Added RMP critical point discussion... UMP to come

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Hugh Burton 2020-11-30 13:31:30 +00:00
parent 6d03501307
commit d88f50da22
3 changed files with 87 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -519,6 +519,7 @@ the spin-$\sigma$ electrons as
\mathcal{A}^{\sigma} & = - \sin(\frac{\theta_\sigma}{2}) \Lsi + \cos(\frac{\theta_\sigma}{2}) \Rsi
In the weak correlation regime $0 \le U \le 2t$, the angles which minimise the HF energy,
\ie, $\pdv*{E_\text{HF}}{\theta_\sigma} = 0$, are
@ -1194,6 +1195,28 @@ $\lambda$ values closer to the origin.
With these insights, they regrouped the systems into new classes: i) $\alpha$ singularities which have ``large'' imaginary parts,
and ii) $\beta$ singularities which have very small imaginary parts.\cite{Goodson_2004,Sergeev_2006}
% Figure on the RMP critical point
\hugh{Modelling the RMP critical point using the asymmetric Hubbard dimer.
(\subref{subfig:rmp_cp}) Exact critical points with $t=0$ occur on the negative real $\lambda$ axis (dashed).
(\subref{subfig:rmp_cp_surf}) Modelling a finite basis using $t=0.1$ yields complex-conjugate EPs close to the
real axis, giving a sharp avoided crossing on the real axis (solid).
The existence of the MP critical point can also explain why the divergence observed by Olsen \etal\ in the \ce{Ne} atom
and \ce{HF} molecule occurred when diffuse basis functions were included.\cite{Olsen_1996}
@ -1245,100 +1268,92 @@ states which share the symmetry of the ground state,\cite{Goodson_2004} and are
% Figure on the RMP critical point
\hugh{RMP critical point in the Hubbard dimer.}
The simplified site basis of the Hubbard dimer makes explicitly modelling the ionisation continuum
To model the auto-ionisation in the Hubbard dimer, we need to turn one of the sites into a ghost atom that will act as
a destination for ionised electrons. We do this by considering an asymmetric Hubbard dimer where the "atomic" site
has a negative diagonal term in the one-electron Hamiltonian, representing the nuclear attraction. This term is already
encoded in the Initialisation section such that the core Hamiltonian is
To model the doubly-occupied atom, we can define our reference HF state as the configuration with $\theta = 0$ and energy
The simplified site basis of the Hubbard dimer makes explicilty modelling the ionisation continuum impossible.
Instead, we can use an asymmetric Hubbard dimer to consider one site as a ``ghost atom'' that acts as a
destination for ionised electrons.
In this asymmetric model, we introduce a one-electron potential $-\epsilon$ on the left site to
represent the attraction between the electrons and the model ``atomic'' nucleus, where we define $\epsilon > 0$.
%The exact Hamiltonian [Eq.~\eqref{eq:H_FCI}] then becomes
%\bH =
% U-2\epsilon & -t & -t & 0 \\
% -t & -\epsilon & 0 & -t \\
% -t & 0 & -\epsilon & -t \\
% 0 & -t & -t & U \\
The reference Slater determinant for a doubly-occupied atom can be represented using the RHF
orbitals [Eq.~\eqref{eq:RHF_orbs}] with
E_\text{HF}(0, 0) = \frac{1}{2} (2 U - 4 \epsilon)
\theta_{\alpha}^{\text{RHF}} = \theta_{\beta}^{\text{RHF}} = 0.
The RMP Hamiltonian then becomes
%and energy
% E_\text{HF}(0, 0) = \frac{1}{2} (2 U - 4 \epsilon).
With this representation, the parametrised RMP Hamiltonian becomes
\bH_\text{RMP}\qty(\lambda) =
-2 \delta \epsilon + 2U(1 - \lambda/2) & -\lambda t & -\lambda t & 0 \\
-\lambda t & - \delta \epsilon + (1-\lambda)U & 0 & -\lambda t \\
-\lambda t & 0 & - \delta \epsilon + (1-\lambda)U & -\lambda t \\
2(U-\epsilon) - \lambda U & -\lambda t & -\lambda t & 0 \\
-\lambda t & (U-\epsilon) - \lambda U & 0 & -\lambda t \\
-\lambda t & 0 & (U-\epsilon) -\lambda U & -\lambda t \\
0 & -\lambda t & -\lambda t & \lambda U \\
Now let's think about the physics of the problem...
For the ghost site to truly represent ionised electrons, we need the hopping term to vanish (or become very small).
