
- print *, ' r2 = ', r(1)*r(1) + r(2)*r(2) + r(3)*r(3)
- print *, ' analyt = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot on lapl = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz on lapl = ', normalz
- ! ---
- return
-end subroutine test_list_b3
! ---
@@ -516,7 +244,7 @@ subroutine test_fit_ugradu()
-end subroutine test_fit_ugradu
! ---
@@ -582,7 +310,7 @@ subroutine test_fit_u()
-end subroutine test_fit_u
! ---
@@ -649,7 +377,7 @@ subroutine test_fit_u2()
-end subroutine test_fit_u2
! ---
@@ -714,7 +442,7 @@ subroutine test_grad1_u12_withsq_num()
print*, ' accuracy (%) = ', 100.d0 * acc_tot / normalz
-end subroutine test_grad1_u12_withsq_num
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
index b9e8df25..415e4fc0 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
@@ -11,40 +11,40 @@ program debug_integ_jmu_modif
my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- PROVIDE mu_erf j1b_pen
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
-! call test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b()
-! call test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
-! call test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
-! call test_int2_u2_j1b2()
-! call test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2()
-! call test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
+! call test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env()
+! call test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env()
+! call test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env()
+! call test_int2_u2_env2()
+! call test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2()
+! call test_int2_u_grad1u_total_env2()
-! call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
+! call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao_num()
! call test_grad12_j12()
- call test_tchint_rsdft()
-! call test_u12sq_j1bsq()
-! call test_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b()
-! !call test_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu()
+! call test_u12sq_envsq()
+! call test_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env()
!call test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao()
!call test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s()
+ !call test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0()
! ---
-subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b()
+subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b
+ double precision, external :: num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env
- print*, ' test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b ...'
+ print*, ' test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env ...'
- PROVIDE v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit
+ PROVIDE v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b (i,j,ipoint)
+ i_exc = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_num = num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env (i,j,ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -70,24 +70,23 @@ subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b()
- print*, ' acc_tot = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
+ print*, ' acc_tot (%) = ', 100.d0 * acc_tot / normalz
-end subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b
! ---
-subroutine test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
+subroutine test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+ double precision, external :: num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- print*, ' test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b ...'
+ print*, ' test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env ...'
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+ PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -98,11 +97,11 @@ subroutine test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_exc = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_num = num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -118,20 +117,20 @@ subroutine test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
! ---
-subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
+subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
double precision :: integ(3)
- print*, ' test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b ...'
+ print*, ' test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env ...'
- PROVIDE x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+ PROVIDE x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -142,13 +141,13 @@ subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- call num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint, integ)
+ call num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i, j, ipoint, integ)
- i_exc = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ i_exc = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1)
i_num = integ(1)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in x part of x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in x part of x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -156,11 +155,11 @@ subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
acc_tot += acc_ij
normalz += dabs(i_num)
- i_exc = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ i_exc = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2)
i_num = integ(2)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in y part of x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in y part of x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -168,11 +167,11 @@ subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
acc_tot += acc_ij
normalz += dabs(i_num)
- i_exc = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ i_exc = x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3)
i_num = integ(3)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in z part of x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in z part of x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -188,35 +187,34 @@ subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
! ---
-subroutine test_int2_u2_j1b2()
+subroutine test_int2_u2_env2()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_int2_u2_j1b2
+ double precision, external :: num_int2_u2_env2
- print*, ' test_int2_u2_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' test_int2_u2_env2 ...'
- PROVIDE int2_u2_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
normalz = 0.d0
- !do ipoint = 1, 10
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = int2_u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_int2_u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_exc = int2_u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_num = num_int2_u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in int2_u2_j1b2 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in int2_u2_env2 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -233,20 +231,20 @@ subroutine test_int2_u2_j1b2()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_int2_u2_j1b2
! ---
-subroutine test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2()
+subroutine test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
+ double precision, external :: num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
- print*, ' test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 ...'
- PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -257,11 +255,11 @@ subroutine test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_exc = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_num = num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -277,18 +275,18 @@ subroutine test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
! ---
-subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
+subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao_num()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
double precision :: integ(3)
- print*, ' test_int2_grad1_u12_ao ...'
+ print*, ' test_int2_grad1_u12_ao_num ...'
PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao
@@ -346,11 +344,11 @@ subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao
! ---
-subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
+subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_env2()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
@@ -358,10 +356,10 @@ subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
double precision :: x, y, z
double precision :: integ(3)
- print*, ' test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2 ...'
+ print*, ' test_int2_u_grad1u_total_env2 ...'
- PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
- PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_env2
+ PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_x_env2
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -376,13 +374,13 @@ subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- call num_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
+ call num_int2_u_grad1u_total_env2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
- i_exc = x * int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(i,j,ipoint) - int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ i_exc = x * int2_u_grad1u_env2(i,j,ipoint) - int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,1)
i_num = integ(1)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in x part of int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in x part of int2_u_grad1u_total_env2 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -390,11 +388,11 @@ subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
acc_tot += acc_ij
normalz += dabs(i_num)
- i_exc = y * int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(i,j,ipoint) - int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ i_exc = y * int2_u_grad1u_env2(i,j,ipoint) - int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,2)
i_num = integ(2)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in y part of int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in y part of int2_u_grad1u_total_env2 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -402,11 +400,11 @@ subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
acc_tot += acc_ij
normalz += dabs(i_num)
- i_exc = z * int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(i,j,ipoint) - int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ i_exc = z * int2_u_grad1u_env2(i,j,ipoint) - int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,3)
i_num = integ(3)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in z part of int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in z part of int2_u_grad1u_total_env2 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -422,109 +420,7 @@ subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2
-! ---
-subroutine test_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu()
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, ipoint
- double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu
- print*, ' test_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu ...'
- PROVIDE gradu_squared_u_ij_mu
- eps_ij = 1d-3
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = gradu_squared_u_ij_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu(i, j, ipoint)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in gradu_squared_u_ij_mu on', i, j, ipoint
- print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
- print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
- print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_num)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
- return
-end subroutine test_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu
-! ---
-subroutine test_tchint_rsdft()
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, m, ipoint, jpoint
- double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision :: x(3), y(3), dj_1(3), dj_2(3), dj_3(3)
- print*, ' test rsdft_jastrow ...'
- PROVIDE grad1_u12_num
- eps_ij = 1d-4
- acc_tot = 0.d0
- normalz = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- x(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- x(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- y(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
- y(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
- y(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
- dj_1(1) = grad1_u12_num(jpoint,ipoint,1)
- dj_1(2) = grad1_u12_num(jpoint,ipoint,2)
- dj_1(3) = grad1_u12_num(jpoint,ipoint,3)
- call get_tchint_rsdft_jastrow(x, y, dj_2)
- do m = 1, 3
- i_exc = dj_1(m)
- i_num = dj_2(m)
- acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
- if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem on', ipoint, jpoint, m
- print *, ' x = ', x
- print *, ' y = ', y
- print *, ' exc, num, diff = ', i_exc, i_num, acc_ij
- call grad1_jmu_modif_num(x, y, dj_3)
- print *, ' check = ', dj_3(m)
- stop
- endif
- acc_tot += acc_ij
- normalz += dabs(i_exc)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*, ' acc_tot = ', acc_tot
- print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
- return
-end subroutine test_tchint_rsdft
! ---
@@ -567,20 +463,20 @@ subroutine test_grad12_j12()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_grad12_j12
! ---
-subroutine test_u12sq_j1bsq()
+subroutine test_u12sq_envsq()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_u12sq_j1bsq
+ double precision, external :: num_u12sq_envsq
- print*, ' test_u12sq_j1bsq ...'
+ print*, ' test_u12sq_envsq ...'
- PROVIDE u12sq_j1bsq
+ PROVIDE u12sq_envsq
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -590,11 +486,11 @@ subroutine test_u12sq_j1bsq()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = u12sq_j1bsq(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_u12sq_j1bsq(i, j, ipoint)
+ i_exc = u12sq_envsq(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_num = num_u12sq_envsq(i, j, ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in u12sq_j1bsq on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in u12sq_envsq on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -610,20 +506,20 @@ subroutine test_u12sq_j1bsq()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_u12sq_j1bsq
! ---
-subroutine test_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b()
+subroutine test_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, i_exc, i_num, normalz
- double precision, external :: num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b
+ double precision, external :: num_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env
- print*, ' test_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b ...'
+ print*, ' test_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env ...'
- PROVIDE u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b
+ PROVIDE u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env
eps_ij = 1d-3
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -633,11 +529,11 @@ subroutine test_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_exc = u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
- i_num = num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
+ i_exc = u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_num = num_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(i, j, ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_exc - i_num)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' analyt integ = ', i_exc
print *, ' numeri integ = ', i_num
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
@@ -653,7 +549,7 @@ subroutine test_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b
! ---
@@ -670,7 +566,7 @@ subroutine test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao()
print *, ' test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao ...'
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp
expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2(1)
@@ -740,7 +636,7 @@ subroutine test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao
! ---
@@ -757,13 +653,13 @@ subroutine test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s()
print *, ' test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s ...'
- provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp j1b_pen
+ provide mu_erf final_grid_points_transp
expo_fit = expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2(1)
- beta = List_all_comb_b3_expo (2)
- B_center(1) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,2)
- B_center(2) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,2)
- B_center(3) = List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,2)
+ beta = List_env1s_square_expo (2)
+ B_center(1) = List_env1s_square_cent(1,2)
+ B_center(2) = List_env1s_square_cent(2,2)
+ B_center(3) = List_env1s_square_cent(3,2)
! ---
@@ -831,5 +727,52 @@ subroutine test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s()
print*, ' normalz = ', normalz
-end subroutine test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao
+! ---
+subroutine test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint
+ double precision :: i_old, i_new
+ double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, normalz
+ print*, ' test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 ...'
+ PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0
+ eps_ij = 1d-10
+ acc_tot = 0.d0
+ normalz = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ i_old = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env (i,j,ipoint)
+ i_new = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ acc_ij = dabs(i_old - i_new)
+ if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
+ print *, ' problem in Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' old integ = ', i_old
+ print *, ' new integ = ', i_new
+ print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
+ stop
+ endif
+ acc_tot += acc_ij
+ normalz += dabs(i_old)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print*, ' acc_tot (%) = ', 100.d0 * acc_tot / normalz
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared.irp.f
index 8c6d35dc..342e1fe7 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared.irp.f
@@ -1,224 +1,7 @@
! ---
-! TODO : strong optmization : write the loops in a different way
-! : for each couple of AO, the gaussian product are done once for all
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, gradu_squared_u_ij_mu, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
- !
- ! if J(r1,r2) = u12:
- !
- ! gradu_squared_u_ij_mu = -0.50 x \int r2 [ (grad_1 u12)^2 + (grad_2 u12^2)] \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2)
- ! = -0.25 x \int r2 (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2)
- ! and
- ! (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 = \sum_i coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) * r12^2)
- !
- ! if J(r1,r2) = u12 x v1 x v2
- !
- ! gradu_squared_u_ij_mu = -0.50 x \int r2 \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2) [ v1^2 v2^2 ((grad_1 u12)^2 + (grad_2 u12^2)) + u12^2 v2^2 (grad_1 v1)^2 + 2 u12 v1 v2^2 (grad_1 u12) . (grad_1 v1) ]
- ! = -0.25 x v1^2 \int r2 \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2) [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2 v2^2
- ! + -0.50 x (grad_1 v1)^2 \int r2 \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2) u12^2 v2^2
- ! + -1.00 x v1 (grad_1 v1) \int r2 \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2) (grad_1 u12) v2^2
- ! = v1^2 x int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
- ! + -0.5 x (grad_1 v1)^2 x int2_u2_j1b2
- ! + -1.0 X V1 x (grad_1 v1) \cdot [ int2_u_grad1u_j1b2 x r - int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b ]
- !
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, igauss
- double precision :: x, y, z, r(3), delta, coef
- double precision :: tmp_v, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
- double precision :: tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
- print*, ' providing gradu_squared_u_ij_mu ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- if(j1b_type .eq. 3) then
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp_v = v_1b (ipoint)
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
- tmp1 = tmp_v * tmp_v
- tmp2 = -0.5d0 * (tmp_x * tmp_x + tmp_y * tmp_y + tmp_z * tmp_z)
- tmp3 = tmp_v * tmp_x
- tmp4 = tmp_v * tmp_y
- tmp5 = tmp_v * tmp_z
- tmp6 = -x * tmp3
- tmp7 = -y * tmp4
- tmp8 = -z * tmp5
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp9 = int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
- gradu_squared_u_ij_mu(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint) &
- + tmp2 * int2_u2_j1b2 (i,j,ipoint) &
- + tmp6 * tmp9 + tmp3 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,1) &
- + tmp7 * tmp9 + tmp4 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,2) &
- + tmp8 * tmp9 + tmp5 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,3)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- gradu_squared_u_ij_mu = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do igauss = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- delta = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(igauss)
- coef = coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(igauss)
- gradu_squared_u_ij_mu(i,j,ipoint) += -0.25d0 * coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, delta, i, j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for gradu_squared_u_ij_mu = ', time1 - time0
-! ---
-!BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_loop, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
-! !
-! ! tc_grad_square_ao_loop(k,i,l,j) = -1/2
-! !
-! implicit none
-! integer :: ipoint, i, j, k, l
-! double precision :: weight1, ao_ik_r, ao_i_r
-! double precision, allocatable :: ac_mat(:,:,:,:)
-! allocate(ac_mat(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
-! ac_mat = 0.d0
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! weight1 = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! ao_i_r = weight1 * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
-! do k = 1, ao_num
-! ao_ik_r = ao_i_r * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
-! do j = 1, ao_num
-! do l = 1, ao_num
-! ac_mat(k,i,l,j) += ao_ik_r * gradu_squared_u_ij_mu(l,j,ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! do j = 1, ao_num
-! do l = 1, ao_num
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! do k = 1, ao_num
-! tc_grad_square_ao_loop(k,i,l,j) = ac_mat(k,i,l,j) + ac_mat(l,j,k,i)
-! !write(11,*) tc_grad_square_ao_loop(k,i,l,j)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(ac_mat)
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_loop, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- !
- ! tc_grad_square_ao_loop(k,i,l,j) = 1/2
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, k, l
- double precision :: weight1, ao_ik_r, ao_i_r
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, allocatable :: ac_mat(:,:,:,:), bc_mat(:,:,:,:)
- print*, ' providing tc_grad_square_ao_loop ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- allocate(ac_mat(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
- ac_mat = 0.d0
- allocate(bc_mat(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
- bc_mat = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- weight1 = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- !ao_i_r = weight1 * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
- ao_i_r = weight1 * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
- do k = 1, ao_num
- !ao_ik_r = ao_i_r * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- ao_ik_r = ao_i_r * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- ac_mat(k,i,l,j) += ao_ik_r * ( u12sq_j1bsq(l,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(l,j,ipoint) )
- bc_mat(k,i,l,j) += ao_ik_r * grad12_j12(l,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- tc_grad_square_ao_loop(k,i,l,j) = ac_mat(k,i,l,j) + ac_mat(l,j,k,i) + bc_mat(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- deallocate(ac_mat)
- deallocate(bc_mat)
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_square_ao_loop = ', time1 - time0
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, grad12_j12, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, grad12_j12, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, igauss
@@ -230,48 +13,28 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, grad12_j12, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_g
print*, ' providing grad12_j12 ...'
call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp1 = v_1b(ipoint)
+ tmp1 = env_val(ipoint)
tmp1 = tmp1 * tmp1
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
- FREE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
- !if(j1b_type .eq. 0) then
- ! grad12_j12 = 0.d0
- ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- ! r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- ! r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- ! r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- ! do j = 1, ao_num
- ! do i = 1, ao_num
- ! do igauss = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- ! delta = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(igauss)
- ! coef = coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(igauss)
- ! grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint) += -0.25d0 * coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, delta, i, j)
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- !endif
+ FREE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for grad12_j12 = ', time1 - time0
- call print_memory_usage()
+ print*, ' Wall time for grad12_j12 (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, u12sq_j1bsq, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, u12sq_envsq, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j
@@ -279,33 +42,32 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, u12sq_j1bsq, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_g
double precision :: tmp1
double precision :: time0, time1
- print*, ' providing u12sq_j1bsq ...'
+ print*, ' providing u12sq_envsq ...'
call wall_time(time0)
! do not free here
- PROVIDE int2_u2_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
tmp1 = -0.5d0 * (tmp_x * tmp_x + tmp_y * tmp_y + tmp_z * tmp_z)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- u12sq_j1bsq(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_u2_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ u12sq_envsq(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for u12sq_j1bsq = ', time1 - time0
- call print_memory_usage()
+ print*, ' Wall time for u12sq_envsq (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, igauss
@@ -315,21 +77,21 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num,
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
- print*, ' providing u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b ...'
+ print*, ' providing u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env ...'
call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
- PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_env2
+ PROVIDE int2_u_grad1u_x_env2
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp_v = v_1b (ipoint)
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp_v = env_val (ipoint)
+ tmp_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
tmp3 = tmp_v * tmp_x
tmp4 = tmp_v * tmp_y
@@ -342,143 +104,20 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num,
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp9 = int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp9 = int2_u_grad1u_env2(i,j,ipoint)
- u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i,j,ipoint) = tmp6 * tmp9 + tmp3 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,1) &
- + tmp7 * tmp9 + tmp4 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,2) &
- + tmp8 * tmp9 + tmp5 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(i,j,ipoint) = tmp6 * tmp9 + tmp3 * int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,1) &
+ + tmp7 * tmp9 + tmp4 * int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,2) &
+ + tmp8 * tmp9 + tmp5 * int2_u_grad1u_x_env2(i,j,ipoint,3)
- FREE int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
- FREE int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
+ FREE int2_u_grad1u_env2
+ FREE int2_u_grad1u_x_env2
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b = ', time1 - time0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- !
- ! tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) = -1/2
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, k, l
- double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
- double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:), tmp(:,:,:)
- print*, ' providing tc_grad_square_ao ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- if(read_tc_integ) then
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/tc_grad_square_ao', action="read")
- read(11) tc_grad_square_ao
- close(11)
- else
- ! ---
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
- allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
- b_mat = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, b_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i) = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- tc_grad_square_ao = 0.d0
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
- , 0.d0, tc_grad_square_ao, ao_num*ao_num)
- FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
- ! ---
- if(((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 4)) .and. use_ipp) then
- print*, " going through Manu's IPP"
- ! an additional term is added here directly instead of
- ! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance
- PROVIDE int2_u2_j1b2
- b_mat = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
- !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, b_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, &
- !$OMP v_1b_square_grad, v_1b_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
- ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
- ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * v_1b_square_lapl(ipoint) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_u2_j1b2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
- , 1.d0, tc_grad_square_ao, ao_num*ao_num)
- FREE int2_u2_j1b2
- endif
- ! ---
- deallocate(b_mat)
- call sum_A_At(tc_grad_square_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
- endif
- if(write_tc_integ.and.mpi_master) then
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/tc_grad_square_ao', action="write")
- call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
- write(11) tc_grad_square_ao
- close(11)
- call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
- endif
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_square_ao = ', time1 - time0
- call print_memory_usage()
+ print*, ' Wall time for u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f
index dcfeff47..f4056c32 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+! ---
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_nu
- provide u12sq_j1bsq_test u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test grad12_j12_test
+ provide u12sq_envsq_test u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test grad12_j12_test
allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num), tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
@@ -48,12 +50,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_nu
!$OMP PRIVATE (j, l, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (tmp, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_j1bsq_test, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test, grad12_j12_test)
+ !$OMP SHARED (tmp, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_envsq_test, u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test, grad12_j12_test)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do j = 1, ao_num
do l = 1, ao_num
- tmp(l,j,ipoint) = u12sq_j1bsq_test(l,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test(l,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12_test(l,j,ipoint)
+ tmp(l,j,ipoint) = u12sq_envsq_test(l,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test(l,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12_test(l,j,ipoint)
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref, (ao_num, ao_num, a
print*, ' providing tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref ...'
call wall_time(time0)
- provide u12sq_j1bsq_test u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test grad12_j12_test
+ provide u12sq_envsq_test u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test grad12_j12_test
allocate(ac_mat(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num), b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num), tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
@@ -126,12 +128,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref, (ao_num, ao_num, a
!$OMP PRIVATE (j, l, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (tmp, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_j1bsq_test, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test, grad12_j12_test)
+ !$OMP SHARED (tmp, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_envsq_test, u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test, grad12_j12_test)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do j = 1, ao_num
do l = 1, ao_num
- tmp(l,j,ipoint) = u12sq_j1bsq_test(l,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test(l,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12_test(l,j,ipoint)
+ tmp(l,j,ipoint) = u12sq_envsq_test(l,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test(l,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12_test(l,j,ipoint)
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12sq_j1bsq_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12sq_envsq_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j
@@ -178,29 +180,29 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12sq_j1bsq_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
double precision :: tmp1
double precision :: time0, time1
- print*, ' providing u12sq_j1bsq_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing u12sq_envsq_test ...'
call wall_time(time0)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
tmp1 = -0.5d0 * (tmp_x * tmp_x + tmp_y * tmp_y + tmp_z * tmp_z)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- u12sq_j1bsq_test(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ u12sq_envsq_test(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for u12sq_j1bsq_test = ', time1 - time0
+ print*, ' Wall time for u12sq_envsq_test (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, igauss
@@ -210,9 +212,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
- print*, ' providing u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test ...'
+ print*, ' providing u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test ...'
- provide int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test
+ provide int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test
call wall_time(time0)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -220,10 +222,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp_v = v_1b (ipoint)
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp_v = env_val (ipoint)
+ tmp_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
tmp3 = tmp_v * tmp_x
tmp4 = tmp_v * tmp_y
@@ -236,23 +238,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test, (ao_num, ao
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp9 = int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp9 = int2_u_grad1u_env2_test(i,j,ipoint)
- u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint) = tmp6 * tmp9 + tmp3 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint,1) &
- + tmp7 * tmp9 + tmp4 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint,2) &
- + tmp8 * tmp9 + tmp5 * int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test(i,j,ipoint) = tmp6 * tmp9 + tmp3 * int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(i,j,ipoint,1) &
+ + tmp7 * tmp9 + tmp4 * int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(i,j,ipoint,2) &
+ + tmp8 * tmp9 + tmp5 * int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(i,j,ipoint,3)
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b_test = ', time1 - time0
+ print*, ' Wall time for u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env_test (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, grad12_j12_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, grad12_j12_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, igauss
@@ -260,46 +262,32 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, grad12_j12_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_fi
double precision :: tmp1
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, external :: overlap_gauss_r12_ao
- provide int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test
+ provide int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test
print*, ' providing grad12_j12_test ...'
call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- if(j1b_type .eq. 3) then
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp1 = v_1b(ipoint)
+ tmp1 = env_val(ipoint)
tmp1 = tmp1 * tmp1
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- grad12_j12_test(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ grad12_j12_test(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint)
- grad12_j12_test = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do igauss = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- delta = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(igauss)
- coef = coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(igauss)
- grad12_j12_test(i,j,ipoint) += -0.25d0 * coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, delta, i, j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ print *, ' Error in grad12_j12_test: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for grad12_j12_test = ', time1 - time0
+ print*, ' Wall time for grad12_j12_test (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
index 7dd13f14..528b5e13 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b, (n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, phase
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz
double precision :: a, d, e, fact_r
- if(j1b_type .eq. 3) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
! v(r) = \Pi_{a} [1 - \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)]
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b, (n_points_final_grid)]
fact_r = 1.d0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(j)
+ a = env_expo(j)
dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b, (n_points_final_grid)]
fact_r = fact_r * e
- v_1b(ipoint) = fact_r
+ env_val(ipoint) = fact_r
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 4) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
! v(r) = 1 - \sum_{a} \beta_a \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b, (n_points_final_grid)]
fact_r = 1.d0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(j)
+ a = env_expo(j)
dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
d = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
- fact_r = fact_r - j1b_pen_coef(j) * dexp(-a*d)
+ fact_r = fact_r - env_coef(j) * dexp(-a*d)
- v_1b(ipoint) = fact_r
+ env_val(ipoint) = fact_r
- print*, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'is not implemented for v_1b'
+ print *, ' Error in env_val: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, phase
@@ -77,9 +77,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
double precision :: fact_x, fact_y, fact_z
double precision :: ax_der, ay_der, az_der, a_expo
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- if(j1b_type .eq. 3) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
! v(r) = \Pi_{a} [1 - \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)]
@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
fact_z = 0.d0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_size
phase = 0
a_expo = 0.d0
@@ -100,12 +98,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
ay_der = 0.d0
az_der = 0.d0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- a = dble(List_all_comb_b2(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
+ a = dble(List_env1s(j,i)) * env_expo(j)
dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
- phase += List_all_comb_b2(j,i)
+ phase += List_env1s(j,i)
a_expo += a * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
ax_der += a * dx
ay_der += a * dy
@@ -118,12 +116,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
fact_z += e * az_der
- v_1b_grad(1,ipoint) = fact_x
- v_1b_grad(2,ipoint) = fact_y
- v_1b_grad(3,ipoint) = fact_z
+ env_grad(1,ipoint) = fact_x
+ env_grad(2,ipoint) = fact_y
+ env_grad(3,ipoint) = fact_z
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 4) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
! v(r) = 1 - \sum_{a} \beta_a \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)
@@ -143,22 +141,22 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
- a = j1b_pen(j)
- e = a * j1b_pen_coef(j) * dexp(-a * r2)
+ a = env_expo(j)
+ e = a * env_coef(j) * dexp(-a * r2)
ax_der += e * dx
ay_der += e * dy
az_der += e * dz
- v_1b_grad(1,ipoint) = 2.d0 * ax_der
- v_1b_grad(2,ipoint) = 2.d0 * ay_der
- v_1b_grad(3,ipoint) = 2.d0 * az_der
+ env_grad(1,ipoint) = 2.d0 * ax_der
+ env_grad(2,ipoint) = 2.d0 * ay_der
+ env_grad(3,ipoint) = 2.d0 * az_der
- print*, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'is not implemented'
+ print *, ' Error in env_grad: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
@@ -167,126 +165,8 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b_lapl, (n_points_final_grid)]
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, phase
- double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: a, e, b
- double precision :: fact_r
- double precision :: ax_der, ay_der, az_der, a_expo
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- fact_r = 0.d0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
- phase = 0
- b = 0.d0
- a_expo = 0.d0
- ax_der = 0.d0
- ay_der = 0.d0
- az_der = 0.d0
- do j = 1, nucl_num
- a = dble(List_all_comb_b2(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
- dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
- dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
- dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
- phase += List_all_comb_b2(j,i)
- b += a
- a_expo += a * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
- ax_der += a * dx
- ay_der += a * dy
- az_der += a * dz
- enddo
- fact_r += (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * (-6.d0*b + 4.d0*(ax_der*ax_der + ay_der*ay_der + az_der*az_der) ) * dexp(-a_expo)
- enddo
- v_1b_lapl(ipoint) = fact_r
- enddo
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b_list_b2, (n_points_final_grid)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i, ipoint
- double precision :: x, y, z, coef, expo, dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: fact_r
- PROVIDE List_all_comb_b2_coef List_all_comb_b2_expo List_all_comb_b2_cent
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- fact_r = 0.d0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b2_coef(i)
- expo = List_all_comb_b2_expo(i)
- dx = x - List_all_comb_b2_cent(1,i)
- dy = y - List_all_comb_b2_cent(2,i)
- dz = z - List_all_comb_b2_cent(3,i)
- fact_r += coef * dexp(-expo * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz))
- enddo
- v_1b_list_b2(ipoint) = fact_r
- enddo
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, v_1b_list_b3, (n_points_final_grid)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i, ipoint
- double precision :: x, y, z, coef, expo, dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: fact_r
- PROVIDE List_all_comb_b3_coef List_all_comb_b3_expo List_all_comb_b3_cent
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- fact_r = 0.d0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef(i)
- expo = List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
- dx = x - List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i)
- dy = y - List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i)
- dz = z - List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i)
- fact_r += coef * dexp(-expo * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz))
- enddo
- v_1b_list_b3(ipoint) = fact_r
- enddo
-! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_square_grad, (n_points_final_grid,3)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, v_1b_square_lapl, (n_points_final_grid) ]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_square_grad, (n_points_final_grid,3)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_square_lapl, (n_points_final_grid) ]
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i
@@ -294,42 +174,51 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision :: coef, expo, a_expo, tmp
double precision :: fact_x, fact_y, fact_z, fact_r
- PROVIDE List_all_comb_b3_coef List_all_comb_b3_expo List_all_comb_b3_cent
+ PROVIDE List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_cent
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ if((env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- fact_x = 0.d0
- fact_y = 0.d0
- fact_z = 0.d0
- fact_r = 0.d0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- coef = List_all_comb_b3_coef(i)
- expo = List_all_comb_b3_expo(i)
+ fact_x = 0.d0
+ fact_y = 0.d0
+ fact_z = 0.d0
+ fact_r = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
- dx = x - List_all_comb_b3_cent(1,i)
- dy = y - List_all_comb_b3_cent(2,i)
- dz = z - List_all_comb_b3_cent(3,i)
- r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
+ coef = List_env1s_square_coef(i)
+ expo = List_env1s_square_expo(i)
- a_expo = expo * r2
- tmp = coef * expo * dexp(-a_expo)
+ dx = x - List_env1s_square_cent(1,i)
+ dy = y - List_env1s_square_cent(2,i)
+ dz = z - List_env1s_square_cent(3,i)
+ r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
- fact_x += tmp * dx
- fact_y += tmp * dy
- fact_z += tmp * dz
- fact_r += tmp * (3.d0 - 2.d0 * a_expo)
+ a_expo = expo * r2
+ tmp = coef * expo * dexp(-a_expo)
+ fact_x += tmp * dx
+ fact_y += tmp * dy
+ fact_z += tmp * dz
+ fact_r += tmp * (3.d0 - 2.d0 * a_expo)
+ enddo
+ env_square_grad(ipoint,1) = -2.d0 * fact_x
+ env_square_grad(ipoint,2) = -2.d0 * fact_y
+ env_square_grad(ipoint,3) = -2.d0 * fact_z
+ env_square_lapl(ipoint) = -2.d0 * fact_r
- v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,1) = -2.d0 * fact_x
- v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,2) = -2.d0 * fact_y
- v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,3) = -2.d0 * fact_z
- v_1b_square_lapl(ipoint) = -2.d0 * fact_r
- enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in env_val_square_grad & env_val_square_lapl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
+ stop
+ endif
@@ -348,7 +237,7 @@ double precision function j12_mu_r12(r12)
j12_mu_r12 = 0.5d0 * r12 * (1.d0 - derf(mu_r12)) - inv_sq_pi_2 * dexp(-mu_r12*mu_r12) / mu_erf
-end function j12_mu_r12
! ---
@@ -361,7 +250,7 @@ double precision function jmu_modif(r1, r2)
jmu_modif = j12_mu(r1, r2) * j12_nucl(r1, r2)
-end function jmu_modif
! ---
@@ -385,7 +274,7 @@ double precision function j12_mu_gauss(r1, r2)
-end function j12_mu_gauss
! ---
@@ -393,140 +282,138 @@ double precision function j12_nucl(r1, r2)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3)
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
- j12_nucl = j1b_nucl(r1) * j1b_nucl(r2)
+ j12_nucl = env_nucl(r1) * env_nucl(r2)
-end function j12_nucl
! ---
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-double precision function grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r)
+double precision function grad_x_env_nucl_num(r)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
double precision :: r_eps(3), eps, fp, fm, delta
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
eps = 1d-6
r_eps = r
delta = max(eps, dabs(eps*r(1)))
r_eps(1) = r_eps(1) + delta
- fp = j1b_nucl(r_eps)
+ fp = env_nucl(r_eps)
r_eps(1) = r_eps(1) - 2.d0 * delta
- fm = j1b_nucl(r_eps)
+ fm = env_nucl(r_eps)
- grad_x_j1b_nucl_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
+ grad_x_env_nucl_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
-double precision function grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r)
+! ---
+double precision function grad_y_env_nucl_num(r)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
double precision :: r_eps(3), eps, fp, fm, delta
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
eps = 1d-6
r_eps = r
delta = max(eps, dabs(eps*r(2)))
r_eps(2) = r_eps(2) + delta
- fp = j1b_nucl(r_eps)
+ fp = env_nucl(r_eps)
r_eps(2) = r_eps(2) - 2.d0 * delta
- fm = j1b_nucl(r_eps)
+ fm = env_nucl(r_eps)
- grad_y_j1b_nucl_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
+ grad_y_env_nucl_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
-double precision function grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r)
+! ---
+double precision function grad_z_env_nucl_num(r)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
double precision :: r_eps(3), eps, fp, fm, delta
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
eps = 1d-6
r_eps = r
delta = max(eps, dabs(eps*r(3)))
r_eps(3) = r_eps(3) + delta
- fp = j1b_nucl(r_eps)
+ fp = env_nucl(r_eps)
r_eps(3) = r_eps(3) - 2.d0 * delta
- fm = j1b_nucl(r_eps)
+ fm = env_nucl(r_eps)
- grad_z_j1b_nucl_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
+ grad_z_env_nucl_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ---
-double precision function lapl_j1b_nucl(r)
+double precision function lapl_env_nucl(r)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
double precision :: r_eps(3), eps, fp, fm, delta
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_x_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_y_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_z_env_nucl_num
eps = 1d-5
r_eps = r
- lapl_j1b_nucl = 0.d0
+ lapl_env_nucl = 0.d0
! ---
delta = max(eps, dabs(eps*r(1)))
r_eps(1) = r_eps(1) + delta
- fp = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r_eps)
+ fp = grad_x_env_nucl_num(r_eps)
r_eps(1) = r_eps(1) - 2.d0 * delta
- fm = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r_eps)
+ fm = grad_x_env_nucl_num(r_eps)
r_eps(1) = r_eps(1) + delta
- lapl_j1b_nucl += 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
+ lapl_env_nucl += 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
! ---
delta = max(eps, dabs(eps*r(2)))
r_eps(2) = r_eps(2) + delta
- fp = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r_eps)
+ fp = grad_y_env_nucl_num(r_eps)
r_eps(2) = r_eps(2) - 2.d0 * delta
- fm = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r_eps)
+ fm = grad_y_env_nucl_num(r_eps)
r_eps(2) = r_eps(2) + delta
- lapl_j1b_nucl += 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
+ lapl_env_nucl += 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
! ---
delta = max(eps, dabs(eps*r(3)))
r_eps(3) = r_eps(3) + delta
- fp = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r_eps)
+ fp = grad_z_env_nucl_num(r_eps)
r_eps(3) = r_eps(3) - 2.d0 * delta
- fm = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r_eps)
+ fm = grad_z_env_nucl_num(r_eps)
r_eps(3) = r_eps(3) + delta
- lapl_j1b_nucl += 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
+ lapl_env_nucl += 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
! ---
-end function lapl_j1b_nucl
! ---
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double precision function grad1_x_jmu_modif(r1, r2)
implicit none
@@ -546,7 +433,9 @@ double precision function grad1_x_jmu_modif(r1, r2)
grad1_x_jmu_modif = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad1_x_jmu_modif
+! ---
double precision function grad1_y_jmu_modif(r1, r2)
@@ -567,7 +456,9 @@ double precision function grad1_y_jmu_modif(r1, r2)
grad1_y_jmu_modif = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad1_y_jmu_modif
+! ---
double precision function grad1_z_jmu_modif(r1, r2)
@@ -588,14 +479,10 @@ double precision function grad1_z_jmu_modif(r1, r2)
grad1_z_jmu_modif = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad1_z_jmu_modif
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ---
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double precision function grad1_x_j12_mu_num(r1, r2)
implicit none
@@ -615,7 +502,9 @@ double precision function grad1_x_j12_mu_num(r1, r2)
grad1_x_j12_mu_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad1_x_j12_mu_num
+! ---
double precision function grad1_y_j12_mu_num(r1, r2)
@@ -636,7 +525,9 @@ double precision function grad1_y_j12_mu_num(r1, r2)
grad1_y_j12_mu_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad1_y_j12_mu_num
+! ---
double precision function grad1_z_j12_mu_num(r1, r2)
@@ -657,9 +548,9 @@ double precision function grad1_z_j12_mu_num(r1, r2)
grad1_z_j12_mu_num = 0.5d0 * (fp - fm) / delta
-end function grad1_z_j12_mu_num
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! ---
subroutine grad1_jmu_modif_num(r1, r2, grad)
@@ -671,103 +562,23 @@ subroutine grad1_jmu_modif_num(r1, r2, grad)
double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, grad_u12(3)
double precision, external :: j12_mu
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
+ double precision, external :: grad_x_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_y_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_z_env_nucl_num
call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad_u12)
- tmp0 = j1b_nucl(r1)
- tmp1 = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ tmp0 = env_nucl(r1)
+ tmp1 = env_nucl(r2)
tmp2 = j12_mu(r1, r2)
- grad(1) = (tmp0 * grad_u12(1) + tmp2 * grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r1)) * tmp1
- grad(2) = (tmp0 * grad_u12(2) + tmp2 * grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r1)) * tmp1
- grad(3) = (tmp0 * grad_u12(3) + tmp2 * grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r1)) * tmp1
+ grad(1) = (tmp0 * grad_u12(1) + tmp2 * grad_x_env_nucl_num(r1)) * tmp1
+ grad(2) = (tmp0 * grad_u12(2) + tmp2 * grad_y_env_nucl_num(r1)) * tmp1
+ grad(3) = (tmp0 * grad_u12(3) + tmp2 * grad_z_env_nucl_num(r1)) * tmp1
-end subroutine grad1_jmu_modif_num
! ---
-subroutine get_tchint_rsdft_jastrow(x, y, dj)
- implicit none
- double precision, intent(in) :: x(3), y(3)
- double precision, intent(out) :: dj(3)
- integer :: at
- double precision :: a, mu_tmp, inv_sq_pi_2
- double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, tmp
- double precision :: dx2, dy2, pos(3), dxy, dxy2
- double precision :: v1b_x, v1b_y
- double precision :: u2b, grad1_u2b(3), grad1_v1b(3)
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- inv_sq_pi_2 = 0.5d0 / dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0))
- dj = 0.d0
-! double precision, external :: j12_mu, j1b_nucl
-! v1b_x = j1b_nucl(x)
-! v1b_y = j1b_nucl(y)
-! call grad1_j1b_nucl(x, grad1_v1b)
-! u2b = j12_mu(x, y)
-! call grad1_j12_mu(x, y, grad1_u2b)
- ! 1b terms
- v1b_x = 1.d0
- v1b_y = 1.d0
- tmp_x = 0.d0
- tmp_y = 0.d0
- tmp_z = 0.d0
- do at = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(at)
- pos(1) = nucl_coord(at,1)
- pos(2) = nucl_coord(at,2)
- pos(3) = nucl_coord(at,3)
- dx2 = sum((x-pos)**2)
- dy2 = sum((y-pos)**2)
- tmp = dexp(-a*dx2) * a
- v1b_x = v1b_x - dexp(-a*dx2)
- v1b_y = v1b_y - dexp(-a*dy2)
- tmp_x = tmp_x + tmp * (x(1) - pos(1))
- tmp_y = tmp_y + tmp * (x(2) - pos(2))
- tmp_z = tmp_z + tmp * (x(3) - pos(3))
- end do
- grad1_v1b(1) = 2.d0 * tmp_x
- grad1_v1b(2) = 2.d0 * tmp_y
- grad1_v1b(3) = 2.d0 * tmp_z
- ! 2b terms
- dxy2 = sum((x-y)**2)
- dxy = dsqrt(dxy2)
- mu_tmp = mu_erf * dxy
- u2b = 0.5d0 * dxy * (1.d0 - derf(mu_tmp)) - inv_sq_pi_2 * dexp(-mu_tmp*mu_tmp) / mu_erf
- if(dxy .lt. 1d-8) then
- grad1_u2b(1) = 0.d0
- grad1_u2b(2) = 0.d0
- grad1_u2b(3) = 0.d0
- else
- tmp = 0.5d0 * (1.d0 - derf(mu_tmp)) / dxy
- grad1_u2b(1) = tmp * (x(1) - y(1))
- grad1_u2b(2) = tmp * (x(2) - y(2))
- grad1_u2b(3) = tmp * (x(3) - y(3))
- endif
- dj(1) = (grad1_u2b(1) * v1b_x + u2b * grad1_v1b(1)) * v1b_y
- dj(2) = (grad1_u2b(2) * v1b_x + u2b * grad1_v1b(2)) * v1b_y
- dj(3) = (grad1_u2b(3) * v1b_x + u2b * grad1_v1b(3)) * v1b_y
- return
-end subroutine get_tchint_rsdft_jastrow
-! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4894f30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
+ double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
+ double precision :: a, c, tmp
+ if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
+ j1e_val = 0.d0
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
+ ! \sum_{A} \sum_p c_{p_A} \exp(-\alpha_{p_A} (r - R_A)^2)
+ PROVIDE j1e_size j1e_coef j1e_expo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ tmp = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, nucl_num
+ dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
+ dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
+ dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
+ d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
+ do p = 1, j1e_size
+ c = j1e_coef(p,j)
+ a = j1e_expo(p,j)
+ tmp = tmp + c * dexp(-a*d2)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ j1e_val(ipoint) = tmp
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ stop
+ endif
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_dx, (n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_dy, (n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_dz, (n_points_final_grid)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
+ double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
+ double precision :: a, c, g, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
+ if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
+ j1e_dx = 0.d0
+ j1e_dy = 0.d0
+ j1e_dz = 0.d0
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
+ ! - \sum_{A} (r - R_A) \sum_p c_{p_A} \exp(-\alpha_{p_A} (r - R_A)^2)
+ PROVIDE j1e_size j1e_coef j1e_expo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ tmp_x = 0.d0
+ tmp_y = 0.d0
+ tmp_z = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, nucl_num
+ dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
+ dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
+ dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
+ d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
+ do p = 1, j1e_size
+ c = j1e_coef(p,j)
+ a = j1e_expo(p,j)
+ g = c * a * dexp(-a*d2)
+ tmp_x = tmp_x - g * dx
+ tmp_y = tmp_y - g * dy
+ tmp_z = tmp_z - g * dz
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ j1e_dx(ipoint) = tmp_x
+ j1e_dy(ipoint) = tmp_y
+ j1e_dz(ipoint) = tmp_z
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ stop
+ endif
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
index 851e9d35..a097dec8 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
@@ -1,33 +1,27 @@
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, grad1_u12_num, (n_points_extra_final_grid, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, grad1_u12_squared_num, (n_points_extra_final_grid, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, grad1_u12_num, (n_points_extra_final_grid, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, grad1_u12_squared_num, (n_points_extra_final_grid, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
! grad_1 u(r1,r2)
- !
- ! this will be integrated numerically over r2:
- ! we use grid for r1 and extra_grid for r2
- !
- ! for 99 < j1b_type < 199
- !
- ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
- ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
+ ! numerical integration over r1 & r2
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, jpoint
double precision :: r1(3), r2(3)
- double precision :: v1b_r1, v1b_r2, u2b_r12
- double precision :: grad1_v1b(3), grad1_u2b(3)
+ double precision :: v_r1, v_r2, u2b_r12
+ double precision :: grad1_v(3), grad1_u2b(3)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz
double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, external :: j12_mu, j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: j12_mu, env_nucl
- PROVIDE j1b_type
+ PROVIDE env_type
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
print*, ' providing grad1_u12_num & grad1_u12_squared_num ...'
@@ -36,12 +30,12 @@
grad1_u12_num = 0.d0
grad1_u12_squared_num = 0.d0
- if( (j1b_type .eq. 100) .or. &
- (j1b_type .ge. 200) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 300) ) then
+ if( ((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") ) then
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, jpoint, r1, r2, v1b_r1, v1b_r2, u2b_r12, grad1_v1b, grad1_u2b, dx, dy, dz) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, jpoint, r1, r2, v_r1, v_r2, u2b_r12, grad1_v, grad1_u2b, dx, dy, dz) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, n_points_extra_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
!$OMP final_grid_points_extra, grad1_u12_num, grad1_u12_squared_num)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
@@ -73,14 +67,14 @@
- elseif((j1b_type .gt. 100) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 200)) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .ne. "none")) then
PROVIDE final_grid_points
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, jpoint, r1, r2, v1b_r1, v1b_r2, u2b_r12, grad1_v1b, grad1_u2b, dx, dy, dz) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, n_points_extra_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, jpoint, r1, r2, v_r1, v_r2, u2b_r12, grad1_v, grad1_u2b, dx, dy, dz) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, n_points_extra_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
!$OMP final_grid_points_extra, grad1_u12_num, grad1_u12_squared_num)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid ! r1
@@ -89,8 +83,8 @@
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- v1b_r1 = j1b_nucl(r1)
- call grad1_j1b_nucl(r1, grad1_v1b)
+ v_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_v)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -98,13 +92,13 @@
r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
- v1b_r2 = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ v_r2 = env_nucl(r2)
u2b_r12 = j12_mu(r1, r2)
call grad1_j12_mu(r2, r1, grad1_u2b)
- dx = (grad1_u2b(1) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v1b(1)) * v1b_r2
- dy = (grad1_u2b(2) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v1b(2)) * v1b_r2
- dz = (grad1_u2b(3) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v1b(3)) * v1b_r2
+ dx = (grad1_u2b(1) * v_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v(1)) * v_r2
+ dy = (grad1_u2b(2) * v_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v(2)) * v_r2
+ dz = (grad1_u2b(3) * v_r1 + u2b_r12 * grad1_v(3)) * v_r2
grad1_u12_num(jpoint,ipoint,1) = dx
grad1_u12_num(jpoint,ipoint,2) = dy
@@ -116,7 +110,7 @@
- elseif (j1b_type .eq. 1000) then
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "champ") then
double precision :: f
f = 1.d0 / dble(elec_num - 1)
@@ -227,13 +221,13 @@
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_u12_num & grad1_u12_squared_num: Unknown Jastrow'
- endif
+ endif ! j2e_type
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for grad1_u12_num & grad1_u12_squared_num (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ print*, ' Wall time for grad1_u12_num & grad1_u12_squared_num (min) = ', (time1-time0)/60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
index 745d00ad..9b5e9fe8 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ double precision function j12_mu(r1, r2)
double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3)
double precision :: mu_tmp, r12
- if((j1b_type .ge. 0) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 200)) then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") then
r12 = dsqrt( (r1(1) - r2(1)) * (r1(1) - r2(1)) &
+ (r1(2) - r2(2)) * (r1(2) - r2(2)) &
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ double precision function j12_mu(r1, r2)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented for j12_mu'
+ print *, ' Error in j12_mu: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
- endif
+ endif ! j2e_type
-end function j12_mu
! ---
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad)
! gradient of j(mu(r1,r2),r12) form of jastrow.
