2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
subroutine RGWC(dotest,eta,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,Om,rho,eHF,eGW,Z)
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
! Perform GW+C calculation
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: dotest
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
double precision,intent(in) :: eta
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
integer,intent(in) :: nC
integer,intent(in) :: nO
2024-01-29 23:01:10 +01:00
integer,intent(in) :: nV
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
integer,intent(in) :: nR
integer,intent(in) :: nS
double precision,intent(in) :: Om(nS)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nBas,nBas,nS)
2024-01-29 23:01:10 +01:00
double precision,intent(in) :: eHF(nBas)
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
double precision,intent(in) :: eGW(nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: Z(nBas)
! Local variables
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
integer :: p,q,i,a,m
integer :: iSat
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
double precision :: num,eps
double precision,parameter :: cutoff = 1d-2
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
logical,parameter :: do_hole_branch = .true.
logical,parameter :: do_electron_branch = .false.
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
double precision,allocatable :: de(:,:,:)
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
double precision,allocatable :: ZC(:)
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
double precision,allocatable :: ZSat(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: eSat(:,:,:)
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
2024-01-29 23:01:10 +01:00
integer :: g
integer :: nGrid
double precision :: wmin,wmax,dw
double precision,external :: GW_ReSigC,GW_ImSigC,GW_RedSigC,GW_ImdSigC
double precision,allocatable :: w(:)
double precision,allocatable :: ReSigC(:,:),ImSigC(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: RedSigC(:,:),ImdSigC(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: AGWC(:,:)
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
! Output variables
! Hello world
write(*,*)'* Restricted GW+C Calculation *'
! Memory allocation
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
! Useful quantities
do p=nC+1,nBas-nR
do i=nC+1,nO
do m=1,nS
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
de(p,i,m) = eHF(p) - eGW(i) + Om(m)
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
end do
end do
do p=nC+1,nBas-nR
do a=nO+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
de(p,a,m) = eHF(p) - eGW(a) - Om(m)
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
end do
end do
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
! GW+C weights
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
ZC(:) = 0d0
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
do p=nC+1,nBas-nR
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
num = 2d0*rho(p,q,m)**2
eps = de(p,q,m)
ZC(p) = ZC(p) - num*(eps**2 - eta**2)/(eps**2 + eta**2)**2
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
end do
end do
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
ZC(:) = exp(ZC(:))
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
! Dump results
write(*,*)' GW+C calculation '
write(*,'(1X,A1,1X,A3,1X,A1,1X,A15,1X,A1,1X,A15,1X,A1,1X,A15,1X,A1,1X,A15,1X,A1,1X)') &
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
'|','#','|','e_GW (eV)','|','e_GW+C (eV)','|','Z_GW','|','Z_GW+C','|'
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
do p=1,nBas
write(*,'(1X,A1,1X,I3,1X,A1,1X,F15.6,1X,A1,1X,F15.6,1X,A1,1X,F15.6,1X,A1,1X,F15.6,1X,A1,1X)') &
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
! GW+C satellites on hole branch
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
