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303 lines
9.7 KiB
subroutine evUGTpp(dotest,maxSCF,thresh,max_diis,doACFDT,exchange_kernel,doXBS,BSE, &
eta,regularize,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,ENuc,EUHF,ERI_aaaa, &
! Perform one-shot calculation with a T-matrix self-energy (G0T0)
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: dotest
integer,intent(in) :: maxSCF
integer,intent(in) :: max_diis
double precision,intent(in) :: thresh
logical,intent(in) :: doACFDT
logical,intent(in) :: exchange_kernel
logical,intent(in) :: doXBS
logical,intent(in) :: BSE
logical,intent(in) :: TDA_T
logical,intent(in) :: TDA
logical,intent(in) :: dBSE
logical,intent(in) :: dTDA
logical,intent(in) :: spin_conserved
logical,intent(in) :: spin_flip
double precision,intent(in) :: eta
logical,intent(in) :: regularize
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
integer,intent(in) :: nC(nspin)
integer,intent(in) :: nO(nspin)
integer,intent(in) :: nV(nspin)
integer,intent(in) :: nR(nspin)
integer,intent(in) :: nS(nspin)
double precision,intent(in) :: ENuc
double precision,intent(in) :: EUHF
double precision,intent(in) :: eHF(nBas,nspin)
double precision,intent(in) :: cHF(nBas,nBas,nspin)
double precision,intent(in) :: ERI_aaaa(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: ERI_aabb(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: ERI_bbbb(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: dipole_int_aa(nBas,nBas,ncart)
double precision,intent(in) :: dipole_int_bb(nBas,nBas,ncart)
! Local variables
integer :: nSCF
integer :: n_diis
double precision :: rcond(nspin)
double precision :: Conv
integer :: ispin,is
integer :: iblock
integer :: nH_sc,nH_sf,nHaa,nHab,nHbb
integer :: nP_sc,nP_sf,nPaa,nPab,nPbb
double precision :: EcRPA(nspin),Ecaa,Ecbb
double precision :: EcBSE(nspin)
double precision :: EcAC(nspin)
double precision :: EcGM
double precision,allocatable :: Om1ab(:),Om1aa(:),Om1bb(:)
double precision,allocatable :: X1ab(:,:),X1aa(:,:),X1bb(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Y1ab(:,:),Y1aa(:,:),Y1bb(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: rho1ab(:,:,:),rho1aa(:,:,:),rho1bb(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Om2ab(:),Om2aa(:),Om2bb(:)
double precision,allocatable :: X2ab(:,:),X2aa(:,:),X2bb(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Y2ab(:,:),Y2aa(:,:),Y2bb(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: rho2ab(:,:,:),rho2aa(:,:,:),rho2bb(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: SigT(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Z(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: eGT(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: eOld(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: error_diis(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: e_diis(:,:,:)
! Hello world
write(*,*)'* Unrestricted evGTpp Calculation *'
! Dimensions of the pp-URPA linear reponse matrices
nPaa = nV(1)*(nV(1)-1)/2
nPbb = nV(2)*(nV(2)-1)/2
nHaa = nO(1)*(nO(1)-1)/2;
nHbb = nO(2)*(nO(2)-1)/2;
nPab = nV(1)*nV(2)
nHab = nO(1)*nO(2)
nP_sc = nPab
nH_sc = nHab
nP_sf = nPaa + nPbb
nH_sf = nHaa + nHbb
! Memory allocation
allocate(Om1ab(nPab),X1ab(nPab,nPab),Y1ab(nHab,nPab), &
Om2ab(nHab),X2ab(nPab,nHab),Y2ab(nHab,nHab), &
rho1ab(nBas,nBas,nPab),rho2ab(nBas,nBas,nHab), &
Om1aa(nPaa),X1aa(nPaa,nPaa),Y1aa(nHaa,nPaa), &
Om2aa(nHaa),X2aa(nPaa,nHaa),Y2aa(nHaa,nHaa), &
rho1aa(nBas,nBas,nPaa),rho2aa(nBas,nBas,nHaa), &
Om1bb(nPbb),X1bb(nPbb,nPbb),Y1bb(nHbb,nPbb), &
Om2bb(nPbb),X2bb(nPbb,nPbb),Y2bb(nHbb,nPbb), &
rho1bb(nBas,nBas,nPbb),rho2bb(nBas,nBas,nHbb), &
SigT(nBas,nspin),Z(nBas,nspin),eGT(nBas,nspin), &