- ! if mu(r1,r2) = cst ---> j1b_type < 200 and
+ ! if mu(r1,r2) = cst --->
! d/dx1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
- ! if mu(r1,r2) /= cst ---> 200 < j1b_type < 300 and
+ ! if mu(r1,r2) /= cst --->
! d/dx1 j(mu(r1,r2),r12) = exp(-(mu(r1,r2)*r12)**2) /(2 *sqrt(pi) * mu(r1,r2)**2 ) d/dx1 mu(r1,r2)
! + 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu(r1,r2) *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad)
double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3)
double precision, intent(out) :: grad(3)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, tmp
+ double precision :: mu_val, mu_tmp, mu_der(3)
grad = 0.d0
- if((j1b_type .ge. 0) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 200)) then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") then
dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
@@ -71,9 +72,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad)
grad(2) = tmp * dy
grad(3) = tmp * dz
- elseif((j1b_type .ge. 200) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 300)) then
- double precision :: mu_val, mu_tmp, mu_der(3)
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") then
dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
@@ -95,152 +94,153 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_j12_mu: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
- endif
+ endif ! j2e_type
grad = -grad
-end subroutine grad1_j12_mu
! ---
-double precision function j1b_nucl(r)
+double precision function env_nucl(r)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
integer :: i
double precision :: a, d, e, x, y, z
- if((j1b_type .eq. 2) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 102)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
- j1b_nucl = 1.d0
+ env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
- j1b_nucl = j1b_nucl - dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
+ env_nucl = env_nucl - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
- j1b_nucl = 1.d0
+ env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
e = 1.d0 - dexp(-a*d)
- j1b_nucl = j1b_nucl * e
+ env_nucl = env_nucl * e
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
- j1b_nucl = 1.d0
+ env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
- j1b_nucl = j1b_nucl - j1b_pen_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
+ env_nucl = env_nucl - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 5) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 105)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
- j1b_nucl = 1.d0
+ env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
x = r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)
y = r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)
z = r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)
d = x*x + y*y + z*z
- j1b_nucl = j1b_nucl - dexp(-a*d*d)
+ env_nucl = env_nucl - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d*d)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented for j1b_nucl'
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_env_nucl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
-end function j1b_nucl
! ---
-double precision function j1b_nucl_square(r)
+double precision function env_nucl_square(r)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
integer :: i
double precision :: a, d, e, x, y, z
- if((j1b_type .eq. 2) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 102)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
- j1b_nucl_square = 1.d0
+ env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square - dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square * j1b_nucl_square
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
- j1b_nucl_square = 1.d0
+ env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
e = 1.d0 - dexp(-a*d)
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square * e
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * e
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square * j1b_nucl_square
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
- j1b_nucl_square = 1.d0
+ env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square - j1b_pen_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square * j1b_nucl_square
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 5) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 105)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
- j1b_nucl_square = 1.d0
+ env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
x = r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)
y = r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)
z = r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)
d = x*x + y*y + z*z
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square - dexp(-a*d*d)
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d*d)
- j1b_nucl_square = j1b_nucl_square * j1b_nucl_square
+ env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented for j1b_nucl_square'
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_env_nucl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
-end function j1b_nucl_square
! ---
-subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
+subroutine grad1_env_nucl(r, grad)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3)
@@ -251,18 +251,18 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
double precision :: fact_x, fact_y, fact_z
double precision :: ax_der, ay_der, az_der, a_expo
- if((j1b_type .eq. 2) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 102)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
fact_z = 0.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
x = r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)
y = r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)
z = r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)
d = dsqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
- e = a * dexp(-a*d) / d
+ e = a * env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d) / d
fact_x += e * x
fact_y += e * y
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
grad(2) = fact_y
grad(3) = fact_z
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
x = r(1)
y = r(2)
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
fact_z = 0.d0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b2_size
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_size
phase = 0
a_expo = 0.d0
@@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
ay_der = 0.d0
az_der = 0.d0
do j = 1, nucl_num
- a = dble(List_all_comb_b2(j,i)) * j1b_pen(j)
+ a = dble(List_env1s(j,i)) * env_expo(j)
dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
- phase += List_all_comb_b2(j,i)
+ phase += List_env1s(j,i)
a_expo += a * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
ax_der += a * dx
ay_der += a * dy
@@ -312,18 +312,18 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
grad(2) = fact_y
grad(3) = fact_z
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
fact_z = 0.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
x = r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)
y = r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)
z = r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)
d = x*x + y*y + z*z
- e = a * j1b_pen_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
+ e = a * env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
fact_x += e * x
fact_y += e * y
@@ -334,18 +334,18 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
grad(2) = 2.d0 * fact_y
grad(3) = 2.d0 * fact_z
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 5) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 105)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
fact_z = 0.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
x = r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)
y = r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)
z = r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)
d = x*x + y*y + z*z
- e = a * d * dexp(-a*d*d)
+ e = a * env_coef(i) * d * dexp(-a*d*d)
fact_x += e * x
fact_y += e * y
@@ -358,13 +358,13 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl(r, grad)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented for grad1_j1b_nucl'
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_env_nucl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
-end subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl
! ---
@@ -380,7 +380,10 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
double precision :: f_rho1, f_rho2, d_drho_f_rho1
double precision :: d_dx1_f_rho1(3),d_dx_rho_f_rho(3),nume
- if(j1b_type .eq. 200) then
+ PROVIDE murho_type
+ PROVIDE mu_r_ct mu_erf
+ if(murho_type .eq. 1) then
! r = 0.5 (r1 + r2)
@@ -391,8 +394,6 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
! d mu[rho(r)] / dx = [0.5 alpha / sqrt(rho) - mu0 exp(-rho)] (d rho(r) / dx)
- PROVIDE mu_r_ct mu_erf
r(1) = 0.5d0 * (r1(1) + r2(1))
r(2) = 0.5d0 * (r1(2) + r2(2))
r(3) = 0.5d0 * (r1(3) + r2(3))
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
mu_der(2) = tmp3 * (grad_dm_a(2,1) + grad_dm_b(2,1))
mu_der(3) = tmp3 * (grad_dm_a(3,1) + grad_dm_b(3,1))
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 201) then
+ elseif(murho_type .eq. 2) then
! r = 0.5 (r1 + r2)
@@ -424,8 +425,6 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
! d mu[rho(r)] / dx = [0.5 alpha / sqrt(rho) - mu0 exp(-rho)] (d rho(r) / dx)
- PROVIDE mu_r_ct mu_erf
r(1) = 0.5d0 * (r1(1) + r2(1))
r(2) = 0.5d0 * (r1(2) + r2(2))
r(3) = 0.5d0 * (r1(3) + r2(3))
@@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
mu_der(2) = tmp3 * (grad_dm_a(2,1) + grad_dm_b(2,1))
mu_der(3) = tmp3 * (grad_dm_a(3,1) + grad_dm_b(3,1))
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 202) then
+ elseif(murho_type .eq. 3) then
! mu(r1,r2) = {rho(r1) f[rho(r1)] + rho(r2) f[rho(r2)]} / RHO
@@ -469,7 +468,8 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
nume = rho1 * f_rho1 + rho2 * f_rho2
mu_val = nume * inv_rho_tot
mu_der(1:3) = inv_rho_tot*inv_rho_tot * (rho_tot * d_dx_rho_f_rho(1:3) - grad_rho1(1:3) * nume)
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 203) then
+ elseif(murho_type .eq. 4) then
! mu(r1,r2) = {rho(r1) f[rho(r1)] + rho(r2) f[rho(r2)]} / RHO
@@ -503,7 +503,8 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
nume = rho1 * f_rho1 + rho2 * f_rho2
mu_val = nume * inv_rho_tot
mu_der(1:3) = inv_rho_tot*inv_rho_tot * (rho_tot * d_dx_rho_f_rho(1:3) - grad_rho1(1:3) * nume)
- elseif(j1b_type .eq. 204) then
+ elseif(murho_type .eq. 5) then
! mu(r1,r2) = 1/2 * (f[rho(r1)] + f[rho(r2)]}
@@ -535,23 +536,24 @@ subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad(r1, r2, mu_val, mu_der)
mu_der(1:3) = inv_rho_tot*inv_rho_tot * (rho_tot * d_dx_rho_f_rho(1:3) - grad_rho1(1:3) * nume)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
+ print *, ' Error in mu_r_val_and_grad: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
-end subroutine mu_r_val_and_grad
! ---
-subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl_square_num(r1, grad)
+subroutine grad1_env_nucl_square_num(r1, grad)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3)
double precision, intent(out) :: grad(3)
double precision :: r(3), eps, tmp_eps, vp, vm
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl_square
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl_square
eps = 1d-5
tmp_eps = 0.5d0 / eps
@@ -559,28 +561,28 @@ subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl_square_num(r1, grad)
r(1:3) = r1(1:3)
r(1) = r(1) + eps
- vp = j1b_nucl_square(r)
+ vp = env_nucl_square(r)
r(1) = r(1) - 2.d0 * eps
- vm = j1b_nucl_square(r)
+ vm = env_nucl_square(r)
r(1) = r(1) + eps
grad(1) = tmp_eps * (vp - vm)
r(2) = r(2) + eps
- vp = j1b_nucl_square(r)
+ vp = env_nucl_square(r)
r(2) = r(2) - 2.d0 * eps
- vm = j1b_nucl_square(r)
+ vm = env_nucl_square(r)
r(2) = r(2) + eps
grad(2) = tmp_eps * (vp - vm)
r(3) = r(3) + eps
- vp = j1b_nucl_square(r)
+ vp = env_nucl_square(r)
r(3) = r(3) - 2.d0 * eps
- vm = j1b_nucl_square(r)
+ vm = env_nucl_square(r)
r(3) = r(3) + eps
grad(3) = tmp_eps * (vp - vm)
-end subroutine grad1_j1b_nucl_square_num
! ---
@@ -622,7 +624,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_square_num(r1, r2, grad)
grad(3) = tmp_eps * (vp - vm)
-end subroutine grad1_j12_mu_square_num
! ---
@@ -635,134 +637,172 @@ double precision function j12_mu_square(r1, r2)
j12_mu_square = j12_mu(r1, r2) * j12_mu(r1, r2)
-end function j12_mu_square
! ---
-subroutine f_mu_and_deriv_mu(rho,alpha,mu0,beta,f_mu,d_drho_f_mu)
- implicit none
-! function giving mu as a function of rho
-! f_mu = alpha * rho**beta + mu0 * exp(-rho)
-! and its derivative with respect to rho d_drho_f_mu
- double precision, intent(in) :: rho,alpha,mu0,beta
- double precision, intent(out) :: f_mu,d_drho_f_mu
- f_mu = alpha * (rho)**beta + mu0 * dexp(-rho)
- d_drho_f_mu = alpha * beta * rho**(beta-1.d0) - mu0 * dexp(-rho)
+subroutine f_mu_and_deriv_mu(rho, alpha, mu0, beta, f_mu, d_drho_f_mu)
+ ! function giving mu as a function of rho
+ !
+ ! f_mu = alpha * rho**beta + mu0 * exp(-rho)
+ !
+ ! and its derivative with respect to rho d_drho_f_mu
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: rho, alpha, mu0, beta
+ double precision, intent(out) :: f_mu, d_drho_f_mu
+ f_mu = alpha * (rho)**beta + mu0 * dexp(-rho)
+ d_drho_f_mu = alpha * beta * rho**(beta-1.d0) - mu0 * dexp(-rho)
+! ---
+subroutine get_all_rho_grad_rho(r1, r2, rho1, rho2, grad_rho1)
+ ! returns the density in r1,r2 and grad_rho at r1
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: grad_rho1(3), rho1, rho2
+ double precision :: dm_a(1), dm_b(1), grad_dm_a(3,1), grad_dm_b(3,1)
+ call density_and_grad_alpha_beta(r1, dm_a, dm_b, grad_dm_a, grad_dm_b)
+ rho1 = dm_a(1) + dm_b(1)
+ grad_rho1(1:3) = grad_dm_a(1:3,1) + grad_dm_b(1:3,1)
+ call density_and_grad_alpha_beta(r2, dm_a, dm_b, grad_dm_a, grad_dm_b)
+ rho2 = dm_a(1) + dm_b(1)
-subroutine get_all_rho_grad_rho(r1,r2,rho1,rho2,grad_rho1)
- implicit none
-! returns the density in r1,r2 and grad_rho at r1
- double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3),r2(3)
- double precision, intent(out):: grad_rho1(3),rho1,rho2
- double precision :: dm_a(1), dm_b(1), grad_dm_a(3,1), grad_dm_b(3,1)
- call density_and_grad_alpha_beta(r1, dm_a, dm_b, grad_dm_a, grad_dm_b)
- rho1 = dm_a(1) + dm_b(1)
- grad_rho1(1:3) = grad_dm_a(1:3,1) + grad_dm_b(1:3,1)
- call density_and_grad_alpha_beta(r2, dm_a, dm_b, grad_dm_a, grad_dm_b)
- rho2 = dm_a(1) + dm_b(1)
-subroutine get_all_f_rho(rho1,rho2,alpha,mu0,beta,f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1,f_rho2)
- implicit none
-! returns the values f(mu(r1)), f(mu(r2)) and d/drho(1) f(mu(r1))
- double precision, intent(in) :: rho1,rho2,alpha,mu0,beta
- double precision, intent(out):: f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1,f_rho2
- double precision :: tmp
- call f_mu_and_deriv_mu(rho1,alpha,mu0,beta,f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1)
- call f_mu_and_deriv_mu(rho2,alpha,mu0,beta,f_rho2,tmp)
+! ---
+subroutine get_all_f_rho(rho1, rho2, alpha, mu0, beta, f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1, f_rho2)
+ ! returns the values f(mu(r1)), f(mu(r2)) and d/drho(1) f(mu(r1))
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: rho1, rho2, alpha, mu0, beta
+ double precision, intent(out) :: f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1, f_rho2
+ double precision :: tmp
+ call f_mu_and_deriv_mu(rho1, alpha, mu0, beta, f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1)
+ call f_mu_and_deriv_mu(rho2, alpha, mu0, beta, f_rho2, tmp)
+! ---
subroutine get_all_f_rho_simple(rho1,rho2,alpha,mu0,beta,f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1,f_rho2)
- implicit none
-! returns the values f(mu(r1)), f(mu(r2)) and d/drho(1) f(mu(r1))
- double precision, intent(in) :: rho1,rho2,alpha,mu0,beta
- double precision, intent(out):: f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1,f_rho2
- double precision :: tmp
- if(
- f_rho1 = 0.d0
- d_drho_f_rho1 = 0.d0
- else
- call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_simple(rho1,alpha,mu0,beta,f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1)
- endif
- if(
- f_rho2 = 0.d0
- else
- call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_simple(rho2,alpha,mu0,beta,f_rho2,tmp)
- endif
+ ! returns the values f(mu(r1)), f(mu(r2)) and d/drho(1) f(mu(r1))
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: rho1, rho2, alpha, mu0, beta
+ double precision, intent(out) :: f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1, f_rho2
+ double precision :: tmp
+ if( then
+ f_rho1 = 0.d0
+ d_drho_f_rho1 = 0.d0
+ else
+ call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_simple(rho1, alpha, mu0, beta, f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1)
+ endif
+ if(
+ f_rho2 = 0.d0
+ else
+ call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_simple(rho2, alpha, mu0, beta, f_rho2, tmp)
+ endif
-subroutine f_mu_and_deriv_mu_simple(rho,alpha,mu0,beta,f_mu,d_drho_f_mu)
- implicit none
-! function giving mu as a function of rho
-! f_mu = alpha * rho**beta + mu0
-! and its derivative with respect to rho d_drho_f_mu
- double precision, intent(in) :: rho,alpha,mu0,beta
- double precision, intent(out) :: f_mu,d_drho_f_mu
- f_mu = alpha**beta * (rho)**beta + mu0
- d_drho_f_mu = alpha**beta * beta * rho**(beta-1.d0)
+! ---
+subroutine f_mu_and_deriv_mu_simple(rho, alpha, mu0, beta, f_mu, d_drho_f_mu)
+ ! function giving mu as a function of rho
+ !
+ ! f_mu = alpha * rho**beta + mu0
+ !
+ ! and its derivative with respect to rho d_drho_f_mu
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: rho, alpha, mu0, beta
+ double precision, intent(out) :: f_mu, d_drho_f_mu
+ f_mu = alpha**beta * (rho)**beta + mu0
+ d_drho_f_mu = alpha**beta * beta * rho**(beta-1.d0)
! ---
subroutine f_mu_and_deriv_mu_erf(rho,alpha,zeta,mu0,beta,f_mu,d_drho_f_mu)
- implicit none
include 'constants.include.F'
-! function giving mu as a function of rho
-! f_mu = (alpha * rho)**zeta * erf(beta * rho) + mu0 * (1 - erf(beta*rho))
-! and its derivative with respect to rho d_drho_f_mu
-! d_drho_f_mu = 2 beta/sqrt(pi) * exp(-(beta*rho)**2) * ( (alpha*rho)**zeta - mu0)
-! + alpha * zeta * (alpha *rho)**(zeta-1) * erf(beta*rho)
- double precision, intent(in) :: rho,alpha,mu0,beta,zeta
- double precision, intent(out) :: f_mu,d_drho_f_mu
- f_mu = (alpha * rho)**zeta * derf(beta * rho) + mu0 * (1.d0 - derf(beta*rho))
- d_drho_f_mu = 2.d0 * beta * inv_sq_pi * dexp(-(beta*rho)**2) * ( (alpha*rho)**zeta - mu0) &
- + alpha * zeta * (alpha *rho)**(zeta-1) * derf(beta*rho)
+ ! function giving mu as a function of rho
+ !
+ ! f_mu = (alpha * rho)**zeta * erf(beta * rho) + mu0 * (1 - erf(beta*rho))
+ !
+ ! and its derivative with respect to rho d_drho_f_mu
+ !
+ ! d_drho_f_mu = 2 beta/sqrt(pi) * exp(-(beta*rho)**2) * ( (alpha*rho)**zeta - mu0)
+ ! + alpha * zeta * (alpha *rho)**(zeta-1) * erf(beta*rho)
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: rho, alpha, mu0, beta, zeta
+ double precision, intent(out) :: f_mu, d_drho_f_mu
+ f_mu = (alpha * rho)**zeta * derf(beta * rho) + mu0 * (1.d0 - derf(beta*rho))
+ d_drho_f_mu = 2.d0 * beta * inv_sq_pi * dexp(-(beta*rho)**2) * ( (alpha*rho)**zeta - mu0) &
+ + alpha * zeta * (alpha *rho)**(zeta-1) * derf(beta*rho)
+! ---
+subroutine get_all_f_rho_erf(rho1, rho2, alpha, zeta, mu0, beta, f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1, f_rho2)
+ ! returns the values f(mu(r1)), f(mu(r2)) and d/drho(1) f(mu(r1))
+ ! with f_mu = (alpha * rho)**zeta * erf(beta * rho) + mu0 * (1 - erf(beta*rho))
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: rho1, rho2, alpha, mu0, beta, zeta
+ double precision, intent(out) :: f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1, f_rho2
+ double precision :: tmp
+ if(rho1 .lt. 1.d-10) then
+ f_rho1 = mu_erf
+ d_drho_f_rho1 = 0.d0
+ else
+ call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_erf(rho1, alpha, zeta, mu0, beta, f_rho1, d_drho_f_rho1)
+ endif
+ if(rho2 .lt. 1.d-10)then
+ f_rho2 = mu_erf
+ else
+ call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_erf(rho2, alpha, zeta, mu0, beta, f_rho2, tmp)
+ endif
-subroutine get_all_f_rho_erf(rho1,rho2,alpha,zeta,mu0,beta,f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1,f_rho2)
- implicit none
-! returns the values f(mu(r1)), f(mu(r2)) and d/drho(1) f(mu(r1))
-! with f_mu = (alpha * rho)**zeta * erf(beta * rho) + mu0 * (1 - erf(beta*rho))
- double precision, intent(in) :: rho1,rho2,alpha,mu0,beta,zeta
- double precision, intent(out):: f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1,f_rho2
- double precision :: tmp
- if(
- f_rho1 = mu_erf
- d_drho_f_rho1 = 0.d0
- else
- call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_erf(rho1,alpha,zeta,mu0,beta,f_rho1,d_drho_f_rho1)
- endif
- if(
- f_rho2 = mu_erf
- else
- call f_mu_and_deriv_mu_erf(rho2,alpha,zeta,mu0,beta,f_rho2,tmp)
- endif
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index f9512827..bb64ad77 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
! this will be integrated numerically over r2:
! we use grid for r1 and extra_grid for r2
- ! for 99 < j1b_type < 199
- !
- ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
- ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
- !
implicit none
@@ -23,18 +18,18 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
double precision, intent(out) :: resx(n_grid2), resy(n_grid2), resz(n_grid2), res(n_grid2)
integer :: jpoint
- double precision :: v1b_r1
- double precision :: grad1_v1b(3)
- double precision, allocatable :: v1b_r2(:)
+ double precision :: env_r1
+ double precision :: grad1_env(3)
+ double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
double precision, allocatable :: gradx1_u2b(:), grady1_u2b(:), gradz1_u2b(:)
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
- PROVIDE j1b_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
- if( (j1b_type .eq. 100) .or. &
- (j1b_type .ge. 200) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 300) ) then
+ if( ((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") ) then
call grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
@@ -43,41 +38,44 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
+ resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
- elseif((j1b_type .gt. 100) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 200)) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .ne. "none")) then
- allocate(v1b_r2(n_grid2))
+ ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
+ ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
- v1b_r1 = j1b_nucl(r1)
- call grad1_j1b_nucl(r1, grad1_v1b)
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_env)
- call j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, v1b_r2)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
call j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, u2b_r12)
call grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- resx(jpoint) = (gradx1_u2b(jpoint) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_v1b(1)) * v1b_r2(jpoint)
- resy(jpoint) = (grady1_u2b(jpoint) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_v1b(2)) * v1b_r2(jpoint)
- resz(jpoint) = (gradz1_u2b(jpoint) * v1b_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_v1b(3)) * v1b_r2(jpoint)
+ resx(jpoint) = (gradx1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resy(jpoint) = (grady1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resz(jpoint) = (gradz1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
res (jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) &
+ resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) &
+ resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
- deallocate(v1b_r2, u2b_r12, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ deallocate(env_r2, u2b_r12, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
+ print *, ' Error in get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
-end subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq
! ---
@@ -87,11 +85,11 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
! gradient of j(mu(r1,r2),r12) form of jastrow.
- ! if mu(r1,r2) = cst ---> j1b_type < 200 and
+ ! if mu(r1,r2) = cst --->
! d/dx1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
- ! if mu(r1,r2) /= cst ---> 200 < j1b_type < 300 and
+ ! if mu(r1,r2) /= cst --->
! d/dx1 j(mu(r1,r2),r12) = exp(-(mu(r1,r2)*r12)**2) /(2 *sqrt(pi) * mu(r1,r2)**2 ) d/dx1 mu(r1,r2)
! + 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu(r1,r2) *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
@@ -110,8 +108,9 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
integer :: jpoint
double precision :: r2(3)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, tmp
+ double precision :: mu_val, mu_tmp, mu_der(3)
- if((j1b_type .ge. 0) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 200)) then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") then
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -138,9 +137,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
gradz(jpoint) = tmp * dz
- elseif((j1b_type .ge. 200) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 300)) then
- double precision :: mu_val, mu_tmp, mu_der(3)
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") then
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -176,13 +173,13 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
- endif
+ endif ! j2e_type
-end subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq
! ---
@@ -201,35 +198,26 @@ subroutine j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, res)
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
- if((j1b_type .ge. 0) .and. (j1b_type .lt. 200)) then
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
- do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
+ r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
+ r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
- r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
- r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
- r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ r12 = dsqrt( (r1(1) - r2(1)) * (r1(1) - r2(1)) &
+ + (r1(2) - r2(2)) * (r1(2) - r2(2)) &
+ + (r1(3) - r2(3)) * (r1(3) - r2(3)) )
+ mu_tmp = mu_erf * r12
- r12 = dsqrt( (r1(1) - r2(1)) * (r1(1) - r2(1)) &
- + (r1(2) - r2(2)) * (r1(2) - r2(2)) &
- + (r1(3) - r2(3)) * (r1(3) - r2(3)) )
- mu_tmp = mu_erf * r12
- res(jpoint) = 0.5d0 * r12 * (1.d0 - derf(mu_tmp)) - inv_sq_pi_2 * dexp(-mu_tmp*mu_tmp) / mu_erf
- enddo
- else
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented for j12_mu_r1_seq'
- stop
- endif
+ res(jpoint) = 0.5d0 * r12 * (1.d0 - derf(mu_tmp)) - inv_sq_pi_2 * dexp(-mu_tmp*mu_tmp) / mu_erf
+ enddo
-end subroutine j12_mu_r1_seq
! ---
-subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
+subroutine env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
! change loops order
@@ -242,7 +230,7 @@ subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
integer :: i, jpoint
double precision :: a, d, e, x, y, z
- if((j1b_type .eq. 2) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 102)) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -252,16 +240,16 @@ subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
r(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
- res(jpoint) -= dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
+ res(jpoint) -= env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 103)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -271,7 +259,7 @@ subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
r(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
@@ -281,7 +269,7 @@ subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 4) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 104)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -291,15 +279,15 @@ subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
r(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
d = ( (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) * (r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)) &
+ (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) * (r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)) &
+ (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) * (r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)) )
- res(jpoint) -= j1b_pen_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
+ res(jpoint) -= env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 5) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 105)) then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -309,24 +297,24 @@ subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
r(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
do i = 1, nucl_num
- a = j1b_pen(i)
+ a = env_expo(i)
x = r(1) - nucl_coord(i,1)
y = r(2) - nucl_coord(i,2)
z = r(3) - nucl_coord(i,3)
d = x*x + y*y + z*z
- res(jpoint) -= dexp(-a*d*d)
+ res(jpoint) -= env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d*d)
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented for j1b_nucl_r1_seq'
+ print *, ' Error in env_nucl_r1_seq: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
-end subroutine j1b_nucl_r1_seq
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3cc3be..00000000
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- !
- ! tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop(k,i,l,j) = < k l | -1/2 \Delta_1 u(r1,r2) - \grad_1 u(r1,r2) . \grad_1 | ij >
- !
- ! = 1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- !
- ! This is obtained by integration by parts.
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, k, l
- double precision :: weight1, contrib_x, contrib_y, contrib_z, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
- double precision :: ao_k_r, ao_i_r, ao_i_dx, ao_i_dy, ao_i_dz
- double precision :: ao_j_r, ao_l_r, ao_l_dx, ao_l_dy, ao_l_dz
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, allocatable :: ac_mat(:,:,:,:)
- print*, ' providing tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- allocate(ac_mat(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
- ac_mat = 0.d0
- ! ---
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- ao_i_r = weight1 * aos_in_r_array (i,ipoint)
- ao_i_dx = weight1 * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
- ao_i_dy = weight1 * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
- ao_i_dz = weight1 * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint)
- tmp_x = ao_k_r * ao_i_dx - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array(k,ipoint,1)
- tmp_y = ao_k_r * ao_i_dy - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array(k,ipoint,2)
- tmp_z = ao_k_r * ao_i_dz - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array(k,ipoint,3)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- contrib_x = int2_grad1_u12_ao(l,j,ipoint,1) * tmp_x
- contrib_y = int2_grad1_u12_ao(l,j,ipoint,2) * tmp_y
- contrib_z = int2_grad1_u12_ao(l,j,ipoint,3) * tmp_z
- ac_mat(k,i,l,j) += contrib_x + contrib_y + contrib_z
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- ! ---
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop(k,i,l,j) = ac_mat(k,i,l,j) + ac_mat(l,j,k,i)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- deallocate(ac_mat)
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop = ', time1 - time0
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_and_lapl_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- !
- ! tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) = < k l | -1/2 \Delta_1 u(r1,r2) - \grad_1 u(r1,r2) . \grad_1 | ij >
- !
- ! = -1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- ! = 1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 (-1) \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- !
- ! -1 in \int dr2
- !
- ! This is obtained by integration by parts.
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, k, l, m
- double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:,:)
- print*, ' providing tc_grad_and_lapl_ao ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- if(read_tc_integ) then
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/tc_grad_and_lapl_ao', action="read")
- read(11) tc_grad_and_lapl_ao
- close(11)
- else
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao
- allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num,3))
- b_mat = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
- !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis, b_mat, &
- !$OMP ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
- ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
- ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i,1) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1))
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i,2) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2))
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i,3) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3))
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- tc_grad_and_lapl_ao = 0.d0
- do m = 1, 3
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
- , 1.d0, tc_grad_and_lapl_ao, ao_num*ao_num)
- enddo
- deallocate(b_mat)
- call sum_A_At(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
- endif
- if(write_tc_integ.and.mpi_master) then
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/tc_grad_and_lapl_ao', action="write")
- call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
- write(11) tc_grad_and_lapl_ao
- close(11)
- call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
- endif
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_and_lapl_ao = ', time1 - time0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f
index 7ab5b327..61d6c82c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
+ ! !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ !
+ ! FOR 3e-iontegrals this doesn't matter
+ !
+ ! !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ !
! int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
! where r1 = r(ipoint)
@@ -16,9 +25,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
! int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,:) = v1 x [ 0.5 x \int dr2 [(r1 - r2) (erf(mu * r12)-1)r_12] v2 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) ]
! - \grad_1 v1 x [ \int dr2 u12 v2 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) ]
- ! = 0.5 v_1b(ipoint) * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint) * r(:)
- ! - 0.5 v_1b(ipoint) * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,:)
- ! - v_1b_grad[:,ipoint] * v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
+ ! = 0.5 env_val(ipoint) * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint) * r(:)
+ ! - 0.5 env_val(ipoint) * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,:)
+ ! - env_grad[:,ipoint] * v_ij_u_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
@@ -31,8 +40,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u12_ao_test ...'
call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE j1b_type
if(read_tc_integ) then
open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao_test', action="read")
@@ -41,41 +48,33 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
- if(j1b_type .eq. 3) then
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp0 = 0.5d0 * v_1b(ipoint)
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint)
- tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp_x
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp_y
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp_z
+ tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp_x
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp_y
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp_z
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_tmp(i,j,ipoint,1)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_tmp(i,j,ipoint,2)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_tmp(i,j,ipoint,3)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- int2_grad1_u12_ao_test *= 0.5d0
- endif
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_ao_test: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test = ', time1 - time0
+ print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/numerical_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/numerical_integ.irp.f
index f9457247..5436b857 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/numerical_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/numerical_integ.irp.f
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! ---
-double precision function num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
+double precision function num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env(i, j, ipoint)
- ! \int dr2 u12 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_1b(r2)
+ ! \int dr2 u12 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_env(r2)
@@ -17,31 +17,31 @@ double precision function num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: r1(3), r2(3)
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j12_mu, j1b_nucl, j12_mu_gauss
+ double precision, external :: j12_mu, env_nucl, j12_mu_gauss
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b = 0.d0
+ num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env = 0.d0
do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
r2(2) = final_grid_points(2,jpoint)
r2(3) = final_grid_points(3,jpoint)
- num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b += ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * j12_mu_gauss(r1, r2) * j1b_nucl(r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
+ num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env += ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * j12_mu_gauss(r1, r2) * env_nucl(r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
-end function num_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b
! ---
-double precision function num_int2_u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
+double precision function num_int2_u2_env2(i, j, ipoint)
- ! \int dr2 u12^2 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_1b(r2)^2
+ ! \int dr2 u12^2 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_env(r2)^2
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ double precision function num_int2_u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, x2, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, coef, expo
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
double precision, external :: j12_mu
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_int2_u2_j1b2 = 0.d0
+ num_int2_u2_env2 = 0.d0
do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
r2(2) = final_grid_points(2,jpoint)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ double precision function num_int2_u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
x2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
r12 = dsqrt(x2)
- tmp1 = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ tmp1 = env_nucl(r2)
tmp2 = tmp1 * tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
!tmp3 = 0.d0
@@ -84,19 +84,19 @@ double precision function num_int2_u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
tmp3 = j12_mu(r1, r2)
tmp3 = tmp3 * tmp3
- num_int2_u2_j1b2 += tmp2 * tmp3
+ num_int2_u2_env2 += tmp2 * tmp3
-end function num_int2_u2_j1b2
! ---
-double precision function num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
+double precision function num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(i, j, ipoint)
- ! \int dr2 \frac{-[erf(mu r12) -1]^2}{4} \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_1b(r2)^2
+ ! \int dr2 \frac{-[erf(mu r12) -1]^2}{4} \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_env(r2)^2
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ double precision function num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, x2, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, coef, expo
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 = 0.d0
+ num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 = 0.d0
do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
r2(2) = final_grid_points(2,jpoint)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ double precision function num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
x2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
r12 = dsqrt(x2)
- tmp1 = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ tmp1 = env_nucl(r2)
tmp2 = tmp1 * tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
!tmp3 = 0.d0
@@ -140,19 +140,19 @@ double precision function num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(i, j, ipoint)
tmp3 = -0.25d0 * tmp3
- num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2 += tmp2 * tmp3
+ num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 += tmp2 * tmp3
-end function num_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
! ---
-double precision function num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
+double precision function num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i, j, ipoint)
- ! \int dr2 [erf(mu r12) -1]/r12 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_1b(r2)
+ ! \int dr2 [erf(mu r12) -1]/r12 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_env(r2)
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ double precision function num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, tmp1, tmp2
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b = 0.d0
+ num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env = 0.d0
do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
r2(2) = final_grid_points(2,jpoint)
@@ -183,21 +183,21 @@ double precision function num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
if(r12 .lt. 1d-10) cycle
tmp1 = (derf(mu_erf * r12) - 1.d0) / r12
- tmp2 = tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * j1b_nucl(r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
+ tmp2 = tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * env_nucl(r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
- num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b += tmp2
+ num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env += tmp2
-end function num_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
! ---
-subroutine num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint, integ)
+subroutine num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i, j, ipoint, integ)
- ! \int dr2 [erf(mu r12) -1]/r12 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_1b(r2) x r2
+ ! \int dr2 [erf(mu r12) -1]/r12 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_env(r2) x r2
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ subroutine num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint, integ)
double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ subroutine num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint, integ)
if(r12 .lt. 1d-10) cycle
tmp1 = (derf(mu_erf * r12) - 1.d0) / r12
- tmp2 = tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * j1b_nucl(r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
+ tmp2 = tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * env_nucl(r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
tmp_x += tmp2 * r2(1)
tmp_y += tmp2 * r2(2)
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ subroutine num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i, j, ipoint, integ)
integ(3) = tmp_z
-end subroutine num_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
! ---
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ subroutine num_int2_grad1_u12_ao(i, j, ipoint, integ)
- ! \int dr2 [-grad_1 u12] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v12_1b(r1, r2)
+ ! \int dr2 [-grad_1 u12] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v12_env(r1, r2)
@@ -292,78 +292,7 @@ subroutine num_int2_grad1_u12_ao(i, j, ipoint, integ)
integ(3) = tmp_z
-end subroutine num_int2_grad1_u12_ao
-! ---
-double precision function num_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu(i, j, ipoint)
- !
- ! -0.50 x \int r2 \phi_i(2) \phi_j(2) x v2^2
- ! [ v1^2 ((grad_1 u12)^2 + (grad_2 u12^2)])
- ! + u12^2 (grad_1 v1)^2
- ! + 2 u12 v1 (grad_1 u12) . (grad_1 v1)
- !
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: i, j, ipoint
- integer :: jpoint
- double precision :: r1(3), r2(3)
- double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, r12
- double precision :: dx1_v1, dy1_v1, dz1_v1, grad_u12(3)
- double precision :: tmp1, v1_tmp, v2_tmp, u12_tmp
- double precision :: fst_term, scd_term, thd_term, tmp
- double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
- double precision, external :: j12_mu
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
- r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu = 0.d0
- do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
- r2(2) = final_grid_points(2,jpoint)
- r2(3) = final_grid_points(3,jpoint)
- tmp_x = r1(1) - r2(1)
- tmp_y = r1(2) - r2(2)
- tmp_z = r1(3) - r2(3)
- r12 = dsqrt(tmp_x*tmp_x + tmp_y*tmp_y + tmp_z*tmp_z)
- dx1_v1 = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dy1_v1 = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dz1_v1 = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad_u12)
- tmp1 = 1.d0 - derf(mu_erf * r12)
- v1_tmp = j1b_nucl(r1)
- v2_tmp = j1b_nucl(r2)
- u12_tmp = j12_mu(r1, r2)
- fst_term = 0.5d0 * tmp1 * tmp1 * v1_tmp * v1_tmp
- scd_term = u12_tmp * u12_tmp * (dx1_v1*dx1_v1 + dy1_v1*dy1_v1 + dz1_v1*dz1_v1)
- thd_term = 2.d0 * v1_tmp * u12_tmp * (dx1_v1*grad_u12(1) + dy1_v1*grad_u12(2) + dz1_v1*grad_u12(3))
- tmp = -0.5d0 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint) * (fst_term + scd_term + thd_term) * v2_tmp * v2_tmp
- num_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu += tmp
- enddo
- return
-end function num_gradu_squared_u_ij_mu
! ---
@@ -388,11 +317,11 @@ double precision function num_grad12_j12(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: fst_term, scd_term, thd_term, tmp
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
double precision, external :: j12_mu
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_x_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_y_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_z_env_nucl_num
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
@@ -410,15 +339,15 @@ double precision function num_grad12_j12(i, j, ipoint)
tmp_z = r1(3) - r2(3)
r12 = dsqrt(tmp_x*tmp_x + tmp_y*tmp_y + tmp_z*tmp_z)
- dx1_v1 = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dy1_v1 = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dz1_v1 = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
+ dx1_v1 = grad_x_env_nucl_num(r1)
+ dy1_v1 = grad_y_env_nucl_num(r1)
+ dz1_v1 = grad_z_env_nucl_num(r1)
call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad_u12)
tmp1 = 1.d0 - derf(mu_erf * r12)
- v1_tmp = j1b_nucl(r1)
- v2_tmp = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ v1_tmp = env_nucl(r1)
+ v2_tmp = env_nucl(r2)
u12_tmp = j12_mu(r1, r2)
fst_term = 0.5d0 * tmp1 * tmp1 * v1_tmp * v1_tmp
@@ -429,11 +358,11 @@ double precision function num_grad12_j12(i, j, ipoint)
-end function num_grad12_j12
! ---
-double precision function num_u12sq_j1bsq(i, j, ipoint)
+double precision function num_u12sq_envsq(i, j, ipoint)
@@ -454,17 +383,17 @@ double precision function num_u12sq_j1bsq(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: fst_term, scd_term, thd_term, tmp
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
double precision, external :: j12_mu
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_x_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_y_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_z_env_nucl_num
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_u12sq_j1bsq = 0.d0
+ num_u12sq_envsq = 0.d0
do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
@@ -476,30 +405,30 @@ double precision function num_u12sq_j1bsq(i, j, ipoint)
tmp_z = r1(3) - r2(3)
r12 = dsqrt(tmp_x*tmp_x + tmp_y*tmp_y + tmp_z*tmp_z)
- dx1_v1 = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dy1_v1 = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dz1_v1 = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
+ dx1_v1 = grad_x_env_nucl_num(r1)
+ dy1_v1 = grad_y_env_nucl_num(r1)
+ dz1_v1 = grad_z_env_nucl_num(r1)
call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad_u12)
tmp1 = 1.d0 - derf(mu_erf * r12)
- v1_tmp = j1b_nucl(r1)
- v2_tmp = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ v1_tmp = env_nucl(r1)
+ v2_tmp = env_nucl(r2)
u12_tmp = j12_mu(r1, r2)
scd_term = u12_tmp * u12_tmp * (dx1_v1*dx1_v1 + dy1_v1*dy1_v1 + dz1_v1*dz1_v1)
tmp = -0.5d0 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint) * scd_term * v2_tmp * v2_tmp
- num_u12sq_j1bsq += tmp
+ num_u12sq_envsq += tmp
-end function num_u12sq_j1bsq
! ---
-double precision function num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
+double precision function num_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(i, j, ipoint)
@@ -520,17 +449,17 @@ double precision function num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
double precision :: fst_term, scd_term, thd_term, tmp
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
double precision, external :: j12_mu
- double precision, external :: grad_x_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_y_j1b_nucl_num
- double precision, external :: grad_z_j1b_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_x_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_y_env_nucl_num
+ double precision, external :: grad_z_env_nucl_num
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b = 0.d0
+ num_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env = 0.d0
do jpoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
r2(1) = final_grid_points(1,jpoint)
@@ -542,34 +471,34 @@ double precision function num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i, j, ipoint)
tmp_z = r1(3) - r2(3)
r12 = dsqrt(tmp_x*tmp_x + tmp_y*tmp_y + tmp_z*tmp_z)
- dx1_v1 = grad_x_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dy1_v1 = grad_y_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
- dz1_v1 = grad_z_j1b_nucl_num(r1)
+ dx1_v1 = grad_x_env_nucl_num(r1)
+ dy1_v1 = grad_y_env_nucl_num(r1)
+ dz1_v1 = grad_z_env_nucl_num(r1)
call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad_u12)
tmp1 = 1.d0 - derf(mu_erf * r12)
- v1_tmp = j1b_nucl(r1)
- v2_tmp = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ v1_tmp = env_nucl(r1)
+ v2_tmp = env_nucl(r2)
u12_tmp = j12_mu(r1, r2)
thd_term = 2.d0 * v1_tmp * u12_tmp * (dx1_v1*grad_u12(1) + dy1_v1*grad_u12(2) + dz1_v1*grad_u12(3))
tmp = -0.5d0 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint) * thd_term * v2_tmp * v2_tmp
- num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b += tmp
+ num_u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env += tmp
-end function num_u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b
! ---
-subroutine num_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
+subroutine num_int2_u_grad1u_total_env2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
- ! \int dr2 u12 (grad_1 u12) \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_1b(r2)^2
+ ! \int dr2 u12 (grad_1 u12) \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) x v_env(r2)^2
@@ -584,7 +513,7 @@ subroutine num_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
double precision :: tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision, external :: ao_value
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
double precision, external :: j12_mu
r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -604,7 +533,7 @@ subroutine num_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
r12 = dsqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz )
if(r12 .lt. 1d-10) cycle
- tmp0 = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ tmp0 = env_nucl(r2)
tmp1 = 0.5d0 * j12_mu(r1, r2) * (1.d0 - derf(mu_erf * r12)) / r12
tmp2 = tmp0 * tmp0 * tmp1 * ao_value(i, r2) * ao_value(j, r2) * final_weight_at_r_vector(jpoint)
@@ -618,6 +547,6 @@ subroutine num_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2(i, j, ipoint, integ)
integ(3) = tmp_z
-end subroutine num_int2_u_grad1u_total_j1b2
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7962ed15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+ !
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ !
+ ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
+ double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
+ double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u12_ao ...'
+ if(read_tc_integ) then
+ print*, ' Reading int2_grad1_u12_ao from ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao'
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao', action="read")
+ read(11) int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ close(11)
+ else
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "analytic") then
+ write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet.'
+ stop
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
+ print *, ' Numerical integration over r1 and r2 will be performed'
+ ! TODO combine 1shot & int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
+ !int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ print*, ' Numerical integration over r1, with analytical integration over r2'
+ ! ---
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
+ !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
+ !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
+ !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
+ tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
+ tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
+ tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
+ tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ ! ---
+ if(j1e_type .ne. "none") then
+ PROVIDE elec_num
+ PROVIDE ao_overlap
+ PROVIDE j1e_dx j1e_dy j1e_dz
+ tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, tmp_ct, &
+ !$OMP j1e_dx, j1e_dy, j1e_dz, ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ tmp0_x = tmp_ct * j1e_dx(ipoint)
+ tmp0_y = tmp_ct * j1e_dy(ipoint)
+ tmp0_z = tmp_ct * j1e_dz(ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) + tmp0_x * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) + tmp0_y * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) + tmp0_z * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ FREE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2
+ endif ! j1e_type
+ ! ---
+ else
+ write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet'
+ stop
+ endif ! tc_integ_type
+ endif ! read_tc_integ
+ if(write_tc_integ .and. mpi_master) then
+ print*, ' Writing int2_grad1_u12_ao in ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao'
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao', action="write")
+ call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
+ write(11) int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ close(11)
+ call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
+ endif
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u12_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = -(1/2) x int dr2 chi_l(r2) chi_j(r2) [grad_1 u(r1,r2)]^2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz, dr2
+ double precision :: dx1, dy1, dz1, dx2, dy2, dz2, dr12
+ double precision :: tmp_ct, tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
+ double precision :: tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6
+ double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
+ double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE tc_integ_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u12_square_ao ...'
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "analytic") then
+ write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet.'
+ stop
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
+ print *, ' Numerical integration over r1 and r2 will be performed'
+ ! TODO combine 1shot & int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
+ !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
+ !int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ print*, ' Numerical integration over r1, with analytical integration over r2'
+ ! ---
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_val env_grad
+ if(use_ipp) then
+ ! the term u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env is added directly for performance
+ PROVIDE u12sq_envsq grad12_j12
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_envsq, grad12_j12)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = u12sq_envsq(i,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE u12sq_envsq grad12_j12
+ else
+ PROVIDE u12sq_envsq u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env grad12_j12
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_envsq, grad12_j12, u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = u12sq_envsq(i,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(i,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE u12sq_envsq u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env grad12_j12
+ endif ! use_ipp
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ if(use_ipp) then
+ ! do not free int2_u2_env2 here
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1, tmp2) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, &
+ !$OMP env_val, env_grad, int2_u2_env2, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp1 = -0.5d0 * (tmp0_x * tmp0_x + tmp0_y * tmp0_y + tmp0_z * tmp0_z)
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint) * env_val(ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * int2_u2_env2(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
+ else
+ PROVIDE u12sq_envsq u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env grad12_j12
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_envsq, grad12_j12, u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = u12sq_envsq(i,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(i,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE u12sq_envsq u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env grad12_j12
+ endif ! use_ipp
+! elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+! PROVIDE mu_erf
+! PROVIDE env_val env_grad
+! PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2
+! tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+! tmp_ct2 = tmp_ct * tmp_ct
+! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, dr2, &
+! !$OMP tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, &
+! !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+! !$OMP tmp_ct, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
+! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+! x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+! y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+! z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+! r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+! dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+! dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+! dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+! dr2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
+! tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (dr2 * x + env_val(ipoint) * dx)
+! tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (dr2 * y + env_val(ipoint) * dy)
+! tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (dr2 * z + env_val(ipoint) * dz)
+! tmp1 = 0.25d0 * (env_val(ipoint)*env_val(ipoint) + r2*dr2 + 2.d0*env_val(ipoint)*(x*dx+y*dy+z*dz))
+! tmp3 = 0.25d0 * dr2
+! tmp4 = tmp3 * tmp_ct2
+! tmp5 = 0.50d0 * tmp_ct * (r2*dr2 + env_val(ipoint)*(x*dx+y*dy+z*dz))
+! tmp6 = 0.50d0 * tmp_ct * dr2
+! tmp1_x = 0.5d0 * tmp_ct * (2.d0*dr2*x + env_val(ipoint)*dx)
+! tmp1_y = 0.5d0 * tmp_ct * (2.d0*dr2*y + env_val(ipoint)*dy)
+! tmp1_z = 0.5d0 * tmp_ct * (2.d0*dr2*z + env_val(ipoint)*dz)
+! do j = 1, ao_num
+! do i = 1, ao_num
+! tmp2 = tmp1_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z (i,j,ipoint) &
+! - tmp0_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 + tmp3 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+! + tmp4 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint) - tmp5 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) &
+! - tmp6 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = -0.5d0 * int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao: Unknown Jhastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ ! ---
+ if(j1e_type .ne. "none") then
+ PROVIDE elec_num
+ PROVIDE ao_overlap
+ PROVIDE j1e_dx j1e_dy j1e_dz
+ tmp_ct1 = 1.0d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ tmp_ct2 = 1.0d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx1, dy1, dz1, &
+ !$OMP dx2, dy2, dz2, dr12, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
+ !$OMP j1e_dx, j1e_dy, j1e_dz, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx1 = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ dy1 = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ dz1 = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ dx2 = j1e_dx(ipoint)
+ dy2 = j1e_dy(ipoint)
+ dz2 = j1e_dz(ipoint)
+ dr12 = dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2 + dz1*dz2
+ tmp0 = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * (dx2*x + dy2*y + dz2*z) + r2*dr12)
+ tmp1 = tmp_ct2 * dr12
+ tmp2 = tmp_ct1 * tmp_ct2 * dr12
+ tmp3 = tmp_ct2 * tmp_ct2 * (dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2 + dz2*dz2)
+ tmp0_x = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * dx2 + 2.d0 * dr12 * x)
+ tmp0_y = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * dy2 + 2.d0 * dr12 * y)
+ tmp0_z = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * dz2 + 2.d0 * dr12 * z)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
+ + tmp0 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+ - tmp2 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) &
+ + tmp3 * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2
+ endif ! j1e_type
+ ! ---
+ else
+ write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet'
+ stop
+ endif ! tc_integ_type
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u12_square_ao (min) = ', (time1-time0) / 60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index a69b2a74..00000000
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_an.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
- !
- ! TODO
- ! combine with int2_grad1_u12_square_ao to avoid repeated calculation ?
- !
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- !
- ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
- !
- ! if J(r1,r2) = u12 (j1b_type .eq. 1)
- !
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = 0.5 x \int dr2 [(r1 - r2) (erf(mu * r12)-1)r_12] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- ! = 0.5 * [ v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint) * r(:) - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,:) ]
- !
- ! if J(r1,r2) = u12 x v1 x v2 (j1b_type .eq. 3)
- !
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = v1 x [ 0.5 x \int dr2 [(r1 - r2) (erf(mu * r12)-1)r_12] v2 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) ]
- ! - \grad_1 v1 x [ \int dr2 u12 v2 \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2) ]
- ! = 0.5 v_1b(ipoint) * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint) * r(:)
- ! - 0.5 v_1b(ipoint) * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,:)
- ! - v_1b_grad[:,ipoint] * v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision :: x, y, z, w, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u12_ao ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- if(read_tc_integ) then
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao', action="read")
- read(11) int2_grad1_u12_ao
- else
- if(j1b_type .eq. 0) then
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
- !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
- !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 4)) then
- PROVIDE v_1b_grad
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, v_1b, v_1b_grad &
- !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp0 = 0.5d0 * v_1b(ipoint)
- tmp_x = v_1b_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp_y = v_1b_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp_z = v_1b_grad(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint)
- tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp_x
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp_y
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp_z
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
- elseif(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
- !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
- !int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
- else
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
- stop
- endif
- endif
- if(write_tc_integ.and.mpi_master) then
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/int2_grad1_u12_ao', action="write")
- call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
- write(11) int2_grad1_u12_ao
- close(11)
- call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
- endif
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u12_ao =', time1-time0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- !
- ! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = -(1/2) x int dr2 chi_l(r2) chi_j(r2) [grad_1 u(r1,r2)]^2
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision :: x, y, z, w, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u12_square_ao ...'
- call wall_time(time0)
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- if(j1b_type .eq. 0) then
- PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2(i,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- elseif((j1b_type .eq. 3) .or. (j1b_type .eq. 4)) then
- if(use_ipp) then
- ! the term u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b is added directly for performance
- PROVIDE u12sq_j1bsq grad12_j12
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_j1bsq, grad12_j12)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = u12sq_j1bsq(i,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- FREE u12sq_j1bsq grad12_j12
- else
- PROVIDE u12sq_j1bsq u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b grad12_j12
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, u12sq_j1bsq, grad12_j12, u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = u12sq_j1bsq(i,j,ipoint) + u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(i,j,ipoint) + 0.5d0 * grad12_j12(i,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- FREE u12sq_j1bsq u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b grad12_j12
- endif
- elseif(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
- !int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot
- else
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type, 'not implemented yet'
- stop
- endif
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u12_square_ao =', time1-time0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index 84674fa0..c57f8400 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ program test_non_h
my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ program test_non_h
- !call routine_grad_squared()
!call routine_fit()
!call test_ipp()
- !call test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an()
+ !call test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an()
call test_int2_grad1_u12_square_ao()
call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
@@ -33,81 +32,6 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine routine_lapl_grad
- implicit none
- integer :: i,j,k,l
- double precision :: grad_lapl, get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot,new,accu,contrib
- double precision :: ao_two_e_integral_erf,get_ao_two_e_integral,count_n,accu_relat
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING
-! THIS ROUTINE MAKES SENSE ONLY IF HAND MODIFIED coef_gauss_eff_pot(1:n_max_fit_slat) = 0. to cancel (1-erf(mu*r12))^2
- accu = 0.d0
- accu_relat = 0.d0
- count_n = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- grad_lapl = get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot(i,j,k,l,ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_map) ! pure gaussian part : comes from Lapl
- grad_lapl += ao_two_e_integral_erf(i, k, j, l) ! erf(mu r12)/r12 : comes from Lapl
- grad_lapl += ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j) ! \grad u(r12) . grad
- new = tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j)
- new += get_ao_two_e_integral(i,j,k,l,ao_integrals_map)
- contrib = dabs(new - grad_lapl)
- if(dabs(grad_lapl).gt.1.d-12)then
- count_n += 1.d0
- accu_relat += 2.0d0 * contrib/dabs(grad_lapl+new)
- endif
- if(
- print*,i,j,k,l
- print*,grad_lapl,new,contrib
- print*,2.0d0*contrib/dabs(grad_lapl+new+1.d-12)
- endif
- accu += contrib
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*,'accu = ',accu/count_n
- print*,'accu/rel = ',accu_relat/count_n
-subroutine routine_grad_squared
- implicit none
- integer :: i,j,k,l
- double precision :: grad_squared, get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot,new,accu,contrib
- double precision :: count_n,accu_relat
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING
-! THIS ROUTINE MAKES SENSE ONLY IF HAND MODIFIED coef_gauss_eff_pot(n_max_fit_slat:n_max_fit_slat+1) = 0. to cancel exp(-'mu*r12)^2)
- accu = 0.d0
- accu_relat = 0.d0
- count_n = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- grad_squared = get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot(i,j,k,l,ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_map) ! pure gaussian part : comes from Lapl
- new = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j)
- contrib = dabs(new - grad_squared)
- if(dabs(grad_squared).gt.1.d-12)then
- count_n += 1.d0
- accu_relat += 2.0d0 * contrib/dabs(grad_squared+new)
- endif
- if(
- print*,i,j,k,l
- print*,grad_squared,new,contrib
- print*,2.0d0*contrib/dabs(grad_squared+new+1.d-12)
- endif
- accu += contrib
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*,'accu = ',accu/count_n
- print*,'accu/rel = ',accu_relat/count_n
subroutine routine_fit
implicit none
integer :: i,nx
@@ -145,7 +69,7 @@ subroutine test_ipp()
I1 = 0.d0
- PROVIDE u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b
+ PROVIDE u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env
@@ -163,7 +87,7 @@ subroutine test_ipp()
call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , u12_grad1_u12_j1b_grad1_j1b(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
, 0.d0, I1, ao_num*ao_num)
! ---
@@ -173,14 +97,14 @@ subroutine test_ipp()
I2 = 0.d0
- PROVIDE int2_u2_j1b2
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
b_mat = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
!$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, b_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, &
- !$OMP v_1b_square_grad, v_1b_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
+ !$OMP env_square_grad, env_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do i = 1, ao_num
do k = 1, ao_num
@@ -191,10 +115,10 @@ subroutine test_ipp()
ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * v_1b_square_lapl(ipoint) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
@@ -202,7 +126,7 @@ subroutine test_ipp()
call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_u2_j1b2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
, 0.d0, I2, ao_num*ao_num)
! ---
@@ -268,7 +192,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive1(i, j, k, l, int)
double precision :: weight2_x, weight2_y, weight2_z
double precision :: aor_i, aor_j, aor_k, aor_l
double precision :: e1_val, e2_val, e1_der(3), u12_val, u12_der(3)
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl, j12_mu
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl, j12_mu
int = 0.d0
@@ -281,8 +205,8 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive1(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_i = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
aor_k = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- e1_val = j1b_nucl(r1)
- call grad1_j1b_nucl(r1, e1_der)
+ e1_val = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, e1_der)
weight1_x = aor_i * aor_k * e1_val * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * e1_der(1)
weight1_y = aor_i * aor_k * e1_val * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * e1_der(2)
@@ -297,7 +221,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive1(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_j = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,j)
aor_l = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,l)
- e2_val = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ e2_val = env_nucl(r2)
u12_val = j12_mu(r1, r2)
call grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, u12_der)
@@ -326,7 +250,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive2(i, j, k, l, int)
double precision :: weight2_x, weight2_y, weight2_z
double precision :: aor_i, aor_j, aor_k, aor_l
double precision :: e1_square_der(3), e2_val, u12_square_der(3)
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
int = 0.d0
@@ -339,7 +263,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive2(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_i = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
aor_k = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- call grad1_j1b_nucl_square_num(r1, e1_square_der)
+ call grad1_env_nucl_square_num(r1, e1_square_der)
weight1_x = aor_i * aor_k * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * e1_square_der(1)
weight1_y = aor_i * aor_k * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * e1_square_der(2)
@@ -354,7 +278,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive2(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_j = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,j)
aor_l = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,l)
- e2_val = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ e2_val = env_nucl(r2)
call grad1_j12_mu_square_num(r1, r2, u12_square_der)
weight2_x = aor_j * aor_l * e2_val * e2_val * final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(jpoint) * u12_square_der(1)
@@ -380,7 +304,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive3(i, j, k, l, int)
double precision :: weight1, weight2
double precision :: aor_j, aor_l
double precision :: grad(3), e2_val, u12_val
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl, j12_mu
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl, j12_mu
int = 0.d0
@@ -403,7 +327,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive3(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_j = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,j)
aor_l = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,l)
- e2_val = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ e2_val = env_nucl(r2)
u12_val = j12_mu(r1, r2)
weight2 = aor_j * aor_l * e2_val * e2_val * u12_val * u12_val * final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(jpoint)
@@ -427,7 +351,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive4(i, j, k, l, int)
double precision :: weight1, weight2
double precision :: aor_j, aor_l, aor_k, aor_i
double precision :: grad(3), e2_val, u12_val
- double precision, external :: j1b_nucl, j12_mu
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl, j12_mu
int = 0.d0
@@ -440,10 +364,10 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive4(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_i = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
aor_k = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- weight1 = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * ( aor_k * aor_i * v_1b_square_lapl(ipoint) &
- + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
- + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
- + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
+ weight1 = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * ( aor_k * aor_i * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
+ + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
+ + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
+ + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -454,7 +378,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive4(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_j = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,j)
aor_l = aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,l)
- e2_val = j1b_nucl(r2)
+ e2_val = env_nucl(r2)
u12_val = j12_mu(r1, r2)
weight2 = aor_j * aor_l * e2_val * e2_val * u12_val * u12_val * final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(jpoint)
@@ -464,7 +388,7 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive4(i, j, k, l, int)
-end subroutine I_grade_gradu_naive4
! ---
@@ -485,16 +409,16 @@ subroutine I_grade_gradu_seminaive(i, j, k, l, int)
aor_i = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
aor_k = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * ( aor_k * aor_i * v_1b_square_lapl(ipoint) &
- + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
- + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
- + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * v_1b_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
+ weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * ( aor_k * aor_i * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
+ + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
+ + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
+ + (aor_k * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + aor_i * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
- int = int + weight1 * int2_u2_j1b2(j,l,ipoint)
+ int = int + weight1 * int2_u2_env2(j,l,ipoint)
-end subroutine I_grade_gradu_seminaive
! ---
@@ -508,7 +432,7 @@ subroutine aos_ik_grad1_esquare(i, k, r1, val)
double precision :: der(3), aos_array(ao_num), aos_grad_array(3,ao_num)
call give_all_aos_and_grad_at_r(r1, aos_array, aos_grad_array)
- call grad1_j1b_nucl_square_num(r1, der)
+ call grad1_env_nucl_square_num(r1, der)
tmp = aos_array(i) * aos_array(k)
val(1) = tmp * der(1)
@@ -559,14 +483,14 @@ end subroutine grad1_aos_ik_grad1_esquare
! ---
-subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an()
+subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: I_old, I_new
double precision :: norm, accu, thr, diff
- PROVIDE v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an
+ PROVIDE v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an
thr = 1d-12
norm = 0.d0
@@ -575,8 +499,8 @@ subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an()
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- I_old = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an_old(j,i,ipoint)
- I_new = v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an (j,i,ipoint)
+ I_old = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an_old(j,i,ipoint)
+ I_new = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an (j,i,ipoint)
diff = dabs(I_new-I_old)
if(diff .gt. thr) then
@@ -595,7 +519,7 @@ subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an()
print*, ' accuracy(%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
-end subroutine test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_an
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index 9c19e0ac..a940455e 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -1,188 +1,383 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_vartc_int_chemist, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
+ !
