mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/QUESTDB_website.git synced 2024-10-02 14:30:58 +02:00
2020-11-25 01:52:53 +01:00

437 lines
14 KiB

class excitationTypes {
static get Valence() { return new excitationType(1, new description("Valence")) }
static get Rydberg() { return new excitationType(1 << 1, new description("Rydberg")) }
static get PiPis() { return new excitationType(1 << 2, new description(String.raw`\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star`, true)) }
static get nPis() { return new excitationType(1 << 3, new description(String.raw`n \rightarrow \pi^\star`, true)) }
static get Single() { return new excitationType(1 << 4, new description("Single")) }
static get Double() { return new excitationType(1 << 5, new description("Double")) }
static get SingletSinglet() { return new excitationType(1 << 6, new description(String.raw`\mathrm{Singlet} \rightarrow \mathrm{Singlet}`, true)) }
static get SingletTriplet() { return new excitationType(1 << 7, new description(String.raw`\mathrm{Singlet} \rightarrow \mathrm{Triplet}`, true)) }
static get DoubletDoublet() { return new excitationType(1 << 8, new description(String.raw`\mathrm{Doublet} \rightarrow \mathrm{Doublet}`, true)) }
// Max bit shifts is 31 because int are int32 So 1 << 31 are -2147483648
static get Others() { return new excitationType(1 << 31, new description("Others")) }
static get All() { return EnumUltils.getAll(this, excitationType) }
static GetFlags(value) { return EnumUltils.GetFlags(value, this, excitationType) }
class EnumUltils {
static getAll(enumClass, valueType) {
var lst = []
for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(enumClass)) {
if (prop != "All") {
const value = enumClass[prop]
if (trueTypeOf(value) == valueType.name) {
lst.push([prop, value])
return lst
static GetFlags(value, enumClass, valueType) {
return this.getAll(enumClass, valueType).filter(x => value & x[1])
class description {
constructor(string, isLaTeX = false) {
this.string = string
this.isLaTeX = isLaTeX
class DescribedValueBase {
constructor(value, description) {
this.Value = value;
this.description = description
valueOf() {
return this.Value;
class excitationType extends DescribedValueBase {
class VertExcitationKind extends DescribedValueBase {
class code {
constructor(name, version) {
this.name = name;
this.version = version;
toString() {
var str = this.name;
if (this.version) {
str = str + ' (' + this.version + ')';
return str;
static fromString(str) {
var vals = str.split(",")
if (vals.length >= 2) {
return new code(vals[0], vals[1]);
} else {
return new code(vals[0], null);
class method {
constructor(name, basis = null) {
this.name = name;
this.basis = basis;
static fromString(str) {
var vals = str.split(",")
if (vals.length == 2) {
return new method(vals[0], vals[1]);
else {
return new method(vals[0], null)
toString(separator = "/") {
var str = this.name;
if (this.basis) {
str = str + separator + this.basis;
return str;
get isTBE() {
return /^TBE/.test(this.name)
class state {
constructor(number, multiplicity, symmetry) {
this.number = number;
this.multiplicity = multiplicity;
this.symmetry = symmetry;
toString() {
var str = this.number + ' ^' + this.multiplicity + this.symmetry;
return str;
toLaTeX() {
var tex = String.raw`${this.number}\:^{${this.multiplicity}}\mathrm{${this.symmetry}}`;
return tex;
class exSet{
this.name = name
this.index = index
static fromString(str) {
var vals = str.split(",")
var myset
if (vals.length >= 2) {
return new exSet(vals[0], parseInt(vals[1],10));
} else {
return new exSet(vals[0], 0);
async getDOIAsync()
let db = await indexDB.loadAsync()
if (db.sets.has(this.name)) {
return db.sets.get(this.name)[this.index]
return `${this.name},${this.index}`
return this.name == set.name
async isSameArticleAsync(set)
if (this.name===set.name && this.index===set.index) {
return true
return await this.getDOIAsync() === await set.getDOIAsync()
class excitationBase {
constructor(initial, final, type = '', T1 = null) {
this.initial = initial;
this.final = final
