use Peewee ORM to modelize DB + use external CONFIG file
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
from peewee import *
db = MySQLDatabase('spip', **{'charset': 'utf8', 'sql_mode': 'PIPES_AS_CONCAT', 'use_unicode': True, 'user': 'spip', 'password': 'password'})
class UnknownField(object):
def __init__(self, *_, **__): pass
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class SpipArticles(BaseModel):
accepter_forum = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
chapo = TextField()
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_modif = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_redac = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
descriptif = TextField()
export = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'oui'")], null=True)
extra = TextField(null=True)
id_article = BigAutoField()
id_rubrique = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_secteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_trad = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_version = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
lang = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
langue_choisie = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
microblog = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
nom_site = TextField()
popularite = FloatField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
ps = TextField()
referers = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
soustitre = TextField()
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
surtitre = TextField()
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
url_site = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
virtuel = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
visites = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_articles'
indexes = (
(('statut', 'date'), False),
class SpipAuteurs(BaseModel):
alea_actuel = TextField()
alea_futur = TextField()
bio = TextField()
cookie_oubli = TextField()
email = TextField()
en_ligne = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")], index=True)
extra = TextField(null=True)
htpass = TextField()
id_auteur = BigAutoField()
imessage = CharField()
lang = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
login = CharField(index=True)
low_sec = TextField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
messagerie = CharField()
nom = TextField()
nom_site = TextField()
pass_ = TextField(column_name='pass')
pgp = TextField()
prefs = TextField()
source = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'spip'")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")], index=True)
url_site = TextField()
webmestre = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_auteurs'
class SpipAuteursLiens(BaseModel):
id_auteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
vu = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_auteurs_liens'
indexes = (
(('id_auteur', 'id_objet', 'objet'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_auteur', 'id_objet', 'objet')
class SpipBreves(BaseModel):
date_heure = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
extra = TextField(null=True)
id_breve = BigAutoField()
id_rubrique = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
lang = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
langue_choisie = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
lien_titre = TextField()
lien_url = TextField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_breves'
class SpipDepots(BaseModel):
descriptif = TextField()
id_depot = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
nbr_autres = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
nbr_paquets = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
nbr_plugins = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
sha_paquets = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
titre = TextField()
type = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
url_archives = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
url_brouteur = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
url_commits = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
url_serveur = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
xml_paquets = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_depots'
class SpipDepotsPlugins(BaseModel):
id_depot = BigIntegerField()
id_plugin = BigIntegerField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_depots_plugins'
indexes = (
(('id_depot', 'id_plugin'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_depot', 'id_plugin')
class SpipDocuments(BaseModel):
brise = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], null=True)
credits = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_publication = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
descriptif = TextField()
distant = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
extension = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
fichier = TextField()
hauteur = IntegerField(null=True)
id_document = BigAutoField()
id_vignette = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
largeur = IntegerField(null=True)
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
media = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'file'")])
mode = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'document'")], index=True)
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
taille = BigIntegerField(null=True)
titre = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_documents'
class SpipDocumentsLiens(BaseModel):
id_document = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
vu = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_documents_liens'
indexes = (
(('id_document', 'id_objet', 'objet'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_document', 'id_objet', 'objet')
class SpipEvenements(BaseModel):
adresse = TextField()
attendee = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
date_creation = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_debut = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")], index=True)
date_fin = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")], index=True)
descriptif = TextField()
horaire = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'oui'")])
id_article = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_evenement = BigAutoField()
id_evenement_source = BigIntegerField()
inscription = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
lieu = TextField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
notes = TextField()
origin = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
places = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
titre = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_evenements'
class SpipEvenementsParticipants(BaseModel):
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
email = TextField()
id_auteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_evenement = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_evenement_participant = BigAutoField()
nom = TextField()
reponse = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '?'")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_evenements_participants'
class SpipForum(BaseModel):
auteur = TextField()
date_heure = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_thread = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
email_auteur = TextField()
id_auteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_forum = BigAutoField()
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
id_parent = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_thread = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
ip = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
nom_site = TextField()
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
url_site = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_forum'
indexes = (
(('statut', 'id_parent', 'id_objet', 'objet', 'date_heure'), False),
class SpipGroupesMots(BaseModel):
comite = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
descriptif = TextField()
forum = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
id_groupe = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
minirezo = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
obligatoire = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
