class excitationTypes { static get VALENCE() { return new excitationType(1, String.raw`\mathrm{V}`) } static get RYDBERG() { return new excitationType(1 << 1, String.raw`\mathrm{R}`) } static get PiPis() { return new excitationType(1 << 2, String.raw`\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star`) } static get nPis() { return new excitationType(1 << 3, String.raw`n \rightarrow \pi^\star`) } static get Single() { return new excitationType(1 << 4, "S") } static get Double() { return new excitationType(1 << 5, "D") } static get Singulet() { return new excitationType(1 << 6, "1") } static get Triplet() { return new excitationType(1 << 7, "3") } // Max bit shifts is 31 because int are int32 So 1 << 31 are -2147483648 static get Others() { return new excitationType(1 << 31, String.raw`\mathrm{Others}`) } static get All() { var lst = [] for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(excitationTypes)) { if (prop != "All") { const value = excitationTypes[prop] if (trueTypeOf(value) == { lst.push([prop, value]) } } } return lst } static GetFlags(value) { return this.All().filter((x) => { value & x[1] }) } } class excitationType { constructor(value, laTeX) { this.Value = value; this.LaTeX = laTeX } valueOf() { return this.Value; } } class code { constructor(name, version) { = name; this.version = version; }; toString() { var str =; if (this.version) { str = str + ' (' + this.version + ')'; } return str; } static fromString(str) { var vals = str.split(",") if (vals.length >= 2) { return new code(vals[0], vals[1]); } else { return new code(vals[0], null); } } } class method { constructor(name, basis = null) { = name; this.basis = basis; } static fromString(str) { var vals = str.split(",") if (vals.length == 2) { return new method(vals[0], vals[1]); } else { return new method(vals[0], null) } } toString() { var str =; if (this.basis) { str = str + '/' + this.basis; } return str; } get isTBE() { return /^TBE/.test( } get isCorrected() { return /corr$/.test( } } class state { constructor(number, multiplicity, symetry) { this.number = number; this.multiplicity = multiplicity; this.symetry = symetry; }; toString() { var str = this.number + ' ^' + this.multiplicity + this.symetry; return str; }; toLaTeX() { var tex = String.raw`${this.number}\:^{${this.multiplicity}}\mathrm{${this.symetry}}`; return tex; }; } class DOI { constructor(doistring,IsSupporting=false) { this.string = doistring this.IsSupporting = IsSupporting }; static fromString(str){ const vals=str.split(",") if (vals.length==1) { return new DOI(vals[0].toString()) } else{ return new DOI(vals[0].toString(),(true ? vals[1]=== true.toString() : false)) } } toString() { var str=this.string; if (this.IsSupporting) { str+=" "+"(SI)" } }; get url() { return new URL(this.string, '').toString() } } class excitationBase { constructor(initial, final, type = '', T1 = null) { this.initial = initial; = final this.type = new excitationType(0, type) if (type !== "") { const tys = type.split(";") const arrow = String.raw`\rightarrow` for (const ty of tys) { if (ty.includes(arrow)) { const [initialt, finalt] = ty.split(arrow, 2) const initialts = initialt.split(",").map(x => x.trim()) const finalts = finalt.split(",").map(x => x.trim()) if (initialts.length == 2 && finalt.length == 2) { this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Double } else if (initialts.length == 1 && finalt.length == 1) { this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.Single } if (initialts.includes("n") && finalts.includes(String.raw`\pi^\star`)) { this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.nPis } else if (initialts.includes(String.raw`\pi`) && finalts.includes(String.raw`\pi^\star`)) { this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.PiPis } } else if (ty.includes(String.raw`\mathrm{R}`)) { this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.RYDBERG } else if (ty.includes(String.raw`\mathrm{V}`)) { this.type.Value = this.type | excitationTypes.VALENCE } } } switch (final.multiplicity) { case 1: this.type.Value=this.type|excitationTypes.Singulet break; case 3: this.type.Value=this.type|excitationTypes.Triplet break; } if (this.type.Value==0) { this.type.Value=excitationTypes.Others.Value; } this.T1 = T1 } } class excitationValue extends excitationBase { constructor(initial, final, type, value, oscilatorForces = null, T1 = null, isUnsafe = false) { super(initial, final, type, T1) this.value = value this.oscilatorForces = oscilatorForces this.isUnsafe = isUnsafe } } class excitation extends excitationBase { constructor(initial, final, Eabs, Efluo, EZPE) { super(initial, final) this.Eabs = Eabs this.Efluo = Efluo this.EZPE = EZPE } get Eadia() { return (this.Eabs + this.Efluo) / 2 } get Ezz() { return this.Eadia - this.EZPE } toString() { return this.start + ', ' + this.end + ', ' + noNanPrecision(this.Eabs, 3); } } class dataFileBase { constructor() { this.molecule = '' this.comment = "" this.code = null this.method = null this.excitations = [] this.DOI = null this.sourceFile = null } static async loadAsync(file) { switch (trueTypeOf(file)) { case file = getFullDataPath(file) var str = await getTextFromFileUrlAsync(file) break; case var str = await getTextFromUploadedFileAsync(file) break } var dat = this.loadString(str); dat.sourceFile = new websiteFile(file) return dat } static readmetaPair(key, value, dat) { switch (key) { case "molecule": dat.molecule = value break; case "comment": dat.comment = value break; case "code": dat.code = code.fromString(value) break; case "method": dat.method = method.fromString(value) break; case "doi": dat.DOI = DOI.fromString(value); break; default: } } static loadString(text) { // for each line with metadata var ismetaArea = true; //metadata RegExp (start with #; maybe somme spaces; : ; maybe somme space; datas) var meta = /^#\s*([A-Za-z_]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/; var classname = var dat = eval(String.raw`new ${}()`) function readmeta(line) { // get key value var match = line.match(meta) // normalize key to lower var key = match[1].toLowerCase() //if data has value if (match.length == 3 && match[2]) { var val = match[2] eval(String.raw`${classname}.readmetaPair(key,val,dat)`) } } function readrow(line) { var vals = line.match(/\([^\)]+\)|\S+/g) var start = new state(parseInt(vals[0], 10), parseInt(vals[1], 10), vals[2]); var end = new state(parseInt(vals[3], 10), parseInt(vals[4],10), vals[5]); var hasType = vals.length >= 7 && isNaN(vals[6]) var type = ((vals.length >= 7 && hasType) ? vals[6] : null) if (type) { const m = type.match(/^\(([^\)]*)\)$/) if (m) { type = m[1] } } var val = ((vals.length >= 7 + hasType) ? parseFloat(vals[6 + hasType], 10) : NaN) var oscilatorForces = ((vals.length >= 8 + hasType) ? parseFloat(vals[7 + hasType], 10) : NaN) var T1 = ((vals.length >= 9 + hasType) ? parseFloat(vals[8 + hasType], 10) : NaN) var isUnsafe = ((vals.length >= 10 + hasType) ? vals[9 + hasType] === true.toString() : false) var ex = new excitationValue(start, end, type, val, oscilatorForces, T1, isUnsafe); dat.excitations.push(ex); }; for (var line of text.split("\n")) { //if it's not empty line line = line.trim(); if (line) { //if # may be metadata or comment if (line.charAt(0) == "#") { //if it's metadata if (ismetaArea && meta.test(line)) { readmeta(line); } } else { //else its row ismetaArea = false; readrow(line); } } } return dat } } class oneStateDataFileBase extends dataFileBase { constructor() { super() this.geometry = null } static readmetaPair(key, value, dat) { if (key == "geom") { dat.geometry = method.fromString(value) } else { dataFileBase.readmetaPair(key, value, dat) } } } class AbsDataFile extends oneStateDataFileBase { } class FluoDataFile extends oneStateDataFileBase { } class twoStateDataFileBase extends dataFileBase { constructor() { super() this.GS = null this.ES = null } static readmetaPair(key, value, dat) { switch (key) { case "gs": dat.GS = method.fromString(value) break; case "es": dat.ES = method.fromString(value) break; default: dataFileBase.readmetaPair(key, value, dat) } } } class ZPEDataFile extends twoStateDataFileBase { } class CombinedData { constructor() { this.Abs = null this.Fluo = null this.ZPE = null } get excitations() { var exs = [] var dic = new Map() if (this.Abs != null) { for (const el of this.Abs.excitations) { var key = JSON.stringify([el.initial,]) if (!dic.has(key)) { dic.set(key, {}) } dic.get(key)["abs"] = el.value } if (this.Fluo != null) { for (const el of this.Fluo.excitations) { var key = JSON.stringify([el.initial,]) if (!dic.has(key)) { dic.set(key, {}) } dic.get(key)["fluo"] = el.value } } if (this.ZPE != null) { for (const el of this.ZPE.excitations) { var key = JSON.stringify([el.initial,]) if (!dic.has(key)) { dic.set(key, {}) } dic.get(key)["ZPE"] = el.value } } dic.forEach((value, key) => { var eabs = NaN var efluo = NaN var eZPE = NaN var mykey = JSON.parse(key) for (var el of mykey) { Reflect.setPrototypeOf(el, state.prototype) } if ("abs" in value) { eabs = value["abs"] } if ("fluo" in value) { efluo = value["fluo"] } if ("ZPE" in value) { eZPE = value["ZPE"] } exs.push(new excitation(mykey[0], mykey[1], eabs, efluo, eZPE)) }) return exs } } }