2019-03-13 11:07:31 +01:00
subroutine AO_values_grid(nBas,nShell,CenterShell,TotAngMomShell,KShell,DShell,ExpShell, &
! Compute values of the AOs and their derivatives with respect to the cartesian coordinates
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nBas,nShell
double precision,intent(in) :: CenterShell(maxShell,3)
integer,intent(in) :: TotAngMomShell(maxShell)
integer,intent(in) :: KShell(maxShell)
double precision,intent(in) :: DShell(maxShell,maxK)
double precision,intent(in) :: ExpShell(maxShell,maxK)
double precision,intent(in) :: root(3,nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
! Local variables
integer :: atot,nShellFunction,a(3)
integer,allocatable :: ShellFunction(:,:)
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double precision :: rASq,xA,yA,zA,norm_coeff,prim
2019-03-13 11:07:31 +01:00
integer :: iSh,iShF,iK,iG,iBas
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(out) :: dAO(3,nBas,nGrid)
! Initialization
iBas = 0
AO(:,:) = 0d0
dAO(:,:,:) = 0d0
! Loops over shells
do iSh=1,nShell
atot = TotAngMomShell(iSh)
nShellFunction = (atot*atot + 3*atot + 2)/2
call generate_shell(atot,nShellFunction,ShellFunction)
do iShF=1,nShellFunction
iBas = iBas + 1
a(:) = ShellFunction(iShF,:)
do iG=1,nGrid
xA = root(1,iG) - CenterShell(iSh,1)
yA = root(2,iG) - CenterShell(iSh,2)
zA = root(3,iG) - CenterShell(iSh,3)
! Calculate distance for exponential
rASq = xA**2 + yA**2 + zA**2
! Loops over contraction degrees
do iK=1,KShell(iSh)
! Calculate the exponential part
2019-03-20 13:38:42 +01:00
prim = DShell(iSh,iK)*norm_coeff(ExpShell(iSh,iK),a)*exp(-ExpShell(iSh,iK)*rASq)
2019-03-13 11:07:31 +01:00
AO(iBas,iG) = AO(iBas,iG) + prim
prim = -2d0*ExpShell(iSh,iK)*prim
dAO(:,iBas,iG) = dAO(:,iBas,iG) + prim
dAO(1,iBas,iG) = xA**(a(1)+1)*yA**a(2)*zA**a(3)*dAO(1,iBas,iG)
if(a(1) > 0) dAO(1,iBas,iG) = dAO(1,iBas,iG) + dble(a(1))*xA**(a(1)-1)*yA**a(2)*zA**a(3)*AO(iBas,iG)
dAO(2,iBas,iG) = xA**a(1)*yA**(a(2)+1)*zA**a(3)*dAO(2,iBas,iG)
if(a(2) > 0) dAO(2,iBas,iG) = dAO(2,iBas,iG) + dble(a(2))*xA**a(1)*yA**(a(2)-1)*zA**a(3)*AO(iBas,iG)
dAO(3,iBas,iG) = xA**a(1)*yA**a(2)*zA**(a(3)+1)*dAO(3,iBas,iG)
if(a(3) > 0) dAO(3,iBas,iG) = dAO(3,iBas,iG) + dble(a(3))*xA**a(1)*yA**a(2)*zA**(a(3)-1)*AO(iBas,iG)
! Calculate polynmial part
AO(iBas,iG) = xA**a(1)*yA**a(2)*zA**a(3)*AO(iBas,iG)
! End loops over shells
end subroutine AO_values_grid