# DatafileBuilder DatafileBuilder.py is a script to read a $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ `tabular` environment to data file for the website. ## Requirement To run the script you must have this two elements. - [Python](https://www.python.org/)≥3 - [TexSoup](https://github.com/alvinwan/TexSoup) ## Command line usage ``` usage: datafileBuilder.py [-h] [--file FILE] [--defaultType {ABS,FLUO}] [--format {LINE,COLUMN,TBE}] [--debug] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --file FILE --defaultType {ABS,FLUO} --format {LINE,COLUMN,TBE} --debug Debug mode ``` The default type is `ABS` (for absorbtion). The default format is `LINE ` described [below](#the-line-format) ## Disclaimer There is **absolutly no guarantee** of success. If the program crach of if the result is not correct please: - Check if the input file respect the selected [format](#formats) - **Simplify** the $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ code of the input file as much as possible ## Input ### Input skeleton ```latex % \newcommand area \newcommand{}{}{} % ther cusom commands definition with or without arguments \newcommand{}{} \begin{tabular} % Tabular in one of the format supported by the script \end{tabular} ``` ### Example of input ```latex \newcommand{\TDDFT}{TD-DFT} \newcommand{\CASSCF}{CASSCF} \newcommand{\CASPT}{CASPT2} \newcommand{\ADC}[1]{ADC(#1)} \newcommand{\CC}[1]{CC#1} \newcommand{\CCSD}{CCSD} \newcommand{\EOMCCSD}{EOM-CCSD} \newcommand{\CCSDT}{CCSDT} \newcommand{\CCSDTQ}{CCSDTQ} \newcommand{\CCSDTQP}{CCSDTQP} \newcommand{\CI}{CI} \newcommand{\sCI}{sCI} \newcommand{\exCI}{FCI} \newcommand{\FCI}{FCI} \newcommand{\AVDZ}{aug-cc-pVDZ} \newcommand{\AVTZ}{aug-cc-pVTZ} \newcommand{\DAVTZ}{d-aug-cc-pVTZ} \newcommand{\AVQZ}{aug-cc-pVQZ} \newcommand{\DAVQZ}{d-aug-cc-pVQZ} \newcommand{\TAVQZ}{t-aug-cc-pVQZ} \newcommand{\AVPZ}{aug-cc-pV5Z} \newcommand{\DAVPZ}{d-aug-cc-pV5Z} \newcommand{\PopleDZ}{6-31+G(d)} \newcommand{\pis}{\pi^\star} \newcommand{\Ryd}{\mathrm{R}} \begin{tabular}{l|p{.6cm}p{1.1cm}p{1.4cm}p{1.7cm}p{.9cm}|p{.6cm}p{1.1cm}p{1.4cm}p{.9cm}|p{.6cm}p{1.1cm}p{.9cm}|p{.7cm}p{.7cm}p{.7cm}} \multicolumn{16}{c}{Water}\\ & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\AVDZ} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\AVTZ}& \multicolumn{3}{c}{\AVQZ} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Litt.}\\ State & {\CC{3}} & {\CCSDT} & {\CCSDTQ} & {\CCSDTQP} & {\exCI} & {\CC{3}} & {\CCSDT} & {\CCSDTQ} & {\exCI}& {\CC{3}} & {\CCSDT} & {\exCI} & Exp.$^a$ & Th.$^b$ & Th.$^c$\\ $^1B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.51&7.50&7.53&7.53&7.53 &7.60&7.59&7.62&7.62 &7.65 &7.64 &7.68 &7.41 &7.81&7.57\\ $^1A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.29&9.28&9.31&9.32&9.32 &9.38&9.37&9.40&9.41 &9.43 &9.41 &9.46 &9.20 &9.30&9.33\\ $^1A_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.92&9.90&9.94&9.94&9.94 &9.97&9.95&9.98&9.99 &10.00 &9.98 &10.02 &9.67 &9.91&9.91\\ $^3B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.13&7.11&7.14&7.14&7.14 &7.23&7.22&7.24&7.25 &7.28 &7.26 &7.30 &7.20 &7.42&7.21\\ $^3A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.12&9.11&9.14&9.14&9.14 &9.22&9.20&9.23&9.24 &9.26 &9.25 &9.28 &8.90 &9.42&9.19\\ $^3A_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.47&9.45&9.48&9.49&9.49 &9.52&9.50&9.53&9.54 &9.56 &9.54 &9.58 &9.46 &9.78&9.50\\ \end{tabular} ``` All '\newcommand' are applied to the cell of the tabular and the tabular is parsed to extract data. ### General rules The general rules to extract data correctly are: - A `$` must not follow another `$` put space between them. - The column number must be the same on each row of the `tabular` - Please respect the format of each tabular. - Use standard $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ for the `\multicolumn` command and not a wrapper. - In general use standard $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ instead of dirty form for example. ```latex $A''$ % Bad $A^"$ % Bad $A^{\prime\prime}$ %Good ``` - D'ont put comment at the end of `tabular ` row (this cause a TexSoup bug). - Only `tabular` environment is supported please convert `longtable` and other table format to `tabular . - Only `\newcommand` are supported please convert `\def` and `\NewDocumentCommand`. - After executing all commands the basis