if(do_hole_branch) then
do i=nC+1,nO
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
eps = de(i,q,m)
num = ZC(i)*2d0*rho(i,q,m)**2
eSat(i,q,m) = eGW(i) + eps
ZSat(i,q,m) = num*(eps**2 - eta**2)/(eps**2 + eta**2)**2
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
end do
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
end do
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
write(*,*)' Satellite series from GW+C on hole branch'
write(*,'(1X,A5,1X,A5,1X,A5,1X,A15,1X,A15,1X)') '#','i','m','e_Sat (eV)','Z_Sat'
iSat = 0
do i=nC+1,nO
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
iSat = iSat + 1
if(ZSat(i,q,m) > cutoff) &
write(*,'(1X,I5,1X,I5,1X,I5,1X,I5,F15.6,1X,F15.6,1X)') iSat,i,q,m,eSat(i,q,m)*HaToeV,ZSat(i,q,m)
end do
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
end do
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
end if
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
! GW+C satellites on electron branch
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
if(do_electron_branch) then
do a=nO+1,nBas-nR
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
eps = de(a,q,m)
num = ZC(a)*2d0*rho(a,q,m)**2
eSat(a,q,m) = eGW(a) + eps
ZSat(a,q,m) = num*(eps**2 - eta**2)/(eps**2 + eta**2)**2
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
end do
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
end do
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
write(*,*)' Satellite series from GW+C on electron branch'
write(*,'(1X,A5,1X,A5,1X,A5,1X,A15,1X,A15,1X)') '#','a','m','e_Sat (eV)','Z_Sat'
iSat = 0
do a=nO+1,nBas-nR
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
iSat = iSat + 1
if(ZSat(a,q,m) > cutoff) &
write(*,'(1X,I5,1X,I5,I5,1X,1X,I5,F15.6,1X,F15.6,1X)') iSat,a,m,eSat(a,q,m)*HaToeV,ZSat(a,q,m)
end do
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
end do
2024-01-18 11:53:02 +01:00
end do
2024-01-18 12:04:34 +01:00
end if
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
2024-01-29 23:01:10 +01:00
! Construct grid
nGrid = 1000
! Minimum and maximum frequency values
wmin = -5d0
wmax = +5d0
dw = (wmax - wmin)/dble(ngrid)
do g=1,nGrid
w(g) = wmin + dble(g)*dw
end do
! Compute QP part of the spectral function
do g=1,nGrid
do p=nC+1,nBas-nR
ReSigC(p,g) = GW_ReSigC(p,eGW(p),eta,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,eHF,Om,rho)
ImSigC(p,g) = GW_ImSigC(p,eGW(p),eta,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,eHF,Om,rho)
end do
end do
do g=1,nGrid
do p=nC+1,nBas-nR
AGWC(p,g) = ZC(p)*abs(ImSigC(p,g))/((w(g) - eGW(p))**2 + ImSigC(p,g)**2)
end do
end do
AGWC(:,:) = AGWC(:,:)/pi
! Dump quantities in files as a function of w
open(unit=11 ,file='GWC_AQP.dat')
do g=1,nGrid
write(11,*) w(g)*HaToeV,(AGWC(p,g),p=nC+1,nBas-nR)
end do
! Closing files
! Compute cumulant part of the spectral function
AGWC(:,:) = 0d0
if(do_hole_branch) then
do g=1,nGrid
do i=nC+1,nO
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
AGWC(i,g) = AGWC(i,g) + ZSat(i,q,m)*abs(ImSigC(i,g))/((w(g) - eSat(i,q,m))**2 + ImSigC(i,g)**2)
end do
2024-01-29 23:01:10 +01:00
end do
end do
end do
end if
if(do_electron_branch) then
do g=1,nGrid
do a=nO+1,nBas-nR
2024-01-30 12:06:21 +01:00
do q=nC+1,nBas-nR
do m=1,nS
AGWC(a,g) = AGWC(a,g) + ZSat(a,q,m)*abs(ImSigC(a,g))/((w(g) - eSat(a,q,m))**2 + ImSigC(a,g)**2)
end do
2024-01-29 23:01:10 +01:00
end do
end do
end do
end if
AGWC(:,:) = AGWC(:,:)/pi
! Dump quantities in files as a function of w
open(unit=12 ,file='GWC_AC.dat')
do g=1,nGrid
write(12,*) w(g)*HaToeV,(AGWC(p,g),p=nC+1,nBas-nR)
end do
! Closing files
2024-01-17 18:40:21 +01:00
! Testing zone
! if(dotest) then
! call dump_test_value('R','G0W0 correlation energy',EcRPA)
! call dump_test_value('R','G0W0 HOMO energy',eGW(nO))
! call dump_test_value('R','G0W0 LUMO energy',eGW(nO+1))
! end if
end subroutine