mirror of https://github.com/pfloos/quack synced 2024-10-03 14:56:05 +02:00

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let basis_file : string option ref = ref None
let nuclei_file : string option ref = ref None
let charge : int option ref = ref None
let multiplicity : int option ref = ref None
let speclist = [
( "-b" , Arg.String (fun x -> basis_file := Some x),
"File containing the atomic basis set") ;
( "-c" , Arg.Int (fun x -> charge := Some x),
"Total charge of the system") ;
( "-m" , Arg.Int (fun x -> multiplicity := Some x),
"Multiplicity of the system") ;
( "-x" , Arg.String (fun x -> nuclei_file := Some x),
"File containing the nuclear coordinates") ;
let print_basis nuclei basis =
let open Printf in
let g_basis = Qcaml.Gaussian.Basis.general_basis basis in
let dict =
Array.to_list nuclei
|> List.mapi (fun i (e, _) ->
(i+1), List.assoc e g_basis
List.iter (fun (i,b) ->
Format.printf "%d %d\n" i (Array.length b);
Array.iter (fun x ->
Format.printf "%a" Qcaml.Gaussian.General_basis.pp_gcs x) b
) dict
List.iteri (fun atom_number (_element, _basis) ->
printf "%3d %3d\n" (atom_number+1) 0;
) basis
let run () =
let basis_file =
match !basis_file with
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Basis set file should be specified with -b")
| Some x -> x
and nuclei_file =
match !nuclei_file with
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Coordinate file should be specified with -x")
| Some x -> x
let nuclei =
Qcaml.Particles.Nuclei.of_xyz_file nuclei_file
let basis =
Qcaml.Gaussian.Basis.of_nuclei_and_basis_filename ~nuclei basis_file
(* Print basis *)
print_basis nuclei basis;
let () =
let usage_msg = "Available options:" in
Arg.parse speclist (fun _ -> ()) usage_msg;
run ()