$U$ controls the strength of the HF repulsive potential. A stronger repulsion will encourage the electrons to be forced
away from the "atomic" site at a less negative value of $\lambda$.
$\epsilon$ controls the strength of attraction to the atom. A stronger attraction to the nucleus will mean that the electrons
are more tightly bound to the atom and a more negative $\lambda$ will be needed for auto-ionisation.
We therefore expect that the position of the RMP critical point will be controlled by the ratio $\epsilon / U$, with smaller ratios
making ionisation occur closer to $\lambda$ origin, and making the divergence in these cases more likely.
Taking the exact case with $t=0$, the RMP energies becomes
For the ghost site to perfectly represent ionised electrons, the hopping term between the two sites must vanish with $t=0$.
This limit corresponds to the dissociative regime in the asymmetric Hubbard dimer (see Ref.~\ref{Carrascal_2018}),
and the RMP energies become
E_{-} &= 2U - 2 \epsilon - U \lambda
E_{\text{S}} &= U - \epsilon - U \lambda
E_{+} &= U \lambda
E_{+} &= U \lambda,
By comparison with Fig.~\ref{fig:RMP_cp}, the critical point can be identified as by solving $E_{-} = E_{+}$,
as shown in Fig.~\ref{subfig:rmp_cp} (dashed lines).
The RMP critical point then corresponds to the intersection $E_{-} = E_{+}$, giving the critical $\lambda$ value
\lc = 1 - \epsilon / U.
\lc = 1 - \frac{\epsilon}{U}.
Thus, as expected, the critical point lies on the real axis and moves closer to the origin for larger
$U / \epsilon$.
Clearly the radius of convergence $\rc = \abs{\lc}$ is controlled directly by the ratio $\epsilon / U$,
with a convergent RMP series occurring for $\epsilon > 2 U$.
The on-site repulsion $U$ controls the strength of the HF potential localised around the ``atomic site'', with a
stronger repulsion encouraging the electrons to be ionised at a less negative value of $\lambda$.
Large $U$ can be physically interpreted as strong electron repulsion effects in electron dense molecules.
In contrast, smaller $\epsilon$ gives a weaker attraction to the atomic site,
representing strong screening of the nuclear attraction by core and valence electrons,
and again a less negative $\lambda$ is required for ionisation to occur.
Both of these factors are common in atoms on the right-hand side of the periodic table, \eg\ \ce{F},
\ce{O}, \ce{Ne}, and thus molecules containing these atoms are often class $\beta$ systems with
a divergent RMP series due to the MP critical point.
The position of the critical point is controlled by the ratio $\epsilon / U$.
If the magnitude of the ratio becomes greater than one, then the series diverges.
We can interpret large $U$ as strong electron repulsion effects in electron dense molecules,
such as \ce{F-}. A small $\epsilon$ is also likely to correspond to
strong nuclear screening by the core and valence electrons. Both of these factors are
common in atoms on the right-hand-side of periodic table,
\eg\ \ce{F}, \ce{O}, \ce{Ne}, etc, as well as negatively-charged species, and so we recover the
class $\beta$ system classification.
In practical calculations, one considers the perturbation energy in a finite basis and the critical point is modelled
as a cluster of branch points close to the real axis. While we cannot change the size of our basis, we can adjust
the extent to which the second site behaves as a ghost by making the hopping term larger.
When $t$ is (slightly) non-zero, our modelled critical point becomes an EP point close to the real axis with a sharp
associated avoided crossing for real $\lambda$. If $t$ becomes larger, this avoided crossing becomes less sharp and the EPs
move away from the real axis. This mirrors the discussion of EPs approaching the real axis in the exact basis.
This effect is shown by the dashed lines in Fig.~\ref{fig:RMP_cp}.
The critical point in the exact case $t=0$ lies on the real $\lambda$ axis, mirroring the behaviour of a quantum
phase transition.\cite{Kais_2006}
However, in practical calculations performed with a finite basis set, the critical point is modelled as a cluster
of branch points close to the real axis.
The use of a finite basis can be modelled in the asymmetric dimer by making the second site a less
idealised destination for the ionised electrons with a non-zero hopping term $t$.
Taking the small value $t=0.1$ (Fig.~\ref{subfig:rmp_cp}: solid lines), the critical point becomes a
sharp avoided crossing with a complex-conjugate pair of EPs close to the real axis (Fig.~\ref{subfig:rmp_cp_surf}).
In the limit $t \rightarrow 0$, these EPs approach the real axis, mirroring Sergeev's discussion on finite basis
set representations of the MP critical point.\cite{Sergeev_2006}

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