+ !
+ ! ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12)|lj)
+ ! = where V^TC(r_12) is the total TC operator
+ ! = tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
+ !
+ ! where:
+ !
+ ! tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) = < k l | -1/2 \Delta_1 u(r1,r2) - \grad_1 u(r1,r2) . \grad_1 | ij >
+ ! = -1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ ! = 1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 (-1) \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ !
+ ! tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) = -1/2
+ !
+ ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i > = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j )
+ !
implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: wall1, wall0
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, m, ipoint
+ double precision :: wall1, wall0
+ double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
+ double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:,:), c_mat(:,:,:)
+ double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ PROVIDE env_type
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
- print *, ' providing ao_vartc_int_chemist ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
- if(test_cycle_tc) then
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- if(j1b_type .ne. 3) then
- print*, ' TC integrals with cycle can not be used for j1b_type =', j1b_type
- stop
- endif
+ print *, ' providing ao_two_e_tc_tot ...'
+ print*, ' j2e_type: ', j2e_type
+ print*, ' j1e_type: ', j1e_type
+ print*, ' env_type: ', env_type
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_vartc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao_test(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ if(read_tc_integ) then
+ print*, ' Reading ao_two_e_tc_tot from ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot'
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot', action="read")
+ read(11) ao_two_e_tc_tot
+ close(11)
+ PROVIDE tc_integ_type
+ print*, ' approach for integrals: ', tc_integ_type
+ ! ---
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num,3))
+ b_mat = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis, b_mat, &
+ !$OMP ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
+ ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
+ ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,1) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1))
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,2) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2))
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,3) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ao_two_e_tc_tot = 0.d0
+ do m = 1, 3
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(b_mat)
+ ! ---
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ allocate(c_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
+ c_mat = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. &
+ ((env_type .eq. "prod_gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) .and. &
+ use_ipp ) then
+ print*, " going through Manu's IPP"
+ ! an additional term is added here directly instead of
+ ! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
+ c_mat = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, &
+ !$OMP env_square_grad, env_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
+ ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
+ ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_u2_env2
+ endif ! use_ipp
+ deallocate(c_mat)
+ ! ---
+ call sum_A_At(ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
+ !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_integrals_map) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l)
+ !$OMP DO
do j = 1, ao_num
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_vartc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
+ ! < 1:i, 2:j | 1:k, 2:l >
+ ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) + get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map)
- endif
- call wall_time(wall1)
- print *, ' wall time for ao_vartc_int_chemist ', wall1 - wall0
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_tc_int_chemist, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: wall1, wall0
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- print *, ' providing ao_tc_int_chemist ...'
- call wall_time(wall0)
- if(test_cycle_tc) then
- if(j1b_type .ne. 3) then
- print*, ' TC integrals with cycle can not be used for j1b_type =', j1b_type
- stop
+ if(tc_integ_type .ge. "numeric") then
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- ao_tc_int_chemist = ao_tc_int_chemist_test
+ endif ! read_tc_integ
- else
- PROVIDE tc_grad_square_ao tc_grad_and_lapl_ao ao_two_e_coul
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
-! ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ if(write_tc_integ .and. mpi_master) then
+ print*, ' Saving ao_two_e_tc_tot in ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot'
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot', action="write")
+ call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
+ write(11) ao_two_e_tc_tot
+ close(11)
+ call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
- FREE tc_grad_square_ao tc_grad_and_lapl_ao ao_two_e_coul
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
- FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- endif
- call wall_time(wall1)
- print *, ' wall time for ao_tc_int_chemist ', wall1 - wall0
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' Wall time for ao_two_e_tc_tot (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
call print_memory_usage()
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: wall1, wall0
- print *, ' providing ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle ...'
- call wall_time(wall0)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
- !ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- call wall_time(wall1)
- print *, ' wall time for ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle ', wall1 - wall0
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_tc_int_chemist_test, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: wall1, wall0
- print *, ' providing ao_tc_int_chemist_test ...'
- call wall_time(wall0)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ao_tc_int_chemist_test(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao_test(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
-! ao_tc_int_chemist_test(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- call wall_time(wall1)
- print *, ' wall time for ao_tc_int_chemist_test ', wall1 - wall0
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_coul, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j ) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i >
+ !
+ ! ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12)|lj)
+ ! = where V^TC(r_12) is the total TC operator
+ ! = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
+ !
+ ! where:
+ !
+ ! tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) = -1/2
+ !
+ ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i > = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j )
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, ipoint
+ double precision :: wall1, wall0
+ double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
+ double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision, allocatable :: c_mat(:,:,:)
+ double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
- PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
+ PROVIDE env_type
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
- !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_coul, ao_integrals_map) &
- !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l)
- !$OMP DO
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ! < 1:k, 2:l | 1:i, 2:j >
- ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map)
+ call wall_time(wall0)
+ print *, ' providing ao_two_e_vartc_tot ...'
+ print*, ' j2e_type: ', j2e_type
+ print*, ' j1e_type: ', j1e_type
+ print*, ' env_type: ', env_type
+ if(read_tc_integ) then
+ print*, ' Reading ao_two_e_vartc_tot from ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot'
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot', action="read")
+ read(11) ao_two_e_vartc_tot
+ close(11)
+ else
+ PROVIDE tc_integ_type
+ print*, ' approach for integrals: ', tc_integ_type
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ allocate(c_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
+ c_mat = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. &
+ ((env_type .eq. "prod_gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) .and. &
+ use_ipp ) then
+ print*, " going through Manu's IPP"
+ ! an additional term is added here directly instead of
+ ! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
+ c_mat = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, &
+ !$OMP env_square_grad, env_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
+ ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
+ ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 1.d0, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_u2_env2
+ endif ! use_ipp
+ deallocate(c_mat)
+ ! ---
+ call sum_A_At(ao_two_e_vartc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
+ !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, ao_integrals_map) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ ! < 1:i, 2:j | 1:k, 2:l >
+ ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) + get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(tc_integ_type .ge. "numeric") then
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
+ endif
+ endif ! read_tc_integ
+ if(write_tc_integ .and. mpi_master) then
+ print*, ' Saving ao_two_e_vartc_tot in ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot'
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot', action="write")
+ call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
+ write(11) ao_two_e_vartc_tot
+ close(11)
+ call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
+ endif
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' Wall time for ao_two_e_vartc_tot (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/compute_deltamu_right.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/compute_deltamu_right.irp.f
index ab9dc093..1142658d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/compute_deltamu_right.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/compute_deltamu_right.irp.f
@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ subroutine delta_right()
integer :: k
double precision, allocatable :: delta(:,:)
- print *, j1b_type
- print *, j1b_pen
- print *, mu_erf
allocate( delta(N_det,N_states) )
delta = 0.d0
@@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ subroutine delta_right()
-end subroutine delta_right
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f
index 7bca72a1..fe7c2d10 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ program print_tc_energy
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- print*, 'j1b_type = ', j1b_type
call write_tc_energy()
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/save_tc_bi_ortho_nat.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/save_tc_bi_ortho_nat.irp.f
index ffcd9b22..6b3acce6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/save_tc_bi_ortho_nat.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/save_tc_bi_ortho_nat.irp.f
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ program tc_natorb_bi_ortho
my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f
index b1751069..02352a32 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f
@@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ subroutine single_htilde_mu_mat_bi_ortho_slow(Nint, key_j, key_i, hmono, htwoe,
! PROVIDE core_bitmask core_fock_operator mo_integrals_erf_map
-! PROVIDE j1b_gauss
other_spin(1) = 2
other_spin(2) = 1
@@ -295,15 +294,6 @@ subroutine single_htilde_mu_mat_bi_ortho_slow(Nint, key_j, key_i, hmono, htwoe,
hmono = mo_bi_ortho_tc_one_e(p1,h1) * phase
-! if(j1b_gauss .eq. 1) then
-! print*,'j1b not implemented for bi ortho TC'
-! print*,'stopping ....'
-! stop
-! !hmono += ( mo_j1b_gauss_hermI (h1,p1) &
-! ! + mo_j1b_gauss_hermII (h1,p1) &
-! ! + mo_j1b_gauss_nonherm(h1,p1) ) * phase
-! endif
! if(core_tc_op)then
! print*,'core_tc_op not already taken into account for bi ortho'
! print*,'stopping ...'
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_bi_ortho.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_bi_ortho.irp.f
index e27672a2..64982ab6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_bi_ortho.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_bi_ortho.irp.f
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ program tc_bi_ortho
my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_som.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_som.irp.f
index 427508d2..1d11c81b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_som.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/tc_som.irp.f
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ program tc_som
my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- print *, ' mu = ', mu_erf
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type
- print *, j1b_pen
read_wf = .true.
touch read_wf
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg
index ac2cfda2..ee2d5112 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -130,30 +130,6 @@ doc: if +1: only positive is selected, -1: only negative is selected, :0 both po
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0
-type: double precision
-doc: exponents of the 1-body Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: double precision
-doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: double precision
-doc: coeff of the 1-body Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: integer
-doc: type of 1-body Jastrow
-interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
-default: 0
type: double precision
doc: a parameter used to define mu(r)
@@ -304,3 +280,9 @@ doc: size of radial grid over r2
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 50
+type: character*(32)
+doc: approach used to evaluate TC integrals [analytic | numeric | semi-analytic]
+interface: ezfio,ocaml,provider
+default: semi-analytic
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_keywords/j1b_pen.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_keywords/j1b_pen.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index d509fc7e..00000000
--- a/plugins/local/tc_keywords/j1b_pen.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_pen , (nucl_num) ]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_pen_coef, (nucl_num) ]
- ! parameters of the 1-body Jastrow
- implicit none
- logical :: exists
- integer :: i
- integer :: ierr
- PROVIDE ezfio_filename
- ! ---
- if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_tc_keywords_j1b_pen(exists)
- endif
- print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
- include 'mpif.h'
- call MPI_BCAST(j1b_pen, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
- if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1b_pen with MPI'
- endif
- if (exists) then
- if (mpi_master) then
- write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1b_pen ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_tc_keywords_j1b_pen(j1b_pen)
- call MPI_BCAST(j1b_pen, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
- if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1b_pen with MPI'
- endif
- endif
- else
- do i = 1, nucl_num
- j1b_pen(i) = 1d5
- enddo
- endif
- ! ---
- if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_tc_keywords_j1b_pen_coef(exists)
- endif
- print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
- call MPI_BCAST(j1b_pen_coef, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
- if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1b_pen_coef with MPI'
- endif
- if (exists) then
- if (mpi_master) then
- write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1b_pen_coef ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_tc_keywords_j1b_pen_coef(j1b_pen_coef)
- call MPI_BCAST(j1b_pen_coef, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
- if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1b_pen_coef with MPI'
- endif
- endif
- else
- do i = 1, nucl_num
- j1b_pen_coef(i) = 1d0
- enddo
- endif
- ! ---
- print *, ' parameters for nuclei jastrow'
- print *, ' i, Z, j1b_pen, j1b_pen_coef'
- do i = 1, nucl_num
- write(*,'(I4, 2x, 3(E15.7, 2X))') i, nucl_charge(i), j1b_pen(i), j1b_pen_coef(i)
- enddo
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, j1b_coeff, (nucl_num) ]
- ! coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow
- implicit none
- logical :: exists
- PROVIDE ezfio_filename
- if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_tc_keywords_j1b_coeff(exists)
- endif
- print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
- include 'mpif.h'
- integer :: ierr
- call MPI_BCAST(j1b_coeff, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
- if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1b_coeff with MPI'
- endif
- if (exists) then
- if (mpi_master) then
- write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1b_coeff ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_tc_keywords_j1b_coeff(j1b_coeff)
- call MPI_BCAST(j1b_coeff, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
- if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1b_coeff with MPI'
- endif
- endif
- else
- integer :: i
- do i = 1, nucl_num
- j1b_coeff(i) = 0d5
- enddo
- endif
-! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_scf/print_tcscf_energy.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_scf/print_tcscf_energy.irp.f
index 05b8df23..6f9afd9a 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_scf/print_tcscf_energy.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_scf/print_tcscf_energy.irp.f
@@ -24,11 +24,15 @@ subroutine main()
implicit none
double precision :: etc_tot, etc_1e, etc_2e, etc_3e
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- PROVIDE j1b_type
+ PROVIDE j2e_type mu_erf
+ PROVIDE j1e_type j1e_coef j1e_expo
+ PROVIDE env_type env_coef env_expo
+ print*, ' j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ print*, ' j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ print*, ' env_type = ', env_type
print*, ' mu_erf = ', mu_erf
- print*, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type
etc_tot = TC_HF_energy
etc_1e = TC_HF_one_e_energy
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f
index fb86a752..d8c5ab66 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_scf/tc_scf.irp.f
@@ -10,9 +10,16 @@ program tc_scf
integer :: i
logical :: good_angles
- write(json_unit,json_array_open_fmt) 'tc-scf'
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE tcscf_algorithm
+ PROVIDE var_tc
- print *, ' starting ...'
+ print *, ' TC-SCF with:'
+ print *, ' j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ print *, ' j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ write(json_unit,json_array_open_fmt) 'tc-scf'
my_grid_becke = .True.
PROVIDE tc_grid1_a tc_grid1_r
@@ -24,13 +31,7 @@ program tc_scf
call write_int(6, my_n_pt_a_grid, 'angular external grid over')
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- print *, ' mu = ', mu_erf
- PROVIDE j1b_type
- print *, ' j1b_type = ', j1b_type
- print *, j1b_pen
- if(j1b_type .ge. 100) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
@@ -44,8 +45,6 @@ program tc_scf
!call create_guess()
!call orthonormalize_mos()
- PROVIDE tcscf_algorithm
- PROVIDE var_tc
if(var_tc) then
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f
index 4aa67d04..adaacfa5 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
program test_ints
-! TODO : Put the documentation of the program here
+ ! TODO : Put the documentation of the program here
implicit none
@@ -20,37 +20,28 @@ program test_ints
touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
!! OK
-! call routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
+! call routine_int2_u_grad1u_env2
! OK
-! call routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+! call routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
! OK
-! call routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+! call routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
! OK
-! call routine_int2_u2_j1b2
+! call routine_int2_u2_env2
! OK
-! call routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
+! call routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_env2
! OK
-! call routine_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
-! call routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
-! call test_total_grad_lapl
-! call test_total_grad_square
+! call routine_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
+! call routine_int2_u_grad1u_env2
! call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao_test
-! call routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test
-! call test_ao_tc_int_chemist
+! call routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test
! call test_grid_points_ao
-! call test_tc_scf
!call test_int_gauss
!call test_fock_3e_uhf_ao()
!call test_fock_3e_uhf_mo()
- !call test_tc_grad_and_lapl_ao()
- !call test_tc_grad_square_ao()
!call test_two_e_tc_non_hermit_integral()
-! call test_tc_grad_square_ao_test()
!!PROVIDE TC_HF_energy VARTC_HF_energy
!!print *, ' TC_HF_energy = ', TC_HF_energy
!!print *, ' VARTC_HF_energy = ', VARTC_HF_energy
@@ -64,47 +55,21 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_tc_scf
- implicit none
- integer :: i
-! provide int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test
- provide x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test
-! do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
-! print*,expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i),coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
-! enddo
-! provide tc_grad_square_ao_test
-! provide tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test
-! provide int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test
-! provide x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test
-! print*,'TC_HF_energy = ',TC_HF_energy
-! print*,'grad_non_hermit = ',grad_non_hermit
-subroutine test_ao_tc_int_chemist
- implicit none
- provide ao_tc_int_chemist
-! provide ao_tc_int_chemist_test
-! provide tc_grad_square_ao_test
-! provide tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test
-! ---
-subroutine routine_test_j1b
+subroutine routine_test_env
implicit none
integer :: i,icount,j
icount = 0
- do i = 1, List_all_comb_b3_size
- if(dabs(List_all_comb_b3_coef(i)).gt.1.d-10)then
+ do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
+ if(dabs(List_env1s_square_coef(i)).gt.1.d-10)then
- print*,List_all_comb_b3_expo(i),List_all_comb_b3_coef(i)
- print*,List_all_comb_b3_cent(1:3,i)
+ print*,List_env1s_square_expo(i),List_env1s_square_coef(i)
+ print*,List_env1s_square_cent(1:3,i)
icount += 1
- print*,'List_all_comb_b3_coef,icount = ',List_all_comb_b3_size,icount
+ print*,'List_env1s_square_coef,icount = ',List_env1s_square_size,icount
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
do icount = 1, List_comb_thr_b3_size(j,i)
@@ -116,11 +81,11 @@ subroutine routine_test_j1b
! enddo
- print*,'max_List_comb_thr_b3_size = ',max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,List_all_comb_b3_size
+ print*,'max_List_comb_thr_b3_size = ',max_List_comb_thr_b3_size,List_env1s_square_size
-subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
+subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_env2
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -136,8 +101,8 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- array(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_env2(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -160,7 +125,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
- print*,'routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2'
+ print*,'routine_int2_u_grad1u_env2'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
@@ -168,7 +133,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_j1b2
-subroutine routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+subroutine routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -183,8 +148,8 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- array(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -207,7 +172,7 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
- print*,'routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b'
+ print*,'routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
@@ -216,7 +181,7 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
-subroutine routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
+subroutine routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l,m
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -232,8 +197,8 @@ subroutine routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
do m = 1, 3
- array(j,i,l,k) += x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b (j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env (j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -258,7 +223,7 @@ subroutine routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b
- print*,'routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_j1b'
+ print*,'routine_x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
@@ -268,7 +233,7 @@ end
-subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test
+subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -283,8 +248,8 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- array(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit (j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit (j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -307,15 +272,13 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test
- print*,'routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test'
+ print*,'routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
-subroutine routine_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
+subroutine routine_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
integer :: ii , jj
@@ -341,17 +304,17 @@ subroutine routine_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- array(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
-! !array(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
-! array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+! !array(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+! array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
! !array(j,i,l,k) += ints(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
-! array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+! array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
array_ref(j,i,l,k) += ints(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
-! if(dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.1.d-6)then
-! if(dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) - int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.1.d-6)then
+! if(dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.1.d-6)then
+! if(dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) - int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.1.d-6)then
! print*,j,i,ipoint
-! print*,int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) , int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint), dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) - int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint))
-! print*,int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint) , int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint), dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint) - int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2_test(i,j,ipoint))
+! print*,int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) , int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint), dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) - int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint))
+! print*,int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint) , int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint), dabs(int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint) - int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2_test(i,j,ipoint))
! stop
! endif
! endif
@@ -394,7 +357,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_j1b2
-subroutine routine_int2_u2_j1b2
+subroutine routine_int2_u2_env2
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -410,8 +373,8 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u2_j1b2
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- array(j,i,l,k) += int2_u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_u2_j1b2(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += int2_u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_u2_env2(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -434,7 +397,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u2_j1b2
- print*,'routine_int2_u2_j1b2'
+ print*,'routine_int2_u2_env2'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
@@ -443,7 +406,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u2_j1b2
-subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
+subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_env2
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l,m
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -460,8 +423,8 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
do m = 1, 3
- array(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2 (j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += int2_u_grad1u_x_env2 (j,i,ipoint,m) * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp(m,k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -485,7 +448,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
- print*,'routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2'
+ print*,'routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_env2'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
@@ -493,7 +456,7 @@ subroutine routine_int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2
-subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b
+subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
@@ -509,8 +472,8 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b
do l = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- array(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
- array_ref(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_fit (j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
+ array_ref(j,i,l,k) += v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_fit (j,i,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(k,ipoint) * aos_in_r_array(l,ipoint) * weight
@@ -533,7 +496,7 @@ subroutine routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b
- print*,'routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b'
+ print*,'routine_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env'
print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
@@ -674,66 +637,10 @@ subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo()
! ---
-end subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo
! ---
-subroutine test_total_grad_lapl
- implicit none
- integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
- double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
- accu_relat = 0.d0
- accu_abs = 0.d0
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- contrib = dabs(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test(j,i,l,k) - tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(j,i,l,k))
- accu_abs += contrib
- if(dabs(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(j,i,l,k)).gt.1.d-10)then
- accu_relat += contrib/dabs(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(j,i,l,k))
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*,'******'
- print*,'******'
- print*,' test_total_grad_lapl'
- print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
- print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
-subroutine test_total_grad_square
- implicit none
- integer :: i,j,ipoint,k,l
- double precision :: weight,accu_relat, accu_abs, contrib
- accu_relat = 0.d0
- accu_abs = 0.d0
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- contrib = dabs(tc_grad_square_ao_test(j,i,l,k) - tc_grad_square_ao(j,i,l,k))
- accu_abs += contrib
- if(dabs(tc_grad_square_ao(j,i,l,k)).gt.1.d-10)then
- accu_relat += contrib/dabs(tc_grad_square_ao(j,i,l,k))
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*,'******'
- print*,'******'
- print*,'test_total_grad_square'
- print*,'accu_abs = ',accu_abs/dble(ao_num)**4
- print*,'accu_relat = ',accu_relat/dble(ao_num)**4
subroutine test_grid_points_ao
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,icount,icount_good, icount_bad,icount_full
@@ -748,26 +655,26 @@ subroutine test_grid_points_ao
icount_bad = 0
icount_full = 0
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! if(dabs(int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,1)) &
-! + dabs(int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,2)) &
-! + dabs(int2_u_grad1u_x_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint,3)) )
-! if(dabs(int2_u2_j1b2_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr)then
+! if(dabs(int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,1)) &
+! + dabs(int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,2)) &
+! + dabs(int2_u_grad1u_x_env2_test(j,i,ipoint,3)) )
+! if(dabs(int2_u2_env2_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr)then
! icount += 1
! endif
- if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr*0.1d0)then
+ if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr*0.1d0)then
icount_full += 1
- if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr)then
+ if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr)then
icount += 1
- if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr*0.1d0)then
+ if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr*0.1d0)then
icount_good += 1
- print*,dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint)),dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)),dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint))/dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_test(j,i,ipoint))
+ print*,dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint)), dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)),dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint))/dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_test(j,i,ipoint))
icount_bad += 1
-! if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_j1b_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr)then
+! if(dabs(v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_ng_1_test(j,i,ipoint)).gt.thr)then
! endif
@@ -822,90 +729,6 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_tc_grad_and_lapl_ao()
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: diff_tot, diff, thr_ih, norm
- thr_ih = 1d-10
- PROVIDE tc_grad_and_lapl_ao tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop
- norm = 0.d0
- diff_tot = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- diff = dabs(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop(l,k,j,i) - tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(l,k,j,i))
- if(diff .gt. thr_ih) then
- print *, ' difference on ', l, k, j, i
- print *, ' loops : ', tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop(l,k,j,i)
- print *, ' lapack: ', tc_grad_and_lapl_ao (l,k,j,i)
- !stop
- endif
- norm += dabs(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_loop(l,k,j,i))
- diff_tot += diff
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print *, ' diff tot = ', diff_tot / norm
- print *, ' norm = ', norm
- print *, ' '
- return
-! ---
-subroutine test_tc_grad_square_ao()
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: diff_tot, diff, thr_ih, norm
- thr_ih = 1d-10
- PROVIDE tc_grad_square_ao tc_grad_square_ao_loop
- norm = 0.d0
- diff_tot = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- diff = dabs(tc_grad_square_ao_loop(l,k,j,i) - tc_grad_square_ao(l,k,j,i))
- if(diff .gt. thr_ih) then
- print *, ' difference on ', l, k, j, i
- print *, ' loops : ', tc_grad_square_ao_loop(l,k,j,i)
- print *, ' lapack: ', tc_grad_square_ao (l,k,j,i)
- !stop
- endif
- norm += dabs(tc_grad_square_ao_loop(l,k,j,i))
- diff_tot += diff
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print *, ' diff tot = ', diff_tot / norm
- print *, ' norm = ', norm
- print *, ' '
- return
-! ---
subroutine test_two_e_tc_non_hermit_integral()
implicit none
@@ -973,52 +796,6 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_tc_grad_square_ao_test()
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l
- double precision :: diff_tot, diff, thr_ih, norm
- print*, ' test_tc_grad_square_ao_test '
- thr_ih = 1d-7
- PROVIDE tc_grad_square_ao_test tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref
- norm = 0.d0
- diff_tot = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- diff = dabs(tc_grad_square_ao_test(l,k,j,i) - tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref(l,k,j,i))
- if(diff .gt. thr_ih) then
- print *, ' difference on ', l, k, j, i
- print *, ' new : ', tc_grad_square_ao_test (l,k,j,i)
- print *, ' ref : ', tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref(l,k,j,i)
- !stop
- endif
- norm += dabs(tc_grad_square_ao_test_ref(l,k,j,i))
- diff_tot += diff
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print *, ' diff tot = ', diff_tot / norm
- print *, ' norm = ', norm
- print *, ' '
- return
-! ---
subroutine test_old_ints
implicit none
integer :: i,j,k,l
@@ -1034,7 +811,6 @@ subroutine test_old_ints
! ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j) = < k l | [erf( mu r12) - 1] d/d_r12 | i j > on the AO basis
! integral_nsym = ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j)
! old = integral_sym + integral_nsym
-! old = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
new = ao_tc_int_chemist_test(k,i,l,j)
old = ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle(k,i,l,j)
contrib = dabs(old - new)
@@ -1146,7 +922,7 @@ subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_cs()
print *, ' diff tot (%) = ', 100.d0 * diff_tot / norm
-end subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_cs
! ---
@@ -1185,7 +961,7 @@ subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_a()
print *, ' diff tot (%) = ', 100.d0 * diff_tot / norm
-end subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_a
! ---
@@ -1224,7 +1000,7 @@ subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_b()
print *, ' diff tot (%) = ', 100.d0 * diff_tot / norm
-end subroutine test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_b
! ---
diff --git a/src/dft_utils_in_r/ao_prod_mlti_pl.irp.f b/src/dft_utils_in_r/ao_prod_mlti_pl.irp.f
index 39ea0cdf..dac7c1cc 100644
--- a/src/dft_utils_in_r/ao_prod_mlti_pl.irp.f
+++ b/src/dft_utils_in_r/ao_prod_mlti_pl.irp.f
@@ -149,7 +149,3 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_prod_dist_grid, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
-!BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_abs_prod_j1b, (ao_num, ao_num)]
-! implicit none
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg b/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg
index 672bfdfa..652a3e33 100644
--- a/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -5,4 +5,64 @@ interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.5
ezfio_name: mu_erf
+type: character*(32)
+doc: type of the 2e-Jastrow: [ rs-dft | rs-dft-murho | champ ]
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: lin-fc-rs-dft
+type: character*(32)
+doc: type of the 1e-Jastrow: [ none | gauss ]
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: none
+type: integer
+doc: number of functions per atom in 1e-Jastrow
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: 1
+type: double precision
+doc: linear coef of functions in 1e-Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (hamiltonian.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: exponenets of functions in 1e-Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (hamiltonian.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: character*(32)
+doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ prod-gauss | sum-gauss | sum-slat | sum-quartic ]
+interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
+default: sum-gauss
+type: double precision
+doc: exponents of the 1-body Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: integer
+doc: type of mu(rho) Jastrow
+interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
+default: 0
+type: integer
+doc: nb of Gaussians used to fit Jastrow fcts
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: 20
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/NEED b/src/hamiltonian/NEED
index e69de29b..f1c051ff 100644
--- a/src/hamiltonian/NEED
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/NEED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/fit_j.irp.f b/src/hamiltonian/fit_j.irp.f
similarity index 83%
rename from plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/fit_j.irp.f
rename to src/hamiltonian/fit_j.irp.f
index 0fc3da2f..8a2d0036 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/fit_j.irp.f
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/fit_j.irp.f
@@ -1,41 +1,67 @@
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, expo_j_xmu_1gauss ]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, coef_j_xmu_1gauss ]
- implicit none
- ! Upper bound long range fit of F(x) = x * (1 - erf(x)) - 1/sqrt(pi) * exp(-x**2)
- !
- ! with a single gaussian.
- !
- ! Such a function can be used to screen integrals with F(x).
- expo_j_xmu_1gauss = 0.5d0
- coef_j_xmu_1gauss = 1.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, expo_erfc_gauss ]
- implicit none
- expo_erfc_gauss = 1.41211d0
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_j_xmu_1gauss]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_j_xmu_1gauss]
+ implicit none
+ ! Upper bound long range fit of F(x) = x * (1 - erf(x)) - 1/sqrt(pi) * exp(-x**2)
+ !
+ ! with a single gaussian.
+ !
+ ! Such a function can be used to screen integrals with F(x).
+ expo_j_xmu_1gauss = 0.5d0
+ coef_j_xmu_1gauss = 1.d0
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, expo_erfc_mu_gauss ]
- implicit none
- expo_erfc_mu_gauss = expo_erfc_gauss * mu_erf * mu_erf
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_erfc_gauss]
+ implicit none
+ expo_erfc_gauss = 1.41211d0
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, expo_good_j_mu_1gauss ]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, coef_good_j_mu_1gauss ]
- implicit none
- ! exponent of Gaussian in order to obtain an upper bound of J(r12,mu)
- !
- ! Can be used to scree integrals with J(r12,mu)
- expo_good_j_mu_1gauss = 2.D0 * mu_erf * expo_j_xmu_1gauss
- coef_good_j_mu_1gauss = 0.5d0/mu_erf * coef_j_xmu_1gauss
+! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, expo_j_xmu, (n_fit_1_erf_x) ]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_erfc_mu_gauss]
+ implicit none
+ expo_erfc_mu_gauss = expo_erfc_gauss * mu_erf * mu_erf
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_good_j_mu_1gauss]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_good_j_mu_1gauss]
+ !
+ ! exponent of Gaussian in order to obtain an upper bound of J(r12,mu)
+ !
+ ! Can be used to scree integrals with J(r12,mu)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ expo_good_j_mu_1gauss = 2.d0 * mu_erf * expo_j_xmu_1gauss
+ coef_good_j_mu_1gauss = 0.5d0/mu_erf * coef_j_xmu_1gauss
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_j_xmu, (n_fit_1_erf_x)]
! F(x) = x * (1 - erf(x)) - 1/sqrt(pi) * exp(-x**2) is fitted with a gaussian and a Slater
@@ -465,53 +491,86 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
double precision function F_x_j(x)
- implicit none
- ! F_x_j(x) = dimension-less correlation factor = x (1 - erf(x)) - 1/sqrt(pi) exp(-x^2)
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
- F_x_j = x * (1.d0 - derf(x)) - 1/dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * dexp(-x**2)
+ !
+ ! dimension-less correlation factor:
+ !
+ ! F_x_j(x) = x (1 - erf(x)) - 1/sqrt(pi) exp(-x^2)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ F_x_j = x * (1.d0 - derf(x)) - 1/dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * dexp(-x**2)
+! ---
double precision function j_mu_F_x_j(x)
- implicit none
- ! j_mu_F_x_j(x) = correlation factor = 1/2 r12 * (1 - erf(mu*r12)) - 1/(2 sqrt(pi)*mu) exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
- !
- ! = 1/(2*mu) * F_x_j(mu*x)
- double precision :: F_x_j
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
- j_mu_F_x_j = 0.5d0/mu_erf * F_x_j(x*mu_erf)
+ !
+ ! correlation factor:
+ !
+ ! j_mu_F_x_j(x) = 1/2 r12 * (1 - erf(mu*r12)) - 1/(2 sqrt(pi)*mu) exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
+ ! = 1/(2*mu) * F_x_j(mu*x)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ double precision :: F_x_j
+ j_mu_F_x_j = 0.5d0/mu_erf * F_x_j(x*mu_erf)
+! ---
double precision function j_mu(x)
- implicit none
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
- ! j_mu(x) = correlation factor = 1/2 r12 * (1 - erf(mu*r12)) - 1/(2 sqrt(pi)*mu) exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
- j_mu = 0.5d0* x * (1.d0 - derf(mu_erf*x)) - 0.5d0/( dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0))*mu_erf) * dexp(-(mu_erf*x)*(mu_erf*x))
-double precision function j_mu_fit_gauss(x)
- implicit none
- ! j_mu_fit_gauss(x) = correlation factor = 1/2 r12 * (1 - erf(mu*r12)) - 1/(2 sqrt(pi)*mu) exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
- !
- ! but fitted with gaussians
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
- integer :: i
- double precision :: alpha,coef
- j_mu_fit_gauss = 0.d0
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- alpha = expo_gauss_j_mu_x(i)
- coef = coef_gauss_j_mu_x(i)
- j_mu_fit_gauss += coef * dexp(-alpha*x*x)
- enddo
+ !
+ ! correlation factor:
+ !
+ ! j_mu(x) = 1/2 r12 * (1 - erf(mu*r12)) - 1/(2 sqrt(pi)*mu) exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ j_mu = 0.5d0* x * (1.d0 - derf(mu_erf*x)) - 0.5d0/( dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0))*mu_erf) * dexp(-(mu_erf*x)*(mu_erf*x))
+! ---
+double precision function j_mu_fit_gauss(x)
+ !
+ ! correlation factor fitted with gaussians:
+ !
+ ! j_mu_fit_gauss(x) = 1/2 r12 * (1 - erf(mu*r12)) - 1/(2 sqrt(pi)*mu) exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
+ !
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ integer :: i
+ double precision :: alpha, coef
+ j_mu_fit_gauss = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ alpha = expo_gauss_j_mu_x(i)
+ coef = coef_gauss_j_mu_x(i)
+ j_mu_fit_gauss += coef * dexp(-alpha*x*x)
+ enddo
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f b/src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bdf9c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_gauss_eff_pot]
+ !
+ ! number of gaussians to represent the effective potential :
+ !
+ ! V(mu,r12) = -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
+ !
+ ! Here (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 is expanded in Gaussians as Eqs A11-A20 in JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ n_gauss_eff_pot = ng_fit_jast + 1
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_gauss_eff_pot_deriv]
+ !
+ ! V(r12) = -(1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 is expanded in Gaussians as Eqs A11-A20 in JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ n_gauss_eff_pot_deriv = ng_fit_jast
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_gauss_eff_pot, (n_gauss_eff_pot)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_gauss_eff_pot, (n_gauss_eff_pot)]
+ !
+ ! Coefficients and exponents of the Fit on Gaussians of V(X) = -(1 - erf(mu*X))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*X)^2)
+ !
+ ! V(X) = \sum_{i=1,n_gauss_eff_pot} coef_gauss_eff_pot(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_eff_pot(i) * X^2)
+ !
+ ! Relies on the fit proposed in Eqs A11-A20 in JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
+ !
+ include 'constants.include.F'
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i
+ ! fit of the -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*x))^2 with n_max_fit_slat gaussians
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_eff_pot(i) = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ coef_gauss_eff_pot(i) = -0.25d0 * coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) ! -1/4 * (1 - erf(mu*x))^2
+ enddo
+ ! Analytical Gaussian part of the potential: + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*x)^2)
+ expo_gauss_eff_pot(ng_fit_jast+1) = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ coef_gauss_eff_pot(ng_fit_jast+1) = 1.d0 * mu_erf * inv_sq_pi
+! ---
+double precision function eff_pot_gauss(x, mu)
+ !
+ ! V(mu,r12) = -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x, mu
+ eff_pot_gauss = mu/dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * dexp(-mu*mu*x*x) - 0.25d0 * (1.d0 - derf(mu*x))**2.d0
+! ---
+double precision function eff_pot_fit_gauss(x)
+ !
+ ! V(mu,r12) = -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
+ !
+ ! but fitted with gaussians
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ integer :: i
+ double precision :: alpha
+ eff_pot_fit_gauss = derf(mu_erf*x)/x
+ do i = 1, n_gauss_eff_pot
+ alpha = expo_gauss_eff_pot(i)
+ eff_pot_fit_gauss += coef_gauss_eff_pot(i) * dexp(-alpha*x*x)
+ enddo
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_fit_1_erf_x]
+ implicit none
+ n_fit_1_erf_x = 2
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x, (n_fit_1_erf_x)]
+ !
+ ! 1 - erf(mu*x) is fitted with a Slater and gaussian as in Eq.A15 of JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
+ !
+ ! 1 - erf(mu*x) = e^{-expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) * mu *x} * e^{-expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) * mu^2 * x^2}
+ !
+ implicit none
+ expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) = 1.09529d0
+ expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) = 0.756023d0
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_gauss_1_erf_x, (n_max_fit_slat)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_gauss_1_erf_x, (n_max_fit_slat)]
+ !
+ ! (1 - erf(mu*x)) = \sum_i coef_gauss_1_erf_x(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x(i) * x^2)
+ !
+ ! This is based on a fit of (1 - erf(mu*x)) by exp(-alpha * x) exp(-beta*mu^2x^2)
+ !
+ ! and the slater function exp(-alpha * x) is fitted with n_max_fit_slat gaussians
+ !
+ ! See Appendix 2 of JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i
+ double precision :: expos(n_max_fit_slat), alpha, beta
+ alpha = expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) * mu_erf
+ call expo_fit_slater_gam(alpha, expos)
+ beta = expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) * mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x(i) = expos(i) + beta
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x(i) = coef_fit_slat_gauss(i)
+ enddo
+! ---
+double precision function fit_1_erf_x(x)
+ !
+ ! fit_1_erf_x(x) = \sum_i c_i exp (-alpha_i x^2) \approx (1 - erf(mu*x))
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ integer :: i
+ fit_1_erf_x = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ fit_1_erf_x += dexp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x(i) *x*x) * coef_gauss_1_erf_x(i)
+ enddo
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, (ng_fit_jast)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, (ng_fit_jast)]
+ !
+ ! (1 - erf(mu*x))^2 = \sum_i coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) * x^2)
+ !
+ ! This is based on a fit of (1 - erf(mu*x)) by exp(-alpha * x) exp(-beta*mu^2x^2)
+ !
+ ! and the slater function exp(-alpha * x) is fitted with n_max_fit_slat gaussians
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i
+ double precision :: expos(ng_fit_jast), alpha, beta, tmp
+ if(ng_fit_jast .eq. 1) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.85345277d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 6.23519457d0 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 2) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.31030624d0 , 0.64364964d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 55.39184787d0, 3.92151407d0 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 3) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.33206082d0 , 0.52347449d0, 0.12605012d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 19.90272209d0, 3.2671671d0 , 336.47320445d0 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 5) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.02956716d0, 0.17025555d0, 0.32774114d0, 0.39034764d0, 0.07822781d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 6467.28126d0, 46.9071990d0, 9.09617721d0, 2.76883328d0, 360.367093d0 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 6) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.18331042d0 , 0.10971118d0 , 0.29949169d0 , 0.34853132d0 , 0.0394275d0 , 0.01874444d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 2.54293498d+01, 1.40317872d+02, 7.14630801d+00, 2.65517675d+00, 1.45142619d+03, 1.00000000d+04 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 7) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.0213619d0 , 0.03221511d0 , 0.29966689d0 , 0.19178934d0 , 0.06154732d0 , 0.28214555d0 , 0.11125985d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 1.34727067d+04, 1.27166613d+03, 5.52584567d+00, 1.67753218d+01, 2.46145691d+02, 2.47971820d+00, 5.95141293d+01 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 8) then
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.28189124d0 , 0.19518669d0 , 0.12161735d0 , 0.24257438d0 , 0.07309656d0 , 0.042435d0 , 0.01926109d0 , 0.02393415d0 /)
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 4.69795903d+00, 1.21379451d+01, 3.55527053d+01, 2.39227172d+00, 1.14827721d+02, 4.16320213d+02, 1.52813587d+04, 1.78516557d+03 /)
+ tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+ !elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 9) then
+ ! coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ /)
+ ! expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ /)
+ ! tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
+ ! do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
+ ! expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ ! enddo
+ elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 20) then
+ ASSERT(n_max_fit_slat == 20)
+ alpha = 2.d0 * expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) * mu_erf
+ call expo_fit_slater_gam(alpha, expos)
+ beta = 2.d0 * expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) * mu_erf * mu_erf
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = expos(i) + beta
+ coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = coef_fit_slat_gauss(i)
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' not implemented yet'
+ stop
+ endif
+! ---
+double precision function fit_1_erf_x_2(x)
+ !
+ ! fit_1_erf_x_2(x) = \sum_i c_i exp (-alpha_i x^2) \approx (1 - erf(mu*x))^2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x
+ integer :: i
+ fit_1_erf_x_2 = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ fit_1_erf_x_2 += dexp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) *x*x) * coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
+ enddo
+! ---
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f b/src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..052ad072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_max_fit_slat]
+ implicit none
+! number of gaussian to fit exp(-x)
+! I took 20 gaussians from the program bassto.f
+ n_max_fit_slat = 20
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_fit_slat_gauss, (n_max_fit_slat)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_fit_slat_gauss, (n_max_fit_slat)]
+ implicit none
+ include 'constants.include.F'
+ ! fit the exp(-x) as
+ !
+ ! \sum_{i = 1, n_max_fit_slat} coef_fit_slat_gauss(i) * exp(-expo_fit_slat_gauss(i) * x**2)
+ !
+ ! The coefficient are taken from the program bassto.f
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(01)=30573.77073000000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(01)=0.00338925525
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(02)=5608.45238100000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(02)=0.00536433869
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(03)=1570.95673400000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(03)=0.00818702846
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(04)=541.39785110000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(04)=0.01202047655
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(05)=212.43469630000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(05)=0.01711289568
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(06)=91.31444574000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(06)=0.02376001022
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(07)=42.04087246000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(07)=0.03229121736
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(08)=20.43200443000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(08)=0.04303646818
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(09)=10.37775161000
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(09)=0.05624657578
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(10)=5.46880754500
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(10)=0.07192311571
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(11)=2.97373529200
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(11)=0.08949389001
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(12)=1.66144190200
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(12)=0.10727599240
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(13)=0.95052560820
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(13)=0.12178961750
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(14)=0.55528683970
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(14)=0.12740141870
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(15)=0.33043360020
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(15)=0.11759168160
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(16)=0.19982303230
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(16)=0.08953504394
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(17)=0.12246840760
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(17)=0.05066721317
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(18)=0.07575825322
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(18)=0.01806363869
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(19)=0.04690146243
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(19)=0.00305632563
+ expo_fit_slat_gauss(20)=0.02834749861
+ coef_fit_slat_gauss(20)=0.00013317513
+double precision function slater_fit_gam(x,gam)
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: x,gam
+! fit of the function exp(-gam * x) with gaussian functions
+ integer :: i
+ slater_fit_gam = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ slater_fit_gam += coef_fit_slat_gauss(i) * dexp(-expo_fit_slat_gauss(i) * gam * gam * x * x)
+ enddo
+subroutine expo_fit_slater_gam(gam,expos)
+ implicit none
+! returns the array of the exponents of the gaussians to fit exp(-gam*x)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: gam
+ double precision, intent(out) :: expos(n_max_fit_slat)
+ integer :: i
+ do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
+ expos(i) = expo_fit_slat_gauss(i) * gam * gam
+ enddo
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f b/src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64fcc90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, env_expo , (nucl_num) ]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, env_coef, (nucl_num) ]
+ ! parameters of the 1-body Jastrow
+ implicit none
+ logical :: exists
+ integer :: i
+ integer :: ierr
+ PROVIDE ezfio_filename
+ ! ---
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_env_expo(exists)
+ endif
+ print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ call MPI_BCAST(env_expo, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read env_expo with MPI'
+ endif
+ if (exists) then
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: env_expo ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_env_expo(env_expo)
+ call MPI_BCAST(env_expo, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read env_expo with MPI'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ do i = 1, nucl_num
+ env_expo(i) = 1d5
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! ---
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_env_coef(exists)
+ endif
+ print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+ call MPI_BCAST(env_coef, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read env_coef with MPI'
+ endif
+ if (exists) then
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: env_coef ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_env_coef(env_coef)
+ call MPI_BCAST(env_coef, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read env_coef with MPI'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ do i = 1, nucl_num
+ env_coef(i) = 1d0
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! ---
+ print *, ' parameters for nuclei jastrow'
+ print *, ' i, Z, env_expo, env_coef'
+ do i = 1, nucl_num
+ write(*,'(I4, 2x, 3(E15.7, 2X))') i, nucl_charge(i), env_expo(i), env_coef(i)
+ enddo
+! ---
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f b/src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9413f723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+! ---
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_expo, (j1e_size, nucl_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_coef, (j1e_size, nucl_num)]
+ !
+ ! parameters of the 1e-Jastrow
+ !
+ implicit none
+ logical :: exists
+ integer :: i, j
+ integer :: ierr
+ PROVIDE ezfio_filename
+ ! ---
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_j1e_expo(exists)
+ endif
+ print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ call MPI_BCAST(j1e_expo, (j1e_size*nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_expo with MPI'
+ endif
+ if (exists) then
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_expo ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_j1e_expo(j1e_expo)
+ call MPI_BCAST(j1e_expo, (j1e_size*nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_expo with MPI'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ j1e_expo = 1.d0
+ endif
+ ! ---
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_j1e_coef(exists)
+ endif
+ print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+ call MPI_BCAST(j1e_coef, (j1e_size*nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef with MPI'
+ endif
+ if (exists) then
+ if (mpi_master) then
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_j1e_coef(j1e_coef)
+ call MPI_BCAST(j1e_coef, (j1e_size*nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef with MPI'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ j1e_coef = 0.d0
+ endif
+ ! ---
+ print *, ' parameters of the 1e-Jastrow'
+ do i = 1, nucl_num
+ print*, ' for Z = ', nucl_charge(i)
+ do j = 1, j1e_size
+ write(*,'(I4, 2x, 2(E15.7, 2X))') j, j1e_coef(j,i), j1e_expo(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! ---
From b4ba0eda6f3e5cbd3bb1d499a982a304bf14cf05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 12:05:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/44] new keywords for Jastrow
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f | 94 -----
plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/potential.irp.f | 335 ------------------
plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/useful_sub.irp.f | 49 ++-
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f | 4 +-
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 13 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f | 2 +
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 263 +++-----------
plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg | 16 +-
plugins/local/tc_scf/fock_vartc.irp.f | 10 +-
plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f | 36 --
10 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 707 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
delete mode 100644 plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/potential.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 052ad072..00000000
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_max_fit_slat]
- implicit none
-! number of gaussian to fit exp(-x)
-! I took 20 gaussians from the program bassto.f
- n_max_fit_slat = 20
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_fit_slat_gauss, (n_max_fit_slat)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_fit_slat_gauss, (n_max_fit_slat)]
- implicit none
- include 'constants.include.F'
- ! fit the exp(-x) as
- !
- ! \sum_{i = 1, n_max_fit_slat} coef_fit_slat_gauss(i) * exp(-expo_fit_slat_gauss(i) * x**2)
- !
