Added discussion on self-consistency as a perturbation

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Hugh Burton 2020-11-19 12:12:52 +00:00
parent a6333bb3d7
commit cbc6f666a6

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@ -520,19 +520,12 @@ Note that the RHF wave function remains a genuine solution of the HF equations f
of the HF energy rather than a minimum.
\subsection{Complex adiabatic connection}
\subsection{Self-consistency as a perturbation} %OR {Complex adiabatic connection}
Self-consistency in HF approximations leads to the inherently non-linear Fock eigenvalue
problem that is normally solved using an iterative approach.
Alternatively, the non-linear terms arising from the Coulomb and exchange can be considered
as a perturbation from the reference core Hamiltonian problem by introducing the parameterised Fock operator
\Hat{f}_{\lambda}(\vb{x}) = \Hat{h}(\vb{x}) + \lambda\, \Hat{v}_\text{HF}(\vb{x}).
The orbitals in the reference problem correspond to the symmetry-pure eigenfunctions of the one-electron core
Hamiltonian, while self-consistent solutions at $\lambda = 1$ represent the orbitals of the exact HF solution.
%%% FIG 1 %%%
%%% FIG 3 (?) %%%
% Analytic Continuation of HF
\includegraphics[height=0.65\textwidth,trim={0pt 0pt 0pt -30pt},clip]{HF_cplx_angle}
@ -546,7 +539,43 @@ Hamiltonian, while self-consistent solutions at $\lambda = 1$ represent the orbi
Analytic continuation of HF into the complex $\lambda$ plane.
\hugh{The inherent non-linearity in the Fock eigenvalue problem arises from self-consistency
in the HF approximation, and is usually solved through an iterative approach.\cite{SzaboBook}
Alternatively, the non-linear terms arising from the Coulomb and exchange operators can
be considered as a perturbation from the core Hamiltonian by introducing the
transformation $U \rightarrow \lambda\, U$, giving the parametrised Fock operator
\Hat{f}_{\lambda}(\vb{x}) = \Hat{h}(\vb{x}) + \lambda\, \Hat{v}_\text{HF}(\vb{x}).
The orbitals in the reference problem $\lambda=0$ correspond to the symmetry-pure eigenfunctions of the one-electron core
Hamiltonian, while self-consistent solutions at $\lambda = 1$ represent the orbitals of the true HF solution.}
\hugh{For real $\lambda$, the self-consistent HF energies at give (real) $U$ and $t$ values
in the Hubbard dimer directly mirror the energies shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:HF_real},
with coalesence points at
\lambda_{\text{c}} = \pm \frac{2t}{U}.
In contrast, when $\lambda$ becomes complex, the HF equations become non-Hermitian and
each HF solutions can be analytically continued for all $\lambda$ values using
the holomorphic HF approach.\cite{Hiscock_2014,Burton_2016,Burton_2018}
Remarkably, the coalescence point in this analytic continuation emerges as a
\textit{quasi}-EP on the real $\lambda$ axis (Fig.~\ref{fig:HF_cplx}), where
the different HF solutions become equivalent but not self-orthogonal.\cite{Burton_2019}
By analogy with perturbation theory, the regime where this quasi-EP occurs
within $\lambda_{\text{c}} \le 1$ can be interpreted as an indication that
the symmetry-pure reference orbitals no longer provide a qualitatively
accurate representation for the true HF ground state at $\lambda = 1$.
For example, in the Hubbard dimer with $U > 2t$, one finds $\lambda_{\text{c}} < 1$ and the symmetry-pure orbitals
do not provide a good representation of the HF ground state.
In contrast, $U < 2t$ yields $\lambda_{\text{c}} > 1$ and corresponds to
the regime where the HF ground state is correctly represented by symmetry-pure orbitals.}
\titou{In a recent paper, \cite{Burton_2019} using holomorphic Hartree-Fock (h-HF) \cite{Hiscock_2014,Burton_2018,Burton_2016} as an analytic continuation of conventional HF theory, we have demonstrated, on a simple model, that one can interconvert states of different symmetries and natures by following well-defined contours in the complex $\lambda$-plane, where $\lambda$ is the strength of the electron-electron interaction (see Fig.~\ref{fig:iAC}).
In particular, by slowly varying $\lambda$ in a similar (yet different) manner to an adiabatic connection in density-functional theory, \cite{Langreth_1975,Gunnarsson_1976,Zhang_2004} one can ``morph'' a ground-state wave function into an excited-state wave function via a stationary path of HF solutions. \cite{Seidl_2018}
In such a way, we could obtain a doubly-excited state wave function starting from the ground state wave function, a process which is not as easy as one might think. \cite{Gilbert_2008,Thom_2008,Shea_2018}