tables_liees = TextField()
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
unseul = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_groupes_mots'
class SpipJobs(BaseModel):
args = TextField()
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")], index=True)
descriptif = TextField()
fonction = CharField()
id_job = BigAutoField()
inclure = CharField()
md5args = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
priorite = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
status = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 1")], index=True)
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_jobs'
class SpipJobsLiens(BaseModel):
id_job = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_jobs_liens'
indexes = (
(('id_job', 'id_objet', 'objet'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_job', 'id_objet', 'objet')
class SpipMeslettres(BaseModel):
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
id_malettre = BigAutoField()
lang = CharField()
titre = TextField()
url_html = CharField(null=True)
url_txt = CharField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_meslettres'
class SpipMessages(BaseModel):
date_fin = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_heure = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
destinataires = TextField()
id_auteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_message = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
rv = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
type = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_messages'
class SpipMeta(BaseModel):
impt = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'oui'")])
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
nom = CharField(primary_key=True)
valeur = TextField(null=True)
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_meta'
class SpipMots(BaseModel):
descriptif = TextField()
extra = TextField(null=True)
id_groupe = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_mot = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
type = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_mots'
class SpipMotsLiens(BaseModel):
id_mot = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_mots_liens'
indexes = (
(('id_mot', 'id_objet', 'objet'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_mot', 'id_objet', 'objet')
class SpipOrthoCache(BaseModel):
lang = CharField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")], index=True)
mot = CharField()
ok = IntegerField()
suggest = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_ortho_cache'
indexes = (
(('lang', 'mot'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('lang', 'mot')
class SpipOrthoDico(BaseModel):
id_auteur = BigIntegerField()
lang = CharField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
mot = CharField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_ortho_dico'
indexes = (
(('lang', 'mot'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('lang', 'mot')
class SpipPaquets(BaseModel):
actif = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
attente = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
auteur = TextField()
branches_spip = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
compatibilite_spip = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
constante = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
copyright = TextField()
credit = TextField()
date_crea = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_modif = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
dependances = TextField()
description = TextField()
etat = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
etatnum = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
id_depot = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
id_paquet = BigAutoField()
id_plugin = BigIntegerField(index=True)
installe = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
licence = TextField()
lien_demo = TextField()
lien_dev = TextField()
lien_doc = TextField()
logo = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
maj_archive = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
maj_version = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
nbo_archive = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
nom_archive = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
obsolete = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
prefixe = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
procure = TextField()
recent = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
signature = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
src_archive = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
superieur = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
traductions = TextField()
version = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
version_base = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_paquets'
class SpipPetitions(BaseModel):
email_unique = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
id_article = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], unique=True)
id_petition = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
message = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
site_obli = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
site_unique = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'publie'")])
texte = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_petitions'
class SpipPlugins(BaseModel):
branches_spip = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
categorie = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
compatibilite_spip = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
date_crea = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_modif = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
id_plugin = BigAutoField()
nom = TextField()
prefixe = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
slogan = TextField()
tags = TextField()
vmax = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_plugins'
class SpipReferers(BaseModel):
date = DateField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
referer = CharField(null=True)
referer_md5 = BigAutoField()
visites = IntegerField()
visites_jour = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
visites_veille = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_referers'
class SpipReferersArticles(BaseModel):
id_article = IntegerField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
referer = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
referer_md5 = BigIntegerField(index=True)
visites = IntegerField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_referers_articles'
indexes = (
(('id_article', 'referer_md5'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_article', 'referer_md5')
class SpipResultats(BaseModel):
id = IntegerField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
points = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
recherche = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
serveur = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
table_objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_resultats'
primary_key = False
class SpipRubriques(BaseModel):
agenda = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_tmp = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
descriptif = TextField()
extra = TextField(null=True)
id_parent = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_rubrique = BigAutoField()
id_secteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
id_trad = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
lang = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
langue_choisie = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
profondeur = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
statut_tmp = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
texte = TextField()
titre = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_rubriques'
class SpipSignatures(BaseModel):
ad_email = TextField()
date_time = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
id_petition = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_signature = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
message = TextField()
nom_email = TextField()
nom_site = TextField()
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")], index=True)