- ! The coefficient are taken from the program bassto.f
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(01)=30573.77073000000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(01)=0.00338925525
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(02)=5608.45238100000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(02)=0.00536433869
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(03)=1570.95673400000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(03)=0.00818702846
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(04)=541.39785110000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(04)=0.01202047655
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(05)=212.43469630000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(05)=0.01711289568
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(06)=91.31444574000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(06)=0.02376001022
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(07)=42.04087246000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(07)=0.03229121736
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(08)=20.43200443000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(08)=0.04303646818
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(09)=10.37775161000
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(09)=0.05624657578
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(10)=5.46880754500
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(10)=0.07192311571
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(11)=2.97373529200
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(11)=0.08949389001
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(12)=1.66144190200
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(12)=0.10727599240
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(13)=0.95052560820
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(13)=0.12178961750
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(14)=0.55528683970
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(14)=0.12740141870
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(15)=0.33043360020
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(15)=0.11759168160
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(16)=0.19982303230
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(16)=0.08953504394
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(17)=0.12246840760
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(17)=0.05066721317
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(18)=0.07575825322
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(18)=0.01806363869
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(19)=0.04690146243
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(19)=0.00305632563
- expo_fit_slat_gauss(20)=0.02834749861
- coef_fit_slat_gauss(20)=0.00013317513
-double precision function slater_fit_gam(x,gam)
- implicit none
- double precision, intent(in) :: x,gam
-! fit of the function exp(-gam * x) with gaussian functions
- integer :: i
- slater_fit_gam = 0.d0
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- slater_fit_gam += coef_fit_slat_gauss(i) * dexp(-expo_fit_slat_gauss(i) * gam * gam * x * x)
- enddo
-subroutine expo_fit_slater_gam(gam,expos)
- implicit none
-! returns the array of the exponents of the gaussians to fit exp(-gam*x)
- double precision, intent(in) :: gam
- double precision, intent(out) :: expos(n_max_fit_slat)
- integer :: i
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- expos(i) = expo_fit_slat_gauss(i) * gam * gam
- enddo
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/potential.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/potential.irp.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b72b567..00000000
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/potential.irp.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_gauss_eff_pot]
- ! number of gaussians to represent the effective potential :
- !
- ! V(mu,r12) = -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
- !
- ! Here (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 is expanded in Gaussians as Eqs A11-A20 in JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
- implicit none
- n_gauss_eff_pot = ng_fit_jast + 1
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_gauss_eff_pot_deriv]
- ! V(r12) = -(1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 is expanded in Gaussians as Eqs A11-A20 in JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
- implicit none
- n_gauss_eff_pot_deriv = ng_fit_jast
-! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_gauss_eff_pot, (n_gauss_eff_pot)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_gauss_eff_pot, (n_gauss_eff_pot)]
- ! Coefficients and exponents of the Fit on Gaussians of V(X) = -(1 - erf(mu*X))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*X)^2)
- !
- ! V(X) = \sum_{i=1,n_gauss_eff_pot} coef_gauss_eff_pot(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_eff_pot(i) * X^2)
- !
- ! Relies on the fit proposed in Eqs A11-A20 in JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
- include 'constants.include.F'
- implicit none
- integer :: i
- ! fit of the -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*x))^2 with n_max_fit_slat gaussians
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_eff_pot(i) = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- coef_gauss_eff_pot(i) = -0.25d0 * coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) ! -1/4 * (1 - erf(mu*x))^2
- enddo
- ! Analytical Gaussian part of the potential: + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*x)^2)
- expo_gauss_eff_pot(ng_fit_jast+1) = mu_erf * mu_erf
- coef_gauss_eff_pot(ng_fit_jast+1) = 1.d0 * mu_erf * inv_sq_pi
-! ---
-double precision function eff_pot_gauss(x, mu)
- ! V(mu,r12) = -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
- implicit none
- double precision, intent(in) :: x, mu
- eff_pot_gauss = mu/dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * dexp(-mu*mu*x*x) - 0.25d0 * (1.d0 - derf(mu*x))**2.d0
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ---
-double precision function eff_pot_fit_gauss(x)
- implicit none
- ! V(mu,r12) = -0.25 * (1 - erf(mu*r12))^2 + 1/(\sqrt(pi)mu) * exp(-(mu*r12)^2)
- !
- ! but fitted with gaussians
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
- integer :: i
- double precision :: alpha
- eff_pot_fit_gauss = derf(mu_erf*x)/x
- do i = 1, n_gauss_eff_pot
- alpha = expo_gauss_eff_pot(i)
- eff_pot_fit_gauss += coef_gauss_eff_pot(i) * dexp(-alpha*x*x)
- enddo
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_fit_1_erf_x]
- implicit none
- n_fit_1_erf_x = 2
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x, (n_fit_1_erf_x)]
- implicit none
-! 1 - erf(mu*x) is fitted with a Slater and gaussian as in Eq.A15 of JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
-! 1 - erf(mu*x) = e^{-expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) * mu *x} * e^{-expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) * mu^2 * x^2}
- expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) = 1.09529d0
- expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) = 0.756023d0
-! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_gauss_1_erf_x, (n_max_fit_slat)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_gauss_1_erf_x, (n_max_fit_slat)]
- !
- ! (1 - erf(mu*x)) = \sum_i coef_gauss_1_erf_x(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x(i) * x^2)
- !
- ! This is based on a fit of (1 - erf(mu*x)) by exp(-alpha * x) exp(-beta*mu^2x^2)
- !
- ! and the slater function exp(-alpha * x) is fitted with n_max_fit_slat gaussians
- !
- ! See Appendix 2 of JCP 154, 084119 (2021)
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: i
- double precision :: expos(n_max_fit_slat), alpha, beta
- alpha = expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) * mu_erf
- call expo_fit_slater_gam(alpha, expos)
- beta = expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) * mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x(i) = expos(i) + beta
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x(i) = coef_fit_slat_gauss(i)
- enddo
-! ---
-double precision function fit_1_erf_x(x)
- ! fit_1_erf_x(x) = \sum_i c_i exp (-alpha_i x^2) \approx (1 - erf(mu*x))
- implicit none
- integer :: i
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
- fit_1_erf_x = 0.d0
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- fit_1_erf_x += dexp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x(i) *x*x) * coef_gauss_1_erf_x(i)
- enddo
-! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, (ng_fit_jast)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, (ng_fit_jast)]
- ! (1 - erf(mu*x))^2 = \sum_i coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) * exp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) * x^2)
- !
- ! This is based on a fit of (1 - erf(mu*x)) by exp(-alpha * x) exp(-beta*mu^2x^2)
- !
- ! and the slater function exp(-alpha * x) is fitted with n_max_fit_slat gaussians
- implicit none
- integer :: i
- double precision :: expos(ng_fit_jast), alpha, beta, tmp
- if(ng_fit_jast .eq. 1) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.85345277d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 6.23519457d0 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 2) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.31030624d0 , 0.64364964d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 55.39184787d0, 3.92151407d0 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 3) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.33206082d0 , 0.52347449d0, 0.12605012d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 19.90272209d0, 3.2671671d0 , 336.47320445d0 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 5) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.02956716d0, 0.17025555d0, 0.32774114d0, 0.39034764d0, 0.07822781d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 6467.28126d0, 46.9071990d0, 9.09617721d0, 2.76883328d0, 360.367093d0 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 6) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.18331042d0 , 0.10971118d0 , 0.29949169d0 , 0.34853132d0 , 0.0394275d0 , 0.01874444d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 2.54293498d+01, 1.40317872d+02, 7.14630801d+00, 2.65517675d+00, 1.45142619d+03, 1.00000000d+04 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 7) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.0213619d0 , 0.03221511d0 , 0.29966689d0 , 0.19178934d0 , 0.06154732d0 , 0.28214555d0 , 0.11125985d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 1.34727067d+04, 1.27166613d+03, 5.52584567d+00, 1.67753218d+01, 2.46145691d+02, 2.47971820d+00, 5.95141293d+01 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 8) then
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 0.28189124d0 , 0.19518669d0 , 0.12161735d0 , 0.24257438d0 , 0.07309656d0 , 0.042435d0 , 0.01926109d0 , 0.02393415d0 /)
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ 4.69795903d+00, 1.21379451d+01, 3.55527053d+01, 2.39227172d+00, 1.14827721d+02, 4.16320213d+02, 1.52813587d+04, 1.78516557d+03 /)
- tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
- !elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 9) then
- ! coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ /)
- ! expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 = (/ /)
- ! tmp = mu_erf * mu_erf
- ! do i = 1, ng_fit_jast
- ! expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = tmp * expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- ! enddo
- elseif(ng_fit_jast .eq. 20) then
- ASSERT(n_max_fit_slat == 20)
- alpha = 2.d0 * expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(1) * mu_erf
- call expo_fit_slater_gam(alpha, expos)
- beta = 2.d0 * expos_slat_gauss_1_erf_x(2) * mu_erf * mu_erf
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = expos(i) + beta
- coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) = coef_fit_slat_gauss(i)
- enddo
- else
- print *, ' not implemented yet'
- stop
- endif
-! ---
-double precision function fit_1_erf_x_2(x)
- implicit none
- double precision, intent(in) :: x
-! fit_1_erf_x_2(x) = \sum_i c_i exp (-alpha_i x^2) \approx (1 - erf(mu*x))^2
- integer :: i
- fit_1_erf_x_2 = 0.d0
- do i = 1, n_max_fit_slat
- fit_1_erf_x_2 += dexp(-expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i) *x*x) * coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i)
- enddo
-subroutine inv_r_times_poly(r, dist_r, dist_vec, poly)
- implicit none
-! returns
-! poly(1) = x / sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), poly(2) = y / sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), poly(3) = z / sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
-! with the arguments
-! r(1) = x, r(2) = y, r(3) = z, dist_r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
-! dist_vec(1) = sqrt(y^2+z^2), dist_vec(2) = sqrt(x^2+z^2), dist_vec(3) = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
- double precision, intent(in) :: r(3), dist_r, dist_vec(3)
- double precision, intent(out):: poly(3)
- double precision :: inv_dist
- integer :: i
- if ( 1.d-8)then
- inv_dist = 1.d0/dist_r
- do i = 1, 3
- poly(i) = r(i) * inv_dist
- enddo
- else
- do i = 1, 3
- if(dabs(r(i)).lt.dist_vec(i))then
- inv_dist = 1.d0/dist_r
- poly(i) = r(i) * inv_dist
- else !if(dabs(r(i)))then
- poly(i) = 1.d0
-! poly(i) = 0.d0
- endif
- enddo
- endif
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/useful_sub.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/useful_sub.irp.f
index 4cfdcad2..4c5efac1 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/useful_sub.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/useful_sub.irp.f
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ double precision function general_primitive_integral_coul_shifted( dim
general_primitive_integral_coul_shifted = fact_p * fact_q * accu * pi_5_2 * p_inv * q_inv / dsqrt(p_plus_q)
-end function general_primitive_integral_coul_shifted
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ double precision function general_primitive_integral_erf_shifted( dim
general_primitive_integral_erf_shifted = fact_p * fact_q * accu * pi_5_2 * p_inv * q_inv / dsqrt(p_plus_q)
-end function general_primitive_integral_erf_shifted
@@ -362,3 +362,48 @@ end function general_primitive_integral_erf_shifted
+! ---
+subroutine inv_r_times_poly(r, dist_r, dist_vec, poly)
+ !
+ ! returns
+ !
+ ! poly(1) = x / sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), poly(2) = y / sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), poly(3) = z / sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
+ !
+ ! with the arguments
+ !
+ ! r(1) = x, r(2) = y, r(3) = z, dist_r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
+ !
+ ! dist_vec(1) = sqrt(y^2+z^2), dist_vec(2) = sqrt(x^2+z^2), dist_vec(3) = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: r(3), dist_r, dist_vec(3)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: poly(3)
+ integer :: i
+ double precision :: inv_dist
+ if (dist_r .gt. 1.d-8)then
+ inv_dist = 1.d0/dist_r
+ do i = 1, 3
+ poly(i) = r(i) * inv_dist
+ enddo
+ else
+ do i = 1, 3
+ if(dabs(r(i)).lt.dist_vec(i)) then
+ inv_dist = 1.d0/dist_r
+ poly(i) = r(i) * inv_dist
+ else
+ poly(i) = 1.d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
index 9b5e9fe8..d67809ee 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl(r)
- print *, ' Error in grad1_env_nucl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
+ print *, ' Error in env_nucl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl_square(r)
- print *, ' Error in grad1_env_nucl: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
+ print *, ' Error in env_nucl_square: Unknown env_type = ', env_type
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index bb64ad77..0cb6f06c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
! grad_1 u(r1,r2)
- ! this will be integrated numerically over r2:
- ! we use grid for r1 and extra_grid for r2
+ ! we use grid for r1 and extra_grid for r2
@@ -29,13 +28,11 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
if( ((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) .or. &
- (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") ) then
+ (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") ) then
call grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- res(jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) &
- + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) &
- + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
+ res(jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .ne. "none")) then
@@ -60,9 +57,7 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
resx(jpoint) = (gradx1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
resy(jpoint) = (grady1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
resz(jpoint) = (gradz1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
- res (jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) &
- + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) &
- + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
+ res (jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
deallocate(env_r2, u2b_r12, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
index 5a088331..bc31ee91 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+! ---
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao_num , (ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num, (ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid) ]
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index a940455e..9df1a8a6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
! ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12)|lj)
! = where V^TC(r_12) is the total TC operator
! = tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
+ ! AND IF(var_tc):
+ !
+ ! ao_two_e_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12) + [(V^TC)(r_12)]^\dagger|lj) / 2.0
+ ! = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
+ !
! where:
@@ -25,7 +30,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k, l, m, ipoint
- double precision :: wall1, wall0
double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
double precision :: time0, time1
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
PROVIDE j2e_type
PROVIDE j1e_type
- call wall_time(wall0)
+ call wall_time(time0)
print *, ' providing ao_two_e_tc_tot ...'
print*, ' j2e_type: ', j2e_type
@@ -58,44 +62,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
! ---
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao
- allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num,3))
- b_mat = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
- !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis, b_mat, &
- !$OMP ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
- ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
- ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i,1) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1))
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i,2) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2))
- b_mat(ipoint,k,i,3) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3))
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- ao_two_e_tc_tot = 0.d0
- do m = 1, 3
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
- , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
- enddo
- deallocate(b_mat)
- ! ---
PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
@@ -122,12 +88,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. &
+ if( (tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") .and. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. &
((env_type .eq. "prod_gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) .and. &
use_ipp ) then
- print*, " going through Manu's IPP"
! an additional term is added here directly instead of
! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance
@@ -170,6 +135,47 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
! ---
+ if(.not. var_tc) then
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num,3))
+ b_mat = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis, b_mat, &
+ !$OMP ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
+ ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
+ ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,1) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1))
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,2) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2))
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,3) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do m = 1, 3
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(b_mat)
+ endif ! var_tc
+ ! ---
call sum_A_At(ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
- if(tc_integ_type .ge. "numeric") then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
@@ -214,172 +220,3 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
- !
- !
- ! ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12)|lj)
- ! = where V^TC(r_12) is the total TC operator
- ! = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j)
- !
- ! where:
- !
- ! tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) = -1/2
- !
- ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i > = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j )
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: i, j, k, l, ipoint
- double precision :: wall1, wall0
- double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
- double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision, allocatable :: c_mat(:,:,:)
- double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
- PROVIDE env_type
- PROVIDE j2e_type
- PROVIDE j1e_type
- call wall_time(wall0)
- print *, ' providing ao_two_e_vartc_tot ...'
- print*, ' j2e_type: ', j2e_type
- print*, ' j1e_type: ', j1e_type
- print*, ' env_type: ', env_type
- if(read_tc_integ) then
- print*, ' Reading ao_two_e_vartc_tot from ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot'
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot', action="read")
- read(11) ao_two_e_vartc_tot
- close(11)
- else
- PROVIDE tc_integ_type
- print*, ' approach for integrals: ', tc_integ_type
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
- allocate(c_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
- c_mat = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
- , 0.d0, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
- FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. &
- ((env_type .eq. "prod_gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) .and. &
- use_ipp ) then
- print*, " going through Manu's IPP"
- ! an additional term is added here directly instead of
- ! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance
- PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
- c_mat = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
- !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, &
- !$OMP env_square_grad, env_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
- ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
- ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
- c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
- + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
- , 1.d0, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
- FREE int2_u2_env2
- endif ! use_ipp
- deallocate(c_mat)
- ! ---
- call sum_A_At(ao_two_e_vartc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
- PROVIDE ao_integrals_map
- !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, ao_integrals_map) &
- !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l)
- !$OMP DO
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
- ! < 1:i, 2:j | 1:k, 2:l >
- ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j) + get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- if(tc_integ_type .ge. "numeric") then
- FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num
- endif
- endif ! read_tc_integ
- if(write_tc_integ .and. mpi_master) then
- print*, ' Saving ao_two_e_vartc_tot in ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot'
- open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_vartc_tot', action="write")
- call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.)
- write(11) ao_two_e_vartc_tot
- close(11)
- call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read')
- endif
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' Wall time for ao_two_e_vartc_tot (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg
index ee2d5112..93ff790f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_keywords/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -160,12 +160,6 @@ doc: If |true|, maximize the overlap between orthogonalized left- and right eige
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: False
-type: integer
-doc: nb of Gaussians used to fit Jastrow fcts
-interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: 20
type: integer
doc: Maximum size of the DIIS extrapolation procedure
@@ -258,7 +252,7 @@ default: True
type: integer
-doc: size of angular grid over r1
+doc: size of angular grid over r1: [ 6 | 14 | 26 | 38 | 50 | 74 | 86 | 110 | 146 | 170 | 194 | 230 | 266 | 302 | 350 | 434 | 590 | 770 | 974 | 1202 | 1454 | 1730 | 2030 | 2354 | 2702 | 3074 | 3470 | 3890 | 4334 | 4802 | 5294 | 5810 ]
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 50
@@ -270,19 +264,19 @@ default: 30
type: integer
-doc: size of angular grid over r2
+doc: size of angular grid over r2: [ 6 | 14 | 26 | 38 | 50 | 74 | 86 | 110 | 146 | 170 | 194 | 230 | 266 | 302 | 350 | 434 | 590 | 770 | 974 | 1202 | 1454 | 1730 | 2030 | 2354 | 2702 | 3074 | 3470 | 3890 | 4334 | 4802 | 5294 | 5810 ]
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: 194
+default: 266
type: integer
doc: size of radial grid over r2
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: 50
+default: 70
type: character*(32)
-doc: approach used to evaluate TC integrals [analytic | numeric | semi-analytic]
+doc: approach used to evaluate TC integrals [ analytic | numeric | semi-analytic ]
interface: ezfio,ocaml,provider
default: semi-analytic
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_scf/fock_vartc.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_scf/fock_vartc.irp.f
index 03899b07..2b4a57e5 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_scf/fock_vartc.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_scf/fock_vartc.irp.f
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
two_e_vartc_integral_alpha = 0.d0
two_e_vartc_integral_beta = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, density_a, density_b, density, tmp_a, tmp_b, I_coul, I_kjli) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha, TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_beta, ao_two_e_vartc_tot, &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, density_a, density_b, density, tmp_a, tmp_b, I_coul, I_kjli) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha, TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_beta, ao_two_e_tc_tot, &
!$OMP two_e_vartc_integral_alpha, two_e_vartc_integral_beta)
allocate(tmp_a(ao_num,ao_num), tmp_b(ao_num,ao_num))
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
do i = 1, ao_num
do k = 1, ao_num
- I_coul = density * ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,i,l,j)
- I_kjli = ao_two_e_vartc_tot(k,j,l,i)
+ I_coul = density * ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j)
+ I_kjli = ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,j,l,i)
tmp_a(k,i) += I_coul - density_a * I_kjli
tmp_b(k,i) += I_coul - density_b * I_kjli
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f
index adaacfa5..e135fcd8 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_scf/test_int.irp.f
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ program test_ints
!!PROVIDE TC_HF_energy VARTC_HF_energy
!!print *, ' TC_HF_energy = ', TC_HF_energy
!!print *, ' VARTC_HF_energy = ', VARTC_HF_energy
-! call test_old_ints
call test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_cs()
call test_fock_3e_uhf_mo_a()
@@ -796,41 +795,6 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_old_ints
- implicit none
- integer :: i,j,k,l
- double precision :: old, new, contrib, get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot
- double precision :: integral_sym , integral_nsym,accu
- PROVIDE ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_in_map
- accu = 0.d0
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do l= 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do k = 1, ao_num
-! integral_sym = get_ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot(i, j, k, l, ao_tc_sym_two_e_pot_map)
- ! ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j) = < k l | [erf( mu r12) - 1] d/d_r12 | i j > on the AO basis
-! integral_nsym = ao_non_hermit_term_chemist(k,i,l,j)
-! old = integral_sym + integral_nsym
- new = ao_tc_int_chemist_test(k,i,l,j)
- old = ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle(k,i,l,j)
- contrib = dabs(old - new)
- if(
- print*,'problem !!'
- print*,i,j,k,l
- print*,old, new, contrib
- endif
- accu += contrib
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- print*,'******'
- print*,'******'
- print*,'in test_old_ints'
- print*,'accu = ',accu/dble(ao_num**4)
subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao_test
implicit none
integer :: i,j,ipoint,m,k,l
From fbcd70db2c695a7bc00be259c02e6a8617282a48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 19:02:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/44] hamiltonian -> jastrow
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f | 210 +++++++++---------
plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/NEED | 2 +
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 61 ++++-
.../local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f | 8 +-
.../local/jastrow}/fit_j.irp.f | 0
.../local/jastrow}/fit_potential.irp.f | 0
.../local/jastrow}/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f | 0
.../local/jastrow}/jast_1e_param.irp.f | 8 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/NEED | 1 +
.../non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f | 14 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 106 ++++-----
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 1 +
src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg | 61 -----
13 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)
rename src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f => plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f (91%)
rename {src/hamiltonian => plugins/local/jastrow}/fit_j.irp.f (100%)
rename {src/hamiltonian => plugins/local/jastrow}/fit_potential.irp.f (100%)
rename {src/hamiltonian => plugins/local/jastrow}/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f (100%)
rename {src/hamiltonian => plugins/local/jastrow}/jast_1e_param.irp.f (91%)
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
index 8d97d514..8685e563 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
@@ -32,18 +32,18 @@
PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_expo List_env1s_coef List_env1s_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_long_Du ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, c_1s, e_1s, R_1s, int_erf, int_clb, &
!$OMP tmp_Du_0, tmp_Du_x, tmp_Du_y, tmp_Du_z, tmp_Du_2) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_erf, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
tmp_Du_2 = tmp_Du_2 + c_1s * (int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7))
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_0
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_x
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_y
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_z
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_2
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_0
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_x
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_y
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_z
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_2
@@ -95,27 +95,27 @@
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_long_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_expo List_env1s_coef List_env1s_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
mu_sq = mu_erf * mu_erf
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, dx, dy, dz, r, tmp_arg, coef, &
!$OMP rmu_sq, e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, beta, B_center, tmp_Du) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
tmp_Du += coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(B_center, beta, j, i)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du
+ Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du
@@ -197,33 +197,33 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
@@ -242,22 +242,22 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE final_grid_points
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2 ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
mu_sq = mu_erf * mu_erf
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, rmu_sq, dx, dy, dz, &
- !$OMP e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, tmp_arg, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP int_erf, int_clb, &
- !$OMP tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
- !$OMP mu_erf, List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, r, rmu_sq, dx, dy, dz, &
+ !$OMP e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, tmp_arg, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP int_erf, int_clb, &
+ !$OMP tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
+ !$OMP mu_erf, List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ END_PROVIDER
tmp_Du2_2 = tmp_Du2_2 + coef * (int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7))
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
@@ -324,27 +324,27 @@ END_PROVIDER
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2 ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
mu_sq = 2.d0 * mu_erf * mu_erf
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, dx, dy, dz, r, tmp_arg, coef, &
!$OMP rmu_sq, e_1s, c_1s, R_1s, beta, B_center, tmp_Du2) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
tmp_Du2 += coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(B_center, beta, j, i)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2
+ Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2
@@ -426,33 +426,33 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * x2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * y2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * z2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * x2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * y2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * z2
- ! Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * r2^2
+ ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * r2^2
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
PROVIDE ng_fit_jast expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2
- print *, ' providing Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2 ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
@@ -480,11 +480,11 @@ END_PROVIDER
!$OMP tmp_Du2_0, tmp_Du2_x, tmp_Du2_y, tmp_Du2_z, tmp_Du2_2) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, &
!$OMP ng_fit_jast, expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2)
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ END_PROVIDER
enddo ! i_1s
enddo ! i_fit
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
enddo ! j
enddo ! i
enddo ! ipoint
@@ -556,17 +556,17 @@ END_PROVIDER
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/NEED b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/NEED
index f768b75f..b12b0999 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/NEED
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_tc_eff_map/NEED
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ mo_one_e_ints
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index b41185a3..8f05eb01 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
-doc: Type of Jastrow [None| Mu | Qmckl]
type: character*(32)
+doc: type of the 2e-Jastrow: [ none | rs-dft | rs-dft-murho | champ ]
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: rs-dft
+type: character*(32)
+doc: type of the 1e-Jastrow: [ none | gauss ]
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: none
+type: character*(32)
+doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ none | prod-gauss | sum-gauss | sum-slat | sum-quartic ]
interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
-default: None
+default: sum-gauss
doc: Number of different nuclei types in QMCkl jastrow
@@ -64,6 +77,46 @@ type: double precision
size: (jastrow.jast_qmckl_c_vector_size)
interface: ezfio, provider
+type: integer
+doc: number of functions per atom in 1e-Jastrow
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: 1
+type: double precision
+doc: linear coef of functions in 1e-Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (jastrow.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: exponenets of functions in 1e-Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (jastrow.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: exponents of the 1-body Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow
+interface: ezfio
+size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: integer
+doc: type of mu(rho) Jastrow
+interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
+default: 0
+type: integer
+doc: nb of Gaussians used to fit Jastrow fcts
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: 20
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
similarity index 91%
rename from src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f
rename to plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
index 64fcc90f..8102a484 100644
--- a/src/hamiltonian/j1b_pen.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
! ---
if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_env_expo(exists)
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_env_expo(exists)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
if (exists) then
if (mpi_master) then
write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: env_expo ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_env_expo(env_expo)
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_env_expo(env_expo)
call MPI_BCAST(env_expo, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
! ---
if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_env_coef(exists)
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_env_coef(exists)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
if (exists) then
if (mpi_master) then
write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: env_coef ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_env_coef(env_coef)
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_env_coef(env_coef)
call MPI_BCAST(env_coef, (nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/fit_j.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/fit_j.irp.f
similarity index 100%
rename from src/hamiltonian/fit_j.irp.f
rename to plugins/local/jastrow/fit_j.irp.f
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/fit_potential.irp.f
similarity index 100%
rename from src/hamiltonian/fit_potential.irp.f
rename to plugins/local/jastrow/fit_potential.irp.f
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
similarity index 100%
rename from src/hamiltonian/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
rename to plugins/local/jastrow/fit_slat_gauss.irp.f
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f
similarity index 91%
rename from src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f
rename to plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f
index 9413f723..16c8cedc 100644
--- a/src/hamiltonian/jast_1e_param.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
! ---
if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_j1e_expo(exists)
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_expo(exists)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
if (exists) then
if (mpi_master) then
write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_expo ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_j1e_expo(j1e_expo)
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_expo(j1e_expo)
call MPI_BCAST(j1e_expo, (j1e_size*nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
! ---
if (mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_hamiltonian_j1e_coef(exists)
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef(exists)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
if (exists) then
if (mpi_master) then
write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_hamiltonian_j1e_coef(j1e_coef)
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef(j1e_coef)
call MPI_BCAST(j1e_coef, (j1e_size*nucl_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/NEED b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/NEED
index c44c65af..48c1c24b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/NEED
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/NEED
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
index 415e4fc0..515b6da5 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ program debug_integ_jmu_modif
!call test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao()
!call test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s()
- !call test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0()
+ !call test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0()
@@ -731,17 +731,17 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0()
+subroutine test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: i_old, i_new
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, normalz
- print*, ' test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 ...'
+ print*, ' test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 ...'
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0
+ PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0
eps_ij = 1d-10
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -751,12 +751,12 @@ subroutine test_Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- i_old = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env (i,j,ipoint)
- i_new = Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_old = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
+ i_new = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 (i,j,ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_old - i_new)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' old integ = ', i_old
print *, ' new integ = ', i_new
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index 7962ed15..cb1d2beb 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -125,22 +125,22 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du
+ PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du
tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- FREE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2
+ FREE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
endif ! j1e_type
@@ -440,28 +440,28 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! PROVIDE mu_erf
! PROVIDE env_val env_grad
-! PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2
-! PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2
-! PROVIDE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0 Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2
! tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
! tmp_ct2 = tmp_ct * tmp_ct
! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, dr2, &
-! !$OMP tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, &
-! !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
-! !$OMP tmp_ct, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, dr2, &
+! !$OMP tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, &
+! !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+! !$OMP tmp_ct, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -492,12 +492,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! do j = 1, ao_num
! do i = 1, ao_num
-! tmp2 = tmp1_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_x (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_y (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_z (i,j,ipoint) &
-! - tmp0_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+! tmp2 = tmp1_x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z (i,j,ipoint) &
+! - tmp0_x * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_y * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_z * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
-! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 + tmp3 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint) &
-! + tmp4 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint) - tmp5 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) &
-! - tmp6 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 + tmp3 * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+! + tmp4 * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint) - tmp5 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) &
+! - tmp6 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
@@ -524,17 +524,17 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
tmp_ct1 = 1.0d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
tmp_ct2 = 1.0d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx1, dy1, dz1, &
- !$OMP dx2, dy2, dz2, dr12, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP j1e_dx, j1e_dy, j1e_dz, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z, Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx1, dy1, dz1, &
+ !$OMP dx2, dy2, dz2, dr12, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
+ !$OMP j1e_dx, j1e_dy, j1e_dz, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
!$OMP ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -566,11 +566,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
- + tmp0 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
- - tmp2 * Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) &
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
+ + tmp0 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+ - tmp2 * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) &
+ tmp3 * ao_overlap(i,j)
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
- FREE Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_0 Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_x Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_y Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_z Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_gauss_Du Ir2_LinFcRSDFT_long_Du_2
+ FREE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
endif ! j1e_type
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index 9df1a8a6..2fbeeb3a 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:,:), c_mat(:,:,:)
double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ PROVIDe tc_integ_type
PROVIDE env_type
PROVIDE j2e_type
PROVIDE j1e_type
diff --git a/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg b/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg
index 652a3e33..9b51c560 100644
--- a/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/src/hamiltonian/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -5,64 +5,3 @@ interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.5
ezfio_name: mu_erf
-type: character*(32)
-doc: type of the 2e-Jastrow: [ rs-dft | rs-dft-murho | champ ]
-interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: lin-fc-rs-dft
-type: character*(32)
-doc: type of the 1e-Jastrow: [ none | gauss ]
-interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: none
-type: integer
-doc: number of functions per atom in 1e-Jastrow
-interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: 1
-type: double precision
-doc: linear coef of functions in 1e-Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (hamiltonian.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: double precision
-doc: exponenets of functions in 1e-Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (hamiltonian.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: character*(32)
-doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ prod-gauss | sum-gauss | sum-slat | sum-quartic ]
-interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
-default: sum-gauss
-type: double precision
-doc: exponents of the 1-body Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: double precision
-doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow
-interface: ezfio
-size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
-type: integer
-doc: type of mu(rho) Jastrow
-interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
-default: 0
-type: integer
-doc: nb of Gaussians used to fit Jastrow fcts
-interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: 20
From c3c65927cad4ff2c29b6c948a96cee235775f89e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 23:35:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/44] added charge-harmonizer one-body Jastrow
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 137 +++++++++++--
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 181 ++++++++++++++++++
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 30 +--
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 138 +++++++++++--
4 files changed, 442 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index 4894f30b..e6a692b5 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
double precision :: a, c, tmp
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing j1e_val ...'
if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
@@ -46,29 +52,40 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
- print *, ' Error: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ print *, ' Error in j1e_val: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' Wall time for j1e_val (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_dx, (n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_dy, (n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_dz, (n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_gradx, (n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_grady, (n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_gradz, (n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
- double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
- double precision :: a, c, g, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
+ double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
+ double precision :: a, c, g, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing j1e_grad ...'
if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
- j1e_dx = 0.d0
- j1e_dy = 0.d0
- j1e_dz = 0.d0
+ j1e_gradx = 0.d0
+ j1e_grady = 0.d0
+ j1e_gradz = 0.d0
elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
@@ -104,14 +121,105 @@ END_PROVIDER
- j1e_dx(ipoint) = tmp_x
- j1e_dy(ipoint) = tmp_y
- j1e_dz(ipoint) = tmp_z
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_x
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_y
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_z
+ enddo
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "charge-harmonizer") then
+ ! The - sign is in the integral over r2
+ ! [(N-1)/2N] x \sum_{\mu,\nu} P_{\mu,\nu} \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_\mu(r2) \phi_nu(r2)
+ PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
+ PROVIDE mo_coef
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2b_ao
+ allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_alpha_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pa, size(Pa, 1))
+ if(elec_alpha_num .eq. elec_beta_num) then
+ Pb = Pa
+ else
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_beta_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pb, size(Pb, 1))
+ endif
+ Pt = Pa + Pb
+ g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2b_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradx, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2b_ao(1,1,1,2), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_grady, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2b_ao(1,1,1,3), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradz, 1)
+ deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in j1e_grad: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ stop
+ endif
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' Wall time for j1e_grad (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_lapl, (n_points_final_grid)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
+ double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
+ double precision :: a, c, g, tmp
+ if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
+ j1e_lapl = 0.d0
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
+ ! - \sum_{A} (r - R_A) \sum_p c_{p_A} \exp(-\alpha_{p_A} (r - R_A)^2)
+ PROVIDE j1e_size j1e_coef j1e_expo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ tmp = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, nucl_num
+ dx = x - nucl_coord(j,1)
+ dy = y - nucl_coord(j,2)
+ dz = z - nucl_coord(j,3)
+ d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
+ do p = 1, j1e_size
+ c = j1e_coef(p,j)
+ a = j1e_expo(p,j)
+ g = c * a * dexp(-a*d2)
+ tmp = tmp + (2.d0 * a * d2 - 3.d0) * g
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ j1e_lapl(ipoint) = tmp
- print *, ' Error: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ print *, ' Error in j1e_lapl: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
@@ -120,4 +228,3 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cfde97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+ !
+ ! int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J_2b(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ !
+ ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
+ double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
+ double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u2b_ao ...'
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
+ ! TODO combine 1shot & int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
+ !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
+ !int2_grad1_u2b_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ ! ---
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
+ !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
+ !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
+ !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao = 0.d0
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
+ tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
+ tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
+ tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
+ tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2b_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ else
+ write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet'
+ stop
+ endif ! tc_integ_type
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u2b_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index cb1d2beb..10324251 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
@@ -190,7 +188,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
PROVIDE elec_num
PROVIDE ao_overlap
- PROVIDE j1e_dx j1e_dy j1e_dz
+ PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
@@ -198,12 +196,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, tmp_ct, &
- !$OMP j1e_dx, j1e_dy, j1e_dz, ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp0_x = tmp_ct * j1e_dx(ipoint)
- tmp0_y = tmp_ct * j1e_dy(ipoint)
- tmp0_z = tmp_ct * j1e_dz(ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = tmp_ct * j1e_gradx(ipoint)
+ tmp0_y = tmp_ct * j1e_grady(ipoint)
+ tmp0_z = tmp_ct * j1e_gradz(ipoint)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) + tmp0_x * ao_overlap(i,j)
@@ -217,7 +215,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- FREE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ FREE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
+ endif
endif ! j1e_type
@@ -519,7 +523,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE elec_num
PROVIDE ao_overlap
- PROVIDE j1e_dx j1e_dy j1e_dz
+ PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
tmp_ct1 = 1.0d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
tmp_ct2 = 1.0d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
@@ -531,7 +535,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
!$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
!$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP j1e_dx, j1e_dy, j1e_dz, &
+ !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, &
!$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, &
!$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
!$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
@@ -548,9 +552,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
dy1 = env_grad(2,ipoint)
dz1 = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- dx2 = j1e_dx(ipoint)
- dy2 = j1e_dy(ipoint)
- dz2 = j1e_dz(ipoint)
+ dx2 = j1e_gradx(ipoint)
+ dy2 = j1e_grady(ipoint)
+ dz2 = j1e_gradz(ipoint)
dr12 = dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2 + dz1*dz2
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index c57f8400..6a30d909 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -26,28 +26,33 @@ program test_non_h
!call test_v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an()
- call test_int2_grad1_u12_square_ao()
- call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
+ !call test_int2_grad1_u12_square_ao()
+ !call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
+ call test_j1e_grad()
! ---
subroutine routine_fit
- implicit none
- integer :: i,nx
- double precision :: dx,xmax,x,j_mu,j_mu_F_x_j,j_mu_fit_gauss
- nx = 500
- xmax = 5.d0
- dx = xmax/dble(nx)
- x = 0.d0
- print*,'coucou',mu_erf
- do i = 1, nx
- write(33,'(100(F16.10,X))') x,j_mu(x),j_mu_F_x_j(x),j_mu_fit_gauss(x)
- x += dx
- enddo
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i,nx
+ double precision :: dx,xmax,x,j_mu,j_mu_F_x_j,j_mu_fit_gauss
+ nx = 500
+ xmax = 5.d0
+ dx = xmax/dble(nx)
+ x = 0.d0
+ print*,'coucou',mu_erf
+ do i = 1, nx
+ write(33,'(100(F16.10,X))') x,j_mu(x),j_mu_F_x_j(x),j_mu_fit_gauss(x)
+ x += dx
+ enddo
+! ---
subroutine test_ipp()
@@ -561,7 +566,7 @@ subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_square_ao()
print*, ' accuracy(%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
-end subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
! ---
@@ -605,7 +610,108 @@ subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
print*, ' accuracy(%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
-end subroutine test_int2_grad1_u12_ao
+! ---
+subroutine test_j1e_grad()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint
+ double precision :: g
+ double precision :: x_loops, x_dgemm, diff, thr, accu, norm
+ double precision, allocatable :: pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: x(:), y(:), z(:)
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2b_ao
+ PROVIDE mo_coef
+ allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_alpha_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pa, size(Pa, 1))
+ if(elec_alpha_num .eq. elec_beta_num) then
+ Pb = Pa
+ else
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_beta_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pb, size(Pb, 1))
+ endif
+ Pt = Pa + Pa
+ g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ allocate(x(n_points_final_grid), y(n_points_final_grid), z(n_points_final_grid))
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ y(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ z(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ x(ipoint) = x(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ y(ipoint) = y(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ z(ipoint) = z(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ ! ---
+ thr = 1d-10
+ norm = 0.d0
+ accu = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x_loops = x (ipoint)
+ x_dgemm = j1e_gradx(ipoint)
+ diff = dabs(x_loops - x_dgemm)
+ if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ print *, ' problem in j1e_gradx on:', ipoint
+ print *, ' loops :', x_loops
+ print *, ' dgemm :', x_dgemm
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(x_loops)
+ x_loops = y (ipoint)
+ x_dgemm = j1e_grady(ipoint)
+ diff = dabs(x_loops - x_dgemm)
+ if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ print *, ' problem in j1e_grady on:', ipoint
+ print *, ' loops :', x_loops
+ print *, ' dgemm :', x_dgemm
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(x_loops)
+ x_loops = z (ipoint)
+ x_dgemm = j1e_gradz(ipoint)
+ diff = dabs(x_loops - x_dgemm)
+ if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ print *, ' problem in j1e_gradz on:', ipoint
+ print *, ' loops :', x_loops
+ print *, ' dgemm :', x_dgemm
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(x_loops)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(x, y, z)
+ print*, ' accuracy(%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+ return
! ---
From da7edff3b7875eb08a31d98072f65c668239d492 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:02:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/44] added README for Jastrow
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 12 ++++-
2 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index aefb6ad5..f3cd363c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -1,3 +1,63 @@
# Jastrow
-Information relative to the Jastrow factor in trans-correlated calculations.
+Information related to the Jastrow factor in trans-correlated calculations.
+The main keywords are:
+- `j2e_type`
+- `j1e_type`
+- `env_type`
+## j2e_type Options
+1. **none:** No 2e-Jastrow is used.
+2. **rs-dft:** 2e-Jastrow inspired by Range Separated Density Functional Theory. It has the following shape:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \tau = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j \neq i} u(\mathbf{r}_i, \mathbf{r}_j),
+ \end{equation}
+ with,
+ \begin{equation}
+ u(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2) = u(r_{12}) = \frac{r_{12}}{2} \left[ 1 - \text{erf}(\mu \, r_{12}) \right] - \frac{\exp\left[- (\mu \, r_{12})^2\right]}{2 \sqrt{\pi} \mu}.
+ \end{equation}
+## env_type Options
+The Jastrow used is multiplied by an envelope \(v\):
+\tau = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j \neq i} u(\mathbf{r}_i, \mathbf{r}_j) \, v(\mathbf{r}_i) \, v(\mathbf{r}_j)
+- if `env_type` is **none**: No envelope is used.
+- if `env_type` is **prod-gauss**: \(v(\mathbf{r}) = \prod_{a} \left(1 - e^{-\alpha_a (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}_a)^2 } \right)\)
+- if `env_type` is **sum-gauss**: \(v(\mathbf{r}) = 1 - \sum_{a} \left(1 - c_a e^{-\alpha_a (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}_a)^2 } \right)\)
+Here, \(A\) designates the nuclei, and the coefficients and exponents are defined in the tables `enc_coef` and `env_expo` respectively.
+## j1e_type Options
+The Jastrow used is:
+\tau = \sum_i u_{1e}(\mathbf{r}_i)
+- if `j1e_type` is **none**: No one-electron Jastrow is used.
+- if `j1e_type` is **gauss**: We use \(u_{1e}(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_A \sum_{p_A} c_{p_A} e^{-\alpha_{p_A} (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}_A)^2}\), where the \(c_p\) and \(\alpha_p\) are defined by the tables `j1e_coef` and `j1e_expo`, respectively.
+- if `j1e_type` is **charge-harmonizer**: The one-electron Jastrow factor depends on the two-electron Jastrow factor \(u_{2e}\) such that the one-electron term is added to compensate for the unfavorable effect of altering the charge density caused by the two-electron factor:
+u_{1e}(\mathbf{r}_1) = - \frac{N-1}{2N} \sum_{\sigma} \int d\mathbf{r}_2 \rho^{\sigma}(\mathbf{r}_2) u_{2e}(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2),
+Feel free to review and let me know if any further adjustments are needed.
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index 10324251..ee4a7c04 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -59,7 +59,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
! ---
- if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "none") then
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
@@ -307,7 +311,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! ---
- if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "none") then
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
From ea67ba86322eafb412675d0b928c1017b6b2c71d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:08:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/44] Update
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 10 ++--------
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index f3cd363c..33ed177b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -12,14 +12,8 @@ The main keywords are:
1. **none:** No 2e-Jastrow is used.
2. **rs-dft:** 2e-Jastrow inspired by Range Separated Density Functional Theory. It has the following shape:
- \begin{equation}
- \tau = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j \neq i} u(\mathbf{r}_i, \mathbf{r}_j),
- \end{equation}
- with,
- \begin{equation}
- u(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2) = u(r_{12}) = \frac{r_{12}}{2} \left[ 1 - \text{erf}(\mu \, r_{12}) \right] - \frac{\exp\left[- (\mu \, r_{12})^2\right]}{2 \sqrt{\pi} \mu}.
- \end{equation}
+ \[ \tau = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j \neq i} u(\mathbf{r}_i, \mathbf{r}_j) \]
+ with, \[ u(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2) = u(r_{12}) = \frac{r_{12}}{2} \left[ 1 - \text{erf}(\mu \, r_{12}) \right] - \frac{\exp\left[- (\mu \, r_{12})^2\right]}{2 \sqrt{\pi} \mu} \]
## env_type Options
From 2f40ff5776183eab249c238765007182b03cde48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 01:13:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/44] Update
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index 33ed177b..0b74b6c6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -12,46 +12,57 @@ The main keywords are:
1. **none:** No 2e-Jastrow is used.
2. **rs-dft:** 2e-Jastrow inspired by Range Separated Density Functional Theory. It has the following shape:
- \[ \tau = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j \neq i} u(\mathbf{r}_i, \mathbf{r}_j) \]
- with, \[ u(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2) = u(r_{12}) = \frac{r_{12}}{2} \left[ 1 - \text{erf}(\mu \, r_{12}) \right] - \frac{\exp\left[- (\mu \, r_{12})^2\right]}{2 \sqrt{\pi} \mu} \]
+ with,
## env_type Options
-The Jastrow used is multiplied by an envelope \(v\):
-\tau = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j \neq i} u(\mathbf{r}_i, \mathbf{r}_j) \, v(\mathbf{r}_i) \, v(\mathbf{r}_j)
+The 2-electron Jastrow is multiplied by an envelope \(v\):
- if `env_type` is **none**: No envelope is used.
-- if `env_type` is **prod-gauss**: \(v(\mathbf{r}) = \prod_{a} \left(1 - e^{-\alpha_a (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}_a)^2 } \right)\)
+- if `env_type` is **prod-gauss**:
-- if `env_type` is **sum-gauss**: \(v(\mathbf{r}) = 1 - \sum_{a} \left(1 - c_a e^{-\alpha_a (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}_a)^2 } \right)\)
-Here, \(A\) designates the nuclei, and the coefficients and exponents are defined in the tables `enc_coef` and `env_expo` respectively.
+- if `env_type` is **sum-gauss**:
+Here, \(A\) designates the nuclei, and the coefficients and exponents are defined in the tables `env_coef` and `env_expo` respectively.
## j1e_type Options
-The Jastrow used is:
-\tau = \sum_i u_{1e}(\mathbf{r}_i)
+The 1-electron Jastrow used is:
- if `j1e_type` is **none**: No one-electron Jastrow is used.
-- if `j1e_type` is **gauss**: We use \(u_{1e}(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_A \sum_{p_A} c_{p_A} e^{-\alpha_{p_A} (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}_A)^2}\), where the \(c_p\) and \(\alpha_p\) are defined by the tables `j1e_coef` and `j1e_expo`, respectively.
+- if `j1e_type` is **gauss**: We use
-- if `j1e_type` is **charge-harmonizer**: The one-electron Jastrow factor depends on the two-electron Jastrow factor \(u_{2e}\) such that the one-electron term is added to compensate for the unfavorable effect of altering the charge density caused by the two-electron factor:
-u_{1e}(\mathbf{r}_1) = - \frac{N-1}{2N} \sum_{\sigma} \int d\mathbf{r}_2 \rho^{\sigma}(\mathbf{r}_2) u_{2e}(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2),
-Feel free to review and let me know if any further adjustments are needed.
+are defined by the tables `j1e_coef` and `j1e_expo`, respectively.
+- if `j1e_type` is **charge-harmonizer**: The one-electron Jastrow factor aims to offset the adverse impact of modifying the charge density induced by the two-electron factor
From 7bcc963a326567ef6a9a2da6fdfafdd4d84d42d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:07:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/44] homogenisation avec qmch=chem
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f | 178 +++++++++---------
.../local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f | 16 +-
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 12 +-
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 10 +-
.../non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f | 12 +-
.../non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f | 2 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f | 10 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 14 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 26 +--
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f | 8 +-
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f | 30 +--
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 18 +-
.../non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f | 2 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 101 +++++-----
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 4 +-
15 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
index 8685e563..3483872b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/lin_fc_rsdft.irp.f
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_expo List_env1s_coef List_env1s_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_long_Du ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_Mu_long_Du ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_erf, &
!$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
tmp_Du_2 = tmp_Du_2 + c_1s * (int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7))
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_0
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_x
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_y
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_z
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_2
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_0
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_x
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_y
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_z
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du_2
@@ -95,27 +95,27 @@
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_long_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_Mu_long_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
+ ! Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) fc_env(r2) e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
PROVIDE List_env1s_size List_env1s_expo List_env1s_coef List_env1s_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
mu_sq = mu_erf * mu_erf
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
!$OMP List_env1s_size, List_env1s_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_coef, List_env1s_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
tmp_Du += coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(B_center, beta, j, i)
- Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du
+ Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du
@@ -197,33 +197,33 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * x2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * y2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * z2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12) / r_12] * r2^2
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE final_grid_points
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2 ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_Mu_long_Du2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
mu_sq = mu_erf * mu_erf
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ END_PROVIDER
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
!$OMP mu_erf, List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ END_PROVIDER
tmp_Du2_2 = tmp_Du2_2 + coef * (int_clb(5) + int_clb(6) + int_clb(7) - int_erf(5) - int_erf(6) - int_erf(7))
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
@@ -324,27 +324,27 @@ END_PROVIDER
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_Mu_long_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
+ ! Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 e^{-(mu r_12)^2}
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
- print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2 ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
mu_sq = 2.d0 * mu_erf * mu_erf
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_grid_points, mu_sq, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
tmp_Du2 += coef * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(B_center, beta, j, i)
- Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2
+ Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2
@@ -426,33 +426,33 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * x2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * y2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * z2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * x2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * y2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * z2
- ! Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * r2^2
+ ! Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2 = int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [fc_env(r2)]^2 [(1 - erf(mu r_12)]^2 * r2^2
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_size List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_cent
PROVIDE ng_fit_jast expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2 coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2
- print *, ' providing Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2 ...'
+ print *, ' providing Ir2_Mu_short_Du2 ...'
call wall_time(wall0)
@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ END_PROVIDER
!$OMP ng_fit_jast, expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_size, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_cent, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ END_PROVIDER
enddo ! i_1s
enddo ! i_fit
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_0
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_x
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_y
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_z
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp_Du2_2
enddo ! j
enddo ! i
enddo ! ipoint
@@ -556,17 +556,17 @@ END_PROVIDER
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do i = 2, ao_num
do j = 1, i-1
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
- Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2(j,i,ipoint) = Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
call wall_time(wall1)
- print*, ' wall time for Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for Ir2_Mu_short_Du2 (min) = ', (wall1 - wall0) / 60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
index 845b93d7..2b049943 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_size]
PROVIDE env_type
- if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
List_env1s_size = 2**nucl_num
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
List_env1s_size = nucl_num + 1
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
List_env1s_expo = 0.d0
List_env1s_cent = 0.d0
- if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
do i = 1, List_env1s_size
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
List_env1s_coef(i) = (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * dexp(-List_env1s_coef(i))
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
List_env1s_coef( 1) = 1.d0
List_env1s_expo( 1) = 0.d0
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_square_size]
implicit none
double precision :: tmp
- if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
List_env1s_square_size = 3**nucl_num
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
tmp = 0.5d0 * dble(nucl_num) * (dble(nucl_num) + 3.d0)
List_env1s_square_size = int(tmp) + 1
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
List_env1s_square_expo = 0.d0
List_env1s_square_cent = 0.d0
- if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
List_env1s_square_coef(i) = (-1.d0)**dble(phase) * facto * dexp(-List_env1s_square_coef(i))
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
ii = 1
List_env1s_square_coef( ii) = 1.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index 8f05eb01..2eac6aa2 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
type: character*(32)
-doc: type of the 2e-Jastrow: [ none | rs-dft | rs-dft-murho | champ ]
+doc: type of the 2e-Jastrow: [ None | Mu | Mur | Qmckl ]
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: rs-dft
+default: Mu
type: character*(32)
-doc: type of the 1e-Jastrow: [ none | gauss ]
+doc: type of the 1e-Jastrow: [ None | Gauss | Charge_Harmonizer ]
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
-default: none
+default: None
type: character*(32)
-doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ none | prod-gauss | sum-gauss | sum-slat | sum-quartic ]
+doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ None | Prod_Gauss | Sum_Gauss | Sum_Slat | Sum_Quartic ]
interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
-default: sum-gauss
+default: Sum_Gauss
doc: Number of different nuclei types in QMCkl jastrow
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index 0b74b6c6..f7ea8e02 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The main keywords are:
1. **none:** No 2e-Jastrow is used.
