mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 22:26:56 +01:00
761 lines
28 KiB
761 lines
28 KiB
title: "Dataset"
date: 2019-09-27 16:41
draft: false
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<script src="/js/PubliDB.js"></script>
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for (const [name, value] of excitationTypes.All) {
var txt = value.description.string
if (value.description.isLaTeX) {
txt = MathJaxUtils.getMathJaxString(txt)
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const submol = subdoi.filter(d => d.molecule === mol)
const source = submol.find((d) => {
if ((d.DOI == null ? "" : d.DOI.string) === "10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01205") {
return d.method.name === "CASPT2" && d.method.basis === "aug-cc-pVDZ"
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return d.method.isTBE
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for (const f of el.files) {
const dat = await VertDataFile.loadAsync(f, kinds.get(this.name))
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function getAllSelect() {
return $('#form_dat > fieldset > fieldset > div > select')
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return selects.slice(0, index)
async function reloadNextSelect(e) {
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const isLast = afters.length == 0
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await reloadSelect(afters.prop("name"))
const fillArray = ["molecule"]
if (fillArray.includes(afters.prop("name"))) {
function getAllVals(select) {
var baseval = $(select).val()
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case "DOI":
return vals
return baseval
async function reloadSelect(name) {
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var currentselect = selects.last()
selects = selects.slice(0, selects.length - 1)
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selects.each(function() {
var AAllValsCache = Array.from(AllValsCache)
var vals = uniq(window.dats.filter(d => {
return AAllValsCache.every(([k,v]) => {
return v.indexOf(getSelectValue(d, k)) !== -1
}).map((d) => getSelectValue(d, name)))
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if (name === "DOI") {
const publis = await publiDB.loadAsync()
return publis
else {
return undefined
if (name === "DOI") {
let newvals = []
for (const val of vals) {
for (const set of publis.sets.values()) {
if (set.includes(val)) {
if (!newvals.some(v=>JSON.stringify(v)===JSON.stringify(set))) {
vals = newvals
textSelctor = function (value) {
switch (name) {
case "DOI":
setname = publis.findNameFromSet(value, true)
return setname === null ? value.toString() : setname
case "molecule":
const mhchemCE = /^\\ce\{(.*)\}$/
const m = value.match(mhchemCE)
if (m) {
return m[1]
} else {
return value
return value.toString()
valueSelector = function (value) {
if (typeof value === 'object') {
return JSON.stringify(value)
else {
return value
for (const val of vals) {
if (val !== null) {
$("<option/>", {
value: valueSelector(val)
if (name === "molecule") {
await MathJax.typesetPromise()
function getSelectValue(data, name) {
switch (name) {
case "method":
return data.method.name
case "basis":
return data.method.basis
case "DOI":
return data.DOI === null ? "" : data.DOI.string
return data[name]
async function reloadStat() {
processingIndicator.isActive = true
var stb = $("#stat_table > tbody")
var refstr = $("#sel_ref option:selected").val()
var sdatdic = new Map()
for (const d of window.filtData) {
const key = JSON.stringify(d.method)
if (!(sdatdic.has(key))) {
sdatdic.set(key, new Map())
const myT1s = T1ref.get(d.DOI == null ? "" : d.DOI.string).get(d.molecule)
for (const exc of d.excitations) {
var allowT1 = false
const T1Key = JSON.stringify((exc.initial, exc.final))
const T1range = filterParams.T1
if (T1range.min === 0 && T1range.max === 100) {
allowT1 = true
} else if (myT1s.has(T1Key)) {
const T1Val = myT1s.get(T1Key)
if (T1range.min <= T1Val && T1Val <= T1range.max) {
allowT1 = true
const key2 = JSON.stringify([d.molecule, exc.initial, exc.final, exc.cVertExcitationKind])
const keydic = sdatdic.get(key)
if ((!exc.isUnsafe || window.filterParams.unsafe) && ((exc.type & window.filterParams.exType) !== 0) && ((exc.VertExcitationKind & window.filterParams.exVertKind) !== 0) && allowT1) {