and methods name must be $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ free (only plan text). ### Unsafe values Unsafe value (value that must not included in the statistics table and graph) must be in emphasis or with $\sim$ symbol like > *42* > $\sim 42$ ```latex \emph{42} % unsafe=true $\sim$ 42 % unsafe=true 42 % unsafe=false ``` that set the unsafe boolean value to `true ` in the output data file #### Formats ##### Generality ###### Transition format ```latex $^m s[\mathrm{F}](T)$ ``` Where `m` is the multiplicity `s` is the symmetry and `\mathrm{F}` if it is present specifies that the vertical transition is fluorescence T is transition type and must be in the format ```latex initial \rightarrow final ``` All the $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ code in this format must be standard latex except of the command define on the `\newcommand` section ##### The line format ```latex \begin{tabular} & \multicolumn{n}{c}{Molecule} \\ & basis#1 & basis#2 & basis#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command State & method#1 & method#2 method#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command $Transition#1$ & value11&value#12 & ... value#1n\\ $Transition#2$ & value21&value#22 & ... value#2n\\ % All the other transition $Transition#m$ & value#m1&value#m2 & ... value#mn\\ \end{tabular} ``` ##### The column format ```latex \begin{tabular} & & basis#1 & basis#2 & basis#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command Molecule &State & method#1 & method#2 method#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command molecule#1 &$Transition#11$ &value#111&value#112 ... &value#11n \\ &$Transition#12$ &value#121&value#122 &value#12n \\ % Other transition on the molecule#1 &$Transition#1m$ &value#1m1&value#1m1 &value#1nm \\ % Other molecules molecule#k &$Transition#k1$ &value#k11&value#k12 ... &value#k1n \\ % Other transition on the molecule#k &$Transition#km$ &value#km1&value#km2 &value#kmn \\ \end{tabular} ``` This format is very powerfull because it can be used with multiple molecules. ##### The TBE format The `TBE` format is a variant of the `COLUMN` format but made for theoretical best estimate tabular. > Warning: > > The basis is not extract from the TBE format ```latex \begin{tabular} & & & & TBE(FC)& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Corrected TBE} \\ & State & $f$ & \%$T_1$ & basis & Method & Corr. & Value \\ molecule#1 &$transition#11$ & fvalue#11 &\%T_1value#11& fceval#11 & not used value & not used value & eval#11 \\ &$transition#12$ & fvalue#12 &\%T_1value#12& fceval#12 & not used value & not used value & eval#12 \\ % Other transition on the same molecule &$transition#1n$ & fvalue#12 &\%T_1value#12& fceval#1n & not used value & not used value & eval#12 \\ molecule#m &$transition#m1$ & fvalue#m1 &\%T_1value#m1& fceval#m1 & not used value & not used value & eval#k1 \\ &$transition#m2$ & fvalue#m2 &\%T_1value#m2& fceval#m2 & not used value & not used value & eval#m2 \\ % Other transition on the same molecule &$transition#mn$ & fvalue#mn &\%T_1value#mn& fceval#mn & not used value & not used value & eval#mn \\ \end{tabular} ``` ## Output ### Directory strucure ``` data ├── abs │   ├── molecule#1_method#1_basis#1.dat │ ├── ... │   ├── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat │   └── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat └── fluo    ├── molecule#1_method#1_basis#1.dat ├── ...    ├── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat    └── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat ``` When the debug flag is used instead of `data/` the root of output directory is `data/test/` ### Output file ``` # Molecule : moleculename # Comment : # code : codename,[version] # method : method,[basis] # geom : method,[basis] # DOI : DOI # Initial state Final state Transition Energies (eV) %T1 Oscilator strenght unsafe ####################### ####################### ######################################## ############# ####### ################### ############## # Number Spin Symm Number Spin Symm type E_abs %T1 f is unsafe n s symm n s symm (excitationType) value %T1val forceval isUnsafe ``` When each value are number spin value are integer symmetry and excitation type are standard LaTeX isUnsafe is boolean corrresponded to `JavaScript` boolean values `true` or `false`