class Geometry { constructor(molecule, comment) { this.molecule = molecule this.comment = comment } toXYZ() { var lines =[] lines.push(this.molecule.atoms.length) lines.push(this.comment) for (const a of this.molecule.atoms) { var line = a.label.padEnd(4, ' ') line += a.x.toFixed(8).padStart(11,' ') line += a.y.toFixed(8).padStart(22,` `) line += a.z.toFixed(8).padStart(22,` `) lines.push(line) } return lines.join("\n") } static async loadXYZAsync(file) { switch (trueTypeOf(file)) { case file = getFullDataPath("structures"+file) var str = getTextFromFileUrl(file) break; case var str = await getTextFromUploadedFileAsync(file) break } var xyz = this.loadXYZString(str); for (var geom of xyz){ geom.sourceFile = new websiteFile(file) } return xyz } static loadXYZString(text) { var lines = text.split("\n") var indexes = lines.findAllIndexes((line) => { return line.match(/^\d+\s*$/) }) indexes.push(lines.length) var geoms = [] for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length - 1; i++) { const mollines = lines.slice(indexes[i], indexes[i + 1]) const comment = mollines[1] const molecule = ChemDoodle.readXYZ(mollines.join("\n")) geoms.push(new Geometry(molecule, comment)) } return geoms } }