2020-06-30 09:36:32 +02:00

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\title[Title]{Perturbation theories in the complex plane}
\author[]{Antoine \textsc{Marie}}
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\institute{Supervised by Pierre-François \textsc{LOOS}}
\date{30th June 2020}
\begin{frame}{Why do we use perturbation theories in computational chemistry?}
The Hartree-Fock theory is \textcolor{Green4}{computationally cheap} and can be applied even to \textcolor{Green4}{large systems}.
But this method is missing the \textcolor{red}{correlation energy}...
$\rightarrow$ We need methods to get this correlation energy!
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering A general method}
In physics perturbation theory is often a good way to improve the obtained results with an approximated Hamiltonian.
\section{\textsc{Strange behaviors of the MP series}}
\begin{frame}{The Møller-Plesset perturbation theory}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Partitioning of the Hamiltonian}
H = H_0 + \lambda V
\item $H_0$: Unperturbed Hamiltonian
\item $V$: Perturbation operator
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering The Fock operator}
F = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} f(i) \hspace{0.3cm} ; \hspace{0.3cm} f(i) = h(i) + \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n/2} \left[2J_j(i) - K_j(i)\right]
\item $f(i)$: Fock operator
\item $h(i)$: One electron Hamiltonian
\item $J_j(i)$: Coulomb operator
\item $K_j(i)$: Exchange operator
Full Configuration Interaction gives access to high-order terms of the perturbation series !
\begin{frame}{Deceptive or slow convergences\footcite{gill_deceptive_1986}}
\caption{\centering Barriers to homolytic fission of \ce{He2^2+} at MPn/STO-3G level ($n = 1$--$20$).}
\begin{frame}{Multi-reference and spin contamination\footcite{gill_why_1988}}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c}
$r$ & UHF & UMP2 & UMP3 & UMP4 & $\expval{S^2}$ \\
0.75 & 0.0\% & 63.8\% & 87.4\% & 95.9\% & 0.00\\
1.35 & 0.0\% & 15.2\% & 26.1\% & 34.9\% & 0.49\\
2.00 & 0.0\% & 01.0\% & 01.8\% & 02.6\% & 0.95\\
2.50 & 0.0\% & 00.1\% & 00.3\% & 00.4\% & 0.99\\
\caption{\centering Percentage of electron correlation energy recovered and $\expval{S^2}$ for the \ce{H2} molecule as a function of bond length (r,\si{\angstrom}) in the STO-3G basis set.}
\begin{frame}{Divergent cases}
\caption{The energy corrections for HF at stretched geometry in the cc-pVDZ basis. \footcite{olsen_divergence_2000}}
\section{The complex plane}
\begin{frame}{A simple example}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{An example function}
\frac{1}{1 + x^4}
\item Smooth for $x \in \mathbb{R}$
\item Infinitely differentiable in $\mathbb{R}$
\caption{Plot of $1/(1+x^4)$}
But the Taylor expansion of this function does not converge for $x\geq1$...
\centering Why ?
\begin{frame}{And if we look in the complex plane?}
\centering The function has 4 singularities in the complex plane!
$x = e^{i\pi/4}, e^{-i\pi/4}, e^{i3\pi/4}, e^{-i3\pi/4}$
\caption{\centering Singularities of the function $1/(1+x^4)$}
The \textcolor{red}{radius of convergence} of the Taylor expansion of a function is equal to the distance of the \textcolor{red}{closest singularity} to the origin in the \textcolor{red}{complex plane}.
\begin{frame}{Extending chemistry in the complex plane}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering $\lambda$ a complex variable}
H(\lambda) = H_0 + \lambda V
\item $n$ Riemann sheets
\item Exceptional points interconnecting the sheets
\item No ordering property in the complex plane
\item An avoided crossing on the real axis corresponds to two exceptionnal points in the complex plane.
