mirror of https://github.com/pfloos/quack synced 2024-10-02 22:40:52 +02:00

Added quack_integrals

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2020-10-11 21:24:26 +02:00
parent b3d89ac0f2
commit 3658c4d597

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
let out_file : string option ref = ref None
let basis_file : string option ref = ref None
let nuclei_file : string option ref = ref None
let charge : int option ref = ref None
let multiplicity : int option ref = ref None
let range_separation : float option ref = ref None
let speclist = [
( "-b" , Arg.String (fun x -> basis_file := Some x),
"File containing the atomic basis set") ;
( "-x" , Arg.String (fun x -> nuclei_file := Some x),
"File containing the nuclear coordinates") ;
( "-u" , Arg.Float (fun x -> range_separation := Some x),
"Value of mu, the range separation factor") ;
let run () =
let basis_file =
match !basis_file with
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Basis set file should be specified with -b")
| Some x -> x
and nuclei_file =
match !nuclei_file with
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Coordinate file should be specified with -x")
| Some x -> x
and range_separation = !range_separation
let nuclei =
Qcaml.Particles.Nuclei.of_xyz_file nuclei_file
let operators =
match range_separation with
| None -> []
| Some mu -> [ Qcaml.Operators.Operator.of_range_separation mu ]
let ao_basis =
Qcaml.Ao.Basis.of_nuclei_and_basis_filename ~kind:`Gaussian
~operators ~cartesian:true ~nuclei basis_file
let overlap = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.overlap ao_basis in
let eN_ints = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.eN_ints ao_basis in
let kin_ints = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.kin_ints ao_basis in
let ee_ints = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.ee_ints ao_basis in
Qcaml.Gaussian_integrals.Overlap.to_file ~filename:("Ov.dat") overlap;
Qcaml.Gaussian_integrals.Electron_nucleus.to_file ~filename:("Nuc.dat") eN_ints;
Qcaml.Gaussian_integrals.Kinetic.to_file ~filename:("Kin.dat") kin_ints;
Qcaml.Gaussian_integrals.Eri.to_file ~filename:("ERI.dat") ee_ints;
match range_separation with
| Some _mu ->
Qcaml.Gaussian_integrals.Eri_long_range.to_file ~filename:("ERI_lr.dat") (Qcaml.Ao.Basis.ee_lr_ints ao_basis)
| None -> ()
let () =
let usage_msg = "Available options:" in
Arg.parse speclist (fun _ -> ()) usage_msg;
run ()