from collections import OrderedDict from TexSoup import TexSoup from .LaTeX import newCommand,extractMath from .utils import getValFromCell,checkFloat from TexSoup import TexNode,TexEnv from enum import IntEnum,auto,unique,IntFlag from .formats import getFormatHandlers import re import numpy as np import json class state: def __init__(self,number, multiplicity, symetry): self.number = number self.multiplicity = multiplicity self.symetry = symetry @staticmethod def fromString(string): m=re.match(r"^(?P\d)\s*\^(?P\d)(?P\S*)",string)'number')'multiplicity')'sym') return state(num,mul,sym) @unique class DataType(IntEnum): ABS=auto() FLUO=auto() def datafileSelector(dataType): switcher={ DataType.ABS:AbsDataFile, DataType.FLUO:FluoDataFile, } return switcher[dataType] def getSubtablesRange(table,firstindex=2,column=0,count=1): subtablesRange=list() i=firstindex+count while i\d)(?P[^\s\[(]*)\s*(?:\[(?:\\mathrm{)?(?P\w)(?:})\])?\s*(:?\((?P[^\)]*)\))?",st) mul=int("multiplicity"))"symm")"special") if spgrp is not None and spgrp=="F": trsp=DataType.FLUO else: trsp=default"type") tmplst.append((mul,symm,trsp,tygrp)) lst=[] for index,item in enumerate(tmplst): unforminitialstate=(initialState.multiplicity,initialState.symetry) countlst=[unforminitialstate]+[(it[0],it[1]) for it in tmplst[:index+1]] countitem=(item[0],item[1]) count=countlst.count(countitem) lst.append((state(count,item[0],item[1]),item[2],item[3])) return lst def _OnReadMetaPair(self, key, value): if key == "molecule": self.molecule = value elif key == "comment": self.comment = value elif key == "code": self.code = code.fromString(value) elif key == "method": self.method = method.fromString(value) elif key == "article": self.article = value @staticmethod def readFromTable(table,TexOps, commands=[]): for formatName,Cls in getFormatHandlers(): if formatName.lower()==TexOps.format.lower(): handler=Cls(TexOps,commands) break else: raise ValueError() return handler.readFromTable(table) def getMetadata(self): dic=OrderedDict() dic["Molecule"]=self.molecule dic["Comment"]=self.comment dic["code"]="" if self.code is None else self.code.toDataString() dic["method"]="" if self.method is None else self.method.toDataString() dic["article"]="" if self.article is None else self.article return dic def _OnReadMeta(self,line,dataType): #get key value match = dataFileBase._GetMetaRexEx().match(line) # normalize key to lower key = # if data has value if val = self._OnReadMetaPair(key, val) @staticmethod def _OnReadRow(line): vals = re.findall(r"\([^\)]+\)|\S+",line) start = state(int(vals[0]), int(vals[1]), vals[2]) end = state(int(vals[3]), int(vals[4]), vals[5]) Type = vals[6] if (len(vals) >= 7) else None if Type == "_": Type = None if Type: m = re.match(r"^\(([^\)]*)\)$",Type) if m: Type = m[1] val = vals[7] if len(vals) >= 8 else str(np.NaN) T1 = vals[8] if len(vals) >= 9 else str(np.NaN) oscilatorForces = vals[9] if len(vals) >= 10 else str(np.NaN) isUnsafe = vals[10] == json.dumps(True) if len(vals) >= 11 else False ex = excitationValue(start, end, val, Type,T1,isUnsafe,oscilatorForces) return ex @staticmethod def _GetMetaRexEx(): #metadata RegExp (start with #; maybe somme spaces; : ; maybe somme space; datas) return re.compile(r"^#\s*([A-Za-z_]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$") @staticmethod def readFile(stream,dataType): lines = stream.readlines() # for each line with metadata ismetaArea = True dat = datafileSelector(dataType)() for line in lines: #if it's not empty line line = line.strip() if line: # if # may be metadata or comment if line[0] == "#": # if it's metadata if ismetaArea and dataFileBase._GetMetaRexEx().match(line): dat._OnReadMeta(line,dataType) else: # else its row ismetaArea = False dat.excitations.append(dat._OnReadRow(line)) return dat def toFile(self,datadir,suffix=None): subpath=datadir/self.GetFileType().name.lower() if not subpath.exists(): subpath.mkdir() molsoup=TexSoup(self.molecule) molcomp=list(molsoup.contents)[0] molfilename=self.molecule if isinstance(molcomp,str) else molcomp.args[0].value molfilename=molfilename.lower() fileNameComp=[molfilename,] if self.method.basis: fileNameComp.append(self.method.basis) if suffix: fileNameComp.append(suffix) fileName="_".join(fileNameComp).replace(" ","_")+".dat" file=subpath/fileName if not file.exists(): with"w") as f: for key,value in self.getMetadata().items(): if value is not None: f.write("# {:9s}: {}\n".format(key,value)) f.write(""" # Initial state Final state Transition Energies (eV) %T1 Oscilator forces unsafe ####################### ####################### ######################################## ############# ####### ################### ############## # Number Spin Symm Number Spin Symm type E_{:5s} %T1 f is unsafe\n""".format(self.GetFileType().name.lower())) for ex in self.excitations: mystr=" {:7s} {:5s} {:10s} {:7s} {:5s} {:12s} {:39s} {:13s} {:14s} {:13s}{}\n".format( str(ex.initial.number), str(ex.initial.multiplicity), ex.initial.symetry, str(, str(,,"("+str(ex.type)+")" if ex.type is not None else "_", str(ex.value) if ex.value is not None else "_", str(ex.T1) if ex.T1 is not None else "_", str(ex.oscilatorForces) if ex.oscilatorForces is not None else "_", json.dumps(ex.isUnsafe)) f.write(mystr) class method: def __init__(self,name, *args): = name self.basis=args[0] if len(args)>0 else None @staticmethod def fromString(string): vals = string.split(",") return method(*vals) def __str__(self): string = if (self.basis): string+= '/' + self.basis return string def toDataString(self): if (self.basis): string+=","+self.basis return string class code: def __init__(self,name, version): = name self.version = version @staticmethod def fromString(string): vals = string.split(",") return method(*vals) def toDataString(self): if (self.version): string+=","+self.version return string class oneStateDataFileBase(dataFileBase): def __init__(self): super(oneStateDataFileBase,self).__init__() self.geometry = None def _OnReadMetaPair(self, key, value): if key == "geom": self.geometry = method.fromString(value) else: super(oneStateDataFileBase,self)._OnReadMetaPair(key, value) def getMetadata(self): dic=super(oneStateDataFileBase,self).getMetadata() dic["geom"]= "" if self.geometry is None else self.geometry.toDataString() dic.move_to_end("article") return dic class AbsDataFile(oneStateDataFileBase): def __init__(self): super(AbsDataFile,self).__init__() @staticmethod def GetFileType(): return DataType.ABS class FluoDataFile(oneStateDataFileBase): def __init__(self): super(FluoDataFile,self).__init__() @staticmethod def GetFileType(): return DataType.FLUO class excitationBase: def __init__(self,initial, final,type=None, T1=None,isUnsafe=False): self.initial = initial = final self.type = type self.T1 = T1 self.isUnsafe = isUnsafe class excitationValue(excitationBase): def __init__(self,initial, final, value, type=None, T1=None,isUnsafe=False,oscilatorForces=None): super(excitationValue,self).__init__(initial, final,type=type,T1=T1,isUnsafe=isUnsafe) self.value = value self.oscilatorForces = oscilatorForces