this.type = new excitationType(0, new description(type, true))
if (type) {
const tys = type.split(";")
const arrow = String.raw`\rightarrow`
for (const ty of tys) {
if (ty.includes(arrow)) {
const [initialt, finalt] = ty.split(arrow, 2)
const initialts = initialt.split(",").map(x => x.trim())
const finalts = finalt.split(",").map(x => x.trim())
if (initialts.length == 2 && finalts.length == 2) {
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Double
else if (initialts.length == 1 && finalts.length == 1) {
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Single
if (initialts.includes("n") && finalts.includes(String.raw`\pi^\star`)) {
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.nPis
} else if (initialts.includes(String.raw`\pi`) && finalts.includes(String.raw`\pi^\star`)) {
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.PiPis
} else if (ty.includes(String.raw`\mathrm{R}`)) {
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Rydberg
} else if (ty.includes(String.raw`\mathrm{V}`)) {
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Valence
} else if (ty.toLowerCase()===excitationTypes.Double.description.string.toLowerCase()){
this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Double
var m = new Map([
[JSON.stringify([1, 1]), excitationTypes.SingletSinglet],
[JSON.stringify([2, 2]), excitationTypes.DoubletDoublet],
[JSON.stringify([1, 3]), excitationTypes.SingletTriplet],
const marray = JSON.stringify([initial.multiplicity, final.multiplicity])
if (m.has(marray)) {
this.type.Value = this.type.Value | m.get(marray)
if (this.type.Value == 0) {
this.type.Value = excitationTypes.Others.Value;
else if (!(this.type & (excitationTypes.Single.Value | excitationTypes.Double.Value))){
this.type.Value = excitationTypes.Single
this.T1 = T1
class excitationValue extends excitationBase {
constructor(initial, final, type, value, oscilatorForces = null, T1 = null, isUnsafe = false) {
super(initial, final, type, T1)
this.value = value
this.oscilatorForces = oscilatorForces
this.isUnsafe = isUnsafe
class dataFileBase {
constructor() {
this.molecule = ''
this.comment = ""
this.code = null
this.method = null
this.excitations = []
this.set = null
this.sourceFile = null
static _GetMetaRexEx() {
//metadata RegExp (start with #; maybe somme spaces; : ; maybe somme space; datas)
return /^#\s*([A-Za-z_]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/;
async getGeometryAsync(state = null) {
var site_url = "/"+window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
// var text = await getTextFromFileUrlAsync(`/data/structures/${this.set.name.replace("#", "")}/${this.molecule.toLowerCase()}.xyz`)
var text = getTextFromFileUrl(site_url+`/data/structures/${this.set.name.replace("#", "")}/${this.molecule.toLowerCase()}.xyz`)
var lines = text.split("\n")
var indexes = lines.findAllIndexes((line) => {
return line.match(/^\d+$/)
var molsstr = []
for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length - 1; i++) {
molsstr.push(lines.slice(indexes[i], indexes[i + 1]).join('\n'))
molsstr.filter((molstr) => {
var params = molstr.split("\n")[1].split(",")
return (state === null || params[0] === `^${state.multiplicity}${state.symmetry}`) && params[1] == `${this.method.name},${this.method.basis}`
return molsstr.map((molstr) => {
var params = molstr.split("\n")[1].split(",")
var regex=/^\^(\d+)(.+)$/
var m=params[1].match(regex)
return {
name: this.molecule,
CopyExcitationsTypeFrom(data) {
var exc_strings = data.excitations.map( e => [e, JSON.stringify(e.initial), JSON.stringify(e.final) ] )
for (const ex of this.excitations) {
const exi = JSON.stringify(ex.initial)
const exf = JSON.stringify(ex.final)
const ex2 = exc_strings.find((e) => {
return (e[1]=== exi) && (e[2]=== exf)
if (ex2 !== undefined) {
if (DebugMode.Enabled) {
const restflag=ex.type.Value & ex2[0].type.Value
const result=restflag==ex.type.Value
console.assert(result, "Excitation type error", data.molecule, ex, ex2[0], this.sourceFile)
ex.type = ex2[0].type
static async loadAsync(file, kind = undefined) {
switch (trueTypeOf(file)) {
case String.name:
file = getFullDataPath(file)
// const maxAge= (DebugMode.Enabled,0,600)
// var str = await getTextFromFileUrlAsync(file,{"Cache-Control":`max-age=${maxAge}`})
var str = getTextFromFileUrl(file)
case File.name:
var str = await getTextFromUploadedFileAsync(file)
var dat = this.loadString(str, kind);
dat.sourceFile = new websiteFile(file)
return dat
static load(file, kind = undefined) {
switch (trueTypeOf(file)) {
case String.name:
file = getFullDataPath(file)
var str = getTextFromFileUrl(file)
case File.name:
var str = (async () => await getTextFromUploadedFileAsync(file))().then(x=>x)
var dat = this.loadString(str, kind);
dat.sourceFile = new websiteFile(file)
return dat
_OnReadMetaPair(key, value) {
switch (key) {
case "molecule":
this.molecule = value
case "comment":
this.comment = value
case "code":
this.code = code.fromString(value)
case "method":
this.method = method.fromString(value)
case "set":
this.set = exSet.fromString(value)
_OnReadRow(line) {
var vals = line.match(/\([^\)]+\)|\S+/g)
var start = new state(parseInt(vals[0], 10), parseInt(vals[1], 10), vals[2]);
var end = new state(parseInt(vals[3], 10), parseInt(vals[4], 10), vals[5]);
var type = ((vals.length >= 7) ? vals[6] : null)
if (type === "_") {
type = null
if (type) {
const m = type.match(/^\(([^\)]*)\)$/)
if (m) {
type = m[1]
var val = ((vals.length >= 8) ? new stringNumber(vals[7]) : NaN)
var T1 = ((vals.length >= 9) ? new stringNumber(vals[8]) : NaN)
var oscilatorForces = ((vals.length >= 10) ? new stringNumber(vals[9]) : NaN)
var isUnsafe = ((vals.length >= 11) ? vals[10] === true.toString() : false)
var ex = new excitationValue(start, end, type, val, oscilatorForces, T1, isUnsafe);
if (this.VertExcitationKind) {
ex.VertExcitationKind = this.VertExcitationKind
return ex;
_OnReadMeta(line) {
// get key value
var match = line.match(dataFileBase._GetMetaRexEx())
// normalize key to lower
var key = match[1].toLowerCase()
//if data has value
if (match.length == 3 && match[2]) {
var val = match[2]
this._OnReadMetaPair(key, val)
static loadString(text, kind = null) {
// for each line with metadata
var ismetaArea = true;
var dat = new VertDataFile()
for (var line of text.split("\n")) {
//if it's not empty line
line = line.trim();
if (line) {
//if # may be metadata or comment
if (line.charAt(0) == "#") {
//if it's metadata
if (ismetaArea && dataFileBase._GetMetaRexEx().test(line)) {
} else { //else its row
ismetaArea = false;
dat.excitations.push(dat._OnReadRow(line, kind));
if (DebugMode.Enabled) {
var stfy = dat.excitations.map(e => JSON.stringify([e.initial, e.final]))
var double = []
stfy.forEach(function (element, i) {
// Find if there is a duplicate or not
if (stfy.indexOf(element, i + 1) >= 0) {
// Find if the element is already in the result array or not
if (double.indexOf(element) === -1) {
console.assert(double.length === 0, "Double found", double, dat.molecule, dat.method.toString())
if (dat.set!== null && dat.set !== "10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01205") {
for (const ex of dat.excitations) {
console.assert(Number.isNaN(ex.T1.valueOf()) | ex.T1 > 50 | ex.isUnsafe == true, "should be unsafe", dat, ex)
for (const ex of dat.excitations) {
console.assert(JSON.stringify(ex.initial)!==JSON.stringify(ex.final),"Final must be different to initial", dat, ex)
return dat
class VertExcitationKinds {
static get Absorbtion() { return new VertExcitationKind(1, new description("Absorption")) }
static get Fluorescence() { return new VertExcitationKind(1 << 1, new description("Fluorescence")) }
static get All() { return EnumUltils.getAll(this, VertExcitationKind) }
static GetFlags(value) { return EnumUltils.GetFlags(value, this, VertExcitationKind) }
class VertDataFile extends dataFileBase {
constructor(VertExcitationKind) {
this.VertExcitationKind = VertExcitationKind
this.geometry = null
_OnReadMetaPair(key, value) {
if (key == "geom") {
this.geometry = method.fromString(value)
else {
super._OnReadMetaPair(key, value)
_OnReadRow(line, kind) {
var ex = super._OnReadRow(line)
ex.VertExcitationKind = kind
return ex