if (!(keydic.has(key2))) {
keydic.set(key2, exc.value)
var sdic = new Map()
for (const [key, sdat] of sdatdic) {
for (const [key2, exval] of sdat) {
if (!(sdic.has(key))) {
sdic.set(key, [])
sdic.get(key).push(exval - ((sdatdic.has(refstr)) ? sdatdic.get(refstr).get(key2) : NaN))
var graphdat = []
for (const [keystr, vals] of sdic) {
row = $("<tr/>")
key = JSON.parse(keystr)
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(key, method.prototype)
th = $("<th/>", { scope: "column" })
const meth = key
const noNanVals = (vals.every((v) => Number.isNaN(v))) ? vals : (vals.filter((v) => !Number.isNaN(v)))
const avals = noNanVals.map(v => Math.abs(v))
for (const val of [ss.min(noNanVals), ss.max(noNanVals), ss.mean(noNanVals), ss.mean(avals), ss.median(noNanVals), ss.median(avals), ss.rootMeanSquare(noNanVals), ss.variance(noNanVals), ss.standardDeviation(noNanVals)]) {
$("<td/>").text(noNanFixed(val, 2)).appendTo(row)
var box = {
x: noNanVals,
amean: ss.mean(avals).toFixed(3),
name: key.toString() + " MAD : " + ss.mean(avals).toPrecision(4),
type: 'box',
boxmean: 'sd'
var layout = {
paper_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
plot_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
gap: 0,
legend: {
traceorder: 'reversed',
xaxis: {
title: {
text: 'Energy (eV)',
bgcolor: '#E2E2E2',
bordercolor: '#FFFFFF',
borderwidth: 2,
// autosize: false,
width: 850,
height: 500,
margin: {
l: 0,
r: 10,
b: 15,
t: 20,
pad: 0,
Plotly.newPlot('graph_div', graphdat, layout);
processingIndicator.isActive = false
async function reloadContent() {
window.filterParams = {
unsafe: $("#cb_unsafe").prop("checked"),
exType: Array.from(Array.from($("#cb_exTypeList>li>input[type=checkbox]:checked")).map(el => parseInt(el.value))).reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0),
exVertKind: Array.from(Array.from($("#cb_exVertKindList>li>input[type=checkbox]:checked")).map(el => parseInt(el.value))).reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0),
T1: {
min: parseFloat($("#T1min").val()),
max: parseFloat($("#T1max").val())
processingIndicator.isActive = true
window.filtData = window.dats
getAllSelect().each(function () {
const prop = $(this).attr("name")
const values = getAllVals(this)
window.filtData = window.filtData.filter((d) => {
if (typeof values == "undefined" || values == null) {
return false
return values.includes(getSelectValue(d, prop))
delete (val)
window.T1ref = new Map()
var dois = new Set(window.filtData.map((d) => d.DOI === null ? "" : d.DOI.string))
var mols = new Set(window.filtData.map((d) => d.molecule))
await window.doiCache.addRange(dois)
for (const doi of dois) {
window.T1ref.set(doi, new Map())
for (const mol of mols) {
window.T1ref.get(doi).set(mol, new Map())
var TBESortdat = window.dats.filter(d => (d.DOI === null ? "" : d.DOI.string) === doi && d.molecule === mol).sort((d1, d2) => {
if (d1.method.isTBE && !d2.method.isTBE) {
return -1
} else if (!d1.method.isTBE && d2.method.isTBE) {
return 1
} else if (d1.method.isTBE && d2.method.isTBE) {
if (d1.method.name === "TBE(FC)" && d2.method.name === "TBE") {
return -1
} else if (d1.method.name === "TBE" && d2.method.name === "TBE(FC)") {
return 1
else {
return 0
if (TBESortdat.length > 0 && TBESortdat[0].method.isTBE) {
for (const exc of TBESortdat[0].excitations) {
window.T1ref.get(doi).get(mol).set(JSON.stringify((exc.initial, exc.final)), exc.T1)
for (const el of uniq(window.filtData.map(d => [d.method, (d.DOI === null ? null : d.DOI.string)]))) {
op = $("<option/>", {
value: JSON.stringify(el)
if (el[0].name.includes("TBE")) {
else {
$(sel_ref).prop("selectedIndex", 0);
var data = $("#data")
if (window.filtData.length > 0) {
var publis = await publiDB.loadAsync()
var PreviousSetName = undefined
var CurrentsetName = undefined
for (const doi of doiCache.keys()) {
paperdata = window.filtData.filter((d) => {
return (d.DOI === null ? "" : d.DOI.string) == doi
var methods = uniq(paperdata.map(d => d.method))
const sortedMethods = methods.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.isTBE && !b.isTBE) {
return -1
else if (a.isTBE && b.isTBE) {
if (a.basis !== "CBS" && b.basis === "CBS") {
return -1
else {
return 1
else if (!a.isTBE && b.isTBE) {
return 1
else {
return 0
var div = $('<div/>').appendTo(data)