-2. **rs-dft:** 2e-Jastrow inspired by Range Separated Density Functional Theory. It has the following shape:
+2. **Mu:** 2e-Jastrow inspired by Range Separated Density Functional Theory. It has the following shape:
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ The 2-electron Jastrow is multiplied by an envelope \(v\):
- if `env_type` is **none**: No envelope is used.
-- if `env_type` is **prod-gauss**:
+- if `env_type` is **Prod_Gauss**:
-- if `env_type` is **sum-gauss**:
+- if `env_type` is **Sum_Gauss**:
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ The 1-electron Jastrow used is:
- if `j1e_type` is **none**: No one-electron Jastrow is used.
-- if `j1e_type` is **gauss**: We use
+- if `j1e_type` is **Gauss**: We use
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ The 1-electron Jastrow used is:
are defined by the tables `j1e_coef` and `j1e_expo`, respectively.
-- if `j1e_type` is **charge-harmonizer**: The one-electron Jastrow factor aims to offset the adverse impact of modifying the charge density induced by the two-electron factor
+- if `j1e_type` is **Charge_Harmonizer**: The one-electron Jastrow factor aims to offset the adverse impact of modifying the charge density induced by the two-electron factor
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
index 515b6da5..8d3a163c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_integ_jmu_modif.irp.f
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ program debug_integ_jmu_modif
!call test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao()
!call test_vect_overlap_gauss_r12_ao_with1s()
- !call test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0()
+ !call test_Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0()
@@ -731,17 +731,17 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0()
+subroutine test_Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ipoint
double precision :: i_old, i_new
double precision :: acc_ij, acc_tot, eps_ij, normalz
- print*, ' test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 ...'
+ print*, ' test_Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 ...'
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0
eps_ij = 1d-10
acc_tot = 0.d0
@@ -752,11 +752,11 @@ subroutine test_Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0()
do i = 1, ao_num
i_old = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
- i_new = Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 (i,j,ipoint)
+ i_new = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 (i,j,ipoint)
acc_ij = dabs(i_old - i_new)
if(acc_ij .gt. eps_ij) then
- print *, ' problem in Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 on', i, j, ipoint
+ print *, ' problem in Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 on', i, j, ipoint
print *, ' old integ = ', i_old
print *, ' new integ = ', i_new
print *, ' diff = ', acc_ij
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f
index f4056c32..8bfddf7e 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/grad_squared_manu.irp.f
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, grad12_j12_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_fin
print*, ' providing grad12_j12_test ...'
call wall_time(time0)
- if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
tmp1 = env_val(ipoint)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
index 528b5e13..40b55ee0 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz
double precision :: a, d, e, fact_r
- if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
! v(r) = \Pi_{a} [1 - \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)]
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
env_val(ipoint) = fact_r
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
! v(r) = 1 - \sum_{a} \beta_a \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
double precision :: fact_x, fact_y, fact_z
double precision :: ax_der, ay_der, az_der, a_expo
- if(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
! v(r) = \Pi_{a} [1 - \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)]
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
env_grad(3,ipoint) = fact_z
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
! v(r) = 1 - \sum_{a} \beta_a \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_cent
- if((env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ if((env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index e6a692b5..96275887 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
call wall_time(time0)
print*, ' providing j1e_val ...'
- if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
+ if(j1e_type .eq. "None") then
j1e_val = 0.d0
- elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Gauss") then
! \sum_{A} \sum_p c_{p_A} \exp(-\alpha_{p_A} (r - R_A)^2)
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ END_PROVIDER
call wall_time(time0)
print*, ' providing j1e_grad ...'
- if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
+ if(j1e_type .eq. "None") then
j1e_gradx = 0.d0
j1e_grady = 0.d0
j1e_gradz = 0.d0
- elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Gauss") then
! - \sum_{A} (r - R_A) \sum_p c_{p_A} \exp(-\alpha_{p_A} (r - R_A)^2)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_z
- elseif(j1e_type .eq. "charge-harmonizer") then
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer") then
! The - sign is in the integral over r2
! [(N-1)/2N] x \sum_{\mu,\nu} P_{\mu,\nu} \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_\mu(r2) \phi_nu(r2)
@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_lapl, (n_points_final_grid)]
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
double precision :: a, c, g, tmp
- if(j1e_type .eq. "none") then
+ if(j1e_type .eq. "None") then
j1e_lapl = 0.d0
- elseif(j1e_type .eq. "gauss") then
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Gauss") then
! - \sum_{A} (r - R_A) \sum_p c_{p_A} \exp(-\alpha_{p_A} (r - R_A)^2)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 2cfde97a..1e95f80a 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
! ---
- if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
!$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
index a097dec8..9a430135 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv.irp.f
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
grad1_u12_num = 0.d0
grad1_u12_squared_num = 0.d0
- if( ((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) .or. &
- (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") ) then
+ if( ((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mur") ) then
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .ne. "none")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .ne. "None")) then
PROVIDE final_grid_points
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- elseif(j2e_type .eq. "champ") then
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Qmckl") then
double precision :: f
f = 1.d0 / dble(elec_num - 1)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
index d67809ee..79822508 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils.irp.f
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ double precision function j12_mu(r1, r2)
double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3), r2(3)
double precision :: mu_tmp, r12
- if(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "Mu") then
r12 = dsqrt( (r1(1) - r2(1)) * (r1(1) - r2(1)) &
+ (r1(2) - r2(2)) * (r1(2) - r2(2)) &
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad)
grad = 0.d0
- if(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "Mu") then
dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu(r1, r2, grad)
grad(2) = tmp * dy
grad(3) = tmp * dz
- elseif(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") then
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Mur") then
dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl(r)
integer :: i
double precision :: a, d, e, x, y, z
- if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Sum_Slat") then
env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl(r)
env_nucl = env_nucl - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*dsqrt(d))
- elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl(r)
env_nucl = env_nucl * e
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl(r)
env_nucl = env_nucl - env_coef(i) * dexp(-a*d)
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Quartic") then
env_nucl = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl_square(r)
integer :: i
double precision :: a, d, e, x, y, z
- if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Sum_Slat") then
env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl_square(r)
env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl_square(r)
env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ double precision function env_nucl_square(r)
env_nucl_square = env_nucl_square * env_nucl_square
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Quartic") then
env_nucl_square = 1.d0
do i = 1, nucl_num
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ subroutine grad1_env_nucl(r, grad)
double precision :: fact_x, fact_y, fact_z
double precision :: ax_der, ay_der, az_der, a_expo
- if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Sum_Slat") then
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ subroutine grad1_env_nucl(r, grad)
grad(2) = fact_y
grad(3) = fact_z
- elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
x = r(1)
y = r(2)
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ subroutine grad1_env_nucl(r, grad)
grad(2) = fact_y
grad(3) = fact_z
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ subroutine grad1_env_nucl(r, grad)
grad(2) = 2.d0 * fact_y
grad(3) = 2.d0 * fact_z
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Quartic") then
fact_x = 0.d0
fact_y = 0.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index 0cb6f06c..bd7db497 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
- if( ((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) .or. &
- (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") ) then
+ if( ((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mur") ) then
call grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
res(jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .ne. "none")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .ne. "None")) then
! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, tmp
double precision :: mu_val, mu_tmp, mu_der(3)
- if(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "Mu") then
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
gradz(jpoint) = tmp * dz
- elseif(j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft-murho") then
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Mur") then
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ subroutine env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
integer :: i, jpoint
double precision :: a, d, e, x, y, z
- if(env_type .eq. "sum-slat") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "Sum_Slat") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ subroutine env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
- elseif(env_type .eq. "prod-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ subroutine env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-gauss") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") then
res = 1.d0
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ subroutine env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
- elseif(env_type .eq. "sum-quartic") then
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Sum_Quartic") then
res = 1.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f
index 61d6c82c..5df80a0e 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/new_grad_tc_manu.irp.f
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao_test, (ao_num, ao_num, n_po
- if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index ee4a7c04..88336485 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
! ---
- if(j2e_type .eq. "none") then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "None") then
int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
!$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
@@ -188,13 +188,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
! ---
- if(j1e_type .ne. "none") then
+ if(j1e_type .ne. "None") then
PROVIDE elec_num
PROVIDE ao_overlap
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
- tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ ! minus because we calculate \int [-\grad_1 u(1,2)]
+ tmp_ct = -1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
@@ -219,12 +220,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- if((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
- FREE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
endif ! j1e_type
@@ -311,11 +312,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! ---
- if(j2e_type .eq. "none") then
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "None") then
int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "none")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
FREE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "prod-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_val env_grad
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
endif ! use_ipp
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+ elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
@@ -448,13 +449,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
endif ! use_ipp
-! elseif((j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) then
+! elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
! PROVIDE mu_erf
! PROVIDE env_val env_grad
-! PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0 Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2
-! PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2
-! PROVIDE Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0 Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2
+! PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2
! tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
! tmp_ct2 = tmp_ct * tmp_ct
@@ -468,12 +469,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
! !$OMP tmp_ct, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y, Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
+! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z, &
+! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -504,12 +505,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! do j = 1, ao_num
! do i = 1, ao_num
-! tmp2 = tmp1_x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_x (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_y (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_z (i,j,ipoint) &
-! - tmp0_x * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_y * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_z * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
+! tmp2 = tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z (i,j,ipoint) &
+! - tmp0_x * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_y * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_z * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
-! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 + tmp3 * Ir2_rsdft_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint) &
-! + tmp4 * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint) - tmp5 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) &
-! - tmp6 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
+! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 + tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+! + tmp4 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint) - tmp5 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) &
+! - tmp6 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
@@ -527,14 +528,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! ---
- if(j1e_type .ne. "none") then
+ if(j1e_type .ne. "None") then
PROVIDE elec_num
PROVIDE ao_overlap
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
- tmp_ct1 = 1.0d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- tmp_ct2 = 1.0d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ tmp_ct1 = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ tmp_ct2 = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
@@ -544,9 +545,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
!$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
!$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x, Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z, Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
!$OMP ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -578,11 +579,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
- + tmp0 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
- - tmp2 * Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) &
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
+ + tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+ - tmp2 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) &
+ tmp3 * ao_overlap(i,j)
@@ -590,7 +591,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
- FREE Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_0 Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_x Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_y Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_z Ir2_rsdft_gauss_Du Ir2_rsdft_long_Du_2
+ FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
endif ! j1e_type
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index 2fbeeb3a..59f5174b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
if( (tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") .and. &
- (j2e_type .eq. "rs-dft") .and. &
- ((env_type .eq. "prod_gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "sum-gauss")) .and. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ((env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) .and. &
use_ipp ) then
! an additional term is added here directly instead of
From 430606a61776cd44d436d8f59ecd6f4db3668360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 23:10:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/44] added fit 1e-Jastrow on AOs
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 6 +
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 7 +-
.../listj1b.irp.f | 40 ++-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 56 ++++-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 238 +++++++++++++++---
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 128 +++++-----
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 8 +-
plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f | 14 +-
.../lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f | 65 +++--
9 files changed, 405 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)
rename plugins/local/{ao_many_one_e_ints => jastrow}/listj1b.irp.f (92%)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index 2eac6aa2..8728916d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -89,6 +89,12 @@ doc: linear coef of functions in 1e-Jastrow
interface: ezfio
size: (jastrow.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow in AOs
+interface: ezfio
+size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
type: double precision
doc: exponenets of functions in 1e-Jastrow
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index f7ea8e02..22486edd 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The main keywords are:
## j2e_type Options
-1. **none:** No 2e-Jastrow is used.
+1. **None:** No 2e-Jastrow is used.
2. **Mu:** 2e-Jastrow inspired by Range Separated Density Functional Theory. It has the following shape:
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The 2-electron Jastrow is multiplied by an envelope \(v\):
-- if `env_type` is **none**: No envelope is used.
+- if `env_type` is **None**: No envelope is used.
- if `env_type` is **Prod_Gauss**:
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The 1-electron Jastrow used is:
-- if `j1e_type` is **none**: No one-electron Jastrow is used.
+- if `j1e_type` is **None**: No one-electron Jastrow is used.
- if `j1e_type` is **Gauss**: We use
@@ -65,4 +65,5 @@ are defined by the tables `j1e_coef` and `j1e_expo`, respectively.
+- if `j1e_type` is **Charge_Harmonizer_AO**: The one-electron Jastrow factor **Charge_Harmonizer** is fitted by the atomic orbitals
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/listj1b.irp.f
similarity index 92%
rename from plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
rename to plugins/local/jastrow/listj1b.irp.f
index 2b049943..49954d47 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/listj1b.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/listj1b.irp.f
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_size]
PROVIDE env_type
- if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ List_env1s_size = 1
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
List_env1s_size = 2**nucl_num
@@ -63,11 +67,17 @@ END_PROVIDER
provide env_type env_expo env_coef
- List_env1s_coef = 0.d0
- List_env1s_expo = 0.d0
- List_env1s_cent = 0.d0
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
- if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ List_env1s_coef( 1) = 1.d0
+ List_env1s_expo( 1) = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_cent(1:3,1) = 0.d0
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ List_env1s_coef = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_expo = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_cent = 0.d0
do i = 1, List_env1s_size
@@ -150,7 +160,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, List_env1s_square_size]
implicit none
double precision :: tmp
- if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ List_env1s_square_size = 1
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
List_env1s_square_size = 3**nucl_num
@@ -220,11 +234,17 @@ END_PROVIDER
provide env_type env_expo env_coef
- List_env1s_square_coef = 0.d0
- List_env1s_square_expo = 0.d0
- List_env1s_square_cent = 0.d0
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
- if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ List_env1s_square_coef( 1) = 1.d0
+ List_env1s_square_expo( 1) = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_cent(1:3,1) = 0.d0
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ List_env1s_square_coef = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_expo = 0.d0
+ List_env1s_square_cent = 0.d0
do i = 1, List_env1s_square_size
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index 96275887..c8da0680 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision :: a, c, g, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit(:)
PROVIDE j1e_type
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
PROVIDE mo_coef
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2b_ao
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
@@ -152,12 +153,59 @@ END_PROVIDER
g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
- call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2b_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradx, 1)
- call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2b_ao(1,1,1,2), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_grady, 1)
- call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2b_ao(1,1,1,3), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradz, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradx, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,2), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_grady, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,3), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradz, 1)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO") then
+ ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta} C_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
+ ! where
+ ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
+ ! C_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
+ !
+ ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta}
+ PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
+ allocate(coef_fit(ao_num))
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, &
+ !$OMP c) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, &
+ !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ tmp_x = 0.d0
+ tmp_y = 0.d0
+ tmp_z = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ c = coef_fit(i)
+ tmp_x = tmp_x + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
+ tmp_y = tmp_y + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
+ tmp_z = tmp_z + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
+ enddo
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) = tmp_x
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) = tmp_y
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) = tmp_z
+ enddo
+ deallocate(coef_fit)
print *, ' Error in j1e_grad: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 1e95f80a..defe8897 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -1,11 +1,106 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- ! int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J_2b(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ ! int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 J_2e(r1,r2) \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ !
+ ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, jpoint
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE Env_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_u2e_ao ...'
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, &
+ !$OMP tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_u2e_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = x * env_val(ipoint)
+ dy = y * env_val(ipoint)
+ dz = z * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp0 = tmp1 * r2
+ tmp3 = tmp_ct * env_val(ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - dx * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dy * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dz * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 - tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ else
+ write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet'
+ stop
+ endif ! tc_integ_type
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+ !
+ ! int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J_2e(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
! where r1 = r(ipoint)
@@ -22,35 +117,23 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE Env_type
call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u2e_ao ...'
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u2b_ao ...'
- if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
- ! TODO combine 1shot & int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num
- !PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
- !int2_grad1_u2b_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot
- elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
- ! ---
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao = 0.d0
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
!$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
- !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -59,9 +142,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
@@ -73,12 +156,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao = 0.d0
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -92,9 +175,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
do i = 1, ao_num
tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
@@ -110,7 +193,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao = 0.d0
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao = 0.d0
@@ -120,7 +203,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
!$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
!$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
!$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2b_ao)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -148,9 +231,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
@@ -159,7 +242,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2b_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
endif ! j2e_type
@@ -172,10 +255,97 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2b_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
endif ! tc_integ_type
call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u2b_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
call print_memory_usage()
! ---
+subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: dim_fit
+ double precision, intent(out) :: coef_fit(dim_fit)
+ integer :: i, ipoint
+ double precision :: g
+ double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:), b(:), A_inv(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:)
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE int2_u2e_ao
+ PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
+ PROVIDE mo_coef
+ PROVIDE ao_overlap
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get u1e(r)
+ allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_alpha_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pa, size(Pa, 1))
+ if(elec_alpha_num .eq. elec_beta_num) then
+ Pb = Pa
+ else
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_beta_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pb, size(Pb, 1))
+ endif
+ Pt = Pa + Pb
+ allocate(u1e_tmp(n_points_final_grid))
+ g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_u2e_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, u1e_tmp, 1)
+ FREE int2_u2e_ao
+ deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get A & b
+ allocate(A(ao_num,ao_num), b(ao_num))
+ A(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = ao_overlap(1:ao_num,1:ao_num)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, u1e_tmp, b)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ b(i) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ b(i) = b(i) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * u1e_tmp(ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(u1e_tmp)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! solve Ax = b
+ allocate(A_inv(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call get_inverse(A, ao_num, ao_num, A_inv, ao_num)
+ deallocate(A)
+ ! coef_fit = A_inv x b
+ call dgemv("N", ao_num, ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit, 1)
+ deallocate(A_inv, b)
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index 88336485..ed0f8f6b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -63,67 +63,70 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
+ !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
+ ! PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
- !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
- !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
+ ! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
+ ! !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
+ ! !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ ! x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ ! y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ ! z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ ! do j = 1, ao_num
+ ! do i = 1, ao_num
+ ! tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! !$OMP END DO
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
+ !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
- PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ ! PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ ! PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
- tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
+ ! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ ! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
+ ! !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ ! x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ ! y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ ! z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ ! tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ ! tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ ! tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ ! tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ ! do j = 1, ao_num
+ ! do i = 1, ao_num
+ ! tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
+ ! tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! !$OMP END DO
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ elseif( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
@@ -132,8 +135,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
@@ -220,11 +221,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
- FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
- FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ !if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
+ ! FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
+ !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
+ ! FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
+ !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index 6a30d909..4ace5d1c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ subroutine test_j1e_grad()
double precision, allocatable :: pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: x(:), y(:), z(:)
- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2b_ao
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
PROVIDE mo_coef
allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
@@ -652,9 +652,9 @@ subroutine test_j1e_grad()
z(ipoint) = 0.d0
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- x(ipoint) = x(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,1)
- y(ipoint) = y(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,2)
- z(ipoint) = z(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2b_ao(i,j,ipoint,3)
+ x(ipoint) = x(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1)
+ y(ipoint) = y(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2)
+ z(ipoint) = z(ipoint) + g * Pt(i,j) * int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
index ab12150f..2229e17d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/biorthog.irp.f
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_diag_split_degen(n, A, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, eigval
-end subroutine non_hrmt_diag_split_degen
! ---
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_real_diag_new(n, A, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, eigval)
print*,'Your matrix intrinsically contains complex eigenvalues'
-end subroutine non_hrmt_real_diag_new
! ---
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig(n, A, thr_d, thr_nd, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
-end subroutine non_hrmt_bieig
! ---
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig_random_diag(n, A, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, eigva
-end subroutine non_hrmt_bieig_random_diag
! ---
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_real_im(n, A, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, eigval)
deallocate( S )
-end subroutine non_hrmt_real_im
! ---
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_generalized_real_im(n, A, B, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv,
deallocate( S )
-end subroutine non_hrmt_generalized_real_im
! ---
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_bieig_fullvect(n, A, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, eigval)
-end subroutine non_hrmt_bieig_fullvect
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
index 4d51b79e..cb38347e 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_hermit_dav/lapack_diag_non_hermit.irp.f
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ subroutine lapack_diag_non_sym(n, A, WR, WI, VL, VR)
deallocate(Atmp, WORK)
-end subroutine lapack_diag_non_sym
subroutine non_sym_diag_inv_right(n,A,leigvec,reigvec,n_real_eigv,eigval)
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ subroutine lapack_diag_non_sym_new(n, A, WR, WI, VL, VR)
deallocate( Atmp )
deallocate( WORK, SCALE_array, RCONDE, RCONDV, IWORK )
-end subroutine lapack_diag_non_sym_new
! ---
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ subroutine lapack_diag_non_sym_right(n, A, WR, WI, VR)
! write(*, '(1000(F16.10,X))') VR(:,i)
! enddo
-end subroutine lapack_diag_non_sym_right
! ---
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_real_diag(n, A, leigvec, reigvec, n_real_eigv, eigval)
print*, ' Notice that if you are interested in ground state it is not a problem :)'
-end subroutine non_hrmt_real_diag
! ---
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ subroutine lapack_diag_general_non_sym(n, A, B, WR, WI, VL, VR)
deallocate( WORK, Atmp )
-end subroutine lapack_diag_general_non_sym
! ---
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ subroutine non_hrmt_general_real_diag(n, A, B, reigvec, leigvec, n_real_eigv, ei
-end subroutine non_hrmt_general_real_diag
! ---
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_qr(m, n, thr_d, thr_nd, Vl, Vr)
-end subroutine impose_biorthog_qr
! ---
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_lu(m, n, Vl, Vr, S)
-end subroutine impose_biorthog_lu
! ---
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ subroutine check_EIGVEC(n, m, A, eigval, leigvec, reigvec, thr_diag, thr_norm, s
deallocate( Mtmp )
-end subroutine check_EIGVEC
! ---
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ subroutine check_degen(n, m, eigval, leigvec, reigvec)
-end subroutine check_degen
! ---
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ subroutine impose_weighted_orthog_svd(n, m, W, C)
! ---
-end subroutine impose_weighted_orthog_svd
! ---
@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ subroutine impose_orthog_svd(n, m, C)
! ---
-end subroutine impose_orthog_svd
! ---
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ subroutine impose_orthog_svd_overlap(n, m, C, overlap)
-end subroutine impose_orthog_svd_overlap
! ---
@@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ subroutine impose_orthog_GramSchmidt(n, m, C)
! ---
-end subroutine impose_orthog_GramSchmidt
! ---
@@ -1484,7 +1484,7 @@ subroutine impose_orthog_ones(n, deg_num, C)
-end subroutine impose_orthog_ones
! ---
@@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ subroutine impose_orthog_degen_eigvec(n, e0, C0)
-end subroutine impose_orthog_degen_eigvec
! ---
@@ -1661,7 +1661,7 @@ subroutine get_halfinv_svd(n, S)
deallocate(S0, Stmp, Stmp2)
-end subroutine get_halfinv_svd
! ---
@@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ subroutine check_biorthog_binormalize(n, m, Vl, Vr, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_ifnot)
-end subroutine check_biorthog_binormalize
! ---
@@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ subroutine check_weighted_biorthog(n, m, W, Vl, Vr, thr_d, thr_nd, accu_d, accu_
-end subroutine check_weighted_biorthog
! ---
@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ subroutine check_biorthog(n, m, Vl, Vr, accu_d, accu_nd, S, thr_d, thr_nd, stop_
-end subroutine check_biorthog
! ---
@@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@ subroutine check_orthog(n, m, V, accu_d, accu_nd, S)
!print*, ' diag acc: ', accu_d
!print*, ' nondiag acc: ', accu_nd
-end subroutine check_orthog
! ---
@@ -2067,7 +2067,7 @@ subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec(n, deg_num, e0, L0, R0)
! endif
! enddo
-end subroutine reorder_degen_eigvec
! ---
@@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, deg_num, e0, L0, R0)
-end subroutine impose_biorthog_degen_eigvec
! ---
@@ -2282,7 +2282,7 @@ subroutine impose_orthog_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, thr_d, thr_nd, e0, L0, R0)
-end subroutine impose_orthog_biorthog_degen_eigvec
! ---
@@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@ subroutine impose_unique_biorthog_degen_eigvec(n, thr_d, thr_nd, e0, C0, W0, L0,
-end subroutine impose_unique_biorthog_degen_eigvec
! ---
@@ -2503,7 +2503,7 @@ subroutine max_overlap_qr(m, n, S0, V)
! ---
-end subroutine max_overlap_qr
! ---
@@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ subroutine max_overlap_invprod(n, m, S, V)
deallocate(tmp, invS)
-end subroutine max_overlap_invprod
! ---
@@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_svd(n, m, L, R)
deallocate(tmp, U, V, D)
-end subroutine impose_biorthog_svd
! ---
@@ -2668,8 +2668,7 @@ subroutine impose_biorthog_inverse(n, m, L, R)
-end subroutine impose_biorthog_inverse
! ---
@@ -2831,7 +2830,7 @@ subroutine impose_weighted_biorthog_qr(m, n, thr_d, thr_nd, Vl, W, Vr)
call check_weighted_biorthog_binormalize(m, n, Vl, W, Vr, thr_d, thr_nd, .false.)
-end subroutine impose_weighted_biorthog_qr
! ---
@@ -2948,7 +2947,7 @@ subroutine check_weighted_biorthog_binormalize(n, m, Vl, W, Vr, thr_d, thr_nd, s
-end subroutine check_weighted_biorthog_binormalize
! ---
@@ -3066,7 +3065,7 @@ subroutine impose_weighted_biorthog_svd(n, m, overlap, L, R)
-end subroutine impose_weighted_biorthog_svd
! ---
From 3dd43d5bbad3a44413ced64d48c21207ca8555de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 01:59:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/44] fit of j1e in AO basis looks very different
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 2 +-
plugins/local/jastrow/NEED | 1 +
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f | 19 ++-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 27 ++--
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 83 +++--------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 136 +++++++++++++++++-
6 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index 8728916d..a1e0a871 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ size: (jastrow.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
type: double precision
doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow in AOs
interface: ezfio
-size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
+size: (ao_basis.ao_num)
type: double precision
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/NEED b/plugins/local/jastrow/NEED
index f03c11fd..7d8fe789 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/NEED
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/NEED
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
index 40b55ee0..27b92a13 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/j12_nucl_utils.irp.f
@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_val, (n_points_final_grid)]
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz
double precision :: a, d, e, fact_r
- if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ env_val = 1.d0
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
! v(r) = \Pi_{a} [1 - \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)]
@@ -77,7 +81,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_grad, (3, n_points_final_grid)]
double precision :: fact_x, fact_y, fact_z
double precision :: ax_der, ay_der, az_der, a_expo
- if(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ env_grad = 0.d0
+ elseif(env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") then
! v(r) = \Pi_{a} [1 - \exp(-\alpha_a (r - r_a)^2)]
@@ -176,7 +184,12 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE List_env1s_square_coef List_env1s_square_expo List_env1s_square_cent
- if((env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ env_square_grad = 0.d0
+ env_square_lapl = 0.d0
+ elseif((env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index c8da0680..9700c182 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -177,29 +177,24 @@ END_PROVIDER
call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z, &
- !$OMP c) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
- !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, c) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, &
!$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp_x = 0.d0
- tmp_y = 0.d0
- tmp_z = 0.d0
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
do i = 1, ao_num
c = coef_fit(i)
- tmp_x = tmp_x + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
- tmp_y = tmp_y + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
- tmp_z = tmp_z + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) = j1e_gradx(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) = j1e_grady(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) = j1e_gradz(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
- j1e_gradx(ipoint) = tmp_x
- j1e_grady(ipoint) = tmp_y
- j1e_gradz(ipoint) = tmp_z
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index defe8897..80ed8c6e 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_g
dy = y * env_val(ipoint)
dz = z * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint) * r2
tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp0 = tmp1 * r2
tmp3 = tmp_ct * env_val(ipoint)
do j = 1, ao_num
@@ -124,67 +124,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
- if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
- !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
- !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
- PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
- tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
PROVIDE mu_erf
PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
@@ -193,8 +135,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
@@ -300,8 +240,8 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
- g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
- call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_u2e_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, u1e_tmp, 1)
+ g = -0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_u2e_ao, ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, u1e_tmp, 1)
FREE int2_u2e_ao
@@ -340,6 +280,19 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! coef_fit = A_inv x b
call dgemv("N", ao_num, ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit, 1)
+ !integer :: j, k
+ !double precision :: tmp
+ !print *, ' check A_inv'
+ !do i = 1, ao_num
+ ! tmp = 0.d0
+ ! do j = 1, ao_num
+ ! tmp += ao_overlap(i,j) * coef_fit(j)
+ ! enddo
+ ! tmp = tmp - b(i)
+ ! print*, i, tmp
+ !enddo
deallocate(A_inv, b)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index 4ace5d1c..e349d412 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ program test_non_h
touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE env_type
+ print *, ' j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ print *, ' j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ print *, ' env_type = ', env_type
!call routine_fit()
@@ -29,7 +35,9 @@ program test_non_h
!call test_int2_grad1_u12_square_ao()
!call test_int2_grad1_u12_ao()
- call test_j1e_grad()
+ !call test_j1e_grad()
+ call test_j1e_fit_ao()
! ---
@@ -715,3 +723,129 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine test_j1e_fit_ao()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ipoint
+ double precision :: g, c
+ double precision :: x_loops, x_dgemm, diff, thr, accu, norm
+ double precision, allocatable :: pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: x(:), y(:), z(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: x_fit(:), y_fit(:), z_fit(:), coef_fit(:)
+ PROVIDE mo_coef
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ ! ---
+ allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_alpha_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pa, size(Pa, 1))
+ if(elec_alpha_num .eq. elec_beta_num) then
+ Pb = Pa
+ else
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_beta_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pb, size(Pb, 1))
+ endif
+ Pt = Pa + Pa
+ allocate(x(n_points_final_grid), y(n_points_final_grid), z(n_points_final_grid))
+ g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, x, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,2), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, y, 1)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,3), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, z, 1)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ ! ---
+ allocate(x_fit(n_points_final_grid), y_fit(n_points_final_grid), z_fit(n_points_final_grid))
+ allocate(coef_fit(ao_num))
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
+ !print *, ' coef fit in AO:'
+ !print*, coef_fit
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, c) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, x_fit, y_fit, z_fit)
+! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x_fit(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ y_fit(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ z_fit(ipoint) = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ c = coef_fit(i)
+ x_fit(ipoint) = x_fit(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
+ y_fit(ipoint) = y_fit(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
+ z_fit(ipoint) = z_fit(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(coef_fit)
+ ! ---
+ thr = 1d-10
+ norm = 0.d0
+ accu = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x_loops = x (ipoint)
+ x_dgemm = x_fit(ipoint)
+ diff = dabs(x_loops - x_dgemm)
+ !if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ ! print *, ' problem in j1e_gradx on:', ipoint
+ ! print *, ' loops :', x_loops
+ ! print *, ' dgemm :', x_dgemm
+ ! stop
+ !endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(x_loops)
+ x_loops = y (ipoint)
+ x_dgemm = y_fit(ipoint)
+ diff = dabs(x_loops - x_dgemm)
+ !if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ ! print *, ' problem in j1e_grady on:', ipoint
+ ! print *, ' loops :', x_loops
+ ! print *, ' dgemm :', x_dgemm
+ ! stop
+ !endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(x_loops)
+ x_loops = z (ipoint)
+ x_dgemm = z_fit(ipoint)
+ diff = dabs(x_loops - x_dgemm)
+ !if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ ! print *, ' problem in j1e_gradz on:', ipoint
+ ! print *, ' loops :', x_loops
+ ! print *, ' dgemm :', x_dgemm
+ ! stop
+ !endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(x_loops)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(x, y, z)
+ deallocate(x_fit, y_fit, z_fit)
+ print*, ' fit accuracy (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+! ---
From bab59335f32b7976c31a960ade0054b28cffaa2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 06:11:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/44] debuging 1e-Jastrow
plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f | 12 ++--
plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f | 4 ++
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 66 ++++++++++++-------
.../local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f | 9 +++
4 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
index 8102a484..6d26baa3 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
- do i = 1, nucl_num
- env_expo(i) = 1d5
- enddo
+ env_expo = 1d5
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_env_expo(env_expo)
! ---
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
- do i = 1, nucl_num
- env_coef(i) = 1d0
- enddo
+ env_coef = 1d0
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_env_coef(env_coef)
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f
index 16c8cedc..eca150be 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/jast_1e_param.irp.f
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@
j1e_expo = 1.d0
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_expo(j1e_expo)
! ---
@@ -81,7 +83,9 @@
j1e_coef = 0.d0
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef(j1e_coef)
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index ed0f8f6b..67ab4c89 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -195,28 +195,40 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
PROVIDE ao_overlap
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
+ double precision, allocatable :: int_tmp(:,:,:,:)
! minus because we calculate \int [-\grad_1 u(1,2)]
tmp_ct = -1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, tmp_ct, &
- !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, int_tmp) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, tmp_ct, ao_overlap, &
+ !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
+ allocate(int_tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3))
+ int_tmp = 0.d0
+ !$OMP DO
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
tmp0_x = tmp_ct * j1e_gradx(ipoint)
tmp0_y = tmp_ct * j1e_grady(ipoint)
tmp0_z = tmp_ct * j1e_gradz(ipoint)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) + tmp0_x * ao_overlap(i,j)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) + tmp0_y * ao_overlap(i,j)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) + tmp0_z * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,1) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,1) + tmp0_x * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,2) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,2) + tmp0_y * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,3) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,3) + tmp0_z * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao + int_tmp
+ deallocate(int_tmp)
@@ -324,7 +336,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
@@ -352,7 +363,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
! the term u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env is added directly for performance
PROVIDE u12sq_envsq grad12_j12
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
@@ -374,7 +384,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE u12sq_envsq u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env grad12_j12
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
@@ -405,7 +414,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
PROVIDE int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1, tmp2) &
@@ -433,7 +441,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE u12sq_envsq u12_grad1_u12_env_grad1_env grad12_j12
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
@@ -538,6 +545,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE ao_overlap
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
+ double precision, allocatable :: int_tmp(:,:,:)
tmp_ct1 = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
tmp_ct2 = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
@@ -545,15 +554,18 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
!$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx1, dy1, dz1, &
!$OMP dx2, dy2, dz2, dr12, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, int_tmp) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
!$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, &
+ !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, ao_overlap, &
!$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, &
!$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP ao_overlap, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
+ allocate(int_tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
+ int_tmp = 0.d0
+ !$OMP DO
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
@@ -585,14 +597,18 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
- + tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
- - tmp2 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) &
- + tmp3 * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int_tmp(i,j,ipoint) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
+ - tmp2 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) + tmp3 * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao + int_tmp
+ deallocate(int_tmp)
FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f
index fe7c2d10..ef38cbcc 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/print_tc_energy.irp.f
@@ -17,6 +17,15 @@ program print_tc_energy
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE env_type
+ print *, ' j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ print *, ' j1e_type = ', j1e_type
+ print *, ' env_type = ', env_type
call write_tc_energy()
From 35a773ef7e7aebb15abeb61d95cd62e006e981c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Abdallah Ammar
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 11:10:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/44] j1e + j2e added properly
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 5 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 201 ---------------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f | 188 ++++++++++++++
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 238 +++---------------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 2 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 5 +-
6 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 408 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index 9700c182..b2eef504 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer") then
- ! The - sign is in the integral over r2
- ! [(N-1)/2N] x \sum_{\mu,\nu} P_{\mu,\nu} \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_\mu(r2) \phi_nu(r2)
+ ! -[(N-1)/2N] x \sum_{\mu,\nu} P_{\mu,\nu} \int dr2 [\grad_r1 J_2e(r1,r2)] \phi_\mu(r2) \phi_nu(r2)
PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
PROVIDE mo_coef
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
Pt = Pa + Pb
- g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ g = -0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_gradx, 1)
call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,2), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, j1e_grady, 1)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 80ed8c6e..ba7477cc 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -1,207 +1,6 @@
! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
- !
- ! int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 J_2e(r1,r2) \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- !
- ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, jpoint
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision :: x, y, z, r2
- double precision :: dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: tmp_ct
- double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
- PROVIDE j2e_type
- PROVIDE Env_type
- call wall_time(time0)
- print*, ' providing int2_u2e_ao ...'
- if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
- ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- PROVIDE env_type env_val
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
- tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, &
- !$OMP tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_u2e_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
- dx = x * env_val(ipoint)
- dy = y * env_val(ipoint)
- dz = z * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint) * r2
- tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp3 = tmp_ct * env_val(ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - dx * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dy * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dz * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 - tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- print *, ' Error in int2_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
- stop
- endif ! j2e_type
- else
- write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet'
- stop
- endif ! tc_integ_type
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
-BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
- !
- ! int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J_2e(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
- !
- ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
- !
- implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision :: x, y, z, r2
- double precision :: dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: tmp_ct
- double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
- double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
- double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
- PROVIDE j2e_type
- PROVIDE Env_type
- call wall_time(time0)
- print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u2e_ao ...'
- if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
- ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
- tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
- dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
- tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
- tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
- tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
- tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
- tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
- stop
- endif ! j2e_type
- else
- write(*, '(A, A, A)') ' Error: The integration type ', trim(tc_integ_type), ' has not been implemented yet'
- stop
- endif ! tc_integ_type
- call wall_time(time1)
- print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
- call print_memory_usage()
-! ---
subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
implicit none
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c25b377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid)]
+ !
+ ! int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 J_2e(r1,r2) \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ !
+ ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, jpoint
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE Env_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_u2e_ao ...'
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, &
+ !$OMP tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_u2e_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = x * env_val(ipoint)
+ dy = y * env_val(ipoint)
+ dz = z * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint) * r2
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp3 = tmp_ct * env_val(ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - dx * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dy * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dz * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 - tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 3)]
+ !
+ ! int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [\grad_r1 J_2e(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ !
+ ! where r1 = r(ipoint)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
+ double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
+ double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE Env_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u2e_ao ...'
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
+ tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
+ tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
+ tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
+ tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + dx * tmp2 - tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + dy * tmp2 - tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) + dz * tmp2 - tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ FREE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
+ call print_memory_usage()
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index 67ab4c89..2255cb5c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [\grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
! where r1 = r(ipoint)
@@ -63,123 +63,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
- ! PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- ! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp1) &
- ! !$OMP SHARED ( ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points &
- ! !$OMP , v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- ! x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- ! y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- ! z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- ! do j = 1, ao_num
- ! do i = 1, ao_num
- ! tmp1 = v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint)
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * x - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,1))
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * y - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,2))
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = 0.5d0 * (tmp1 * z - x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu(i,j,ipoint,3))
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! !$OMP END DO
- !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
- ! PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- ! PROVIDE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao = 0.d0
- ! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
- ! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, env_val, env_grad, &
- ! !$OMP v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an, x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- ! x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- ! y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- ! z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- ! tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- ! tmp0_x = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- ! tmp0_y = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- ! tmp0_z = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- ! do j = 1, ao_num
- ! do i = 1, ao_num
- ! tmp1 = tmp0 * v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint)
- ! tmp2 = v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an(i,j,ipoint)
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = tmp1 * x - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,1) - tmp2 * tmp0_x
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = tmp1 * y - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,2) - tmp2 * tmp0_y
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = tmp1 * z - tmp0 * x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env(i,j,ipoint,3) - tmp2 * tmp0_z
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! !$OMP END DO
- !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
elseif( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
- tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
- dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
- tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
- tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
- tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
- tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
- tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dx * tmp2 + tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dy * tmp2 + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = -Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) - dz * tmp2 + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u2e_ao
print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
@@ -195,20 +84,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
PROVIDE ao_overlap
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
- double precision, allocatable :: int_tmp(:,:,:,:)
- ! minus because we calculate \int [-\grad_1 u(1,2)]
- tmp_ct = -1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, int_tmp) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, tmp_ct, ao_overlap, &
!$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, int2_grad1_u12_ao)
- allocate(int_tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3))
- int_tmp = 0.d0
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
tmp0_x = tmp_ct * j1e_gradx(ipoint)
@@ -216,34 +98,15 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
tmp0_z = tmp_ct * j1e_gradz(ipoint)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,1) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,1) + tmp0_x * ao_overlap(i,j)
- int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,2) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,2) + tmp0_y * ao_overlap(i,j)
- int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,3) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint,3) + tmp0_z * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) + tmp0_x * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) + tmp0_y * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = int2_grad1_u12_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) + tmp0_z * ao_overlap(i,j)
- int2_grad1_u12_ao = int2_grad1_u12_ao + int_tmp
- deallocate(int_tmp)
- else
- !if((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) then
- ! FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu
- !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss")) then
- ! FREE v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env v_ij_u_cst_mu_env_an x_v_ij_erf_rk_cst_mu_env
- !elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
- ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
- FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- endif
endif ! j1e_type
! ---
@@ -532,7 +395,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
- print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao: Unknown Jhastrow'
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
endif ! j2e_type
@@ -544,75 +407,46 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE elec_num
PROVIDE ao_overlap
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
- double precision, allocatable :: int_tmp(:,:,:)
- tmp_ct1 = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- tmp_ct2 = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx1, dy1, dz1, &
- !$OMP dx2, dy2, dz2, dr12, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, int_tmp) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
- !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, ao_overlap, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
- allocate(int_tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
- int_tmp = 0.d0
+ tmp_ct1 = 2.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ tmp_ct2 = 1.d0 / ((dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, dx, dy, dz, r2, &
+ !$OMP tmp0, tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct1, tmp_ct2, ao_overlap, &
+ !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz, &
+ !$OMP int2_grad1_u2e_ao, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = j1e_gradx(ipoint)
+ dy = j1e_grady(ipoint)
+ dz = j1e_gradz(ipoint)
+ r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
- dx1 = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- dy1 = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- dz1 = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- dx2 = j1e_gradx(ipoint)
- dy2 = j1e_grady(ipoint)
- dz2 = j1e_gradz(ipoint)
- dr12 = dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2 + dz1*dz2
- tmp0 = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * (dx2*x + dy2*y + dz2*z) + r2*dr12)
- tmp1 = tmp_ct2 * dr12
- tmp2 = tmp_ct1 * tmp_ct2 * dr12
- tmp3 = tmp_ct2 * tmp_ct2 * (dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2 + dz2*dz2)
- tmp0_x = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * dx2 + 2.d0 * dr12 * x)
- tmp0_y = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * dy2 + 2.d0 * dr12 * y)
- tmp0_z = tmp_ct2 * (env_val(ipoint) * dz2 + 2.d0 * dr12 * z)
+ tmp0 = tmp_ct2 * r2
+ tmp0_x = tmp_ct1 * dx
+ tmp0_y = tmp_ct1 * dy
+ tmp0_z = tmp_ct1 * dz
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp4 = tmp0_x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0_z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int_tmp(i,j,ipoint) = int_tmp(i,j,ipoint) + tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) - tmp4 + tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) &
- - tmp2 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint) + tmp3 * ao_overlap(i,j)
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) &
+ + tmp0 * ao_overlap(i,j) &
+ + tmp0_x * int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) &
+ + tmp0_y * int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) &
+ + tmp0_z * int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3)
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = int2_grad1_u12_square_ao + int_tmp
- deallocate(int_tmp)
- FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
endif ! j1e_type
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index e349d412..3f88c53f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ subroutine test_j1e_fit_ao()
allocate(x(n_points_final_grid), y(n_points_final_grid), z(n_points_final_grid))
- g = 0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ g = -0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, x, 1)
call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,2), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, y, 1)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index 59f5174b..4cedf0e6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -167,12 +167,15 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
do m = 1, 3
- call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, -1.d0 &
, int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
, 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
endif ! var_tc
! ---
From 31bb892b657fe7a2054cc5247fbe81fdc8e09978 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 11:45:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/44] Better error message
ocaml/ | 21 ++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ocaml/ b/ocaml/
index 9e6ab2f8..6427f734 100644
--- a/ocaml/
+++ b/ocaml/
@@ -58,17 +58,32 @@ let int_of_atom_id : atom_id -> int = fun x -> x
let float_of_distance : float StringMap.t -> distance -> float =
fun map -> function
| Value x -> x
- | Label s -> StringMap.find s map
+ | Label s -> begin
+ try StringMap.find s map with
+ | Not_found ->
+ Printf.sprintf "Zmatrix error: distance %s undefined" s
+ |> failwith
+ end
let float_of_angle : float StringMap.t -> angle -> float =
fun map -> function
| Value x -> x
- | Label s -> StringMap.find s map
+ | Label s -> begin
+ try StringMap.find s map with
+ | Not_found ->
+ Printf.sprintf "Zmatrix error: angle %s undefined" s
+ |> failwith
+ end
let float_of_dihedral : float StringMap.t -> dihedral -> float =
fun map -> function
| Value x -> x
- | Label s -> StringMap.find s map
+ | Label s -> begin
+ try StringMap.find s map with
+ | Not_found ->
+ Printf.sprintf "Zmatrix error: dihedral %s undefined" s
+ |> failwith
+ end
type line =
From 8534b5c104f00f1484c1d2f5b866a75744632042 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 19:23:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/44] fixed bug for env_type = None
.../ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f | 58 ++--
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f | 76 +----
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 265 +++++++++++++++++-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 3 -
.../local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f | 2 +-
5 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f
index b1fc6134..bdcaac9d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/ao_many_one_e_ints/grad2_jmu_modif.irp.f
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
- ! -\frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
+ ! \frac{1}{4} x int dr2 phi_i(r2) phi_j(r2) [1 - erf(mu r12)]^2
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_poin
expo_fit = expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
coef_fit = coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2(i_fit)
- tmp += -0.25d0 * coef_fit * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, expo_fit, i, j)
+ tmp += 0.25d0 * coef_fit * overlap_gauss_r12_ao(r, expo_fit, i, j)
int2_grad1u2_grad2u2(j,i,ipoint) = tmp
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_
int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2 = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
- !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
- !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
+ !$OMP expo_gauss_1_erf_x_2, coef_gauss_1_erf_x_2, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_grad1u2_grad2u2_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_
int2_u2_env2 = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
- !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
- !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2, coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
+ !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_x_2, coef_gauss_j_mu_x_2, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_u2_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u_grad1u_x_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_point
int2_u_grad1u_x_env2 = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, alpha_1s, dist, &
- !$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp, &
- !$OMP tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, alpha_1s, dist, &
+ !$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp, &
+ !$OMP tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
- !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
- !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
+ !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_u_grad1u_x_env2)
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, int2_u_grad1u_env2, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points
int2_u_grad1u_env2 = 0.d0
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
- !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp, alpha_1s, dist, &
- !$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, i_1s, i_fit, r, coef, beta, B_center, &
+ !$OMP coef_fit, expo_fit, int_fit, tmp, alpha_1s, dist, &
+ !$OMP alpha_1s_inv, centr_1s, expo_coef_1s, coef_tmp) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, List_env1s_square_size, &
- !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
- !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
- !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, ng_fit_jast, &
+ !$OMP expo_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, coef_gauss_j_mu_1_erf, &
+ !$OMP List_env1s_square_coef, List_env1s_square_expo, &
!$OMP List_env1s_square_cent, int2_u_grad1u_env2)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
index 2255cb5c..775a9e4c 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ.irp.f
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
- int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = int2_grad1u2_grad2u2(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = -0.5d0 * int2_grad1u2_grad2u2(i,j,ipoint)
@@ -323,76 +323,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
endif ! use_ipp
-! elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) then
-! PROVIDE mu_erf
-! PROVIDE env_val env_grad
-! PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0 Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2
-! PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2
-! PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2
-! tmp_ct = 1.d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
-! tmp_ct2 = tmp_ct * tmp_ct
-! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = 0.d0
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, dr2, &
-! !$OMP tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, &
-! !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
-! !$OMP tmp_ct, tmp_ct2, env_val, env_grad, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2, Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y, Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z, &
-! !$OMP Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao)
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
-! y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
-! z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
-! r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
-! dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
-! dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
-! dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
-! dr2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
-! tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (dr2 * x + env_val(ipoint) * dx)
-! tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (dr2 * y + env_val(ipoint) * dy)
-! tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (dr2 * z + env_val(ipoint) * dz)
-! tmp1 = 0.25d0 * (env_val(ipoint)*env_val(ipoint) + r2*dr2 + 2.d0*env_val(ipoint)*(x*dx+y*dy+z*dz))
-! tmp3 = 0.25d0 * dr2
-! tmp4 = tmp3 * tmp_ct2
-! tmp5 = 0.50d0 * tmp_ct * (r2*dr2 + env_val(ipoint)*(x*dx+y*dy+z*dz))
-! tmp6 = 0.50d0 * tmp_ct * dr2
-! tmp1_x = 0.5d0 * tmp_ct * (2.d0*dr2*x + env_val(ipoint)*dx)
-! tmp1_y = 0.5d0 * tmp_ct * (2.d0*dr2*y + env_val(ipoint)*dy)
-! tmp1_z = 0.5d0 * tmp_ct * (2.d0*dr2*z + env_val(ipoint)*dz)
-! do j = 1, ao_num
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! tmp2 = tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_x (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_y (i,j,ipoint) + tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_z (i,j,ipoint) &
-! - tmp0_x * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_x(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_y * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_y(i,j,ipoint) - tmp0_z * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_z(i,j,ipoint)
-! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 + tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_short_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint) &
-! + tmp4 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du2(i,j,ipoint) - tmp5 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_0(i,j,ipoint) &
-! - tmp6 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du2_2(i,j,ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao = -0.5d0 * int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
@@ -409,8 +339,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u12_square_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_p
PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
- tmp_ct1 = 2.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
- tmp_ct2 = 1.d0 / ((dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0))
+ tmp_ct1 = -1.0d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ tmp_ct2 = -0.5d0 / ((dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0))
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index 3f88c53f..90e5a7b3 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ program test_non_h
!call test_j1e_grad()
- call test_j1e_fit_ao()
+ !call test_j1e_fit_ao()
+ call test_tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new()
+ call test_tc_grad_square_ao_new()
! ---
@@ -849,3 +852,263 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine test_tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l
+ double precision :: i_old, i_new, diff, thr, accu, norm
+ double precision, allocatable :: tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_old(:,:,:,:)
+ PROVIDE tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new
+ thr = 1d-10
+ norm = 0.d0
+ accu = 0.d0
+ allocate(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_old(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_old', action="read")
+ read(11) tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_old
+ close(11)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ i_old = tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_old(l,k,j,i)
+ i_new = tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new(l,k,j,i)
+ diff = dabs(i_old - i_new)
+ if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ print *, ' problem in tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new on:', l, k, j, i
+ print *, ' old :', i_old
+ print *, ' new :', i_new
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(i_old)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_old)
+ print*, ' accuracy (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+! ---
+subroutine test_tc_grad_square_ao_new()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l
+ double precision :: i_old, i_new, diff, thr, accu, norm
+ double precision, allocatable :: tc_grad_square_ao_old(:,:,:,:)
+ PROVIDE tc_grad_square_ao_new
+ thr = 1d-10
+ norm = 0.d0
+ accu = 0.d0
+ allocate(tc_grad_square_ao_old(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/tc_grad_square_ao_old', action="read")
+ read(11) tc_grad_square_ao_old
+ close(11)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ i_old = tc_grad_square_ao_old(l,k,j,i)
+ i_new = tc_grad_square_ao_new(l,k,j,i)
+ diff = dabs(i_old - i_new)
+ if(diff .gt. thr) then
+ print *, ' problem in tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new on:', l, k, j, i
+ print *, ' old :', i_old
+ print *, ' new :', i_new
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(i_old)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(tc_grad_square_ao_old)
+ print*, ' accuracy (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_square_ao_new, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, m, ipoint
+ double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
+ double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:,:), c_mat(:,:,:)
+ double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ PROVIDe tc_integ_type
+ PROVIDE env_type
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print *, ' providing tc_grad_square_ao_new ...'