\section{Classifying the singularity}
\begin{frame}{Which features of the system localize the singularities?}
\item Partitioning of the Hamiltonian: Møller-Plesset, Epstein-Nesbet, \ldots
\item Zeroth-order reference: weak or strong correlation.
\item Finite or complete basis set.
\item Localized or delocalized basis functions.
\begin{frame}{A two-state model\footcite{olsen_divergence_2000}}
\caption{Example of an avoided crossing.}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{A 2x2 matrix}
\centering \small{$\mqty(\alpha & \delta \\ \delta & \beta) =$}
\small{$\mqty(\alpha + \alpha_s & 0 \\ 0 & \beta + \beta_s ) + \mqty(- \alpha_s & \delta \\ \delta & - \beta_s)$}
\begin{frame}{Two-state model\footcite{olsen_divergence_2000}}
\caption{\centering The energy corrections for HF at stretched geometry in the aug'-cc-pVDZ basis with the two-state model.}
\begin{frame}{The Møller-Plesset Hamiltonian}
H(\lambda)=H_0 + \lambda (H_\text{phys} - H_0)
H_\text{phys}=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}\left[ -\frac{1}{2}\grad_j^2 - \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N} \frac{Z_k}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{R}_k|}+\sum\limits_{j<l}^{n}\frac{1}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{r}_l|}\right]
H_0=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}\left[ -\frac{1}{2}\grad_j^2 - \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N} \frac{Z_k}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{R}_k|}+V_j^{(scf)}\right]
H(\lambda)=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}\left[-\frac{1}{2}\grad_j^2 - \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N} \frac{Z_k}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{R}_k|} + (1-\lambda)V_j^{(scf)}+\lambda\sum\limits_{j<l}^{n}\frac{1}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{r}_l|}} \right]
\begin{frame}{Existence of a critical point\footcite{stillinger_mollerplesset_2000}}
For $\lambda<0$:
H(\lambda)=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}\left[ \underbrace{-\frac{1}{2}\grad_j^2 - \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N} \frac{Z_k}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{R}_k|}}_{\text{Independant of }\lambda} + \overbrace{(1-\lambda)V_j^{(scf)}}^{\textcolor{red}{Repulsive}}+\underbrace{\lambda\sum\limits_{j<l}^{n}\frac{1}{|\vb{r}_j-\vb{r}_l|}}_{\textcolor{blue}{Attractive}} \right]
\begin{frame}{Critical point in a finite basis set}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Exact energy $E(z)$}
$E(z)$ has a critical point on the negative real axis and $E(z)$ is continue for real values below $z_{crit}$.
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering In a finite basis set}
The singularities occur in complex conjugate pairs with non-zero imaginary parts and the energies are discrete.
\centering \Large{How is this connected???}
\begin{frame}{Singularities $\alpha$ and $\beta$ \footcite{sergeev_singularities_2006}}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Observation}
We can separate singularities in two parts.
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Singularity $\alpha$}
\item Large avoided crossing
\item Non-zero imaginary part
\item Interaction with a low-lying doubly excited states
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Singularity $\beta$}
\item Sharp avoided crossing
\item Very small imaginary part
\item Interaction with a diffuse function
\begin{frame}{Modeling the critical point}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Stillinger}
\textit{"One might expect that $E_{FCI}(z) $ would try to model a continuum at $z_c$ with a grouping of discrete but closely spaced eigenstates that undergo sharp avoided crossing with the ground states."}
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Sergeev et al.}
Proof of the existence of this group of sharp avoided crossings for Ne, He and HF when the basis set contains diffuse functions.
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Møller-Plesset perturbation theory}
By understanding how the singularities are localized in the complex plane we hope that it will gives us a deep understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Møller-Plesset method to get the correlation energy.
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[scheme=foncé]{\centering Spherium: a theoretical playground}
We will use the spherium model (two opposite-spin electrons restricted to remain on a surface of a sphere of radius $R$) to investigate the effects of symmetry breaking on singularities.