CurrentsetName = publis.findSetNameFromDOI(doi, true)
if (PreviousSetName !== CurrentsetName) {
if (doi!=="") {
const doiDat = doiCache.get(doi).format('data', { format: 'object' })[0]
var table = $("<table/>").addClass("datatable").appendTo(div)
var head = $("<tr/>")
var tbody = $("<tbody/>").appendTo(table)
var th = $("<th/>", { scope: "column" })
head.append(["Molecule", "Transition"].map(x => th.clone().text(x)))
head.append(sortedMethods.map(x => th.clone().text(x.toString("\n").split('-').join('\u2011'))))
datadic = new Map()
for (const dat of paperdata) {
const key1 = dat.molecule;
const myT1s = T1ref.get(dat.DOI == null ? "" : dat.DOI.string).get(dat.molecule)
if (!datadic.has(key1)) {
datadic.set(key1, new Map())
const key3 = JSON.stringify(dat.method)
for (const ex of dat.excitations) {
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(ex.type, excitationType.prototype)
var allowT1 = false
const T1Key = JSON.stringify((ex.initial, ex.final))
const T1range = filterParams.T1
if (T1range.min === 0 && T1range.max === 100) {
allowT1 = true
} else if (myT1s.has(T1Key)) {
const T1Val = myT1s.get(T1Key)
if (T1range.min <= T1Val && T1Val <= T1range.max) {
allowT1 = true
if (((window.filterParams.exType & ex.type) !== 0) && ((window.filterParams.exVertKind & ex.VertExcitationKind) !== 0) && allowT1) {
const key2 = JSON.stringify([ex.initial, ex.final, ex.type, ex.VertExcitationKind])
if (!datadic.get(key1).has(key2)) {
datadic.get(key1).set(key2, new Map())
datadic.get(key1).get(key2).set(key3, [ex.value, ex.isUnsafe])
for (const [molecule, moldat] of datadic.entries()) {
var printmol = true;
const mhchemCE = /^\\ce\{.*\}$/
for (const [jsonex, exdat] of moldat.entries()) {
const ex = JSON.parse(jsonex)
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(ex[0], state.prototype)
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(ex[1], state.prototype)
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(ex[2], excitationType.prototype)
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(ex[3], VertExcitationKind.prototype)
var tr = $("<tr/>")
if (printmol) {
$("<th/>", { scope: "row", rowspan: moldat.size }).text((mhchemCE.test(molecule) ? MathJaxUtils.getMathJaxString(molecule.toString()) : molecule)).appendTo(tr)
printmol = false
var Vertkindtext = ""
if (ex[3].Value == VertExcitationKinds.Fluorescence.Value) {
Vertkindtext = String.raw`[\mathrm{F}]`
desctex = ""
if (ex[2].description.string) {
desctex = "(" + ex[2].description.string + ")"
$("<th/>", { scope: "rowgroup" }).text(MathJaxUtils.getMathJaxString(String.raw`${ex[0].toLaTeX()} \rightarrow ${ex[1].toLaTeX()} ${Vertkindtext} ${desctex}`)).appendTo(tr)
var entries = Array.from(exdat.entries())
for (const method of sortedMethods) {
td = $("<td/>").addClass("NumberCell")
kv = entries.find(x => {
return JSON.stringify(method) == x[0]
if (kv !== undefined) {
const [val, unsafe] = kv[1]
if (unsafe) {
td.append($("<span/>", { title: "unsafe value", role: "img", "aria-label": "Warning" }).addClass("emoji").text('⚠'))
if (unsafe && !filterParams.unsafe) {
else {
PreviousSetName === CurrentsetName
await MathJax.typesetPromise()
await reloadRef()
async function reloadRef() {
for (const el of uniq(window.filtData.map(d => d.method))) {
op = $("<option/>", {
value: JSON.stringify(el)
if (el.name.includes("TBE")) {
else {
$(sel_ref).prop("selectedIndex", 0);
async function submitdat() {
if (!DebugMode.Enabled) {
window.onbeforeunload = () => { return ''; }
window.onbeforeunload = () => { return ''; }
window.onbeforeunload = () => { return ''; }
await reloadContent();
{{< getDataFilesName >}}
<p style="background-color: red; color: white; font-size: 20; font-weight: bold;">
<span role="img" aria-label="Warning" class="emoji">⚠</span>
<span>This website work only if JavaScript is enable. You must enable
<a href="https://www.enable-javascript.com/" target="_blank">How to enable JavaScript ?</a></span>
On this page you can compare multiple dataset and have some statistics to evaluate method accuracy (All fields marked
with a red asterisk (<span style="color: red;">*</span>) are mandatory).
<form id="form_dat" action="javascript:submitdat()" method="post">
<fieldset class="main">
<legend>Import custom files</legend>
Import custom files to compare it's data to the reference datasets.