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ allocate(c_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, tc_grad_square_ao_new, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao
+ if( (tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") .and. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ((env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) .and. &
+ use_ipp ) then
+ ! an additional term is added here directly instead of
+ ! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance
+ PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, &
+ !$OMP env_square_grad, env_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
+ ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
+ ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * env_square_lapl(ipoint) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) &
+ + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) )
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 1.d0, tc_grad_square_ao_new, ao_num*ao_num)
+ FREE int2_u2_env2
+ endif ! use_ipp
+ deallocate(c_mat)
+ call sum_A_At(tc_grad_square_ao_new(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_square_ao_new (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
+! ---
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)]
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, m, ipoint
+ double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r
+ double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:,:), c_mat(:,:,:)
+ double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral
+ PROVIDe tc_integ_type
+ PROVIDE env_type
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ call wall_time(time0)
+ print *, ' providing tc_grad_square_ao_new ...'
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num,3))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis, b_mat, &
+ !$OMP ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)
+ ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i)
+ ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k)
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,1) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1))
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,2) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2))
+ b_mat(ipoint,k,i,3) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new = 0.d0
+ do m = 1, 3
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, -1.d0 &
+ , int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
+ , 1.d0, tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new, ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(b_mat)
+ FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao
+ FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ call sum_A_At(tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ call wall_time(time1)
+ print*, ' Wall time for tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index 4cedf0e6..38da4047 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
- c_mat = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) &
@@ -99,7 +98,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
PROVIDE int2_u2_env2
- c_mat = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
@@ -142,7 +140,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
- b_mat = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) &
diff --git a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f
index 02352a32..caf7d665 100644
--- a/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/tc_bi_ortho/slater_tc_slow.irp.f
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ subroutine htilde_mu_mat_bi_ortho_tot_slow(key_j, key_i, Nint, htot)
call htilde_mu_mat_bi_ortho_slow(key_j, key_i, Nint, hmono, htwoe, hthree, htot)
-end subroutine htilde_mu_mat_bi_ortho_tot_slow
! --
From ba73d91fd397af199ca92085f7b7a33b916589a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:10:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/44] AOs deb
plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f | 8 ++-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/deb_aos.irp.f | 56 +++++++++++++++++++
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 48 +++++++++++++---
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 8 +++
4 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/deb_aos.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f b/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
index 6d26baa3..689b22cd 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/env_param.irp.f
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
! ---
- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, env_expo , (nucl_num) ]
-&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, env_coef, (nucl_num) ]
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_expo, (nucl_num)]
+&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_coef, (nucl_num)]
- ! parameters of the 1-body Jastrow
+ !
+ ! parameters of the env of the 2e-Jastrow
+ !
implicit none
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/deb_aos.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/deb_aos.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9bc9c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/deb_aos.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+! ---
+program deb_Aos
+ implicit none
+ my_grid_becke = .True.
+ PROVIDE tc_grid1_a tc_grid1_r
+ my_n_pt_r_grid = tc_grid1_r
+ my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
+ touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
+ my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
+ PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
+ my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
+ my_n_pt_a_extra_grid = tc_grid2_a
+ touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
+ endif
+ call print_aos()
+! ---
+subroutine print_aos()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, ipoint
+ double precision :: r(3)
+ double precision :: ao_val, ao_der(3), ao_lap
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points aos_in_r_array aos_grad_in_r_array aos_lapl_in_r_array
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(:) = final_grid_points(:,ipoint)
+ print*, r
+ enddo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ r(:) = final_grid_points(:,ipoint)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ ao_val = aos_in_r_array (i,ipoint)
+ ao_der(:) = aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,:)
+ ao_lap = aos_lapl_in_r_array(1,i,ipoint) + aos_lapl_in_r_array(2,i,ipoint) + aos_lapl_in_r_array(3,i,ipoint)
+ write(*, '(5(f15.7, 3X))') ao_val, ao_der, ao_lap
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index b2eef504..47245938 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ END_PROVIDER
implicit none
integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
+ integer :: ierr
+ logical :: exists
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
double precision :: a, c, g, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
double precision :: time0, time1
@@ -116,15 +118,15 @@ END_PROVIDER
a = j1e_expo(p,j)
g = c * a * dexp(-a*d2)
- tmp_x = tmp_x - g * dx
- tmp_y = tmp_y - g * dy
- tmp_z = tmp_z - g * dz
+ tmp_x = tmp_x + g * dx
+ tmp_y = tmp_y + g * dy
+ tmp_z = tmp_z + g * dz
- j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_x
- j1e_grady(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_y
- j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 2.d0 * tmp_z
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) = -2.d0 * tmp_x
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) = -2.d0 * tmp_y
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) = -2.d0 * tmp_z
elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer") then
@@ -173,8 +175,38 @@ END_PROVIDER
- call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
- call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+ if(mpi_master) then
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(exists)
+ endif
+ print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
+ endif
+ if(exists) then
+ if(mpi_master) then
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+ endif
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index ba7477cc..b9ea2d6f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -9,16 +9,21 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
integer :: i, ipoint
double precision :: g
+ double precision :: t0, t1
double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:), b(:), A_inv(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:)
PROVIDE j1e_type
PROVIDE int2_u2e_ao
PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
PROVIDE mo_coef
PROVIDE ao_overlap
+ call wall_time(t0)
+ print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs ... '
! --- --- ---
! get u1e(r)
@@ -94,6 +99,9 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
deallocate(A_inv, b)
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ print*, ' END after (min) ', (t1-t0)/60.d0
From bb8dd171b8ae0a77f50382f817fedb49f5a1640e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 13:25:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/44] Charge_Harmonizer_AO: OK
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 26 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f | 8 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 200 +++++++++++--
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 283 ++++++++++++++++++
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 190 ++++++++----
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f | 24 +-
6 files changed, 629 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index a1e0a871..0d4141af 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ default: None
type: character*(32)
-doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ None | Prod_Gauss | Sum_Gauss | Sum_Slat | Sum_Quartic ]
+doc: type of envelop for Jastrow: [ None | Prod_Gauss | Sum_Gauss | Sum_Slat | Sum_Quartic ]
interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
default: Sum_Gauss
@@ -91,10 +91,22 @@ size: (jastrow.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
type: double precision
-doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow in AOs
+doc: coefficients of the 1-electrob Jastrow in AOs
interface: ezfio
size: (ao_basis.ao_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: coefficients of the 1-electron Jastrow in AOsxAOs
+interface: ezfio
+size: (ao_basis.ao_num*ao_basis.ao_num)
+type: double precision
+doc: coefficients of the 1-electron Jastrow in AOsxAOs
+interface: ezfio
+size: (ao_basis.ao_num,3)
type: double precision
doc: exponenets of functions in 1e-Jastrow
@@ -103,13 +115,13 @@ size: (jastrow.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num)
type: double precision
-doc: exponents of the 1-body Jastrow
+doc: exponents of the envelop for Jastrow
interface: ezfio
size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
type: double precision
-doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow
+doc: coefficients of the envelop for Jastrow
interface: ezfio
size: (nuclei.nucl_num)
@@ -125,4 +137,10 @@ doc: nb of Gaussians used to fit Jastrow fcts
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 20
+type: double precision
+doc: cutting of the interaction in the range separated model
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: 1.0
+ezfio_name: a_boys
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f
index 3934bb06..d4b917ec 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/debug_fit.irp.f
@@ -401,10 +401,10 @@ subroutine test_grad1_u12_withsq_num()
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- call get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(final_grid_points(1,ipoint), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,ipoint,1) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12(1,ipoint,2) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12(1,ipoint,3) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12_squared(1,ipoint))
+ call get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,ipoint,1) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,ipoint,2) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,ipoint,3) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12_squared(1,ipoint))
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
i_exc = grad1_u12_squared_num(jpoint,ipoint)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index 47245938..37ac0092 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -70,14 +70,15 @@ END_PROVIDER
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, j1e_gradz, (n_points_final_grid)]
implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, p
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, ij, p
integer :: ierr
logical :: exists
double precision :: x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, d2
double precision :: a, c, g, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z
+ double precision :: cx, cy, cz
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit(:), coef_fit2(:), coef_fit3(:,:)
PROVIDE j1e_type
@@ -162,21 +163,164 @@ END_PROVIDER
deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+! elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO") then
+! ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta} C_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
+! ! where
+! ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
+! ! C_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
+! !
+! ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta}
+! PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
+! allocate(coef_fit(ao_num))
+! if(mpi_master) then
+! call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(exists)
+! endif
+! print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+! include 'mpif.h'
+! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
+! endif
+! if(exists) then
+! if(mpi_master) then
+! write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao ] <<<<< ..'
+! call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
+! endif
+! endif
+! else
+! call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
+! call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+! endif
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, c) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, &
+! !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
+! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! do i = 1, ao_num
+! c = coef_fit(i)
+! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = j1e_gradx(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
+! j1e_grady(ipoint) = j1e_grady(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
+! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = j1e_gradz(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! deallocate(coef_fit)
+! elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO2") then
+! ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta,\beta} C_{\eta,\beta} \chi_{\eta} \chi_{\beta}
+! ! where
+! ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
+! ! C_{\eta,\beta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
+! !
+! ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta,\beta}
+! PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
+! allocate(coef_fit2(ao_num*ao_num))
+! if(mpi_master) then
+! call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(exists)
+! endif
+! print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
+! endif
+! if(exists) then
+! if(mpi_master) then
+! write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao2 ] <<<<< ..'
+! call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
+! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
+! endif
+! endif
+! else
+! call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num*ao_num, coef_fit2)
+! call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
+! endif
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ij, ipoint, c) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit2, &
+! !$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
+! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! do i = 1, ao_num
+! do j = 1, ao_num
+! ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+! c = coef_fit2(ij)
+! j1e_gradx(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,1) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
+! j1e_grady(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,2) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
+! j1e_gradz(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,3) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! deallocate(coef_fit2)
elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO") then
- ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta} C_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
+ ! \sum_{\eta} \vec{C}_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
! where
! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
- ! C_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
+ ! \vec{C}_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
- ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta}
+ ! The - sign is in the parameters \vec{C}_{\eta}
PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
- allocate(coef_fit(ao_num))
+ allocate(coef_fit3(ao_num,3))
if(mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(exists)
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(exists)
print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
@@ -184,36 +328,35 @@ END_PROVIDER
include 'mpif.h'
- call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
if(exists) then
if(mpi_master) then
- write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao3 ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
- call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
- call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
- call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao3(ao_num, coef_fit3)
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, c) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
- !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, &
- !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, cx, cy, cz) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit3, &
+ !$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -221,16 +364,19 @@ END_PROVIDER
j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
do i = 1, ao_num
- c = coef_fit(i)
- j1e_gradx(ipoint) = j1e_gradx(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
- j1e_grady(ipoint) = j1e_grady(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
- j1e_gradz(ipoint) = j1e_gradz(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
+ cx = coef_fit3(i,1)
+ cy = coef_fit3(i,2)
+ cz = coef_fit3(i,3)
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) += cx * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) += cy * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) += cz * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
- deallocate(coef_fit)
+ deallocate(coef_fit3)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index b9ea2d6f..9dc0d5b0 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -107,5 +107,288 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: dim_fit
+ double precision, intent(out) :: coef_fit(dim_fit)
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, ipoint
+ integer :: ij, kl
+ double precision :: g
+ double precision :: t0, t1
+ double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:), b(:), A_inv(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:)
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE int2_u2e_ao
+ PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
+ PROVIDE mo_coef
+ call wall_time(t0)
+ print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs x AOx ... '
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get u1e(r)
+ allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_alpha_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pa, size(Pa, 1))
+ if(elec_alpha_num .eq. elec_beta_num) then
+ Pb = Pa
+ else
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_beta_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pb, size(Pb, 1))
+ endif
+ Pt = Pa + Pb
+ allocate(u1e_tmp(n_points_final_grid))
+ g = -0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_u2e_ao, ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, u1e_tmp, 1)
+ FREE int2_u2e_ao
+ deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get A
+ allocate(A(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A)
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ A(ij,kl) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ A(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
+ * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, ' A'
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ write(*, '(100000(f15.7))') (A(ij,kl), kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get b
+ allocate(b(ao_num*ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ij, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, u1e_tmp, b)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ b(ij) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ b(ij) = b(ij) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) * u1e_tmp(ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(u1e_tmp)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! solve Ax = b
+ allocate(A_inv(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ call get_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num)
+ integer :: mn
+ print *, ' check A_inv'
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ tmp = 0.d0
+ do mn = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ tmp += A(ij,mn) * A_inv(mn,kl)
+ enddo
+ print*, ij, kl, tmp
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ! coef_fit = A_inv x b
+ !call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), 1)
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ coef_fit(ij) = 0.d0
+ do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ coef_fit(ij) += A_inv(ij,kl) * b(kl)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ double precision :: tmp
+ print *, ' check A_inv'
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ tmp = 0.d0
+ do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ tmp += A(ij,kl) * coef_fit(kl)
+ enddo
+ tmp = tmp - b(ij)
+ print*, ij, tmp
+ enddo
+ deallocate(A)
+ deallocate(A_inv, b)
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ print*, ' END after (min) ', (t1-t0)/60.d0
+ return
+! ---
+subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao3(dim_fit, coef_fit)
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: dim_fit
+ double precision, intent(out) :: coef_fit(dim_fit,3)
+ integer :: i, d, ipoint
+ double precision :: g
+ double precision :: t0, t1
+ double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:), b(:,:), A_inv(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:,:)
+ PROVIDE j1e_type
+ PROVIDE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
+ PROVIDE mo_coef
+ PROVIDE ao_overlap
+ call wall_time(t0)
+ print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs ... '
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get u1e(r)
+ allocate(Pa(ao_num,ao_num), Pb(ao_num,ao_num), Pt(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_alpha_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pa, size(Pa, 1))
+ if(elec_alpha_num .eq. elec_beta_num) then
+ Pb = Pa
+ else
+ call dgemm( 'N', 'T', ao_num, ao_num, elec_beta_num, 1.d0 &
+ , mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1), mo_coef, size(mo_coef, 1) &
+ , 0.d0, Pb, size(Pb, 1))
+ endif
+ Pt = Pa + Pb
+ allocate(u1e_tmp(n_points_final_grid,3))
+ g = -0.5d0 * (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0) / dble(elec_num)
+ do d = 1, 3
+ call dgemv("T", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, g, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,1,d), ao_num*ao_num, Pt, 1, 0.d0, u1e_tmp(1,d), 1)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! get A & b
+ allocate(A(ao_num,ao_num), b(ao_num,3))
+ A(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = ao_overlap(1:ao_num,1:ao_num)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, u1e_tmp, b)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ b(i,1) = 0.d0
+ b(i,2) = 0.d0
+ b(i,3) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ b(i,1) = b(i,1) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * u1e_tmp(ipoint,1)
+ b(i,2) = b(i,2) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * u1e_tmp(ipoint,2)
+ b(i,3) = b(i,3) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * u1e_tmp(ipoint,3)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(u1e_tmp)
+ ! --- --- ---
+ ! solve Ax = b
+ allocate(A_inv(ao_num,ao_num))
+ call get_inverse(A, ao_num, ao_num, A_inv, ao_num)
+ ! coef_fit = A_inv x b
+ do d = 1, 3
+ call dgemv("N", ao_num, ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num, b(1,d), 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,d), 1)
+ enddo
+ integer :: j
+ double precision :: tmp, acc, nrm
+ acc = 0.d0
+ nrm = 0.d0
+ print *, ' check A_inv'
+ do d = 1, 3
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ tmp += ao_overlap(i,j) * coef_fit(j,d)
+ enddo
+ tmp = tmp - b(i,d)
+ if(dabs(tmp) .gt. 1d-8) then
+ print*, d, i, tmp
+ endif
+ acc += dabs(tmp)
+ nrm += dabs(b(i,d))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print *, ' Relative Error (%) =', 100.d0*acc/nrm
+ deallocate(A, A_inv, b)
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ print*, ' END after (min) ', (t1-t0)/60.d0
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index bd7db497..b58d8c17 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! ---
-subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
+subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
@@ -12,82 +12,93 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: n_grid2
- double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: ipoint, n_grid2
double precision, intent(out) :: resx(n_grid2), resy(n_grid2), resz(n_grid2), res(n_grid2)
integer :: jpoint
- double precision :: env_r1
- double precision :: grad1_env(3)
+ double precision :: env_r1, tmp
+ double precision :: grad1_env(3), r1(3)
double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
double precision, allocatable :: gradx1_u2b(:), grady1_u2b(:), gradz1_u2b(:)
double precision, external :: env_nucl
PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
- if( ((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .eq. "None")) .or. &
- (j2e_type .eq. "Mur") ) then
+ r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- call grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
- do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- res(jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
- enddo
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mur") .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Boys") ) then
- elseif((j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. (env_type .ne. "None")) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
- ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
- ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
+ call grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
- allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
- allocate(u2b_r12(n_grid2))
- allocate(gradx1_u2b(n_grid2))
- allocate(grady1_u2b(n_grid2))
- allocate(gradz1_u2b(n_grid2))
+ else
- env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
- call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_env)
+ ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
+ ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
- call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
- call j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, u2b_r12)
- call grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_r12(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradx1_u2b(n_grid2))
+ allocate(grady1_u2b(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradz1_u2b(n_grid2))
- do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
- resx(jpoint) = (gradx1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
- resy(jpoint) = (grady1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
- resz(jpoint) = (gradz1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
- res (jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
- enddo
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_env)
- deallocate(env_r2, u2b_r12, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
+ call j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, u2b_r12)
+ call grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ resx(jpoint) = (gradx1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resy(jpoint) = (grady1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resz(jpoint) = (gradz1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(env_r2, u2b_r12, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ endif ! env_type
print *, ' Error in get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ if(j1e_type .ne. "None") then
+ PROVIDE j1e_gradx j1e_grady j1e_gradz
+ PROVIDE elec_num
+ tmp = 1.d0 / (dble(elec_num) - 1.d0)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ resx(jpoint) = resx(jpoint) + tmp * j1e_gradx(ipoint)
+ resy(jpoint) = resy(jpoint) + tmp * j1e_grady(ipoint)
+ resz(jpoint) = resz(jpoint) + tmp * j1e_gradz(ipoint)
+ enddo
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ res(jpoint) = resx(jpoint) * resx(jpoint) + resy(jpoint) * resy(jpoint) + resz(jpoint) * resz(jpoint)
+ enddo
! ---
-subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
+subroutine grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
- ! gradient of j(mu(r1,r2),r12) form of jastrow.
- !
- ! if mu(r1,r2) = cst --->
- !
- ! d/dx1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
- !
- ! if mu(r1,r2) /= cst --->
- !
- ! d/dx1 j(mu(r1,r2),r12) = exp(-(mu(r1,r2)*r12)**2) /(2 *sqrt(pi) * mu(r1,r2)**2 ) d/dx1 mu(r1,r2)
- ! + 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu(r1,r2) *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
@@ -107,6 +118,9 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
if(j2e_type .eq. "Mu") then
+ ! d/dx1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
+ !
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
@@ -134,6 +148,9 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Mur") then
+ ! d/dx1 j(mu(r1,r2),r12) = exp(-(mu(r1,r2)*r12)**2) /(2 *sqrt(pi) * mu(r1,r2)**2 ) d/dx1 mu(r1,r2)
+ ! + 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu(r1,r2) *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
@@ -166,9 +183,40 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
gradz(jpoint) = gradz(jpoint) + tmp * dz
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Boys") then
+ ! j(r12) = 0.5 r12 / (1 + a_boys r_12)
+ PROVIDE a_boys
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
+ r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
+ r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
+ dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
+ dz = r1(3) - r2(3)
+ r12 = dsqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
+ if(r12 .lt. 1d-10) then
+ gradx(jpoint) = 0.d0
+ grady(jpoint) = 0.d0
+ gradz(jpoint) = 0.d0
+ cycle
+ endif
+ tmp = 1.d0 + a_boys * r12
+ tmp = 0.5d0 / (r12 * tmp * tmp)
+ gradx(jpoint) = tmp * dx
+ grady(jpoint) = tmp * dy
+ gradz(jpoint) = tmp * dz
+ enddo
- print *, ' Error in grad1_j12_mu_r1_seq: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ print *, ' Error in grad1_j12_r1_seq: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
endif ! j2e_type
@@ -178,7 +226,7 @@ end
! ---
-subroutine j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, res)
+subroutine j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, res)
include 'constants.include.F'
@@ -189,23 +237,57 @@ subroutine j12_mu_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, res)
integer :: jpoint
double precision :: r2(3)
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
double precision :: mu_tmp, r12
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
- do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ if(j2e_type .eq. "Mu") then
- r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
- r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
- r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
- r12 = dsqrt( (r1(1) - r2(1)) * (r1(1) - r2(1)) &
- + (r1(2) - r2(2)) * (r1(2) - r2(2)) &
- + (r1(3) - r2(3)) * (r1(3) - r2(3)) )
- mu_tmp = mu_erf * r12
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
+ r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
+ r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
+ dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
+ dz = r1(3) - r2(3)
+ r12 = dsqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
- res(jpoint) = 0.5d0 * r12 * (1.d0 - derf(mu_tmp)) - inv_sq_pi_2 * dexp(-mu_tmp*mu_tmp) / mu_erf
- enddo
+ mu_tmp = mu_erf * r12
+ res(jpoint) = 0.5d0 * r12 * (1.d0 - derf(mu_tmp)) - inv_sq_pi_2 * dexp(-mu_tmp*mu_tmp) / mu_erf
+ enddo
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Boys") then
+ ! j(r12) = 0.5 r12 / (1 + a_boys r_12)
+ PROVIDE a_boys
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
+ r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
+ r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
+ dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
+ dz = r1(3) - r2(3)
+ r12 = dsqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
+ res(jpoint) = 0.5d0 * r12 / (1.d0 + a_boys * r12)
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in j12_r1_seq: Unknown j2e_type = ', j2e_type
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
index bc31ee91..6b6e755d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao_num(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao_num(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [\grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num = -(1/2) x int dr2 chi_l(r2) chi_j(r2) [grad_1 u(r1,r2)]^2
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
do i_blocks = 1, n_blocks
ipoint = ii - 1 + i_blocks ! r1
- call get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(final_grid_points(1,ipoint), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,1) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,2) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,3) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12_squared(1,i_blocks))
+ call get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,1) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,2) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,3) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12_squared(1,i_blocks))
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
do i_rest = 1, n_rest
ipoint = ii - 1 + i_rest ! r1
- call get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(final_grid_points(1,ipoint), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,1) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,2) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,3) &
- , tmp_grad1_u12_squared(1,i_rest))
+ call get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,1) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,2) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,3) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12_squared(1,i_rest))
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
- ! int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [-1 * \grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
+ ! int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot(i,j,ipoint,:) = \int dr2 [\grad_r1 J(r1,r2)] \phi_i(r2) \phi_j(r2)
! int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num_1shot = -(1/2) x int dr2 chi_l(r2) chi_j(r2) [grad_1 u(r1,r2)]^2
@@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
do m = 1, 3
- !call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, n_points_extra_final_grid, -1.d0 &
- ! this work also because of the symmetry in K(1,2) and sign compensation in L(1,2,3)
- call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, n_points_extra_final_grid, +1.d0 &
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, n_points_extra_final_grid, 1.d0 &
, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid, grad1_u12_num(1,1,m), n_points_extra_final_grid &
, 0.d0, int2_grad1_u12_ao_num_1shot(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num)
From 9b2ba694d9e7f71801c5dac7c8073c06d8605b47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 19:25:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/44] Improved AosxAos representations of 1e-Jastrow
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 5 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 195 +++++++++---------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 93 ++++-----
3 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index 22486edd..67898e23 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -65,5 +65,8 @@ are defined by the tables `j1e_coef` and `j1e_expo`, respectively.
-- if `j1e_type` is **Charge_Harmonizer_AO**: The one-electron Jastrow factor **Charge_Harmonizer** is fitted by the atomic orbitals
+- if `j1e_type` is **Charge_Harmonizer_AO**: The one-electron Jastrow factor **Charge_Harmonizer** is fitted by the product of atomic orbitals:
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index 37ac0092..fbd032ed 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -231,96 +231,22 @@ END_PROVIDER
! deallocate(coef_fit)
-! elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO2") then
-! ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta,\beta} C_{\eta,\beta} \chi_{\eta} \chi_{\beta}
-! ! where
-! ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
-! ! C_{\eta,\beta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
-! !
-! ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta,\beta}
-! PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
-! allocate(coef_fit2(ao_num*ao_num))
-! if(mpi_master) then
-! call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(exists)
-! endif
-! print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
-! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
-! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
-! endif
-! if(exists) then
-! if(mpi_master) then
-! write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao2 ] <<<<< ..'
-! call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
-! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
-! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
-! endif
-! endif
-! else
-! call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num*ao_num, coef_fit2)
-! call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
-! endif
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ij, ipoint, c) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
-! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit2, &
-! !$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! do j = 1, ao_num
-! ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
-! c = coef_fit2(ij)
-! j1e_gradx(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,1) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
-! j1e_grady(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,2) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
-! j1e_gradz(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,3) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(coef_fit2)
elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO") then
- ! \sum_{\eta} \vec{C}_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
+ ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta,\beta} C_{\eta,\beta} \chi_{\eta} \chi_{\beta}
! where
! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
- ! \vec{C}_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
+ ! C_{\eta,\beta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
- ! The - sign is in the parameters \vec{C}_{\eta}
+ ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta,\beta}
PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
- allocate(coef_fit3(ao_num,3))
+ allocate(coef_fit2(ao_num*ao_num))
if(mpi_master) then
- call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(exists)
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(exists)
print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
@@ -328,34 +254,34 @@ END_PROVIDER
include 'mpif.h'
- call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
if(exists) then
if(mpi_master) then
- write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao3 ] <<<<< ..'
- call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao2 ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
- call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
- stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
- call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao3(ao_num, coef_fit3)
- call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num*ao_num, coef_fit2)
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, cx, cy, cz) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ij, ipoint, c) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
- !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit3, &
+ !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit2, &
!$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
@@ -363,20 +289,95 @@ END_PROVIDER
j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- cx = coef_fit3(i,1)
- cy = coef_fit3(i,2)
- cz = coef_fit3(i,3)
- j1e_gradx(ipoint) += cx * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
- j1e_grady(ipoint) += cy * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
- j1e_gradz(ipoint) += cz * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ c = coef_fit2(ij)
+ j1e_gradx(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,1) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
+ j1e_grady(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,2) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
+ j1e_gradz(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,3) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
+ enddo
- deallocate(coef_fit3)
+ deallocate(coef_fit2)
+! elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO3") then
+! ! \sum_{\eta} \vec{C}_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
+! ! where
+! ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
+! ! \vec{C}_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
+! !
+! ! The - sign is in the parameters \vec{C}_{\eta}
+! PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
+! allocate(coef_fit3(ao_num,3))
+! if(mpi_master) then
+! call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(exists)
+! endif
+! print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+! !include 'mpif.h'
+! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
+! endif
+! if(exists) then
+! if(mpi_master) then
+! write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao3 ] <<<<< ..'
+! call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
+! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
+! endif
+! endif
+! else
+! call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao3(ao_num, coef_fit3)
+! call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
+! endif
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, cx, cy, cz) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit3, &
+! !$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
+! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
+! do i = 1, ao_num
+! cx = coef_fit3(i,1)
+! cy = coef_fit3(i,2)
+! cz = coef_fit3(i,3)
+! j1e_gradx(ipoint) += cx * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
+! j1e_grady(ipoint) += cy * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
+! j1e_gradz(ipoint) += cz * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! deallocate(coef_fit3)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 9dc0d5b0..842908a7 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -80,24 +80,33 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(dim_fit, coef_fit)
call get_inverse(A, ao_num, ao_num, A_inv, ao_num)
- deallocate(A)
! coef_fit = A_inv x b
call dgemv("N", ao_num, ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit, 1)
- !integer :: j, k
- !double precision :: tmp
- !print *, ' check A_inv'
- !do i = 1, ao_num
- ! tmp = 0.d0
- ! do j = 1, ao_num
- ! tmp += ao_overlap(i,j) * coef_fit(j)
- ! enddo
- ! tmp = tmp - b(i)
- ! print*, i, tmp
- !enddo
+ integer :: j
+ double precision :: tmp, acc, nrm
- deallocate(A_inv, b)
+ acc = 0.d0
+ nrm = 0.d0
+ print *, ' check A_inv'
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp = 0.d0
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ tmp += ao_overlap(i,j) * coef_fit(j)
+ enddo
+ tmp = tmp - b(i)
+ if(dabs(tmp) .gt. 1d-8) then
+ print*, ' problem found in fitting 1e-Jastrow'
+ print*, i, tmp
+ endif
+ acc += dabs(tmp)
+ nrm += dabs(b(i))
+ enddo
+ print *, ' Relative Error (%) =', 100.d0*acc/nrm
+ deallocate(A, A_inv, b)
call wall_time(t1)
print*, ' END after (min) ', (t1-t0)/60.d0
@@ -128,7 +137,7 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
PROVIDE mo_coef
call wall_time(t0)
- print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs x AOx ... '
+ print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs x AOs ... '
! --- --- ---
! get u1e(r)
@@ -188,10 +197,10 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
- print *, ' A'
- do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- write(*, '(100000(f15.7))') (A(ij,kl), kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num)
- enddo
+! print *, ' A'
+! do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+! write(*, '(100000(f15.7))') (A(ij,kl), kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num)
+! enddo
! --- --- ---
! get b
@@ -223,44 +232,35 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! solve Ax = b
- call get_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num)
- integer :: mn
- print *, ' check A_inv'
- do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- tmp = 0.d0
- do mn = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- tmp += A(ij,mn) * A_inv(mn,kl)
- enddo
- print*, ij, kl, tmp
- enddo
- enddo
+ !call get_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num)
+ call get_pseudo_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, 5d-8)
! coef_fit = A_inv x b
- !call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), 1)
- do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- coef_fit(ij) = 0.d0
- do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- coef_fit(ij) += A_inv(ij,kl) * b(kl)
- enddo
- enddo
+ call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit, 1)
- double precision :: tmp
- print *, ' check A_inv'
+ integer :: mn
+ double precision :: tmp, acc, nrm
+ acc = 0.d0
+ nrm = 0.d0
do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
tmp = 0.d0
do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
tmp += A(ij,kl) * coef_fit(kl)
tmp = tmp - b(ij)
- print*, ij, tmp
- enddo
+ if(dabs(tmp) .gt. 1d-7) then
+ print*, ' problem found in fitting 1e-Jastrow'
+ print*, ij, tmp
+ endif
- deallocate(A)
- deallocate(A_inv, b)
+ acc += dabs(tmp)
+ nrm += dabs(b(ij))
+ enddo
+ print *, ' Relative Error (%) =', 100.d0*acc/nrm
+ deallocate(A, A_inv, b)
call wall_time(t1)
print*, ' END after (min) ', (t1-t0)/60.d0
@@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao3(dim_fit, coef_fit)
tmp = tmp - b(i,d)
if(dabs(tmp) .gt. 1d-8) then
+ print*, ' problem found in fitting 1e-Jastrow'
print*, d, i, tmp
From 3cab869c2d7cb2e112d18e3612e3a1342f1eb227 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 22:12:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/44] optim in 1e-Jastrow
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 2 +-
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 16 +-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 182 ++++++----
.../non_h_ints_mu/print_j1ecoef_info.irp.f | 94 +++++
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 332 +++++++++++++++++-
.../grid_becke_vector.irp.f | 9 +-
6 files changed, 557 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/print_j1ecoef_info.irp.f
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index 0d4141af..c3ed29a3 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ size: (ao_basis.ao_num)
type: double precision
doc: coefficients of the 1-electron Jastrow in AOsxAOs
interface: ezfio
-size: (ao_basis.ao_num*ao_basis.ao_num)
+size: (ao_basis.ao_num,ao_basis.ao_num)
type: double precision
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index fbd032ed..1fc2fd2b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision :: cx, cy, cz
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit(:), coef_fit2(:), coef_fit3(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit(:), coef_fit2(:,:), coef_fit3(:,:)
PROVIDE j1e_type
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
- allocate(coef_fit2(ao_num*ao_num))
+ allocate(coef_fit2(ao_num,ao_num))
if(mpi_master) then
call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(exists)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
include 'mpif.h'
- call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, (ao_num*ao_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao2 ] <<<<< ..'
call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
- call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, (ao_num*ao_num), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
@@ -272,14 +272,14 @@ END_PROVIDER
- call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num*ao_num, coef_fit2)
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num, coef_fit2)
call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ij, ipoint, c) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint, c) &
!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
!$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit2, &
!$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
@@ -292,9 +292,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
- c = coef_fit2(ij)
+ c = coef_fit2(j,i)
j1e_gradx(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,1) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
j1e_grady(ipoint) += c * (aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,ipoint,2) + aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2) * aos_in_r_array(j,ipoint))
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 842908a7..90fcb5bb 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -120,15 +120,18 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: dim_fit
- double precision, intent(out) :: coef_fit(dim_fit)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: coef_fit(dim_fit,dim_fit)
integer :: i, j, k, l, ipoint
- integer :: ij, kl
+ integer :: ij, kl, mn
+ integer :: info, n_svd, LWORK
double precision :: g
double precision :: t0, t1
- double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:), b(:), A_inv(:,:)
+ double precision :: cutoff_svd
+ double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:,:), b(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:), tmp(:,:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:)
PROVIDE j1e_type
@@ -136,6 +139,9 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num elec_num
PROVIDE mo_coef
+ cutoff_svd = 5d-8
call wall_time(t0)
print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs x AOs ... '
@@ -169,57 +175,70 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! --- --- ---
! get A
- allocate(A(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ !!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
+ !!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !!$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A)
+ !do k = 1, ao_num
+ ! do l = 1, ao_num
+ ! kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ ! do i = 1, ao_num
+ ! do j = 1, ao_num
+ ! ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ ! A(ij,kl) = 0.d0
+ ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ ! A(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
+ ! * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ !enddo
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
- !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A)
+ allocate(tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
+ allocate(A(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, tmp)
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
- A(ij,kl) = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- A(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
- * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
- enddo
- enddo
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ tmp(i,j,ipoint) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
-! print *, ' A'
-! do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
-! write(*, '(100000(f15.7))') (A(ij,kl), kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num)
-! enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "T", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , 0.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(tmp)
! --- --- ---
! get b
- allocate(b(ao_num*ao_num))
+ allocate(b(ao_num,ao_num))
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ij, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
- !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, u1e_tmp, b)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, u1e_tmp, b)
do i = 1, ao_num
do j = 1, ao_num
- ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
- b(ij) = 0.d0
+ b(j,i) = 0.d0
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- b(ij) = b(ij) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) * u1e_tmp(ipoint)
+ b(j,i) = b(j,i) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) * u1e_tmp(ipoint)
@@ -231,36 +250,69 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! --- --- ---
! solve Ax = b
- allocate(A_inv(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
- !call get_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num)
- call get_pseudo_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, 5d-8)
+ !call get_pseudo_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, cutoff_svd)
+ allocate(D(ao_num*ao_num), U(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num), Vt(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ allocate(work(1))
+ lwork = -1
+ call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , D(1), U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, work, lwork, info)
+ if(info /= 0) then
+ print *, info, ': SVD failed'
+ stop
+ endif
+ LWORK = max(5*ao_num*ao_num, int(WORK(1)))
+ deallocate(work)
+ allocate(work(lwork))
+ call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , D(1), U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, work, lwork, info)
+ if(info /= 0) then
+ print *, info, ':: SVD failed'
+ stop 1
+ endif
+ deallocate(work)
+ n_svd = 0
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ if(D(ij)/D(1) > cutoff_svd) then
+ D(ij) = 1.d0 / D(ij)
+ n_svd = n_svd + 1
+ else
+ D(ij) = 0.d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print*, ' n_svd = ', n_svd
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ij, kl) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_svd, D, Vt)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ do ij = 1, n_svd
+ Vt(ij,kl) = Vt(ij,kl) * D(ij)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ! A = A_inv
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_svd, 1.d0 &
+ , U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , 0.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(D, U, Vt)
+ ! ---
! coef_fit = A_inv x b
- call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, b, 1, 0.d0, coef_fit, 1)
+ call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b(1,1), 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), 1)
- integer :: mn
- double precision :: tmp, acc, nrm
- acc = 0.d0
- nrm = 0.d0
- do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- tmp = 0.d0
- do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- tmp += A(ij,kl) * coef_fit(kl)
- enddo
- tmp = tmp - b(ij)
- if(dabs(tmp) .gt. 1d-7) then
- print*, ' problem found in fitting 1e-Jastrow'
- print*, ij, tmp
- endif
- acc += dabs(tmp)
- nrm += dabs(b(ij))
- enddo
- print *, ' Relative Error (%) =', 100.d0*acc/nrm
- deallocate(A, A_inv, b)
+ deallocate(A, b)
call wall_time(t1)
print*, ' END after (min) ', (t1-t0)/60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/print_j1ecoef_info.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/print_j1ecoef_info.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..feb2685a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/print_j1ecoef_info.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+! ---
+program print_j1ecoef_info
+ implicit none
+ my_grid_becke = .True.
+ PROVIDE tc_grid1_a tc_grid1_r
+ my_n_pt_r_grid = tc_grid1_r
+ my_n_pt_a_grid = tc_grid1_a
+ touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
+ my_extra_grid_becke = .True.
+ PROVIDE tc_grid2_a tc_grid2_r
+ my_n_pt_r_extra_grid = tc_grid2_r
+ my_n_pt_a_extra_grid = tc_grid2_a
+ touch my_extra_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_extra_grid my_n_pt_a_extra_grid
+ endif
+ call print_j1ecoef()
+! ---
+subroutine print_j1ecoef()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, ij
+ integer :: ierr
+ logical :: exists
+ character(len=10) :: ni, nj
+ double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit2(:)
+ PROVIDE ao_l_char_space
+ allocate(coef_fit2(ao_num*ao_num))
+ if(mpi_master) then
+ call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(exists)
+ endif
+ print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
+ endif
+ if(exists) then
+ if(mpi_master) then
+ write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao2 ] <<<<< ..'
+ call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
+ call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit2, ao_num*ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+ if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
+ stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao2 with MPI'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num*ao_num, coef_fit2)
+ call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
+ endif
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ write(ni, '(I0)') ao_l(i)+1
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ write(nj, '(I0)') ao_l(j)+1
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ print *, trim(adjustl(ni)) // trim(adjustl(ao_l_char_space(i))), " " &
+ , trim(adjustl(nj)) // trim(adjustl(ao_l_char_space(j))), " " &
+ , dabs(coef_fit2(ij))
+ enddo
+! print *, ' '
+ enddo
+ deallocate(coef_fit2)
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index 90e5a7b3..2b96591b 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ program test_non_h
!call test_j1e_fit_ao()
- call test_tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new()
- call test_tc_grad_square_ao_new()
+ !call test_tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_new()
+ !call test_tc_grad_square_ao_new()
+ !call test_fit_coef_A1()
+ call test_fit_coef_inv()
! ---
@@ -1112,3 +1115,328 @@ END_PROVIDER
! ---
+subroutine test_fit_coef_A1()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint
+ double precision :: t1, t2
+ double precision :: accu, norm, diff
+ double precision, allocatable :: A1(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: A2(:,:,:,:), tmp(:,:,:)
+ ! ---
+ allocate(A1(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A1)
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ A1(ij,kl) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ A1(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
+ * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(t2)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A1 (min) =', (t2-t1)/60.d0
+ ! ---
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ allocate(tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, tmp)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ tmp(i,j,ipoint) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ allocate(A2(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( "N", "T", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , 0.d0, A2(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(tmp)
+ call wall_time(t2)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A2 (min) =', (t2-t1)/60.d0
+ ! ---
+ accu = 0.d0
+ norm = 0.d0
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ diff = dabs(A2(j,i,l,k) - A1(ij,kl))
+ if(diff .gt. 1d-10) then
+ print *, ' problem in A2 on:', i, i, l, k
+ print *, ' A1 :', A1(ij,kl)
+ print *, ' A2 :', A2(j,i,l,k)
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(A1(ij,kl))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(A1, A2)
+ print*, ' accuracy (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+ return
+! ---
+subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint
+ integer :: n_svd, info, lwork, mn
+ double precision :: t1, t2
+ double precision :: accu, norm, diff
+ double precision :: cutoff_svd
+ double precision, allocatable :: A1(:,:), A1_inv(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: A2(:,:,:,:), tmp(:,:,:), A2_inv(:,:,:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A2_tmp(:,:,:,:)
+ cutoff_svd = 5d-8
+ ! ---
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ allocate(A1(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A1)
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ A1(ij,kl) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ A1(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
+ * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(t2)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A1 (min) =', (t2-t1)/60.d0
+ allocate(A1_inv(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ call get_pseudo_inverse(A1, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A1_inv, ao_num*ao_num, cutoff_svd)
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A1_inv (min) =', (t1-t2)/60.d0
+ ! ---
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ allocate(tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, tmp)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ tmp(i,j,ipoint) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ allocate(A2(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ call dgemm( "N", "T", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , 0.d0, A2(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(tmp)
+ call wall_time(t2)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A2 (min) =', (t2-t1)/60.d0
+ allocate(A2_tmp(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ A2_tmp = A2
+ allocate(A2_inv(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ allocate(D(ao_num*ao_num), U(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num), Vt(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ allocate(work(1))
+ lwork = -1
+ call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A2_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , D(1), U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, work, lwork, info)
+ if(info /= 0) then
+ print *, info, ': SVD failed'
+ stop
+ endif
+ LWORK = max(5*ao_num*ao_num, int(WORK(1)))
+ deallocate(work)
+ allocate(work(lwork))
+ call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A2_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , D(1), U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, work, lwork, info)
+ if(info /= 0) then
+ print *, info, ':: SVD failed'
+ stop 1
+ endif
+ deallocate(A2_tmp)
+ deallocate(work)
+ n_svd = 0
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ if(D(ij)/D(1) > cutoff_svd) then
+ D(ij) = 1.d0 / D(ij)
+ n_svd = n_svd + 1
+ else
+ D(ij) = 0.d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print*, ' n_svd = ', n_svd
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ij, kl) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_svd, D, Vt)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ do ij = 1, n_svd
+ Vt(ij,kl) = Vt(ij,kl) * D(ij)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_svd, 1.d0 &
+ , U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ , 0.d0, A2_inv(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(D, U, Vt)
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A2_inv (min) =', (t1-t2)/60.d0
+ ! ---
+ accu = 0.d0
+ norm = 0.d0
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ diff = dabs(A2(j,i,l,k) - A1(ij,kl))
+ if(diff .gt. 1d-10) then
+ print *, ' problem in A2 on:', i, i, l, k
+ print *, ' A1 :', A1(ij,kl)
+ print *, ' A2 :', A2(j,i,l,k)
+ stop
+ endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(A1(ij,kl))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print*, ' accuracy on A (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+ accu = 0.d0
+ norm = 0.d0
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ diff = dabs(A2_inv(j,i,l,k) - A1_inv(ij,kl))
+ !if(diff .gt. cutoff_svd) then
+ ! print *, ' problem in A2_inv on:', i, i, l, k
+ ! print *, ' A1_inv :', A1_inv(ij,kl)
+ ! print *, ' A2_inv :', A2_inv(j,i,l,k)
+ ! stop
+ !endif
+ accu += diff
+ norm += dabs(A1_inv(ij,kl))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(A1_inv, A2_inv)
+ deallocate(A1, A2)
+ print*, ' accuracy on A_inv (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/src/becke_numerical_grid/grid_becke_vector.irp.f b/src/becke_numerical_grid/grid_becke_vector.irp.f
index 0386f3c6..473096d0 100644
--- a/src/becke_numerical_grid/grid_becke_vector.irp.f
+++ b/src/becke_numerical_grid/grid_becke_vector.irp.f
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
do j = 1, nucl_num
do i = 1, n_points_radial_grid -1
do k = 1, n_points_integration_angular
- if(dabs(final_weight_at_r(k,i,j)) < thresh_grid)then
+ if(dabs(final_weight_at_r(k,i,j)) < thresh_grid) then
i_count += 1
@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ END_PROVIDER
index_final_points(2,i_count) = i
index_final_points(3,i_count) = j
index_final_points_reverse(k,i,j) = i_count
+ if(final_weight_at_r_vector(i_count) .lt. 0.d0) then
+ print *, ' !!! WARNING !!!'
+ print *, ' negative weight !!!!'
+ print *, i_count, final_weight_at_r_vector(i_count)
+ stop
+ endif
From 8018440410fac858f9a5ed2fb9f2c4ec4963c4b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 22:13:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 27/44] OPENMP & DGEMM in pseudo_inv
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index 314ad4f6..a67a219c 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -1321,19 +1321,22 @@ subroutine get_inverse(A,LDA,m,C,LDC)
-subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A,LDA,m,n,C,LDC,cutoff)
- implicit none
+subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A, LDA, m, n, C, LDC, cutoff)
! Find C = A^-1
- integer, intent(in) :: m,n, LDA, LDC
- double precision, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n)
- double precision, intent(in) :: cutoff
- double precision, intent(out) :: C(LDC,m)
- double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A_tmp(:,:)
- integer :: info, lwork
- integer :: i,j,k
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: m, n, LDA, LDC
+ double precision, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: cutoff
+ double precision, intent(out) :: C(LDC,m)
+ integer :: info, lwork
+ integer :: i, j, k, n_svd
+ double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A_tmp(:,:)
allocate (D(n),U(m,n),Vt(n,n),work(1),A_tmp(m,n))
do j=1,n
do i=1,m
@@ -1355,22 +1358,40 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A,LDA,m,n,C,LDC,cutoff)
stop 1
- do i=1,n
- if (D(i)/D(1) > cutoff) then
- D(i) = 1.d0/D(i)
+ n_svd = 0
+ do i = 1, n
+ if(D(i)/D(1) > cutoff) then
+ D(i) = 1.d0 / D(i)
+ n_svd = n_svd + 1
D(i) = 0.d0
+ print*, ' n_svd = ', n_svd
- C = 0.d0
- do i=1,m
- do j=1,n
- do k=1,n
- C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
- enddo
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n, n_svd, D, Vt)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do j = 1, n
+ do i = 1, n_svd
+ Vt(i,j) = D(i) * Vt(i,j)
+ call dgemm("N", "N", m, n, n_svd, 1.d0, U, m, Vt, n, 0.d0, C, LDC)
+ !C = 0.d0
+ !do i=1,m
+ ! do j=1,n
+ ! do k=1,n
+ ! C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
+ ! enddo
+ ! enddo
+ !enddo
From c0a4b7890e51454e078ab894b935a4e772484fab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 13:19:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 28/44] Fix bug in complex svd
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 5 +++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index 314ad4f6..7cef9ee4 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse_complex(A,LDA,m,n,C,LDC,cutoff)
integer, intent(in) :: m,n, LDA, LDC
complex*16, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n)
- double precision, intent(in) :: cutoff
+ double precision, intent(in) :: cutoff, d1
complex*16, intent(out) :: C(LDC,m)
double precision, allocatable :: D(:), rwork(:)
@@ -673,8 +673,9 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse_complex(A,LDA,m,n,C,LDC,cutoff)
stop 1
+ d1 = D(1)
do i=1,n
- if (D(i) > cutoff*D(1)) then
+ if (D(i) > cutoff*d1) then
D(i) = 1.d0/D(i)
D(i) = 0.d0
From 0b83c1ab8b34bd303142f0a7352b0775510ee874 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ydamour
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 17:34:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 29/44] mkl with gfortran
config/gfortran_mkl.cfg | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 62 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 config/gfortran_mkl.cfg
diff --git a/config/gfortran_mkl.cfg b/config/gfortran_mkl.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2787d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gfortran_mkl.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Common flags
+# -ffree-line-length-none : Needed for IRPF90 which produces long lines
+# -lblas -llapack : Link with libblas and liblapack libraries provided by the system
+# -I . : Include the curent directory (Mandatory)
+# --ninja : Allow the utilisation of ninja. (Mandatory)
+# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
+FC : gfortran -ffree-line-length-none -I . -mavx -g -fPIC -std=legacy
+LAPACK_LIB : -I${MKLROOT}/include -L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -ldl -lmkl_gnu_thread -lgomp -fopenmp
+IRPF90 : irpf90
+IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DSET_NESTED
+# Global options
+# 1 : Activate
+# 0 : Deactivate
+MODE : OPT ; [ OPT | PROFILE | DEBUG ] : Chooses the section below
+CACHE : 0 ; Enable
+OPENMP : 1 ; Append OpenMP flags
+# Optimization flags
+# -Ofast : Disregard strict standards compliance. Enables all -O3 optimizations.
+# It also enables optimizations that are not valid
+# for all standard-compliant programs. It turns on
+# -ffast-math and the Fortran-specific
+# -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays.
+FCFLAGS : -Ofast -mavx
+# Profiling flags
+FC : -p -g
+FCFLAGS : -Ofast
+# Debugging flags
+# -fcheck=all : Checks uninitialized variables, array subscripts, etc...