url_site = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_signatures'
class SpipSyndic(BaseModel):
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_index = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
date_syndic = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
descriptif = TextField()
extra = TextField(null=True)
id_rubrique = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_secteur = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_syndic = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
miroir = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
moderation = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
nom_site = TextField()
oubli = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], null=True)
resume = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'oui'")], null=True)
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")])
syndication = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
url_site = TextField()
url_syndic = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_syndic'
indexes = (
(('statut', 'date_syndic'), False),
class SpipSyndicArticles(BaseModel):
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
descriptif = TextField()
id_syndic = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_syndic_article = BigAutoField()
lang = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
lesauteurs = TextField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
source = TextField()
statut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0'")], index=True)
tags = TextField()
titre = TextField()
url = TextField(index=True)
url_source = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_syndic_articles'
class SpipTest(BaseModel):
a = IntegerField(null=True)
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_test'
primary_key = False
class SpipTypesDocuments(BaseModel):
descriptif = TextField()
extension = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], primary_key=True)
inclus = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")], index=True)
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
media_defaut = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'file'")])
mime_type = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
titre = TextField()
upload = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'oui'")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_types_documents'
class SpipUrls(BaseModel):
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
id_objet = BigIntegerField()
id_parent = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
perma = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
segments = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 1")])
type = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'article'")])
url = CharField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_urls'
indexes = (
(('id_parent', 'url'), True),
(('type', 'id_objet'), False),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_parent', 'url')
class SpipVersions(BaseModel):
champs = TextField()
date = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'")])
id_auteur = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
id_version = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")], index=True)
permanent = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
titre_version = TextField()
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_versions'
indexes = (
(('id_version', 'id_objet', 'objet'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_objet', 'id_version', 'objet')
class SpipVersionsFragments(BaseModel):
compress = IntegerField()
fragment = TextField(null=True)
id_fragment = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
version_max = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
version_min = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_versions_fragments'
indexes = (
(('id_objet', 'objet', 'id_fragment', 'version_min'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_fragment', 'id_objet', 'objet', 'version_min')
class SpipVisites(BaseModel):
date = DateField(primary_key=True)
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
visites = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_visites'
class SpipVisitesArticles(BaseModel):
date = DateField()
id_article = IntegerField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
visites = IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_visites_articles'
indexes = (
(('date', 'id_article'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('date', 'id_article')
class SpipZones(BaseModel):
descriptif = TextField()
id_zone = BigAutoField()
maj = DateTimeField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT current_timestamp()")])
privee = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'non'")])
publique = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'oui'")])
titre = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_zones'
class SpipZonesLiens(BaseModel):
id_objet = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")])
id_zone = BigIntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 0")], index=True)
objet = CharField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT ''")])
class Meta:
table_name = 'spip_zones_liens'
indexes = (
(('id_zone', 'id_objet', 'objet'), True),
primary_key = CompositeKey('id_objet', 'id_zone', 'objet')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"outputDir": "output",
"nbToExport": 3
@ -2,15 +2,10 @@ import yaml
from slugify import slugify
from slugify import slugify
class metadata:
class metadata:
# row is an array containing at positions :
def __init__(self, article):
# 0: id
| = article.id_article
# 2: title (titre)
self.title = article.titre
# 7: body (texte)
| =
# 9: date
def __init__(self, row):
|||||| = row[0]
self.title = row[2]
|||||| = row[9]
def get_title(self):
def get_title(self):
return "# {}\n".format(self.title)
return "# {}\n".format(self.title)
def get_slug(self):
def get_slug(self):
@ -3,56 +3,49 @@ import os
import shutil
import shutil
import sys
import sys
from pprint import pprint
from pprint import pprint
# from peewee import *
from datetime import *
import pymysql
# Modules
# Local modules
from config import CONFIG
from SpipDatabase import *
from metadata import metadata
from metadata import metadata
from content import content
from content import content
# Constants definition
outputDir = "output"
outputType = "md"
# Clean the output dir & create a new
# Clean the output dir & create a new
shutil.rmtree(outputDir, True)
shutil.rmtree(CONFIG["outputDir"], True)
# Connect to the MySQL database
# Connect to the MySQL database with Peewee ORM
db = pymysql.connect(
# Query the database to retrieve all data
# Query the DB to retrieve all articles sorted by publication date
cursor = db.cursor()
articles =
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM spip_articles ORDER BY date DESC")
# Query the DB to retrieve all articles sorted by modification date
# articles =
# Choose how many articles export based on first param
# Choose how many articles to export based on first param
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if int(sys.argv[1]) > 0:
if int(sys.argv[1]) > 0:
fetch = cursor.fetchmany(int(sys.argv[1]))
nbToExport = int(sys.argv[1])
fetch = cursor.fetchall()
nbToExport = 0
fetch = cursor.fetchmany(3)
nbToExport = CONFIG["nbToExport"]
print("--- Conversion of {} articles to Markdown files + YAML metadata ---\n"
print("--- Conversion of {} articles to Markdown files + YAML metadata ---\n"
if len(fetch) < 5:
# Loop among every articles & export them in Markdown files
# Loop among every articles & export them in Markdown files
for row in fetch:
for article in articles:
meta = metadata(row)
meta = metadata(article)
body = content(row[7])
body = content(article.texte)
articleDir = "{}/{}".format(outputDir, meta.get_slug())
articleDir = "{}/{}".format(CONFIG["outputDir"], meta.get_slug())
with open("{}/".format(articleDir), "w") as f:
with open("{}/".format(articleDir), "w") as f:
.format(meta.get_frontmatter(), meta.get_title(), body.get_markdown()))
.format(meta.get_frontmatter(), meta.get_title(), body.get_markdown()))
# End export if no more to export
nbToExport -= 1
if nbToExport <= 0: break
# Close the database connection
# Close the database connection
Reference in New Issue
Block a user