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2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { MoiseyevBook,BenderPTBook}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { Burton_ 2019,Burton_ 2019a}
2020-07-10 09:51:53 +02:00
\citation { Bittner_ 2012,Chong_ 2011,Chtchelkatchev_ 2012,Doppler_ 2016,Guo_ 2009,Hang_ 2013,Liertzer_ 2012,Longhi_ 2010,Peng_ 2014,Peng_ 2014a,Regensburger_ 2012,Ruter_ 2010,Schindler_ 2011,Szameit_ 2011,Zhao_ 2010,Zheng_ 2013,Choi_ 2018,El-Ganainy_ 2018}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { MoiseyevBook,Heiss_ 1988,Heiss_ 1990,Heiss_ 1999,Berry_ 2011,Heiss_ 2012,Heiss_ 2016,Benda_ 2018}
2020-07-10 09:51:53 +02:00
\citation { Yarkony_ 1996}
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { Benda_ 2018}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { MoiseyevBook,Heiss_ 2016,Benda_ 2018}
2020-07-10 09:51:53 +02:00
\citation { Berry_ 1984}
\citation { MoiseyevBook}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { BenderBook,Olsen_ 1996,Olsen_ 2000,Olsen_ 2019,Mihalka_ 2017a,Mihalka_ 2017b,Mihalka_ 2019}
\citation { SzaboBook}
2020-07-10 09:51:53 +02:00
\newlabel { FirstPage} { { } { 1} { } { section*.1} { } }
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\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { title} { Perturbation theory in the complex plane: Exceptional points and where to find them} { 1} { section*.2} \protected @file@percent }
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\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { abstract} { Abstract} { 1} { section*.1} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { I} Introduction} { 1} { section*.3} \protected @file@percent }
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\newlabel { sec:intro} { { I} { 1} { } { section*.3} { } }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { A} Background} { 1} { section*.4} \protected @file@percent }
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\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { B} An illustrative example} { 1} { section*.5} \protected @file@percent }
\newlabel { eq:H_ 2x2} { { 1} { 1} { } { equation.1.1} { } }
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { MoiseyevBook}
\citation { MoiseyevBook}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { Mihalka_ 2017b}
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { Goodson_ 2012}
\citation { BenderBook}
\newlabel { eq:E_ 2x2} { { 2} { 2} { } { equation.1.2} { } }
\newlabel { eq:lambda_ EP} { { 3} { 2} { } { equation.1.3} { } }
\newlabel { eq:E_ EP} { { 4} { 2} { } { equation.1.4} { } }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { II} Perturbation theory} { 2} { section*.6} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { A} Rayleigh-Schr\" odinger perturbation theory} { 2} { section*.7} \protected @file@percent }
\newlabel { eq:ExactHamiltonian} { { 7} { 2} { } { equation.2.7} { } }
\newlabel { eq:SchrEq} { { 8} { 2} { } { equation.2.8} { } }
\newlabel { eq:SchrEq-PT} { { 9} { 2} { } { equation.2.9} { } }
\newlabel { eq:Elambda} { { 10} { 2} { } { equation.2.10} { } }
\newlabel { eq:DivExample} { { 11} { 2} { } { equation.2.11} { } }
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { B} The Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian} { 2} { section*.8} \protected @file@percent }
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { SzaboBook}
\citation { Moller_ 1934}
\citation { SzaboBook}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { Gill_ 1994}
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { Gill_ 1986,Gill_ 1988,Handy_ 1985,Lepetit_ 1988}
\citation { JensenBook}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\citation { Nesbet_ 1955,Epstein_ 1926}
\citation { Seidl_ 2018}
\citation { Gill_ 1986,Gill_ 1988}
\citation { Handy_ 1985,Lepetit_ 1988}
\citation { Gill_ 1986}
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\newlabel { eq:FockOp} { { 12} { 3} { } { equation.2.12} { } }
\newlabel { eq:CoulOp} { { 15a} { 3} { } { equation.2.15alph1} { } }
\newlabel { eq:ExcOp} { { 15b} { 3} { } { equation.2.15alph2} { } }
\newlabel { eq:HFHamiltonian} { { 16} { 3} { } { equation.2.16} { } }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { C} M{ \o } ller-Plesset perturbation theory} { 3} { section*.9} \protected @file@percent }
\newlabel { eq:MPHamiltonian} { { 17} { 3} { } { equation.2.17} { } }
\newlabel { eq:EMP2} { { 19} { 3} { } { equation.2.19} { } }
\citation { SzaboBook}
\citation { Gill_ 1988}
\citation { Handy_ 1985}
\citation { Lepetit_ 1988}
\citation { Cremer_ 1996}
\citation { Cremer_ 1996}
\citation { Olsen_ 1996}
\citation { Olsen_ 1996,Christiansen_ 1996}
\citation { Olsen_ 2000}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { III} Historical overview} { 4} { section*.10} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { A} Behavior of the M{ \o } ller-Plesset series} { 4} { section*.11} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { B} Cases of divergence} { 4} { section*.12} \protected @file@percent }
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { Olsen_ 2019}
\citation { Cremer_ 1996}
\citation { Sergeev_ 2005,Sergeev_ 2006}
\citation { Stillinger_ 2000}
\citation { Baker_ 1971}
\citation { Sergeev_ 2005}
\citation { Stillinger_ 2000}
\citation { Olsen_ 2000}
\citation { Goodson_ 2004}
\citation { Olsen_ 2000}
\citation { Heiss_ 1988,Heiss_ 2002,Cejnar_ 2005,Cejnar_ 2007,Cejnar_ 2009,Borisov_ 2015,Sindelka_ 2017}
\citation { Cejnar_ 2009,Sachdev_ 2011,Cejnar_ 2015,Cejnar_ 2016,Caprio_ 2008,Macek_ 2019}
\citation { Cejnar_ 2009,Sachdev_ 2011}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { C} The singularity structure} { 5} { section*.13} \protected @file@percent }
\newlabel { eq:HamiltonianStillinger} { { 22} { 5} { } { equation.3.22} { } }
2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
\citation { Cejnar_ 2005,Cejnar_ 2007}
\citation { Stransky_ 2018}
\citation { Lipkin_ 1965}
2020-11-12 12:07:10 +01:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { D} The physics of quantum phase transitions} { 6} { section*.14} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { IV} Conclusion} { 6} { section*.15} \protected @file@percent }
2020-07-10 09:51:53 +02:00
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\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { } Acknowledgments} { 7} { section*.16} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { } References} { 7} { section*.17} \protected @file@percent }
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2020-08-24 11:01:31 +02:00
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