+# -g : Extra debugging information
+FCFLAGS : -fcheck=all -g
+# OpenMP flags
+FC : -fopenmp
+IRPF90_FLAGS : --openmp
From cc334b34b736af8a9ec2aa31a714f8a5d201956f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 19:50:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 30/44] opt in 1e-Jast & fixed bug in pseudo_inv
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 99 ++++++++-----------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 37 ++++---
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 42 ++++----
3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 90fcb5bb..79f780b1 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
integer :: info, n_svd, LWORK
double precision :: g
double precision :: t0, t1
- double precision :: cutoff_svd
- double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:,:), b(:,:)
+ double precision :: cutoff_svd, D1_inv
+ double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:,:), b(:)
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:), tmp(:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
PROVIDE mo_coef
- cutoff_svd = 5d-8
+ cutoff_svd = 1d-10
call wall_time(t0)
print*, ' PROVIDING the representation of 1e-Jastrow in AOs x AOs ... '
@@ -175,31 +175,7 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! --- --- ---
! get A
- !!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
- !!$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
- !!$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A)
- !do k = 1, ao_num
- ! do l = 1, ao_num
- ! kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
- ! do i = 1, ao_num
- ! do j = 1, ao_num
- ! ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
- ! A(ij,kl) = 0.d0
- ! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- ! A(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
- ! * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- !enddo
- allocate(tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
+ allocate(tmp(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
@@ -210,47 +186,41 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp(i,j,ipoint) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
+ tmp(ipoint,i,j) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
- call dgemm( "N", "T", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
, 0.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
- deallocate(tmp)
! --- --- ---
! get b
- allocate(b(ao_num,ao_num))
+ allocate(b(ao_num*ao_num))
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, u1e_tmp, b)
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- b(j,i) = 0.d0
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- b(j,i) = b(j,i) + final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) * u1e_tmp(ipoint)
- enddo
- enddo
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ u1e_tmp(ipoint) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * u1e_tmp(ipoint)
+ call dgemv("T", n_points_final_grid, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, u1e_tmp(1), 1, 0.d0, b(1), 1)
+ !call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, 1, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ ! , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, u1e_tmp(1), n_points_final_grid &
+ ! , 0.d0, b(1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(tmp)
! --- --- ---
! solve Ax = b
- !call get_pseudo_inverse(A, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv, ao_num*ao_num, cutoff_svd)
+! double precision, allocatable :: A_inv(:,:,:,:)
+! allocate(A_inv(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+! call get_pseudo_inverse(A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, cutoff_svd)
+! A = A_inv
allocate(D(ao_num*ao_num), U(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num), Vt(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
@@ -275,15 +245,21 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
- n_svd = 0
- do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- if(D(ij)/D(1) > cutoff_svd) then
- D(ij) = 1.d0 / D(ij)
- n_svd = n_svd + 1
- else
- D(ij) = 0.d0
- endif
- enddo
+ if(D(1) .lt. 1d-14) then
+ print*, ' largest singular value is very small:', D(1)
+ n_svd = 1
+ else
+ n_svd = 0
+ D1_inv = 1.d0 / D(1)
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ if(D(ij)*D1_inv > cutoff_svd) then
+ D(ij) = 1.d0 / D(ij)
+ n_svd = n_svd + 1
+ else
+ D(ij) = 0.d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
print*, ' n_svd = ', n_svd
@@ -310,7 +286,10 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! ---
! coef_fit = A_inv x b
- call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b(1,1), 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), 1)
+ call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b(1), 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), 1)
+ !call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, 1, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0 &
+ ! , A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b(1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ ! , 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
deallocate(A, b)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index 2b96591b..c3fde334 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -1232,8 +1232,8 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
integer :: n_svd, info, lwork, mn
double precision :: t1, t2
double precision :: accu, norm, diff
- double precision :: cutoff_svd
- double precision, allocatable :: A1(:,:), A1_inv(:,:)
+ double precision :: cutoff_svd, D1_inv
+ double precision, allocatable :: A1(:,:), A1_inv(:,:), A1_tmp(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: A2(:,:,:,:), tmp(:,:,:), A2_inv(:,:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A2_tmp(:,:,:,:)
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
call wall_time(t1)
- allocate(tmp(ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid))
+ allocate(tmp(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, ipoint) &
@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
do j = 1, ao_num
do i = 1, ao_num
do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- tmp(i,j,ipoint) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
+ tmp(ipoint,i,j) = dsqrt(final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint)) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j)
@@ -1303,8 +1303,8 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
- call dgemm( "N", "T", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- , tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, tmp(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
, 0.d0, A2(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
@@ -1312,6 +1312,8 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
call wall_time(t2)
print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A2 (min) =', (t2-t1)/60.d0
+ allocate(A1_tmp(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ A1_tmp = A1
A2_tmp = A2
@@ -1322,7 +1324,8 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
lwork = -1
- call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A2_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A1_tmp(1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ !call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A2_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
, D(1), U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, work, lwork, info)
if(info /= 0) then
print *, info, ': SVD failed'
@@ -1333,7 +1336,8 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
- call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A2_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A1_tmp(1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
+ !call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A2_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
, D(1), U(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, Vt(1,1), ao_num*ao_num, work, lwork, info)
if(info /= 0) then
print *, info, ':: SVD failed'
@@ -1343,9 +1347,10 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
- n_svd = 0
+ n_svd = 0
+ D1_inv = 1.d0 / D(1)
do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
- if(D(ij)/D(1) > cutoff_svd) then
+ if(D(ij)*D1_inv > cutoff_svd) then
D(ij) = 1.d0 / D(ij)
n_svd = n_svd + 1
@@ -1416,12 +1421,12 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
diff = dabs(A2_inv(j,i,l,k) - A1_inv(ij,kl))
- !if(diff .gt. cutoff_svd) then
- ! print *, ' problem in A2_inv on:', i, i, l, k
- ! print *, ' A1_inv :', A1_inv(ij,kl)
- ! print *, ' A2_inv :', A2_inv(j,i,l,k)
- ! stop
- !endif
+ if(diff .gt. cutoff_svd) then
+ print *, ' problem in A2_inv on:', i, i, l, k
+ print *, ' A1_inv :', A1_inv(ij,kl)
+ print *, ' A2_inv :', A2_inv(j,i,l,k)
+ stop
+ endif
accu += diff
norm += dabs(A1_inv(ij,kl))
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index a67a219c..c897140e 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -1335,6 +1335,7 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A, LDA, m, n, C, LDC, cutoff)
integer :: info, lwork
integer :: i, j, k, n_svd
+ double precision :: D1_inv
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A_tmp(:,:)
allocate (D(n),U(m,n),Vt(n,n),work(1),A_tmp(m,n))
@@ -1358,15 +1359,22 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A, LDA, m, n, C, LDC, cutoff)
stop 1
- n_svd = 0
- do i = 1, n
- if(D(i)/D(1) > cutoff) then
- D(i) = 1.d0 / D(i)
- n_svd = n_svd + 1
- else
- D(i) = 0.d0
- endif
- enddo
+ if(D(1) .lt. 1d-14) then
+ print*, ' largest singular value is very small:', D(1)
+ n_svd = 1
+ else
+ n_svd = 0
+ D1_inv = 1.d0 / D(1)
+ do i = 1, n
+ if(D(i)*D1_inv > cutoff) then
+ D(i) = 1.d0 / D(i)
+ n_svd = n_svd + 1
+ else
+ D(i) = 0.d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
print*, ' n_svd = ', n_svd
@@ -1384,14 +1392,14 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A, LDA, m, n, C, LDC, cutoff)
call dgemm("N", "N", m, n, n_svd, 1.d0, U, m, Vt, n, 0.d0, C, LDC)
- !C = 0.d0
- !do i=1,m
- ! do j=1,n
- ! do k=1,n
- ! C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
- ! enddo
- ! enddo
- !enddo
+! C = 0.d0
+! do i=1,m
+! do j=1,n
+! do k=1,n
+! C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! enddo
From 9e1b2f35d31dbdfc22fb43638b2c75105517cc8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 08:57:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 31/44] added Charge_Harmonizer for numerical integrals
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f | 226 +++++++++++++-----
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 78 ++++++
2 files changed, 245 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
index 8c25b377..34c45df9 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
@@ -98,14 +98,20 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision :: x, y, z, r2
- double precision :: dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: tmp_ct
- double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
- double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
- double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, m, jpoint
+ integer :: n_blocks, n_rest, n_pass
+ integer :: i_blocks, i_rest, i_pass, ii
+ double precision :: mem, n_double
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2
+ double precision :: tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z
+ double precision :: tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z
+ double precision, allocatable :: tmp(:,:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: tmp_grad1_u12(:,:,:)
PROVIDE j2e_type
PROVIDE Env_type
@@ -113,70 +119,172 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
call wall_time(time0)
print*, ' providing int2_grad1_u2e_ao ...'
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
- ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ PROVIDE final_weight_at_r_vector_extra aos_in_r_array_extra
- tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
- !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
+ allocate(tmp(n_points_extra_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (j, i, jpoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (tmp, ao_num, n_points_extra_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector_extra, aos_in_r_array_extra_transp)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
- dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
- dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
- dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
- tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
- tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
- tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
- tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
- tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
- tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + dx * tmp2 - tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + dy * tmp2 - tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) + dz * tmp2 - tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ tmp(jpoint,i,j) = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(jpoint) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,j)
- FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- FREE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ ! n_points_final_grid = n_blocks * n_pass + n_rest
+ call total_memory(mem)
+ mem = max(1.d0, qp_max_mem - mem)
+ n_double = mem * 1.d8
+ n_blocks = int(min(n_double / (n_points_extra_final_grid * 4.d0), 1.d0*n_points_final_grid))
+ n_rest = int(mod(n_points_final_grid, n_blocks))
+ n_pass = int((n_points_final_grid - n_rest) / n_blocks)
+ call write_int(6, n_pass, 'Number of passes')
+ call write_int(6, n_blocks, 'Size of the blocks')
+ call write_int(6, n_rest, 'Size of the last block')
+ allocate(tmp_grad1_u12(n_points_extra_final_grid,n_blocks,3))
+ do i_pass = 1, n_pass
+ ii = (i_pass-1)*n_blocks + 1
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i_blocks, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_blocks, n_points_extra_final_grid, ii, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, tmp_grad1_u12)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do i_blocks = 1, n_blocks
+ ipoint = ii - 1 + i_blocks ! r1
+ call get_grad1_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,1) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,2) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_blocks,3))
+ enddo
+ do m = 1, 3
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_blocks, n_points_extra_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,1,m), n_points_extra_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,ii,m), ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(tmp_grad1_u12)
+ if(n_rest .gt. 0) then
+ allocate(tmp_grad1_u12(n_points_extra_final_grid,n_rest,3))
+ ii = n_pass*n_blocks + 1
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i_rest, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_rest, n_points_extra_final_grid, ii, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, tmp_grad1_u12)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do i_rest = 1, n_rest
+ ipoint = ii - 1 + i_rest ! r1
+ call get_grad1_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,1) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,2) &
+ , tmp_grad1_u12(1,i_rest,3))
+ enddo
+ do m = 1, 3
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_rest, n_points_extra_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_grad1_u12(1,1,m), n_points_extra_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, int2_grad1_u2e_ao(1,1,ii,m), ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(tmp_grad1_u12)
+ endif
+ deallocate(tmp)
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val env_grad
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, tmp1, tmp2, &
+ !$OMP tmp0_x, tmp0_y, tmp0_z, tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp1_z) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, env_grad, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_grad1_u2e_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = env_grad(1,ipoint)
+ dy = env_grad(2,ipoint)
+ dz = env_grad(3,ipoint)
+ tmp0_x = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * x + r2 * dx)
+ tmp0_y = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * y + r2 * dy)
+ tmp0_z = 0.5d0 * (env_val(ipoint) * z + r2 * dz)
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp1_x = tmp_ct * dx
+ tmp1_y = tmp_ct * dy
+ tmp1_z = tmp_ct * dz
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = 0.5d0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - x * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - y * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - z * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,1) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_x - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) + dx * tmp2 - tmp1_x * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,2) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_y - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) + dy * tmp2 - tmp1_y * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_grad1_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint,3) = Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) * tmp0_z - tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint) + dz * tmp2 - tmp1_z * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ FREE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ FREE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
- print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ print *, ' Error in int2_grad1_u2e_ao: Unknown tc_integ_type'
- endif ! j2e_type
+ endif ! tc_integ_type
call wall_time(time1)
print*, ' wall time for int2_grad1_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index b58d8c17..9a5e35c6 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -395,3 +395,81 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine get_grad1_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
+ !
+ ! grad_1 u_2e(r1,r2)
+ !
+ ! we use grid for r1 and extra_grid for r2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ipoint, n_grid2
+ double precision, intent(out) :: resx(n_grid2), resy(n_grid2), resz(n_grid2)
+ integer :: jpoint
+ double precision :: env_r1, tmp
+ double precision :: grad1_env(3), r1(3)
+ double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: gradx1_u2b(:), grady1_u2b(:), gradz1_u2b(:)
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
+ PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
+ r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mur") .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Boys") ) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ call grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
+ else
+ ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
+ ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_r12(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradx1_u2b(n_grid2))
+ allocate(grady1_u2b(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradz1_u2b(n_grid2))
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_env)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
+ call j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, u2b_r12)
+ call grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ resx(jpoint) = (gradx1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resy(jpoint) = (grady1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resz(jpoint) = (gradz1_u2b(jpoint) * env_r1 + u2b_r12(jpoint) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(env_r2, u2b_r12, gradx1_u2b, grady1_u2b, gradz1_u2b)
+ endif ! env_type
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ return
+! ---
From c9caec5f7e8c9faa8b503553bb7895f48b04bcb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2024 13:22:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 32/44] added Mu_Nu Jastrow
plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg | 7 +
plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f | 145 +----------
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 38 ++-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f | 195 +++++++++++----
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 225 +++++++++++++++++-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f | 92 ++++++-
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f | 9 +-
7 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
index c3ed29a3..23dde8ea 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -144,3 +144,10 @@ interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 1.0
ezfio_name: a_boys
+type: double precision
+doc: e-e correlation in the core
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: 1.0
+ezfio_name: nu_erf
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
index 1fc2fd2b..e994d27a 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e.irp.f
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision :: cx, cy, cz
double precision :: time0, time1
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
- double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit(:), coef_fit2(:,:), coef_fit3(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: coef_fit2(:,:)
PROVIDE j1e_type
@@ -163,75 +163,6 @@ END_PROVIDER
deallocate(Pa, Pb, Pt)
-! elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO") then
-! ! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta} C_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
-! ! where
-! ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
-! ! C_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
-! !
-! ! The - sign is in the parameters C_{\eta}
-! PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
-! allocate(coef_fit(ao_num))
-! if(mpi_master) then
-! call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(exists)
-! endif
-! print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
-! include 'mpif.h'
-! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
-! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
-! endif
-! if(exists) then
-! if(mpi_master) then
-! write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao ] <<<<< ..'
-! call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
-! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit, ao_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
-! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao with MPI'
-! endif
-! endif
-! else
-! call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao(ao_num, coef_fit)
-! call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao(coef_fit)
-! endif
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, c) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
-! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit, &
-! !$OMP j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! c = coef_fit(i)
-! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = j1e_gradx(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,1)
-! j1e_grady(ipoint) = j1e_grady(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,2)
-! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = j1e_gradz(ipoint) + c * aos_grad_in_r_array(i,ipoint,3)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(coef_fit)
elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO") then
! \grad_1 \sum_{\eta,\beta} C_{\eta,\beta} \chi_{\eta} \chi_{\beta}
@@ -271,10 +202,8 @@ END_PROVIDER
call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(ao_num, coef_fit2)
call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao2(coef_fit2)
@@ -305,78 +234,6 @@ END_PROVIDER
-! elseif(j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer_AO3") then
-! ! \sum_{\eta} \vec{C}_{\eta} \chi_{\eta}
-! ! where
-! ! \chi_{\eta} are the AOs
-! ! \vec{C}_{\eta} are fitted to mimic (j1e_type .eq. "Charge_Harmonizer")
-! !
-! ! The - sign is in the parameters \vec{C}_{\eta}
-! PROVIDE aos_grad_in_r_array
-! allocate(coef_fit3(ao_num,3))
-! if(mpi_master) then
-! call ezfio_has_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(exists)
-! endif
-! print *, irp_here, mpi_rank
-! !include 'mpif.h'
-! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
-! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
-! endif
-! if(exists) then
-! if(mpi_master) then
-! write(6,'(A)') '.. >>>>> [ IO READ: j1e_coef_ao3 ] <<<<< ..'
-! call ezfio_get_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
-! call MPI_BCAST(coef_fit3, (ao_num*3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-! if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
-! stop 'Unable to read j1e_coef_ao3 with MPI'
-! endif
-! endif
-! else
-! call get_j1e_coef_fit_ao3(ao_num, coef_fit3)
-! call ezfio_set_jastrow_j1e_coef_ao3(coef_fit3)
-! endif
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, ipoint, cx, cy, cz) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
-! !$OMP aos_grad_in_r_array, coef_fit3, &
-! !$OMP aos_in_r_array, j1e_gradx, j1e_grady, j1e_gradz)
-! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
-! do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
-! j1e_gradx(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! j1e_grady(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! j1e_gradz(ipoint) = 0.d0
-! do i = 1, ao_num
-! cx = coef_fit3(i,1)
-! cy = coef_fit3(i,2)
-! cz = coef_fit3(i,3)
-! j1e_gradx(ipoint) += cx * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
-! j1e_grady(ipoint) += cy * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
-! j1e_gradz(ipoint) += cz * aos_in_r_array(i,ipoint)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! deallocate(coef_fit3)
print *, ' Error in j1e_grad: Unknown j1e_type = ', j1e_type
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 79f780b1..7aa85148 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
double precision :: g
double precision :: t0, t1
double precision :: cutoff_svd, D1_inv
- double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:,:), b(:)
+ double precision :: accu, norm, diff
+ double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:,:), b(:), A_tmp(:,:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:), tmp(:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:)
@@ -197,6 +198,9 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
, 0.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ allocate(A_tmp(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
+ A_tmp = A
! --- --- ---
! get b
@@ -217,11 +221,6 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! --- --- ---
! solve Ax = b
-! double precision, allocatable :: A_inv(:,:,:,:)
-! allocate(A_inv(ao_num,ao_num,ao_num,ao_num))
-! call get_pseudo_inverse(A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A_inv(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, cutoff_svd)
-! A = A_inv
allocate(D(ao_num*ao_num), U(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num), Vt(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
@@ -287,9 +286,30 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! coef_fit = A_inv x b
call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b(1), 1, 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), 1)
- !call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, 1, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0 &
- ! , A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, b(1), ao_num*ao_num &
- ! , 0.d0, coef_fit(1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
+ ! ---
+ accu = 0.d0
+ norm = 0.d0
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ diff = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ diff += A_tmp(k,l,i,j) * coef_fit(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !print*, kl, b(kl)
+ accu += dabs(diff - b(kl))
+ norm += dabs(b(kl))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print*, ' accu total on Ax = b (%) = ', 100.d0*accu/norm
+ deallocate(A_tmp)
+ ! ---
deallocate(A, b)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
index 34c45df9..34d01fb2 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_2e_utils.irp.f
@@ -12,12 +12,17 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_g
implicit none
- integer :: ipoint, i, j, jpoint
- double precision :: time0, time1
- double precision :: x, y, z, r2
- double precision :: dx, dy, dz
- double precision :: tmp_ct
- double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
+ integer :: ipoint, i, j, jpoint
+ integer :: n_blocks, n_rest, n_pass
+ integer :: i_blocks, i_rest, i_pass, ii
+ double precision :: mem, n_double
+ double precision :: time0, time1
+ double precision :: x, y, z, r2
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: tmp_ct
+ double precision :: tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
+ double precision, allocatable :: tmp(:,:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: tmp_u12(:,:)
PROVIDE j2e_type
PROVIDE Env_type
@@ -25,59 +30,152 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_final_g
call wall_time(time0)
print*, ' providing int2_u2e_ao ...'
- if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
- ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then
- PROVIDE mu_erf
- PROVIDE env_type env_val
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
- PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ PROVIDE final_weight_at_r_vector_extra aos_in_r_array_extra
- tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
- !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, &
- !$OMP tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3) &
- !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
- !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
- !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_u2e_ao)
+ allocate(tmp(n_points_extra_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (j, i, jpoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (tmp, ao_num, n_points_extra_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector_extra, aos_in_r_array_extra_transp)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
- do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
- x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
- y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
- z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
- r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
- dx = x * env_val(ipoint)
- dy = y * env_val(ipoint)
- dz = z * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint) * r2
- tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
- tmp3 = tmp_ct * env_val(ipoint)
- do j = 1, ao_num
- do i = 1, ao_num
- tmp2 = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - dx * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dy * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dz * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
- int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 - tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ tmp(jpoint,i,j) = final_weight_at_r_vector_extra(jpoint) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_extra_transp(jpoint,j)
- else
+ call total_memory(mem)
+ mem = max(1.d0, qp_max_mem - mem)
+ n_double = mem * 1.d8
+ n_blocks = int(min(n_double / (n_points_extra_final_grid * 1.d0), 1.d0*n_points_final_grid))
+ n_rest = int(mod(n_points_final_grid, n_blocks))
+ n_pass = int((n_points_final_grid - n_rest) / n_blocks)
- print *, ' Error in int2_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ call write_int(6, n_pass, 'Number of passes')
+ call write_int(6, n_blocks, 'Size of the blocks')
+ call write_int(6, n_rest, 'Size of the last block')
+ allocate(tmp_u12(n_points_extra_final_grid,n_blocks))
+ do i_pass = 1, n_pass
+ ii = (i_pass-1)*n_blocks + 1
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i_blocks, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_blocks, n_points_extra_final_grid, ii, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, tmp_u12)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do i_blocks = 1, n_blocks
+ ipoint = ii - 1 + i_blocks ! r1
+ call get_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_u12(1,i_blocks))
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_blocks, n_points_extra_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_u12(1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, int2_u2e_ao(1,1,ii), ao_num*ao_num)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(tmp_u12)
+ if(n_rest .gt. 0) then
+ allocate(tmp_u12(n_points_extra_final_grid,n_rest))
+ ii = n_pass*n_blocks + 1
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i_rest, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_rest, n_points_extra_final_grid, ii, &
+ !$OMP final_grid_points, tmp_u12)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do i_rest = 1, n_rest
+ ipoint = ii - 1 + i_rest ! r1
+ call get_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_u12(1,i_rest))
+ enddo
+ call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, n_rest, n_points_extra_final_grid, 1.d0 &
+ , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid, tmp_u12(1,1), n_points_extra_final_grid &
+ , 0.d0, int2_u2e_ao(1,1,ii), ao_num*ao_num)
+ deallocate(tmp_u12)
+ endif
+ deallocate(tmp)
+ elseif(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. &
+ ( (env_type .eq. "None") .or. (env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss") ) ) then
+ PROVIDE mu_erf
+ PROVIDE env_type env_val
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0 Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2
+ PROVIDE Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du
+ tmp_ct = 0.5d0 / (dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) * mu_erf)
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint, i, j, x, y, z, r2, dx, dy, dz, &
+ !$OMP tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_grid_points, &
+ !$OMP tmp_ct, env_val, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x, Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z, Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du, &
+ !$OMP Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2, int2_u2e_ao)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ x = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ y = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ z = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ r2 = x*x + y*y + z*z
+ dx = x * env_val(ipoint)
+ dy = y * env_val(ipoint)
+ dz = z * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp0 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint) * r2
+ tmp1 = 0.5d0 * env_val(ipoint)
+ tmp3 = tmp_ct * env_val(ipoint)
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ tmp2 = tmp1 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_2(i,j,ipoint) - dx * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_x(i,j,ipoint) - dy * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_y(i,j,ipoint) - dz * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_z(i,j,ipoint)
+ int2_u2e_ao(i,j,ipoint) = tmp0 * Ir2_Mu_long_Du_0(i,j,ipoint) + tmp2 - tmp3 * Ir2_Mu_gauss_Du(i,j,ipoint)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_u2e_ao: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in int2_u2e_ao: Unknown tc_integ_type'
- endif ! j2e_type
+ endif ! tc_integ_type
call wall_time(time1)
print*, ' wall time for int2_u2e_ao (min) =', (time1-time0)/60.d0
@@ -139,11 +237,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, int2_grad1_u2e_ao, (ao_num, ao_num, n_points_f
- ! n_points_final_grid = n_blocks * n_pass + n_rest
call total_memory(mem)
mem = max(1.d0, qp_max_mem - mem)
n_double = mem * 1.d8
- n_blocks = int(min(n_double / (n_points_extra_final_grid * 4.d0), 1.d0*n_points_final_grid))
+ n_blocks = int(min(n_double / (n_points_extra_final_grid * 3.d0), 1.d0*n_points_final_grid))
n_rest = int(mod(n_points_final_grid, n_blocks))
n_pass = int((n_points_final_grid - n_rest) / n_blocks)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index 9a5e35c6..ffb7b513 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
double precision :: env_r1, tmp
double precision :: grad1_env(3), r1(3)
double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
- double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
- double precision, allocatable :: gradx1_u2b(:), grady1_u2b(:), gradz1_u2b(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:), gradx1_u2b(:), grady1_u2b(:), gradz1_u2b(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_mu(:), gradx1_mu(:), grady1_mu(:), gradz1_mu(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_nu(:), gradx1_nu(:), grady1_nu(:), gradz1_nu(:)
double precision, external :: env_nucl
PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
+ PROVIDE mu_erf nu_erf a_boys
PROVIDE final_grid_points
PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
@@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
- ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
- ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
+ ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
+ ! grad1 u(r1, r2) = [(grad1 j12_mu) v(r1) + j12_mu grad1 v(r1)] v(r2)
@@ -67,6 +69,46 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz, res)
endif ! env_type
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Mu_Nu") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ call grad1_jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
+ else
+ ! u(r1,r2) = jmu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2) + jnu(r12) x [1 - v(r1) x v(r2)]
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_mu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_nu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradx1_mu(n_grid2), grady1_mu(n_grid2), gradz1_mu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradx1_nu(n_grid2), grady1_nu(n_grid2), gradz1_nu(n_grid2))
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_env)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
+ call jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, u2b_mu)
+ call jmu_r1_seq(nu_erf, r1, n_grid2, u2b_nu)
+ call grad1_jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, gradx1_mu, grady1_mu, gradz1_mu)
+ call grad1_jmu_r1_seq(nu_erf, r1, n_grid2, gradx1_nu, grady1_nu, gradz1_nu)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ resx(jpoint) = gradx1_nu(jpoint) + ((gradx1_mu(jpoint) - gradx1_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resy(jpoint) = grady1_nu(jpoint) + ((grady1_mu(jpoint) - grady1_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resz(jpoint) = gradz1_nu(jpoint) + ((gradz1_mu(jpoint) - gradz1_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(env_r2)
+ deallocate(u2b_mu)
+ deallocate(u2b_nu)
+ deallocate(gradx1_mu, grady1_mu, gradz1_mu)
+ deallocate(gradx1_nu, grady1_nu, gradz1_nu)
+ endif ! env_type
print *, ' Error in get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
@@ -99,6 +141,9 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
+ ! d/dx1 j_2e(1,2)
+ ! d/dy1 j_2e(1,2)
+ ! d/dz1 j_2e(1,2)
@@ -116,10 +161,13 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, tmp
double precision :: mu_val, mu_tmp, mu_der(3)
+ PROVIDE j2e_type
if(j2e_type .eq. "Mu") then
- ! d/dx1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * (1 - erf(mu *r12))/r12 * (x1 - x2)
- !
+ ! d/dx1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * [(1 - erf(mu * r12)) / r12] * (x1 - x2)
+ ! d/dy1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * [(1 - erf(mu * r12)) / r12] * (y1 - y2)
+ ! d/dz1 j(mu,r12) = 0.5 * [(1 - erf(mu * r12)) / r12] * (z1 - z2)
do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
@@ -185,7 +233,12 @@ subroutine grad1_j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Boys") then
- ! j(r12) = 0.5 r12 / (1 + a_boys r_12)
+ !
+ ! j(r12) = 0.5 r12 / (1 + a_boys r_12)
+ !
+ ! d/dx1 j(r12) = 0.5 (x1 - x2) / [r12 * (1 + b r12^2)^2]
+ ! d/dy1 j(r12) = 0.5 (y1 - y2) / [r12 * (1 + b r12^2)^2]
+ ! d/dz1 j(r12) = 0.5 (z1 - z2) / [r12 * (1 + b r12^2)^2]
PROVIDE a_boys
@@ -226,6 +279,58 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine grad1_jmu_r1_seq(mu, r1, n_grid2, gradx, grady, gradz)
+ !
+ ! d/dx1 jmu(r12) = 0.5 * [(1 - erf(mu * r12)) / r12] * (x1 - x2)
+ ! d/dy1 jmu(r12) = 0.5 * [(1 - erf(mu * r12)) / r12] * (y1 - y2)
+ ! d/dz1 jmu(r12) = 0.5 * [(1 - erf(mu * r12)) / r12] * (z1 - z2)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: n_grid2
+ double precision, intent(in) :: mu, r1(3)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: gradx(n_grid2)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: grady(n_grid2)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: gradz(n_grid2)
+ integer :: jpoint
+ double precision :: r2(3)
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz, r12, tmp
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
+ r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
+ r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
+ dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
+ dz = r1(3) - r2(3)
+ r12 = dsqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
+ if(r12 .lt. 1d-10) then
+ gradx(jpoint) = 0.d0
+ grady(jpoint) = 0.d0
+ gradz(jpoint) = 0.d0
+ cycle
+ endif
+ tmp = 0.5d0 * (1.d0 - derf(mu * r12)) / r12
+ gradx(jpoint) = tmp * dx
+ grady(jpoint) = tmp * dy
+ gradz(jpoint) = tmp * dz
+ enddo
+ return
+! ---
subroutine j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, res)
include 'constants.include.F'
@@ -294,6 +399,44 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine jmu_r1_seq(mu, r1, n_grid2, res)
+ include 'constants.include.F'
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: n_grid2
+ double precision, intent(in) :: mu, r1(3)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: res(n_grid2)
+ integer :: jpoint
+ double precision :: r2(3)
+ double precision :: dx, dy, dz
+ double precision :: r12, tmp1, tmp2
+ tmp1 = inv_sq_pi_2 / mu
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid ! r2
+ r2(1) = final_grid_points_extra(1,jpoint)
+ r2(2) = final_grid_points_extra(2,jpoint)
+ r2(3) = final_grid_points_extra(3,jpoint)
+ dx = r1(1) - r2(1)
+ dy = r1(2) - r2(2)
+ dz = r1(3) - r2(3)
+ r12 = dsqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
+ tmp2 = mu * r12
+ res(jpoint) = 0.5d0 * r12 * (1.d0 - derf(tmp2)) - tmp1 * dexp(-tmp2*tmp2)
+ enddo
+ return
+! ---
subroutine env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, res)
@@ -473,3 +616,71 @@ end
! ---
+subroutine get_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, res)
+ !
+ ! u_2e(r1,r2)
+ !
+ ! we use grid for r1 and extra_grid for r2
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ipoint, n_grid2
+ double precision, intent(out) :: res(n_grid2)
+ integer :: jpoint
+ double precision :: env_r1, tmp
+ double precision :: grad1_env(3), r1(3)
+ double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
+ double precision, external :: env_nucl
+ PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points
+ PROVIDE final_grid_points_extra
+ r1(1) = final_grid_points(1,ipoint)
+ r1(2) = final_grid_points(2,ipoint)
+ r1(3) = final_grid_points(3,ipoint)
+ if( (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Mur") .or. &
+ (j2e_type .eq. "Boys") ) then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ call j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, res)
+ else
+ ! u(r1,r2) = j12_mu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2)
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_r12(n_grid2))
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call j12_r1_seq(r1, n_grid2, u2b_r12)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ res(jpoint) = env_r1 * u2b_r12(jpoint) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(env_r2, u2b_r12)
+ endif ! env_type
+ else
+ print *, ' Error in get_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
+ stop
+ endif ! j2e_type
+ return
+! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
index c3fde334..464a1c1f 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/test_non_h_ints.irp.f
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ program test_non_h
!call test_tc_grad_square_ao_new()
!call test_fit_coef_A1()
- call test_fit_coef_inv()
+ !call test_fit_coef_inv()
+ call test_fit_coef_testinvA()
! ---
@@ -1229,7 +1231,7 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint
- integer :: n_svd, info, lwork, mn
+ integer :: n_svd, info, lwork, mn, m, n
double precision :: t1, t2
double precision :: accu, norm, diff
double precision :: cutoff_svd, D1_inv
@@ -1237,7 +1239,6 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
double precision, allocatable :: A2(:,:,:,:), tmp(:,:,:), A2_inv(:,:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A2_tmp(:,:,:,:)
cutoff_svd = 5d-8
! ---
@@ -1435,11 +1436,92 @@ subroutine test_fit_coef_inv()
+ print*, ' accuracy on A_inv (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
deallocate(A1_inv, A2_inv)
deallocate(A1, A2)
- print*, ' accuracy on A_inv (%) = ', 100.d0 * accu / norm
+ return
+! ---
+subroutine test_fit_coef_testinvA()
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n, ij, kl, mn, ipoint
+ double precision :: t1, t2
+ double precision :: accu, norm, diff
+ double precision :: cutoff_svd
+ double precision, allocatable :: A1(:,:), A1_inv(:,:)
+ cutoff_svd = 1d-17
+ ! ---
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ allocate(A1(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, ij, kl, ipoint) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid, ao_num, &
+ !$OMP final_weight_at_r_vector, aos_in_r_array_transp, A1)
+ do k = 1, ao_num
+ do l = 1, ao_num
+ kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
+ do i = 1, ao_num
+ do j = 1, ao_num
+ ij = (i-1)*ao_num + j
+ A1(ij,kl) = 0.d0
+ do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid
+ A1(ij,kl) += final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,j) &
+ * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,l)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call wall_time(t2)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A1 (min) =', (t2-t1)/60.d0
+ allocate(A1_inv(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ call get_pseudo_inverse(A1, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A1_inv, ao_num*ao_num, cutoff_svd)
+ call wall_time(t1)
+ print*, ' WALL TIME FOR A1_inv (min) =', (t1-t2)/60.d0
+ ! ---
+ print*, ' check inv'
+ do kl = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ do ij = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ diff = 0.d0
+ do mn = 1, ao_num*ao_num
+ diff += A1(kl,mn) * A1_inv(mn,ij)
+ enddo
+ if(kl .eq. ij) then
+ accu += dabs(diff - 1.d0)
+ else
+ accu += dabs(diff - 0.d0)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print*, ' accuracy (%) = ', accu * 100.d0
+ deallocate(A1, A1_inv)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
index 38da4047..9d3cf565 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/total_tc_int.irp.f
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
, int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid &
- , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
FREE int2_u2_env2
endif ! use_ipp
@@ -166,12 +166,15 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_n
do m = 1, 3
call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, -1.d0 &
, int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid &
- , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num)
+ , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num)
FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao
- FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then
+ FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao
+ endif
endif ! var_tc
From acd26fdeb0b1ace9b1a06a72498b8f9709e0283b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2024 13:29:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 33/44] doc for Mu_Nu
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 6 ++++++
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index 67898e23..089aa72d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ The main keywords are:
+3. **Mu_Nu:** A valence and a core correlation terms are used
+ with envelop \(v\).
## env_type Options
From 824336d939a90c652b371e2890c53424d261608a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar <>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2024 13:30:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 34/44] Update
plugins/local/jastrow/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/jastrow/ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
index 089aa72d..a9e568db 100644
--- a/plugins/local/jastrow/
+++ b/plugins/local/jastrow/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The main keywords are:
3. **Mu_Nu:** A valence and a core correlation terms are used
with envelop \(v\).
From da2ee2072305b36a9dc2b555566483d67c611a74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbdAmmar
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 35/44] added 1e-term to Mu_Nu
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f | 34 +++------
.../non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f | 73 +++++++++++++++++++
.../local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f | 1 -
3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
index 7aa85148..9cfabf58 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_1e_utils.irp.f
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
integer :: ij, kl, mn
integer :: info, n_svd, LWORK
double precision :: g
- double precision :: t0, t1
+ double precision :: t0, t1, svd_t0, svd_t1
double precision :: cutoff_svd, D1_inv
- double precision :: accu, norm, diff
+ double precision, allocatable :: diff(:)
double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:,:), b(:), A_tmp(:,:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: Pa(:,:), Pb(:,:), Pt(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: u1e_tmp(:), tmp(:,:,:)
@@ -211,9 +211,6 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
call dgemv("T", n_points_final_grid, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, u1e_tmp(1), 1, 0.d0, b(1), 1)
- !call dgemm( "T", "N", ao_num*ao_num, 1, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 &
- ! , tmp(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid, u1e_tmp(1), n_points_final_grid &
- ! , 0.d0, b(1), ao_num*ao_num)
@@ -223,6 +220,8 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
allocate(D(ao_num*ao_num), U(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num), Vt(ao_num*ao_num,ao_num*ao_num))
+ call wall_time(svd_t0)
lwork = -1
call dgesvd( 'S', 'A', ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, A(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num &
@@ -244,6 +243,9 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
+ call wall_time(svd_t1)
+ print*, ' SVD time (min) ', (svd_t1-svd_t0)/60.d0
if(D(1) .lt. 1d-14) then
print*, ' largest singular value is very small:', D(1)
n_svd = 1
@@ -289,24 +291,12 @@ subroutine get_j1e_coef_fit_ao2(dim_fit, coef_fit)
! ---
- accu = 0.d0
- norm = 0.d0
- do k = 1, ao_num
- do l = 1, ao_num
- kl = (k-1)*ao_num + l
- diff = 0.d0
- do i = 1, ao_num
- do j = 1, ao_num
- diff += A_tmp(k,l,i,j) * coef_fit(j,i)
- enddo
- enddo
+ allocate(diff(ao_num*ao_num))
- !print*, kl, b(kl)
- accu += dabs(diff - b(kl))
- norm += dabs(b(kl))
- enddo
- enddo
- print*, ' accu total on Ax = b (%) = ', 100.d0*accu/norm
+ call dgemv("N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, 1.d0, A_tmp(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, coef_fit(1,1), 1, 0.d0, diff(1), 1)
+ print*, ' accu total on Ax = b (%) = ', 100.d0*sum(dabs(diff-b))/sum(dabs(b))
+ deallocate(diff)
! ---
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
index ffb7b513..5777a44a 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/jast_deriv_utils_vect.irp.f
@@ -558,6 +558,8 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
double precision, allocatable :: gradx1_u2b(:), grady1_u2b(:), gradz1_u2b(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_mu(:), gradx1_mu(:), grady1_mu(:), gradz1_mu(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_nu(:), gradx1_nu(:), grady1_nu(:), gradz1_nu(:)
double precision, external :: env_nucl
PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
@@ -604,6 +606,46 @@ subroutine get_grad1_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
endif ! env_type
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Mu_Nu") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ call grad1_jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, resx, resy, resz)
+ else
+ ! u(r1,r2) = jmu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2) + jnu(r12) x [1 - v(r1) x v(r2)]
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_mu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_nu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradx1_mu(n_grid2), grady1_mu(n_grid2), gradz1_mu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(gradx1_nu(n_grid2), grady1_nu(n_grid2), gradz1_nu(n_grid2))
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call grad1_env_nucl(r1, grad1_env)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
+ call jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, u2b_mu)
+ call jmu_r1_seq(nu_erf, r1, n_grid2, u2b_nu)
+ call grad1_jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, gradx1_mu, grady1_mu, gradz1_mu)
+ call grad1_jmu_r1_seq(nu_erf, r1, n_grid2, gradx1_nu, grady1_nu, gradz1_nu)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ resx(jpoint) = gradx1_nu(jpoint) + ((gradx1_mu(jpoint) - gradx1_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * grad1_env(1)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resy(jpoint) = grady1_nu(jpoint) + ((grady1_mu(jpoint) - grady1_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * grad1_env(2)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ resz(jpoint) = gradz1_nu(jpoint) + ((gradz1_mu(jpoint) - gradz1_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * grad1_env(3)) * env_r2(jpoint)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(env_r2)
+ deallocate(u2b_mu)
+ deallocate(u2b_nu)
+ deallocate(gradx1_mu, grady1_mu, gradz1_mu)
+ deallocate(gradx1_nu, grady1_nu, gradz1_nu)
+ endif ! env_type
print *, ' Error in get_grad1_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
@@ -635,6 +677,7 @@ subroutine get_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, res)
double precision :: grad1_env(3), r1(3)
double precision, allocatable :: env_r2(:)
double precision, allocatable :: u2b_r12(:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: u2b_mu(:), u2b_nu(:)
double precision, external :: env_nucl
PROVIDE j1e_type j2e_type env_type
@@ -672,6 +715,36 @@ subroutine get_u12_2e_r1_seq(ipoint, n_grid2, res)
endif ! env_type
+ elseif(j2e_type .eq. "Mu_Nu") then
+ if(env_type .eq. "None") then
+ call jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, res)
+ else
+ ! u(r1,r2) = jmu(r12) x v(r1) x v(r2) + jnu(r12) x [1 - v(r1) x v(r2)]
+ allocate(env_r2(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_mu(n_grid2))
+ allocate(u2b_nu(n_grid2))
+ env_r1 = env_nucl(r1)
+ call env_nucl_r1_seq(n_grid2, env_r2)
+ call jmu_r1_seq(mu_erf, r1, n_grid2, u2b_mu)
+ call jmu_r1_seq(nu_erf, r1, n_grid2, u2b_nu)
+ do jpoint = 1, n_points_extra_final_grid
+ res(jpoint) = u2b_nu(jpoint) + (u2b_mu(jpoint) - u2b_nu(jpoint)) * env_r1 * env_r2(jpoint)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(env_r2)
+ deallocate(u2b_mu)
+ deallocate(u2b_nu)
+ endif ! env_type
print *, ' Error in get_u12_withsq_r1_seq: Unknown Jastrow'
diff --git a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
index 6b6e755d..e5d75c3d 100644
--- a/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
+++ b/plugins/local/non_h_ints_mu/tc_integ_num.irp.f
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
- ! n_points_final_grid = n_blocks * n_pass + n_rest
call total_memory(mem)
mem = max(1.d0, qp_max_mem - mem)
n_double = mem * 1.d8
From b5b0cdb27a734162c2f0ab90e0aa83b33d13d490 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 08:50:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/44]
--- | 4 ++++
external/ezfio | 2 +-
external/irpf90 | 2 +-
src/ao_one_e_ints/spread_dipole_ao.irp.f | 2 +-
4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index b03f2ecc..5a35f63d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+**Important**: The Intel ifx compiler is not able to produce correct
+executables for Quantum Package. Please use ifort as long as you can, and
+consider switching to gfortran in the long term.
# Quantum Package 2.2
diff --git a/external/ezfio b/external/ezfio
index d5805497..dba01c4f 160000
--- a/external/ezfio
+++ b/external/ezfio
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d5805497fa0ef30e70e055cde1ecec2963303e93
+Subproject commit dba01c4fe0ff7b84c5ecfb1c7c77ec68781311b3
diff --git a/external/irpf90 b/external/irpf90
index 0007f72f..4ab1b175 160000
--- a/external/irpf90
+++ b/external/irpf90
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 0007f72f677fe7d61c5e1ed461882cb239517102
+Subproject commit 4ab1b175fc7ed0d96c1912f13dc53579b24157a6
diff --git a/src/ao_one_e_ints/spread_dipole_ao.irp.f b/src/ao_one_e_ints/spread_dipole_ao.irp.f
index c52d0548..86469a3f 100644
--- a/src/ao_one_e_ints/spread_dipole_ao.irp.f
+++ b/src/ao_one_e_ints/spread_dipole_ao.irp.f
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
subroutine overlap_bourrin_spread(A_center,B_center,alpha,beta,power_A,power_B,overlap_x,lower_exp_val,dx,nx)
! Computes the following integral :
-! int [-infty ; +infty] of [(x-A_center)^(power_A) * (x-B_center)^power_B * exp(-alpha(x-A_center)^2) * exp(-beta(x-B_center)^2) * x ]
+! int [-infty ; +infty] of [(x-A_center)^(power_A) * (x-B_center)^power_B * exp(-alpha(x-A_center)^2) * exp(-beta(x-B_center)^2) * x^2 ]
! needed for the dipole and those things
implicit none
From 5b5df61960aad048452bd398c1ec584fffa9c267 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 14:13:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 37/44] Fixed linear algebra
config/ifort_2021_avx.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_avx_mpi.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_avx_notz.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_debug.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_mpi_rome.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_rome.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_sse4.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_sse4_mpi.cfg | 2 +-
config/ifort_2021_xHost.cfg | 2 +-
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 3 ++-
10 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_avx.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_avx.cfg
index 6c34cf47..55fe0ee7 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_avx.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_avx.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : ifort -fpic
+FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_avx_mpi.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_avx_mpi.cfg
index 4c893c73..362f482a 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_avx_mpi.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_avx_mpi.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : mpiifort -fpic
+FC : mpiifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DMPI -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_avx_notz.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_avx_notz.cfg
index 1fa595d7..3cd80236 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_avx_notz.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_avx_notz.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : ifort -fpic
+FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 --define=WITHOUT_TRAILZ --define=WITHOUT_SHIFTRL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_debug.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_debug.cfg
index 80802f33..2e30642c 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_debug.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_debug.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : ifort -fpic
+FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 --assert -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_mpi_rome.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_mpi_rome.cfg
index e47a466e..b7341388 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_mpi_rome.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_mpi_rome.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : mpiifort -fpic
+FC : mpiifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_rome.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_rome.cfg
index 504438c9..1d2d8c77 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_rome.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_rome.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : ifort -fpic
+FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_sse4.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_sse4.cfg
index 07c3ebb8..e43147ba 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_sse4.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_sse4.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : ifort -fpic
+FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_sse4_mpi.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_sse4_mpi.cfg
index f3fa0eaa..1914988b 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_sse4_mpi.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_sse4_mpi.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : mpiifort -fpic
+FC : mpiifort -fpic -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32 -DMPI -DINTEL
diff --git a/config/ifort_2021_xHost.cfg b/config/ifort_2021_xHost.cfg
index 9170b059..0dfce550 100644
--- a/config/ifort_2021_xHost.cfg
+++ b/config/ifort_2021_xHost.cfg
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
-FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable 5462
+FC : ifort -fpic -diag-disable=5462 -diag-disable=10448
LAPACK_LIB : -mkl=parallel
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=64 -DINTEL
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index 075525d1..c9d0be72 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -645,13 +645,14 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse_complex(A,LDA,m,n,C,LDC,cutoff)
integer, intent(in) :: m,n, LDA, LDC
complex*16, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n)
- double precision, intent(in) :: cutoff, d1
+ double precision, intent(in) :: cutoff
complex*16, intent(out) :: C(LDC,m)
double precision, allocatable :: D(:), rwork(:)
complex*16, allocatable :: U(:,:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A_tmp(:,:)
integer :: info, lwork
integer :: i,j,k
+ double precision :: d1
allocate (D(n),U(m,n),Vt(n,n),work(1),A_tmp(m,n),rwork(5*n))
do j=1,n
do i=1,m
From 419ed79c49a89382f3e473df647c9624a4f3e759 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eginer
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 12:48:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 38/44] added transition two rdm
src/davidson/u0_wee_u0.irp.f | 22 +
src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f | 39 +
src/two_body_rdm/example.irp.f | 88 ++
src/two_body_rdm/io_two_rdm.irp.f | 34 +
src/two_body_rdm/test_2_rdm.irp.f | 1 +
.../davidson_like_trans_2rdm.irp.f | 585 ++++++++++
src/two_rdm_routines/update_trans_rdm.irp.f | 1002 +++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 1771 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/two_rdm_routines/davidson_like_trans_2rdm.irp.f
create mode 100644 src/two_rdm_routines/update_trans_rdm.irp.f
diff --git a/src/davidson/u0_wee_u0.irp.f b/src/davidson/u0_wee_u0.irp.f
index 0c543aca..bd3525e1 100644
--- a/src/davidson/u0_wee_u0.irp.f
+++ b/src/davidson/u0_wee_u0.irp.f
@@ -492,3 +492,25 @@ subroutine u_0_H_u_0_two_e(e_0,u_0,n,keys_tmp,Nint,N_st,sze)
deallocate (s_0, v_0)
+BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, psi_energy_two_e_trans, (N_states, N_states)]
+ implicit none
+! psi_energy_two_e_trans(istate,jstate) =
+ integer :: i,j,istate,jstate
+ double precision :: hij, coef_i, coef_j
+ psi_energy_two_e_trans = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, N_det
+ do j = 1, N_det
+ call i_H_j_two_e(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),N_int,hij)
+ do istate = 1, N_states
+ coef_i = psi_coef(i,istate)
+ do jstate = 1, N_states
+ coef_j = psi_coef(j,jstate)
+ psi_energy_two_e_trans(jstate,istate) += coef_i * coef_j * hij
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
diff --git a/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f b/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d08b084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo, (n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,N_states,N_states)]
+ implicit none
+! act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate) = STATE SPECIFIC physicist notation for 2rdm_trans
+! \sum_{\sigma,\sigma'}
+! THE NORMALIZATION (i.e. sum of diagonal elements) IS SET TO N_{elec}^{act} * (N_{elec}^{act} - 1)
+ integer :: ispin
+ double precision :: wall_1, wall_2
+ ! condition for beta/beta spin
+ print*,''
+ print*,'Providing act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo '
+ character*(128) :: name_file
+ name_file = 'act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo'
+ ispin = 4
+ act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo = 0.d0
+ call wall_time(wall_1)
+! if(read_two_body_rdm_trans_spin_trace)then
+! print*,'Reading act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo from disk ...'
+! call read_array_two_rdm_trans(n_act_orb,N_states,act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo,name_file)
+! else
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,list_act,ispin,psi_coef,size(psi_coef,2),size(psi_coef,1))
+! endif
+! if(write_two_body_rdm_trans_spin_trace)then
+! print*,'Writing act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo on disk ...'
+! call write_array_two_rdm_trans(n_act_orb,n_states,act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo,name_file)
+! call ezfio_set_two_body_rdm_trans_io_two_body_rdm_trans_spin_trace("Read")
+! endif
+ act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo *= 2.d0
+ call wall_time(wall_2)
+ print*,'Wall time to provide act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo',wall_2 - wall_1
diff --git a/src/two_body_rdm/example.irp.f b/src/two_body_rdm/example.irp.f
index 30e2685a..38510fe9 100644
--- a/src/two_body_rdm/example.irp.f
+++ b/src/two_body_rdm/example.irp.f
@@ -365,3 +365,91 @@ subroutine routine_full_mos
+subroutine routine_active_only_trans
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i,j,k,l,iorb,jorb,korb,lorb,istate,jstate
+! This routine computes the two electron repulsion within the active space using various providers
+ double precision :: vijkl,get_two_e_integral
+ double precision :: wee_tot(N_states,N_states),rdm_transtot
+ double precision :: spin_trace
+ double precision :: accu_tot
+ wee_tot = 0.d0
+ iorb = 1
+ jorb = 1
+ korb = 1
+ lorb = 1
+ vijkl = get_two_e_integral(lorb,korb,jorb,iorb,mo_integrals_map)
+ provide act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo
+ i = 1
+ j = 2
+ print*,'**************************'
+ print*,'**************************'
+ do jstate = 1, N_states
+ do istate = 1, N_states
+ !!
