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2020-12-15 23:52:17 +01:00
#+TITLE: Quantum Package Release notes
* Version 2.2
** New features
** Changes
- Python3 replaces Python2
- Travis CI uses 3 jobs
- Moved Travis scripts into ~travis~ directory
- IRPF90 and EZFIO are now git submodules
- Now basis sets should be downloaded from basis-set-exchange website
- Added ~bse~ in the installable tools
- Documentation in ~src/README.rst~
- Added two-body reduced density matrix
- Added basis set correction
- Added CAS-based on-top density functional
- Improve PT2 computation for excited-states: Mostly 2x2
diagonalization, and some (n+1)x(n+1) diagonalizations
- Error bars for stochastic variance and norm of the perturbed wave function
- Improve PT2-matching for excited-states
- Compute the overlap of PT2 excited states
- Renamed SOP into CFG
- Improved parallelism in PT2 by splitting tasks
- Use max in multi-state PT2 instead of sum for the selection weight
- Added seniority
- Added excitation_max
- More tasks for distribueted Davidson
- Random guess vectors in Davidson have zeros to preserve symmetry
- Disk-based Davidson when too much memory is required
- Fixed bug in DIIS
- Fixed bug in molden (Au -> Angs)
*** User interface
- Added ~qp_basis~ script to install a basis set from the ~bse~
command-line tool
- Introduced ~n_det_qp_edit~, ~psi_det_qp_edit~, and
~psi_coef_qp_edit~ to accelerate the opening of qp_edit with
large wave functions
- Removed ~etc/ninja.rc~
- Added flag to specify if the AOs are normalized
- Added flag to specify if the primitive Gaussians are normalized
- Added ~lin_dep_cutoff~, the cutoff for linear dependencies
- Davidson convergence threshold can be adapted from PT2
- In ~density_for_dft~, ~no_core_density~ is now a logical
- Default for ~weight_selection~ has changed from 2 to 1
- Nullify_small_elements in matrices to keep symmetry
- Default of density functional changed from LDA to PBE
- Added ~no_vvvv_integrals~ flag
- Added ~pt2_min_parallel_tasks~ to control parallelism in PT2
- Added ~print_energy~
- Added ~print_hamiltonian~
- Added input for two body RDM
2021-01-19 18:29:27 +01:00
- Added keyword ~save_wf_after_selection~
2020-12-15 23:52:17 +01:00
*** Code
- Many bug fixes
- Changed electron-nucleus from ~e_n~ to ~n_e~ in names of variables
- Changed ~occ_pattern~ to ~configuration~
- Replaced ~List.map~ by a tail-recursive version ~Qputils.list_map~
- Added possible imaginary part in OCaml MO coefficients
- Added ~qp_clean_source_files.sh~ to remove non-ascii characters
- Added flag ~is_periodic~ for periodic systems
- Possibilities to handle complex integrals and complex MOs
- Moved pseuodpotential integrals out of ~ao_one_e_integrals~
- Removed Schwarz test and added logical functions
~ao_two_e_integral_zero~ and ~ao_one_e_integral_zero~
- Introduced type for ~pt2_data~
- Banned excitations are used with far apart localized MOs
- S_z2_Sz is now included in S2
- S^2 in single precision
- Added Shank function
- Added utilities for periodic calculations
2021-01-19 18:29:27 +01:00