--- title: "Welcome" date: 2019-08-29 09:00 draft: false --- Welcome to this webiste. On this website you can watch reference data for excitations the base data are ## Data present on datafiles - Absorptions \\(E_\text{abs}\\). - fluorescence \\(\Delta E_\text{fluo}\\). - ZPE delta \\(\Delta E_\text{ZPE}\\). ## Calculated data
$$ E_\text{adia} \simeq \frac{E_{abs}+E_{fluo}}{2}\ $$
$$ E_\text{0-0} \simeq E_\text{adia}-\Delta E_\text{ZPE} $$
{{< figure src="/img/figure-geom-1.png" title="Figure 1" caption="Representation of transition energies and energy differences" >}}