+ accu_tot = 0.d0
+ do i = 1, n_act_orb
+ iorb = list_act(i)
+ do j = 1, n_act_orb
+ jorb = list_act(j)
+ do k = 1, n_act_orb
+ korb = list_act(k)
+ do l = 1, n_act_orb
+ lorb = list_act(l)
+ ! 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
+! if(dabs(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate) - act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(j,i,l,k,istate,jstate)).gt.1.d-10)then
+! print*,'Error in act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo'
+! print*,"dabs(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l) - act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(j,i,l,k)).gt.1.d-10"
+! print*,i,j,k,l
+! print*,act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate),act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(j,i,l,k,istate,jstate),dabs(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate) - act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(j,i,l,k,istate,jstate))
+! endif
+ ! 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
+! if(dabs(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate) - act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(k,l,i,j,istate,jstate)).gt.1.d-10)then
+! print*,'Error in act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo'
+! print*,"dabs(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate) - act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(k,l,i,j,istate,jstate)).gt.1.d-10"
+! print*,i,j,k,l
+! print*,act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate),act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(k,l,i,j,istate,jstate),dabs(act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate) - act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(k,l,i,j,istate,jstate))
+! endif
+ vijkl = get_two_e_integral(lorb,korb,jorb,iorb,mo_integrals_map)
+ rdm_transtot = act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(l,k,j,i,istate,jstate)
+ wee_tot(istate,jstate) += 0.5d0 * vijkl * rdm_transtot
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print*,''
+ print*,''
+ print*,'Active space only energy for state ',istate,jstate
+ print*,'wee_tot = ',wee_tot(istate,jstate)
+ print*,'Full energy '
+ print*,'psi_energy_two_e(istate,jstate)= ',psi_energy_two_e_trans(istate,jstate)
+ print*,'--------------------------'
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ print*,'Wee from DM '
+ do istate = 1,N_states
+ write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')wee_tot(1:N_states,istate)
+ enddo
+ print*,'Wee from Psi det'
+ do istate = 1,N_states
+ write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')psi_energy_two_e_trans(1:N_states,istate)
+ enddo
diff --git a/src/two_body_rdm/io_two_rdm.irp.f b/src/two_body_rdm/io_two_rdm.irp.f
index bdd8a4f9..0b30d76f 100644
--- a/src/two_body_rdm/io_two_rdm.irp.f
+++ b/src/two_body_rdm/io_two_rdm.irp.f
@@ -31,3 +31,37 @@ subroutine read_array_two_rdm(n_orb,nstates,array_tmp,name_file)
+subroutine write_array_two_trans_rdm(n_orb,nstates,array_tmp,name_file)
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: n_orb,nstates
+ character*(128), intent(in) :: name_file
+ double precision, intent(in) :: array_tmp(n_orb,n_orb,n_orb,n_orb,nstates,nstates)
+ character*(128) :: output
+ integer :: i_unit_output,getUnitAndOpen
+ PROVIDE ezfio_filename
+ output=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/'//trim(name_file)
+ i_unit_output = getUnitAndOpen(output,'W')
+ call lock_io()
+ write(i_unit_output)array_tmp
+ call unlock_io()
+ close(unit=i_unit_output)
+subroutine read_array_two_trans_rdm(n_orb,nstates,array_tmp,name_file)
+ implicit none
+ character*(128) :: output
+ integer :: i_unit_output,getUnitAndOpen
+ integer, intent(in) :: n_orb,nstates
+ character*(128), intent(in) :: name_file
+ double precision, intent(out) :: array_tmp(n_orb,n_orb,n_orb,n_orb,N_states,nstates)
+ PROVIDE ezfio_filename
+ output=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/'//trim(name_file)
+ i_unit_output = getUnitAndOpen(output,'R')
+ call lock_io()
+ read(i_unit_output)array_tmp
+ call unlock_io()
+ close(unit=i_unit_output)
diff --git a/src/two_body_rdm/test_2_rdm.irp.f b/src/two_body_rdm/test_2_rdm.irp.f
index 123261d8..de2606a7 100644
--- a/src/two_body_rdm/test_2_rdm.irp.f
+++ b/src/two_body_rdm/test_2_rdm.irp.f
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ program test_2_rdm
touch read_wf
call routine_active_only
call routine_full_mos
+ call routine_active_only_trans
diff --git a/src/two_rdm_routines/davidson_like_trans_2rdm.irp.f b/src/two_rdm_routines/davidson_like_trans_2rdm.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e68a0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/two_rdm_routines/davidson_like_trans_2rdm.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+subroutine orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_0,N_st,sze)
+ use bitmasks
+ implicit none
+ ! if ispin == 1 :: alpha/alpha 2_rdm
+ ! == 2 :: beta /beta 2_rdm
+ ! == 3 :: alpha/beta + beta/alpha 2trans_rdm
+ ! == 4 :: spin traced 2_rdm :: aa + bb + ab + ba
+ !
+ ! notice that here it is the TRANSITION RDM THAT IS COMPUTED
+ !
+ ! Assumes that the determinants are in psi_det
+ !
+ ! istart, iend, ishift, istep are used in ZMQ parallelization.
+ integer, intent(in) :: N_st,sze
+ integer, intent(in) :: dim1,norb,list_orb(norb),ispin
+ double precision, intent(inout) :: big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1,N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: u_0(sze,N_st)
+ integer :: k
+ double precision, allocatable :: u_t(:,:)
+ PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map
+ allocate(u_t(N_st,N_det))
+ do k=1,N_st
+ call dset_order(u_0(1,k),psi_bilinear_matrix_order,N_det)
+ enddo
+ call dtranspose( &
+ u_0, &
+ size(u_0, 1), &
+ u_t, &
+ size(u_t, 1), &
+ N_det, N_st)
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,1,N_det,0,1)
+ deallocate(u_t)
+ do k=1,N_st
+ call dset_order(u_0(1,k),psi_bilinear_matrix_order_reverse,N_det)
+ enddo
+subroutine orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ use bitmasks
+ implicit none
+ ! Computes two-trans_rdm
+ !
+ ! Default should be 1,N_det,0,1
+ integer, intent(in) :: N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep
+ integer, intent(in) :: dim1,norb,list_orb(norb),ispin
+ double precision, intent(inout) :: big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1,N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: u_t(N_st,N_det)
+ integer :: k
+ select case (N_int)
+ case (1)
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work_1(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ case (2)
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work_2(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ case (3)
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work_3(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ case (4)
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work_4(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ case default
+ call orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work_N_int(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ end select
+subroutine orb_range_2_trans_rdm_openmp_work_$N_int(big_array,dim1,norb,list_orb,ispin,u_t,N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep)
+ use bitmasks
+ use omp_lib
+ implicit none
+ ! Computes the two trans_rdm for the N_st vectors |u_t>
+ ! if ispin == 1 :: alpha/alpha 2trans_rdm
+ ! == 2 :: beta /beta 2trans_rdm
+ ! == 3 :: alpha/beta 2trans_rdm
+ ! == 4 :: spin traced 2trans_rdm :: aa + bb + 0.5 (ab + ba))
+ ! The 2trans_rdm will be computed only on the list of orbitals list_orb, which contains norb
+ ! Default should be 1,N_det,0,1 for istart,iend,ishift,istep
+ integer, intent(in) :: N_st,sze,istart,iend,ishift,istep
+ double precision, intent(in) :: u_t(N_st,N_det)
+ integer, intent(in) :: dim1,norb,list_orb(norb),ispin
+ double precision, intent(inout) :: big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1,N_st,N_st)
+ integer(omp_lock_kind) :: lock_2trans_rdm
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ integer :: k_a, k_b, l_a, l_b
+ integer :: krow, kcol
+ integer :: lrow, lcol
+ integer(bit_kind) :: spindet($N_int)
+ integer(bit_kind) :: tmp_det($N_int,2)
+ integer(bit_kind) :: tmp_det2($N_int,2)
+ integer(bit_kind) :: tmp_det3($N_int,2)
+ integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: buffer(:,:)
+ integer :: n_doubles
+ integer, allocatable :: doubles(:)
+ integer, allocatable :: singles_a(:)
+ integer, allocatable :: singles_b(:)
+ integer, allocatable :: idx(:), idx0(:)
+ integer :: maxab, n_singles_a, n_singles_b, kcol_prev
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ integer(bit_kind) :: orb_bitmask($N_int)
+ integer :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ integer, allocatable :: keys(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: values(:,:,:)
+ integer :: nkeys,sze_buff
+ integer :: ll
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ else
+ print*,'Wrong parameter for ispin in general_2_trans_rdm_state_av_openmp_work'
+ print*,'ispin = ',ispin
+ stop
+ endif
+ call list_to_bitstring( orb_bitmask, list_orb, norb, N_int)
+ sze_buff = 6 * norb + elec_alpha_num * elec_alpha_num * 60
+ list_orb_reverse = -1000
+ do i = 1, norb
+ list_orb_reverse(list_orb(i)) = i
+ enddo
+ maxab = max(N_det_alpha_unique, N_det_beta_unique)+1
+ allocate(idx0(maxab))
+ do i=1,maxab
+ idx0(i) = i
+ enddo
+ call omp_init_lock(lock_2trans_rdm)
+ ! Prepare the array of all alpha single excitations
+ ! -------------------------------------------------
+ PROVIDE N_int nthreads_davidson elec_alpha_num
+ !$OMP SHARED(psi_bilinear_matrix_rows, N_det,lock_2trans_rdm,&
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_columns, &
+ !$OMP psi_det_alpha_unique, psi_det_beta_unique,&
+ !$OMP n_det_alpha_unique, n_det_beta_unique, N_int,&
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_rows, &
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_columns, &
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_order, N_st, &
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_order_transp_reverse, &
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_columns_loc, &
+ !$OMP psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_rows_loc,elec_alpha_num, &
+ !$OMP istart, iend, istep, irp_here,list_orb_reverse, n_states, dim1, &
+ !$OMP ishift, idx0, u_t, maxab, alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace,ispin,big_array,sze_buff,orb_bitmask) &
+ !$OMP PRIVATE(krow, kcol, tmp_det, spindet, k_a, k_b, i,c_1, &
+ !$OMP lcol, lrow, l_a, l_b, &
+ !$OMP buffer, doubles, n_doubles, &
+ !$OMP tmp_det2, idx, l, kcol_prev, &
+ !$OMP singles_a, n_singles_a, singles_b, &
+ !$OMP n_singles_b, nkeys, keys, values)
+ ! Alpha/Beta double excitations
+ ! =============================
+ nkeys = 0
+ allocate( keys(4,sze_buff), values(n_st,n_st,sze_buff))
+ allocate( buffer($N_int,maxab), &
+ singles_a(maxab), &
+ singles_b(maxab), &
+ doubles(maxab), &
+ idx(maxab))
+ kcol_prev=-1
+ ASSERT (iend <= N_det)
+ ASSERT (istart > 0)
+ ASSERT (istep > 0)
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic,64)
+ do k_a=istart+ishift,iend,istep
+ krow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(k_a)
+ ASSERT (krow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ kcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns(k_a)
+ ASSERT (kcol <= N_det_beta_unique)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, krow)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique (1:$N_int, kcol)
+ if (kcol /= kcol_prev) then
+ call get_all_spin_singles_$N_int( &
+ psi_det_beta_unique, idx0, &
+ tmp_det(1,2), N_det_beta_unique, &
+ singles_b, n_singles_b)
+ endif
+ kcol_prev = kcol
+ ! Loop over singly excited beta columns
+ ! -------------------------------------
+ do i=1,n_singles_b
+ lcol = singles_b(i)
+ tmp_det2(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique(1:$N_int, lcol)
+ l_a = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns_loc(lcol)
+ ASSERT (l_a <= N_det)
+ do j=1,psi_bilinear_matrix_columns_loc(lcol+1) - l_a
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(l_a)
+ ASSERT (lrow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ buffer(1:$N_int,j) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, lrow)
+ ASSERT (l_a <= N_det)
+ idx(j) = l_a
+ l_a = l_a+1
+ enddo
+ j = j-1
+ call get_all_spin_singles_$N_int( &
+ buffer, idx, tmp_det(1,1), j, &
+ singles_a, n_singles_a )
+ ! Loop over alpha singles
+ ! -----------------------
+ if(alpha_beta.or.spin_trace)then
+ do k = 1,n_singles_a
+ l_a = singles_a(k)
+ ASSERT (l_a <= N_det)
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(l_a)
+ ASSERT (lrow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ tmp_det2(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, lrow)
+! print*,'nkeys before = ',nkeys
+ do ll = 1, N_states
+ do l= 1, N_states
+ c_1(l,ll) = u_t(ll,l_a) * u_t(l,k_a)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(alpha_beta)then
+ ! only ONE contribution
+ if (nkeys+1 .ge. sze_buff) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ else if (spin_trace)then
+ ! TWO contributions
+ if (nkeys+2 .ge. sze_buff) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_double_to_all_states_ab_trans_rdm_buffer(tmp_det,tmp_det2,c_1,N_st,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic,64)
+ do k_a=istart+ishift,iend,istep
+ ! Single and double alpha exitations
+ ! ===================================
+ ! Initial determinant is at k_a in alpha-major representation
+ ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ krow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(k_a)
+ ASSERT (krow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ kcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns(k_a)
+ ASSERT (kcol <= N_det_beta_unique)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, krow)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique (1:$N_int, kcol)
+ ! Initial determinant is at k_b in beta-major representation
+ ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ k_b = psi_bilinear_matrix_order_transp_reverse(k_a)
+ ASSERT (k_b <= N_det)
+ spindet(1:$N_int) = tmp_det(1:$N_int,1)
+ ! Loop inside the beta column to gather all the connected alphas
+ lcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns(k_a)
+ l_a = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns_loc(lcol)
+ do i=1,N_det_alpha_unique
+ if (l_a > N_det) exit
+ lcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns(l_a)
+ if (lcol /= kcol) exit
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(l_a)
+ ASSERT (lrow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ buffer(1:$N_int,i) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, lrow)
+ idx(i) = l_a
+ l_a = l_a+1
+ enddo
+ i = i-1
+ call get_all_spin_singles_and_doubles_$N_int( &
+ buffer, idx, spindet, i, &
+ singles_a, doubles, n_singles_a, n_doubles )
+ ! Compute Hij for all alpha singles
+ ! ----------------------------------
+ tmp_det2(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique (1:$N_int, kcol)
+ do i=1,n_singles_a
+ l_a = singles_a(i)
+ ASSERT (l_a <= N_det)
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(l_a)
+ ASSERT (lrow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ tmp_det2(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, lrow)
+ do ll= 1, N_states
+ do l= 1, N_states
+ c_1(l,ll) = u_t(ll,l_a) * u_t(l,k_a)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(alpha_beta.or.spin_trace.or.alpha_alpha)then
+ ! increment the alpha/beta part for single excitations
+ if (nkeys+ 2 * elec_alpha_num .ge. sze_buff) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_ab_trans_rdm_buffer(tmp_det, tmp_det2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ ! increment the alpha/alpha part for single excitations
+ if (nkeys+4 * elec_alpha_num .ge. sze_buff ) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_aa_trans_rdm_buffer(tmp_det,tmp_det2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ ! Compute Hij for all alpha doubles
+ ! ----------------------------------
+ if(alpha_alpha.or.spin_trace)then
+ do i=1,n_doubles
+ l_a = doubles(i)
+ ASSERT (l_a <= N_det)
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(l_a)
+ ASSERT (lrow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ do ll= 1, N_states
+ do l= 1, N_states
+ c_1(l,ll) = u_t(ll,l_a) * u_t(l,k_a)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if (nkeys+4 .ge. sze_buff) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_double_to_all_states_aa_trans_rdm_buffer(tmp_det(1,1),psi_det_alpha_unique(1, lrow),c_1,N_st,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ ! Single and double beta excitations
+ ! ==================================
+ ! Initial determinant is at k_a in alpha-major representation
+ ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ krow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(k_a)
+ kcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns(k_a)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, krow)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique (1:$N_int, kcol)
+ spindet(1:$N_int) = tmp_det(1:$N_int,2)
+ ! Initial determinant is at k_b in beta-major representation
+ ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ k_b = psi_bilinear_matrix_order_transp_reverse(k_a)
+ ASSERT (k_b <= N_det)
+ ! Loop inside the alpha row to gather all the connected betas
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_rows(k_b)
+ l_b = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_rows_loc(lrow)
+ do i=1,N_det_beta_unique
+ if (l_b > N_det) exit
+ lrow = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_rows(l_b)
+ if (lrow /= krow) exit
+ lcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_columns(l_b)
+ ASSERT (lcol <= N_det_beta_unique)
+ buffer(1:$N_int,i) = psi_det_beta_unique(1:$N_int, lcol)
+ idx(i) = l_b
+ l_b = l_b+1
+ enddo
+ i = i-1
+ call get_all_spin_singles_and_doubles_$N_int( &
+ buffer, idx, spindet, i, &
+ singles_b, doubles, n_singles_b, n_doubles )
+ ! Compute Hij for all beta singles
+ ! ----------------------------------
+ tmp_det2(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, krow)
+ do i=1,n_singles_b
+ l_b = singles_b(i)
+ ASSERT (l_b <= N_det)
+ lcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_columns(l_b)
+ ASSERT (lcol <= N_det_beta_unique)
+ tmp_det2(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique (1:$N_int, lcol)
+ l_a = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_order(l_b)
+ do ll= 1, N_states
+ do l= 1, N_states
+ c_1(l,ll) = u_t(ll,l_a) * u_t(l,k_a)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(alpha_beta.or.spin_trace.or.beta_beta)then
+ ! increment the alpha/beta part for single excitations
+ if (nkeys+2 * elec_alpha_num .ge. sze_buff ) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_ab_trans_rdm_buffer(tmp_det, tmp_det2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ ! increment the beta /beta part for single excitations
+ if (nkeys+4 * elec_alpha_num .ge. sze_buff) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_bb_trans_rdm_buffer(tmp_det, tmp_det2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ ! Compute Hij for all beta doubles
+ ! ----------------------------------
+ if(beta_beta.or.spin_trace)then
+ do i=1,n_doubles
+ l_b = doubles(i)
+ ASSERT (l_b <= N_det)
+ lcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_columns(l_b)
+ ASSERT (lcol <= N_det_beta_unique)
+ l_a = psi_bilinear_matrix_transp_order(l_b)
+ do ll= 1, N_states
+ do l= 1, N_states
+ c_1(l,ll) = u_t(ll,l_a) * u_t(l,k_a)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if (nkeys+4 .ge. sze_buff) then
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ endif
+ call orb_range_off_diag_double_to_all_states_trans_rdm_bb_buffer(tmp_det(1,2),psi_det_beta_unique(1, lcol),c_1,N_st,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+! print*,'to do orb_range_off_diag_double_to_2_trans_rdm_bb_dm_buffer'
+ ASSERT (l_a <= N_det)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ ! Diagonal contribution
+ ! =====================
+ ! Initial determinant is at k_a in alpha-major representation
+ ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ krow = psi_bilinear_matrix_rows(k_a)
+ ASSERT (krow <= N_det_alpha_unique)
+ kcol = psi_bilinear_matrix_columns(k_a)
+ ASSERT (kcol <= N_det_beta_unique)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(1:$N_int, krow)
+ tmp_det(1:$N_int,2) = psi_det_beta_unique (1:$N_int, kcol)
+ double precision, external :: diag_wee_mat_elem, diag_S_mat_elem
+ double precision :: c_1(N_states,N_states)
+ do ll = 1, N_states
+ do l = 1, N_states
+ c_1(l,ll) = u_t(ll,k_a) * u_t(l,k_a)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ call orb_range_diag_to_all_states_2_rdm_trans_buffer(tmp_det,c_1,N_states,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ call update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2trans_rdm)
+ nkeys = 0
+ end do
+ deallocate(buffer, singles_a, singles_b, doubles, idx, keys, values)
+ SUBST [ N_int ]
+ 1;;
+ 2;;
+ 3;;
+ 4;;
+ N_int;;
+subroutine update_keys_values_n_states_trans(keys,values,nkeys,dim1,n_st,big_array,lock_2rdm)
+ use omp_lib
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: n_st,nkeys,dim1
+ integer, intent(in) :: keys(4,nkeys)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: values(n_st,n_st,nkeys)
+ double precision, intent(inout) :: big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1,n_st,n_st)
+ integer(omp_lock_kind),intent(inout):: lock_2rdm
+ integer :: i,h1,h2,p1,p2,istate,jstate
+ call omp_set_lock(lock_2rdm)
+! print*,'*************'
+! print*,'updating'
+! print*,'nkeys',nkeys
+ do i = 1, nkeys
+ h1 = keys(1,i)
+ h2 = keys(2,i)
+ p1 = keys(3,i)
+ p2 = keys(4,i)
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+!! print*,h1,h2,p1,p2,values(istate,i)
+ big_array(h1,h2,p1,p2,istate,jstate) += values(istate,jstate,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call omp_unset_lock(lock_2rdm)
diff --git a/src/two_rdm_routines/update_trans_rdm.irp.f b/src/two_rdm_routines/update_trans_rdm.irp.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f7077a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/two_rdm_routines/update_trans_rdm.irp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+ subroutine orb_range_diag_to_all_states_2_rdm_trans_buffer(det_1,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ use bitmasks
+ ! routine that update the DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for a given determinant det_1
+ !
+ ! c_1 is the array of the contributions to the trans_rdm for all states
+ !
+ ! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+ !
+ ! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+ !
+ ! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+ ! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+ ! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+ ! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int,2)
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: orb_bitmask(N_int)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
+ integer :: n_occ_ab(2)
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2
+ integer(bit_kind) :: det_1_act(N_int,2)
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ do i = 1, N_int
+ det_1_act(i,1) = iand(det_1(i,1),orb_bitmask(i))
+ det_1_act(i,2) = iand(det_1(i,2),orb_bitmask(i))
+ enddo
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call bitstring_to_list_ab(det_1_act, occ, n_occ_ab, N_int)
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ integer :: i1,i2,istate
+ integer :: jstate
+ if(alpha_beta)then
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ i1 = occ(i,1)
+ do j = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ i2 = occ(j,2)
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(i1)
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(i2)
+ ! If alpha/beta, electron 1 is alpha, electron 2 is beta
+ ! Therefore you don't necessayr have symmetry between electron 1 and 2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h1
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else if (alpha_alpha)then
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ i1 = occ(i,1)
+ do j = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ i2 = occ(j,1)
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(i1)
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(i2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = -0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h1
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else if (beta_beta)then
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ i1 = occ(i,2)
+ do j = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ i2 = occ(j,2)
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(i1)
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(i2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = -0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h1
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else if(spin_trace)then
+ ! 0.5 * (alpha beta + beta alpha)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ i1 = occ(i,1)
+ do j = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ i2 = occ(j,2)
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(i1)
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(i2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h1
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ i1 = occ(i,1)
+ do j = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ i2 = occ(j,1)
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(i1)
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(i2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = -0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h1
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ i1 = occ(i,2)
+ do j = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ i2 = occ(j,2)
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(i1)
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(i2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = -0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h1
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ end
+ subroutine orb_range_off_diag_double_to_all_states_ab_trans_rdm_buffer(det_1,det_2,c_1,N_st,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ use bitmasks
+! routine that update the OFF DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for
+! a given couple of determinant det_1, det_2 being a alpha/beta DOUBLE excitation with respect to one another
+! c_1 is the array of the contributions to the trans_rdm for all states
+! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+! here, only ispin == 3 or 4 will do something
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int,2),det_2(N_int,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2,p1,p2,istate
+ integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
+ double precision :: phase
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ integer :: jstate
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call get_double_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,phase,N_int)
+ h1 = exc(1,1,1)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(h1).lt.0)return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ h2 = exc(1,1,2)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(h2).lt.0)return
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,1)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(p1).lt.0)return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ p2 = exc(1,2,2)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(p2).lt.0)return
+ p2 = list_orb_reverse(p2)
+ if(alpha_beta)then
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ else if(spin_trace)then
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ endif
+ end
+ subroutine orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_ab_trans_rdm_buffer(det_1,det_2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ use bitmasks
+ ! routine that update the OFF DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for
+ !
+ ! a given couple of determinant det_1, det_2 being a SINGLE excitation with respect to one another
+ !
+ ! c_1 is supposed to be a scalar quantity, such as state averaged coef of the determinant det_1
+ !
+ ! big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1) is the two-body trans_rdm to be updated in physicist notation
+ !
+ ! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+ !
+ ! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+ !
+ ! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+ ! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+ ! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+ ! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+ !
+ ! here, only ispin == 3 or 4 will do something
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int,2),det_2(N_int,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: orb_bitmask(N_int)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: jstate
+ integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
+ integer :: n_occ_ab(2)
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2,p1,istate
+ integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
+ double precision :: phase
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call bitstring_to_list_ab(det_1, occ, n_occ_ab, N_int)
+ call get_single_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,phase,N_int)
+ if(alpha_beta)then
+ if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
+ ! Mono alpha
+ h1 = exc(1,1,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(p1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ h2 = occ(i,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h2,orb_bitmask,N_int))cycle
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ enddo
+ else
+ ! Mono beta
+ h1 = exc(1,1,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(p1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ h2 = occ(i,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h2,orb_bitmask,N_int))cycle
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ enddo
+ endif
+ else if(spin_trace)then
+ if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
+ ! Mono alpha
+ h1 = exc(1,1,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(p1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ h2 = occ(i,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h2,orb_bitmask,N_int))cycle
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ enddo
+ else
+ ! Mono beta
+ h1 = exc(1,1,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(p1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ h2 = occ(i,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h2,orb_bitmask,N_int))cycle
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ end
+ subroutine orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_aa_trans_rdm_buffer(det_1,det_2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ ! routine that update the OFF DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for
+ !
+ ! a given couple of determinant det_1, det_2 being a ALPHA SINGLE excitation with respect to one another
+ !
+ ! c_1 is supposed to be a scalar quantity, such as state averaged coef of the determinant det_1
+ !
+ ! big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1) is the two-body trans_rdm to be updated in physicist notation
+ !
+ ! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+ !
+ ! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+ !
+ ! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+ ! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+ ! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+ ! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+ !
+ ! here, only ispin == 1 or 4 will do something
+ use bitmasks
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int,2),det_2(N_int,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: orb_bitmask(N_int)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: jstate
+ integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
+ integer :: n_occ_ab(2)
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2,p1,istate
+ integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
+ double precision :: phase
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call bitstring_to_list_ab(det_1, occ, n_occ_ab, N_int)
+ call get_single_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,phase,N_int)
+ if(alpha_alpha.or.spin_trace)then
+ if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
+ ! Mono alpha
+ h1 = exc(1,1,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(p1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
+ h2 = occ(i,1)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h2,orb_bitmask,N_int))cycle
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ enddo
+ else
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ end
+ subroutine orb_range_off_diag_single_to_all_states_bb_trans_rdm_buffer(det_1,det_2,c_1,N_st,orb_bitmask,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ use bitmasks
+ ! routine that update the OFF DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for
+ !
+ ! a given couple of determinant det_1, det_2 being a BETA SINGLE excitation with respect to one another
+ !
+ ! c_1 is supposed to be a scalar quantity, such as state averaged coef of the determinant det_1
+ !
+ ! big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1) is the two-body trans_rdm to be updated in physicist notation
+ !
+ ! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+ !
+ ! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+ !
+ ! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+ ! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+ ! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+ ! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+ !
+ ! here, only ispin == 2 or 4 will do something
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int,2),det_2(N_int,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: orb_bitmask(N_int)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: jstate
+ integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
+ integer :: n_occ_ab(2)
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2,p1,istate
+ integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
+ double precision :: phase
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call bitstring_to_list_ab(det_1, occ, n_occ_ab, N_int)
+ call get_single_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,phase,N_int)
+ if(beta_beta.or.spin_trace)then
+ if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
+ return
+ else
+ ! Mono beta
+ h1 = exc(1,1,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ p1 = exc(1,2,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(p1,orb_bitmask,N_int))return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ do i = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
+ h2 = occ(i,2)
+ if(.not.is_integer_in_string(h2,orb_bitmask,N_int))cycle
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = h2
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ end
+ subroutine orb_range_off_diag_double_to_all_states_aa_trans_rdm_buffer(det_1,det_2,c_1,N_st,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ use bitmasks
+ ! routine that update the OFF DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for
+ !
+ ! a given couple of determinant det_1, det_2 being a ALPHA/ALPHA DOUBLE excitation with respect to one another
+ !
+ ! c_1 is supposed to be a scalar quantity, such as state averaged coef of the determinant det_1
+ !
+ ! big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1) is the two-body trans_rdm to be updated in physicist notation
+ !
+ ! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+ !
+ ! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+ !
+ ! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+ ! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+ ! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+ ! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+ !
+ ! here, only ispin == 1 or 4 will do something
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int),det_2(N_int)
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2,p1,p2,istate
+ integer :: exc(0:2,2)
+ double precision :: phase
+ integer :: jstate
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call get_double_excitation_spin(det_1,det_2,exc,phase,N_int)
+ h1 =exc(1,1)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(h1).lt.0)return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ h2 =exc(2,1)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(h2).lt.0)return
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ p1 =exc(1,2)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(p1).lt.0)return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ p2 =exc(2,2)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(p2).lt.0)return
+ p2 = list_orb_reverse(p2)
+ if(alpha_alpha.or.spin_trace)then
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p2
+ endif
+ end
+ subroutine orb_range_off_diag_double_to_all_states_trans_rdm_bb_buffer(det_1,det_2,c_1,N_st,list_orb_reverse,ispin,sze_buff,nkeys,keys,values)
+ use bitmasks
+ ! routine that update the OFF DIAGONAL PART of the two body trans_rdms in a specific range of orbitals for
+ !
+ ! a given couple of determinant det_1, det_2 being a BETA /BETA DOUBLE excitation with respect to one another
+ !
+ ! c_1 is supposed to be a scalar quantity, such as state averaged coef of the determinant det_1
+ !
+ ! big_array(dim1,dim1,dim1,dim1) is the two-body trans_rdm to be updated in physicist notation
+ !
+ ! orb_bitmask(N_int) is the bitmask for the orbital range, list_orb_reverse(mo_num) is the inverse range of orbitals
+ !
+ ! ispin determines which spin-spin component of the two-trans_rdm you will update
+ !
+ ! ispin == 1 :: alpha/ alpha
+ ! ispin == 2 :: beta / beta
+ ! ispin == 3 :: alpha/ beta
+ ! ispin == 4 :: spin traced <=> total two-trans_rdm
+ !
+ ! here, only ispin == 2 or 4 will do something
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: ispin,sze_buff,N_st
+ integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int),det_2(N_int)
+ integer, intent(in) :: list_orb_reverse(mo_num)
+ double precision, intent(in) :: c_1(N_st,N_st)
+ double precision, intent(out) :: values(N_st,N_st,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(out) :: keys(4,sze_buff)
+ integer , intent(inout):: nkeys
+ integer :: jstate
+ integer :: i,j,h1,h2,p1,p2,istate
+ integer :: exc(0:2,2)
+ double precision :: phase
+ logical :: alpha_alpha,beta_beta,alpha_beta,spin_trace
+ logical :: is_integer_in_string
+ alpha_alpha = .False.
+ beta_beta = .False.
+ alpha_beta = .False.
+ spin_trace = .False.
+ if( ispin == 1)then
+ alpha_alpha = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 2)then
+ beta_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 3)then
+ alpha_beta = .True.
+ else if(ispin == 4)then
+ spin_trace = .True.
+ endif
+ call get_double_excitation_spin(det_1,det_2,exc,phase,N_int)
+ h1 =exc(1,1)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(h1).lt.0)return
+ h1 = list_orb_reverse(h1)
+ h2 =exc(2,1)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(h2).lt.0)return
+ h2 = list_orb_reverse(h2)
+ p1 =exc(1,2)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(p1).lt.0)return
+ p1 = list_orb_reverse(p1)
+ p2 =exc(2,2)
+ if(list_orb_reverse(p2).lt.0)return
+ p2 = list_orb_reverse(p2)
+ if(beta_beta.or.spin_trace)then
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p2
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p2
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p1
+ nkeys += 1
+ do jstate = 1, N_st
+ do istate = 1, N_st
+ values(istate,jstate,nkeys) = - 0.5d0 * c_1(istate,jstate) * phase
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ keys(1,nkeys) = h2
+ keys(2,nkeys) = h1
+ keys(3,nkeys) = p1
+ keys(4,nkeys) = p2
+ endif
+ end
From 1b9a75f4886a4112920da3c4f611e19bf35cae12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 18:18:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 39/44] Fixed pseudo-inverse (extrapolations)
src/mol_properties/EZFIO.cfg | 7 +++
.../print_e_components.irp.f | 0
src/mol_properties/print_mol_properties.irp.f | 7 ++-
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 44 +++++++++----------
4 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
rename src/{two_body_rdm => mol_properties}/print_e_components.irp.f (100%)
diff --git a/src/mol_properties/EZFIO.cfg b/src/mol_properties/EZFIO.cfg
index 35a095fb..3ddba227 100644
--- a/src/mol_properties/EZFIO.cfg
+++ b/src/mol_properties/EZFIO.cfg
@@ -21,3 +21,10 @@ type: logical
doc: If true and N_states > 1, the oscillator strength will be computed
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: false
+type: logical
+doc: If true, the components of the energy (1e, 2e, kinetic) will be computed
+interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
+default: false
diff --git a/src/two_body_rdm/print_e_components.irp.f b/src/mol_properties/print_e_components.irp.f
similarity index 100%
rename from src/two_body_rdm/print_e_components.irp.f
rename to src/mol_properties/print_e_components.irp.f
diff --git a/src/mol_properties/print_mol_properties.irp.f b/src/mol_properties/print_mol_properties.irp.f
index 3753a3dd..00ccb826 100644
--- a/src/mol_properties/print_mol_properties.irp.f
+++ b/src/mol_properties/print_mol_properties.irp.f
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ subroutine print_mol_properties()
! Run the propertie calculations
+ ! Energy components
+ if (calc_energy_components) then
+ call print_energy_components
+ endif
! Electric dipole moment
if (calc_dipole_moment) then
call print_dipole_moment
@@ -18,7 +23,7 @@ subroutine print_mol_properties()
! Oscillator strength
if (calc_osc_str .and. N_states > 1) then
- call print_oscillator_strength
+ call print_oscillator_strength
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index c9d0be72..76b280b7 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -1377,31 +1377,29 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A, LDA, m, n, C, LDC, cutoff)
- print*, ' n_svd = ', n_svd
- !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j) &
- !$OMP SHARED (n, n_svd, D, Vt)
- !$OMP DO
- do j = 1, n
- do i = 1, n_svd
- Vt(i,j) = D(i) * Vt(i,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- call dgemm("N", "N", m, n, n_svd, 1.d0, U, m, Vt, n, 0.d0, C, LDC)
-! C = 0.d0
-! do i=1,m
-! do j=1,n
-! do k=1,n
-! C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
-! enddo
+! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j) &
+! !$OMP SHARED (n, n_svd, D, Vt)
+! !$OMP DO
+! do j = 1, n
+! do i = 1, n_svd
+! Vt(i,j) = D(i) * Vt(i,j)
! enddo
! enddo
+! call dgemm('N', 'N', n, m, n_svd, 1.d0, Vt, size(Vt,1), U, size(U,1), 0.d0, C, size(C,1))
+ C = 0.d0
+ do i=1,m
+ do j=1,n
+ do k=1,n_svd
+ C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
From d619c621fcd00e35d8bb8c2f956486044366a6d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony Scemama
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 18:21:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 40/44] DGEMM in pseudo-inverse
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 42 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index 76b280b7..2db47092 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -1377,29 +1377,29 @@ subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A, LDA, m, n, C, LDC, cutoff)
-! !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j) &
-! !$OMP SHARED (n, n_svd, D, Vt)
-! !$OMP DO
-! do j = 1, n
-! do i = 1, n_svd
-! Vt(i,j) = D(i) * Vt(i,j)
-! enddo
-! enddo
-! call dgemm('N', 'N', n, m, n_svd, 1.d0, Vt, size(Vt,1), U, size(U,1), 0.d0, C, size(C,1))
- C = 0.d0
- do i=1,m
- do j=1,n
- do k=1,n_svd
- C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
- enddo
+ !$OMP PRIVATE (i, j) &
+ !$OMP SHARED (n, n_svd, D, Vt)
+ !$OMP DO
+ do j = 1, n
+ do i = 1, n_svd
+ Vt(i,j) = D(i) * Vt(i,j)
+ call dgemm('T', 'T', n, m, n_svd, 1.d0, Vt, size(Vt,1), U, size(U,1), 0.d0, C, size(C,1))
+! C = 0.d0
+! do i=1,m
+! do j=1,n
+! do k=1,n_svd
+! C(j,i) = C(j,i) + U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j)
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! enddo
From fbb946d8f44161bb8de5c752060e82980265717b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eginer
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 16:46:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 41/44] removed the systematic save of MOs in casscf
src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f | 2 +-
src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f b/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f
index addca236..c0cd361d 100644
--- a/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f
+++ b/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ subroutine run
mo_coef = NewOrbs
mo_occ = occnum
- call save_mos
+ call save_mos
iteration += 1
N_det = N_states
diff --git a/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f b/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f
index 3d08b084..612213e2 100644
--- a/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f
+++ b/src/two_body_rdm/act_2_transition_rdm.irp.f
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo, (n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,N_states,N_states)]
implicit none
-! act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate) = STATE SPECIFIC physicist notation for 2rdm_trans
+! act_2_rdm_trans_spin_trace_mo(i,j,k,l,istate,jstate) = STATE SPECIFIC physicist notation for 2rdm_trans
-! \sum_{\sigma,\sigma'}
+! \sum_{\sigma,\sigma'}
From 22c99a0484eb75ed85c789fa7e39bc965c7fd591 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eginer
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 19:32:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 42/44] done some cleaning in the casscf and added a detailed
example of Multi state CASSCF
src/casscf_cipsi/README.rst | 9 ++-
src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f | 16 ++++-
src/casscf_cipsi/ | 66 +++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 src/casscf_cipsi/
diff --git a/src/casscf_cipsi/README.rst b/src/casscf_cipsi/README.rst
index f84cde75..75c99de2 100644
--- a/src/casscf_cipsi/README.rst
+++ b/src/casscf_cipsi/README.rst
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ casscf
|CASSCF| program with the CIPSI algorithm.
-Example of inputs
+Example of inputs for GROUND STATE calculations
a) Small active space : standard CASSCF
Let's do O2 (triplet) in aug-cc-pvdz with the following geometry (xyz format, Bohr units)
O 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -1.1408000000
O 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.1408000000
@@ -45,3 +47,4 @@ qp set casscf_cipsi small_active_space False
qp run casscf | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.casscf_large.out
# you should find around -149.9046
diff --git a/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f b/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f
index c0cd361d..d0a26d36 100644
--- a/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f
+++ b/src/casscf_cipsi/casscf.irp.f
@@ -54,14 +54,24 @@ subroutine run
call write_time(6)
call write_int(6,iteration,'CAS-SCF iteration = ')
- call write_double(6,energy,'CAS-SCF energy = ')
+ call write_double(6,energy,'State-average CAS-SCF energy = ')
! if(n_states == 1)then
! call ezfio_get_casscf_cipsi_energy_pt2(E_PT2)
! call ezfio_get_casscf_cipsi_energy(PT2)
+ double precision :: delta_E_istate, e_av
+ e_av = 0.d0
do istate=1,N_states
- call write_double(6,E_PT2(istate),'E + PT2 energy = ')
- call write_double(6,PT2(istate),' PT2 = ')
+ e_av += state_average_weight(istate) * Ev(istate)
+ if(
+ delta_E_istate = E_PT2(istate) - E_PT2(1)
+ write(*,'(A6,I2,A18,F16.10)')'state ',istate,' Delta E+PT2 = ',delta_E_istate
+ endif
+ write(*,'(A6,I2,A18,F16.10)')'state ',istate,' E + PT2 energy = ',E_PT2(istate)
+ write(*,'(A6,I2,A18,F16.10)')'state ',istate,' PT2 energy = ',PT2(istate)
+! call write_double(6,E_PT2(istate),'E + PT2 energy = ')
+! call write_double(6,PT2(istate),' PT2 = ')
+ call write_double(6,e_av,'State-average CAS-SCF energy bis = ')
call write_double(6,pt2_max,' PT2_MAX = ')
! endif
diff --git a/src/casscf_cipsi/ b/src/casscf_cipsi/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..368c0440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/casscf_cipsi/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# We will compute 3 states on the O2 molecule
+# The Ground state and 2 degenerate excited states
+# Please follow carefully the tuto :)
+# Set the path to your QP2 directory
+source ${QP_ROOT}/quantum_package.rc
+# Create the EZFIO folder
+qp create_ezfio -b aug-cc-pvdz -m 3 -a -o O2_avdz_multi_state
+# Start with ROHF orbitals
+qp run scf
+# Freeze the 1s orbitals of the two oxygen
+qp set_frozen_core
+# Tell that you want 3 states in your WF
+qp set determinants n_states 3
+# Run a CIS wave function to start your calculation
+qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states.out
+# Save the STATE AVERAGE natural orbitals for having a balanced description
+# This will also order the orbitals according to their occupation number
+# Which makes the active space selection easyer !
+qp run save_natorb | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.natorb_3states.out
+# Set an active space which has the most of important excitations
+# and that maintains symmetry : the ACTIVE ORBITALS are from """6 to 13"""
+# !!!!! WE SET TO "-D" for DELETED !!!!
+qp set_mo_class -c "[1-5]" -a "[6-13]" -d "[14-46]"
+# You create a guess of CIS type WITHIN THE ACTIVE SPACE
+qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states_active_space.out
+# You tell to read the WFT stored (i.e. the guess we just created)
+qp set determinants read_wf True
+# You set the active space WITH THE VIRTUAL ORBITALS !!!
+# !!!!! NOW WE SET TO "-v" for VIRTUALS !!!!!
+qp set_mo_class -c "[1-5]" -a "[6-13]" -v "[14-46]"
+# You tell that it is a small actice space so the CIPSI can take all Slater determinants
+qp set casscf_cipsi small_active_space True
+# You specify the output file
+# You run the CASSCF calculation
+qp run casscf | tee ${output}
+# Some grep in order to get some numbers useful to check convergence
+# State average energy
+grep "State-average CAS-SCF energy =" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_e_average
+# Delta E anticipated for State-average energy, only usefull to check convergence
+grep "Predicted energy improvement =" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_improve
+# Ground state energy
+grep "state 1 E + PT2 energy" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_1
+# First excited state energy
+grep "state 2 E + PT2 energy" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_2
+# First excitation energy
+grep "state 2 Delta E+PT2" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_delta_E2
+# Second excited state energy
+grep "state 3 E + PT2 energy" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_3
+# Second excitation energy
+grep "state 3 Delta E+PT2" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_delta_E3
From fa877df399a918750c28a0a262d27823c0cbd3c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eginer
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2024 15:12:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 43/44] added exponential of anti-hermitian matrices using the
Helgaker's book formulation, and of general matrices using the Taylor
expansion. Replaced in casscf_cipsi Umat variable
src/casscf_cipsi/neworbs.irp.f | 41 +++++-----
src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/casscf_cipsi/neworbs.irp.f b/src/casscf_cipsi/neworbs.irp.f
index a7cebbb2..ca2deebb 100644
--- a/src/casscf_cipsi/neworbs.irp.f
+++ b/src/casscf_cipsi/neworbs.irp.f
@@ -226,27 +226,28 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [real*8, Umat, (mo_num,mo_num) ]
end do
! Form the exponential
+ call exp_matrix_taylor(Tmat,mo_num,Umat,converged)
- Tpotmat(:,:)=0.D0
- Umat(:,:) =0.D0
- do i=1,mo_num
- Tpotmat(i,i)=1.D0
- Umat(i,i) =1.d0
- end do
- iter=0
- converged=.false.
- do while (.not.converged)
- iter+=1
- f = 1.d0 / dble(iter)
- Tpotmat2(:,:) = Tpotmat(:,:) * f
- call dgemm('N','N', mo_num,mo_num,mo_num,1.d0, &
- Tpotmat2, size(Tpotmat2,1), &
- Tmat, size(Tmat,1), 0.d0, &
- Tpotmat, size(Tpotmat,1))
- Umat(:,:) = Umat(:,:) + Tpotmat(:,:)
- converged = ( sum(abs(Tpotmat(:,:))) < 1.d-6).or.(iter>30)
- end do
+! Tpotmat(:,:)=0.D0
+! Umat(:,:) =0.D0
+! do i=1,mo_num
+! Tpotmat(i,i)=1.D0
+! Umat(i,i) =1.d0
+! end do
+! iter=0
+! converged=.false.
+! do while (.not.converged)
+! iter+=1
+! f = 1.d0 / dble(iter)
+! Tpotmat2(:,:) = Tpotmat(:,:) * f
+! call dgemm('N','N', mo_num,mo_num,mo_num,1.d0, &
+! Tpotmat2, size(Tpotmat2,1), &
+! Tmat, size(Tmat,1), 0.d0, &
+! Tpotmat, size(Tpotmat,1))
+! Umat(:,:) = Umat(:,:) + Tpotmat(:,:)
+! converged = ( sum(abs(Tpotmat(:,:))) < 1.d-6).or.(iter>30)
+! end do
diff --git a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
index 2db47092..175beff3 100644
--- a/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
+++ b/src/utils/linear_algebra.irp.f
@@ -1897,3 +1897,140 @@ end do
end subroutine pivoted_cholesky
+subroutine exp_matrix(X,n,exp_X)
+ implicit none
+ double precision, intent(in) :: X(n,n)
+ integer, intent(in):: n
+ double precision, intent(out):: exp_X(n,n)
+ ! exponential of the matrix X: X has to be ANTI HERMITIAN !!
+ !
+ ! taken from Hellgaker, jorgensen, Olsen book
+ !
+ ! section evaluation of matrix exponential (Eqs. 3.1.29 to 3.1.31)
+ integer :: i
+ double precision, allocatable :: r2_mat(:,:),eigvalues(:),eigvectors(:,:)
+ double precision, allocatable :: matrix_tmp1(:,:),eigvalues_mat(:,:),matrix_tmp2(:,:)
+ include 'constants.include.F'
+ allocate(r2_mat(n,n),eigvalues(n),eigvectors(n,n))
+ allocate(eigvalues_mat(n,n),matrix_tmp1(n,n),matrix_tmp2(n,n))
+ ! r2_mat = X^2 in the 3.1.30
+ call get_A_squared(X,n,r2_mat)
+ call lapack_diagd(eigvalues,eigvectors,r2_mat,n,n)
+ eigvalues=-eigvalues
+ if(.False.)then
+ !!! For debugging and following the book intermediate
+ ! rebuilding the matrix : X^2 = -W t^2 W^T as in 3.1.30
+ ! matrix_tmp1 = W t^2
+ print*,'eigvalues = '
+ do i = 1, n
+ print*,i,eigvalues(i)
+ write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')eigvectors(:,i)
+ enddo
+ eigvalues_mat=0.d0
+ do i = 1,n
+ ! t = dsqrt(t^2) where t^2 are eigenvalues of X^2
+ eigvalues(i) = dsqrt(eigvalues(i))
+ eigvalues_mat(i,i) = eigvalues(i)*eigvalues(i)
+ enddo
+ call dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.d0,eigvectors,size(eigvectors,1), &
+ eigvalues_mat,size(eigvalues_mat,1),0.d0,matrix_tmp1,size(matrix_tmp1,1))
+ call dgemm('N','T',n,n,n,-1.d0,matrix_tmp1,size(matrix_tmp1,1), &
+ eigvectors,size(eigvectors,1),0.d0,matrix_tmp2,size(matrix_tmp2,1))
+ print*,'r2_mat new = '
+ do i = 1, n
+ write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')matrix_tmp2(:,i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! building the exponential
+ ! exp(X) = W cos(t) W^T + W t^-1 sin(t) W^T X as in Eq. 3.1.31
+ ! matrix_tmp1 = W cos(t)
+ do i = 1,n
+ eigvalues_mat(i,i) = dcos(eigvalues(i))
+ enddo
+ ! matrix_tmp2 = W cos(t)
+ call dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.d0,eigvectors,size(eigvectors,1), &
+ eigvalues_mat,size(eigvalues_mat,1),0.d0,matrix_tmp1,size(matrix_tmp1,1))
+ ! matrix_tmp2 = W cos(t) W^T
+ call dgemm('N','T',n,n,n,-1.d0,matrix_tmp1,size(matrix_tmp1,1), &
+ eigvectors,size(eigvectors,1),0.d0,matrix_tmp2,size(matrix_tmp2,1))
+ exp_X = matrix_tmp2
+ ! matrix_tmp2 = W t^-1 sin(t) W^T X
+ do i = 1,n
+ if(dabs(eigvalues(i)).gt.1.d-4)then
+ eigvalues_mat(i,i) = dsin(eigvalues(i))/eigvalues(i)
+ else ! Taylor development of sin(x)/x near x=0 = 1 - x^2/6
+ eigvalues_mat(i,i) = 1.d0 - eigvalues(i)*eigvalues(i)*c_1_3*0.5d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ ! matrix_tmp1 = W t^-1 sin(t)
+ call dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.d0,eigvectors,size(eigvectors,1), &
+ eigvalues_mat,size(eigvalues_mat,1),0.d0,matrix_tmp1,size(matrix_tmp1,1))
+ ! matrix_tmp2 = W t^-1 sin(t) W^T
+ call dgemm('N','T',n,n,n,-1.d0,matrix_tmp1,size(matrix_tmp1,1), &
+ eigvectors,size(eigvectors,1),0.d0,matrix_tmp2,size(matrix_tmp2,1))
+ ! exp_X += matrix_tmp2 X
+ call dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.d0,matrix_tmp2,size(matrix_tmp2,1), &
+ X,size(X,1),1.d0,exp_X,size(exp_X,1))
+subroutine exp_matrix_taylor(X,n,exp_X,converged)
+ implicit none
+ ! exponential of a general real matrix X using the Taylor expansion of exp(X)
+ !
+ ! returns the logical converged which checks the convergence
+ double precision, intent(in) :: X(n,n)
+ integer, intent(in):: n
+ double precision, intent(out):: exp_X(n,n)
+ logical :: converged
+ double precision :: f
+ integer :: i,iter
+ double precision, allocatable :: Tpotmat(:,:),Tpotmat2(:,:)
+ allocate(Tpotmat(n,n),Tpotmat2(n,n))
+ ! exponential of X using Taylor expansion
+ Tpotmat(:,:)=0.D0
+ exp_X(:,:) =0.D0
+ do i=1,n
+ Tpotmat(i,i)=1.D0
+ exp_X(i,i) =1.d0
+ end do
+ iter=0
+ converged=.false.
+ do while (.not.converged)
+ iter+=1
+ f = 1.d0 / dble(iter)
+ Tpotmat2(:,:) = Tpotmat(:,:) * f
+ call dgemm('N','N', n,n,n,1.d0, &
+ Tpotmat2, size(Tpotmat2,1), &
+ X, size(X,1), 0.d0, &
+ Tpotmat, size(Tpotmat,1))
+ exp_X(:,:) = exp_X(:,:) + Tpotmat(:,:)
+ converged = ( sum(abs(Tpotmat(:,:))) < 1.d-6).or.(iter>30)
+ end do
+ if(.not.converged)then
+ print*,'Warning !! exp_matrix_taylor did not converge !'
+ endif
+subroutine get_A_squared(A,n,A2)
+ implicit none
+! A2 = A A where A is n x n matrix. Use the dgemm routine
+ double precision, intent(in) :: A(n,n)
+ integer, intent(in) :: n
+ double precision, intent(out):: A2(n,n)
+ call dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.d0,A,size(A,1),A,size(A,1),0.d0,A2,size(A2,1))
From ac805f9f016ab5b035557642e19602144d845c6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eginer
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2024 15:25:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 44/44] added some reference numbers in the
src/casscf_cipsi/ | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/casscf_cipsi/ b/src/casscf_cipsi/
index 368c0440..716c211a 100755
--- a/src/casscf_cipsi/
+++ b/src/casscf_cipsi/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ source ${QP_ROOT}/quantum_package.rc
# Create the EZFIO folder
qp create_ezfio -b aug-cc-pvdz -m 3 -a -o O2_avdz_multi_state
# Start with ROHF orbitals
-qp run scf
+qp run scf # ROHF energy : -149.619992871398
# Freeze the 1s orbitals of the two oxygen
qp set_frozen_core
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ qp set_frozen_core
# Tell that you want 3 states in your WF
qp set determinants n_states 3
# Run a CIS wave function to start your calculation
-qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states.out
+qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states.out # -149.6652601409258 -149.4714726176746 -149.4686165431939
# Save the STATE AVERAGE natural orbitals for having a balanced description
# This will also order the orbitals according to their occupation number
# Which makes the active space selection easyer !
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ qp run save_natorb | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.natorb_3states.out
# !!!!! WE SET TO "-D" for DELETED !!!!
qp set_mo_class -c "[1-5]" -a "[6-13]" -d "[14-46]"
# You create a guess of CIS type WITHIN THE ACTIVE SPACE
-qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states_active_space.out
+qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states_active_space.out # -149.6515472533511 -149.4622878024821 -149.4622878024817
# You tell to read the WFT stored (i.e. the guess we just created)
qp set determinants read_wf True
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ qp set casscf_cipsi small_active_space True
# You specify the output file
# You run the CASSCF calculation
-qp run casscf | tee ${output}
+qp run casscf | tee ${output} # -149.7175867510 -149.5059010227 -149.5059010226
# Some grep in order to get some numbers useful to check convergence
# State average energy