eOld(nBas,nspin),error_diis(nBas,max_diis,nspin), &
! Compute the exchange part of the self-energy
nSCF = 0
n_diis = 0
Conv = 1d0
e_diis(:,:,:) = 0d0
error_diis(:,:,:) = 0d0
eGT(:,:) = eHF(:,:)
eOld(:,:) = eGT(:,:)
Z(:,:) = 1d0
rcond(:) = 0d0
! Main loop
do while(Conv > thresh .and. nSCF <= maxSCF)
! alpha-beta block
ispin = 1
iblock = 3
! Compute linear response
call ppULR(iblock,TDA,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nPaa,nPab,nPbb,nPab,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nHab,1d0,eGT,ERI_aaaa, &
! alpha-alpha block
ispin = 2
iblock = 4
! Compute linear response
call ppULR(iblock,TDA,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nPaa,nPab,nPbb,nPaa,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nHaa,1d0,eGT,ERI_aaaa, &
! beta-beta block
ispin = 2
iblock = 7
! Compute linear response
call ppULR(iblock,TDA,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nPaa,nPab,nPbb,nPbb,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nHbb,1d0,eGT,ERI_aaaa, &
! Compute T-matrix version of the self-energy
!alpha-beta block
iblock = 3
call UGTpp_excitation_density(iblock,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nHab,nPab,ERI_aaaa,ERI_aabb,ERI_bbbb,X1ab,Y1ab, &
!alpha-alpha block
iblock = 4
call UGTpp_excitation_density(iblock,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nHaa,nPaa,ERI_aaaa,ERI_aabb,ERI_bbbb,X1aa,Y1aa, &
!beta-beta block
iblock = 7
call UGTpp_excitation_density(iblock,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nHbb,nPbb,ERI_aaaa,ERI_aabb,ERI_bbbb,X1bb,Y1bb, &
call UGTpp_self_energy_diag(eta,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nPaa,nPab,nPbb,eGT,Om1aa,Om1ab,Om1bb,&
! Solve the quasi-particle equation
eGT(:,:) = eHF(:,:) + SigT(:,:)
! Convergence criteria
Conv = maxval(abs(eGT(:,:) - eOld(:,:)))
! Dump results
! Compute the ppRPA correlation energy
!alpha-beta block
ispin = 1
iblock = 3
call ppULR(iblock,TDA,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nPaa,nPab,nPbb, &
nPab,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nHab,1d0,eGT,ERI_aaaa, &
ERI_aabb,ERI_bbbb,Om1ab,X1ab,Y1ab, &
!alpha-alpha block
ispin = 2
iblock = 4
call ppULR(iblock,TDA,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nPaa,nPab,nPbb, &
nPaa,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nHaa,1d0,eGT,ERI_aaaa, &
ERI_aabb,ERI_bbbb,Om1aa,X1aa,Y1aa, &
Ecaa = EcRPA(2)
!beta-beta block
iblock = 7
call ppULR(iblock,TDA,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nPaa,nPab,nPbb, &
nPbb,nHaa,nHab,nHbb,nHbb,1d0,eGT,ERI_aaaa, &
ERI_aabb,ERI_bbbb,Om1bb,X1bb,Y1bb, &
Ecbb = EcRPA(2)
EcRPA(2) = Ecaa + Ecbb
EcRPA(1) = EcRPA(1) - EcRPA(2)
EcRPA(2) = 3d0*EcRPA(2)
call print_evUGT(nBas,nO,nSCF,Conv,eHF,ENuc,EUHF,SigT,Z,eGT,EcGM,EcRPA)
! DIIS extrapolation
n_diis = min(n_diis+1,max_diis)
do is=1,nspin
call DIIS_extrapolation(rcond(ispin),nBas,nBas,n_diis, &
error_diis(:,1:n_diis,is), &
e_diis(:,1:n_diis,is),eGT(:,is)-eOld(:,is), &
end do
! Reset DIIS if required
if(minval(rcond(:)) < 1d-15) n_diis = 0
! Save quasiparticles energy for next cycle
eOld(:,:) = eGT(:,:)
! Increment
nSCF = nSCF + 1
end do
! End main loop
! Free memory
deallocate(Om1ab,X1ab,Y1ab,Om2ab,X2ab,Y2ab,rho1ab,rho2ab, &
Om1aa,X1aa,Y1aa,Om2aa,X2aa,Y2aa,rho1aa,rho2aa, &
! Testing zone
if(dotest) then
call dump_test_value('U','evGTpp correlation energy',sum(EcRPA))
call dump_test_value('U','evGTpp HOMOa energy',eGT(nO(1),1))
call dump_test_value('U','evGTpp LUMOa energy',eGT(nO(1)+1,1))
call dump_test_value('U','evGTpp HOMOa energy',eGT(nO(2),2))
call dump_test_value('U','evGTpp LUMOa energy',eGT(nO(2)+1,2))
end if
end subroutine