<label for="absFiles_input">Import custom absorption data files</label>
<input type="file" multiple onchange="reloadCustomFiles()" id="absFiles_input" name="file_abs"></input>
<label for="fluoFiles_input">import custom fluorescence data files</label>
<input type="file" multiple onchange="reloadCustomFiles()" id="fluoFiles_input" name="file_fluo"></input>
<fieldset class="table">
<legend>Data selection</legend>
<p>Choose each parameter (of course you can select multiple values for each) you can use the <button
disabled>Select all</button> button to select all items <span hidden
data-needbrowser='{"Engine":["WebKit","Blink"],"Platform":["desktop"]}'>or use the <kbd
data-neednotbrowser='{"OS":["MacOS"]}'>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>A</kbd> shortcut key</span>
<div style="display: inline-block;">
<label for="DOI_select" class="required">Sets</label>
<button class="SelectAll" type="button" onclick="selectSelectAll_click(event)">Select all</button>
<select multiple id="DOI_select" required name="DOI" onchange="reloadNextSelect(event)"></select>
<div style="display:inline-block">
<label for="mol_select" class="required">Molecules</label>
<button class="SelectAll" type="button" onclick="selectSelectAll_click(event)">Select all</button>
<select multiple id="mol_select" required name="molecule" onchange="reloadNextSelect(event)"></select>
<br />
<div style="display: inline-block;">
<label for="method_select" class="required">Methods</label>
<button class="SelectAll" type="button" onclick="selectSelectAll_click(event)">Select all</button>
<select multiple id="method_select" required name="method" onchange="reloadNextSelect(event)"></select>
<div style="display: inline-block;">
<label for="basis_select" class="required">Basis sets</label>
<button class="SelectAll" type="button" onclick="selectSelectAll_click(event)">Select all</button>
<select multiple id="basis_select" required name="basis" onchange="reloadNextSelect(event)"></select>
<legend class="required">Vertical excitation kind</legend>
<p>Choose what kind of vertical excitations you want</p>
<ul class="nestedCbList" style="padding-left: 0em;">
<input type="checkbox" data-onerequired="true" checked onchange="nestedCheckbox_change(event)"
<label for="cb_fileType_All"> All</label>
<ul class="nestedCbList" id="cb_exVertKindList">
<input type="checkbox" onchange="nestedCheckbox_change(event)" id="cb_abs" value="1" name="datatype">
<label for="cb_abs">Absorption</label>
<input type="checkbox" onchange="nestedCheckbox_change(event)" id="cb_fluo" value="2" name="datatype">
<label for="fluo">Fluorescence</label>
<fieldset id="excitationFilter">
<legend class="required">Filters</legend>
<p>Choose other excitation parameters you want</p>
<ul class="nestedCbList" style="padding-left: 0em;">
<input type="checkbox" data-onerequired="true" onchange="nestedCheckbox_change(event)"
<label for="cb_exType_All"> All</label>
<ul id="cb_exTypeList" class="nestedCbList">
<p>Choose if you want to include unsafe values in statistics</p>
<li id="li_cb_unsafe">
<input type="checkbox" id="cb_unsafe" name="unsafe">
<label for="cb_unsafe">Unsafe</label>
<p>Chose the range of \(\mathrm{\%T_1}\) range using the two number box</p>
<input class="range min" airia-label="Minimum value" type="number" id="T1min" onchange="numberRangeChange(event)"
min="0" value="0">
<span>\(\leq \mathrm{\%T_1} \leq\)</span>
<input class="range max" airia-label="Maximum value" type="number" id="T1max" onchange="numberRangeChange(event)"
max="100" value="100">
<input type="submit" value="Load"></input>
<form id="form_ref">
<fieldset class="main">
<p>Select a reference from <strong>already selected data</strong> (by default first -it's the <abbr
title="Theoretical best estimate">TBE</abbr> if present- is already selected)</p>
<label for="sel_ref">Reference</label>
<select id="sel_ref" onchange="reloadStat()"></select>
<p>Now you can see the list of selected data and some statistics about these data</p>
<section id="data">
<table id="stat_table" class="datatable">
<thead class="sticky">
<th scope="col">Method</th>
<th scope="col">Count</th>
<th scope="col">Min</th>
<th scope="col">Max</th>
<th scope="col"><abbr title="Mean signed error">MSE</abbr></th>
<th scope="col"><abbr title="Mean absolute error">MAE</abbr></th>
<th scope="col">Median</th>
<th scope="col">Absolute Median</th>
<th scope="col"><abbr title="Root-mean square error ">RMSE</abbr></th>
<th scope="col">Variance</th>
<th scope="col"><abbr title="Standard deviation of the errors">SDE</abbr></th>
<div id="graph_div"></div>
{{< waitModal >}} |